Saturday, 26.11.2011.


Swedish FM proposes new talks on northern Kosovo

Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt has proposed the EU to aside from the talks that are already underway launch new negotiations about northern Kosovo.

Izvor: Tanjug

Swedish FM proposes new talks on northern Kosovo IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 12 godina

There Is an Albania and Albanians living there. Kosovo is a part of Serbian and never a part o Albanian. Kosovo was almost Albanian free or there was small minority of them for say about 60years ago. at the 70´s to 90´s they expand and populated like white mice. And the ethnic cleansing and terrorizing in Kosovo started long time ago before the Yugoslav wars started at the 90´s. But the thing is that it was NON-Albanians that was harassed,killed or had to flee. So the thing is NATO with friends did a big mistake Burning billions of dollars on a Bombarding Serbia and hers suverenity, when they have a place for Albanians to live in called Albania, if they gave all Albanian family half of the Bombing campaign money and building them homes in there home country Albanian. Maybe US and other country could heaved save some money to there depths. The only thing way the got on Albos side in the war is that they dident want them as refugees in Europe, cus all of us living in center,west,north Europe know what kind of people K-Albos are, and that is the worst kind. My GOD bless Serbs and there whole country Serbia. And forgive Me and other for not seeing the right. Sandro(I)/ Former UN employee BiH and Kosovo


pre 12 godina

On a different note, do you play poker alot and find bluffing offers different results if you continually do it?
(Autobahn Ferrari, 27 November 2011 16:47
Maybe you did not actually read my post and I think that if we were in a poker game you would not last very long as you do not really understand the plays.
The reference to status in 1244 says taking into account Rambouillet Accords" it does not say settled by the Rambouillet accords. True it was for 3 years but I do not think when 1244 was proposed anyone thought it would be going on for 12 years either.
But still the point I was saying is neither 1244 nor Rambouillet says that any decision on status MUST be agreeable to both sides.
Now your argument that Kosovo did not violate Helsinki due to the fact it was not a state is true but what is your point. Is there a situation where a recognized state can declare independence from another recognized state--think about it. The whole deal about helsinki and territorial integrity is that no state can claim a part of another state. (ie Albanian could not claim Kosovo) it does not even address situations of DOI's.
As far as throwing in the suppositions of "WHAT IF" a new party or anyone asks a different question of the ICJ, don't be so sure. Remember your lot could not conceive the possibility that you were wrong on the first question. You thought you walked into the game with a winning hand and did not even consider what the other players were holding, and that my friend making is the making of a poker player who goes home empty handed.


pre 12 godina

1: Helsinki final act guarantees Serbian sovereignty.
(Autobahn Ferrari, 27 November 2011 16:47)

I read the Helsinki final act and I did find nowhere the sentence “guarantees Serbian sovereignty”. Would you be so kind to provide the precise reference where the Act says that in case I missed it ?

That requires a mutual agreement, the only reason why the UDI was not illegal as it was made by a non-state actor.
(Autobahn Ferrari, 27 November 2011 16:47)

That matter has already been settled, my friend. Kosovo’s UDI is in accordance with international law. Obviously you have not read the news since July 2010 :)

Recognising declarations by non-state actors is illegal but the court chose it's discretion there. Wonder why.
(Autobahn Ferrari, 27 November 2011 16:47)

Who said that “Recognising declarations by non-state actors is illegal” ? Are you saying that all countries who recognize Serbs declaration of independence from the Ottoman Empire are committing an illegal act ?

As the court states,

“Indeed, it is entirely possible for a particular act such as a unilateral declaration of independence not to be in violation of international law without necessarily constituting the exercise of a right conferred by it. The Court has been asked for an opinion on the first point, not the second.”
(Autobahn Ferrari, 27 November 2011 16:47)

Yes, that’s a correct citation, like, I can cite “Done in English and in French, the English text being authoritative”. But not sure what is the purpose you cited it for !

Now imagine if a party in Serbia was elected that had big ones to throw a more specific question to the ICJ.
(Autobahn Ferrari, 27 November 2011 16:47)

And what would that question be ? Are you saying that Vuk was stupid and did not know how to ask a question ?!

2: Kosovo’s UDI came after the three year period so the Rambouillet Accords have elapsed and have no further bearing today, no UDI in 2003/4/5. The Standards before status policy part of 1244 or Rambouillet Accords so it offers legal extentions beyond the mid 2005 reveiw. The will of the people was taken into account and they said nothing on that matter within the timeframe. Silence is golden. So unfortunately for your argument and the K-Albs they blew independence with the 2004 violence/pogrom against Serbs.
(Autobahn Ferrari, 27 November 2011 16:47)

That’s a brilliant argument; duly noted. However, the ICJ’s opinion stands and Kosovo’s UDI is in accordance with international law.


pre 12 godina

Kosovo is a failed state
(MikeC, 27 November 2011 09:26)

That's not true - since Kosovo is not a state, how can it be a failed one?


pre 12 godina

So KAlbs could defeat Serbian/Russian armies combained if armed well enough... :)

Also could be option 3: Just improve people's life without thinking about status and changing borders.
(aaayyy, 27 November 2011 16:26)

It's nothing new for us man.

