Monday, 07.01.2013.


Kosovo: Serbs attending Christmas liturgy detained

The Kosovo police, KPS, on Monday detained several young Serbs after they attended Christmas liturgy in Gračanica.

Izvor: Beta

Kosovo: Serbs attending Christmas liturgy detained IMAGE SOURCE

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What difference does my name make!

pre 12 godina

(Pls say it ain't so!!!, 10 January 2013 11:23)

Obviously not me specifically, you dont even know me, I'm not an imbecile, and I didnt think you were untill you felt you had to point that out!, what you meant was Serbs of the "likes" of me, which is worse, it just shows your resentful mentality, for you there are no good Serbs!, we're all monsters!?
..and just because my father is from Bosna (thank God its Republica Srpska),
I was born and grew up in Serbia less than an hours drive from Kosovo (which was/is Serbia) and I saw with my own eyes Serbs from Kosovo move to our town, they were ethnically cleansed by intimidation in the 80's! and I said the last time I was there was in 86, it wasnt my only time, so maybe you should pay more attention while reading and make less assumptions. I also have family who had to leave Kosovo in 2000, so no preaching.
..and whats with "My Enemy is your Enemy" are Serbs your Allies?, maybe you meant "The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend", and even that doesnt make sense in our case, that explains your mind being boggled.
I'll pass on the A** thanks , but Im glad you got to taste Serb A** because the human brain never forgets scent or taste.
..and your right Kosovo is not Jasenovac, in Jasenovac HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of Serbs were EXTERMINATED.

Thankyou for the Christmas greetings, if they were genuine you would have sent them to all Serbs on the Day!

But I accept your condolences, though theyre not necessary.


Pls say it ain't so!!!

pre 12 godina

@ What difference does my name make!

If only for a second you pay attention while you’re reading, you might comprehend to what my message implied. I said ‘Likes’ like you, not you specifically!!!

Just think about this for a bit!! You were in Kosova for A (1) day and here you go judging and preaching about who’s wrong and who’s right?!! Are you kidding me?!

I do feel bad about what happened to your family, I really do, but being a victim of the same you should understand what Albanians in Kosova have gone through as well. Jasenovac is not in Kosova, Google it!!

I don’t need to do any research as I know very well what happened in 40s and what’s going on right now.

Does the sentence ‘My enemy is your enemy’ light up a brain cell in your head?
Perhaps it just bounced right off of it! That very sentence should explain the “SS” comment of yours.

Prefer Americam A** indeed, much better then Serbian, perhaps you should taste the some, it’s very addictive.

FYI, I do eat pepperoni pizzas, not sure it that qualifies me as a pork eater!!? Does it??

Merry Christmas to you and my condolences for the loss of your family members, but one just wanders!! Why do people like you, who went through all this mess, instigate and have all the “answers” for a piece of land that you only spent one day on?!!!

Mind boggled.......

What difference does my name make!

pre 12 godina

English please....

I thought this was an English web site not a Russian one!!!!
(Pls say it ain't so!!!, 10 January 2013 02:12)

No, not Russian or an English web site, it's Serbian. It's in English so that Albo's like yourself can keep up to date since you don't have your own Albanian web sites, you see, we cater for all!!
Don't worry if you cant read Cyrillic as my main emphasis were the dates. Can you read numbers?, they're in Arabic numerals, you can ask your local Imam for help if you get stuck!

What difference does my name make!

pre 12 godina

Chew on that….
(Pls say it ain't so!!!, 9 January 2013 22:03)

"Murders and rapes, that the likes of ME have committed ", "affected by my atrocities", sorry dude last time I was there was in 1986 and I was 12 and I was only in Kosovo for a day.
I know a little about atrocites, my grandfather told me about a place called Jasenovac, all of his brothers and sisters and mum and dad and grandparents are still there in a mass grave. Do a little research, Serbs know very well about atrocities and who comitted them, infact maybe ask your Albanian elders about it, they had their own Nazi SS Division, just like Bosnian muslims and Croatians, nice little collaboration not unlike today!
...and as for chewing...I'm actually chewing on christmas Pork! You can have some if you like but we all know YOU guys prefer American A**!!

Pls say it ain't so!!!

pre 12 godina

Манастир Свети Арханђели -1343
Богородица Љевишка-1307
Пећка патријаршија-1235
Свети Урош-1371
Високи Дечани-1327

English please....

I thought this was an English web site not a Russian one!!!!

Pls say it ain't so!!!

pre 12 godina

Mirel says:
I don't think K-Alb care about the churches and monasteries.
What difference does my name make! Replies:
Isn't that obvious for the whole world to see, if they did care why would the destroy them!

Well here’s the answer to that. After thousands of houses and thousands of murders and rapes that likes like YOU have committed in Kosova, (mind you, your boys/girls have destroyed numbers of mosques and other sacred historic monuments and I don't see you bringing that up, are you?!), do you think that your religious ‘goods’ have any meaning to the ones that were affected by your atrocities?!!!

Just picture yourself in that position, where your wife or daughters were raped, your parents and/or siblings murdered, your house is burnt to the ground,nothing to look forward to, do you think in your right mind that those people will go and plant flowers and plants in front of the churches that you are so ‘protective’ off??!!!

The very leaders of your Orthodox church have been the grand promoters of what happened in/prior of 1999 and they backed up wholeheartedly the butcher of the Balkans Milosevic, in a way those very churches symbolize that dreadful period.

I do not approve of any types of destruction, as we had plenty of that, but open your mind a tad and think what would have you done if you were in their shoes?!

Chew on that….


pre 12 godina

WAKE UP BELGRADE !! and get your head out of your a**'s and do something to protect your people. This is disgusting and it seems this type of behavior is displayed daily by Albanians to Serbs. Serbians have no reinsurance or safety provided from the Government in Belgrade.

What difference does my name make!

pre 12 godina

@ Mirel
I am not saying that damolishing the churches is a good thing.

"BUT", I'm sensing you forgot to continue your sentence with the word "BUT", which would imply the desecration's are somehow justified.

@ Mirel
However those churches have been there for serevral hundered years.During this period albanians used to rule Kosovo several times.Why they didnt demolish the churches then?

Several means any number from 1 to 3, don't you mean for 7 or 8 hundred years like
Манастир Свети Арханђели -1343
Богородица Љевишка-1307
Пећка патријаршија-1235
Свети Урош-1371
Високи Дечани-1327
...these are just a few there are dozens more as you all know, but refuse to acknowledge.
Can you name me some Albanian churhes/monasteries from this period or earlier, just 1 maybe?
You see before the Ottomans and after it was the Serbs who ruled over Kosovo and they were the majority up untill early 20th century.

@ Mirel,
I dont think K-Alb care about the churches and monestaries.

Isn't that obvious for the whole world to see, if they did care why would the destroy them!

@ Mirel
I know Crist is born,since Dec 25,where we albanians have Christmas.!

...also why the sarcastic reply when I sent christian greetings to a fellow believer it just shows that there is nothing christian about your hateful mentality. Im sure your forefathers celebrated on the 7th at one point in time before they changed the calender.
No sarcasm intended.

Bugar from Skople

pre 12 godina

Police arrest 10 Serb in Gracanica but not arrest 100 Arnaut in Djakovica at front of the church. After inspection all Serb is free - no good to be organ donnor otherwise they will be finish in one of the albo bunkers.


pre 12 godina

Speaches full of hatered against albanians,or speaches where he spaeks like albanians dont exist in Kosovo.

Mirel, please put forward just one quote where Irinej's speech is full of hatred for Albanians. You made the statement now it's time to back it up.
I have never come across any statements made by any member of clergy which is full of hatred so I would really like to see what is so offensive for you.
Now, the fact that Irinej and others speak about Serbs to Serbs is normal. They are preaching to their flock and addressing them not Albanians. What do Albanian Imams say about Serbs? What does your own Orthodox pries say about Serbs? I don't think your Albanian Orthodox priest would say go and kill Serbs but I don't think he would be different to our own when they hold service in church.

So I challenge you to come up with a direct quote from this man where he is so hateful about Albanians. Don't give me a quote saying how Albanians have killed and burned and expelled Serbs and Serbian property for that is not hatred but fact. Give me a quote where he describes Albanians as evil or the like.

visitor to Plymouth,Minnesota,USA

pre 12 godina

I'm not saying nor implying that it occurred but let's supposed those Serb youths or whoever they were committed a prank by raising their middle finger(s) at a Kosovar-Albanian police official or approached a cop to say "te q**sha" ( te q**sha means f*ck you in Albanian) or called the cop a "derr" (derr means pig in the same language) and they were taken into custody would they still have been released or would they still be detained by police?

In case if some of you are unaware but at least here in United States the term 'pig' is considered a derogatory term for police (as far as I'm concerned) and I read some online article that some fellow's friend (must have occurred in this country) said or approached a cop to say "oink oink" (the supposed sound a pig makes) and believe it or not got arrested so that 's why I wondered if Albanian cops interpret it as a serious insult to be called "derrs." Finally I recall explaining some time ago on some b92 article where in Bathurst,New Brunswick,Canada ( Bathurst at least is my birthplace and my former hometown) that when I was a 7th grader riding the school bus I noticed through the window a police car was moving the opposite direction where one or two 8th graders jokingly raised their middle finger(s) at the cop where he probably ignored it.Certainly he didn't turn on the siren nor siren lights to get the bus driver to pull over so he can board the bus to scold or reprimand those students for their prank(s).


pre 12 godina

Do Criminals really pray ???
(Albani, 7 January 2013 16:17)
Funny comment.
Did you know that many Albanians form Kosovo came from Albania, and Albania send their thugs away.. Guess the criminals then -.-
Kinda like the early Australia settlers (English Thugs).

And what else to excpect from the kosovars they believe they are so the victim and poor/hurt but in fact it's the other way around they keep on harassing Serbs and other minorities, and just drive through there, the biggest houses belong to Albanians= rich not poor!

Mirel from Albania

pre 12 godina

... Being a proud Christian orthodox Albanian, have you ever condemned the demolishing and desecration of orthodox churches and monasteries, some of which were the oldest standing structures in Kosovo....
"Christ is Born", Mirel.
(What difference does my name make!, 8 January 2013 03:06)

I am not saying that damolishing the churches is a good thing.

However those churches have been there for serevral hundered years.During this period albanians used to rule Kosovo several times.Why they didnt demolish the churches then?

I think because serbs didnt bother and provoke them.
I listen to Irenej almost every time.He never,I mean never prays for PEACE between albanians and serbs in Kosovo.I am still waiting to hear the magic phrase from the man of God Irenej and till now what I hear?
Speaches full of hatered against albanians,or speaches where he spaeks like albanians dont exist in Kosovo.

I am orthodox myself and I am ashamed when I listen to Irenej.
Let alone the fact that they have blessed the enthic cleansing of ethnic albanians from Kosovo in 1990 wars.
I dont think K-Alb care about the churches and monestires,but what irritates them ( and me as an Albanian) is thet they are being used to justify the ethnic cleansing.Furthermore the prists and the serbian orthodox hierarcy never preaches pearce between both cumunnities in Kosovo.
They still think is 1389.
I know Crist is born,since Dec 25,where we albanians have Christmas.!


pre 12 godina

Imagine if Kosovo MP Edita Tahiri visited Presheva valley and in her presence she commanded 9-10 ROSU officers - just imagine bg reaction. I've said it once and I'll say it again, you guys are a bunch of clowns. Go back to the ural mountains or the 14th century where you belong; I can't take you seriously.

So according to you there is no difference between so called rosu officers and 9 civilian youngsters?They wore no official emblems or badges whatsoever simply because they were ordinary civilians. If you have any proof of them wearing security clothes or being police men or whatever why cant u please show me a picture?Just one.


pre 12 godina

Koso please show me a picture where these youngsters were any official emblems or badges whatsoever. Dont u think there is a slight difference between so called rosu officers and civilian youngsters?


pre 12 godina

Crybabies, if they were detained then there was a reason for it. The KPS should use videocameras every single time they deal with serbs thats the only way to shut you up, with hard proof, otherwise you serbs just prance away the truth with all kinds of ridiculous claims. Tell Nikolic to go to EU and complain, or better yet make Vuk call UNSC for an emergency meeting.
(Nori, 7 January 2013 22:26

The only "reason" is that they are serbs and that it was the biggest christian holiday.


pre 12 godina

wonder what would happend if albanians act like Vulin did but in Serbia. Ivica would send them to jail for a couple of days. I think KPS should do the same. One rule: You be good with serbs, they start to act bad with you. Bad on bad.
(Bridge, 7 January 2013 18:53)

Exactly what good has the albanians done to the serbs?All they do is provoke and expect someone else to be good against them.Vulin didnt do anything expect being in a church, is that a crime?Do you have anny official proof of him provoking any albanian in any way?NO

You can speculate in what Ivica wouldve done but u dont need to speculate in what the albanians would do, they have proven a long time ago that they have no respect at all for human rights for serbs and other non-albanians.


pre 12 godina

Thaci or Haradinaj ,they all the same but at least they defended their homes and did not attack anybody in Serbia but those serbs who came to Kosova to kill,steal ,burn,rape .

