Wednesday, 31.10.2012.


Kosovo is my personal matter, Clinton says

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in Priština Wednesday that Kosovo’s independence was indisputable.

Izvor: B92

Kosovo is my personal matter, Clinton says IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 12 godina

Why should this be viewed as a 'personal matter'?

I am sure that it is personal to my peaceful and decent Serbian friends who were forced out of Kosovo by Albanians long before Milosevic's time.

Part of the mess-up in Kosovo is because Bill was embroiled in a sex scandal and didn't do his presidential job properly.

Now that was very personal for Hilary.

It does not justify her supporting this idi attempt however.


pre 12 godina

oh no Peggy, that is an emotional argument. you know how you look at serbia separating from the Ottomans as liberation, well that's how we look at our separation from Serbia. you want to draw more parallels, over 90% of those who live in Kosova are happy about it. what Kosova has done is not unique, is not the first time it has happened and it sure as hell won't be the last


pre 12 godina

Depends if you believe UN membership is what makes one a state. Serbia too has been created the Kosova way, you know, declaring itself independent from the Ottoman Empire, without the consent of the Ottomans. The US also came into existance the same way
WT? Are you saying that Serbs are Ottomans who discovered Serbia and then decided to declare independence? If you are comparing Serbs with Americans then you would have to be saying this otherwise you are being extemely ridiculous.
The fact that Serbia was occupied by the Ottomans in no way resembles America. Serbs LIBERATED themselves from the Ottomans. Serbs were always separate.
If you want to present some argument, the least you could do is present it with actual hisotrical truth.
If however, you are comparing Serbs and Kosovo to the way it happened in America you are wrong again. Kosovo was never Albanian. Show me some historical evidence that it was. I am looking for facts not stories your grandpa told you.

Balkan Anthropologist

pre 12 godina

Careful Hillary with getting too close to Thaci. Albright can be quite bitchy when someone gets in front of her man :)

Balkan Anthropologist

pre 12 godina

I would say that our Independent state of Kosova has been permently etched in stone & iron!
Job well done, EU, USA , Kosova!
(Rocky, 31 October 2012 16:23)

LOL yeah at the expense of at least losing the north. Get ready to bend over and take it a lot more in order for "good neighborly relations" to be concluded :)


pre 12 godina

"There is no such thing as a free lunch."

since so many Serbs believe that China & Russia are going to come your rescue, what will your price for that help be? If the wrost we have to suffer is to pay for Chelsea's education (apparently) then I figure we got the better end of the deal


pre 12 godina

"MILAN.... it is important that they are with us, how we have achieved this, with money or with a dinner party it is less important and we will keep it top secret, maybe forever.
(drini., 1 November 2012 17:47)"

The US has no friends, only interests. Kosovo Albanians are as disposable as everybody else. The only top secret is that it has been not allowed to publish the real dirty stuff in the Western press, but that will change one day. Plus Thaci and fellow thugs will be paying dearly until the day they die and then the next generation will pay (and Thaci will pay again in hell). There is no such thing as a free lunch. Enjoy your ride while you can because sooner than later it will be over.


pre 12 godina

MILAN.... it is important that they are with us, how we have achieved this, with money or with a dinner party it is less important and we will keep it top secret, maybe forever.


pre 12 godina

Of course it is of personal interest. The Kosovo war distraction saved her hubby's butt and most likely Thaci himself paid for Chelsea to go to Stanford, Oxford, and Columbia (not the cheapest places to get some education), and finally the monthly "protection" money Thaci and his clan pay to various people in the US political elite be left alone running a mafia paradise (if you are the mafia, of course).


pre 12 godina

well, if Killary thinks this is personal... than it will be a personal loss for her. But I doubt that she will be alive to witness it.

but the Clinton-family will some day in the future see their personal matter do down the river.

and that is good.

bye bye Killary!


pre 12 godina

Usually before negotiations the parties state maximal, unambiguous and not realistic positions.

The US is doing precisely this, i.e. there will be no division of Kosovo(what Serbia is really aiming for and which is in her best interest as it can use it later on Bosnia). But the visit means also pressure for Pristina to accept autonomy for the north which will be the later bargaining point for US and EU represented by Pristina (note that Pristina is in no position to make demands and its leader holds dear only the chair and in return doesn't mind be a puppet since EU and US back it against the opposition). He is hardly bright or holds Alb interests at heart.

Serbia is also doing the same by stating that it will never recognize UDI. What it really hopes is a division of Kosovo. After the fall of Milosevic Serbia leaned towards more democratic leaders to only change again towards radicals. However what is interesting is that radicals have become realists and know that Kosovo is lost (that's what disappoints most nationalist here). The country barely escaped bankruptcy and knows that Kosovo is a heavy burden and a great political cost.

So what i expect is maximal efforts for a solution at this time. But i don't think that Belgrade will recognize Kosovo for northern autonomy (what is the real aim of EU and US) to much political costs there. Hence we face two scenarios: frozen conflict or a territorial swap which couldn't be used later as a pretext for regional repercussions.


pre 12 godina

All the decision makers in US, UK and EU who were actively involved in stopping the deportation and massacres of Kosovars in 1999 are extremely proud of their work as they should be. Politicians, journalists, humanitarian workers, soldiers, intellectuals all of them are proud.

We shall never forget them and we shall never stop admiring the democracies that their nations have. The sense of justice that underpins these democracies was the base for their solidarity with the sufferings of Kosova. Remember that even those democratic countries that have not recognized Kosova yet did actively take part in bombing in 1999. The just cause of the 1999 campaign has never been questioned by anyone even the countries that do not recognize Kosova as independent today. They too are proud of their active role in defending the disarmed population of Kosova.

We are very proud with all of you as well.


pre 12 godina

Washington, Saturday. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is leaving the door open to continuing to serve under President Barack Obama" This is one news from 28.10., OK I understand that people ony "reading"" Blic etc have another view of the world, for them Serbia is together with FYROM the most powerful nation in the world. And alsoin the case that a new Head of the State Department would come, the US foreign policy is going on, esspecially in such unimportant cases like Serbia.


pre 12 godina

"Sure, Serbia has not to recognize Kosovo, only to accept the admissin to the UN. So Serbia MUST at the end accepting this establish correct realtions within the framework of the UN-charta. "
(Charles, 31 October 2012 17:05)

Not going to happen,our southern province will not be allowed to enter the UN,NATO and EU!

You know that!That wont even be a topic of the talks!

You think Russians and Chinese are that stupid not to know that every such move by Serbia(which will not happen,bet lets assume it)would only be the result of external pressure?

Why should they do this?


pre 12 godina

She better not sound too sincere. The Albanians in Kosovo might start naming their children "Hillary" and erecting more gold statues.


pre 12 godina

Comm. Parrisson

Depends if you believe UN membership is what makes one a state. Serbia too has been created the Kosova way, you know, declaring itself independent from the Ottoman Empire, without the consent of the Ottomans. The US also came into existance the same way. p.s. you're also wrong, its not NON-recognized, but partially recognised. you seem to believe in a world where law rules circumstance, its actually the other way around


pre 12 godina

Kosovo - Clintons personal matter of intressts ?.