You always had Russians full supprot militarly, diplomatically.
You had Russians commanding many your units. You had many Russians in your special force units. You had satelite coverage of Kosova provided by Russki for almost two years. You had all the spear parts for your tanks and other weponery delivered by Russi in 1997/8 just in time...

Nothing new for us man.

Without Russia you are no one and nothing. If we had half of the backing that you have from Russia today we would talk about Nis not Leposavic.

In boosting falsely your chests you even don't aknowledge the good that Ruskies are doing for you since you created your state.


pre 12 godina

Ian, since 1999 Prishtina has been proposing nothing less than independent Kosovo in its current border.

The West said/says that Kosovo partition is out of discussion.
(aaayyy, 26 November 2011 23:19)

And since 2008 aka when Belgrade started to give an interest in Kosovo, has not offered anything but Belgrade's sovereignty in its current boarders.

Russia and Friends said/ say that partition is out of discussion.
(Ian, UK, 27 November 2011 13:05)

I could provide a lot of links where Western officials say that Kosovo partition is out of discussion doesn't matter what Serbia wants.

Could you provide links where Russian officials say that same? Or are you just talking in the sake of talking?

And Belgrade always gives an interest in Kosovo.

You say KAlbs don't want to be under Serbian control, but KAlbs have been out of Serbia's control for 12 years, what's the reason for them to worry?


pre 12 godina

Thus option 1 would be feasible only if Kosova deploys strong security forces deterrent not for northern Serbs but for the Serbian/Russian army. Fact is Kosova has hugely and illogical strong limitations of her security forces in 2,300 lightly armed firemen.

So KAlbs could defeat Serbian/Russian armies combained if armed well enough... :)

Also could be option 3: Just improve people's life without thinking about status and changing borders.

Autobahn Ferrari

pre 12 godina

(pss, 27 November 2011 14:21)

The Rambouillet Accords are a 3-year interim agreement that will provide democratic self-government, peace, and security for everyone living in Kosovo.
Three years after entry into force of the Accords, an international meeting will be convened to determine a mechanism for a final settlement for Kosovo, on the basis of the will of the people, opinions of relevant authorities, each party's efforts regarding the implementation of the Accords, and the Helsinki Final Act.


1: Helsinki final act guarantees Serbian sovereignty. That requires a mutual agreement, the only reason why the UDI was not illegal as it was made by a non-state actor. Recognising declarations by non-state actors is illegal but the court chose it's discretion there. Wonder why.
As the court states,

“Indeed, it is entirely possible for a particular act such as a unilateral declaration of independence not to be in violation of international law without necessarily constituting the exercise of a right conferred by it. The Court has been asked for an opinion on the first point, not the second.”

Now imagine if a party in Serbia was elected that had big ones to throw a more specific question to the ICJ.

2: Kosovo’s UDI came after the three year period so the Rambouillet Accords have elapsed and have no further bearing today, no UDI in 2003/4/5. The Standards before status policy part of 1244 or Rambouillet Accords so it offers legal extentions beyond the mid 2005 reveiw. The will of the people was taken into account and they said nothing on that matter within the timeframe. Silence is golden. So unfortunately for your argument and the K-Albs they blew independence with the 2004 violence/pogrom against Serbs.

On a different note, do you play poker alot and find bluffing offers different results if you continually do it?


pre 12 godina

"The will of the people will be an important factor at the international meeting."

Actually only the will of Albanians matters...


pre 12 godina

'"Anyway UNSCR 1244 said that Kosovo's final status (as Kosovo according to UNSCR 1244 is only apart of FR-Yugoslavia for the indefinite future) must be mutually agreed by both parties"

actually 1244 says no such thing. NO where does it say that either Kosovo or Serbia must agree to the final status. It says the following:
"Facilitating a political process designed to determine Kosovo's future status, taking into account the Rambouillet accords (S/1999/648);"
The Rambouillet Accords states:
" Mechanism for final settlement. An international meeting will be convened after 3 years to determine a mechanism for a final settlement for Kosovo. The will of the people will be an important factor at the international meeting."

So no mention of mutual agreement, that is why the ICJ ruled that DOI did not violate 1244.


pre 12 godina

Kosova was one of 8 Republic of former Yugoslavia you like it or not truth some times hertz
(Bahri, 27 November 2011 06:17)

Could you read?

It was a socialist state and a federation made up of six socialist republics: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovenia. Serbia, in addition, included two autonomous provinces of Vojvodina and Kosovo and Metohia.



pre 12 godina

One can discuss and speculate over Carl Bilds intentions of being a protagonist in the international scene but if one goes beyond that, it cannot but find that what Mr. Bild says is actually fair.

This mistrust towards Carl Bild, mirrors actually the mistrust between the both sides, Albanian/Serbian and vice versa and not mistrust towards Mr Bild or even less towards the highly respectable country that he represents.

The north Kosova is a problem -we can all agree with this with Mr Bild.

How can this problem be solved?

1. use of force- after all we are talking about 60,000 K-Serbs who are minority among K-Serbs themselves, let alone if you consider the entire Kosova.

