Monday, 28.11.2011.


Dozens of citizens injured in clashes with KFOR

NATO troops in Kosovo, KFOR, this morning moved to dismantle a barricade at Jagnjenica, near the town of Zubin Potok, provoking clashes with local residents.

Izvor: Beta

Dozens of citizens injured in clashes with KFOR IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 13 godina

“Well, we’re told that Jesus lived some 2000 years ago and science has proven beyond reasonable doubt that it is biologically impossible for somebody to live for 2000 years.”

Who told you that Jesus lived some 2000 years ago? The Christians? The bible? If so, don’t they also tell you that he rose from the dead? Yet you chose to accept as indisputable fact part of what they told you (that he lived 2000 years ago even though there was NO burial place, NO corpse and NOTHING that he wrote or made to prove that he once existed and then died) and to reject as falsehood the part where these SAME source(s) tell you that he rose from the dead??? If so, I would think that the reliability your source(s) of info, and hence your statement of fact, must be suspect.

“Well, you were describing on 28 November 2011 13:31 KFOR’s operation to ensure the freedom of movement and closed your presentation of that operation with the words “KFOR is really disgusting”. So are you saying now that KFOR was not disgusting ? That would be fine… I’d have nothing against that.”

Don’t try to put words into my mouth (although this seems to be your specialty). As I already told you, I found KFor disgusting because they claimed to be shot at while they themselves were shooting and threatening to shoot the Serbs – the classic pot calling the kettle black.

And you still failed to show clearly where did I ever state that it was disgusting to ensure freedom of movement. You had try to put words into my mouth in your attempt – and failed nevertheless.

“What is disgusting with shooting and threatening to shoot some people (Albanians, Serbs, Roma or whoever) if they violently try to hinder the freedom of movement mandated by Resolution 1244?
(icj1, 3 December 2011 18:18)”

You still don’t get it. I found them disgusting for claiming that they were shot at on one hand while not acknowledging that they were shooting at the Serbs too. Whether the Serbs “violently” hindered anything was not the issue of my post.


pre 13 godina

I thought the Christians believed that he rose from the dead? How do you know that he is still dead? Did you have info on where they buried him and that his corpse is still there to be certain that he once existed, died and is still dead? Thanks in anticipation.
(lowe, 30 November 2011 15:23)

Well, we’re told that Jesus lived some 2000 years ago and science has proven beyond reasonable doubt that it is biologically impossible for somebody to live for 2000 years.

Firstly, you failed to show where did I state that it was disgusting to ensure freedom of movement.
(lowe, 30 November 2011 11:35)

Well, you were describing on 28 November 2011 13:31 KFOR’s operation to ensure the freedom of movement and closed your presentation of that operation with the words “KFOR is really disgusting”. So are you saying now that KFOR was not disgusting ? That would be fine… I’d have nothing against that.

Secondly, I found KFor disgusting because they claimed to be shot at while undoubtedly they themselves were undoubtedly shooting and threatening to shoot the Serbs – this should be clear enough from my earlier post.
(lowe, 30 November 2011 11:35)

What is disgusting with shooting and threatening to shoot some people (Albanians, Serbs, Roma or whoever) if they violently try to hinder the freedom of movement mandated by Resolution 1244 ?


pre 13 godina

"Jesus is dead, it would be hard for him to help you if you are brainwashed :)

(icj1, 30 November 2011 03:59)"

I thought the Christians believed that he rose from the dead? How do you know that he is still dead? Did you have info on where they buried him and that his corpse is still there to be certain that he once existed, died and is still dead? Thanks in anticipation.


pre 13 godina

“Sorry, I thought it was lowe who stated “Seems to me the ones doing all the shooting are the KFOR side ...... and yet also brazenly lying about being shot at! KFOR is really disgusting!”. I apologize if that was another lowe :) “

Explain to me how is this opinion statement of mine the SAME as “I hereby declare as a fact that KFOR shot itself and I have other sources to back my statement” that you appear to be alleging of me????? In your day dreams perhaps (nightmare actually). As I recommended to you earlier, you ought to dump your Merriam-Webster.

“Yes, KFOR used force to ensure the freedom of movement of the northern Kosovo inhabitants. What’s disgusting about that ?
(icj1, 30 November 2011 03:43)”

Firstly, you failed to show where did I state that it was disgusting to ensure freedom of movement.

Secondly, I found KFor disgusting because they claimed to be shot at while undoubtedly they themselves were undoubtedly shooting and threatening to shoot the Serbs – this should be clear enough from my earlier post.


pre 13 godina

It should be clear to any sane reader that I was using this article itself as source when I quoted the relevant parts of it. Did I claim to have other sources? Where did I state that KFOR shot itself????? Stop putting words into my mouth! What I did was to state my opinion as should be abundantly clear when I began my post with "Seems to me ....". Methinks your precious Merriam-Webster obviously ain't doing a good job helping you!
(lowe, 29 November 2011 06:36)

Sorry, I thought it was lowe who stated “Seems to me the ones doing all the shooting are the KFOR side ...... and yet also brazenly lying about being shot at! KFOR is really disgusting!”. I apologize if that was another lowe :)

Where did I state that it was disgusting to ensure freedom of movement??? What I did was to opine, based on the part of the article that I quoted, that force seemed to come from the Nato side although it claimed otherwise. And which resulted in many Serb injuries.
(lowe, 29 November 2011 06:36)

Yes, KFOR used force to ensure the freedom of movement of the northern Kosovo inhabitants. What’s disgusting about that ?


pre 13 godina

For the last 220 years how many political parties have won office in the Us that did not have the names Democratic or Republican on their banner.
Look at the UK or many of these so called democracies.
Yeah you vote them out but the others just carry on the work of the previous administration.
(sj, 29 November 2011 11:28)

Well, then you vote other people, until you find the right ones.

Jesus help me!!!! I never know people could be so brainwashed.
(sj, 29 November 2011 11:28)

Jesus is dead, it would be hard for him to help you if you are brainwashed :)

ZZZZZZZZZ you are putting me to sleep with this nonsense. You need to change the entire system to have real democracy not this shame in place now. Try and change it in the US and see how long you live – democratically of course. The ammunition would have been manufactured in the US by democratic voting fingers and you would be comforted to know they did not use bullets made by evil hands.
(sj, 29 November 2011 11:28)

You are free to suggest a new system of government if the majority supports you. Probably the Malaysian system of government if it works better.

If the Russians did not support the Serbs in Kosovo KFOR and NATO would have overrun them using live rounds with little to no media covering that event and there would have been many dead.
(sj, 29 November 2011 11:28)

KFOR would overrun the Serbs ? Why ? Serbs are strong supporters of 1244 ? KFOR is even trying to help the freedom of movement of Kosovo Serbs who, according to Zvecan Mayor, are facing a difficult winter when it comes to freedom of movement, among others.

As you are of limited intellect and capacity to absorbed new ideas I’ll draw you a picture of the events of 1999. In that year Russia was on the verge of collapse and if Yelstsin did not allow Clinton to attack Serbia then there would have been no money from the IMF – there would havec been chaos and starvation in Russia. Billy boy even sent Strobe Talbot to Moscow during the bombing to make sure Yeltsin keep to his part.
(sj, 29 November 2011 11:28)

That’s precise what I was referring to. Thanks for joining me in limited intellect and capacity.

This is now 2011 and much thanks to Putin Russia is a rising power. In fact it is in the process of joining the board of the IMF – what a change.
(sj, 29 November 2011 11:28)

That is great, those are the rules. Russia is a member of the IMF, similar to Kosovo, and both can join the IMF board.

Perhaps you might read about the Russians sending a fleet to its naval base in Syria and watch the US and their cretins disappear under their respective rocks.
(sj, 29 November 2011 11:28)

Russian fleet ? Sorry I did not know that Russia even had something that can be called a fleet :)

These things do take time. But its speeding up
(sj, 29 November 2011 11:28)

Yeah it’s speeding up unfortunately and Russia’s population is declining by the millions to the point that Russia is in a demographic crisis (according to Russian authorities). Hopefully Russia will do better in the future.

the Chief Economists tell you this much. 2012 is going to be a VERY DARK YEAR FOR THE WEST EXCEPT AUSTRALIA. Europe will plunge into a deep recession, as if they left the last one, and possibly going into a depression. Naturallry the US needs to divert attention from their problems and now blames Europe when in actual fact it was the US which started all of this mess.
I can hear the printing presses in the US working overtime now. Oh the bad news is the US will suffer more than Europe over this little GFC2 or 3, I fogot which one it is now.
(sj, 29 November 2011 11:28)

Why is that a bad news ? I know that Serbs depend on handouts from the West, but for me and you who live in Malaysia, it should not be a bad news at all !

Canadian Serb

pre 13 godina

@Canadian Srb.People like you deported Srbs from Croatia and Bosnia.It is very easy to show patriotizm from the warm sofa in Canada.Come here in Kosova and show that bravery.You just picked the easy way for your brothers while you want to live free and far away from your country.This people will have a choice to live in Kosova free and happy or the choice you just gave them.People like you have no patriotizm,you only have that big loose mouth that is not connected to your heart or brain.Leave this poor Srbs alone to live their lives in their own house called Kosova
(Labi, 29 November 2011 04:12)

Hello Labi,

I would like to agree with you but...Serbs, being a minority in Kosovo do not live free and happy as long as they define themselves as Serbs! The same thing goes for the Croatian serbs! Those serbs living under Pristina rule are slowly disapering, whether being kidnapped and chopped for their organs or simply murdered because of their nationality!

And yes my sofa is worm....but it was not alwys like this. The first 12 years living here in Canada was very hard and at times very cold. Ofcourse I want to live free...my grandparents, together with my family were not given the same opportunity living under fascist Croatia! Granparents murdered, fathers village burned to the ground 3 times during WW2 and then ethnic cleansing continued again when ustashas came to power in early 90's.

Why dont you try living amongst serbs...move to northern kosovo as ethnic albanian...and lets how happy and free you are going to be....the same goes for the serbs living under Thaci...

Timber Wolf


pre 13 godina

You are free not to vote them in power again if they don’t do what they promise….
(icj1, 29 November 2011 04:07)

For the last 220 years how many political parties have won office in the Us that did not have the names Democratic or Republican on their banner.
Look at the UK or many of these so called democracies.
Yeah you vote them out but the others just carry on the work of the previous administration.
Jesus help me!!!! I never know people could be so brainwashed.

Well, somebody still has to be elected. The key though is the threat that they may not be elected again if they don’t fulfill their promises.
(icj1, 29 November 2011 04:07)

ZZZZZZZZZ you are putting me to sleep with this nonsense. You need to change the entire system to have real democracy not this shame in place now. Try and change it in the US and see how long you live – democratically of course. The ammunition would have been manufactured in the US by democratic voting fingers and you would be comforted to know they did not use bullets made by evil hands.

Ha, ha, ha… The Russians have a soft spot for Serbia ?! Yeah, with words… When it comes to act for real they did not hesitate to dump insignificant little Serbia for their bigger interests, like they did in June 1999.
(icj1, 29 November 2011 04:07)

If the Russians did not support the Serbs in Kosovo KFOR and NATO would have overrun them using live rounds with little to no media covering that event and there would have been many dead.
As you are of limited intellect and capacity to absorbed new ideas I’ll draw you a picture of the events of 1999. In that year Russia was on the verge of collapse and if Yelstsin did not allow Clinton to attack Serbia then there would have been no money from the IMF – there would havec been chaos and starvation in Russia. Billy boy even sent Strobe Talbot to Moscow during the bombing to make sure Yeltsin keep to his part.

This is now 2011 and much thanks to Putin Russia is a rising power. In fact it is in the process of joining the board of the IMF – what a change.
Perhaps you might read about the Russians sending a fleet to its naval base in Syria and watch the US and their cretins disappear under their respective rocks.
These things do take time. But its speeding up.

Yeah, Serbs have to do it by themselves. There is only brotherhood and unity around money; you as the B92 Forums’ CE know that very well.

PS: CE=Chief Economist
(icj1, 29 November 2011 04:07)

Its brotherhood and unity that kept feeding those Albanians layabouts, propping up the Croats and Slovenes. Why don’t they have that wonderful lifestyle as before? because the EU sends very little money and now they actually have to live off their earning from tourism and what little manufacturing they have. It would make me laugh when a Croat posted on B92 about Croatia’s tourism as if the Croats have found somehow El Dorado to just live off tourism and the rest of the world overlooked it.
Each year more and more Croats and Slovenes commemorate Tito’s birthday because of the poverty.
My comments were addressed to Serbs who seem to forgive and forget and pay the price again and again.
Let the Chief Economists tell you this much. 2012 is going to be a VERY DARK YEAR FOR THE WEST EXCEPT AUSTRALIA. Europe will plunge into a deep recession, as if they left the last one, and possibly going into a depression. Naturallry the US needs to divert attention from their problems and now blames Europe when in actual fact it was the US which started all of this mess.
I can hear the printing presses in the US working overtime now. Oh the bad news is the US will suffer more than Europe over this little GFC2 or 3, I fogot which one it is now.


pre 13 godina

"KFOR are a bunch of pussies, especially the Germans & Austrians. It's almost like the Serbs will have an old fashioned fist fight, but the NATO pansy occupiers will only bring guns to the battle.