I Quote -

“For me, my family and my fellow Americans this is more than a foreign policy issue, it is personal,” Clinton stressed.

Comment -

Sure thing !

But You and Your Familys Personal matter and interessts,
will learn the Hard Way.

When the USs Foreign Policy interessts,
will demand another stand,
and will sacrifice You and Your Familys Personal interessts,
against USs own.

By Looser !.



pre 12 godina

What is going on! When Madelaine Albright got hugged by Hashim Thaci she had the same look of ecstacy on her face as Hilary Clinton. Is it the women or is it the position of US Secretary of State!


pre 12 godina

Shall I keep going?
I would say that our Independent state of Kosova has been permently etched in stone & iron!
Job well done, EU, USA , Kosova!
(Rocky, 31 October 2012 16:23)

Please don't keep going. You Albanians are rejoicing as if God has spoken. Relax, it's only Ms Clinton after all.
The rest of the world has something different to say.
If you think that Serbia territory is America's personal property to give away at will then you are very delusional indeed. Serbia is NOT anyone's property to give away.

I Win I Won me me me

pre 12 godina

What does she mean "it's personal"? Isn't a politician supposed to make decisions based upon the best interests of all concerned, and not upon her own personal beliefs, wishes, desires?
It seems to me that making foreign policy decisions on the basis of that which is personal is an ethical violation
of office. Throw all reason to the wind, I AM GOING TO DO WHAT I WANT! Isn't that the height of egotism?
Seems to me this is another case of "I did it because I could", although in the first case it was the other Clinton.


pre 12 godina

Gone are the days when America can bomb without repercussions.

Russia, China, India, Brazil are the new world powers and none of them recognise an independent Kosovo.

America are doing everything they can to keep their hold on power but unfortunately it changes with the times and their time is fading.

The EU is nothing special and should not be a "dream" of the people of Kosovo or Serbia.

Kosovo is legally part of Serbia (in her constitution) and it does not matter what someone from over 10,000 kilometres thinks or says i.e. Hilary Clinton.

Sam D

pre 12 godina

Don't worry about Hillary she is leaving her position as secretary of state in disgrace due to her mishandling the situation in Benghazi Libya.
This is not going away regardless of who wins the election. In fact there could be a scenario where her judgment concerning the bombing of Serbia and propping up the current regime in Pristina can become a political issue in the United States in the future along with the other debacles the United States has promoted in the last 20 years.

So albanians count your days for continued American support. They will drop you in the same way they did Mubarak,Assad,Saddam Hussein, Karzai and many others


pre 12 godina

Its so amusing to read this stuff and yet one tiny nation is putting a stop to their plans.

This young lass is even more vicious than anyone can imagine and she would have forced Belgrade to accept an indepdnet Kosovo and yet something is stopping a superpower from doing just that.

One can only sum it up as all show and nothing else. I wonder if the Albanians can put “For me, my family and my fellow Americans this is more than a foreign policy issue, it is personal” into their pots to cook or heat their homes this winter. Or perhaps these words have a magic meaning with GM or Ford or Microsoft opening up offices in Pristina? No I hear you say. It means more of the same of going nowhere..

Looking at the picture, I wonder if she checked her wallet was still in her purse or her watch on her hand? Poor George Bush lost his watch and nearly his pants to the Albanians allies.


pre 12 godina

How long has it been since we've seen Dick and Hillary together? Personally, I haven't seen it for a long time. However, looking at Hillary and Thaci, I'd say Hillary she has found herself a new Bill. No wonder this is personal to her and her fellow Americans.


pre 12 godina

"According to different news agencies its unclear if Clinton would not serve another term under Obama if he is re-elected.
(Paul, 31 October 2012 17:12) "

She has said on numerous occasions recently that she is stepping down as Secretary of State at the end of Obama's current term. What is unclear is whether she will run for president in 2016.


pre 12 godina

A picture is worth 1000 words...The Secretary of State being embraced in that type of Sexual position,will only be interpreted as Demeaning and Misogynist...Don't fool yourself people of KiM ...Hilary ,Grew up in a time when woman such as herself were fighting for Gender equality ...but your culture and your mind can't wrap around the concept of equality of the Genders?! Hashish Tachi,the fool that keeps on giving...


pre 12 godina

5 EU states

The reason they have not recognized Kosovo/a is because of internal issues that are similar to what Serbia is going through. Spain is a prime example. A large region of its territory might succeed to separate if its economy continues to tank. If that happens then it will have to recognized Kosovo/a, not on the principle of international law as many have pointed out and the world court has said that a udi is not against international law.

So arguing that the 5 members do not recognize Kosovo/a is not based on their respect for the law but they do not want to set a precedent and have their internal factions request a UDI at home. So it’s a fine line. They'd rather have Serbia agree to it with Prishtina in this way so they can recognize Kosovo/a once this happens but not before.

China has the same problem as Spain does. It will not recognize Kosovo/a because it has several separatist groups on its supposed territory. Tibet is a prime example but other regions as well.


pre 12 godina

"Ashton said that the EU pathway was not easy but that Kosovo would in the end be a country where law and order are respected and economic prosperity is ensured."

WHEN? in the end ? not anytime soon then ? that is realistic....

PS: Albanians often like to deride Serbia and its EU chances on this forum but lets be realistic,"Kosova"needs Serbia's good will in order to make progress and need to negotiate and be ready to make concessions in the process.Criminals,gangs and corrupted officials don't want that anytime soon.

Let's suppose that relations where suddenly at their best and everybody would be friendly and co-operative with each other like in a fairy tale,it would still take a very,very long time before integration happens and even longer before a betterment of the lives of the countries and the people...So be ready to be very,very patient before seeing any beginning of improvement "in the end".

Comm. Parrisson

pre 12 godina

"Sure, Serbia has not to recognize Kosovo, only to accept the admissin to the UN. So Serbia MUST at the end accepting this establish correct realtions within the framework of the UN-charta. "
(Charles, 31 October 2012 17:05)

It's not up to Serbia to decide about an UN admission of Kosovo. This is something the UNSC permanent member states decide about. And as long as no mutual agreed solution is found, Kosovo should forget about ever becoming an UN member because Russia and China will oppose the creation of a new state by secessionists amongst an ethnical minority within the borders of a recognized state. And what 'framework of the UN-charta" should this be? Kosovo is not an UN member, so nothing apples to this self-proclaimed, not recognized state.


pre 12 godina

"...that Kosovo’s integrity will not be a topic of the talks, that Kosovo’s independence is a done deal as far as the U.S. is concerned "

Yes, as far as the U.S. is concerned, but nor as far as Russia and China, to name some of the biggest countries in the world, is concerned.


pre 12 godina

It should be clear that Russia and much more China will not be more Serbian as the Serbs. After an OK from Belgrade -what means not to vote with NO within the UN- there will be no reason for China and also Russia to stop the admission in the SC. The position of both countries was ever, to support the Serb position. When Serbia is changig its position, both countries will not stop Kosovo, what not means they must vote with Yes. For China this is a European affair and the strategic interests with EU are bigger as the realtions with unimportant state Serbia. On the long run, China will have also no trouble with the Albanians. All depends from belögrade, but such big states will not depending from the capitulation-policy of Serbs at all.