So Kosovo wasnt a part of Serbia right?You make it sound like serbs "came" to mars and not to defend a part of their own country from muslim fanatics like yourself. The ones that committed crimes are sentenced unlike your warcriminals that are president and prime minister.


pre 12 godina

It doesn't surprise anyone that ethnic Serb-Kosovars would turn a religious occasion into a political stunt.

(azir, 7 January 2013 16:22)

First there is no such thing as serb "kosovars", second you are the ones using the biggest christian holiday for this provocation. You should be ashamed of yourself.


pre 12 godina

They came there to play authorities- serbian cops... well I hope the prosecutor and the police of kosova will have the strength to tell the EU and US enough is enough we shall strictly respect the law and defend our sovereignty - these people will go to jail. EU and US will exercise (and they are already exercising a lot of) pressure on kosovas authorities to relise these MUP members. kosova needs to say now a definite NO.
(ben, 8 January 2013 00:54)

Hundred or thousands!!?Are you crazy or just plain stupid?40 serbs attended the liturgy in Gracanica, 40!! And of 40 you arrested 9 innocent youngsters on the biggest christian holiday and yet you have the guts to come here, to a SERBIAN site and talk about provocation?


pre 12 godina


Vulin had a permit to be there issued by Rexhepi. Read the article in Zeri
(Une, 7 January 2013 18:53)

I was a little late for this current event.

Amazing how English B92 portrays serb criminals as "entrepreneurs" and "young serbs" but Albanians with that ever-so-loving "terrorist" title.

Imagine if Kosovo MP Edita Tahiri visited Presheva valley and in her presence she commanded 9-10 ROSU officers - just imagine bg reaction. I've said it once and I'll say it again, you guys are a bunch of clowns. Go back to the ural mountains or the 14th century where you belong; I can't take you seriously.



pre 12 godina

Crybabies, if they were detained then there was a reason for it. The KPS should use videocameras every single time they deal with serbs thats the only way to shut you up, with hard proof, otherwise you serbs just prance away the truth with all kinds of ridiculous claims. Tell Nikolic to go to EU and complain, or better yet make Vuk call UNSC for an emergency meeting.
(Nori, 7 January 2013 22:26)

Nori, you have a point video cameras is a good idea! But mark my words, even with video footage, the Serbs will simply use the excuse that the government in Kosova faked the video footage. Its just the nature of the beast, that we have to deal with, day in & day out! We however have something that is better than video footage! We have the EU & US there, to see and witness all these events first hand. Nori Trust me, Serbia is on the 5th floor's ledge, and has placed a noose around her neck! It won't be much longer, before she loses her footing! Almost 25 years of warnings to Serbia, by the international community. That have only fell on deaf ears.


pre 12 godina

"We albanians will look always good. It doesn't matter what we do world compares us with you Serbians. More they see you, more they love us."

Sorry to break it to you, but most of "the world" doesn't know or care about Serbs or Albanians.

What difference does my name make!

pre 12 godina

A question specifically for you. Being a proud Christian orthodox Albanian, have you ever condemned the demolishing and desecration of orthodox churches and monasteries, some of which were the oldest standing structures in Kosovo. Are you horrified that any places of worship, let alone churches of YOUR religion and your fellow Christian orthodox believers have been torn down and desecrated, does it not hurt your heart to know that the houses of the god and also your faith in which your a devout proud member are under constant attack, and thier worshipers subjected to abuse and ridicule from local Albanians. Do you not feel for the worshipers that can only attend church under the protection of armed police and soldiers just so that their personal safety can be secured. Would a Serb and fellow proud orthodox Christian be welcome in an Albanian Orthodox Church, or would they also need an armed escort to and from the church, would you need that same protection or are you able to worship freely and respectfully.
.... and which Orthodox Albanian church does a devout orthodox Christian Albanian worship in when in Kosovo, and would you please give their addresses so that Serbian fellow Christian orthodox brothers can go and prey in peace and safety and light a candle for their loved ones and prey that their orthodox churches, moneataries and cemeteries stop being destroyed and desecrated.
"Christ is Born", Mirel.

Bugar from Skoplje

pre 12 godina

"As the Romans used to say" ‘
(Pls say it ain't so!!!, 7 January 2013 23:34)

We know that Greak pay you with money to against us from Sicily.
We will pay double to attak Greaks.
Powerfull Albo George Maniakes turn boats to the Drach, plus loose war in Ohrid in 1042yr.
Rest of them stay in albo area under serbian princ Vojislav.
Modern Arnaut use Turks,Hitler and NATO normally with big noise "This is my land" without money..poor albo com to be more broke and loose like before.
Marry Christmas to all.


pre 12 godina

"Come on Juan Santiago Pedro Corleone Hose Hose B etc etc…

I like you Brazilian folk, don’t spoil it for me now!!! Damn, just when I was planning to go down there, yet again.

(Pls say it ain't so!!!, 7 January 2013 23:34)"

As if the Brazilians are desperate for your affection .... tsk, tsk, tsk.

And why are you going there? Did you run out of organs to harvest?

visitor to Plymouth,Minnesota,USA

pre 12 godina

I'm sure that not all Albanian popos(police officials)are out to harass every single Serb residing in Kosovo.


pre 12 godina

"As a Brazilian I ask myself WHY Americans, Brits, French, Israeli, and some of their allies didn´t also press for the recognition of Palestine ,Kurdistan , Corsega, Basque country, the incorporaton of Northern Ireland to the Republic of Ireland,etc..etc..hmmmm...and it goes on and on..and on.ooopss. I was forgetting: in the future maybe southern parts of the USA as a new Republic of Mexicolandia...you might like to taste your own venom!! Listen all of you who have been causing all these headache to Christian and old ally Serbia : 'in cauda venenum ' as the Romans used to say: 'the sting is in the tail '.
(Juan, 7 January 2013 22:37) "

Good point Juan!

As to "WHY Americans, Brits, French, Israeli, and some of their allies didn´t also press for the recognition of Palestine ,Kurdistan , Corsega, Basque country, the incorporaton of Northern Ireland to the Republic of Ireland,etc..etc", methinks the reason is simple -- because these Yankees and the rest of them are all self-serving hypocrites of the highest order!


pre 12 godina

As the Romans used to say: ‘Optimum est pati quod emendare non possis’ (It is best to endure what you cannot change, if you cannot change something, don't waste your time).
(Pls say it ain't so!!!, 7 January 2013 23:34)

I think it's to late for you to to use "given rights" of relating to anything Roman. We, the rest of the world, took that right from you now and decade. Anyhow, we don't really care anymore about your safety in Brazil or any other country. You can tell you're Russian tourist and you'll have much greater chances of having fun and not being robbed out there. Just take Putin's shirt and they'll respect you (like Americans 30 years ago). You're out now.


pre 12 godina

"..you might like to taste your own venom!!"
(Juan, 7 January 2013 22:37)

Of course they're tasting that, can't you see? No empire experienced such a desperate position in such a short interval of time. They're exposed and depressurizing their own big fat bubble before someone send arrow :) They're lesser and lesser capable of deculturizing other cultures by force, that's most important. For majority of the world's population they're not "in" anymore, that's quite enough to put them on their knees and we can say- soon.


pre 12 godina

the only thing i wonder with you Serbs posting here is if you are evil or simply stupid.

why from hundreds, perhaps thousands of Serbs that attended the liturgy in Gracina only these 9 were arrested???

now com one you are not that stupid not to get it.

They came there to play authorities- serbian cops... well I hope the prosecutor and the police of kosova will have the strength to tell the EU and US enough is enough we shall strictly respect the law and defend our sovereignty - these people will go to jail. EU and US will exercise (and they are already exercising a lot of) pressure on kosovas authorities to relise these MUP members. kosova needs to say now a definite NO.

Ari Gold

pre 12 godina

It's okay they were just scared poor Albanians. Much like they are terrified of the Mitrovica Serbs, they don't like when too many Serbs gather in one place. They prefer 100 to 1 odds and the 1 has to be a 14 year old girl or a 80 year old senior..thats how the Albs roll baby, the tough guys of the Balkans.

I wonder if they could ever stop Serbs in Mitrovica from attending anything? No, because even though 40,000 people is not a whole lot.....its too much for the Albanians, those aren't there odds.

Its ok, keep it up, you simply prove to the rest of Serbs as well as the world that rule of law wont be reestablished in the province until the occupation is lifted and Kosovo i Metohija is fully liberated.

BTW why is Vulin in Kosovo i Metohija why didn't the "kosovo government" ban him? Surely he is a hostile force am I right? Oh wait because the West (the real side running the show in the province) told the Albanians he can come and they had to accept it because they are dependent not independent.

Pls say it ain't so!!!

pre 12 godina

Listen all of you who have been causing all these headache to Christian and old ally Serbia : 'in cauda venenum ' as the Romans used to say: 'the sting is in the tail '.
(Juan, 7 January 2013 22:37)

Come on Juan Santiago Pedro Corleone Hose Hose B etc etc…

I like you Brazilian folk, don’t spoil it for me now!!! Damn, just when I was planning to go down there, yet again.

Juan, just do us all a favor and keep religion out of this as we DO NOT CARE for it. Perhaps you folk would like to adopt Serbia as one of your own! Pls, be our guests….

As the Romans used to say: ‘Optimum est pati quod emendare non possis’ (It is best to endure what you cannot change, if you cannot change something, don't waste your time).


pre 12 godina

It's very simple why, after the ethnic cleansing in Bosnia and ravaging war with Croatia , West had to intervene in order to 1) Avoid another Srebrenica, 2) Avoid an escalation of conflict in neighboring countries.
The idea that West all of a sudden started to support Albanians, just because they hated Serbs, it's foolish.This make even less sense when you consider that in the past Albanians land was given away to surrounding countries, by the same powers that in 1998 bombed Serbia. You people can leave in denial and paint your own version of reality, but unfortunately for you everything is on the tape. One has only to turn on the TV and voila...

Mirel from Albania

pre 12 godina

Listen all of you who have been causing all these headache to Christian and old ally Serbia : 'in cauda venenum ' as the Romans used to say: 'the sting is in the tail '.
(Juan, 7 January 2013 22:37)

There is a solution Juan, that u and your gonverment will embrace as they have done before when albanians in former YU were brutally killed,kundered and raped,kill all albanians.
I am sure u and all serbian allies will calebrate the day that albanians will dissapear from the Earth.

Sorry to dissapoint you but we have been here for 3500 years(long before serbs came in this part of the world) and will plan to stay here till the end of planet Earth.Btw, before you start throwing cheap shots to muslim albanians,I am Orthodox Christian Albanians and proud of it.


pre 12 godina

Crybabies, if they were detained then there was a reason for it. The KPS should use videocameras every single time they deal with serbs thats the only way to shut you up, with hard proof, otherwise you serbs just prance away the truth with all kinds of ridiculous claims. Tell Nikolic to go to EU and complain, or better yet make Vuk call UNSC for an emergency meeting.


pre 12 godina

Don't you serbs have other things to do? With Kosovo every day in your minds and news headlines, you are seriously getting very sick. Worse than when Miloshevic was in power. Don't you ever learn from history?

gjon fusha

pre 12 godina

They're an incredibly paranoid group of little people, aren't they? The slightest jolt to their inbred ego and machismo turns them into an angry raging mob. (Albo Troll Wrangler, 7 January 2013 20:25)

We albanians will look always good. It doesn't matter what we do world compares us with you Serbians. More they see you, more they love us.


pre 12 godina

Trying to simplify a centuries old ethnic conflict between nations in a simple event, it's pitiful. Serbian state has never apologized for their crimes against civilians in Kosovo, and it has yet to pay a dime in reparation for the economic damages. Goodwill is not found in the street, but must be earned through actions.


pre 12 godina

As a Brazilian I ask myself WHY Americans, Brits, French, Israeli, and some of their allies didn´t also press for the recognition of Palestine ,Kurdistan , Corsega, Basque country, the incorporaton of Northern Ireland to the Republic of Ireland,etc..etc..hmmmm...and it goes on and on..and on.ooopss. I was forgetting: in the future maybe southern parts of the USA as a new Republic of Mexicolandia...you might like to taste your own venom!! Listen all of you who have been causing all these headache to Christian and old ally Serbia : 'in cauda venenum ' as the Romans used to say: 'the sting is in the tail '.

just a thought

pre 12 godina

I guess the real shame is the holiest day of the year, is used by its believers as a day to advance an agenda of hate. For Christians, Christ's birthday should never be a day to make a politcal point.
Although many of you will never admit it, you all know that Vulin and his merry men's little excursion into Kosovo was NOT to worship Christ.

