Monday, 12.12.2011.


"Serbs likely to join new Croat government"

The deputy leader of Croatia's Independent Democratic Serb Party (SSDS) believes that representatives of Serbs will participate in the new government.

Izvor: Tanjug

"Serbs likely to join new Croat government" IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 12 godina

(Lenard, 12 December 2011 11:37)

We are in the 21 century where Croatia has exhausted all of its reserves that it had inherited from the split up of Yugoslavia and the EU bank vaults are empty. In the past I would hear how Croatians can survive on their own as they were maintaining Yugoslavia by earning foreign currency. This myth gets bigger and bigger as the years go past just like the fish that got away, but not one can explain why Croatia is in the current predicament.

Since its independence the EU has subsidised Croatia, Slovenia and others by pouring money into their annual budgets to show Belgrade of how well people live in democracies, but its now all over. The music and dancing have stopped and now its time to deal with the morning hangover following the party.

The reality for Croatia is that it’s broke and if it has any chance of surviving it MUST deal with Serbia and there is no other way out like it or not. Croatia has no other choice but to withdraw the so called genocide case and this is only the beginning. The new government will turn around many decisions made by previous administrations and will look to closer cooperation with Belgrade which means it must do what Belgrade wants.
I have written about this for a long time and have been ridiculed about Croatia having to fulfil all of its obligations towards Serbs refugees, but here we will see the start.

This new coalition government needs to not only feed but find work for its people – tourism has only a 3 month window of opportunity, but its the other 9 months that it needs to find ways of occupying people and increasing the wealth of the state. No matter how you may cry Serbia does not need Croatia but Croatia certainly needs Serbia and it needs it badly.

Now we are also going to see more Croats before the courts for war crimes.


pre 12 godina

Pure nonsense Lenard, pure hypocritical nonsense. On the one hand you say Croatia deserves compensation for the most recent war. On the other you say that Serbia deserves nothing for the war before that in which the destruction and genocide that took place made what happened this time almost look like a picnic.

Then you make up a load of statistics you cannot possibly prove. Are you talking about Croatian money in the federal budget? If you are demanding money from Serbia because you say it took money from Croatia, you must also be demanding money from Macedonia, Bosnia, Kosovo and Montenegro.

Whats that? Oh no I don't hear you say that. But wait I do hear something - sounds like hypocricy to me.

Brought up on diet of victim mentality Lenard and because you consider yourself some kind of victim then you ignore other people's suffering.

You talk about God, don't kid yourself that God can't see this deception.


pre 12 godina

Lenard if Croatia had wanted confrontation with Serbia and its Serb minority it would have chosen HDZ.

Too bad for you that HDZ lost. Sounds like you have to move on, as I told you before - whats the difference between crimes that took place 20 years ago and crimes that took place 65 years ago? Since you are always talking about morality and religion, perhaps you can tell me how you only argue for Serbia to pay Croatia for the recent war and you don't think that Croatia should pay Serbia for the crimes of WW2?

Its a simple enough question.
(bganon, 12 December 2011 14:37) Interesting bganon Croatia has payed in the 10s of billions more then enough supported poor Serbia decades as one of the two northern prosperous republics. Serbs of their percentage of Yugo population were in the communist era bureaucracy ,military numbering more then 200% + then their entitlement. Now you have the real Serbia every few months going to IMF to get loans to tide it over. The weapons it stole from the other republics and used on its neighbours 40+ years old now no more money for new ones. Still at it trying to steal company's the settlements dragging out or delaying refusing to show up as agreed http://www.b92.net/eng/news/politics-article.php?yyyy=2011&mm=04&dd=27&nav_id=74019 etc. As for the HDZ corrupt politicians and their cronies I'm glad they got the boot its funny the Serb party was in coalition with HDZ.