2. Land swap- Serbs in north go with Serbia and Eastern Kosova (Presheva valley) joins Kosova. Hands shake and move on.

Now option 1 (military force) was applied to eastern Kosova in 2000 when NATO gave green light to Serbian Army to use heavy weaponry and tanks to neutralise the lightly armed UCPMB as the Serbian counterpart of UCPMB the lightly armed MUP was unable to succeed for over a year.

By same token- why NATO should not allow ROSU or KSF to secure north Kosova? There will not be huge casualties. Serbs in north are around 60,000 of them and only a tiny minority will resist with arms. Even if huge portion of them takes arms again it will be a simply an easy job for Kosova's security forces- not more than 3-4 days of work.

The problem seems comes from Belgrade and what Dacic the Serbian vice-PM said in several occasions during the last week: if any violence is used against this town of 60,000 K-Serbs Serbia will go to war.
We all know that Serbia has huge military base just 30 min from Kosova and also has a big military base with Russian just less than an hour form Kosova. It has over 400 upgraded and modern tanks and much more of the older versions. This serious deterrent force makes NATO and KFOR to be extremely patient in front of the criminals in north Kosova form months now and for years before that.
Thus option 1 would be feasible only if Kosova deploys strong security forces deterrent not for northern Serbs but for the Serbian/Russian army. Fact is Kosova has hugely and illogical strong limitations of her security forces in 2,300 lightly armed firemen.

Beside this complication the hardest question that Kosova and her friends need to address is the following: why would a newly established country that aspires to be democracy would want to apply force over citizens that do not recognize it as their state?

The answer would be in essence not much diverse from Serbian positions that 'one day we will take Kosova back' by force obviously.

Thus option 1 seems to have huge political, practical, moral and ethical complications.

Option 2 seems to be more realistic in my opinion.

It requires only good will and recognition of reality: political borders do not reflect the natural one. And this is the main problem between Serbs and Albanians in general and it seems it has not been solved with the declaration of independence.

This is what Carl Bild is saying.

Option 2 is the most feasible and logical. This option will require that Serbia stops her usual BS and needs to acknowledge the right of Kosova to be independent otherwise the problem will remain open again.

Is this perhaps the main obstacle for striking a deal based on option 2??? I don't think Thaci or anyone in Prishtina gives a sh. about Leposavic, Zubin Potok... or whatever these villages are called in north. They simply use them as bargain chip for the final deal of mutual recognition of right to be free and live with dignity in their respective countries. Well it seems Serbia is not happy to recognize this right to Kosova and the problem is open. Thus if Mr Bild refers to this problem when he speaks about the need to talk about north Kosova then I agree with him 100%. But he needs to go down to roots of the problem and say that clear to Belgrade. He cannot present it as a sort of mutual problem.


pre 12 godina

"Anyway UNSCR 1244 said that Kosovo's final status (as Kosovo according to UNSCR 1244 is only apart of FR-Yugoslavia for the indefinite future) must be mutually agreed by both parties....As Serbia violated UNSCR 1244 in November 2006 with their constitution which unilaterally finalised Kosovo's status, this gave Kosovo no option but to declare independence. (Ian, UK, 26 November 2011 14:02)

In a tricky way: Only because the UDI was declared by some socalled 'representatives of the people of Kosovo' (and not by official Kosovo temporary institutions which were mentionened in UN1244), they didn't violate UN1244.

"So basically what I'm trying to say is, its funny how Serbia and friends pick and choose to abide by only those laws that suits their interests"
(Ian, UK, 26 November 2011 14:02)
According to this, all Kosovo politicians who dare to claim that Kosovo's status is final and cannot be negotiatied violate UN1244, because there was no mutual agreement?


pre 12 godina


Hey Winston, your mommy gave you false information about Kosova you Serbs are brainwashed from your Government and from Milosevic?
Kosova was one of 8 Republic of former Yugoslavia you like it or not truth some times hertz but what can you do, You Serbs really think will get kosova back to control if you Serbs think yes, You Serbs must be out of your mine crazy Kosova Albanians went through so much bloodshed never want to live under Serbia, Oh maturity of population are Kosova Albanians which it means Albanians will decide for Kosova what to do no you Serbs sorry.


pre 12 godina

"Swidish FM proposes new talk on Northern Kosovo"Until the beginning of disentegration of former Yougoslavia there is no evidence that Swidish Government have ever advocated establishing new state of Kosovo on sovereign territory of Serbia.Serbia is a sovereign country including Province of KOSMET whose international borders are established by TREATIES.Now,the question is:What is in there for Mr.Carl Bildt and Sweden?What ever that is, Serbs do not like it and should not trust him.
His performance during Bosnia conflict speak for itself.Mr.Bildt like many others EU experts never fully understood complexity of ethnic and religious relationship of the pople living in that region.Establishing new "State of Kosovo" would require new treaty in regard to Serbia or decree by UNSC.Neither of these is feasible now or in forceeable future.
Therefore,you be well advise Mr.Bildt to help your Albanians friends negociate with Serbs of the region coexistence,tolerance and trade.