Steve B.

pre 12 godina

They're terrorists/criminals.
(Avni, 7 January 2013 20:27)


Anyone smart enough to type the words "Albanian terrorists" into Google know your completely full of ****.


pre 12 godina

The question is not when are they going to stop provoking.

It's when will these provocations be finally seen as a declaration of war.

passing by

pre 12 godina

You know what, I'd love to be in a room with one of those coppers one on one for five minutes and I'd tear the scum apart.
(just the guy for the job., 7 January 2013 16:52)
Are you sure? I might be completely opposite.

Albo Troll Wrangler

pre 12 godina

Why wasn't Vulin arrested but instead only escorted out? I'm sorry but he entered illegally into the country and needs to face criminal charges. What a scum, and has the audacity to claim that Kosovo's actions are provocations.
(KOSO, 7 January 2013 17:29)

Maybe he wasn't arrested because there was no basis to arrest him. Not everything works the way you trigger happy pizza delivery boys in Brooklyn think it should be.

Tongue yourself.

Albo Troll Wrangler

pre 12 godina

didn't realise Serbs going to church was such a threat to albanian security
(SCP UK, 7 January 2013 18:08)

They're an incredibly paranoid group of little people, aren't they? The slightest jolt to their inbred ego and machismo turns them into an angry raging mob. Fortunately, the only damage most of them can do is slow up the bandwidths on internet forums like this with their impotent yet ever so hilarious belches of defiance and intolerance.


pre 12 godina

The Albanian authorities are just worried of the presents of Serbs coming together in a large group. Got to love the "multi-ethnic" environment in Kosovo.

gjon fusha

pre 12 godina

Do Criminals really pray ???(Albani, 7 January 2013 16:17)

You tell us. (Albo Troll Wrangler, 7 January 2013 17:2)

Albani you do not have to ask here if the Criminals really pray. We have to check this in Hague where most of them resides. Oh but wait they all Serbian! World knows well who the Criminals are.
As for those 9 Serbian I think they are Criminals too. I hope they get what they deserve. Let them spend their life in jail.

Comm. Parrisson

pre 12 godina

"Oh look. Europe's finest once again politicizing a religious event. Who needs officials from Belgrade to create an incident when Kosovo's* own security forces can do it themselves?"
(Balkan Anthropologist, 7 January 2013 15:55)

Well, provocations are at least something these 'competent' KPS Beverly Hills cops are able of. With doing real policework, i.e. arresting criminals like people who loot churches, rob houses owned by Serbs, stone cars and buses, or - beware - try to do something against the Albanian drug mafia they have some problems :)


pre 12 godina

Ecoman,tell us Facts not propaganda. Haradinaj proved hi was not guilty in front of the whole world and Thaci was not indicted.Now tell us about the 14000 Albanians killed in Kosova from the Serbian thugs and 3500 still missing persons and Vukovar and Srebernica and on and on.This are facts that you can not hide.Not that I like Thaci or Haradinaj ,they all the same but at least they defended their homes and did not attack anybody in Serbia but those serbs who came to Kosova to kill,steal ,burn,rape .Do not forget that your Pope and church was involved in all those crimes.Happy Holiday to all good Serbs.


pre 12 godina

the serb leaders are making the situation in Kosovo look so bad, when in reality it's good. I have Serb friends in Kosovo and they went to church today and nothing happened and they are happy to be part of a great multicultural country that Kosovo is. In fact of the Serb is a police officer with the Kosovo Police.


pre 12 godina

So let me get this straight, when gays were trying to hold shame parades in Beograd, we had albo trolls, danilo, bob, j.oker, comm,parrison, roberto, bganon, ian-uk, willi plaff, tell us if we dont like it and dont want to see it then stay indoors. So where are these same trolls to tell the albos if they dont like Serbs going to church then to stay inside?


pre 12 godina

The Serbs are povoking the Albanians of presevo, right! And then Serbia sends A.Vulin with a bunch of secret mup police to Kosova, most likely inorder to cause unrest on a holiday! Serbian propaganda at its best! It never stops!
Serbia, we are all use to your little tricks! You even stoop so low with your propaganda, you even use it on major religious holidays! It will backfire, rest assured!


pre 12 godina

I wonder what would happend if albanians act like Vulin did but in Serbia. Ivica would send them to jail for a couple of days. I think KPS should do the same. One rule: You be good with serbs, they start to act bad with you. Bad on bad.

Aunt Esther

pre 12 godina

There still ain't nothing original-or-authentic about you Albanians.

"Psychopathy--is a personality disorder that has been variously characterized by shallow emotions (including reduced fear, a lack of empathy, and stress tolerance), coldheartedness, egocentricity, superficial charm, manipulativeness, irresponsibility, impulsivity, criminality, antisocial behavior, a lack of remorse, and a parasitic lifestyle.

Antisocial--Theodore Millon identified five subtypes of antisocial personality disorder, exhibiting all of the following:
covetous antisocial – variant of the pure pattern where individuals feel that life has not given them their due.
reputation-defending antisocial – including narcissistic features
risk-taking antisocial – including histrionic features
nomadic antisocial – including schizoid, avoidant features
malevolent antisocial – including sadistic, paranoid features".


pre 12 godina

Yet more proof of the kind of society Kosovo albanians believe in, one of complete intolerance to minorities. Notice how in Serbia Muslims are allowed to celebrate their religious holidays without being persecuted by the police. I didn't realise Serbs going to church was such a threat to albanian security, I reckon the animals just get a sick sadistic kick out of terrorism.

Reciprocate This

pre 12 godina

Previously, the interior minister of the government in Priština, Bajram Rexhepi, said that nine persons were arrested in Gračanica and that he "was informed that the reason was that they were wearing insignia of the civil defense".

>> All the more reason for Dacic to tear town the Albanian terrorist monument in Presevo and arrest any Albanian wearing the insignia of UCK or flying the Albanian flag. If insignias offend Albanian officials in Kosovo, any Albanian insignia in the rest of Serbia should be met with equal reciprocity, a word Albanians love to use but appear to have no clue in understanding.


pre 12 godina

Do Criminals really pray ??? Albani
Maybe they do, Albani. You should ask Thaci and Haradjinaj. As for the arrest of these nine Serb men, that is simply another display of Pristina trying to show Serbs who is in charge. It is extremely petty, especially on Christmas, but what else would you expect from Albanians?


pre 12 godina

you must learm that you cant come to kosova under religious flags and start political or civil unrest. Tadic was allowed and he caused troublke. Last chrstimas they all casued trouble "civil defense" guys. This christmass Nikolic is not allowed so dont be mad. merry christmass to all my felolw orthodox belivers.

Hank the Tank

pre 12 godina

"was informed that the reason was that they were wearing insignia of the civil defense".

So all isignia should be forbidden. I guess that pretty much means that albanians won't object to the removal of the uck monument in Presevo.


pre 12 godina

Why wasn't Vulin arrested but instead only escorted out? I'm sorry but he entered illegally into the country and needs to face criminal charges. What a scum, and has the audacity to claim that Kosovo's actions are provocations.



pre 12 godina

If it is your holy day then behave as civilized people and celebrate in peace, dont provoke and play cop??

Kosovas police secured the escort to Vulin, why does he need his so called "civil protection" units?

just the guy for the job.

pre 12 godina

You know what, I'd love to be in a room with one of those coppers one on one for five minutes and I'd tear the scum apart.


pre 12 godina

It doesn't surprise anyone that ethnic Serb-Kosovars would turn a religious occasion into a political stunt.



pre 12 godina

If they wear insignia, that becomes an official visit. And since Dacic was saying yesterday that official visits they are not allowed in Serbia, they should not be allowed in Kosovo either.

Balkan Anthropologist

pre 12 godina

Oh look. Europe's finest once again politicizing a religious event. Who needs officials from Belgrade to create an incident when Kosovo's* own security forces can do it themselves?

Balkan Anthropologist

pre 12 godina

Oh look. Europe's finest once again politicizing a religious event. Who needs officials from Belgrade to create an incident when Kosovo's* own security forces can do it themselves?


pre 12 godina

If it is your holy day then behave as civilized people and celebrate in peace, dont provoke and play cop??

Kosovas police secured the escort to Vulin, why does he need his so called "civil protection" units?


pre 12 godina

If they wear insignia, that becomes an official visit. And since Dacic was saying yesterday that official visits they are not allowed in Serbia, they should not be allowed in Kosovo either.

Reciprocate This

pre 12 godina

Previously, the interior minister of the government in Priština, Bajram Rexhepi, said that nine persons were arrested in Gračanica and that he "was informed that the reason was that they were wearing insignia of the civil defense".

>> All the more reason for Dacic to tear town the Albanian terrorist monument in Presevo and arrest any Albanian wearing the insignia of UCK or flying the Albanian flag. If insignias offend Albanian officials in Kosovo, any Albanian insignia in the rest of Serbia should be met with equal reciprocity, a word Albanians love to use but appear to have no clue in understanding.

Hank the Tank

pre 12 godina

"was informed that the reason was that they were wearing insignia of the civil defense".

So all isignia should be forbidden. I guess that pretty much means that albanians won't object to the removal of the uck monument in Presevo.

Albo Troll Wrangler

pre 12 godina

didn't realise Serbs going to church was such a threat to albanian security
(SCP UK, 7 January 2013 18:08)

They're an incredibly paranoid group of little people, aren't they? The slightest jolt to their inbred ego and machismo turns them into an angry raging mob. Fortunately, the only damage most of them can do is slow up the bandwidths on internet forums like this with their impotent yet ever so hilarious belches of defiance and intolerance.


pre 12 godina

It doesn't surprise anyone that ethnic Serb-Kosovars would turn a religious occasion into a political stunt.



pre 12 godina

you must learm that you cant come to kosova under religious flags and start political or civil unrest. Tadic was allowed and he caused troublke. Last chrstimas they all casued trouble "civil defense" guys. This christmass Nikolic is not allowed so dont be mad. merry christmass to all my felolw orthodox belivers.


pre 12 godina

Yet more proof of the kind of society Kosovo albanians believe in, one of complete intolerance to minorities. Notice how in Serbia Muslims are allowed to celebrate their religious holidays without being persecuted by the police. I didn't realise Serbs going to church was such a threat to albanian security, I reckon the animals just get a sick sadistic kick out of terrorism.


pre 12 godina

Why wasn't Vulin arrested but instead only escorted out? I'm sorry but he entered illegally into the country and needs to face criminal charges. What a scum, and has the audacity to claim that Kosovo's actions are provocations.



pre 12 godina

Do Criminals really pray ??? Albani
Maybe they do, Albani. You should ask Thaci and Haradjinaj. As for the arrest of these nine Serb men, that is simply another display of Pristina trying to show Serbs who is in charge. It is extremely petty, especially on Christmas, but what else would you expect from Albanians?

Mirel from Albania

pre 12 godina

Listen all of you who have been causing all these headache to Christian and old ally Serbia : 'in cauda venenum ' as the Romans used to say: 'the sting is in the tail '.
(Juan, 7 January 2013 22:37)

There is a solution Juan, that u and your gonverment will embrace as they have done before when albanians in former YU were brutally killed,kundered and raped,kill all albanians.
I am sure u and all serbian allies will calebrate the day that albanians will dissapear from the Earth.

Sorry to dissapoint you but we have been here for 3500 years(long before serbs came in this part of the world) and will plan to stay here till the end of planet Earth.Btw, before you start throwing cheap shots to muslim albanians,I am Orthodox Christian Albanians and proud of it.


pre 12 godina

The Serbs are povoking the Albanians of presevo, right! And then Serbia sends A.Vulin with a bunch of secret mup police to Kosova, most likely inorder to cause unrest on a holiday! Serbian propaganda at its best! It never stops!
Serbia, we are all use to your little tricks! You even stoop so low with your propaganda, you even use it on major religious holidays! It will backfire, rest assured!

just the guy for the job.

pre 12 godina

You know what, I'd love to be in a room with one of those coppers one on one for five minutes and I'd tear the scum apart.