There's no courage or bravery shown by NATO on any level. Man-to-Man we would kick your US/German/Austrian/Albanian arses in a real fight, but you need such big weapons to bring along. "

I love this comment. Don't be naive trizo, you wouldn't take part in any fighting, you're all the way in Australia. People can be so brave away from the front!!!


pre 13 godina

According to eye witnesses, kfor fired rubber bullets directly at Serb civilians from a distance if no more than two or three metres and from positions on top of budded. No police force would shoot at such distances and in such a way as it is completely against the proper training for use of rubber bullets. If they had been live rounds, NATO would have committed a massacre. They've come very close to being prosecuted and being sent to prison. just following orders us nit even a defense for NATO.


pre 13 godina

"Maybe this non Serb, not located in the balkans was actually at the barricades and giving an eyewitness account, otherwise his post is total bs and reveals alot.
(an observation, 28 November 2011 16:58)"

I see .... I'm at the barricades even though I'm not in the Balkans where the barricades are located ....... seems to me the only ones doing any bs on B92 and writing nonsence are posters like yourself! And the evidence is precisely in what you wrote!


pre 13 godina

"Do you have the benefit of some sources that the rest of us doesn't know about who said that KFOR shot themselves ?

There is nothing disgusting in trying to ensure freedom of movement for the inhabitants of North Kosovo (as mandated by Resolution 1244) and in ensuring the collection of customs taxes (as mandated by UNMIK Regulation no 3 of 1999). All parties, Serbs and Albanians, support UNMIK and Resolution 1244, which, I remind you, is still in force.
(icj1, 28 November 2011 15:35) "

It should be clear to any sane reader that I was using this article itself as source when I quoted the relevant parts of it. Did I claim to have other sources? Where did I state that KFOR shot itself????? Stop putting words into my mouth! What I did was to state my opinion as should be abundantly clear when I began my post with "Seems to me ....". Methinks your precious Merriam-Webster obviously ain't doing a good job helping you!

Where did I state that it was disgusting to ensure freedom of movement??? What I did was to opine, based on the part of the article that I quoted, that force seemed to come from the Nato side although it claimed otherwise. And which resulted in many Serb injuries.


pre 13 godina

@Canadian Srb.People like you deported Srbs from Croatia and Bosnia.It is very easy to show patriotizm from the warm sofa in Canada.Come here in Kosova and show that bravery.You just picked the easy way for your brothers while you want to live free and far away from your country.This people will have a choice to live in Kosova free and happy or the choice you just gave them.People like you have no patriotizm,you only have that big loose mouth that is not connected to your heart or brain.Leave this poor Srbs alone to live their lives in their own house called Kosova


pre 13 godina

Sadly I have to say that democracy today is one of the best myths perpetuated by the west. What we have is generally two parties which near identical, but with a free loving media telling everyone they as different as sky and the earth. While in opposition Party A tells you they will do this or that, but once in power they continue the work of the previous administration.
(sj, 28 November 2011 23:26)

You are free not to vote them in power again if they don’t do what they promise….

What you are after is a high standard of living not electing idiots to power to enrich themselves.
(sj, 28 November 2011 23:26)

Well, somebody still has to be elected. The key though is the threat that they may not be elected again if they don’t fulfill their promises.

You are 100% correct in that nations look toward their interests, but the Serbs can piggyback on those interests to get what they want. The Chinese are pure business so if they invest in Serbia its because they see a profit. The Russians are slightly different in that they do have a soft spot for the Serbs and that is to our advantage in that they will do a little more for our people.
(sj, 28 November 2011 23:26)

Ha, ha, ha… The Russians have a soft spot for Serbia ?! Yeah, with words… When it comes to act for real they did not hesitate to dump insignificant little Serbia for their bigger interests, like they did in June 1999.

However, it’s the Serbs that have to take the heavy load, but once we have achieved our goal we do not allow anyone to erode those gains because of brotherhood and unity.
(sj, 28 November 2011 23:26)

Yeah, Serbs have to do it by themselves. There is only brotherhood and unity around money; you as the B92 Forums’ CE know that very well.

PS: CE=Chief Economist

Canadian Serb

pre 13 godina

And in regards to democracy...one out of seven people in USA live on food stamps...what was the percentage in the former Yugo?

Brat Srbin


pre 13 godina

LOL!! Why do you care? These are Serbian issues so mind your own business.
(Zoran, 28 November 2011 17:19)

Well, my friend, I don’t distinguish Kosovo citizens between Serbs, Albanians, Roma, etc… I believe that all of them have the right to freedom of movement.

There are far more crimes in the Albanian parts so you should go there and fix your own problems.
(Zoran, 28 November 2011 17:19)

I’m not the police and KFOR is not the police. That’s the job of KPS and EULEX. That does not prevent KFOR do its job to ensure the freedom of movement.

You criticise Serbia's economy and even if it isn't doing too well, at least we have one.
(Zoran, 28 November 2011 17:19)

I criticized the Serbian economy ?! I provided a reference to B92 news about the Serbian economy. If those news are saying what you say, it’s fine by me.

Your people having nothing better to do than to desecrate grave, burn churches and shoot people. It relies on handouts by your masters, criminals are your leaders and the mafia makes the law.
(Zoran, 28 November 2011 17:19)

My people ?! I don’t have anybody that I know who desecrates graves, burns churches and shoots people. I think you have some wrong information about me :)

You can take your UNSCR1244 and stick it where the sun don't shine because Serbians will never, and I repeat never live under the crime infested parallel institutions run by Albanians.
(Zoran, 28 November 2011 17:19)

My 1244 ?! It was not me who approved and supports it. But if you wish Russia, China, others in the UNSC, Serbs and Albanians stick it where the sun don't shine, I’m sure that the UNSC can take a vote about your proposal and proceed with the sticking if Russia, China, US, France or UK do not veto it.

Go and ask any international that has worked in KiM and they will tell you that Pristina is a big dump. That's why they prefer staying in Serbian areas and going to Belgrade for a dose of civilisation. I have heard and seen it many many times, but of course, Albanians won't admit it - but denial won't hide the truth.
(Zoran, 28 November 2011 17:19)

Well, even though you did not bring any evidence, I’m happy to admit it. And that what ? What does that have to do with the topic ?

You see, time is running out for your lot and that is the reason NATO is trying so hard to close this chapter quickly.
(Zoran, 28 November 2011 17:19)

NATO is now trying harder because the Zvecan mayor complained. NATO for itself is OK, but according to the Zvecan Mayor, Serbs of Northern Kosovo are facing a difficult winter when it comes to freedom of movement, among others. And NATO does not want to be accused that is not addressing Serbs concerns. But I do agree that NATO is not acting quick enough to help the freedom of movement of Serbs; we are almost in winter and NATO has done very little to help the freedom of movement of the inhabitants of N. Kosovo.

We have Greece, FYROM, Serbia, Montenegro and the Albanians. Who is the odd one out?
(Zoran, 28 November 2011 17:19)

That’s obvious; the one none of the former-Yugoslavia republics wanted to live together with !


pre 13 godina

If they don't want to be provoked, they should stop blocking the supply lines, and stop support Serbia's mafia in its removal of borders. They should go back to their homes, and accept that their mythology contradicts the reality of the situation. I hope that they do it before KFOR gets fed up and switches from rubber bullets to live ammo.


pre 13 godina

Please don't be so naive. Do you really think this is about "freedom of movement" and do you really think it's a matter of importance for the every day Albanian?
(trizo, 28 November 2011 16:40)

I don’t care whether it is of importance to the Albanians or not. All I know is that resolution 1244 is still in force and KFOR has a duty to ensure the freedom of movement of the N. Kosovo citizens who, according to the Zvecan Mayor, are facing a difficult winter when it comes to the freedom of movement, among others. So, of course it is about the freedom of movement of the N. Kosovo citizens. We may not care much because we don’t live there, but those people do live there and are concerned, as expressed by their Mayor.

KFOR are a bunch of pussies, especially the Germans & Austrians. It's almost like the Serbs will have an old fashioned fist fight, but the NATO pansy occupiers will only bring guns to the battle. There's no courage or bravery shown by NATO on any level. Man-to-Man we would kick your US/German/Austrian/Albanian arses in a real fight, but you need such big weapons to bring along.
(trizo, 28 November 2011 16:40)

If somebody wishes to have a boxing match between the KFOR pussies and the Serb machos, I’m sure that can be arranged in a boxing ring and I bet that the Serb machos will win. However, that’s a topic for the “Sports” section.

If I was Putin & elected again, the first thing I would do would be to shell Camp Bondsteel. What a disgrace to be situated on our land.
(trizo, 28 November 2011 16:40)

Putin is going to be elected again, but you understood it well… In YOUR land, not Putin’s. Putin’s business and enrichment is going well so what you said is the last thing Putin would do.

Down with NATO! Let's get them out! NATO does not have the right to fire at us Serbs. They never will have the right to fire at us on our soil. Don't even bother to comment about this if you're Albanian because you wouldn't even put your foot on the territory at Jagnjenica ;)
(trizo, 28 November 2011 16:40)

Of course we can get them out as soon as Russia, China and the others in the Security Council say so. I remind you, my friend, that Resolution 1244 is still in force and strongly supported by Albanians and Serbs alike.

Canadian Serb

pre 13 godina

(Lazar, 28 November 2011 19:31)

Sadly I have to say that democracy today is one of the best myths perpetuated by the west. What we have is generally two parties which near identical, but with a free loving media telling everyone they as different as sky and the earth. While in opposition Party A tells you they will do this or that, but once in power they continue the work of the previous administration.
What you are after is a high standard of living not electing idiots to power to enrich themselves.
You are 100% correct in that nations look toward their interests, but the Serbs can piggyback on those interests to get what they want. The Chinese are pure business so if they invest in Serbia its because they see a profit. The Russians are slightly different in that they do have a soft spot for the Serbs and that is to our advantage in that they will do a little more for our people.
However, it’s the Serbs that have to take the heavy load, but once we have achieved our goal we do not allow anyone to erode those gains because of brotherhood and unity.
(sj, 28 November 2011 23:26)

What you say in principle is true,we dont want the opression Nato brings,we should also be carefull however what the Russians and Chinees might have in store for us some day as well.I can tell you noe that after studying international relations for a number of years i can say that for sure that there is no such thing as the brotherhood of nations.Russia can be an ally but please dont go as far to suggest that religion is gonna fix everyhting.Serbia always in that sense has to look out for its own interests,it has to protect its democracy,culture and citizens regardless of religion in the best way possible.
(Lazar, 28 November 2011 19:31)

Hello Lazar!

Pravo ime, po nasem slavnom martiru caru Lazaru! U redu, I never studied international relations but unfortunately lived them. I fled Croatia together with my family in early 90's. No choice it was life or death. Serbs must not forget their roots. Russians together with the Chinese in time will become more powerful than titanic Usa/Germany/Britain! You know that and I know that! Also we always had good relations with the Chinese, and in particular NATO bombing of the Serbia and "accidently" taking out the Chinese ambacy in Belgrade, Chinese don't forget! Plus what has NATO,USA ever done for anyone but making themselves richer from the suffering and murder that they bring. I did study words history at the local university. I did not say Serbia has to close its borders to the west but they should not expect from Serbia to give up Kosovo and continue to assist those that murder my,Serbian people. Russians over fascists, britain/germany/USA any day.

Brat Srbin


pre 13 godina

Give them Russian Citizenship and send them to Mother Russia. That is what they asked for and that is what Russia wants. They may get better treatment.

Balkan Anthropologist

pre 13 godina

I say it's always better for Serbs that this job is done by KFOR as the alternative is KPS.
(ben, 28 November 2011 13:44)

LOL you might be right. KPS would have ran screaming across the Ibar at the first sign of Serbian resistance, which might have followed them. KFOR at least is under the impression they have some tactical advantage and has no compunction firing into the crowd. Last time Albanans went up against Serbs toe to toe, they ran for the border :)


pre 13 godina

(Lazar, 28 November 2011 19:31)

Sadly I have to say that democracy today is one of the best myths perpetuated by the west. What we have is generally two parties which near identical, but with a free loving media telling everyone they as different as sky and the earth. While in opposition Party A tells you they will do this or that, but once in power they continue the work of the previous administration.
What you are after is a high standard of living not electing idiots to power to enrich themselves.
You are 100% correct in that nations look toward their interests, but the Serbs can piggyback on those interests to get what they want. The Chinese are pure business so if they invest in Serbia its because they see a profit. The Russians are slightly different in that they do have a soft spot for the Serbs and that is to our advantage in that they will do a little more for our people.
However, it’s the Serbs that have to take the heavy load, but once we have achieved our goal we do not allow anyone to erode those gains because of brotherhood and unity.


pre 13 godina

Canadian Serb-

What you say in principle is true,we dont want the opression Nato brings,we should also be carefull however what the Russians and Chinees might have in store for us some day as well.I can tell you noe that after studying international relations for a number of years i can say that for sure that there is no such thing as the brotherhood of nations.Russia can be an ally but please dont go as far to suggest that religion is gonna fix everyhting.Serbia always in that sense has to look out for its own interests,it has to protect its democracy,culture and citizens regardless of religion in the best way possible.

Canadian Serb

pre 13 godina

I say it's always better for Serbs that this job is done by KFOR as the alternative is KPS.

Pick and choose now- it's up to you.
(ben, 28 November 2011 13:44)

Hello Ben/ST!