pre 12 godina

The photos from Belgrade and Prishtina are showing the difference, Clinton is feeling in Prishtina at home, not in Belgrade. And Dacic&Nikolic are again in a corner without any perspective with their idea, the status could be one topic of the coming talks. These talks will onyl demand from Serbia to give away step by step the position of the Serbian constitution. Sure, Serbia has not to recognize Kosovo, only to accept the admissin to the UN. So Serbia MUST at the end accepting this establish correct realtions within the framework of the UN-charta. Serbias "heros" are driving the poor country again in the outlaw-position. And the EU has no intentions to accept Serbia at all as new member like Turkey etc. And for all this Serbia will get, hwat it has, a conditional date for talks, endless talks, not so in hurry how the EU demands from Serbia with Kosovo. Why the EU needs years and years and Serbia should sign and will sign papers which are made with no interest and knowledge, not accepting the main stones of Serbias interests. The visit to Belgrade was again a blamge of Dacic with his amateur-partner Nikolic. There was no one friendly word of Clinton towards Serbia like in Kosovo, where she understood the historical reasons for anti-serbian feelings at all. We can imagine how the "compromise proposals" of the EU/USA will look like.


pre 12 godina

hey Daniel, rather be a stooge of America than a slave of Serbia :-)
(Nikolle, 31 October 2012 16:50)
That first part says a lot about you. I'd rather not be either. Be free, love yourself.


pre 12 godina

Kosovo independence guaranteed? Really? How longs it been now? 12 years? 17 from the start of the war? and no UN recognition (majority still on Serbia's side mind you) and not even all NATO or EU states for that matter. Why is it you might ask? How is it that Kosovo has not achieved the same level of independence of, lets say Montengro... a much smaller territory. Serbia, thats how :)

You can call it a country all day long until you turn blue in the face. But lets see if that smirk is still on everyone's face 20, 50, 100 years from now. Remember... the US is not the first foreign empire to forcefully remove Kosovo from Serbia and most likely not the last. But get it through your head... you CANNOT win. At the end of the day, its Serbian land. Serbia was FOUNDED in Kosovo for $%A$# sake! No denying that and no way around it. No matter what you say or what deals you make with any future (or present) puppet government. Whatever foreigners say or do CAN and WILL eventually be UNDONE.

Just ask the Ottomans, just ask the NAZI, neither superpower invaded Kosovo thinking they would ever lose control... Well, what you gonna do. You know how the saying goes, Karma is a ______.


pre 12 godina

My Dear Serbian Friends...don't take this statement seriously . "it is personal,” Clinton stressed. That means ,she's retiring from public life and she's looking for a job selling interests(I'm sure she would throw the albanians under the bus ,for the right price)...american people don't give a dam about the Balkans...stay the course , support your friend and freedoms,this will pass...


pre 12 godina

If you read the message underlying what Hillary said, you will see that every cloud has a black lining and friendship is not free. Her message is that you'd better do what we tell you or else. Even her message included the fact that Kosovo's integrity is not globally acknowleged. Note that she qualified her statement with "as far as the US is concerned." What about other countries. Fortunately for Hillary, Kosovo's Albanians are more than willing to bend over and take it from the US for money. We should have you come over and clean my shoes before I go to work every morning. That's the price you will have to pay for this so called "partnership". Interesting how she is willing to hug someone accuesed of all sorts of crimes. Then again, she does hug Bill...


pre 12 godina

1. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in Priština Wednesday that Kosovo’s independence was indisputable.

2.After the meeting with Thaci, Clinton said that the U.S. would not allow anyone to question Kosovo’s independence.

3.“We are opposed to every talk on the change of borders or reopening of the issue of Kosovo’s independence. This cannot be discussed,” the U.S. official noted.

4.The U.S. secretary of state said that the U.S. had always supported the people of Kosovo and they would stay partners on Kosovo's further path of development.

5.Ashton said that the EU pathway was not easy but that Kosovo would in the end be a country where law and order are respected and economic prosperity is ensured.

Shall I keep going?
I would say that our Independent state of Kosova has been permently etched in stone & iron!
Job well done, EU, USA , Kosova!


pre 12 godina

Hey Dori, the sun rose in the west for the Kurds in Iraq and the students in Iran as well. Please come back to this b92 the day the U.S. turns it's back on pristina as it has to so many and tell us all where the sun rises.

Comm. Parrisson

pre 12 godina

Priština-based Albanian language daily Zeri has quoted analyst Behgjet Shala as saying that “Priština is not in a position to request anything”.

See, even in Kosovo there are some people who have a realistic view on the situaation.


pre 12 godina

Dori tirana, you like the picture because this freak show backs an Albanian KiM, if they didn't, you would be saying horrible things, wouldn't you? BTW, how are those organ harvesting investigations against Thaci and the KLA going on, what is the news out of tirana?


pre 12 godina

My Dear Serbian Friends...don't take this statement seriously . "it is personal,” Clinton stressed. That means ,she's retiring from public life and she's looking for a job selling interests(I'm sure she would throw the albanians under the bus ,for the right price)...american people don't give a dam about the Balkans...stay the course , support your friend and freedoms,this will pass...

Comm. Parrisson

pre 12 godina

Priština-based Albanian language daily Zeri has quoted analyst Behgjet Shala as saying that “Priština is not in a position to request anything”.

See, even in Kosovo there are some people who have a realistic view on the situaation.


pre 12 godina

Dori tirana, you like the picture because this freak show backs an Albanian KiM, if they didn't, you would be saying horrible things, wouldn't you? BTW, how are those organ harvesting investigations against Thaci and the KLA going on, what is the news out of tirana?


pre 12 godina

Hey Dori, the sun rose in the west for the Kurds in Iraq and the students in Iran as well. Please come back to this b92 the day the U.S. turns it's back on pristina as it has to so many and tell us all where the sun rises.


pre 12 godina

If you read the message underlying what Hillary said, you will see that every cloud has a black lining and friendship is not free. Her message is that you'd better do what we tell you or else. Even her message included the fact that Kosovo's integrity is not globally acknowleged. Note that she qualified her statement with "as far as the US is concerned." What about other countries. Fortunately for Hillary, Kosovo's Albanians are more than willing to bend over and take it from the US for money. We should have you come over and clean my shoes before I go to work every morning. That's the price you will have to pay for this so called "partnership". Interesting how she is willing to hug someone accuesed of all sorts of crimes. Then again, she does hug Bill...


pre 12 godina

Kosovo independence guaranteed? Really? How longs it been now? 12 years? 17 from the start of the war? and no UN recognition (majority still on Serbia's side mind you) and not even all NATO or EU states for that matter. Why is it you might ask? How is it that Kosovo has not achieved the same level of independence of, lets say Montengro... a much smaller territory. Serbia, thats how :)

You can call it a country all day long until you turn blue in the face. But lets see if that smirk is still on everyone's face 20, 50, 100 years from now. Remember... the US is not the first foreign empire to forcefully remove Kosovo from Serbia and most likely not the last. But get it through your head... you CANNOT win. At the end of the day, its Serbian land. Serbia was FOUNDED in Kosovo for $%A$# sake! No denying that and no way around it. No matter what you say or what deals you make with any future (or present) puppet government. Whatever foreigners say or do CAN and WILL eventually be UNDONE.