Albo Troll Wrangler

pre 12 godina

Why wasn't Vulin arrested but instead only escorted out? I'm sorry but he entered illegally into the country and needs to face criminal charges. What a scum, and has the audacity to claim that Kosovo's actions are provocations.
(KOSO, 7 January 2013 17:29)

Maybe he wasn't arrested because there was no basis to arrest him. Not everything works the way you trigger happy pizza delivery boys in Brooklyn think it should be.

Tongue yourself.


pre 12 godina

As a Brazilian I ask myself WHY Americans, Brits, French, Israeli, and some of their allies didn´t also press for the recognition of Palestine ,Kurdistan , Corsega, Basque country, the incorporaton of Northern Ireland to the Republic of Ireland,etc..etc..hmmmm...and it goes on and on..and on.ooopss. I was forgetting: in the future maybe southern parts of the USA as a new Republic of Mexicolandia...you might like to taste your own venom!! Listen all of you who have been causing all these headache to Christian and old ally Serbia : 'in cauda venenum ' as the Romans used to say: 'the sting is in the tail '.

Aunt Esther

pre 12 godina

There still ain't nothing original-or-authentic about you Albanians.

"Psychopathy--is a personality disorder that has been variously characterized by shallow emotions (including reduced fear, a lack of empathy, and stress tolerance), coldheartedness, egocentricity, superficial charm, manipulativeness, irresponsibility, impulsivity, criminality, antisocial behavior, a lack of remorse, and a parasitic lifestyle.

Antisocial--Theodore Millon identified five subtypes of antisocial personality disorder, exhibiting all of the following:
covetous antisocial – variant of the pure pattern where individuals feel that life has not given them their due.
reputation-defending antisocial – including narcissistic features
risk-taking antisocial – including histrionic features
nomadic antisocial – including schizoid, avoidant features
malevolent antisocial – including sadistic, paranoid features".

Steve B.

pre 12 godina

They're terrorists/criminals.
(Avni, 7 January 2013 20:27)


Anyone smart enough to type the words "Albanian terrorists" into Google know your completely full of ****.


pre 12 godina

Trying to simplify a centuries old ethnic conflict between nations in a simple event, it's pitiful. Serbian state has never apologized for their crimes against civilians in Kosovo, and it has yet to pay a dime in reparation for the economic damages. Goodwill is not found in the street, but must be earned through actions.


pre 12 godina

Don't you serbs have other things to do? With Kosovo every day in your minds and news headlines, you are seriously getting very sick. Worse than when Miloshevic was in power. Don't you ever learn from history?


pre 12 godina

So let me get this straight, when gays were trying to hold shame parades in Beograd, we had albo trolls, danilo, bob, j.oker, comm,parrison, roberto, bganon, ian-uk, willi plaff, tell us if we dont like it and dont want to see it then stay indoors. So where are these same trolls to tell the albos if they dont like Serbs going to church then to stay inside?

Comm. Parrisson

pre 12 godina

"Oh look. Europe's finest once again politicizing a religious event. Who needs officials from Belgrade to create an incident when Kosovo's* own security forces can do it themselves?"
(Balkan Anthropologist, 7 January 2013 15:55)

Well, provocations are at least something these 'competent' KPS Beverly Hills cops are able of. With doing real policework, i.e. arresting criminals like people who loot churches, rob houses owned by Serbs, stone cars and buses, or - beware - try to do something against the Albanian drug mafia they have some problems :)


pre 12 godina

The Albanian authorities are just worried of the presents of Serbs coming together in a large group. Got to love the "multi-ethnic" environment in Kosovo.


pre 12 godina

Ecoman,tell us Facts not propaganda. Haradinaj proved hi was not guilty in front of the whole world and Thaci was not indicted.Now tell us about the 14000 Albanians killed in Kosova from the Serbian thugs and 3500 still missing persons and Vukovar and Srebernica and on and on.This are facts that you can not hide.Not that I like Thaci or Haradinaj ,they all the same but at least they defended their homes and did not attack anybody in Serbia but those serbs who came to Kosova to kill,steal ,burn,rape .Do not forget that your Pope and church was involved in all those crimes.Happy Holiday to all good Serbs.


pre 12 godina


Vulin had a permit to be there issued by Rexhepi. Read the article in Zeri
(Une, 7 January 2013 18:53)

I was a little late for this current event.

Amazing how English B92 portrays serb criminals as "entrepreneurs" and "young serbs" but Albanians with that ever-so-loving "terrorist" title.

Imagine if Kosovo MP Edita Tahiri visited Presheva valley and in her presence she commanded 9-10 ROSU officers - just imagine bg reaction. I've said it once and I'll say it again, you guys are a bunch of clowns. Go back to the ural mountains or the 14th century where you belong; I can't take you seriously.



pre 12 godina

The question is not when are they going to stop provoking.

It's when will these provocations be finally seen as a declaration of war.

gjon fusha

pre 12 godina

They're an incredibly paranoid group of little people, aren't they? The slightest jolt to their inbred ego and machismo turns them into an angry raging mob. (Albo Troll Wrangler, 7 January 2013 20:25)

We albanians will look always good. It doesn't matter what we do world compares us with you Serbians. More they see you, more they love us.


pre 12 godina

Crybabies, if they were detained then there was a reason for it. The KPS should use videocameras every single time they deal with serbs thats the only way to shut you up, with hard proof, otherwise you serbs just prance away the truth with all kinds of ridiculous claims. Tell Nikolic to go to EU and complain, or better yet make Vuk call UNSC for an emergency meeting.

just a thought

pre 12 godina

I guess the real shame is the holiest day of the year, is used by its believers as a day to advance an agenda of hate. For Christians, Christ's birthday should never be a day to make a politcal point.
Although many of you will never admit it, you all know that Vulin and his merry men's little excursion into Kosovo was NOT to worship Christ.

Pls say it ain't so!!!

pre 12 godina

Listen all of you who have been causing all these headache to Christian and old ally Serbia : 'in cauda venenum ' as the Romans used to say: 'the sting is in the tail '.
(Juan, 7 January 2013 22:37)

Come on Juan Santiago Pedro Corleone Hose Hose B etc etc…

I like you Brazilian folk, don’t spoil it for me now!!! Damn, just when I was planning to go down there, yet again.

Juan, just do us all a favor and keep religion out of this as we DO NOT CARE for it. Perhaps you folk would like to adopt Serbia as one of your own! Pls, be our guests….

As the Romans used to say: ‘Optimum est pati quod emendare non possis’ (It is best to endure what you cannot change, if you cannot change something, don't waste your time).


pre 12 godina

the serb leaders are making the situation in Kosovo look so bad, when in reality it's good. I have Serb friends in Kosovo and they went to church today and nothing happened and they are happy to be part of a great multicultural country that Kosovo is. In fact of the Serb is a police officer with the Kosovo Police.

gjon fusha

pre 12 godina

Do Criminals really pray ???(Albani, 7 January 2013 16:17)

You tell us. (Albo Troll Wrangler, 7 January 2013 17:2)

Albani you do not have to ask here if the Criminals really pray. We have to check this in Hague where most of them resides. Oh but wait they all Serbian! World knows well who the Criminals are.
As for those 9 Serbian I think they are Criminals too. I hope they get what they deserve. Let them spend their life in jail.


pre 12 godina

I wonder what would happend if albanians act like Vulin did but in Serbia. Ivica would send them to jail for a couple of days. I think KPS should do the same. One rule: You be good with serbs, they start to act bad with you. Bad on bad.


pre 12 godina

Crybabies, if they were detained then there was a reason for it. The KPS should use videocameras every single time they deal with serbs thats the only way to shut you up, with hard proof, otherwise you serbs just prance away the truth with all kinds of ridiculous claims. Tell Nikolic to go to EU and complain, or better yet make Vuk call UNSC for an emergency meeting.
(Nori, 7 January 2013 22:26)

Nori, you have a point video cameras is a good idea! But mark my words, even with video footage, the Serbs will simply use the excuse that the government in Kosova faked the video footage. Its just the nature of the beast, that we have to deal with, day in & day out! We however have something that is better than video footage! We have the EU & US there, to see and witness all these events first hand. Nori Trust me, Serbia is on the 5th floor's ledge, and has placed a noose around her neck! It won't be much longer, before she loses her footing! Almost 25 years of warnings to Serbia, by the international community. That have only fell on deaf ears.

passing by

pre 12 godina

You know what, I'd love to be in a room with one of those coppers one on one for five minutes and I'd tear the scum apart.
(just the guy for the job., 7 January 2013 16:52)
Are you sure? I might be completely opposite.


pre 12 godina

It's very simple why, after the ethnic cleansing in Bosnia and ravaging war with Croatia , West had to intervene in order to 1) Avoid another Srebrenica, 2) Avoid an escalation of conflict in neighboring countries.
The idea that West all of a sudden started to support Albanians, just because they hated Serbs, it's foolish.This make even less sense when you consider that in the past Albanians land was given away to surrounding countries, by the same powers that in 1998 bombed Serbia. You people can leave in denial and paint your own version of reality, but unfortunately for you everything is on the tape. One has only to turn on the TV and voila...


pre 12 godina

"As a Brazilian I ask myself WHY Americans, Brits, French, Israeli, and some of their allies didn´t also press for the recognition of Palestine ,Kurdistan , Corsega, Basque country, the incorporaton of Northern Ireland to the Republic of Ireland,etc..etc..hmmmm...and it goes on and on..and on.ooopss. I was forgetting: in the future maybe southern parts of the USA as a new Republic of Mexicolandia...you might like to taste your own venom!! Listen all of you who have been causing all these headache to Christian and old ally Serbia : 'in cauda venenum ' as the Romans used to say: 'the sting is in the tail '.
(Juan, 7 January 2013 22:37) "

Good point Juan!

As to "WHY Americans, Brits, French, Israeli, and some of their allies didn´t also press for the recognition of Palestine ,Kurdistan , Corsega, Basque country, the incorporaton of Northern Ireland to the Republic of Ireland,etc..etc", methinks the reason is simple -- because these Yankees and the rest of them are all self-serving hypocrites of the highest order!


pre 12 godina

It doesn't surprise anyone that ethnic Serb-Kosovars would turn a religious occasion into a political stunt.

(azir, 7 January 2013 16:22)

First there is no such thing as serb "kosovars", second you are the ones using the biggest christian holiday for this provocation. You should be ashamed of yourself.


pre 12 godina

They came there to play authorities- serbian cops... well I hope the prosecutor and the police of kosova will have the strength to tell the EU and US enough is enough we shall strictly respect the law and defend our sovereignty - these people will go to jail. EU and US will exercise (and they are already exercising a lot of) pressure on kosovas authorities to relise these MUP members. kosova needs to say now a definite NO.
(ben, 8 January 2013 00:54)

Hundred or thousands!!?Are you crazy or just plain stupid?40 serbs attended the liturgy in Gracanica, 40!! And of 40 you arrested 9 innocent youngsters on the biggest christian holiday and yet you have the guts to come here, to a SERBIAN site and talk about provocation?


pre 12 godina

Speaches full of hatered against albanians,or speaches where he spaeks like albanians dont exist in Kosovo.

Mirel, please put forward just one quote where Irinej's speech is full of hatred for Albanians. You made the statement now it's time to back it up.
I have never come across any statements made by any member of clergy which is full of hatred so I would really like to see what is so offensive for you.
Now, the fact that Irinej and others speak about Serbs to Serbs is normal. They are preaching to their flock and addressing them not Albanians. What do Albanian Imams say about Serbs? What does your own Orthodox pries say about Serbs? I don't think your Albanian Orthodox priest would say go and kill Serbs but I don't think he would be different to our own when they hold service in church.

So I challenge you to come up with a direct quote from this man where he is so hateful about Albanians. Don't give me a quote saying how Albanians have killed and burned and expelled Serbs and Serbian property for that is not hatred but fact. Give me a quote where he describes Albanians as evil or the like.


pre 12 godina

"Come on Juan Santiago Pedro Corleone Hose Hose B etc etc…

I like you Brazilian folk, don’t spoil it for me now!!! Damn, just when I was planning to go down there, yet again.

(Pls say it ain't so!!!, 7 January 2013 23:34)"

As if the Brazilians are desperate for your affection .... tsk, tsk, tsk.