Actually it does not matter anymore, both KFOR and KPS belong to the same criminals that destroyed my country and murdered my (Serbian) people!

Serbs in kosovo north would rather die than accept definition of democracy and freedom that NATO supposedly brings! They know that Pristina Albanians could never be trusted together with their fascist supporters (germany/britain and USA)!

Putin is our orthodox brother and Russia together with him and chinese is the future.

Timber Wolf


pre 13 godina

There is nothing disgusting in trying to ensure freedom of movement for the inhabitants of North Kosovo...
(icj1, 28 November 2011 15:35)
LOL!! Why do you care? These are Serbian issues so mind your own business. There are far more crimes in the Albanian parts so you should go there and fix your own problems. You criticise Serbia's economy and even if it isn't doing too well, at least we have one. Your people having nothing better to do than to desecrate grave, burn churches and shoot people. It relies on handouts by your masters, criminals are your leaders and the mafia makes the law.

You can take your UNSCR1244 and stick it where the sun don't shine because Serbians will never, and I repeat never live under the crime infested parallel institutions run by Albanians.

Go and ask any international that has worked in KiM and they will tell you that Pristina is a big dump. That's why they prefer staying in Serbian areas and going to Belgrade for a dose of civilisation. I have heard and seen it many many times, but of course, Albanians won't admit it - but denial won't hide the truth.

You see, time is running out for your lot and that is the reason NATO is trying so hard to close this chapter quickly. We have Greece, FYROM, Serbia, Montenegro and the Albanians. Who is the odd one out?


pre 13 godina

"Mobile telephony reception is being jammed at Jagnjenica, making communication with the outside world difficult."

What is KFOR trying to hide from the outside world?

Don't trust anyone who intentionally isolates and then takes measures to block the outside world from being informed.

a New Day

pre 13 godina

If I was Putin & elected again, the first thing I would do would be to shell Camp Bondsteel. What a disgrace to be situated on our land.

Down with NATO! Let's get them out! NATO does not have the right to fire at us Serbs. They never will have the right to fire at us on our soil. Don't even bother to comment about this if you're Albanian because you wouldn't even put your foot on the territory at Jagnjenica ;)
(trizo, 28 November 2011 16:40)
Ever notice when a Serb on here starts thumping the chest and talking of how strong and brave Serbs are they have to mention the Russians??
Kind of like the bully on the playground standing in front of his big brother.


pre 13 godina

Just go to your MOTHER RUSSIA and leave Europe alone. Since you came down from Urals, you have only caused problems for us.
(Eri, 28 November 2011 14:58)

Why dont you all hop on a spaceship and head to the magical land of Illyria-Dardania. We have had enough of you lot. Maybe you can make yourself useful for once, by annoying the Klingons.

Another unemployed Albanian troll.

Beam me up Scotty! Get me outta here.


pre 13 godina

Seems like KFOR wanted this to happen,so they sent Austrians and Germans TO
fuel it even more,to remove barricades even if they had clear passage already
agreed with local authorities,they are looking to finnish the job that has started 1999,except that time they didnt have balls to land on the ground,however they were good with diplomacy and got what they wanted by simply using pen,paper and lies.

Serbia doesnt want war,they know that so they use that against us.
Whole NATO against us,odds are not that great.
Shame on all our WW1 and WW2 allies England,France,US,Canada,Australia...

How you will react when your teritory gets occupied,truth is you are run by corporate greed and you dont have time to think of that,you forgoten your history,your own mums and dads,grand parents,your own veterans,your own values,you are educated and brought up on playstations and xbox-es,amphetamines,extasies,and your parents never had time for you cos they where slaves of the same corporate greed.

Now you ve become hypocrites,selfish egocentrics,brain blocked robotes that follows the orders and dont want to question and have moral opinion and values.

As for us Serbs times are rough,luckily your Empireis slowley going down
(like Romans).
We wanted peace,but that seems to be luxuary this days in "democracy"
Time will tell...

Sa verom u boga i otadzbinu!


pre 13 godina


Please don't be so naive. Do you really think this is about "freedom of movement" and do you really think it's a matter of importance for the every day Albanian?

KFOR are a bunch of pussies, especially the Germans & Austrians. It's almost like the Serbs will have an old fashioned fist fight, but the NATO pansy occupiers will only bring guns to the battle.

There's no courage or bravery shown by NATO on any level. Man-to-Man we would kick your US/German/Austrian/Albanian arses in a real fight, but you need such big weapons to bring along.

If I was Putin & elected again, the first thing I would do would be to shell Camp Bondsteel. What a disgrace to be situated on our land.

Down with NATO! Let's get them out! NATO does not have the right to fire at us Serbs. They never will have the right to fire at us on our soil. Don't even bother to comment about this if you're Albanian because you wouldn't even put your foot on the territory at Jagnjenica ;)

an observation

pre 13 godina

Seems to me the ones doing all the shooting are the KFOR side ...... and yet also brazenly lying about being shot at! KFOR is really disgusting!
(lowe, 28 November 2011 13:31)

Do you have the benefit of some sources that the rest of us doesn't know about who said that KFOR shot themselves ?

There is nothing disgusting in trying to ensure freedom of movement for the inhabitants of North Kosovo (as mandated by Resolution 1244) and in ensuring the collection of customs taxes (as mandated by UNMIK Regulation no 3 of 1999). All parties, Serbs and Albanians, support UNMIK and Resolution 1244, which, I remind you, is still in force.
(icj1, 28 November 2011 15:35)
Maybe this non Serb, not located in the balkans was actually at the barricades and giving an eyewitness account, otherwise his post is total bs and reveals alot.


pre 13 godina

Seems to me the ones doing all the shooting are the KFOR side ...... and yet also brazenly lying about being shot at! KFOR is really disgusting!
(lowe, 28 November 2011 13:31)

Do you have the benefit of some sources that the rest of us doesn't know about who said that KFOR shot themselves ?

There is nothing disgusting in trying to ensure freedom of movement for the inhabitants of North Kosovo (as mandated by Resolution 1244) and in ensuring the collection of customs taxes (as mandated by UNMIK Regulation no 3 of 1999). All parties, Serbs and Albanians, support UNMIK and Resolution 1244, which, I remind you, is still in force.

Balkan Anthropologist

pre 13 godina

When will these KFOR goons learn? Shooting at civilians does NOTHING except create more anger and determination to fight. They dismantle a barricade only to have another one erected right next to it. Rubber bullets, water canons, pepper spray - and all in the name of "freedom of movement". What a joke. Looks like these jarheads couldn't wait until winter. Probably because these little Krauts would freeze before the local population.


pre 13 godina

Nato jamming and cutting off communications? They obviously don't want the world to see what they are doing -they can then lie to their hearts content and say that the Serbs attacked them with machine guns and that Nato were only trying to defend themselves- liars.


pre 13 godina

Never! Sure! The peaceful Serbs only shoot at ROSU officers, never at KFOR soldiers, or what?
(Comm. Parrisson, 28 November 2011 13:46)
Umm, can you provide evidence for you claim please?


pre 13 godina

As Yogi Berra said, 'It's deja vu all over again'. Austrians and German foreign unwelcome occupiers on Serb soil trying to rule over Serbs again. It didn't work before and it won't work this time. History does indeed repeat itself.
Time to send in MUP.


pre 13 godina

KFOR soldiers also again used loud speakers to announce: "Disperse, or we will continue to shoot."
Wow, what a bunch of fascists. They are shooting unarmed civilians again? Enough is enough, that is the message going around the world and in KiM also. Everyone has had enough of the Machine going around the world, robbing, raping and causing instability and destruction. Taking people's rights and freedoms away. That's why we have Egyptian protestors in Tahrir square, the occupy movements around the world and the barricades in KiM. People around the world are uniting and resisting the new NAZIs.

Rather than allowing these people to protest peacefully they are attempting to silence them using violence, whether it is NATO, the US police or the US backed Egyptian army, it is all the same. Time is running out for the fascists. Time is on the peoples side. The revolution my friends.


pre 13 godina

"In the meantime, the Serbs put up a new barricade some 500 meters away from the road block cleared by KFOR this morning."

I'd say it again -- really do admire the determination of the K-Serbs!

"At around 11:00 CET, the soldiers used loudspeakers to announce that "one of their commanders was shot in the arm", and blamed the citizens for this.

This caused indignation among those gathered, said Beta news agency. The citizens began shouting that the KFOR claim was a lie, and that they never used firearms.

At this point, KFOR once again threw tear gas and stun grenades against the Serbs, while shots were heard.

KFOR soldiers again used loud speakers to announce: "Disperse, or we will continue to shoot."

Seems to me the ones doing all the shooting are the KFOR side ...... and yet also brazenly lying about being shot at! KFOR is really disgusting!

Comm. Parrisson

pre 13 godina

"This caused indignation among those gathered, said Beta news agency. The citizens began shouting that the KFOR claim was a lie, and that they never used firearms."

Never! Sure! The peaceful Serbs only shoot at ROSU officers, never at KFOR soldiers, or what?


pre 13 godina

Serbia lost this battle due to bad past decisions!!! In America people say pick your battles! The EU has taken Kosovo's matter personal and first priority Sign Kosovo if you are not Serbia also will also lose Vojvodina in the long run.


pre 13 godina

As Yogi Berra said, 'It's deja vu all over again'. Austrians and German foreign unwelcome occupiers on Serb soil trying to rule over Serbs again. It didn't work before and it won't work this time. History does indeed repeat itself.
Time to send in MUP.


pre 13 godina

"In the meantime, the Serbs put up a new barricade some 500 meters away from the road block cleared by KFOR this morning."

I'd say it again -- really do admire the determination of the K-Serbs!

"At around 11:00 CET, the soldiers used loudspeakers to announce that "one of their commanders was shot in the arm", and blamed the citizens for this.

This caused indignation among those gathered, said Beta news agency. The citizens began shouting that the KFOR claim was a lie, and that they never used firearms.

At this point, KFOR once again threw tear gas and stun grenades against the Serbs, while shots were heard.

KFOR soldiers again used loud speakers to announce: "Disperse, or we will continue to shoot."

Seems to me the ones doing all the shooting are the KFOR side ...... and yet also brazenly lying about being shot at! KFOR is really disgusting!


pre 13 godina

KFOR soldiers also again used loud speakers to announce: "Disperse, or we will continue to shoot."
Wow, what a bunch of fascists. They are shooting unarmed civilians again? Enough is enough, that is the message going around the world and in KiM also. Everyone has had enough of the Machine going around the world, robbing, raping and causing instability and destruction. Taking people's rights and freedoms away. That's why we have Egyptian protestors in Tahrir square, the occupy movements around the world and the barricades in KiM. People around the world are uniting and resisting the new NAZIs.

Rather than allowing these people to protest peacefully they are attempting to silence them using violence, whether it is NATO, the US police or the US backed Egyptian army, it is all the same. Time is running out for the fascists. Time is on the peoples side. The revolution my friends.


pre 13 godina

Nato jamming and cutting off communications? They obviously don't want the world to see what they are doing -they can then lie to their hearts content and say that the Serbs attacked them with machine guns and that Nato were only trying to defend themselves- liars.


pre 13 godina

Just go to your MOTHER RUSSIA and leave Europe alone. Since you came down from Urals, you have only caused problems for us.
(Eri, 28 November 2011 14:58)

Why dont you all hop on a spaceship and head to the magical land of Illyria-Dardania. We have had enough of you lot. Maybe you can make yourself useful for once, by annoying the Klingons.

Another unemployed Albanian troll.

Beam me up Scotty! Get me outta here.


pre 13 godina

Never! Sure! The peaceful Serbs only shoot at ROSU officers, never at KFOR soldiers, or what?
(Comm. Parrisson, 28 November 2011 13:46)
Umm, can you provide evidence for you claim please?


pre 13 godina

Seems like KFOR wanted this to happen,so they sent Austrians and Germans TO
fuel it even more,to remove barricades even if they had clear passage already
agreed with local authorities,they are looking to finnish the job that has started 1999,except that time they didnt have balls to land on the ground,however they were good with diplomacy and got what they wanted by simply using pen,paper and lies.

Serbia doesnt want war,they know that so they use that against us.
Whole NATO against us,odds are not that great.
Shame on all our WW1 and WW2 allies England,France,US,Canada,Australia...

How you will react when your teritory gets occupied,truth is you are run by corporate greed and you dont have time to think of that,you forgoten your history,your own mums and dads,grand parents,your own veterans,your own values,you are educated and brought up on playstations and xbox-es,amphetamines,extasies,and your parents never had time for you cos they where slaves of the same corporate greed.

Now you ve become hypocrites,selfish egocentrics,brain blocked robotes that follows the orders and dont want to question and have moral opinion and values.

As for us Serbs times are rough,luckily your Empireis slowley going down
(like Romans).
We wanted peace,but that seems to be luxuary this days in "democracy"
Time will tell...

Sa verom u boga i otadzbinu!


pre 13 godina


Please don't be so naive. Do you really think this is about "freedom of movement" and do you really think it's a matter of importance for the every day Albanian?

KFOR are a bunch of pussies, especially the Germans & Austrians. It's almost like the Serbs will have an old fashioned fist fight, but the NATO pansy occupiers will only bring guns to the battle.

There's no courage or bravery shown by NATO on any level. Man-to-Man we would kick your US/German/Austrian/Albanian arses in a real fight, but you need such big weapons to bring along.