Just ask the Ottomans, just ask the NAZI, neither superpower invaded Kosovo thinking they would ever lose control... Well, what you gonna do. You know how the saying goes, Karma is a ______.


pre 12 godina

5 EU states

The reason they have not recognized Kosovo/a is because of internal issues that are similar to what Serbia is going through. Spain is a prime example. A large region of its territory might succeed to separate if its economy continues to tank. If that happens then it will have to recognized Kosovo/a, not on the principle of international law as many have pointed out and the world court has said that a udi is not against international law.

So arguing that the 5 members do not recognize Kosovo/a is not based on their respect for the law but they do not want to set a precedent and have their internal factions request a UDI at home. So it’s a fine line. They'd rather have Serbia agree to it with Prishtina in this way so they can recognize Kosovo/a once this happens but not before.

China has the same problem as Spain does. It will not recognize Kosovo/a because it has several separatist groups on its supposed territory. Tibet is a prime example but other regions as well.


pre 12 godina

1. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in Priština Wednesday that Kosovo’s independence was indisputable.

2.After the meeting with Thaci, Clinton said that the U.S. would not allow anyone to question Kosovo’s independence.

3.“We are opposed to every talk on the change of borders or reopening of the issue of Kosovo’s independence. This cannot be discussed,” the U.S. official noted.

4.The U.S. secretary of state said that the U.S. had always supported the people of Kosovo and they would stay partners on Kosovo's further path of development.

5.Ashton said that the EU pathway was not easy but that Kosovo would in the end be a country where law and order are respected and economic prosperity is ensured.

Shall I keep going?
I would say that our Independent state of Kosova has been permently etched in stone & iron!
Job well done, EU, USA , Kosova!


pre 12 godina

"Ashton said that the EU pathway was not easy but that Kosovo would in the end be a country where law and order are respected and economic prosperity is ensured."

WHEN? in the end ? not anytime soon then ? that is realistic....

PS: Albanians often like to deride Serbia and its EU chances on this forum but lets be realistic,"Kosova"needs Serbia's good will in order to make progress and need to negotiate and be ready to make concessions in the process.Criminals,gangs and corrupted officials don't want that anytime soon.

Let's suppose that relations where suddenly at their best and everybody would be friendly and co-operative with each other like in a fairy tale,it would still take a very,very long time before integration happens and even longer before a betterment of the lives of the countries and the people...So be ready to be very,very patient before seeing any beginning of improvement "in the end".


pre 12 godina

hey Daniel, rather be a stooge of America than a slave of Serbia :-)
(Nikolle, 31 October 2012 16:50)
That first part says a lot about you. I'd rather not be either. Be free, love yourself.


pre 12 godina

"...that Kosovo’s integrity will not be a topic of the talks, that Kosovo’s independence is a done deal as far as the U.S. is concerned "

Yes, as far as the U.S. is concerned, but nor as far as Russia and China, to name some of the biggest countries in the world, is concerned.


pre 12 godina

A picture is worth 1000 words...The Secretary of State being embraced in that type of Sexual position,will only be interpreted as Demeaning and Misogynist...Don't fool yourself people of KiM ...Hilary ,Grew up in a time when woman such as herself were fighting for Gender equality ...but your culture and your mind can't wrap around the concept of equality of the Genders?! Hashish Tachi,the fool that keeps on giving...

Comm. Parrisson

pre 12 godina

"Sure, Serbia has not to recognize Kosovo, only to accept the admissin to the UN. So Serbia MUST at the end accepting this establish correct realtions within the framework of the UN-charta. "
(Charles, 31 October 2012 17:05)

It's not up to Serbia to decide about an UN admission of Kosovo. This is something the UNSC permanent member states decide about. And as long as no mutual agreed solution is found, Kosovo should forget about ever becoming an UN member because Russia and China will oppose the creation of a new state by secessionists amongst an ethnical minority within the borders of a recognized state. And what 'framework of the UN-charta" should this be? Kosovo is not an UN member, so nothing apples to this self-proclaimed, not recognized state.


pre 12 godina

The photos from Belgrade and Prishtina are showing the difference, Clinton is feeling in Prishtina at home, not in Belgrade. And Dacic&Nikolic are again in a corner without any perspective with their idea, the status could be one topic of the coming talks. These talks will onyl demand from Serbia to give away step by step the position of the Serbian constitution. Sure, Serbia has not to recognize Kosovo, only to accept the admissin to the UN. So Serbia MUST at the end accepting this establish correct realtions within the framework of the UN-charta. Serbias "heros" are driving the poor country again in the outlaw-position. And the EU has no intentions to accept Serbia at all as new member like Turkey etc. And for all this Serbia will get, hwat it has, a conditional date for talks, endless talks, not so in hurry how the EU demands from Serbia with Kosovo. Why the EU needs years and years and Serbia should sign and will sign papers which are made with no interest and knowledge, not accepting the main stones of Serbias interests. The visit to Belgrade was again a blamge of Dacic with his amateur-partner Nikolic. There was no one friendly word of Clinton towards Serbia like in Kosovo, where she understood the historical reasons for anti-serbian feelings at all. We can imagine how the "compromise proposals" of the EU/USA will look like.


pre 12 godina

It should be clear that Russia and much more China will not be more Serbian as the Serbs. After an OK from Belgrade -what means not to vote with NO within the UN- there will be no reason for China and also Russia to stop the admission in the SC. The position of both countries was ever, to support the Serb position. When Serbia is changig its position, both countries will not stop Kosovo, what not means they must vote with Yes. For China this is a European affair and the strategic interests with EU are bigger as the realtions with unimportant state Serbia. On the long run, China will have also no trouble with the Albanians. All depends from belögrade, but such big states will not depending from the capitulation-policy of Serbs at all.


pre 12 godina

"According to different news agencies its unclear if Clinton would not serve another term under Obama if he is re-elected.
(Paul, 31 October 2012 17:12) "

She has said on numerous occasions recently that she is stepping down as Secretary of State at the end of Obama's current term. What is unclear is whether she will run for president in 2016.


pre 12 godina

Shall I keep going?
I would say that our Independent state of Kosova has been permently etched in stone & iron!
Job well done, EU, USA , Kosova!
(Rocky, 31 October 2012 16:23)

Please don't keep going. You Albanians are rejoicing as if God has spoken. Relax, it's only Ms Clinton after all.
The rest of the world has something different to say.
If you think that Serbia territory is America's personal property to give away at will then you are very delusional indeed. Serbia is NOT anyone's property to give away.