And why are you going there? Did you run out of organs to harvest?

What difference does my name make!

pre 12 godina

A question specifically for you. Being a proud Christian orthodox Albanian, have you ever condemned the demolishing and desecration of orthodox churches and monasteries, some of which were the oldest standing structures in Kosovo. Are you horrified that any places of worship, let alone churches of YOUR religion and your fellow Christian orthodox believers have been torn down and desecrated, does it not hurt your heart to know that the houses of the god and also your faith in which your a devout proud member are under constant attack, and thier worshipers subjected to abuse and ridicule from local Albanians. Do you not feel for the worshipers that can only attend church under the protection of armed police and soldiers just so that their personal safety can be secured. Would a Serb and fellow proud orthodox Christian be welcome in an Albanian Orthodox Church, or would they also need an armed escort to and from the church, would you need that same protection or are you able to worship freely and respectfully.
.... and which Orthodox Albanian church does a devout orthodox Christian Albanian worship in when in Kosovo, and would you please give their addresses so that Serbian fellow Christian orthodox brothers can go and prey in peace and safety and light a candle for their loved ones and prey that their orthodox churches, moneataries and cemeteries stop being destroyed and desecrated.
"Christ is Born", Mirel.


pre 12 godina

"We albanians will look always good. It doesn't matter what we do world compares us with you Serbians. More they see you, more they love us."

Sorry to break it to you, but most of "the world" doesn't know or care about Serbs or Albanians.

Mirel from Albania

pre 12 godina

... Being a proud Christian orthodox Albanian, have you ever condemned the demolishing and desecration of orthodox churches and monasteries, some of which were the oldest standing structures in Kosovo....
"Christ is Born", Mirel.
(What difference does my name make!, 8 January 2013 03:06)

I am not saying that damolishing the churches is a good thing.

However those churches have been there for serevral hundered years.During this period albanians used to rule Kosovo several times.Why they didnt demolish the churches then?

I think because serbs didnt bother and provoke them.
I listen to Irenej almost every time.He never,I mean never prays for PEACE between albanians and serbs in Kosovo.I am still waiting to hear the magic phrase from the man of God Irenej and till now what I hear?
Speaches full of hatered against albanians,or speaches where he spaeks like albanians dont exist in Kosovo.

I am orthodox myself and I am ashamed when I listen to Irenej.
Let alone the fact that they have blessed the enthic cleansing of ethnic albanians from Kosovo in 1990 wars.
I dont think K-Alb care about the churches and monestires,but what irritates them ( and me as an Albanian) is thet they are being used to justify the ethnic cleansing.Furthermore the prists and the serbian orthodox hierarcy never preaches pearce between both cumunnities in Kosovo.
They still think is 1389.
I know Crist is born,since Dec 25,where we albanians have Christmas.!

Ari Gold

pre 12 godina

It's okay they were just scared poor Albanians. Much like they are terrified of the Mitrovica Serbs, they don't like when too many Serbs gather in one place. They prefer 100 to 1 odds and the 1 has to be a 14 year old girl or a 80 year old senior..thats how the Albs roll baby, the tough guys of the Balkans.

I wonder if they could ever stop Serbs in Mitrovica from attending anything? No, because even though 40,000 people is not a whole lot.....its too much for the Albanians, those aren't there odds.

Its ok, keep it up, you simply prove to the rest of Serbs as well as the world that rule of law wont be reestablished in the province until the occupation is lifted and Kosovo i Metohija is fully liberated.

BTW why is Vulin in Kosovo i Metohija why didn't the "kosovo government" ban him? Surely he is a hostile force am I right? Oh wait because the West (the real side running the show in the province) told the Albanians he can come and they had to accept it because they are dependent not independent.


pre 12 godina

the only thing i wonder with you Serbs posting here is if you are evil or simply stupid.

why from hundreds, perhaps thousands of Serbs that attended the liturgy in Gracina only these 9 were arrested???

now com one you are not that stupid not to get it.

They came there to play authorities- serbian cops... well I hope the prosecutor and the police of kosova will have the strength to tell the EU and US enough is enough we shall strictly respect the law and defend our sovereignty - these people will go to jail. EU and US will exercise (and they are already exercising a lot of) pressure on kosovas authorities to relise these MUP members. kosova needs to say now a definite NO.

visitor to Plymouth,Minnesota,USA

pre 12 godina

I'm sure that not all Albanian popos(police officials)are out to harass every single Serb residing in Kosovo.


pre 12 godina

Crybabies, if they were detained then there was a reason for it. The KPS should use videocameras every single time they deal with serbs thats the only way to shut you up, with hard proof, otherwise you serbs just prance away the truth with all kinds of ridiculous claims. Tell Nikolic to go to EU and complain, or better yet make Vuk call UNSC for an emergency meeting.
(Nori, 7 January 2013 22:26

The only "reason" is that they are serbs and that it was the biggest christian holiday.


pre 12 godina

Imagine if Kosovo MP Edita Tahiri visited Presheva valley and in her presence she commanded 9-10 ROSU officers - just imagine bg reaction. I've said it once and I'll say it again, you guys are a bunch of clowns. Go back to the ural mountains or the 14th century where you belong; I can't take you seriously.

So according to you there is no difference between so called rosu officers and 9 civilian youngsters?They wore no official emblems or badges whatsoever simply because they were ordinary civilians. If you have any proof of them wearing security clothes or being police men or whatever why cant u please show me a picture?Just one.


pre 12 godina

Koso please show me a picture where these youngsters were any official emblems or badges whatsoever. Dont u think there is a slight difference between so called rosu officers and civilian youngsters?


pre 12 godina

Do Criminals really pray ???
(Albani, 7 January 2013 16:17)
Funny comment.
Did you know that many Albanians form Kosovo came from Albania, and Albania send their thugs away.. Guess the criminals then -.-
Kinda like the early Australia settlers (English Thugs).

And what else to excpect from the kosovars they believe they are so the victim and poor/hurt but in fact it's the other way around they keep on harassing Serbs and other minorities, and just drive through there, the biggest houses belong to Albanians= rich not poor!


pre 12 godina

WAKE UP BELGRADE !! and get your head out of your a**'s and do something to protect your people. This is disgusting and it seems this type of behavior is displayed daily by Albanians to Serbs. Serbians have no reinsurance or safety provided from the Government in Belgrade.


pre 12 godina

Thaci or Haradinaj ,they all the same but at least they defended their homes and did not attack anybody in Serbia but those serbs who came to Kosova to kill,steal ,burn,rape .

So Kosovo wasnt a part of Serbia right?You make it sound like serbs "came" to mars and not to defend a part of their own country from muslim fanatics like yourself. The ones that committed crimes are sentenced unlike your warcriminals that are president and prime minister.


pre 12 godina

wonder what would happend if albanians act like Vulin did but in Serbia. Ivica would send them to jail for a couple of days. I think KPS should do the same. One rule: You be good with serbs, they start to act bad with you. Bad on bad.
(Bridge, 7 January 2013 18:53)

Exactly what good has the albanians done to the serbs?All they do is provoke and expect someone else to be good against them.Vulin didnt do anything expect being in a church, is that a crime?Do you have anny official proof of him provoking any albanian in any way?NO

You can speculate in what Ivica wouldve done but u dont need to speculate in what the albanians would do, they have proven a long time ago that they have no respect at all for human rights for serbs and other non-albanians.

Bugar from Skople

pre 12 godina

Police arrest 10 Serb in Gracanica but not arrest 100 Arnaut in Djakovica at front of the church. After inspection all Serb is free - no good to be organ donnor otherwise they will be finish in one of the albo bunkers.

What difference does my name make!

pre 12 godina

@ Mirel
I am not saying that damolishing the churches is a good thing.

"BUT", I'm sensing you forgot to continue your sentence with the word "BUT", which would imply the desecration's are somehow justified.

@ Mirel
However those churches have been there for serevral hundered years.During this period albanians used to rule Kosovo several times.Why they didnt demolish the churches then?

Several means any number from 1 to 3, don't you mean for 7 or 8 hundred years like
Манастир Свети Арханђели -1343
Богородица Љевишка-1307
Пећка патријаршија-1235
Свети Урош-1371
Високи Дечани-1327
...these are just a few there are dozens more as you all know, but refuse to acknowledge.
Can you name me some Albanian churhes/monasteries from this period or earlier, just 1 maybe?
You see before the Ottomans and after it was the Serbs who ruled over Kosovo and they were the majority up untill early 20th century.

@ Mirel,
I dont think K-Alb care about the churches and monestaries.

Isn't that obvious for the whole world to see, if they did care why would the destroy them!

@ Mirel
I know Crist is born,since Dec 25,where we albanians have Christmas.!

...also why the sarcastic reply when I sent christian greetings to a fellow believer it just shows that there is nothing christian about your hateful mentality. Im sure your forefathers celebrated on the 7th at one point in time before they changed the calender.
No sarcasm intended.


pre 12 godina

"..you might like to taste your own venom!!"
(Juan, 7 January 2013 22:37)

Of course they're tasting that, can't you see? No empire experienced such a desperate position in such a short interval of time. They're exposed and depressurizing their own big fat bubble before someone send arrow :) They're lesser and lesser capable of deculturizing other cultures by force, that's most important. For majority of the world's population they're not "in" anymore, that's quite enough to put them on their knees and we can say- soon.

Bugar from Skoplje

pre 12 godina

"As the Romans used to say" ‘
(Pls say it ain't so!!!, 7 January 2013 23:34)

We know that Greak pay you with money to against us from Sicily.
We will pay double to attak Greaks.
Powerfull Albo George Maniakes turn boats to the Drach, plus loose war in Ohrid in 1042yr.
Rest of them stay in albo area under serbian princ Vojislav.
Modern Arnaut use Turks,Hitler and NATO normally with big noise "This is my land" without money..poor albo com to be more broke and loose like before.
Marry Christmas to all.

visitor to Plymouth,Minnesota,USA

pre 12 godina

I'm not saying nor implying that it occurred but let's supposed those Serb youths or whoever they were committed a prank by raising their middle finger(s) at a Kosovar-Albanian police official or approached a cop to say "te q**sha" ( te q**sha means f*ck you in Albanian) or called the cop a "derr" (derr means pig in the same language) and they were taken into custody would they still have been released or would they still be detained by police?

In case if some of you are unaware but at least here in United States the term 'pig' is considered a derogatory term for police (as far as I'm concerned) and I read some online article that some fellow's friend (must have occurred in this country) said or approached a cop to say "oink oink" (the supposed sound a pig makes) and believe it or not got arrested so that 's why I wondered if Albanian cops interpret it as a serious insult to be called "derrs." Finally I recall explaining some time ago on some b92 article where in Bathurst,New Brunswick,Canada ( Bathurst at least is my birthplace and my former hometown) that when I was a 7th grader riding the school bus I noticed through the window a police car was moving the opposite direction where one or two 8th graders jokingly raised their middle finger(s) at the cop where he probably ignored it.Certainly he didn't turn on the siren nor siren lights to get the bus driver to pull over so he can board the bus to scold or reprimand those students for their prank(s).

What difference does my name make!

pre 12 godina

English please....

I thought this was an English web site not a Russian one!!!!
(Pls say it ain't so!!!, 10 January 2013 02:12)

No, not Russian or an English web site, it's Serbian. It's in English so that Albo's like yourself can keep up to date since you don't have your own Albanian web sites, you see, we cater for all!!
Don't worry if you cant read Cyrillic as my main emphasis were the dates. Can you read numbers?, they're in Arabic numerals, you can ask your local Imam for help if you get stuck!


pre 12 godina

As the Romans used to say: ‘Optimum est pati quod emendare non possis’ (It is best to endure what you cannot change, if you cannot change something, don't waste your time).
(Pls say it ain't so!!!, 7 January 2013 23:34)

I think it's to late for you to to use "given rights" of relating to anything Roman. We, the rest of the world, took that right from you now and decade. Anyhow, we don't really care anymore about your safety in Brazil or any other country. You can tell you're Russian tourist and you'll have much greater chances of having fun and not being robbed out there. Just take Putin's shirt and they'll respect you (like Americans 30 years ago). You're out now.

What difference does my name make!

pre 12 godina

Chew on that….
(Pls say it ain't so!!!, 9 January 2013 22:03)

"Murders and rapes, that the likes of ME have committed ", "affected by my atrocities", sorry dude last time I was there was in 1986 and I was 12 and I was only in Kosovo for a day.
I know a little about atrocites, my grandfather told me about a place called Jasenovac, all of his brothers and sisters and mum and dad and grandparents are still there in a mass grave. Do a little research, Serbs know very well about atrocities and who comitted them, infact maybe ask your Albanian elders about it, they had their own Nazi SS Division, just like Bosnian muslims and Croatians, nice little collaboration not unlike today!
...and as for chewing...I'm actually chewing on christmas Pork! You can have some if you like but we all know YOU guys prefer American A**!!