If I was Putin & elected again, the first thing I would do would be to shell Camp Bondsteel. What a disgrace to be situated on our land.

Down with NATO! Let's get them out! NATO does not have the right to fire at us Serbs. They never will have the right to fire at us on our soil. Don't even bother to comment about this if you're Albanian because you wouldn't even put your foot on the territory at Jagnjenica ;)

Canadian Serb

pre 13 godina

I say it's always better for Serbs that this job is done by KFOR as the alternative is KPS.

Pick and choose now- it's up to you.
(ben, 28 November 2011 13:44)

Hello Ben/ST!

Actually it does not matter anymore, both KFOR and KPS belong to the same criminals that destroyed my country and murdered my (Serbian) people!

Serbs in kosovo north would rather die than accept definition of democracy and freedom that NATO supposedly brings! They know that Pristina Albanians could never be trusted together with their fascist supporters (germany/britain and USA)!

Putin is our orthodox brother and Russia together with him and chinese is the future.

Timber Wolf


pre 13 godina

Serbia lost this battle due to bad past decisions!!! In America people say pick your battles! The EU has taken Kosovo's matter personal and first priority Sign Kosovo if you are not Serbia also will also lose Vojvodina in the long run.

Balkan Anthropologist

pre 13 godina

When will these KFOR goons learn? Shooting at civilians does NOTHING except create more anger and determination to fight. They dismantle a barricade only to have another one erected right next to it. Rubber bullets, water canons, pepper spray - and all in the name of "freedom of movement". What a joke. Looks like these jarheads couldn't wait until winter. Probably because these little Krauts would freeze before the local population.


pre 13 godina

There is nothing disgusting in trying to ensure freedom of movement for the inhabitants of North Kosovo...
(icj1, 28 November 2011 15:35)
LOL!! Why do you care? These are Serbian issues so mind your own business. There are far more crimes in the Albanian parts so you should go there and fix your own problems. You criticise Serbia's economy and even if it isn't doing too well, at least we have one. Your people having nothing better to do than to desecrate grave, burn churches and shoot people. It relies on handouts by your masters, criminals are your leaders and the mafia makes the law.

You can take your UNSCR1244 and stick it where the sun don't shine because Serbians will never, and I repeat never live under the crime infested parallel institutions run by Albanians.

Go and ask any international that has worked in KiM and they will tell you that Pristina is a big dump. That's why they prefer staying in Serbian areas and going to Belgrade for a dose of civilisation. I have heard and seen it many many times, but of course, Albanians won't admit it - but denial won't hide the truth.

You see, time is running out for your lot and that is the reason NATO is trying so hard to close this chapter quickly. We have Greece, FYROM, Serbia, Montenegro and the Albanians. Who is the odd one out?


pre 13 godina

"Mobile telephony reception is being jammed at Jagnjenica, making communication with the outside world difficult."

What is KFOR trying to hide from the outside world?

Don't trust anyone who intentionally isolates and then takes measures to block the outside world from being informed.


pre 13 godina

Seems to me the ones doing all the shooting are the KFOR side ...... and yet also brazenly lying about being shot at! KFOR is really disgusting!
(lowe, 28 November 2011 13:31)

Do you have the benefit of some sources that the rest of us doesn't know about who said that KFOR shot themselves ?

There is nothing disgusting in trying to ensure freedom of movement for the inhabitants of North Kosovo (as mandated by Resolution 1244) and in ensuring the collection of customs taxes (as mandated by UNMIK Regulation no 3 of 1999). All parties, Serbs and Albanians, support UNMIK and Resolution 1244, which, I remind you, is still in force.

Comm. Parrisson

pre 13 godina

"This caused indignation among those gathered, said Beta news agency. The citizens began shouting that the KFOR claim was a lie, and that they never used firearms."

Never! Sure! The peaceful Serbs only shoot at ROSU officers, never at KFOR soldiers, or what?

a New Day

pre 13 godina

If I was Putin & elected again, the first thing I would do would be to shell Camp Bondsteel. What a disgrace to be situated on our land.

Down with NATO! Let's get them out! NATO does not have the right to fire at us Serbs. They never will have the right to fire at us on our soil. Don't even bother to comment about this if you're Albanian because you wouldn't even put your foot on the territory at Jagnjenica ;)
(trizo, 28 November 2011 16:40)
Ever notice when a Serb on here starts thumping the chest and talking of how strong and brave Serbs are they have to mention the Russians??
Kind of like the bully on the playground standing in front of his big brother.


pre 13 godina

Canadian Serb-

What you say in principle is true,we dont want the opression Nato brings,we should also be carefull however what the Russians and Chinees might have in store for us some day as well.I can tell you noe that after studying international relations for a number of years i can say that for sure that there is no such thing as the brotherhood of nations.Russia can be an ally but please dont go as far to suggest that religion is gonna fix everyhting.Serbia always in that sense has to look out for its own interests,it has to protect its democracy,culture and citizens regardless of religion in the best way possible.

an observation

pre 13 godina

Seems to me the ones doing all the shooting are the KFOR side ...... and yet also brazenly lying about being shot at! KFOR is really disgusting!
(lowe, 28 November 2011 13:31)

Do you have the benefit of some sources that the rest of us doesn't know about who said that KFOR shot themselves ?

There is nothing disgusting in trying to ensure freedom of movement for the inhabitants of North Kosovo (as mandated by Resolution 1244) and in ensuring the collection of customs taxes (as mandated by UNMIK Regulation no 3 of 1999). All parties, Serbs and Albanians, support UNMIK and Resolution 1244, which, I remind you, is still in force.
(icj1, 28 November 2011 15:35)
Maybe this non Serb, not located in the balkans was actually at the barricades and giving an eyewitness account, otherwise his post is total bs and reveals alot.


pre 13 godina

(Lazar, 28 November 2011 19:31)

Sadly I have to say that democracy today is one of the best myths perpetuated by the west. What we have is generally two parties which near identical, but with a free loving media telling everyone they as different as sky and the earth. While in opposition Party A tells you they will do this or that, but once in power they continue the work of the previous administration.
What you are after is a high standard of living not electing idiots to power to enrich themselves.
You are 100% correct in that nations look toward their interests, but the Serbs can piggyback on those interests to get what they want. The Chinese are pure business so if they invest in Serbia its because they see a profit. The Russians are slightly different in that they do have a soft spot for the Serbs and that is to our advantage in that they will do a little more for our people.
However, it’s the Serbs that have to take the heavy load, but once we have achieved our goal we do not allow anyone to erode those gains because of brotherhood and unity.


pre 13 godina

You are free not to vote them in power again if they don’t do what they promise….
(icj1, 29 November 2011 04:07)

For the last 220 years how many political parties have won office in the Us that did not have the names Democratic or Republican on their banner.
Look at the UK or many of these so called democracies.
Yeah you vote them out but the others just carry on the work of the previous administration.
Jesus help me!!!! I never know people could be so brainwashed.

Well, somebody still has to be elected. The key though is the threat that they may not be elected again if they don’t fulfill their promises.
(icj1, 29 November 2011 04:07)

ZZZZZZZZZ you are putting me to sleep with this nonsense. You need to change the entire system to have real democracy not this shame in place now. Try and change it in the US and see how long you live – democratically of course. The ammunition would have been manufactured in the US by democratic voting fingers and you would be comforted to know they did not use bullets made by evil hands.

Ha, ha, ha… The Russians have a soft spot for Serbia ?! Yeah, with words… When it comes to act for real they did not hesitate to dump insignificant little Serbia for their bigger interests, like they did in June 1999.
(icj1, 29 November 2011 04:07)

If the Russians did not support the Serbs in Kosovo KFOR and NATO would have overrun them using live rounds with little to no media covering that event and there would have been many dead.
As you are of limited intellect and capacity to absorbed new ideas I’ll draw you a picture of the events of 1999. In that year Russia was on the verge of collapse and if Yelstsin did not allow Clinton to attack Serbia then there would have been no money from the IMF – there would havec been chaos and starvation in Russia. Billy boy even sent Strobe Talbot to Moscow during the bombing to make sure Yeltsin keep to his part.

This is now 2011 and much thanks to Putin Russia is a rising power. In fact it is in the process of joining the board of the IMF – what a change.
Perhaps you might read about the Russians sending a fleet to its naval base in Syria and watch the US and their cretins disappear under their respective rocks.
These things do take time. But its speeding up.

Yeah, Serbs have to do it by themselves. There is only brotherhood and unity around money; you as the B92 Forums’ CE know that very well.

PS: CE=Chief Economist
(icj1, 29 November 2011 04:07)

Its brotherhood and unity that kept feeding those Albanians layabouts, propping up the Croats and Slovenes. Why don’t they have that wonderful lifestyle as before? because the EU sends very little money and now they actually have to live off their earning from tourism and what little manufacturing they have. It would make me laugh when a Croat posted on B92 about Croatia’s tourism as if the Croats have found somehow El Dorado to just live off tourism and the rest of the world overlooked it.
Each year more and more Croats and Slovenes commemorate Tito’s birthday because of the poverty.
My comments were addressed to Serbs who seem to forgive and forget and pay the price again and again.
Let the Chief Economists tell you this much. 2012 is going to be a VERY DARK YEAR FOR THE WEST EXCEPT AUSTRALIA. Europe will plunge into a deep recession, as if they left the last one, and possibly going into a depression. Naturallry the US needs to divert attention from their problems and now blames Europe when in actual fact it was the US which started all of this mess.
I can hear the printing presses in the US working overtime now. Oh the bad news is the US will suffer more than Europe over this little GFC2 or 3, I fogot which one it is now.

Canadian Serb

pre 13 godina

@Canadian Srb.People like you deported Srbs from Croatia and Bosnia.It is very easy to show patriotizm from the warm sofa in Canada.Come here in Kosova and show that bravery.You just picked the easy way for your brothers while you want to live free and far away from your country.This people will have a choice to live in Kosova free and happy or the choice you just gave them.People like you have no patriotizm,you only have that big loose mouth that is not connected to your heart or brain.Leave this poor Srbs alone to live their lives in their own house called Kosova
(Labi, 29 November 2011 04:12)

Hello Labi,

I would like to agree with you but...Serbs, being a minority in Kosovo do not live free and happy as long as they define themselves as Serbs! The same thing goes for the Croatian serbs! Those serbs living under Pristina rule are slowly disapering, whether being kidnapped and chopped for their organs or simply murdered because of their nationality!

And yes my sofa is worm....but it was not alwys like this. The first 12 years living here in Canada was very hard and at times very cold. Ofcourse I want to live free...my grandparents, together with my family were not given the same opportunity living under fascist Croatia! Granparents murdered, fathers village burned to the ground 3 times during WW2 and then ethnic cleansing continued again when ustashas came to power in early 90's.

Why dont you try living amongst serbs...move to northern kosovo as ethnic albanian...and lets how happy and free you are going to be....the same goes for the serbs living under Thaci...

Timber Wolf

Canadian Serb

pre 13 godina

(Lazar, 28 November 2011 19:31)

Sadly I have to say that democracy today is one of the best myths perpetuated by the west. What we have is generally two parties which near identical, but with a free loving media telling everyone they as different as sky and the earth. While in opposition Party A tells you they will do this or that, but once in power they continue the work of the previous administration.
What you are after is a high standard of living not electing idiots to power to enrich themselves.
You are 100% correct in that nations look toward their interests, but the Serbs can piggyback on those interests to get what they want. The Chinese are pure business so if they invest in Serbia its because they see a profit. The Russians are slightly different in that they do have a soft spot for the Serbs and that is to our advantage in that they will do a little more for our people.
However, it’s the Serbs that have to take the heavy load, but once we have achieved our goal we do not allow anyone to erode those gains because of brotherhood and unity.
(sj, 28 November 2011 23:26)

What you say in principle is true,we dont want the opression Nato brings,we should also be carefull however what the Russians and Chinees might have in store for us some day as well.I can tell you noe that after studying international relations for a number of years i can say that for sure that there is no such thing as the brotherhood of nations.Russia can be an ally but please dont go as far to suggest that religion is gonna fix everyhting.Serbia always in that sense has to look out for its own interests,it has to protect its democracy,culture and citizens regardless of religion in the best way possible.
(Lazar, 28 November 2011 19:31)

Hello Lazar!

Pravo ime, po nasem slavnom martiru caru Lazaru! U redu, I never studied international relations but unfortunately lived them. I fled Croatia together with my family in early 90's. No choice it was life or death. Serbs must not forget their roots. Russians together with the Chinese in time will become more powerful than titanic Usa/Germany/Britain! You know that and I know that! Also we always had good relations with the Chinese, and in particular NATO bombing of the Serbia and "accidently" taking out the Chinese ambacy in Belgrade, Chinese don't forget! Plus what has NATO,USA ever done for anyone but making themselves richer from the suffering and murder that they bring. I did study words history at the local university. I did not say Serbia has to close its borders to the west but they should not expect from Serbia to give up Kosovo and continue to assist those that murder my,Serbian people. Russians over fascists, britain/germany/USA any day.

Brat Srbin

Canadian Serb

pre 13 godina

And in regards to democracy...one out of seven people in USA live on food stamps...what was the percentage in the former Yugo?