pre 12 godina

Roger7 as you can see the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rzQq846Yn8&feature=related who is responsible greater Belgrade Serbia wicked ideology rears its ugly head for centuries. Serbia duped the Croatia Serb minority good when used all up by Serbia abandon them like the plague. Same in eastern Croatia Serbia blasted the peaceful prosperous multicultural city of Vukovar murdered indiscriminately Croatians Serbs and dozens of other ethnic people. Then cleansed the people from their homes country with thousands of summary executions in Croatia and in Serbia by Serbs http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Vukovar .


pre 12 godina

Back at ya, Lenard.
The Serbs of Lika killed by the Tudjman neo-Ustashe Nazi line, with the wanton destruction ,murder ,damage ,ethnic cleansing ,thievery etc of their properties. Serbs waited long in enough for them do rite. Irresponsible immature stubborn pig headed individuals like Kosor and her usual dirty filthy supporters who glorify Ante Gotovina who is guilty of a criminal enterprise (with Tudjman, Susak and Bobetko)committing war crimes and crimes against Krajina Serbs which amounted to deportation, forcible transfer and persecution.


pre 12 godina

Lenard if Croatia had wanted confrontation with Serbia and its Serb minority it would have chosen HDZ.

Too bad for you that HDZ lost. Sounds like you have to move on, as I told you before - whats the difference between crimes that took place 20 years ago and crimes that took place 65 years ago? Since you are always talking about morality and religion, perhaps you can tell me how you only argue for Serbia to pay Croatia for the recent war and you don't think that Croatia should pay Serbia for the crimes of WW2?

Its a simple enough question.


pre 12 godina

Speaking about the relations between Serbia and Croatia and possibility of withdrawal of the genocide lawsuit which Croatia issued against Serbia, Pupovac said that the resolution of sensitive issues will depend on social and economic situations in both countries. No way Serbia has to be punished severely not only has it stole Croatian company's operating in Serbia and fence some on to criminal Russia receiver of stolen property http://english.blic.rs/Economy/8032/Croatian-companies-shall-sue-Serbia-if-it-sells-their-property . Serbia's criminal "leadership" has been up to its business as usual dirty filthy games for over 20+ years http://www.nacional.hr/en/clanak/50512/inas-lawsuit-threatens-top-serbian-ranks . Its time for them be shown exposed for what they are criminals in a criminal state we waited long in enough for them do rite. Also Serbia's criminal war aggression on its unarmed neighbours the wanton destruction ,murder ,damage ,ethnic cleansing ,thievery etc is in the 10s of billions. Their is know negotiating with stubborn pig headed Serb leadership very irresponsible immature criminals just the continuance since Milošević era so very pathetic.


pre 12 godina

“If the current political circumstances remain unchanged, we can expect the withdrawal of the lawsuit. If social and economic conditions get worse, the lawsuit could be left waiting in the drawer or be resolved by the court, said Pupovac, whose party won three seats in the latest elections.

The 'circumstance' why these mutual lawsuits haven't been withdrawn yet was the nationalist government under Kosor that wanted to gain points.


pre 12 godina

Lenard if Croatia had wanted confrontation with Serbia and its Serb minority it would have chosen HDZ.

Too bad for you that HDZ lost. Sounds like you have to move on, as I told you before - whats the difference between crimes that took place 20 years ago and crimes that took place 65 years ago? Since you are always talking about morality and religion, perhaps you can tell me how you only argue for Serbia to pay Croatia for the recent war and you don't think that Croatia should pay Serbia for the crimes of WW2?

Its a simple enough question.


pre 12 godina

Speaking about the relations between Serbia and Croatia and possibility of withdrawal of the genocide lawsuit which Croatia issued against Serbia, Pupovac said that the resolution of sensitive issues will depend on social and economic situations in both countries. No way Serbia has to be punished severely not only has it stole Croatian company's operating in Serbia and fence some on to criminal Russia receiver of stolen property http://english.blic.rs/Economy/8032/Croatian-companies-shall-sue-Serbia-if-it-sells-their-property . Serbia's criminal "leadership" has been up to its business as usual dirty filthy games for over 20+ years http://www.nacional.hr/en/clanak/50512/inas-lawsuit-threatens-top-serbian-ranks . Its time for them be shown exposed for what they are criminals in a criminal state we waited long in enough for them do rite. Also Serbia's criminal war aggression on its unarmed neighbours the wanton destruction ,murder ,damage ,ethnic cleansing ,thievery etc is in the 10s of billions. Their is know negotiating with stubborn pig headed Serb leadership very irresponsible immature criminals just the continuance since Milošević era so very pathetic.