pre 12 godina

UNSC 1244 is still in force, and certainly explains why those that recognize the so-called independent state of Kosovo are devoting so much time and energy in trying to bribe and threaten Serbia to recognize it: if UNSC 1244 was not in force, then quite frankly, nobody would care what Serbia thinks, but most of the West certainly does because only Serbia can legitimately grant it independence per the resolution, and it certainly shouldn't and won't. The Resolution establishes clearly that Kosovo is an autonomous province of the successor state of Serbia, and, by the way Ian, indefinite future means exactly what it says: indefinite, i.e. no end date. The nonsensical argument that somehow Serbia rendered invalid a UNSC resolution through its constitution is certainly creative, but bizarre. Indeed, even the US State Department or your own former empire (now American poodle) based in London never made or makes such an assertion because it is laughable. What is even more laughable is that Pristina ever tried to engage in good faith status negotiations: Pristina demanded nothing less than independence and the Serbia Constitution codified what has always been the case recognized by the UN, Kosovo is a province of Serbia. It will never be a UN member nor a EU member (assuming such a union still exists in twenty years). Tadic is trying to find a creative solution for a relationship short of recognition, and Pristina had better finally grow up, take a break from organ and human trafficking, and realize it will never be a legitimate nation. Then, after a solution is reached, we can concentrate on liberating Northern Ireland from UK oppression and giving it the dignity and union with Ireland it deserves.


pre 12 godina


I understand you are patriotic but you really have no idea of Kosovo's functionality without Serbia. You talk like as if the Kosovo army (which doesn't exist) will come to the front line and meet the Serbs with an iron fist, no compromise, no negotiations, Thaci's way or the highway.

The reality is far different and everybody knows this. The world knows that Serbs have been a majority in Kosovo far longer than Albanians have. Yes Serbs are now a minority in Kosovo but there is no international law on 'squatting', and thus you will never become your independent state.

As for the Albanians living in Presevo et al, they are under completely different circumstances than the Serbs in Northern KiM & enclaves throughout. Kosovo has always been within Serbia. Presevo has always been within Serbia.
You will never have a bargaining chip with Presevo etc and Northern KiM. You have no argument and that's why noone ever bothers to address this, other than the internet warriors who jump on the "Presevo bandwagon".

Take a reality check, you need to understand that your views are ludicrous. Walk into Mitrovica & tell a few locals about your hardline views and how you would 'implement' them...


pre 12 godina

When all else fails send in Carl Bildt, the seemingly mild mannered scandanavian aparatchik. Too bad old cyrus vance is not available. Soon the puppet masters will find some non discript back water town in Ohio and invite mr Tadic to be wined and dined. Then we will have another accord, perhaps the cleveland accord-maybe not cleveland because thats too big a town for issues relating to serbia. Perhaps sandusky or elyria would be more appropriate.

If that fails there will be sanctions, war and eventually Tadic may end up in the hauge wearing a serbian flag tie-like his former boss Milosevic.No longer of any use to the empire ,americas Yugoslav poodles often become serbian patriots abruptly in the hague. Or like noriega they end up in France-not eating snails but crawling on the earth like them!

Kosovo is Serbia and always will be.


pre 12 godina

(Helsingborg, 26 November 2011 20:15)

Well how nice, greetings “Helsingborg” from ”Lund”, the world is truly a small place in this day and age. And it seems like you got me completely wrong, honestly it would be me who would be honored if Carl was perceived as a persona non grata, and it seems like my wish has suddenly come true, at least that is what I got from Thacis politically correct response to Carl Bildt.

And about your comments concerning Albanians, please try to get a hold of you self, the name calling in this commentary is staggering, trolls, terrorists, drug dealers, commooon.

Another thing, and now i am assuming that you are a Serb living in Sweden and i am obviously an Kosovar Albanian living in Sweden. What is beautiful about the Swedish society is that the word foreigner in Sweden includes every single person that is not a ethnic Swed, you should know that Swedes make no difference amongst foreigners; you my Helsingborgian neighbor are just as unwelcome here as i am, so it’s not just the “Kalbs” that Swedes would like to get rid of, I think they got a list of a couple of “juggar” that they’d rather get rid of first.

(PEN, 26 November 2011 20:29)

PEN your comment is proof enough for me that you have no clue about what you are talking about so im not even going to bother answering you, se I grow up in Kosovo and nothing you said comes near the “truth” that you seem to be in possession of. And again with the name calling, illiterate, terrorist, sure why not if that makes you feel any better keep it up.

(Comm. Parrisson, 26 November 2011 20:33)

Thank you for that unbearably crucial insight!


pre 12 godina

No no no! UNSCR 1244 guaranteed the FR-Yugoslavia's sovereignty over Kosovo for the INDEFINITE FUTURE, meaning that FR-Yugoslavia's sovereignty over Kosovo was NOT A PERMANENT GUARANTEE per UNSCR 1244. The Successor of FR-Yugoslavia was Serbia and Montenegro, which itself was replaced by two states and succeeded by Serbia according to the Serbian constitution (which I will come back to later). So Serbia is the successor to the successor of FR-Yugoslavia. Part of the FR-Yugoslavia's successor aka Montenegro, recognises Kosovo.