Brat Srbin


pre 13 godina

"Maybe this non Serb, not located in the balkans was actually at the barricades and giving an eyewitness account, otherwise his post is total bs and reveals alot.
(an observation, 28 November 2011 16:58)"

I see .... I'm at the barricades even though I'm not in the Balkans where the barricades are located ....... seems to me the only ones doing any bs on B92 and writing nonsence are posters like yourself! And the evidence is precisely in what you wrote!


pre 13 godina

According to eye witnesses, kfor fired rubber bullets directly at Serb civilians from a distance if no more than two or three metres and from positions on top of budded. No police force would shoot at such distances and in such a way as it is completely against the proper training for use of rubber bullets. If they had been live rounds, NATO would have committed a massacre. They've come very close to being prosecuted and being sent to prison. just following orders us nit even a defense for NATO.


pre 13 godina

"Do you have the benefit of some sources that the rest of us doesn't know about who said that KFOR shot themselves ?

There is nothing disgusting in trying to ensure freedom of movement for the inhabitants of North Kosovo (as mandated by Resolution 1244) and in ensuring the collection of customs taxes (as mandated by UNMIK Regulation no 3 of 1999). All parties, Serbs and Albanians, support UNMIK and Resolution 1244, which, I remind you, is still in force.
(icj1, 28 November 2011 15:35) "

It should be clear to any sane reader that I was using this article itself as source when I quoted the relevant parts of it. Did I claim to have other sources? Where did I state that KFOR shot itself????? Stop putting words into my mouth! What I did was to state my opinion as should be abundantly clear when I began my post with "Seems to me ....". Methinks your precious Merriam-Webster obviously ain't doing a good job helping you!

Where did I state that it was disgusting to ensure freedom of movement??? What I did was to opine, based on the part of the article that I quoted, that force seemed to come from the Nato side although it claimed otherwise. And which resulted in many Serb injuries.

Balkan Anthropologist

pre 13 godina

I say it's always better for Serbs that this job is done by KFOR as the alternative is KPS.
(ben, 28 November 2011 13:44)

LOL you might be right. KPS would have ran screaming across the Ibar at the first sign of Serbian resistance, which might have followed them. KFOR at least is under the impression they have some tactical advantage and has no compunction firing into the crowd. Last time Albanans went up against Serbs toe to toe, they ran for the border :)


pre 13 godina

"KFOR are a bunch of pussies, especially the Germans & Austrians. It's almost like the Serbs will have an old fashioned fist fight, but the NATO pansy occupiers will only bring guns to the battle.

There's no courage or bravery shown by NATO on any level. Man-to-Man we would kick your US/German/Austrian/Albanian arses in a real fight, but you need such big weapons to bring along. "

I love this comment. Don't be naive trizo, you wouldn't take part in any fighting, you're all the way in Australia. People can be so brave away from the front!!!


pre 13 godina

“Sorry, I thought it was lowe who stated “Seems to me the ones doing all the shooting are the KFOR side ...... and yet also brazenly lying about being shot at! KFOR is really disgusting!”. I apologize if that was another lowe :) “

Explain to me how is this opinion statement of mine the SAME as “I hereby declare as a fact that KFOR shot itself and I have other sources to back my statement” that you appear to be alleging of me????? In your day dreams perhaps (nightmare actually). As I recommended to you earlier, you ought to dump your Merriam-Webster.

“Yes, KFOR used force to ensure the freedom of movement of the northern Kosovo inhabitants. What’s disgusting about that ?
(icj1, 30 November 2011 03:43)”

Firstly, you failed to show where did I state that it was disgusting to ensure freedom of movement.

Secondly, I found KFor disgusting because they claimed to be shot at while undoubtedly they themselves were undoubtedly shooting and threatening to shoot the Serbs – this should be clear enough from my earlier post.


pre 13 godina

If they don't want to be provoked, they should stop blocking the supply lines, and stop support Serbia's mafia in its removal of borders. They should go back to their homes, and accept that their mythology contradicts the reality of the situation. I hope that they do it before KFOR gets fed up and switches from rubber bullets to live ammo.


pre 13 godina

“Well, we’re told that Jesus lived some 2000 years ago and science has proven beyond reasonable doubt that it is biologically impossible for somebody to live for 2000 years.”

Who told you that Jesus lived some 2000 years ago? The Christians? The bible? If so, don’t they also tell you that he rose from the dead? Yet you chose to accept as indisputable fact part of what they told you (that he lived 2000 years ago even though there was NO burial place, NO corpse and NOTHING that he wrote or made to prove that he once existed and then died) and to reject as falsehood the part where these SAME source(s) tell you that he rose from the dead??? If so, I would think that the reliability your source(s) of info, and hence your statement of fact, must be suspect.

“Well, you were describing on 28 November 2011 13:31 KFOR’s operation to ensure the freedom of movement and closed your presentation of that operation with the words “KFOR is really disgusting”. So are you saying now that KFOR was not disgusting ? That would be fine… I’d have nothing against that.”

Don’t try to put words into my mouth (although this seems to be your specialty). As I already told you, I found KFor disgusting because they claimed to be shot at while they themselves were shooting and threatening to shoot the Serbs – the classic pot calling the kettle black.

And you still failed to show clearly where did I ever state that it was disgusting to ensure freedom of movement. You had try to put words into my mouth in your attempt – and failed nevertheless.

“What is disgusting with shooting and threatening to shoot some people (Albanians, Serbs, Roma or whoever) if they violently try to hinder the freedom of movement mandated by Resolution 1244?
(icj1, 3 December 2011 18:18)”

You still don’t get it. I found them disgusting for claiming that they were shot at on one hand while not acknowledging that they were shooting at the Serbs too. Whether the Serbs “violently” hindered anything was not the issue of my post.


pre 13 godina

Give them Russian Citizenship and send them to Mother Russia. That is what they asked for and that is what Russia wants. They may get better treatment.


pre 13 godina

Please don't be so naive. Do you really think this is about "freedom of movement" and do you really think it's a matter of importance for the every day Albanian?
(trizo, 28 November 2011 16:40)

I don’t care whether it is of importance to the Albanians or not. All I know is that resolution 1244 is still in force and KFOR has a duty to ensure the freedom of movement of the N. Kosovo citizens who, according to the Zvecan Mayor, are facing a difficult winter when it comes to the freedom of movement, among others. So, of course it is about the freedom of movement of the N. Kosovo citizens. We may not care much because we don’t live there, but those people do live there and are concerned, as expressed by their Mayor.

KFOR are a bunch of pussies, especially the Germans & Austrians. It's almost like the Serbs will have an old fashioned fist fight, but the NATO pansy occupiers will only bring guns to the battle. There's no courage or bravery shown by NATO on any level. Man-to-Man we would kick your US/German/Austrian/Albanian arses in a real fight, but you need such big weapons to bring along.
(trizo, 28 November 2011 16:40)

If somebody wishes to have a boxing match between the KFOR pussies and the Serb machos, I’m sure that can be arranged in a boxing ring and I bet that the Serb machos will win. However, that’s a topic for the “Sports” section.

If I was Putin & elected again, the first thing I would do would be to shell Camp Bondsteel. What a disgrace to be situated on our land.
(trizo, 28 November 2011 16:40)

Putin is going to be elected again, but you understood it well… In YOUR land, not Putin’s. Putin’s business and enrichment is going well so what you said is the last thing Putin would do.

Down with NATO! Let's get them out! NATO does not have the right to fire at us Serbs. They never will have the right to fire at us on our soil. Don't even bother to comment about this if you're Albanian because you wouldn't even put your foot on the territory at Jagnjenica ;)
(trizo, 28 November 2011 16:40)

Of course we can get them out as soon as Russia, China and the others in the Security Council say so. I remind you, my friend, that Resolution 1244 is still in force and strongly supported by Albanians and Serbs alike.


pre 13 godina

LOL!! Why do you care? These are Serbian issues so mind your own business.
(Zoran, 28 November 2011 17:19)

Well, my friend, I don’t distinguish Kosovo citizens between Serbs, Albanians, Roma, etc… I believe that all of them have the right to freedom of movement.

There are far more crimes in the Albanian parts so you should go there and fix your own problems.
(Zoran, 28 November 2011 17:19)

I’m not the police and KFOR is not the police. That’s the job of KPS and EULEX. That does not prevent KFOR do its job to ensure the freedom of movement.

You criticise Serbia's economy and even if it isn't doing too well, at least we have one.
(Zoran, 28 November 2011 17:19)

I criticized the Serbian economy ?! I provided a reference to B92 news about the Serbian economy. If those news are saying what you say, it’s fine by me.

Your people having nothing better to do than to desecrate grave, burn churches and shoot people. It relies on handouts by your masters, criminals are your leaders and the mafia makes the law.
(Zoran, 28 November 2011 17:19)

My people ?! I don’t have anybody that I know who desecrates graves, burns churches and shoots people. I think you have some wrong information about me :)

You can take your UNSCR1244 and stick it where the sun don't shine because Serbians will never, and I repeat never live under the crime infested parallel institutions run by Albanians.
(Zoran, 28 November 2011 17:19)

My 1244 ?! It was not me who approved and supports it. But if you wish Russia, China, others in the UNSC, Serbs and Albanians stick it where the sun don't shine, I’m sure that the UNSC can take a vote about your proposal and proceed with the sticking if Russia, China, US, France or UK do not veto it.

Go and ask any international that has worked in KiM and they will tell you that Pristina is a big dump. That's why they prefer staying in Serbian areas and going to Belgrade for a dose of civilisation. I have heard and seen it many many times, but of course, Albanians won't admit it - but denial won't hide the truth.
(Zoran, 28 November 2011 17:19)

Well, even though you did not bring any evidence, I’m happy to admit it. And that what ? What does that have to do with the topic ?

You see, time is running out for your lot and that is the reason NATO is trying so hard to close this chapter quickly.
(Zoran, 28 November 2011 17:19)

NATO is now trying harder because the Zvecan mayor complained. NATO for itself is OK, but according to the Zvecan Mayor, Serbs of Northern Kosovo are facing a difficult winter when it comes to freedom of movement, among others. And NATO does not want to be accused that is not addressing Serbs concerns. But I do agree that NATO is not acting quick enough to help the freedom of movement of Serbs; we are almost in winter and NATO has done very little to help the freedom of movement of the inhabitants of N. Kosovo.

We have Greece, FYROM, Serbia, Montenegro and the Albanians. Who is the odd one out?
(Zoran, 28 November 2011 17:19)

That’s obvious; the one none of the former-Yugoslavia republics wanted to live together with !


pre 13 godina

Sadly I have to say that democracy today is one of the best myths perpetuated by the west. What we have is generally two parties which near identical, but with a free loving media telling everyone they as different as sky and the earth. While in opposition Party A tells you they will do this or that, but once in power they continue the work of the previous administration.
(sj, 28 November 2011 23:26)

You are free not to vote them in power again if they don’t do what they promise….

What you are after is a high standard of living not electing idiots to power to enrich themselves.
(sj, 28 November 2011 23:26)

Well, somebody still has to be elected. The key though is the threat that they may not be elected again if they don’t fulfill their promises.

You are 100% correct in that nations look toward their interests, but the Serbs can piggyback on those interests to get what they want. The Chinese are pure business so if they invest in Serbia its because they see a profit. The Russians are slightly different in that they do have a soft spot for the Serbs and that is to our advantage in that they will do a little more for our people.
(sj, 28 November 2011 23:26)

Ha, ha, ha… The Russians have a soft spot for Serbia ?! Yeah, with words… When it comes to act for real they did not hesitate to dump insignificant little Serbia for their bigger interests, like they did in June 1999.

However, it’s the Serbs that have to take the heavy load, but once we have achieved our goal we do not allow anyone to erode those gains because of brotherhood and unity.
(sj, 28 November 2011 23:26)

Yeah, Serbs have to do it by themselves. There is only brotherhood and unity around money; you as the B92 Forums’ CE know that very well.

PS: CE=Chief Economist


pre 13 godina

@Canadian Srb.People like you deported Srbs from Croatia and Bosnia.It is very easy to show patriotizm from the warm sofa in Canada.Come here in Kosova and show that bravery.You just picked the easy way for your brothers while you want to live free and far away from your country.This people will have a choice to live in Kosova free and happy or the choice you just gave them.People like you have no patriotizm,you only have that big loose mouth that is not connected to your heart or brain.Leave this poor Srbs alone to live their lives in their own house called Kosova


pre 13 godina

It should be clear to any sane reader that I was using this article itself as source when I quoted the relevant parts of it. Did I claim to have other sources? Where did I state that KFOR shot itself????? Stop putting words into my mouth! What I did was to state my opinion as should be abundantly clear when I began my post with "Seems to me ....". Methinks your precious Merriam-Webster obviously ain't doing a good job helping you!
(lowe, 29 November 2011 06:36)

Sorry, I thought it was lowe who stated “Seems to me the ones doing all the shooting are the KFOR side ...... and yet also brazenly lying about being shot at! KFOR is really disgusting!”. I apologize if that was another lowe :)

Where did I state that it was disgusting to ensure freedom of movement??? What I did was to opine, based on the part of the article that I quoted, that force seemed to come from the Nato side although it claimed otherwise. And which resulted in many Serb injuries.
(lowe, 29 November 2011 06:36)

Yes, KFOR used force to ensure the freedom of movement of the northern Kosovo inhabitants. What’s disgusting about that ?


pre 13 godina

"Jesus is dead, it would be hard for him to help you if you are brainwashed :)

(icj1, 30 November 2011 03:59)"

I thought the Christians believed that he rose from the dead? How do you know that he is still dead? Did you have info on where they buried him and that his corpse is still there to be certain that he once existed, died and is still dead? Thanks in anticipation.


pre 13 godina

For the last 220 years how many political parties have won office in the Us that did not have the names Democratic or Republican on their banner.
Look at the UK or many of these so called democracies.
Yeah you vote them out but the others just carry on the work of the previous administration.
(sj, 29 November 2011 11:28)

Well, then you vote other people, until you find the right ones.