pre 12 godina

“If the current political circumstances remain unchanged, we can expect the withdrawal of the lawsuit. If social and economic conditions get worse, the lawsuit could be left waiting in the drawer or be resolved by the court, said Pupovac, whose party won three seats in the latest elections.

The 'circumstance' why these mutual lawsuits haven't been withdrawn yet was the nationalist government under Kosor that wanted to gain points.


pre 12 godina

Back at ya, Lenard.
The Serbs of Lika killed by the Tudjman neo-Ustashe Nazi line, with the wanton destruction ,murder ,damage ,ethnic cleansing ,thievery etc of their properties. Serbs waited long in enough for them do rite. Irresponsible immature stubborn pig headed individuals like Kosor and her usual dirty filthy supporters who glorify Ante Gotovina who is guilty of a criminal enterprise (with Tudjman, Susak and Bobetko)committing war crimes and crimes against Krajina Serbs which amounted to deportation, forcible transfer and persecution.


pre 12 godina

Roger7 as you can see the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rzQq846Yn8&feature=related who is responsible greater Belgrade Serbia wicked ideology rears its ugly head for centuries. Serbia duped the Croatia Serb minority good when used all up by Serbia abandon them like the plague. Same in eastern Croatia Serbia blasted the peaceful prosperous multicultural city of Vukovar murdered indiscriminately Croatians Serbs and dozens of other ethnic people. Then cleansed the people from their homes country with thousands of summary executions in Croatia and in Serbia by Serbs http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Vukovar .


pre 12 godina

Lenard if Croatia had wanted confrontation with Serbia and its Serb minority it would have chosen HDZ.

Too bad for you that HDZ lost. Sounds like you have to move on, as I told you before - whats the difference between crimes that took place 20 years ago and crimes that took place 65 years ago? Since you are always talking about morality and religion, perhaps you can tell me how you only argue for Serbia to pay Croatia for the recent war and you don't think that Croatia should pay Serbia for the crimes of WW2?

Its a simple enough question.
(bganon, 12 December 2011 14:37) Interesting bganon Croatia has payed in the 10s of billions more then enough supported poor Serbia decades as one of the two northern prosperous republics. Serbs of their percentage of Yugo population were in the communist era bureaucracy ,military numbering more then 200% + then their entitlement. Now you have the real Serbia every few months going to IMF to get loans to tide it over. The weapons it stole from the other republics and used on its neighbours 40+ years old now no more money for new ones. Still at it trying to steal company's the settlements dragging out or delaying refusing to show up as agreed http://www.b92.net/eng/news/politics-article.php?yyyy=2011&mm=04&dd=27&nav_id=74019 etc. As for the HDZ corrupt politicians and their cronies I'm glad they got the boot its funny the Serb party was in coalition with HDZ.


pre 12 godina

(Lenard, 12 December 2011 11:37)

We are in the 21 century where Croatia has exhausted all of its reserves that it had inherited from the split up of Yugoslavia and the EU bank vaults are empty. In the past I would hear how Croatians can survive on their own as they were maintaining Yugoslavia by earning foreign currency. This myth gets bigger and bigger as the years go past just like the fish that got away, but not one can explain why Croatia is in the current predicament.

Since its independence the EU has subsidised Croatia, Slovenia and others by pouring money into their annual budgets to show Belgrade of how well people live in democracies, but its now all over. The music and dancing have stopped and now its time to deal with the morning hangover following the party.