Anyway UNSCR 1244 said that Kosovo's final status (as Kosovo according to UNSCR 1244 is only apart of FR-Yugoslavia for the indefinite future) must be mutually agreed by both parties. The government established in Pristina per UNSCR 1244 tried and tried to discuss and negotiate the final status of Kosovo and Belgrade did not care at all and just ignored the government in Pristina. Belgrade did not want to discuss the final status of Kosovo and was just happy with the then status quo. Anyway along comes 8 November 2006 and the National Assembly of Serbia unveils the Constitution of Serbia. The Constitution of Serbia states that it "defines the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija as the integral part of Serbia", meaning that Serbia violated UNSCR 1244 in November 2006 as Belgrade unilaterally finalised Kosovo's status without giving anyone in Kosovo a say. The referendum on adopting the Serbian Constitution was not even carried out in Kosovo. The people of Kosovo and the authorities in Kosovo had no say over Kosovo's final status, it was not mutually agreed by both parties which UNSCR 1244 clearly states the case must be. As Serbia violated UNSCR 1244 in November 2006 with their constitution which unilaterally finalised Kosovo's status, this gave Kosovo no option but to declare independence. They had tried to negotiate the future of Kosovo's status, but Belgrade ignored them; Belgrade unilaterally finalised Kosovo's status without giving a single person in Kosovo a say. There was no mutual agreement by both parties.

So basically what I'm trying to say is, its funny how Serbia and friends pick and choose to abide by only those laws that suits their interests.

Now that Serbia has failed on the international arena diplomatically and the limited success Serbia has had is down to peace loving Russia actively lobbying against Kosovo. Not to mention Serbia's failure in the ICJ.

Now because things haven't gone as planned, we have Serbian politicians shouting "International Law" whilst banging the War Drums. Now isn't that ironic.
(Ian, UK, 26 November 2011 14:02)

Ian, could you give a link to the documents dated after 1999 where Prishtina proposed anything less than independence in the current border of the province for Kosovo status? NEVER.

Could you give a link to the documents dated after 1999 where the West/US/NATO agreed to Kosovo partition? All of them kept/keep saying that Kosovo partition was/is out of question since 1999.

Just ask Albanian participants of this site.


pre 12 godina

If Serbia recognized Kosovo independence first then any attempts to negotiate KSerbs right would be seen as interfierence into a foreign state internal affears.

Democratic multi-ethnic Kosovo project reminds me a communism-all-over-the-world project.


pre 12 godina

Mr./Mrs. EA, Serbia will NEVER recognize an independent Albanian Kosovo, so stop wasting time typing that over and over on your keyboard. As for N. KiM, Serbs living independent or Pristina is a reality that will stand. How many years has the West been trying to build this multi-ethnic KiM of their dreams, and N. KiM is more independent than ever - just ask KFOR. The Albanians in Presevo can move to Kosovo, if they do not like living in Serbia. They are free to do so.
(Winston, 26 November 2011 18:07)

I think your proposal makes complete sense. Albanians in Presevo can move to Kosovo and Serbs in N. Kosovo can move to Serbia. Or the other option is that Presevo can join Kosovo and N. Kosovo can join Serbia. If Serbs and Albanians can't live together, they should not be forced to.


pre 12 godina

"But as EA states I do not think K Albanians will compromise unless similar concession are made to Albanians in south serbia. So no change what so ever."


Albanians will not compromise! You will compromise if your suggar daddy tells you to do so. You have no saying in what happens in northern Kosovo. The people there don't want to belong to a drugsmuggling bunch of terrorists. If albanians in Presevo want independence then they should make a move. However, they wont because they would rather live under serb rule then the one of Thaci and other albanian bandits.


pre 12 godina

Nori-i am sure he would consider it an honour to be persona non grata by a bunch of drug dealing terrorists. Would do his career a lot of good.

Comm. Parrisson

pre 12 godina

"Bosnia is today a non functioning state divided into two major sectors and it sounds like you have a similar approach for Kosovo in sight. "
(Nori, 26 November 2011 18:42)

To be like Bosnia would be a 100% improvement for Kosovo from its current situation.


pre 12 godina

"Serbia will NEVER recognize an independent Albanian Kosovo, so stop wasting time typing that over and over on your keyboard.

"As for N. KiM, Serbs living independent or Pristina is a reality that will stand".

"The Albanians in Presevo can move to Kosovo, if they do not like living in Serbia. They are free to do so.
(Winston, 26 November 2011 18:07)

"Thank you Winston for enlighting us"! You are "a real Serb". You are so "real" that your dream of keeping Yugoslavia still exist. Do you remember as "a real Serb" say that "Kosovo is an internal affair of Yugoslavia and Serbia? Just to clarify you, I have never asked for Serbia to recognise Kosovo as independent BUT SERBIA HAS NO CHOICE. FULL STOP! I simply make suggestion how a real peace can be achieved between Serbs and Albanians. I DO NOT TRUST your statement that Serbia "will never recognise an independent Albanian Kosovo" as you put it. I have good reason to write that Serbia will eventually recognise Kosovo independence because THE FACTS IN SERBIAN POLITIAL HISTORY ARE STUBORN. From individuals from the same government are coming conflicting statement, read Jeremic, Bogdanovic, Tadic and Dacic and the fully failed polititian Kostunica and you will see how strong Serbia feels about Kosovo....PURELY for Serbian internal politics.


