Friday, 17.02.2012.


“Belgrade cannot control political will of northern Kosovo"

Izvor: B92

“Belgrade cannot control political will of northern Kosovo" IMAGE SOURCE

2 Komentari

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pre 12 godina

The locals should rename the north and insist it merge back to the main governance of the rest of Serbia.

Printiina will never be able to rule there.


pre 12 godina

Although Serbia cannot control the political will of Serbs in Northern Kosovo, Serbia can and must control how the Serbian government responds/reacts to these persons. How Serbia responds to them will either encourage peace and move the EU agenda forwards, or "stoke the flames of conflict" which helps no one except maintain the status quo.


pre 12 godina

Although Serbia cannot control the political will of Serbs in Northern Kosovo, Serbia can and must control how the Serbian government responds/reacts to these persons. How Serbia responds to them will either encourage peace and move the EU agenda forwards, or "stoke the flames of conflict" which helps no one except maintain the status quo.


pre 12 godina

The locals should rename the north and insist it merge back to the main governance of the rest of Serbia.

Printiina will never be able to rule there.


pre 12 godina

The locals should rename the north and insist it merge back to the main governance of the rest of Serbia.

Printiina will never be able to rule there.


pre 12 godina

Although Serbia cannot control the political will of Serbs in Northern Kosovo, Serbia can and must control how the Serbian government responds/reacts to these persons. How Serbia responds to them will either encourage peace and move the EU agenda forwards, or "stoke the flames of conflict" which helps no one except maintain the status quo.