Balkan Anthropologist

pre 12 godina

Careful Hillary with getting too close to Thaci. Albright can be quite bitchy when someone gets in front of her man :)

I Win I Won me me me

pre 12 godina

What does she mean "it's personal"? Isn't a politician supposed to make decisions based upon the best interests of all concerned, and not upon her own personal beliefs, wishes, desires?
It seems to me that making foreign policy decisions on the basis of that which is personal is an ethical violation
of office. Throw all reason to the wind, I AM GOING TO DO WHAT I WANT! Isn't that the height of egotism?
Seems to me this is another case of "I did it because I could", although in the first case it was the other Clinton.


pre 12 godina

Of course it is of personal interest. The Kosovo war distraction saved her hubby's butt and most likely Thaci himself paid for Chelsea to go to Stanford, Oxford, and Columbia (not the cheapest places to get some education), and finally the monthly "protection" money Thaci and his clan pay to various people in the US political elite be left alone running a mafia paradise (if you are the mafia, of course).


pre 12 godina

Depends if you believe UN membership is what makes one a state. Serbia too has been created the Kosova way, you know, declaring itself independent from the Ottoman Empire, without the consent of the Ottomans. The US also came into existance the same way
WT? Are you saying that Serbs are Ottomans who discovered Serbia and then decided to declare independence? If you are comparing Serbs with Americans then you would have to be saying this otherwise you are being extemely ridiculous.
The fact that Serbia was occupied by the Ottomans in no way resembles America. Serbs LIBERATED themselves from the Ottomans. Serbs were always separate.
If you want to present some argument, the least you could do is present it with actual hisotrical truth.
If however, you are comparing Serbs and Kosovo to the way it happened in America you are wrong again. Kosovo was never Albanian. Show me some historical evidence that it was. I am looking for facts not stories your grandpa told you.


pre 12 godina

"MILAN.... it is important that they are with us, how we have achieved this, with money or with a dinner party it is less important and we will keep it top secret, maybe forever.
(drini., 1 November 2012 17:47)"

The US has no friends, only interests. Kosovo Albanians are as disposable as everybody else. The only top secret is that it has been not allowed to publish the real dirty stuff in the Western press, but that will change one day. Plus Thaci and fellow thugs will be paying dearly until the day they die and then the next generation will pay (and Thaci will pay again in hell). There is no such thing as a free lunch. Enjoy your ride while you can because sooner than later it will be over.


pre 12 godina

well, if Killary thinks this is personal... than it will be a personal loss for her. But I doubt that she will be alive to witness it.

but the Clinton-family will some day in the future see their personal matter do down the river.

and that is good.

bye bye Killary!

Balkan Anthropologist

pre 12 godina

I would say that our Independent state of Kosova has been permently etched in stone & iron!
Job well done, EU, USA , Kosova!
(Rocky, 31 October 2012 16:23)

LOL yeah at the expense of at least losing the north. Get ready to bend over and take it a lot more in order for "good neighborly relations" to be concluded :)


pre 12 godina

How long has it been since we've seen Dick and Hillary together? Personally, I haven't seen it for a long time. However, looking at Hillary and Thaci, I'd say Hillary she has found herself a new Bill. No wonder this is personal to her and her fellow Americans.


pre 12 godina

Gone are the days when America can bomb without repercussions.

Russia, China, India, Brazil are the new world powers and none of them recognise an independent Kosovo.

America are doing everything they can to keep their hold on power but unfortunately it changes with the times and their time is fading.

The EU is nothing special and should not be a "dream" of the people of Kosovo or Serbia.

Kosovo is legally part of Serbia (in her constitution) and it does not matter what someone from over 10,000 kilometres thinks or says i.e. Hilary Clinton.


pre 12 godina

She better not sound too sincere. The Albanians in Kosovo might start naming their children "Hillary" and erecting more gold statues.

Sam D

pre 12 godina

Don't worry about Hillary she is leaving her position as secretary of state in disgrace due to her mishandling the situation in Benghazi Libya.
This is not going away regardless of who wins the election. In fact there could be a scenario where her judgment concerning the bombing of Serbia and propping up the current regime in Pristina can become a political issue in the United States in the future along with the other debacles the United States has promoted in the last 20 years.

So albanians count your days for continued American support. They will drop you in the same way they did Mubarak,Assad,Saddam Hussein, Karzai and many others


pre 12 godina

Comm. Parrisson

Depends if you believe UN membership is what makes one a state. Serbia too has been created the Kosova way, you know, declaring itself independent from the Ottoman Empire, without the consent of the Ottomans. The US also came into existance the same way. p.s. you're also wrong, its not NON-recognized, but partially recognised. you seem to believe in a world where law rules circumstance, its actually the other way around


pre 12 godina

"Sure, Serbia has not to recognize Kosovo, only to accept the admissin to the UN. So Serbia MUST at the end accepting this establish correct realtions within the framework of the UN-charta. "
(Charles, 31 October 2012 17:05)

Not going to happen,our southern province will not be allowed to enter the UN,NATO and EU!

You know that!That wont even be a topic of the talks!

You think Russians and Chinese are that stupid not to know that every such move by Serbia(which will not happen,bet lets assume it)would only be the result of external pressure?

Why should they do this?


pre 12 godina

Its so amusing to read this stuff and yet one tiny nation is putting a stop to their plans.

This young lass is even more vicious than anyone can imagine and she would have forced Belgrade to accept an indepdnet Kosovo and yet something is stopping a superpower from doing just that.

One can only sum it up as all show and nothing else. I wonder if the Albanians can put “For me, my family and my fellow Americans this is more than a foreign policy issue, it is personal” into their pots to cook or heat their homes this winter. Or perhaps these words have a magic meaning with GM or Ford or Microsoft opening up offices in Pristina? No I hear you say. It means more of the same of going nowhere..

Looking at the picture, I wonder if she checked her wallet was still in her purse or her watch on her hand? Poor George Bush lost his watch and nearly his pants to the Albanians allies.


pre 12 godina

What is going on! When Madelaine Albright got hugged by Hashim Thaci she had the same look of ecstacy on her face as Hilary Clinton. Is it the women or is it the position of US Secretary of State!


pre 12 godina

Usually before negotiations the parties state maximal, unambiguous and not realistic positions.

The US is doing precisely this, i.e. there will be no division of Kosovo(what Serbia is really aiming for and which is in her best interest as it can use it later on Bosnia). But the visit means also pressure for Pristina to accept autonomy for the north which will be the later bargaining point for US and EU represented by Pristina (note that Pristina is in no position to make demands and its leader holds dear only the chair and in return doesn't mind be a puppet since EU and US back it against the opposition). He is hardly bright or holds Alb interests at heart.

Serbia is also doing the same by stating that it will never recognize UDI. What it really hopes is a division of Kosovo. After the fall of Milosevic Serbia leaned towards more democratic leaders to only change again towards radicals. However what is interesting is that radicals have become realists and know that Kosovo is lost (that's what disappoints most nationalist here). The country barely escaped bankruptcy and knows that Kosovo is a heavy burden and a great political cost.

So what i expect is maximal efforts for a solution at this time. But i don't think that Belgrade will recognize Kosovo for northern autonomy (what is the real aim of EU and US) to much political costs there. Hence we face two scenarios: frozen conflict or a territorial swap which couldn't be used later as a pretext for regional repercussions.


pre 12 godina

Why should this be viewed as a 'personal matter'?

I am sure that it is personal to my peaceful and decent Serbian friends who were forced out of Kosovo by Albanians long before Milosevic's time.