The reality for Croatia is that it’s broke and if it has any chance of surviving it MUST deal with Serbia and there is no other way out like it or not. Croatia has no other choice but to withdraw the so called genocide case and this is only the beginning. The new government will turn around many decisions made by previous administrations and will look to closer cooperation with Belgrade which means it must do what Belgrade wants.
I have written about this for a long time and have been ridiculed about Croatia having to fulfil all of its obligations towards Serbs refugees, but here we will see the start.

This new coalition government needs to not only feed but find work for its people – tourism has only a 3 month window of opportunity, but its the other 9 months that it needs to find ways of occupying people and increasing the wealth of the state. No matter how you may cry Serbia does not need Croatia but Croatia certainly needs Serbia and it needs it badly.

Now we are also going to see more Croats before the courts for war crimes.


pre 12 godina

Pure nonsense Lenard, pure hypocritical nonsense. On the one hand you say Croatia deserves compensation for the most recent war. On the other you say that Serbia deserves nothing for the war before that in which the destruction and genocide that took place made what happened this time almost look like a picnic.

Then you make up a load of statistics you cannot possibly prove. Are you talking about Croatian money in the federal budget? If you are demanding money from Serbia because you say it took money from Croatia, you must also be demanding money from Macedonia, Bosnia, Kosovo and Montenegro.

Whats that? Oh no I don't hear you say that. But wait I do hear something - sounds like hypocricy to me.

Brought up on diet of victim mentality Lenard and because you consider yourself some kind of victim then you ignore other people's suffering.

You talk about God, don't kid yourself that God can't see this deception.


pre 12 godina

Speaking about the relations between Serbia and Croatia and possibility of withdrawal of the genocide lawsuit which Croatia issued against Serbia, Pupovac said that the resolution of sensitive issues will depend on social and economic situations in both countries. No way Serbia has to be punished severely not only has it stole Croatian company's operating in Serbia and fence some on to criminal Russia receiver of stolen property http://english.blic.rs/Economy/8032/Croatian-companies-shall-sue-Serbia-if-it-sells-their-property . Serbia's criminal "leadership" has been up to its business as usual dirty filthy games for over 20+ years http://www.nacional.hr/en/clanak/50512/inas-lawsuit-threatens-top-serbian-ranks . Its time for them be shown exposed for what they are criminals in a criminal state we waited long in enough for them do rite. Also Serbia's criminal war aggression on its unarmed neighbours the wanton destruction ,murder ,damage ,ethnic cleansing ,thievery etc is in the 10s of billions. Their is know negotiating with stubborn pig headed Serb leadership very irresponsible immature criminals just the continuance since Milošević era so very pathetic.


pre 12 godina

Back at ya, Lenard.
The Serbs of Lika killed by the Tudjman neo-Ustashe Nazi line, with the wanton destruction ,murder ,damage ,ethnic cleansing ,thievery etc of their properties. Serbs waited long in enough for them do rite. Irresponsible immature stubborn pig headed individuals like Kosor and her usual dirty filthy supporters who glorify Ante Gotovina who is guilty of a criminal enterprise (with Tudjman, Susak and Bobetko)committing war crimes and crimes against Krajina Serbs which amounted to deportation, forcible transfer and persecution.


pre 12 godina

Roger7 as you can see the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rzQq846Yn8&feature=related who is responsible greater Belgrade Serbia wicked ideology rears its ugly head for centuries. Serbia duped the Croatia Serb minority good when used all up by Serbia abandon them like the plague. Same in eastern Croatia Serbia blasted the peaceful prosperous multicultural city of Vukovar murdered indiscriminately Croatians Serbs and dozens of other ethnic people. Then cleansed the people from their homes country with thousands of summary executions in Croatia and in Serbia by Serbs http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Vukovar .


pre 12 godina

Lenard if Croatia had wanted confrontation with Serbia and its Serb minority it would have chosen HDZ.

Too bad for you that HDZ lost. Sounds like you have to move on, as I told you before - whats the difference between crimes that took place 20 years ago and crimes that took place 65 years ago? Since you are always talking about morality and religion, perhaps you can tell me how you only argue for Serbia to pay Croatia for the recent war and you don't think that Croatia should pay Serbia for the crimes of WW2?