Jesus help me!!!! I never know people could be so brainwashed.
(sj, 29 November 2011 11:28)

Jesus is dead, it would be hard for him to help you if you are brainwashed :)

ZZZZZZZZZ you are putting me to sleep with this nonsense. You need to change the entire system to have real democracy not this shame in place now. Try and change it in the US and see how long you live – democratically of course. The ammunition would have been manufactured in the US by democratic voting fingers and you would be comforted to know they did not use bullets made by evil hands.
(sj, 29 November 2011 11:28)

You are free to suggest a new system of government if the majority supports you. Probably the Malaysian system of government if it works better.

If the Russians did not support the Serbs in Kosovo KFOR and NATO would have overrun them using live rounds with little to no media covering that event and there would have been many dead.
(sj, 29 November 2011 11:28)

KFOR would overrun the Serbs ? Why ? Serbs are strong supporters of 1244 ? KFOR is even trying to help the freedom of movement of Kosovo Serbs who, according to Zvecan Mayor, are facing a difficult winter when it comes to freedom of movement, among others.

As you are of limited intellect and capacity to absorbed new ideas I’ll draw you a picture of the events of 1999. In that year Russia was on the verge of collapse and if Yelstsin did not allow Clinton to attack Serbia then there would have been no money from the IMF – there would havec been chaos and starvation in Russia. Billy boy even sent Strobe Talbot to Moscow during the bombing to make sure Yeltsin keep to his part.
(sj, 29 November 2011 11:28)

That’s precise what I was referring to. Thanks for joining me in limited intellect and capacity.

This is now 2011 and much thanks to Putin Russia is a rising power. In fact it is in the process of joining the board of the IMF – what a change.
(sj, 29 November 2011 11:28)

That is great, those are the rules. Russia is a member of the IMF, similar to Kosovo, and both can join the IMF board.

Perhaps you might read about the Russians sending a fleet to its naval base in Syria and watch the US and their cretins disappear under their respective rocks.
(sj, 29 November 2011 11:28)

Russian fleet ? Sorry I did not know that Russia even had something that can be called a fleet :)

These things do take time. But its speeding up
(sj, 29 November 2011 11:28)

Yeah it’s speeding up unfortunately and Russia’s population is declining by the millions to the point that Russia is in a demographic crisis (according to Russian authorities). Hopefully Russia will do better in the future.

the Chief Economists tell you this much. 2012 is going to be a VERY DARK YEAR FOR THE WEST EXCEPT AUSTRALIA. Europe will plunge into a deep recession, as if they left the last one, and possibly going into a depression. Naturallry the US needs to divert attention from their problems and now blames Europe when in actual fact it was the US which started all of this mess.
I can hear the printing presses in the US working overtime now. Oh the bad news is the US will suffer more than Europe over this little GFC2 or 3, I fogot which one it is now.
(sj, 29 November 2011 11:28)

Why is that a bad news ? I know that Serbs depend on handouts from the West, but for me and you who live in Malaysia, it should not be a bad news at all !


pre 13 godina

I thought the Christians believed that he rose from the dead? How do you know that he is still dead? Did you have info on where they buried him and that his corpse is still there to be certain that he once existed, died and is still dead? Thanks in anticipation.
(lowe, 30 November 2011 15:23)

Well, we’re told that Jesus lived some 2000 years ago and science has proven beyond reasonable doubt that it is biologically impossible for somebody to live for 2000 years.

Firstly, you failed to show where did I state that it was disgusting to ensure freedom of movement.
(lowe, 30 November 2011 11:35)

Well, you were describing on 28 November 2011 13:31 KFOR’s operation to ensure the freedom of movement and closed your presentation of that operation with the words “KFOR is really disgusting”. So are you saying now that KFOR was not disgusting ? That would be fine… I’d have nothing against that.

Secondly, I found KFor disgusting because they claimed to be shot at while undoubtedly they themselves were undoubtedly shooting and threatening to shoot the Serbs – this should be clear enough from my earlier post.
(lowe, 30 November 2011 11:35)

What is disgusting with shooting and threatening to shoot some people (Albanians, Serbs, Roma or whoever) if they violently try to hinder the freedom of movement mandated by Resolution 1244 ?


pre 13 godina

Serbia lost this battle due to bad past decisions!!! In America people say pick your battles! The EU has taken Kosovo's matter personal and first priority Sign Kosovo if you are not Serbia also will also lose Vojvodina in the long run.

Comm. Parrisson

pre 13 godina

"This caused indignation among those gathered, said Beta news agency. The citizens began shouting that the KFOR claim was a lie, and that they never used firearms."

Never! Sure! The peaceful Serbs only shoot at ROSU officers, never at KFOR soldiers, or what?


pre 13 godina

Seems to me the ones doing all the shooting are the KFOR side ...... and yet also brazenly lying about being shot at! KFOR is really disgusting!
(lowe, 28 November 2011 13:31)

Do you have the benefit of some sources that the rest of us doesn't know about who said that KFOR shot themselves ?

There is nothing disgusting in trying to ensure freedom of movement for the inhabitants of North Kosovo (as mandated by Resolution 1244) and in ensuring the collection of customs taxes (as mandated by UNMIK Regulation no 3 of 1999). All parties, Serbs and Albanians, support UNMIK and Resolution 1244, which, I remind you, is still in force.


pre 13 godina

"In the meantime, the Serbs put up a new barricade some 500 meters away from the road block cleared by KFOR this morning."

I'd say it again -- really do admire the determination of the K-Serbs!

"At around 11:00 CET, the soldiers used loudspeakers to announce that "one of their commanders was shot in the arm", and blamed the citizens for this.

This caused indignation among those gathered, said Beta news agency. The citizens began shouting that the KFOR claim was a lie, and that they never used firearms.

At this point, KFOR once again threw tear gas and stun grenades against the Serbs, while shots were heard.

KFOR soldiers again used loud speakers to announce: "Disperse, or we will continue to shoot."

Seems to me the ones doing all the shooting are the KFOR side ...... and yet also brazenly lying about being shot at! KFOR is really disgusting!

a New Day

pre 13 godina

If I was Putin & elected again, the first thing I would do would be to shell Camp Bondsteel. What a disgrace to be situated on our land.

Down with NATO! Let's get them out! NATO does not have the right to fire at us Serbs. They never will have the right to fire at us on our soil. Don't even bother to comment about this if you're Albanian because you wouldn't even put your foot on the territory at Jagnjenica ;)
(trizo, 28 November 2011 16:40)
Ever notice when a Serb on here starts thumping the chest and talking of how strong and brave Serbs are they have to mention the Russians??
Kind of like the bully on the playground standing in front of his big brother.

Canadian Serb

pre 13 godina

I say it's always better for Serbs that this job is done by KFOR as the alternative is KPS.

Pick and choose now- it's up to you.
(ben, 28 November 2011 13:44)

Hello Ben/ST!

Actually it does not matter anymore, both KFOR and KPS belong to the same criminals that destroyed my country and murdered my (Serbian) people!

Serbs in kosovo north would rather die than accept definition of democracy and freedom that NATO supposedly brings! They know that Pristina Albanians could never be trusted together with their fascist supporters (germany/britain and USA)!

Putin is our orthodox brother and Russia together with him and chinese is the future.

Timber Wolf


pre 13 godina

"Mobile telephony reception is being jammed at Jagnjenica, making communication with the outside world difficult."

What is KFOR trying to hide from the outside world?

Don't trust anyone who intentionally isolates and then takes measures to block the outside world from being informed.


pre 13 godina

There is nothing disgusting in trying to ensure freedom of movement for the inhabitants of North Kosovo...
(icj1, 28 November 2011 15:35)
LOL!! Why do you care? These are Serbian issues so mind your own business. There are far more crimes in the Albanian parts so you should go there and fix your own problems. You criticise Serbia's economy and even if it isn't doing too well, at least we have one. Your people having nothing better to do than to desecrate grave, burn churches and shoot people. It relies on handouts by your masters, criminals are your leaders and the mafia makes the law.

You can take your UNSCR1244 and stick it where the sun don't shine because Serbians will never, and I repeat never live under the crime infested parallel institutions run by Albanians.

Go and ask any international that has worked in KiM and they will tell you that Pristina is a big dump. That's why they prefer staying in Serbian areas and going to Belgrade for a dose of civilisation. I have heard and seen it many many times, but of course, Albanians won't admit it - but denial won't hide the truth.

You see, time is running out for your lot and that is the reason NATO is trying so hard to close this chapter quickly. We have Greece, FYROM, Serbia, Montenegro and the Albanians. Who is the odd one out?


pre 13 godina

Nato jamming and cutting off communications? They obviously don't want the world to see what they are doing -they can then lie to their hearts content and say that the Serbs attacked them with machine guns and that Nato were only trying to defend themselves- liars.


pre 13 godina

KFOR soldiers also again used loud speakers to announce: "Disperse, or we will continue to shoot."
Wow, what a bunch of fascists. They are shooting unarmed civilians again? Enough is enough, that is the message going around the world and in KiM also. Everyone has had enough of the Machine going around the world, robbing, raping and causing instability and destruction. Taking people's rights and freedoms away. That's why we have Egyptian protestors in Tahrir square, the occupy movements around the world and the barricades in KiM. People around the world are uniting and resisting the new NAZIs.

Rather than allowing these people to protest peacefully they are attempting to silence them using violence, whether it is NATO, the US police or the US backed Egyptian army, it is all the same. Time is running out for the fascists. Time is on the peoples side. The revolution my friends.


pre 13 godina

As Yogi Berra said, 'It's deja vu all over again'. Austrians and German foreign unwelcome occupiers on Serb soil trying to rule over Serbs again. It didn't work before and it won't work this time. History does indeed repeat itself.
Time to send in MUP.


pre 13 godina

Seems like KFOR wanted this to happen,so they sent Austrians and Germans TO
fuel it even more,to remove barricades even if they had clear passage already
agreed with local authorities,they are looking to finnish the job that has started 1999,except that time they didnt have balls to land on the ground,however they were good with diplomacy and got what they wanted by simply using pen,paper and lies.

Serbia doesnt want war,they know that so they use that against us.
Whole NATO against us,odds are not that great.
Shame on all our WW1 and WW2 allies England,France,US,Canada,Australia...

How you will react when your teritory gets occupied,truth is you are run by corporate greed and you dont have time to think of that,you forgoten your history,your own mums and dads,grand parents,your own veterans,your own values,you are educated and brought up on playstations and xbox-es,amphetamines,extasies,and your parents never had time for you cos they where slaves of the same corporate greed.

Now you ve become hypocrites,selfish egocentrics,brain blocked robotes that follows the orders and dont want to question and have moral opinion and values.

As for us Serbs times are rough,luckily your Empireis slowley going down
(like Romans).
We wanted peace,but that seems to be luxuary this days in "democracy"
Time will tell...

Sa verom u boga i otadzbinu!


pre 13 godina

Just go to your MOTHER RUSSIA and leave Europe alone. Since you came down from Urals, you have only caused problems for us.
(Eri, 28 November 2011 14:58)

Why dont you all hop on a spaceship and head to the magical land of Illyria-Dardania. We have had enough of you lot. Maybe you can make yourself useful for once, by annoying the Klingons.

Another unemployed Albanian troll.

Beam me up Scotty! Get me outta here.


pre 13 godina


Please don't be so naive. Do you really think this is about "freedom of movement" and do you really think it's a matter of importance for the every day Albanian?

KFOR are a bunch of pussies, especially the Germans & Austrians. It's almost like the Serbs will have an old fashioned fist fight, but the NATO pansy occupiers will only bring guns to the battle.

There's no courage or bravery shown by NATO on any level. Man-to-Man we would kick your US/German/Austrian/Albanian arses in a real fight, but you need such big weapons to bring along.

If I was Putin & elected again, the first thing I would do would be to shell Camp Bondsteel. What a disgrace to be situated on our land.

Down with NATO! Let's get them out! NATO does not have the right to fire at us Serbs. They never will have the right to fire at us on our soil. Don't even bother to comment about this if you're Albanian because you wouldn't even put your foot on the territory at Jagnjenica ;)


pre 13 godina

Never! Sure! The peaceful Serbs only shoot at ROSU officers, never at KFOR soldiers, or what?
(Comm. Parrisson, 28 November 2011 13:46)
Umm, can you provide evidence for you claim please?