pre 12 godina

Well Nori your K-Albanian compatriots are more than welcome to join their motherland too if they would prefer. Doesn't sound very nice does it. But then I don't really expect anything more from your usual rascist Albanian commentator. If you don't like living among us even though we make you feel more than welcome, you know by vandalizing your churches and cemetaries, stoning your vehicles, stealing your land, and murdering your citizens for good measure, well you can just piss off to central Serbia then. What's the problem. Now I ask you, what could be more reasonable. Of course what you fail to grasp is that Kosovo is Serbia's motherland, and her people have lived their for centuries despite your best efforts. And as far as creating instability is concerned Albanians are doing that quite successfully wherever they pitch up. Ask the local police in virtually every country you have a large enough presence in.


pre 12 godina

This comes from the creator of Bosnia. We have not forgotten Carl that once upon a time you were the high representative of Bosnia and you failed with that task miserably. Bosnia is today a non functioning state divided into two major sectors and it sounds like you have a similar approach for Kosovo in sight.

Kosovo is failed only as long as Serbs are allowed to have a political influence, minorities (read Serbs) should be given all rights possible and local self governance but under no circumstances a political influence in the development of Kosovo as a state; for those who want the rest are more than welcome to join their motherland. The reality is that northern Kosovo had already been given all what is democratically doable short of giving away that part of the state. To say something that is obvious to us all is that what has been offered to Serbs is not being accepted. And the answer to that Carl is not creating another Bosnia. The answer is simply take it or leave it, end of story. As I have always said Serbia is the single most contributor to the instability in the Balkans.

Don’t get ahead of yourself Carl because you are not a prominent politician, that role was occupied by Anna Lindh but I guess we all know what happened to her.

You should be declared a persona non grata by the Kosovo administration ASAP.


pre 12 godina

Mr./Mrs. EA, Serbia will NEVER recognize an independent Albanian Kosovo, so stop wasting time typing that over and over on your keyboard. As for N. KiM, Serbs living independent or Pristina is a reality that will stand. How many years has the West been trying to build this multi-ethnic KiM of their dreams, and N. KiM is more independent than ever - just ask KFOR. The Albanians in Presevo can move to Kosovo, if they do not like living in Serbia. They are free to do so.


pre 12 godina

Aleks-a little harsh on Sweden i believe. Many immigrants have settled well in Sweden, but there is definitely an undercurrent of xenophobia. They are, you are right, desperate to get rid of their Kalbs though.


pre 12 godina

There should be NO TALKS whatsoever with Serbia when it comes to Kosovo territory. Full stop! To many concessions have been made to Serbia and still taking a piss " by non recognising " the Kosovo independence and advocating solution " in compliance with Serbian constitution..." and all these nonsense. Kosovo should embrace itself for a big battle to exert its FULL authority in the whole its territory. It doesn't have to rush BUT must be extremely well prepared for all eventuality including the Serbian threat of war. If Serbia really gives a damn of its minority, it MUST RECOGNISE Kosovo first before starting thinking about any discussion about northern Kosovo or Albanians living in Presevo, Bujanovc and Medvegja. I have suggested few times in the past a solution in relations with Serbia would be STRICT RECIPROCITY. Same rights for Serbs living in northern Kosovo to the rights enjoyed by Albanians living in Presevo, Bujanovc and Medvegja.


pre 12 godina

I believe with these comments from a western diplomat, we are witnessing the start to ending the failed project of an " independent kosovo".


pre 12 godina

I believe with these comments from a western diplomat, we are witnessing the start to ending the failed project of an " independent kosovo".
(Robert1899, 26 November 2011, 16:06)

mabye not the end of the 'independent Kosovo' project, but everyone can see that the western idea of creating a multiethnic, democratic Kosovo which shares European values miserably failed. Instead, a mafia state headed by corrupt criminals and election fakers was created.


pre 12 godina

Another PR stunt to sell the Serbs the same sh*t in a different package that will depend, yet again, on never delivered 'promises' and 'guarantees'. Sh*t is sh*t. If they really want to help out, then they can allow Kosovo albanians to emigrate to wonderful Sweden, but no, they prefer to keep them in 'independent Kosova'. Makes deportation easier no?

Sweden should be the last country to offer advice on Kosovo when the jews are quitting the country in droves because the politically correct classes don't want to address the problem that the total lack of integration of refugees into Sweden has lead to a strong rise in anti-semitism. They talk multi-culturalism but refuse to enforce protection and freedom for all communities in Sweden. Some can get away with anything because the authorities are afraid they will be accused of racism. What kind of Europe is this?


pre 12 godina

Finally, a european politician in touch with reality.
(MikeC, 26 November 2011 15:58)

Nothing to do with reality, it is to do with give someone something they want te keep them happy, for the sake of peace!

Remember the British premier Chamberlin and his appeasement policy towards aggressive Germany of 1938.