What difference does my name make!

pre 12 godina

(Pls say it ain't so!!!, 10 January 2013 11:23)

Obviously not me specifically, you dont even know me, I'm not an imbecile, and I didnt think you were untill you felt you had to point that out!, what you meant was Serbs of the "likes" of me, which is worse, it just shows your resentful mentality, for you there are no good Serbs!, we're all monsters!?
..and just because my father is from Bosna (thank God its Republica Srpska),
I was born and grew up in Serbia less than an hours drive from Kosovo (which was/is Serbia) and I saw with my own eyes Serbs from Kosovo move to our town, they were ethnically cleansed by intimidation in the 80's! and I said the last time I was there was in 86, it wasnt my only time, so maybe you should pay more attention while reading and make less assumptions. I also have family who had to leave Kosovo in 2000, so no preaching.
..and whats with "My Enemy is your Enemy" are Serbs your Allies?, maybe you meant "The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend", and even that doesnt make sense in our case, that explains your mind being boggled.
I'll pass on the A** thanks , but Im glad you got to taste Serb A** because the human brain never forgets scent or taste.
..and your right Kosovo is not Jasenovac, in Jasenovac HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of Serbs were EXTERMINATED.

Thankyou for the Christmas greetings, if they were genuine you would have sent them to all Serbs on the Day!

But I accept your condolences, though theyre not necessary.


Pls say it ain't so!!!

pre 12 godina

Mirel says:
I don't think K-Alb care about the churches and monasteries.
What difference does my name make! Replies:
Isn't that obvious for the whole world to see, if they did care why would the destroy them!

Well here’s the answer to that. After thousands of houses and thousands of murders and rapes that likes like YOU have committed in Kosova, (mind you, your boys/girls have destroyed numbers of mosques and other sacred historic monuments and I don't see you bringing that up, are you?!), do you think that your religious ‘goods’ have any meaning to the ones that were affected by your atrocities?!!!

Just picture yourself in that position, where your wife or daughters were raped, your parents and/or siblings murdered, your house is burnt to the ground,nothing to look forward to, do you think in your right mind that those people will go and plant flowers and plants in front of the churches that you are so ‘protective’ off??!!!

The very leaders of your Orthodox church have been the grand promoters of what happened in/prior of 1999 and they backed up wholeheartedly the butcher of the Balkans Milosevic, in a way those very churches symbolize that dreadful period.

I do not approve of any types of destruction, as we had plenty of that, but open your mind a tad and think what would have you done if you were in their shoes?!

Chew on that….

Pls say it ain't so!!!

pre 12 godina

Манастир Свети Арханђели -1343
Богородица Љевишка-1307
Пећка патријаршија-1235
Свети Урош-1371
Високи Дечани-1327

English please....

I thought this was an English web site not a Russian one!!!!

Pls say it ain't so!!!

pre 12 godina

@ What difference does my name make!

If only for a second you pay attention while you’re reading, you might comprehend to what my message implied. I said ‘Likes’ like you, not you specifically!!!

Just think about this for a bit!! You were in Kosova for A (1) day and here you go judging and preaching about who’s wrong and who’s right?!! Are you kidding me?!

I do feel bad about what happened to your family, I really do, but being a victim of the same you should understand what Albanians in Kosova have gone through as well. Jasenovac is not in Kosova, Google it!!

I don’t need to do any research as I know very well what happened in 40s and what’s going on right now.

Does the sentence ‘My enemy is your enemy’ light up a brain cell in your head?
Perhaps it just bounced right off of it! That very sentence should explain the “SS” comment of yours.

Prefer Americam A** indeed, much better then Serbian, perhaps you should taste the some, it’s very addictive.

FYI, I do eat pepperoni pizzas, not sure it that qualifies me as a pork eater!!? Does it??

Merry Christmas to you and my condolences for the loss of your family members, but one just wanders!! Why do people like you, who went through all this mess, instigate and have all the “answers” for a piece of land that you only spent one day on?!!!

Mind boggled.......


pre 12 godina

It doesn't surprise anyone that ethnic Serb-Kosovars would turn a religious occasion into a political stunt.



pre 12 godina

Why wasn't Vulin arrested but instead only escorted out? I'm sorry but he entered illegally into the country and needs to face criminal charges. What a scum, and has the audacity to claim that Kosovo's actions are provocations.



pre 12 godina

If they wear insignia, that becomes an official visit. And since Dacic was saying yesterday that official visits they are not allowed in Serbia, they should not be allowed in Kosovo either.


pre 12 godina

you must learm that you cant come to kosova under religious flags and start political or civil unrest. Tadic was allowed and he caused troublke. Last chrstimas they all casued trouble "civil defense" guys. This christmass Nikolic is not allowed so dont be mad. merry christmass to all my felolw orthodox belivers.


pre 12 godina

The Serbs are povoking the Albanians of presevo, right! And then Serbia sends A.Vulin with a bunch of secret mup police to Kosova, most likely inorder to cause unrest on a holiday! Serbian propaganda at its best! It never stops!
Serbia, we are all use to your little tricks! You even stoop so low with your propaganda, you even use it on major religious holidays! It will backfire, rest assured!


pre 12 godina

If it is your holy day then behave as civilized people and celebrate in peace, dont provoke and play cop??

Kosovas police secured the escort to Vulin, why does he need his so called "civil protection" units?

Balkan Anthropologist

pre 12 godina

Oh look. Europe's finest once again politicizing a religious event. Who needs officials from Belgrade to create an incident when Kosovo's* own security forces can do it themselves?

just the guy for the job.

pre 12 godina

You know what, I'd love to be in a room with one of those coppers one on one for five minutes and I'd tear the scum apart.

Albo Troll Wrangler

pre 12 godina

Why wasn't Vulin arrested but instead only escorted out? I'm sorry but he entered illegally into the country and needs to face criminal charges. What a scum, and has the audacity to claim that Kosovo's actions are provocations.
(KOSO, 7 January 2013 17:29)

Maybe he wasn't arrested because there was no basis to arrest him. Not everything works the way you trigger happy pizza delivery boys in Brooklyn think it should be.

Tongue yourself.

Reciprocate This

pre 12 godina

Previously, the interior minister of the government in Priština, Bajram Rexhepi, said that nine persons were arrested in Gračanica and that he "was informed that the reason was that they were wearing insignia of the civil defense".

>> All the more reason for Dacic to tear town the Albanian terrorist monument in Presevo and arrest any Albanian wearing the insignia of UCK or flying the Albanian flag. If insignias offend Albanian officials in Kosovo, any Albanian insignia in the rest of Serbia should be met with equal reciprocity, a word Albanians love to use but appear to have no clue in understanding.


pre 12 godina

Ecoman,tell us Facts not propaganda. Haradinaj proved hi was not guilty in front of the whole world and Thaci was not indicted.Now tell us about the 14000 Albanians killed in Kosova from the Serbian thugs and 3500 still missing persons and Vukovar and Srebernica and on and on.This are facts that you can not hide.Not that I like Thaci or Haradinaj ,they all the same but at least they defended their homes and did not attack anybody in Serbia but those serbs who came to Kosova to kill,steal ,burn,rape .Do not forget that your Pope and church was involved in all those crimes.Happy Holiday to all good Serbs.

gjon fusha

pre 12 godina

They're an incredibly paranoid group of little people, aren't they? The slightest jolt to their inbred ego and machismo turns them into an angry raging mob. (Albo Troll Wrangler, 7 January 2013 20:25)

We albanians will look always good. It doesn't matter what we do world compares us with you Serbians. More they see you, more they love us.

gjon fusha

pre 12 godina

Do Criminals really pray ???(Albani, 7 January 2013 16:17)

You tell us. (Albo Troll Wrangler, 7 January 2013 17:2)

Albani you do not have to ask here if the Criminals really pray. We have to check this in Hague where most of them resides. Oh but wait they all Serbian! World knows well who the Criminals are.
As for those 9 Serbian I think they are Criminals too. I hope they get what they deserve. Let them spend their life in jail.

Hank the Tank

pre 12 godina

"was informed that the reason was that they were wearing insignia of the civil defense".

So all isignia should be forbidden. I guess that pretty much means that albanians won't object to the removal of the uck monument in Presevo.


pre 12 godina

Do Criminals really pray ??? Albani
Maybe they do, Albani. You should ask Thaci and Haradjinaj. As for the arrest of these nine Serb men, that is simply another display of Pristina trying to show Serbs who is in charge. It is extremely petty, especially on Christmas, but what else would you expect from Albanians?


pre 12 godina

the serb leaders are making the situation in Kosovo look so bad, when in reality it's good. I have Serb friends in Kosovo and they went to church today and nothing happened and they are happy to be part of a great multicultural country that Kosovo is. In fact of the Serb is a police officer with the Kosovo Police.


pre 12 godina

As a Brazilian I ask myself WHY Americans, Brits, French, Israeli, and some of their allies didn´t also press for the recognition of Palestine ,Kurdistan , Corsega, Basque country, the incorporaton of Northern Ireland to the Republic of Ireland,etc..etc..hmmmm...and it goes on and on..and on.ooopss. I was forgetting: in the future maybe southern parts of the USA as a new Republic of Mexicolandia...you might like to taste your own venom!! Listen all of you who have been causing all these headache to Christian and old ally Serbia : 'in cauda venenum ' as the Romans used to say: 'the sting is in the tail '.


pre 12 godina

Don't you serbs have other things to do? With Kosovo every day in your minds and news headlines, you are seriously getting very sick. Worse than when Miloshevic was in power. Don't you ever learn from history?


pre 12 godina

Crybabies, if they were detained then there was a reason for it. The KPS should use videocameras every single time they deal with serbs thats the only way to shut you up, with hard proof, otherwise you serbs just prance away the truth with all kinds of ridiculous claims. Tell Nikolic to go to EU and complain, or better yet make Vuk call UNSC for an emergency meeting.


pre 12 godina

Yet more proof of the kind of society Kosovo albanians believe in, one of complete intolerance to minorities. Notice how in Serbia Muslims are allowed to celebrate their religious holidays without being persecuted by the police. I didn't realise Serbs going to church was such a threat to albanian security, I reckon the animals just get a sick sadistic kick out of terrorism.


pre 12 godina

I wonder what would happend if albanians act like Vulin did but in Serbia. Ivica would send them to jail for a couple of days. I think KPS should do the same. One rule: You be good with serbs, they start to act bad with you. Bad on bad.


pre 12 godina

Trying to simplify a centuries old ethnic conflict between nations in a simple event, it's pitiful. Serbian state has never apologized for their crimes against civilians in Kosovo, and it has yet to pay a dime in reparation for the economic damages. Goodwill is not found in the street, but must be earned through actions.

Albo Troll Wrangler

pre 12 godina

didn't realise Serbs going to church was such a threat to albanian security
(SCP UK, 7 January 2013 18:08)

They're an incredibly paranoid group of little people, aren't they? The slightest jolt to their inbred ego and machismo turns them into an angry raging mob. Fortunately, the only damage most of them can do is slow up the bandwidths on internet forums like this with their impotent yet ever so hilarious belches of defiance and intolerance.

passing by

pre 12 godina

You know what, I'd love to be in a room with one of those coppers one on one for five minutes and I'd tear the scum apart.
(just the guy for the job., 7 January 2013 16:52)
Are you sure? I might be completely opposite.

Mirel from Albania

pre 12 godina

Listen all of you who have been causing all these headache to Christian and old ally Serbia : 'in cauda venenum ' as the Romans used to say: 'the sting is in the tail '.
(Juan, 7 January 2013 22:37)

There is a solution Juan, that u and your gonverment will embrace as they have done before when albanians in former YU were brutally killed,kundered and raped,kill all albanians.
I am sure u and all serbian allies will calebrate the day that albanians will dissapear from the Earth.

Sorry to dissapoint you but we have been here for 3500 years(long before serbs came in this part of the world) and will plan to stay here till the end of planet Earth.Btw, before you start throwing cheap shots to muslim albanians,I am Orthodox Christian Albanians and proud of it.

Aunt Esther

pre 12 godina

There still ain't nothing original-or-authentic about you Albanians.