Part of the mess-up in Kosovo is because Bill was embroiled in a sex scandal and didn't do his presidential job properly.

Now that was very personal for Hilary.

It does not justify her supporting this idi attempt however.


pre 12 godina

Kosovo - Clintons personal matter of intressts ?.

I Quote -

“For me, my family and my fellow Americans this is more than a foreign policy issue, it is personal,” Clinton stressed.

Comment -

Sure thing !

But You and Your Familys Personal matter and interessts,
will learn the Hard Way.

When the USs Foreign Policy interessts,
will demand another stand,
and will sacrifice You and Your Familys Personal interessts,
against USs own.

By Looser !.



pre 12 godina

oh no Peggy, that is an emotional argument. you know how you look at serbia separating from the Ottomans as liberation, well that's how we look at our separation from Serbia. you want to draw more parallels, over 90% of those who live in Kosova are happy about it. what Kosova has done is not unique, is not the first time it has happened and it sure as hell won't be the last


pre 12 godina

All the decision makers in US, UK and EU who were actively involved in stopping the deportation and massacres of Kosovars in 1999 are extremely proud of their work as they should be. Politicians, journalists, humanitarian workers, soldiers, intellectuals all of them are proud.

We shall never forget them and we shall never stop admiring the democracies that their nations have. The sense of justice that underpins these democracies was the base for their solidarity with the sufferings of Kosova. Remember that even those democratic countries that have not recognized Kosova yet did actively take part in bombing in 1999. The just cause of the 1999 campaign has never been questioned by anyone even the countries that do not recognize Kosova as independent today. They too are proud of their active role in defending the disarmed population of Kosova.

We are very proud with all of you as well.


pre 12 godina

MILAN.... it is important that they are with us, how we have achieved this, with money or with a dinner party it is less important and we will keep it top secret, maybe forever.


pre 12 godina

"There is no such thing as a free lunch."

since so many Serbs believe that China & Russia are going to come your rescue, what will your price for that help be? If the wrost we have to suffer is to pay for Chelsea's education (apparently) then I figure we got the better end of the deal


pre 12 godina

Washington, Saturday. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is leaving the door open to continuing to serve under President Barack Obama" This is one news from 28.10., OK I understand that people ony "reading"" Blic etc have another view of the world, for them Serbia is together with FYROM the most powerful nation in the world. And alsoin the case that a new Head of the State Department would come, the US foreign policy is going on, esspecially in such unimportant cases like Serbia.


pre 12 godina

1. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in Priština Wednesday that Kosovo’s independence was indisputable.

2.After the meeting with Thaci, Clinton said that the U.S. would not allow anyone to question Kosovo’s independence.

3.“We are opposed to every talk on the change of borders or reopening of the issue of Kosovo’s independence. This cannot be discussed,” the U.S. official noted.

4.The U.S. secretary of state said that the U.S. had always supported the people of Kosovo and they would stay partners on Kosovo's further path of development.

5.Ashton said that the EU pathway was not easy but that Kosovo would in the end be a country where law and order are respected and economic prosperity is ensured.

Shall I keep going?
I would say that our Independent state of Kosova has been permently etched in stone & iron!
Job well done, EU, USA , Kosova!


pre 12 godina

Dori tirana, you like the picture because this freak show backs an Albanian KiM, if they didn't, you would be saying horrible things, wouldn't you? BTW, how are those organ harvesting investigations against Thaci and the KLA going on, what is the news out of tirana?

Comm. Parrisson

pre 12 godina

Priština-based Albanian language daily Zeri has quoted analyst Behgjet Shala as saying that “Priština is not in a position to request anything”.

See, even in Kosovo there are some people who have a realistic view on the situaation.


pre 12 godina

A picture is worth 1000 words...The Secretary of State being embraced in that type of Sexual position,will only be interpreted as Demeaning and Misogynist...Don't fool yourself people of KiM ...Hilary ,Grew up in a time when woman such as herself were fighting for Gender equality ...but your culture and your mind can't wrap around the concept of equality of the Genders?! Hashish Tachi,the fool that keeps on giving...


pre 12 godina

Hey Dori, the sun rose in the west for the Kurds in Iraq and the students in Iran as well. Please come back to this b92 the day the U.S. turns it's back on pristina as it has to so many and tell us all where the sun rises.


pre 12 godina

If you read the message underlying what Hillary said, you will see that every cloud has a black lining and friendship is not free. Her message is that you'd better do what we tell you or else. Even her message included the fact that Kosovo's integrity is not globally acknowleged. Note that she qualified her statement with "as far as the US is concerned." What about other countries. Fortunately for Hillary, Kosovo's Albanians are more than willing to bend over and take it from the US for money. We should have you come over and clean my shoes before I go to work every morning. That's the price you will have to pay for this so called "partnership". Interesting how she is willing to hug someone accuesed of all sorts of crimes. Then again, she does hug Bill...


pre 12 godina

The photos from Belgrade and Prishtina are showing the difference, Clinton is feeling in Prishtina at home, not in Belgrade. And Dacic&Nikolic are again in a corner without any perspective with their idea, the status could be one topic of the coming talks. These talks will onyl demand from Serbia to give away step by step the position of the Serbian constitution. Sure, Serbia has not to recognize Kosovo, only to accept the admissin to the UN. So Serbia MUST at the end accepting this establish correct realtions within the framework of the UN-charta. Serbias "heros" are driving the poor country again in the outlaw-position. And the EU has no intentions to accept Serbia at all as new member like Turkey etc. And for all this Serbia will get, hwat it has, a conditional date for talks, endless talks, not so in hurry how the EU demands from Serbia with Kosovo. Why the EU needs years and years and Serbia should sign and will sign papers which are made with no interest and knowledge, not accepting the main stones of Serbias interests. The visit to Belgrade was again a blamge of Dacic with his amateur-partner Nikolic. There was no one friendly word of Clinton towards Serbia like in Kosovo, where she understood the historical reasons for anti-serbian feelings at all. We can imagine how the "compromise proposals" of the EU/USA will look like.


pre 12 godina

Kosovo independence guaranteed? Really? How longs it been now? 12 years? 17 from the start of the war? and no UN recognition (majority still on Serbia's side mind you) and not even all NATO or EU states for that matter. Why is it you might ask? How is it that Kosovo has not achieved the same level of independence of, lets say Montengro... a much smaller territory. Serbia, thats how :)

You can call it a country all day long until you turn blue in the face. But lets see if that smirk is still on everyone's face 20, 50, 100 years from now. Remember... the US is not the first foreign empire to forcefully remove Kosovo from Serbia and most likely not the last. But get it through your head... you CANNOT win. At the end of the day, its Serbian land. Serbia was FOUNDED in Kosovo for $%A$# sake! No denying that and no way around it. No matter what you say or what deals you make with any future (or present) puppet government. Whatever foreigners say or do CAN and WILL eventually be UNDONE.