Its a simple enough question.
(bganon, 12 December 2011 14:37) Interesting bganon Croatia has payed in the 10s of billions more then enough supported poor Serbia decades as one of the two northern prosperous republics. Serbs of their percentage of Yugo population were in the communist era bureaucracy ,military numbering more then 200% + then their entitlement. Now you have the real Serbia every few months going to IMF to get loans to tide it over. The weapons it stole from the other republics and used on its neighbours 40+ years old now no more money for new ones. Still at it trying to steal company's the settlements dragging out or delaying refusing to show up as agreed http://www.b92.net/eng/news/politics-article.php?yyyy=2011&mm=04&dd=27&nav_id=74019 etc. As for the HDZ corrupt politicians and their cronies I'm glad they got the boot its funny the Serb party was in coalition with HDZ.


pre 12 godina

Lenard if Croatia had wanted confrontation with Serbia and its Serb minority it would have chosen HDZ.

Too bad for you that HDZ lost. Sounds like you have to move on, as I told you before - whats the difference between crimes that took place 20 years ago and crimes that took place 65 years ago? Since you are always talking about morality and religion, perhaps you can tell me how you only argue for Serbia to pay Croatia for the recent war and you don't think that Croatia should pay Serbia for the crimes of WW2?

Its a simple enough question.


pre 12 godina

“If the current political circumstances remain unchanged, we can expect the withdrawal of the lawsuit. If social and economic conditions get worse, the lawsuit could be left waiting in the drawer or be resolved by the court, said Pupovac, whose party won three seats in the latest elections.

The 'circumstance' why these mutual lawsuits haven't been withdrawn yet was the nationalist government under Kosor that wanted to gain points.


pre 12 godina

Pure nonsense Lenard, pure hypocritical nonsense. On the one hand you say Croatia deserves compensation for the most recent war. On the other you say that Serbia deserves nothing for the war before that in which the destruction and genocide that took place made what happened this time almost look like a picnic.

Then you make up a load of statistics you cannot possibly prove. Are you talking about Croatian money in the federal budget? If you are demanding money from Serbia because you say it took money from Croatia, you must also be demanding money from Macedonia, Bosnia, Kosovo and Montenegro.

Whats that? Oh no I don't hear you say that. But wait I do hear something - sounds like hypocricy to me.

Brought up on diet of victim mentality Lenard and because you consider yourself some kind of victim then you ignore other people's suffering.

You talk about God, don't kid yourself that God can't see this deception.


pre 12 godina

(Lenard, 12 December 2011 11:37)

We are in the 21 century where Croatia has exhausted all of its reserves that it had inherited from the split up of Yugoslavia and the EU bank vaults are empty. In the past I would hear how Croatians can survive on their own as they were maintaining Yugoslavia by earning foreign currency. This myth gets bigger and bigger as the years go past just like the fish that got away, but not one can explain why Croatia is in the current predicament.

Since its independence the EU has subsidised Croatia, Slovenia and others by pouring money into their annual budgets to show Belgrade of how well people live in democracies, but its now all over. The music and dancing have stopped and now its time to deal with the morning hangover following the party.

The reality for Croatia is that it’s broke and if it has any chance of surviving it MUST deal with Serbia and there is no other way out like it or not. Croatia has no other choice but to withdraw the so called genocide case and this is only the beginning. The new government will turn around many decisions made by previous administrations and will look to closer cooperation with Belgrade which means it must do what Belgrade wants.
I have written about this for a long time and have been ridiculed about Croatia having to fulfil all of its obligations towards Serbs refugees, but here we will see the start.

This new coalition government needs to not only feed but find work for its people – tourism has only a 3 month window of opportunity, but its the other 9 months that it needs to find ways of occupying people and increasing the wealth of the state. No matter how you may cry Serbia does not need Croatia but Croatia certainly needs Serbia and it needs it badly.

Now we are also going to see more Croats before the courts for war crimes.