"Psychopathy--is a personality disorder that has been variously characterized by shallow emotions (including reduced fear, a lack of empathy, and stress tolerance), coldheartedness, egocentricity, superficial charm, manipulativeness, irresponsibility, impulsivity, criminality, antisocial behavior, a lack of remorse, and a parasitic lifestyle.

Antisocial--Theodore Millon identified five subtypes of antisocial personality disorder, exhibiting all of the following:
covetous antisocial – variant of the pure pattern where individuals feel that life has not given them their due.
reputation-defending antisocial – including narcissistic features
risk-taking antisocial – including histrionic features
nomadic antisocial – including schizoid, avoidant features
malevolent antisocial – including sadistic, paranoid features".

Steve B.

pre 12 godina

They're terrorists/criminals.
(Avni, 7 January 2013 20:27)


Anyone smart enough to type the words "Albanian terrorists" into Google know your completely full of ****.


pre 12 godina

So let me get this straight, when gays were trying to hold shame parades in Beograd, we had albo trolls, danilo, bob, j.oker, comm,parrison, roberto, bganon, ian-uk, willi plaff, tell us if we dont like it and dont want to see it then stay indoors. So where are these same trolls to tell the albos if they dont like Serbs going to church then to stay inside?

Bugar from Skoplje

pre 12 godina

"As the Romans used to say" ‘
(Pls say it ain't so!!!, 7 January 2013 23:34)

We know that Greak pay you with money to against us from Sicily.
We will pay double to attak Greaks.
Powerfull Albo George Maniakes turn boats to the Drach, plus loose war in Ohrid in 1042yr.
Rest of them stay in albo area under serbian princ Vojislav.
Modern Arnaut use Turks,Hitler and NATO normally with big noise "This is my land" without money..poor albo com to be more broke and loose like before.
Marry Christmas to all.


pre 12 godina

The Albanian authorities are just worried of the presents of Serbs coming together in a large group. Got to love the "multi-ethnic" environment in Kosovo.

What difference does my name make!

pre 12 godina

A question specifically for you. Being a proud Christian orthodox Albanian, have you ever condemned the demolishing and desecration of orthodox churches and monasteries, some of which were the oldest standing structures in Kosovo. Are you horrified that any places of worship, let alone churches of YOUR religion and your fellow Christian orthodox believers have been torn down and desecrated, does it not hurt your heart to know that the houses of the god and also your faith in which your a devout proud member are under constant attack, and thier worshipers subjected to abuse and ridicule from local Albanians. Do you not feel for the worshipers that can only attend church under the protection of armed police and soldiers just so that their personal safety can be secured. Would a Serb and fellow proud orthodox Christian be welcome in an Albanian Orthodox Church, or would they also need an armed escort to and from the church, would you need that same protection or are you able to worship freely and respectfully.
.... and which Orthodox Albanian church does a devout orthodox Christian Albanian worship in when in Kosovo, and would you please give their addresses so that Serbian fellow Christian orthodox brothers can go and prey in peace and safety and light a candle for their loved ones and prey that their orthodox churches, moneataries and cemeteries stop being destroyed and desecrated.
"Christ is Born", Mirel.


pre 12 godina

It doesn't surprise anyone that ethnic Serb-Kosovars would turn a religious occasion into a political stunt.

(azir, 7 January 2013 16:22)

First there is no such thing as serb "kosovars", second you are the ones using the biggest christian holiday for this provocation. You should be ashamed of yourself.


pre 12 godina

They came there to play authorities- serbian cops... well I hope the prosecutor and the police of kosova will have the strength to tell the EU and US enough is enough we shall strictly respect the law and defend our sovereignty - these people will go to jail. EU and US will exercise (and they are already exercising a lot of) pressure on kosovas authorities to relise these MUP members. kosova needs to say now a definite NO.
(ben, 8 January 2013 00:54)

Hundred or thousands!!?Are you crazy or just plain stupid?40 serbs attended the liturgy in Gracanica, 40!! And of 40 you arrested 9 innocent youngsters on the biggest christian holiday and yet you have the guts to come here, to a SERBIAN site and talk about provocation?


pre 12 godina

wonder what would happend if albanians act like Vulin did but in Serbia. Ivica would send them to jail for a couple of days. I think KPS should do the same. One rule: You be good with serbs, they start to act bad with you. Bad on bad.
(Bridge, 7 January 2013 18:53)

Exactly what good has the albanians done to the serbs?All they do is provoke and expect someone else to be good against them.Vulin didnt do anything expect being in a church, is that a crime?Do you have anny official proof of him provoking any albanian in any way?NO

You can speculate in what Ivica wouldve done but u dont need to speculate in what the albanians would do, they have proven a long time ago that they have no respect at all for human rights for serbs and other non-albanians.

Comm. Parrisson

pre 12 godina

"Oh look. Europe's finest once again politicizing a religious event. Who needs officials from Belgrade to create an incident when Kosovo's* own security forces can do it themselves?"
(Balkan Anthropologist, 7 January 2013 15:55)

Well, provocations are at least something these 'competent' KPS Beverly Hills cops are able of. With doing real policework, i.e. arresting criminals like people who loot churches, rob houses owned by Serbs, stone cars and buses, or - beware - try to do something against the Albanian drug mafia they have some problems :)


pre 12 godina

The question is not when are they going to stop provoking.

It's when will these provocations be finally seen as a declaration of war.

just a thought

pre 12 godina

I guess the real shame is the holiest day of the year, is used by its believers as a day to advance an agenda of hate. For Christians, Christ's birthday should never be a day to make a politcal point.
Although many of you will never admit it, you all know that Vulin and his merry men's little excursion into Kosovo was NOT to worship Christ.

Pls say it ain't so!!!

pre 12 godina

Listen all of you who have been causing all these headache to Christian and old ally Serbia : 'in cauda venenum ' as the Romans used to say: 'the sting is in the tail '.
(Juan, 7 January 2013 22:37)

Come on Juan Santiago Pedro Corleone Hose Hose B etc etc…

I like you Brazilian folk, don’t spoil it for me now!!! Damn, just when I was planning to go down there, yet again.

Juan, just do us all a favor and keep religion out of this as we DO NOT CARE for it. Perhaps you folk would like to adopt Serbia as one of your own! Pls, be our guests….

As the Romans used to say: ‘Optimum est pati quod emendare non possis’ (It is best to endure what you cannot change, if you cannot change something, don't waste your time).

Ari Gold

pre 12 godina

It's okay they were just scared poor Albanians. Much like they are terrified of the Mitrovica Serbs, they don't like when too many Serbs gather in one place. They prefer 100 to 1 odds and the 1 has to be a 14 year old girl or a 80 year old senior..thats how the Albs roll baby, the tough guys of the Balkans.

I wonder if they could ever stop Serbs in Mitrovica from attending anything? No, because even though 40,000 people is not a whole lot.....its too much for the Albanians, those aren't there odds.

Its ok, keep it up, you simply prove to the rest of Serbs as well as the world that rule of law wont be reestablished in the province until the occupation is lifted and Kosovo i Metohija is fully liberated.

BTW why is Vulin in Kosovo i Metohija why didn't the "kosovo government" ban him? Surely he is a hostile force am I right? Oh wait because the West (the real side running the show in the province) told the Albanians he can come and they had to accept it because they are dependent not independent.


pre 12 godina

"Come on Juan Santiago Pedro Corleone Hose Hose B etc etc…

I like you Brazilian folk, don’t spoil it for me now!!! Damn, just when I was planning to go down there, yet again.

(Pls say it ain't so!!!, 7 January 2013 23:34)"

As if the Brazilians are desperate for your affection .... tsk, tsk, tsk.

And why are you going there? Did you run out of organs to harvest?


pre 12 godina


Vulin had a permit to be there issued by Rexhepi. Read the article in Zeri
(Une, 7 January 2013 18:53)

I was a little late for this current event.

Amazing how English B92 portrays serb criminals as "entrepreneurs" and "young serbs" but Albanians with that ever-so-loving "terrorist" title.

Imagine if Kosovo MP Edita Tahiri visited Presheva valley and in her presence she commanded 9-10 ROSU officers - just imagine bg reaction. I've said it once and I'll say it again, you guys are a bunch of clowns. Go back to the ural mountains or the 14th century where you belong; I can't take you seriously.



pre 12 godina

Thaci or Haradinaj ,they all the same but at least they defended their homes and did not attack anybody in Serbia but those serbs who came to Kosova to kill,steal ,burn,rape .

So Kosovo wasnt a part of Serbia right?You make it sound like serbs "came" to mars and not to defend a part of their own country from muslim fanatics like yourself. The ones that committed crimes are sentenced unlike your warcriminals that are president and prime minister.


pre 12 godina

Crybabies, if they were detained then there was a reason for it. The KPS should use videocameras every single time they deal with serbs thats the only way to shut you up, with hard proof, otherwise you serbs just prance away the truth with all kinds of ridiculous claims. Tell Nikolic to go to EU and complain, or better yet make Vuk call UNSC for an emergency meeting.
(Nori, 7 January 2013 22:26)

Nori, you have a point video cameras is a good idea! But mark my words, even with video footage, the Serbs will simply use the excuse that the government in Kosova faked the video footage. Its just the nature of the beast, that we have to deal with, day in & day out! We however have something that is better than video footage! We have the EU & US there, to see and witness all these events first hand. Nori Trust me, Serbia is on the 5th floor's ledge, and has placed a noose around her neck! It won't be much longer, before she loses her footing! Almost 25 years of warnings to Serbia, by the international community. That have only fell on deaf ears.


pre 12 godina

Crybabies, if they were detained then there was a reason for it. The KPS should use videocameras every single time they deal with serbs thats the only way to shut you up, with hard proof, otherwise you serbs just prance away the truth with all kinds of ridiculous claims. Tell Nikolic to go to EU and complain, or better yet make Vuk call UNSC for an emergency meeting.
(Nori, 7 January 2013 22:26

The only "reason" is that they are serbs and that it was the biggest christian holiday.


pre 12 godina

the only thing i wonder with you Serbs posting here is if you are evil or simply stupid.

why from hundreds, perhaps thousands of Serbs that attended the liturgy in Gracina only these 9 were arrested???

now com one you are not that stupid not to get it.

They came there to play authorities- serbian cops... well I hope the prosecutor and the police of kosova will have the strength to tell the EU and US enough is enough we shall strictly respect the law and defend our sovereignty - these people will go to jail. EU and US will exercise (and they are already exercising a lot of) pressure on kosovas authorities to relise these MUP members. kosova needs to say now a definite NO.


pre 12 godina

"As a Brazilian I ask myself WHY Americans, Brits, French, Israeli, and some of their allies didn´t also press for the recognition of Palestine ,Kurdistan , Corsega, Basque country, the incorporaton of Northern Ireland to the Republic of Ireland,etc..etc..hmmmm...and it goes on and on..and on.ooopss. I was forgetting: in the future maybe southern parts of the USA as a new Republic of Mexicolandia...you might like to taste your own venom!! Listen all of you who have been causing all these headache to Christian and old ally Serbia : 'in cauda venenum ' as the Romans used to say: 'the sting is in the tail '.
(Juan, 7 January 2013 22:37) "

Good point Juan!

As to "WHY Americans, Brits, French, Israeli, and some of their allies didn´t also press for the recognition of Palestine ,Kurdistan , Corsega, Basque country, the incorporaton of Northern Ireland to the Republic of Ireland,etc..etc", methinks the reason is simple -- because these Yankees and the rest of them are all self-serving hypocrites of the highest order!

Mirel from Albania

pre 12 godina

... Being a proud Christian orthodox Albanian, have you ever condemned the demolishing and desecration of orthodox churches and monasteries, some of which were the oldest standing structures in Kosovo....
"Christ is Born", Mirel.
(What difference does my name make!, 8 January 2013 03:06)

I am not saying that damolishing the churches is a good thing.

However those churches have been there for serevral hundered years.During this period albanians used to rule Kosovo several times.Why they didnt demolish the churches then?

I think because serbs didnt bother and provoke them.
I listen to Irenej almost every time.He never,I mean never prays for PEACE between albanians and serbs in Kosovo.I am still waiting to hear the magic phrase from the man of God Irenej and till now what I hear?
Speaches full of hatered against albanians,or speaches where he spaeks like albanians dont exist in Kosovo.