But as EA states I do not think K Albanians will compromise unless similar concession are made to Albanians in south serbia. So no change what so ever.


pre 12 godina

I believe with these comments from a western diplomat, we are witnessing the start to ending the failed project of an " independent kosovo".


pre 12 godina

I believe with these comments from a western diplomat, we are witnessing the start to ending the failed project of an " independent kosovo".
(Robert1899, 26 November 2011, 16:06)

mabye not the end of the 'independent Kosovo' project, but everyone can see that the western idea of creating a multiethnic, democratic Kosovo which shares European values miserably failed. Instead, a mafia state headed by corrupt criminals and election fakers was created.


pre 12 godina

Another PR stunt to sell the Serbs the same sh*t in a different package that will depend, yet again, on never delivered 'promises' and 'guarantees'. Sh*t is sh*t. If they really want to help out, then they can allow Kosovo albanians to emigrate to wonderful Sweden, but no, they prefer to keep them in 'independent Kosova'. Makes deportation easier no?

Sweden should be the last country to offer advice on Kosovo when the jews are quitting the country in droves because the politically correct classes don't want to address the problem that the total lack of integration of refugees into Sweden has lead to a strong rise in anti-semitism. They talk multi-culturalism but refuse to enforce protection and freedom for all communities in Sweden. Some can get away with anything because the authorities are afraid they will be accused of racism. What kind of Europe is this?


pre 12 godina

Mr./Mrs. EA, Serbia will NEVER recognize an independent Albanian Kosovo, so stop wasting time typing that over and over on your keyboard. As for N. KiM, Serbs living independent or Pristina is a reality that will stand. How many years has the West been trying to build this multi-ethnic KiM of their dreams, and N. KiM is more independent than ever - just ask KFOR. The Albanians in Presevo can move to Kosovo, if they do not like living in Serbia. They are free to do so.


pre 12 godina

"But as EA states I do not think K Albanians will compromise unless similar concession are made to Albanians in south serbia. So no change what so ever."


Albanians will not compromise! You will compromise if your suggar daddy tells you to do so. You have no saying in what happens in northern Kosovo. The people there don't want to belong to a drugsmuggling bunch of terrorists. If albanians in Presevo want independence then they should make a move. However, they wont because they would rather live under serb rule then the one of Thaci and other albanian bandits.

Comm. Parrisson

pre 12 godina

"Bosnia is today a non functioning state divided into two major sectors and it sounds like you have a similar approach for Kosovo in sight. "
(Nori, 26 November 2011 18:42)

To be like Bosnia would be a 100% improvement for Kosovo from its current situation.


pre 12 godina

There should be NO TALKS whatsoever with Serbia when it comes to Kosovo territory. Full stop! To many concessions have been made to Serbia and still taking a piss " by non recognising " the Kosovo independence and advocating solution " in compliance with Serbian constitution..." and all these nonsense. Kosovo should embrace itself for a big battle to exert its FULL authority in the whole its territory. It doesn't have to rush BUT must be extremely well prepared for all eventuality including the Serbian threat of war. If Serbia really gives a damn of its minority, it MUST RECOGNISE Kosovo first before starting thinking about any discussion about northern Kosovo or Albanians living in Presevo, Bujanovc and Medvegja. I have suggested few times in the past a solution in relations with Serbia would be STRICT RECIPROCITY. Same rights for Serbs living in northern Kosovo to the rights enjoyed by Albanians living in Presevo, Bujanovc and Medvegja.


pre 12 godina

Nori-i am sure he would consider it an honour to be persona non grata by a bunch of drug dealing terrorists. Would do his career a lot of good.


pre 12 godina

If Serbia recognized Kosovo independence first then any attempts to negotiate KSerbs right would be seen as interfierence into a foreign state internal affears.

Democratic multi-ethnic Kosovo project reminds me a communism-all-over-the-world project.


pre 12 godina

No no no! UNSCR 1244 guaranteed the FR-Yugoslavia's sovereignty over Kosovo for the INDEFINITE FUTURE, meaning that FR-Yugoslavia's sovereignty over Kosovo was NOT A PERMANENT GUARANTEE per UNSCR 1244. The Successor of FR-Yugoslavia was Serbia and Montenegro, which itself was replaced by two states and succeeded by Serbia according to the Serbian constitution (which I will come back to later). So Serbia is the successor to the successor of FR-Yugoslavia. Part of the FR-Yugoslavia's successor aka Montenegro, recognises Kosovo.

Anyway UNSCR 1244 said that Kosovo's final status (as Kosovo according to UNSCR 1244 is only apart of FR-Yugoslavia for the indefinite future) must be mutually agreed by both parties. The government established in Pristina per UNSCR 1244 tried and tried to discuss and negotiate the final status of Kosovo and Belgrade did not care at all and just ignored the government in Pristina. Belgrade did not want to discuss the final status of Kosovo and was just happy with the then status quo. Anyway along comes 8 November 2006 and the National Assembly of Serbia unveils the Constitution of Serbia. The Constitution of Serbia states that it "defines the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija as the integral part of Serbia", meaning that Serbia violated UNSCR 1244 in November 2006 as Belgrade unilaterally finalised Kosovo's status without giving anyone in Kosovo a say. The referendum on adopting the Serbian Constitution was not even carried out in Kosovo. The people of Kosovo and the authorities in Kosovo had no say over Kosovo's final status, it was not mutually agreed by both parties which UNSCR 1244 clearly states the case must be. As Serbia violated UNSCR 1244 in November 2006 with their constitution which unilaterally finalised Kosovo's status, this gave Kosovo no option but to declare independence. They had tried to negotiate the future of Kosovo's status, but Belgrade ignored them; Belgrade unilaterally finalised Kosovo's status without giving a single person in Kosovo a say. There was no mutual agreement by both parties.