Balkan Anthropologist

pre 13 godina

When will these KFOR goons learn? Shooting at civilians does NOTHING except create more anger and determination to fight. They dismantle a barricade only to have another one erected right next to it. Rubber bullets, water canons, pepper spray - and all in the name of "freedom of movement". What a joke. Looks like these jarheads couldn't wait until winter. Probably because these little Krauts would freeze before the local population.


pre 13 godina

(Lazar, 28 November 2011 19:31)

Sadly I have to say that democracy today is one of the best myths perpetuated by the west. What we have is generally two parties which near identical, but with a free loving media telling everyone they as different as sky and the earth. While in opposition Party A tells you they will do this or that, but once in power they continue the work of the previous administration.
What you are after is a high standard of living not electing idiots to power to enrich themselves.
You are 100% correct in that nations look toward their interests, but the Serbs can piggyback on those interests to get what they want. The Chinese are pure business so if they invest in Serbia its because they see a profit. The Russians are slightly different in that they do have a soft spot for the Serbs and that is to our advantage in that they will do a little more for our people.
However, it’s the Serbs that have to take the heavy load, but once we have achieved our goal we do not allow anyone to erode those gains because of brotherhood and unity.

an observation

pre 13 godina

Seems to me the ones doing all the shooting are the KFOR side ...... and yet also brazenly lying about being shot at! KFOR is really disgusting!
(lowe, 28 November 2011 13:31)

Do you have the benefit of some sources that the rest of us doesn't know about who said that KFOR shot themselves ?

There is nothing disgusting in trying to ensure freedom of movement for the inhabitants of North Kosovo (as mandated by Resolution 1244) and in ensuring the collection of customs taxes (as mandated by UNMIK Regulation no 3 of 1999). All parties, Serbs and Albanians, support UNMIK and Resolution 1244, which, I remind you, is still in force.
(icj1, 28 November 2011 15:35)
Maybe this non Serb, not located in the balkans was actually at the barricades and giving an eyewitness account, otherwise his post is total bs and reveals alot.


pre 13 godina

Give them Russian Citizenship and send them to Mother Russia. That is what they asked for and that is what Russia wants. They may get better treatment.


pre 13 godina

If they don't want to be provoked, they should stop blocking the supply lines, and stop support Serbia's mafia in its removal of borders. They should go back to their homes, and accept that their mythology contradicts the reality of the situation. I hope that they do it before KFOR gets fed up and switches from rubber bullets to live ammo.


pre 13 godina

@Canadian Srb.People like you deported Srbs from Croatia and Bosnia.It is very easy to show patriotizm from the warm sofa in Canada.Come here in Kosova and show that bravery.You just picked the easy way for your brothers while you want to live free and far away from your country.This people will have a choice to live in Kosova free and happy or the choice you just gave them.People like you have no patriotizm,you only have that big loose mouth that is not connected to your heart or brain.Leave this poor Srbs alone to live their lives in their own house called Kosova


pre 13 godina

Please don't be so naive. Do you really think this is about "freedom of movement" and do you really think it's a matter of importance for the every day Albanian?
(trizo, 28 November 2011 16:40)

I don’t care whether it is of importance to the Albanians or not. All I know is that resolution 1244 is still in force and KFOR has a duty to ensure the freedom of movement of the N. Kosovo citizens who, according to the Zvecan Mayor, are facing a difficult winter when it comes to the freedom of movement, among others. So, of course it is about the freedom of movement of the N. Kosovo citizens. We may not care much because we don’t live there, but those people do live there and are concerned, as expressed by their Mayor.

KFOR are a bunch of pussies, especially the Germans & Austrians. It's almost like the Serbs will have an old fashioned fist fight, but the NATO pansy occupiers will only bring guns to the battle. There's no courage or bravery shown by NATO on any level. Man-to-Man we would kick your US/German/Austrian/Albanian arses in a real fight, but you need such big weapons to bring along.
(trizo, 28 November 2011 16:40)

If somebody wishes to have a boxing match between the KFOR pussies and the Serb machos, I’m sure that can be arranged in a boxing ring and I bet that the Serb machos will win. However, that’s a topic for the “Sports” section.

If I was Putin & elected again, the first thing I would do would be to shell Camp Bondsteel. What a disgrace to be situated on our land.
(trizo, 28 November 2011 16:40)

Putin is going to be elected again, but you understood it well… In YOUR land, not Putin’s. Putin’s business and enrichment is going well so what you said is the last thing Putin would do.

Down with NATO! Let's get them out! NATO does not have the right to fire at us Serbs. They never will have the right to fire at us on our soil. Don't even bother to comment about this if you're Albanian because you wouldn't even put your foot on the territory at Jagnjenica ;)
(trizo, 28 November 2011 16:40)

Of course we can get them out as soon as Russia, China and the others in the Security Council say so. I remind you, my friend, that Resolution 1244 is still in force and strongly supported by Albanians and Serbs alike.


pre 13 godina

LOL!! Why do you care? These are Serbian issues so mind your own business.
(Zoran, 28 November 2011 17:19)

Well, my friend, I don’t distinguish Kosovo citizens between Serbs, Albanians, Roma, etc… I believe that all of them have the right to freedom of movement.

There are far more crimes in the Albanian parts so you should go there and fix your own problems.
(Zoran, 28 November 2011 17:19)

I’m not the police and KFOR is not the police. That’s the job of KPS and EULEX. That does not prevent KFOR do its job to ensure the freedom of movement.

You criticise Serbia's economy and even if it isn't doing too well, at least we have one.
(Zoran, 28 November 2011 17:19)

I criticized the Serbian economy ?! I provided a reference to B92 news about the Serbian economy. If those news are saying what you say, it’s fine by me.

Your people having nothing better to do than to desecrate grave, burn churches and shoot people. It relies on handouts by your masters, criminals are your leaders and the mafia makes the law.
(Zoran, 28 November 2011 17:19)

My people ?! I don’t have anybody that I know who desecrates graves, burns churches and shoots people. I think you have some wrong information about me :)

You can take your UNSCR1244 and stick it where the sun don't shine because Serbians will never, and I repeat never live under the crime infested parallel institutions run by Albanians.
(Zoran, 28 November 2011 17:19)

My 1244 ?! It was not me who approved and supports it. But if you wish Russia, China, others in the UNSC, Serbs and Albanians stick it where the sun don't shine, I’m sure that the UNSC can take a vote about your proposal and proceed with the sticking if Russia, China, US, France or UK do not veto it.

Go and ask any international that has worked in KiM and they will tell you that Pristina is a big dump. That's why they prefer staying in Serbian areas and going to Belgrade for a dose of civilisation. I have heard and seen it many many times, but of course, Albanians won't admit it - but denial won't hide the truth.
(Zoran, 28 November 2011 17:19)

Well, even though you did not bring any evidence, I’m happy to admit it. And that what ? What does that have to do with the topic ?

You see, time is running out for your lot and that is the reason NATO is trying so hard to close this chapter quickly.
(Zoran, 28 November 2011 17:19)

NATO is now trying harder because the Zvecan mayor complained. NATO for itself is OK, but according to the Zvecan Mayor, Serbs of Northern Kosovo are facing a difficult winter when it comes to freedom of movement, among others. And NATO does not want to be accused that is not addressing Serbs concerns. But I do agree that NATO is not acting quick enough to help the freedom of movement of Serbs; we are almost in winter and NATO has done very little to help the freedom of movement of the inhabitants of N. Kosovo.

We have Greece, FYROM, Serbia, Montenegro and the Albanians. Who is the odd one out?
(Zoran, 28 November 2011 17:19)

That’s obvious; the one none of the former-Yugoslavia republics wanted to live together with !


pre 13 godina

Sadly I have to say that democracy today is one of the best myths perpetuated by the west. What we have is generally two parties which near identical, but with a free loving media telling everyone they as different as sky and the earth. While in opposition Party A tells you they will do this or that, but once in power they continue the work of the previous administration.
(sj, 28 November 2011 23:26)

You are free not to vote them in power again if they don’t do what they promise….

What you are after is a high standard of living not electing idiots to power to enrich themselves.
(sj, 28 November 2011 23:26)

Well, somebody still has to be elected. The key though is the threat that they may not be elected again if they don’t fulfill their promises.

You are 100% correct in that nations look toward their interests, but the Serbs can piggyback on those interests to get what they want. The Chinese are pure business so if they invest in Serbia its because they see a profit. The Russians are slightly different in that they do have a soft spot for the Serbs and that is to our advantage in that they will do a little more for our people.
(sj, 28 November 2011 23:26)

Ha, ha, ha… The Russians have a soft spot for Serbia ?! Yeah, with words… When it comes to act for real they did not hesitate to dump insignificant little Serbia for their bigger interests, like they did in June 1999.

However, it’s the Serbs that have to take the heavy load, but once we have achieved our goal we do not allow anyone to erode those gains because of brotherhood and unity.
(sj, 28 November 2011 23:26)

Yeah, Serbs have to do it by themselves. There is only brotherhood and unity around money; you as the B92 Forums’ CE know that very well.

PS: CE=Chief Economist


pre 13 godina

"Do you have the benefit of some sources that the rest of us doesn't know about who said that KFOR shot themselves ?

There is nothing disgusting in trying to ensure freedom of movement for the inhabitants of North Kosovo (as mandated by Resolution 1244) and in ensuring the collection of customs taxes (as mandated by UNMIK Regulation no 3 of 1999). All parties, Serbs and Albanians, support UNMIK and Resolution 1244, which, I remind you, is still in force.
(icj1, 28 November 2011 15:35) "

It should be clear to any sane reader that I was using this article itself as source when I quoted the relevant parts of it. Did I claim to have other sources? Where did I state that KFOR shot itself????? Stop putting words into my mouth! What I did was to state my opinion as should be abundantly clear when I began my post with "Seems to me ....". Methinks your precious Merriam-Webster obviously ain't doing a good job helping you!

Where did I state that it was disgusting to ensure freedom of movement??? What I did was to opine, based on the part of the article that I quoted, that force seemed to come from the Nato side although it claimed otherwise. And which resulted in many Serb injuries.


pre 13 godina

"KFOR are a bunch of pussies, especially the Germans & Austrians. It's almost like the Serbs will have an old fashioned fist fight, but the NATO pansy occupiers will only bring guns to the battle.

There's no courage or bravery shown by NATO on any level. Man-to-Man we would kick your US/German/Austrian/Albanian arses in a real fight, but you need such big weapons to bring along. "

I love this comment. Don't be naive trizo, you wouldn't take part in any fighting, you're all the way in Australia. People can be so brave away from the front!!!


pre 13 godina

Canadian Serb-

What you say in principle is true,we dont want the opression Nato brings,we should also be carefull however what the Russians and Chinees might have in store for us some day as well.I can tell you noe that after studying international relations for a number of years i can say that for sure that there is no such thing as the brotherhood of nations.Russia can be an ally but please dont go as far to suggest that religion is gonna fix everyhting.Serbia always in that sense has to look out for its own interests,it has to protect its democracy,culture and citizens regardless of religion in the best way possible.


pre 13 godina

According to eye witnesses, kfor fired rubber bullets directly at Serb civilians from a distance if no more than two or three metres and from positions on top of budded. No police force would shoot at such distances and in such a way as it is completely against the proper training for use of rubber bullets. If they had been live rounds, NATO would have committed a massacre. They've come very close to being prosecuted and being sent to prison. just following orders us nit even a defense for NATO.

Canadian Serb

pre 13 godina

@Canadian Srb.People like you deported Srbs from Croatia and Bosnia.It is very easy to show patriotizm from the warm sofa in Canada.Come here in Kosova and show that bravery.You just picked the easy way for your brothers while you want to live free and far away from your country.This people will have a choice to live in Kosova free and happy or the choice you just gave them.People like you have no patriotizm,you only have that big loose mouth that is not connected to your heart or brain.Leave this poor Srbs alone to live their lives in their own house called Kosova
(Labi, 29 November 2011 04:12)

Hello Labi,

I would like to agree with you but...Serbs, being a minority in Kosovo do not live free and happy as long as they define themselves as Serbs! The same thing goes for the Croatian serbs! Those serbs living under Pristina rule are slowly disapering, whether being kidnapped and chopped for their organs or simply murdered because of their nationality!

And yes my sofa is worm....but it was not alwys like this. The first 12 years living here in Canada was very hard and at times very cold. Ofcourse I want to live free...my grandparents, together with my family were not given the same opportunity living under fascist Croatia! Granparents murdered, fathers village burned to the ground 3 times during WW2 and then ethnic cleansing continued again when ustashas came to power in early 90's.

Why dont you try living amongst serbs...move to northern kosovo as ethnic albanian...and lets how happy and free you are going to be....the same goes for the serbs living under Thaci...

Timber Wolf


pre 13 godina

"Jesus is dead, it would be hard for him to help you if you are brainwashed :)

(icj1, 30 November 2011 03:59)"

I thought the Christians believed that he rose from the dead? How do you know that he is still dead? Did you have info on where they buried him and that his corpse is still there to be certain that he once existed, died and is still dead? Thanks in anticipation.

Balkan Anthropologist

pre 13 godina

I say it's always better for Serbs that this job is done by KFOR as the alternative is KPS.
(ben, 28 November 2011 13:44)

LOL you might be right. KPS would have ran screaming across the Ibar at the first sign of Serbian resistance, which might have followed them. KFOR at least is under the impression they have some tactical advantage and has no compunction firing into the crowd. Last time Albanans went up against Serbs toe to toe, they ran for the border :)

Canadian Serb

pre 13 godina

And in regards to democracy...one out of seven people in USA live on food stamps...what was the percentage in the former Yugo?