I am orthodox myself and I am ashamed when I listen to Irenej.
Let alone the fact that they have blessed the enthic cleansing of ethnic albanians from Kosovo in 1990 wars.
I dont think K-Alb care about the churches and monestires,but what irritates them ( and me as an Albanian) is thet they are being used to justify the ethnic cleansing.Furthermore the prists and the serbian orthodox hierarcy never preaches pearce between both cumunnities in Kosovo.
They still think is 1389.
I know Crist is born,since Dec 25,where we albanians have Christmas.!

Pls say it ain't so!!!

pre 12 godina

Mirel says:
I don't think K-Alb care about the churches and monasteries.
What difference does my name make! Replies:
Isn't that obvious for the whole world to see, if they did care why would the destroy them!

Well here’s the answer to that. After thousands of houses and thousands of murders and rapes that likes like YOU have committed in Kosova, (mind you, your boys/girls have destroyed numbers of mosques and other sacred historic monuments and I don't see you bringing that up, are you?!), do you think that your religious ‘goods’ have any meaning to the ones that were affected by your atrocities?!!!

Just picture yourself in that position, where your wife or daughters were raped, your parents and/or siblings murdered, your house is burnt to the ground,nothing to look forward to, do you think in your right mind that those people will go and plant flowers and plants in front of the churches that you are so ‘protective’ off??!!!

The very leaders of your Orthodox church have been the grand promoters of what happened in/prior of 1999 and they backed up wholeheartedly the butcher of the Balkans Milosevic, in a way those very churches symbolize that dreadful period.

I do not approve of any types of destruction, as we had plenty of that, but open your mind a tad and think what would have you done if you were in their shoes?!

Chew on that….


pre 12 godina

"..you might like to taste your own venom!!"
(Juan, 7 January 2013 22:37)

Of course they're tasting that, can't you see? No empire experienced such a desperate position in such a short interval of time. They're exposed and depressurizing their own big fat bubble before someone send arrow :) They're lesser and lesser capable of deculturizing other cultures by force, that's most important. For majority of the world's population they're not "in" anymore, that's quite enough to put them on their knees and we can say- soon.


pre 12 godina

Imagine if Kosovo MP Edita Tahiri visited Presheva valley and in her presence she commanded 9-10 ROSU officers - just imagine bg reaction. I've said it once and I'll say it again, you guys are a bunch of clowns. Go back to the ural mountains or the 14th century where you belong; I can't take you seriously.

So according to you there is no difference between so called rosu officers and 9 civilian youngsters?They wore no official emblems or badges whatsoever simply because they were ordinary civilians. If you have any proof of them wearing security clothes or being police men or whatever why cant u please show me a picture?Just one.


pre 12 godina

Koso please show me a picture where these youngsters were any official emblems or badges whatsoever. Dont u think there is a slight difference between so called rosu officers and civilian youngsters?


pre 12 godina

It's very simple why, after the ethnic cleansing in Bosnia and ravaging war with Croatia , West had to intervene in order to 1) Avoid another Srebrenica, 2) Avoid an escalation of conflict in neighboring countries.
The idea that West all of a sudden started to support Albanians, just because they hated Serbs, it's foolish.This make even less sense when you consider that in the past Albanians land was given away to surrounding countries, by the same powers that in 1998 bombed Serbia. You people can leave in denial and paint your own version of reality, but unfortunately for you everything is on the tape. One has only to turn on the TV and voila...


pre 12 godina

As the Romans used to say: ‘Optimum est pati quod emendare non possis’ (It is best to endure what you cannot change, if you cannot change something, don't waste your time).
(Pls say it ain't so!!!, 7 January 2013 23:34)

I think it's to late for you to to use "given rights" of relating to anything Roman. We, the rest of the world, took that right from you now and decade. Anyhow, we don't really care anymore about your safety in Brazil or any other country. You can tell you're Russian tourist and you'll have much greater chances of having fun and not being robbed out there. Just take Putin's shirt and they'll respect you (like Americans 30 years ago). You're out now.


pre 12 godina

"We albanians will look always good. It doesn't matter what we do world compares us with you Serbians. More they see you, more they love us."

Sorry to break it to you, but most of "the world" doesn't know or care about Serbs or Albanians.


pre 12 godina

Do Criminals really pray ???
(Albani, 7 January 2013 16:17)
Funny comment.
Did you know that many Albanians form Kosovo came from Albania, and Albania send their thugs away.. Guess the criminals then -.-
Kinda like the early Australia settlers (English Thugs).

And what else to excpect from the kosovars they believe they are so the victim and poor/hurt but in fact it's the other way around they keep on harassing Serbs and other minorities, and just drive through there, the biggest houses belong to Albanians= rich not poor!


pre 12 godina

Speaches full of hatered against albanians,or speaches where he spaeks like albanians dont exist in Kosovo.

Mirel, please put forward just one quote where Irinej's speech is full of hatred for Albanians. You made the statement now it's time to back it up.
I have never come across any statements made by any member of clergy which is full of hatred so I would really like to see what is so offensive for you.
Now, the fact that Irinej and others speak about Serbs to Serbs is normal. They are preaching to their flock and addressing them not Albanians. What do Albanian Imams say about Serbs? What does your own Orthodox pries say about Serbs? I don't think your Albanian Orthodox priest would say go and kill Serbs but I don't think he would be different to our own when they hold service in church.

So I challenge you to come up with a direct quote from this man where he is so hateful about Albanians. Don't give me a quote saying how Albanians have killed and burned and expelled Serbs and Serbian property for that is not hatred but fact. Give me a quote where he describes Albanians as evil or the like.

Pls say it ain't so!!!

pre 12 godina

Манастир Свети Арханђели -1343
Богородица Љевишка-1307
Пећка патријаршија-1235
Свети Урош-1371
Високи Дечани-1327

English please....

I thought this was an English web site not a Russian one!!!!

visitor to Plymouth,Minnesota,USA

pre 12 godina

I'm sure that not all Albanian popos(police officials)are out to harass every single Serb residing in Kosovo.

visitor to Plymouth,Minnesota,USA

pre 12 godina

I'm not saying nor implying that it occurred but let's supposed those Serb youths or whoever they were committed a prank by raising their middle finger(s) at a Kosovar-Albanian police official or approached a cop to say "te q**sha" ( te q**sha means f*ck you in Albanian) or called the cop a "derr" (derr means pig in the same language) and they were taken into custody would they still have been released or would they still be detained by police?

In case if some of you are unaware but at least here in United States the term 'pig' is considered a derogatory term for police (as far as I'm concerned) and I read some online article that some fellow's friend (must have occurred in this country) said or approached a cop to say "oink oink" (the supposed sound a pig makes) and believe it or not got arrested so that 's why I wondered if Albanian cops interpret it as a serious insult to be called "derrs." Finally I recall explaining some time ago on some b92 article where in Bathurst,New Brunswick,Canada ( Bathurst at least is my birthplace and my former hometown) that when I was a 7th grader riding the school bus I noticed through the window a police car was moving the opposite direction where one or two 8th graders jokingly raised their middle finger(s) at the cop where he probably ignored it.Certainly he didn't turn on the siren nor siren lights to get the bus driver to pull over so he can board the bus to scold or reprimand those students for their prank(s).


pre 12 godina

WAKE UP BELGRADE !! and get your head out of your a**'s and do something to protect your people. This is disgusting and it seems this type of behavior is displayed daily by Albanians to Serbs. Serbians have no reinsurance or safety provided from the Government in Belgrade.

Pls say it ain't so!!!

pre 12 godina

@ What difference does my name make!

If only for a second you pay attention while you’re reading, you might comprehend to what my message implied. I said ‘Likes’ like you, not you specifically!!!

Just think about this for a bit!! You were in Kosova for A (1) day and here you go judging and preaching about who’s wrong and who’s right?!! Are you kidding me?!

I do feel bad about what happened to your family, I really do, but being a victim of the same you should understand what Albanians in Kosova have gone through as well. Jasenovac is not in Kosova, Google it!!

I don’t need to do any research as I know very well what happened in 40s and what’s going on right now.

Does the sentence ‘My enemy is your enemy’ light up a brain cell in your head?
Perhaps it just bounced right off of it! That very sentence should explain the “SS” comment of yours.

Prefer Americam A** indeed, much better then Serbian, perhaps you should taste the some, it’s very addictive.

FYI, I do eat pepperoni pizzas, not sure it that qualifies me as a pork eater!!? Does it??

Merry Christmas to you and my condolences for the loss of your family members, but one just wanders!! Why do people like you, who went through all this mess, instigate and have all the “answers” for a piece of land that you only spent one day on?!!!

Mind boggled.......

Bugar from Skople

pre 12 godina

Police arrest 10 Serb in Gracanica but not arrest 100 Arnaut in Djakovica at front of the church. After inspection all Serb is free - no good to be organ donnor otherwise they will be finish in one of the albo bunkers.

What difference does my name make!

pre 12 godina

@ Mirel
I am not saying that damolishing the churches is a good thing.

"BUT", I'm sensing you forgot to continue your sentence with the word "BUT", which would imply the desecration's are somehow justified.

@ Mirel
However those churches have been there for serevral hundered years.During this period albanians used to rule Kosovo several times.Why they didnt demolish the churches then?

Several means any number from 1 to 3, don't you mean for 7 or 8 hundred years like
Манастир Свети Арханђели -1343
Богородица Љевишка-1307
Пећка патријаршија-1235
Свети Урош-1371
Високи Дечани-1327
...these are just a few there are dozens more as you all know, but refuse to acknowledge.
Can you name me some Albanian churhes/monasteries from this period or earlier, just 1 maybe?
You see before the Ottomans and after it was the Serbs who ruled over Kosovo and they were the majority up untill early 20th century.

@ Mirel,
I dont think K-Alb care about the churches and monestaries.

Isn't that obvious for the whole world to see, if they did care why would the destroy them!

@ Mirel
I know Crist is born,since Dec 25,where we albanians have Christmas.!

...also why the sarcastic reply when I sent christian greetings to a fellow believer it just shows that there is nothing christian about your hateful mentality. Im sure your forefathers celebrated on the 7th at one point in time before they changed the calender.
No sarcasm intended.

What difference does my name make!

pre 12 godina

Chew on that….
(Pls say it ain't so!!!, 9 January 2013 22:03)

"Murders and rapes, that the likes of ME have committed ", "affected by my atrocities", sorry dude last time I was there was in 1986 and I was 12 and I was only in Kosovo for a day.
I know a little about atrocites, my grandfather told me about a place called Jasenovac, all of his brothers and sisters and mum and dad and grandparents are still there in a mass grave. Do a little research, Serbs know very well about atrocities and who comitted them, infact maybe ask your Albanian elders about it, they had their own Nazi SS Division, just like Bosnian muslims and Croatians, nice little collaboration not unlike today!
...and as for chewing...I'm actually chewing on christmas Pork! You can have some if you like but we all know YOU guys prefer American A**!!

What difference does my name make!

pre 12 godina

English please....

I thought this was an English web site not a Russian one!!!!
(Pls say it ain't so!!!, 10 January 2013 02:12)

No, not Russian or an English web site, it's Serbian. It's in English so that Albo's like yourself can keep up to date since you don't have your own Albanian web sites, you see, we cater for all!!
Don't worry if you cant read Cyrillic as my main emphasis were the dates. Can you read numbers?, they're in Arabic numerals, you can ask your local Imam for help if you get stuck!

What difference does my name make!

pre 12 godina

(Pls say it ain't so!!!, 10 January 2013 11:23)

Obviously not me specifically, you dont even know me, I'm not an imbecile, and I didnt think you were untill you felt you had to point that out!, what you meant was Serbs of the "likes" of me, which is worse, it just shows your resentful mentality, for you there are no good Serbs!, we're all monsters!?
..and just because my father is from Bosna (thank God its Republica Srpska),
I was born and grew up in Serbia less than an hours drive from Kosovo (which was/is Serbia) and I saw with my own eyes Serbs from Kosovo move to our town, they were ethnically cleansed by intimidation in the 80's! and I said the last time I was there was in 86, it wasnt my only time, so maybe you should pay more attention while reading and make less assumptions. I also have family who had to leave Kosovo in 2000, so no preaching.
..and whats with "My Enemy is your Enemy" are Serbs your Allies?, maybe you meant "The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend", and even that doesnt make sense in our case, that explains your mind being boggled.
I'll pass on the A** thanks , but Im glad you got to taste Serb A** because the human brain never forgets scent or taste.
..and your right Kosovo is not Jasenovac, in Jasenovac HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of Serbs were EXTERMINATED.

Thankyou for the Christmas greetings, if they were genuine you would have sent them to all Serbs on the Day!

But I accept your condolences, though theyre not necessary.