Just ask the Ottomans, just ask the NAZI, neither superpower invaded Kosovo thinking they would ever lose control... Well, what you gonna do. You know how the saying goes, Karma is a ______.


pre 12 godina

My Dear Serbian Friends...don't take this statement seriously . "it is personal,” Clinton stressed. That means ,she's retiring from public life and she's looking for a job selling interests(I'm sure she would throw the albanians under the bus ,for the right price)...american people don't give a dam about the Balkans...stay the course , support your friend and freedoms,this will pass...


pre 12 godina

"...that Kosovo’s integrity will not be a topic of the talks, that Kosovo’s independence is a done deal as far as the U.S. is concerned "

Yes, as far as the U.S. is concerned, but nor as far as Russia and China, to name some of the biggest countries in the world, is concerned.


pre 12 godina

All the decision makers in US, UK and EU who were actively involved in stopping the deportation and massacres of Kosovars in 1999 are extremely proud of their work as they should be. Politicians, journalists, humanitarian workers, soldiers, intellectuals all of them are proud.

We shall never forget them and we shall never stop admiring the democracies that their nations have. The sense of justice that underpins these democracies was the base for their solidarity with the sufferings of Kosova. Remember that even those democratic countries that have not recognized Kosova yet did actively take part in bombing in 1999. The just cause of the 1999 campaign has never been questioned by anyone even the countries that do not recognize Kosova as independent today. They too are proud of their active role in defending the disarmed population of Kosova.

We are very proud with all of you as well.


pre 12 godina

hey Daniel, rather be a stooge of America than a slave of Serbia :-)
(Nikolle, 31 October 2012 16:50)
That first part says a lot about you. I'd rather not be either. Be free, love yourself.


pre 12 godina

It should be clear that Russia and much more China will not be more Serbian as the Serbs. After an OK from Belgrade -what means not to vote with NO within the UN- there will be no reason for China and also Russia to stop the admission in the SC. The position of both countries was ever, to support the Serb position. When Serbia is changig its position, both countries will not stop Kosovo, what not means they must vote with Yes. For China this is a European affair and the strategic interests with EU are bigger as the realtions with unimportant state Serbia. On the long run, China will have also no trouble with the Albanians. All depends from belögrade, but such big states will not depending from the capitulation-policy of Serbs at all.


pre 12 godina

oh no Peggy, that is an emotional argument. you know how you look at serbia separating from the Ottomans as liberation, well that's how we look at our separation from Serbia. you want to draw more parallels, over 90% of those who live in Kosova are happy about it. what Kosova has done is not unique, is not the first time it has happened and it sure as hell won't be the last

Comm. Parrisson

pre 12 godina

"Sure, Serbia has not to recognize Kosovo, only to accept the admissin to the UN. So Serbia MUST at the end accepting this establish correct realtions within the framework of the UN-charta. "
(Charles, 31 October 2012 17:05)

It's not up to Serbia to decide about an UN admission of Kosovo. This is something the UNSC permanent member states decide about. And as long as no mutual agreed solution is found, Kosovo should forget about ever becoming an UN member because Russia and China will oppose the creation of a new state by secessionists amongst an ethnical minority within the borders of a recognized state. And what 'framework of the UN-charta" should this be? Kosovo is not an UN member, so nothing apples to this self-proclaimed, not recognized state.


pre 12 godina

Comm. Parrisson

Depends if you believe UN membership is what makes one a state. Serbia too has been created the Kosova way, you know, declaring itself independent from the Ottoman Empire, without the consent of the Ottomans. The US also came into existance the same way. p.s. you're also wrong, its not NON-recognized, but partially recognised. you seem to believe in a world where law rules circumstance, its actually the other way around


pre 12 godina

MILAN.... it is important that they are with us, how we have achieved this, with money or with a dinner party it is less important and we will keep it top secret, maybe forever.


pre 12 godina

Gone are the days when America can bomb without repercussions.

Russia, China, India, Brazil are the new world powers and none of them recognise an independent Kosovo.

America are doing everything they can to keep their hold on power but unfortunately it changes with the times and their time is fading.

The EU is nothing special and should not be a "dream" of the people of Kosovo or Serbia.

Kosovo is legally part of Serbia (in her constitution) and it does not matter what someone from over 10,000 kilometres thinks or says i.e. Hilary Clinton.

Balkan Anthropologist

pre 12 godina

I would say that our Independent state of Kosova has been permently etched in stone & iron!
Job well done, EU, USA , Kosova!
(Rocky, 31 October 2012 16:23)

LOL yeah at the expense of at least losing the north. Get ready to bend over and take it a lot more in order for "good neighborly relations" to be concluded :)


pre 12 godina

"Ashton said that the EU pathway was not easy but that Kosovo would in the end be a country where law and order are respected and economic prosperity is ensured."

WHEN? in the end ? not anytime soon then ? that is realistic....

PS: Albanians often like to deride Serbia and its EU chances on this forum but lets be realistic,"Kosova"needs Serbia's good will in order to make progress and need to negotiate and be ready to make concessions in the process.Criminals,gangs and corrupted officials don't want that anytime soon.

Let's suppose that relations where suddenly at their best and everybody would be friendly and co-operative with each other like in a fairy tale,it would still take a very,very long time before integration happens and even longer before a betterment of the lives of the countries and the people...So be ready to be very,very patient before seeing any beginning of improvement "in the end".


pre 12 godina

"There is no such thing as a free lunch."

since so many Serbs believe that China & Russia are going to come your rescue, what will your price for that help be? If the wrost we have to suffer is to pay for Chelsea's education (apparently) then I figure we got the better end of the deal

Sam D

pre 12 godina

Don't worry about Hillary she is leaving her position as secretary of state in disgrace due to her mishandling the situation in Benghazi Libya.
This is not going away regardless of who wins the election. In fact there could be a scenario where her judgment concerning the bombing of Serbia and propping up the current regime in Pristina can become a political issue in the United States in the future along with the other debacles the United States has promoted in the last 20 years.

So albanians count your days for continued American support. They will drop you in the same way they did Mubarak,Assad,Saddam Hussein, Karzai and many others


pre 12 godina

Shall I keep going?
I would say that our Independent state of Kosova has been permently etched in stone & iron!
Job well done, EU, USA , Kosova!
(Rocky, 31 October 2012 16:23)

Please don't keep going. You Albanians are rejoicing as if God has spoken. Relax, it's only Ms Clinton after all.
The rest of the world has something different to say.
If you think that Serbia territory is America's personal property to give away at will then you are very delusional indeed. Serbia is NOT anyone's property to give away.


pre 12 godina

"Sure, Serbia has not to recognize Kosovo, only to accept the admissin to the UN. So Serbia MUST at the end accepting this establish correct realtions within the framework of the UN-charta. "
(Charles, 31 October 2012 17:05)

Not going to happen,our southern province will not be allowed to enter the UN,NATO and EU!

You know that!That wont even be a topic of the talks!

You think Russians and Chinese are that stupid not to know that every such move by Serbia(which will not happen,bet lets assume it)would only be the result of external pressure?

