pre 12 godina
Pardon me, but I do live in the United States. All I am saying is this topic is getting old. I don't care if your gay or trans-gendered or what! lady Gaga said " your born that way" my point to this issue is move on and live your life like the rest of us. What rights are we talking about? The right to go to a public square and proclaim your homosexuality? If that is important to you, well hell go do it,but don't force people by law, and punishment to except you. As far as educational administrators, yes they pretty much all support gay-trans-gender question is what rights, the right to go and make mockery out of people who are religious? The right to go to children in public school and feed them something that may be against their personal belief? The right to parade like " PeaCocks" butt naked like they do in many Pride Parades, like Folsom Pride parade , where they perform public sex acts? What we should all be concerned with is childrens welfare, how many of you care about crimes against the innocent children, how many times do you read about children used as sex slaves? Kidnapped and abused? Folks if we cannot take care of the children we are all screwed. Today we have enough issues and concerns, from our economy and survival, it does not matter where you live. Whats important to most human beings is a job, food, and some sense of security. And most of all, lets all protect our children,which is our future.
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