Brat Srbin


pre 13 godina

"Maybe this non Serb, not located in the balkans was actually at the barricades and giving an eyewitness account, otherwise his post is total bs and reveals alot.
(an observation, 28 November 2011 16:58)"

I see .... I'm at the barricades even though I'm not in the Balkans where the barricades are located ....... seems to me the only ones doing any bs on B92 and writing nonsence are posters like yourself! And the evidence is precisely in what you wrote!


pre 13 godina

It should be clear to any sane reader that I was using this article itself as source when I quoted the relevant parts of it. Did I claim to have other sources? Where did I state that KFOR shot itself????? Stop putting words into my mouth! What I did was to state my opinion as should be abundantly clear when I began my post with "Seems to me ....". Methinks your precious Merriam-Webster obviously ain't doing a good job helping you!
(lowe, 29 November 2011 06:36)

Sorry, I thought it was lowe who stated “Seems to me the ones doing all the shooting are the KFOR side ...... and yet also brazenly lying about being shot at! KFOR is really disgusting!”. I apologize if that was another lowe :)

Where did I state that it was disgusting to ensure freedom of movement??? What I did was to opine, based on the part of the article that I quoted, that force seemed to come from the Nato side although it claimed otherwise. And which resulted in many Serb injuries.
(lowe, 29 November 2011 06:36)

Yes, KFOR used force to ensure the freedom of movement of the northern Kosovo inhabitants. What’s disgusting about that ?


pre 13 godina

“Sorry, I thought it was lowe who stated “Seems to me the ones doing all the shooting are the KFOR side ...... and yet also brazenly lying about being shot at! KFOR is really disgusting!”. I apologize if that was another lowe :) “

Explain to me how is this opinion statement of mine the SAME as “I hereby declare as a fact that KFOR shot itself and I have other sources to back my statement” that you appear to be alleging of me????? In your day dreams perhaps (nightmare actually). As I recommended to you earlier, you ought to dump your Merriam-Webster.

“Yes, KFOR used force to ensure the freedom of movement of the northern Kosovo inhabitants. What’s disgusting about that ?
(icj1, 30 November 2011 03:43)”

Firstly, you failed to show where did I state that it was disgusting to ensure freedom of movement.

Secondly, I found KFor disgusting because they claimed to be shot at while undoubtedly they themselves were undoubtedly shooting and threatening to shoot the Serbs – this should be clear enough from my earlier post.


pre 13 godina

I thought the Christians believed that he rose from the dead? How do you know that he is still dead? Did you have info on where they buried him and that his corpse is still there to be certain that he once existed, died and is still dead? Thanks in anticipation.
(lowe, 30 November 2011 15:23)

Well, we’re told that Jesus lived some 2000 years ago and science has proven beyond reasonable doubt that it is biologically impossible for somebody to live for 2000 years.

Firstly, you failed to show where did I state that it was disgusting to ensure freedom of movement.
(lowe, 30 November 2011 11:35)

Well, you were describing on 28 November 2011 13:31 KFOR’s operation to ensure the freedom of movement and closed your presentation of that operation with the words “KFOR is really disgusting”. So are you saying now that KFOR was not disgusting ? That would be fine… I’d have nothing against that.

Secondly, I found KFor disgusting because they claimed to be shot at while undoubtedly they themselves were undoubtedly shooting and threatening to shoot the Serbs – this should be clear enough from my earlier post.
(lowe, 30 November 2011 11:35)

What is disgusting with shooting and threatening to shoot some people (Albanians, Serbs, Roma or whoever) if they violently try to hinder the freedom of movement mandated by Resolution 1244 ?

Canadian Serb

pre 13 godina

(Lazar, 28 November 2011 19:31)

Sadly I have to say that democracy today is one of the best myths perpetuated by the west. What we have is generally two parties which near identical, but with a free loving media telling everyone they as different as sky and the earth. While in opposition Party A tells you they will do this or that, but once in power they continue the work of the previous administration.
What you are after is a high standard of living not electing idiots to power to enrich themselves.
You are 100% correct in that nations look toward their interests, but the Serbs can piggyback on those interests to get what they want. The Chinese are pure business so if they invest in Serbia its because they see a profit. The Russians are slightly different in that they do have a soft spot for the Serbs and that is to our advantage in that they will do a little more for our people.
However, it’s the Serbs that have to take the heavy load, but once we have achieved our goal we do not allow anyone to erode those gains because of brotherhood and unity.
(sj, 28 November 2011 23:26)

What you say in principle is true,we dont want the opression Nato brings,we should also be carefull however what the Russians and Chinees might have in store for us some day as well.I can tell you noe that after studying international relations for a number of years i can say that for sure that there is no such thing as the brotherhood of nations.Russia can be an ally but please dont go as far to suggest that religion is gonna fix everyhting.Serbia always in that sense has to look out for its own interests,it has to protect its democracy,culture and citizens regardless of religion in the best way possible.
(Lazar, 28 November 2011 19:31)

Hello Lazar!

Pravo ime, po nasem slavnom martiru caru Lazaru! U redu, I never studied international relations but unfortunately lived them. I fled Croatia together with my family in early 90's. No choice it was life or death. Serbs must not forget their roots. Russians together with the Chinese in time will become more powerful than titanic Usa/Germany/Britain! You know that and I know that! Also we always had good relations with the Chinese, and in particular NATO bombing of the Serbia and "accidently" taking out the Chinese ambacy in Belgrade, Chinese don't forget! Plus what has NATO,USA ever done for anyone but making themselves richer from the suffering and murder that they bring. I did study words history at the local university. I did not say Serbia has to close its borders to the west but they should not expect from Serbia to give up Kosovo and continue to assist those that murder my,Serbian people. Russians over fascists, britain/germany/USA any day.

Brat Srbin


pre 13 godina

You are free not to vote them in power again if they don’t do what they promise….
(icj1, 29 November 2011 04:07)

For the last 220 years how many political parties have won office in the Us that did not have the names Democratic or Republican on their banner.
Look at the UK or many of these so called democracies.
Yeah you vote them out but the others just carry on the work of the previous administration.
Jesus help me!!!! I never know people could be so brainwashed.

Well, somebody still has to be elected. The key though is the threat that they may not be elected again if they don’t fulfill their promises.
(icj1, 29 November 2011 04:07)

ZZZZZZZZZ you are putting me to sleep with this nonsense. You need to change the entire system to have real democracy not this shame in place now. Try and change it in the US and see how long you live – democratically of course. The ammunition would have been manufactured in the US by democratic voting fingers and you would be comforted to know they did not use bullets made by evil hands.

Ha, ha, ha… The Russians have a soft spot for Serbia ?! Yeah, with words… When it comes to act for real they did not hesitate to dump insignificant little Serbia for their bigger interests, like they did in June 1999.
(icj1, 29 November 2011 04:07)

If the Russians did not support the Serbs in Kosovo KFOR and NATO would have overrun them using live rounds with little to no media covering that event and there would have been many dead.
As you are of limited intellect and capacity to absorbed new ideas I’ll draw you a picture of the events of 1999. In that year Russia was on the verge of collapse and if Yelstsin did not allow Clinton to attack Serbia then there would have been no money from the IMF – there would havec been chaos and starvation in Russia. Billy boy even sent Strobe Talbot to Moscow during the bombing to make sure Yeltsin keep to his part.

This is now 2011 and much thanks to Putin Russia is a rising power. In fact it is in the process of joining the board of the IMF – what a change.
Perhaps you might read about the Russians sending a fleet to its naval base in Syria and watch the US and their cretins disappear under their respective rocks.
These things do take time. But its speeding up.

Yeah, Serbs have to do it by themselves. There is only brotherhood and unity around money; you as the B92 Forums’ CE know that very well.

PS: CE=Chief Economist
(icj1, 29 November 2011 04:07)

Its brotherhood and unity that kept feeding those Albanians layabouts, propping up the Croats and Slovenes. Why don’t they have that wonderful lifestyle as before? because the EU sends very little money and now they actually have to live off their earning from tourism and what little manufacturing they have. It would make me laugh when a Croat posted on B92 about Croatia’s tourism as if the Croats have found somehow El Dorado to just live off tourism and the rest of the world overlooked it.
Each year more and more Croats and Slovenes commemorate Tito’s birthday because of the poverty.
My comments were addressed to Serbs who seem to forgive and forget and pay the price again and again.
Let the Chief Economists tell you this much. 2012 is going to be a VERY DARK YEAR FOR THE WEST EXCEPT AUSTRALIA. Europe will plunge into a deep recession, as if they left the last one, and possibly going into a depression. Naturallry the US needs to divert attention from their problems and now blames Europe when in actual fact it was the US which started all of this mess.
I can hear the printing presses in the US working overtime now. Oh the bad news is the US will suffer more than Europe over this little GFC2 or 3, I fogot which one it is now.


pre 13 godina

For the last 220 years how many political parties have won office in the Us that did not have the names Democratic or Republican on their banner.
Look at the UK or many of these so called democracies.
Yeah you vote them out but the others just carry on the work of the previous administration.
(sj, 29 November 2011 11:28)

Well, then you vote other people, until you find the right ones.

Jesus help me!!!! I never know people could be so brainwashed.
(sj, 29 November 2011 11:28)

Jesus is dead, it would be hard for him to help you if you are brainwashed :)

ZZZZZZZZZ you are putting me to sleep with this nonsense. You need to change the entire system to have real democracy not this shame in place now. Try and change it in the US and see how long you live – democratically of course. The ammunition would have been manufactured in the US by democratic voting fingers and you would be comforted to know they did not use bullets made by evil hands.
(sj, 29 November 2011 11:28)

You are free to suggest a new system of government if the majority supports you. Probably the Malaysian system of government if it works better.

If the Russians did not support the Serbs in Kosovo KFOR and NATO would have overrun them using live rounds with little to no media covering that event and there would have been many dead.
(sj, 29 November 2011 11:28)

KFOR would overrun the Serbs ? Why ? Serbs are strong supporters of 1244 ? KFOR is even trying to help the freedom of movement of Kosovo Serbs who, according to Zvecan Mayor, are facing a difficult winter when it comes to freedom of movement, among others.

As you are of limited intellect and capacity to absorbed new ideas I’ll draw you a picture of the events of 1999. In that year Russia was on the verge of collapse and if Yelstsin did not allow Clinton to attack Serbia then there would have been no money from the IMF – there would havec been chaos and starvation in Russia. Billy boy even sent Strobe Talbot to Moscow during the bombing to make sure Yeltsin keep to his part.
(sj, 29 November 2011 11:28)

That’s precise what I was referring to. Thanks for joining me in limited intellect and capacity.

This is now 2011 and much thanks to Putin Russia is a rising power. In fact it is in the process of joining the board of the IMF – what a change.
(sj, 29 November 2011 11:28)

That is great, those are the rules. Russia is a member of the IMF, similar to Kosovo, and both can join the IMF board.

Perhaps you might read about the Russians sending a fleet to its naval base in Syria and watch the US and their cretins disappear under their respective rocks.
(sj, 29 November 2011 11:28)

Russian fleet ? Sorry I did not know that Russia even had something that can be called a fleet :)

These things do take time. But its speeding up
(sj, 29 November 2011 11:28)

Yeah it’s speeding up unfortunately and Russia’s population is declining by the millions to the point that Russia is in a demographic crisis (according to Russian authorities). Hopefully Russia will do better in the future.

the Chief Economists tell you this much. 2012 is going to be a VERY DARK YEAR FOR THE WEST EXCEPT AUSTRALIA. Europe will plunge into a deep recession, as if they left the last one, and possibly going into a depression. Naturallry the US needs to divert attention from their problems and now blames Europe when in actual fact it was the US which started all of this mess.
I can hear the printing presses in the US working overtime now. Oh the bad news is the US will suffer more than Europe over this little GFC2 or 3, I fogot which one it is now.
(sj, 29 November 2011 11:28)

Why is that a bad news ? I know that Serbs depend on handouts from the West, but for me and you who live in Malaysia, it should not be a bad news at all !


pre 13 godina

“Well, we’re told that Jesus lived some 2000 years ago and science has proven beyond reasonable doubt that it is biologically impossible for somebody to live for 2000 years.”

Who told you that Jesus lived some 2000 years ago? The Christians? The bible? If so, don’t they also tell you that he rose from the dead? Yet you chose to accept as indisputable fact part of what they told you (that he lived 2000 years ago even though there was NO burial place, NO corpse and NOTHING that he wrote or made to prove that he once existed and then died) and to reject as falsehood the part where these SAME source(s) tell you that he rose from the dead??? If so, I would think that the reliability your source(s) of info, and hence your statement of fact, must be suspect.

“Well, you were describing on 28 November 2011 13:31 KFOR’s operation to ensure the freedom of movement and closed your presentation of that operation with the words “KFOR is really disgusting”. So are you saying now that KFOR was not disgusting ? That would be fine… I’d have nothing against that.”

Don’t try to put words into my mouth (although this seems to be your specialty). As I already told you, I found KFor disgusting because they claimed to be shot at while they themselves were shooting and threatening to shoot the Serbs – the classic pot calling the kettle black.

And you still failed to show clearly where did I ever state that it was disgusting to ensure freedom of movement. You had try to put words into my mouth in your attempt – and failed nevertheless.

“What is disgusting with shooting and threatening to shoot some people (Albanians, Serbs, Roma or whoever) if they violently try to hinder the freedom of movement mandated by Resolution 1244?
(icj1, 3 December 2011 18:18)”

You still don’t get it. I found them disgusting for claiming that they were shot at on one hand while not acknowledging that they were shooting at the Serbs too. Whether the Serbs “violently” hindered anything was not the issue of my post.