Why should they do this?


pre 12 godina

well, if Killary thinks this is personal... than it will be a personal loss for her. But I doubt that she will be alive to witness it.

but the Clinton-family will some day in the future see their personal matter do down the river.

and that is good.

bye bye Killary!


pre 12 godina

"MILAN.... it is important that they are with us, how we have achieved this, with money or with a dinner party it is less important and we will keep it top secret, maybe forever.
(drini., 1 November 2012 17:47)"

The US has no friends, only interests. Kosovo Albanians are as disposable as everybody else. The only top secret is that it has been not allowed to publish the real dirty stuff in the Western press, but that will change one day. Plus Thaci and fellow thugs will be paying dearly until the day they die and then the next generation will pay (and Thaci will pay again in hell). There is no such thing as a free lunch. Enjoy your ride while you can because sooner than later it will be over.


pre 12 godina

5 EU states

The reason they have not recognized Kosovo/a is because of internal issues that are similar to what Serbia is going through. Spain is a prime example. A large region of its territory might succeed to separate if its economy continues to tank. If that happens then it will have to recognized Kosovo/a, not on the principle of international law as many have pointed out and the world court has said that a udi is not against international law.

So arguing that the 5 members do not recognize Kosovo/a is not based on their respect for the law but they do not want to set a precedent and have their internal factions request a UDI at home. So it’s a fine line. They'd rather have Serbia agree to it with Prishtina in this way so they can recognize Kosovo/a once this happens but not before.

China has the same problem as Spain does. It will not recognize Kosovo/a because it has several separatist groups on its supposed territory. Tibet is a prime example but other regions as well.


pre 12 godina

How long has it been since we've seen Dick and Hillary together? Personally, I haven't seen it for a long time. However, looking at Hillary and Thaci, I'd say Hillary she has found herself a new Bill. No wonder this is personal to her and her fellow Americans.


pre 12 godina

Its so amusing to read this stuff and yet one tiny nation is putting a stop to their plans.

This young lass is even more vicious than anyone can imagine and she would have forced Belgrade to accept an indepdnet Kosovo and yet something is stopping a superpower from doing just that.

One can only sum it up as all show and nothing else. I wonder if the Albanians can put “For me, my family and my fellow Americans this is more than a foreign policy issue, it is personal” into their pots to cook or heat their homes this winter. Or perhaps these words have a magic meaning with GM or Ford or Microsoft opening up offices in Pristina? No I hear you say. It means more of the same of going nowhere..

Looking at the picture, I wonder if she checked her wallet was still in her purse or her watch on her hand? Poor George Bush lost his watch and nearly his pants to the Albanians allies.


pre 12 godina

Of course it is of personal interest. The Kosovo war distraction saved her hubby's butt and most likely Thaci himself paid for Chelsea to go to Stanford, Oxford, and Columbia (not the cheapest places to get some education), and finally the monthly "protection" money Thaci and his clan pay to various people in the US political elite be left alone running a mafia paradise (if you are the mafia, of course).

Balkan Anthropologist

pre 12 godina

Careful Hillary with getting too close to Thaci. Albright can be quite bitchy when someone gets in front of her man :)


pre 12 godina

Depends if you believe UN membership is what makes one a state. Serbia too has been created the Kosova way, you know, declaring itself independent from the Ottoman Empire, without the consent of the Ottomans. The US also came into existance the same way
WT? Are you saying that Serbs are Ottomans who discovered Serbia and then decided to declare independence? If you are comparing Serbs with Americans then you would have to be saying this otherwise you are being extemely ridiculous.
The fact that Serbia was occupied by the Ottomans in no way resembles America. Serbs LIBERATED themselves from the Ottomans. Serbs were always separate.
If you want to present some argument, the least you could do is present it with actual hisotrical truth.
If however, you are comparing Serbs and Kosovo to the way it happened in America you are wrong again. Kosovo was never Albanian. Show me some historical evidence that it was. I am looking for facts not stories your grandpa told you.


pre 12 godina

"According to different news agencies its unclear if Clinton would not serve another term under Obama if he is re-elected.
(Paul, 31 October 2012 17:12) "

She has said on numerous occasions recently that she is stepping down as Secretary of State at the end of Obama's current term. What is unclear is whether she will run for president in 2016.

I Win I Won me me me

pre 12 godina

What does she mean "it's personal"? Isn't a politician supposed to make decisions based upon the best interests of all concerned, and not upon her own personal beliefs, wishes, desires?
It seems to me that making foreign policy decisions on the basis of that which is personal is an ethical violation
of office. Throw all reason to the wind, I AM GOING TO DO WHAT I WANT! Isn't that the height of egotism?
Seems to me this is another case of "I did it because I could", although in the first case it was the other Clinton.


pre 12 godina

What is going on! When Madelaine Albright got hugged by Hashim Thaci she had the same look of ecstacy on her face as Hilary Clinton. Is it the women or is it the position of US Secretary of State!


pre 12 godina

Kosovo - Clintons personal matter of intressts ?.

I Quote -

“For me, my family and my fellow Americans this is more than a foreign policy issue, it is personal,” Clinton stressed.

Comment -

Sure thing !

But You and Your Familys Personal matter and interessts,
will learn the Hard Way.

When the USs Foreign Policy interessts,
will demand another stand,
and will sacrifice You and Your Familys Personal interessts,
against USs own.

By Looser !.



pre 12 godina

She better not sound too sincere. The Albanians in Kosovo might start naming their children "Hillary" and erecting more gold statues.


pre 12 godina

Washington, Saturday. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is leaving the door open to continuing to serve under President Barack Obama" This is one news from 28.10., OK I understand that people ony "reading"" Blic etc have another view of the world, for them Serbia is together with FYROM the most powerful nation in the world. And alsoin the case that a new Head of the State Department would come, the US foreign policy is going on, esspecially in such unimportant cases like Serbia.


pre 12 godina

Why should this be viewed as a 'personal matter'?

I am sure that it is personal to my peaceful and decent Serbian friends who were forced out of Kosovo by Albanians long before Milosevic's time.

Part of the mess-up in Kosovo is because Bill was embroiled in a sex scandal and didn't do his presidential job properly.

Now that was very personal for Hilary.

It does not justify her supporting this idi attempt however.


pre 12 godina

Usually before negotiations the parties state maximal, unambiguous and not realistic positions.

The US is doing precisely this, i.e. there will be no division of Kosovo(what Serbia is really aiming for and which is in her best interest as it can use it later on Bosnia). But the visit means also pressure for Pristina to accept autonomy for the north which will be the later bargaining point for US and EU represented by Pristina (note that Pristina is in no position to make demands and its leader holds dear only the chair and in return doesn't mind be a puppet since EU and US back it against the opposition). He is hardly bright or holds Alb interests at heart.

Serbia is also doing the same by stating that it will never recognize UDI. What it really hopes is a division of Kosovo. After the fall of Milosevic Serbia leaned towards more democratic leaders to only change again towards radicals. However what is interesting is that radicals have become realists and know that Kosovo is lost (that's what disappoints most nationalist here). The country barely escaped bankruptcy and knows that Kosovo is a heavy burden and a great political cost.

So what i expect is maximal efforts for a solution at this time. But i don't think that Belgrade will recognize Kosovo for northern autonomy (what is the real aim of EU and US) to much political costs there. Hence we face two scenarios: frozen conflict or a territorial swap which couldn't be used later as a pretext for regional repercussions.