So basically what I'm trying to say is, its funny how Serbia and friends pick and choose to abide by only those laws that suits their interests.

Now that Serbia has failed on the international arena diplomatically and the limited success Serbia has had is down to peace loving Russia actively lobbying against Kosovo. Not to mention Serbia's failure in the ICJ.

Now because things haven't gone as planned, we have Serbian politicians shouting "International Law" whilst banging the War Drums. Now isn't that ironic.
(Ian, UK, 26 November 2011 14:02)

Ian, could you give a link to the documents dated after 1999 where Prishtina proposed anything less than independence in the current border of the province for Kosovo status? NEVER.

Could you give a link to the documents dated after 1999 where the West/US/NATO agreed to Kosovo partition? All of them kept/keep saying that Kosovo partition was/is out of question since 1999.

Just ask Albanian participants of this site.


pre 12 godina

Aleks-a little harsh on Sweden i believe. Many immigrants have settled well in Sweden, but there is definitely an undercurrent of xenophobia. They are, you are right, desperate to get rid of their Kalbs though.


pre 12 godina

Well Nori your K-Albanian compatriots are more than welcome to join their motherland too if they would prefer. Doesn't sound very nice does it. But then I don't really expect anything more from your usual rascist Albanian commentator. If you don't like living among us even though we make you feel more than welcome, you know by vandalizing your churches and cemetaries, stoning your vehicles, stealing your land, and murdering your citizens for good measure, well you can just piss off to central Serbia then. What's the problem. Now I ask you, what could be more reasonable. Of course what you fail to grasp is that Kosovo is Serbia's motherland, and her people have lived their for centuries despite your best efforts. And as far as creating instability is concerned Albanians are doing that quite successfully wherever they pitch up. Ask the local police in virtually every country you have a large enough presence in.


pre 12 godina

Mr./Mrs. EA, Serbia will NEVER recognize an independent Albanian Kosovo, so stop wasting time typing that over and over on your keyboard. As for N. KiM, Serbs living independent or Pristina is a reality that will stand. How many years has the West been trying to build this multi-ethnic KiM of their dreams, and N. KiM is more independent than ever - just ask KFOR. The Albanians in Presevo can move to Kosovo, if they do not like living in Serbia. They are free to do so.
(Winston, 26 November 2011 18:07)

I think your proposal makes complete sense. Albanians in Presevo can move to Kosovo and Serbs in N. Kosovo can move to Serbia. Or the other option is that Presevo can join Kosovo and N. Kosovo can join Serbia. If Serbs and Albanians can't live together, they should not be forced to.


pre 12 godina

Kosova was one of 8 Republic of former Yugoslavia you like it or not truth some times hertz
(Bahri, 27 November 2011 06:17)

Could you read?

It was a socialist state and a federation made up of six socialist republics: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovenia. Serbia, in addition, included two autonomous provinces of Vojvodina and Kosovo and Metohia.



pre 12 godina

Finally, a european politician in touch with reality.
(MikeC, 26 November 2011 15:58)

Nothing to do with reality, it is to do with give someone something they want te keep them happy, for the sake of peace!

Remember the British premier Chamberlin and his appeasement policy towards aggressive Germany of 1938.

But as EA states I do not think K Albanians will compromise unless similar concession are made to Albanians in south serbia. So no change what so ever.


pre 12 godina


I understand you are patriotic but you really have no idea of Kosovo's functionality without Serbia. You talk like as if the Kosovo army (which doesn't exist) will come to the front line and meet the Serbs with an iron fist, no compromise, no negotiations, Thaci's way or the highway.

The reality is far different and everybody knows this. The world knows that Serbs have been a majority in Kosovo far longer than Albanians have. Yes Serbs are now a minority in Kosovo but there is no international law on 'squatting', and thus you will never become your independent state.

As for the Albanians living in Presevo et al, they are under completely different circumstances than the Serbs in Northern KiM & enclaves throughout. Kosovo has always been within Serbia. Presevo has always been within Serbia.
You will never have a bargaining chip with Presevo etc and Northern KiM. You have no argument and that's why noone ever bothers to address this, other than the internet warriors who jump on the "Presevo bandwagon".

Take a reality check, you need to understand that your views are ludicrous. Walk into Mitrovica & tell a few locals about your hardline views and how you would 'implement' them...


pre 12 godina

Kosovo is a failed state
(MikeC, 27 November 2011 09:26)

That's not true - since Kosovo is not a state, how can it be a failed one?


pre 12 godina

"Anyway UNSCR 1244 said that Kosovo's final status (as Kosovo according to UNSCR 1244 is only apart of FR-Yugoslavia for the indefinite future) must be mutually agreed by both parties....As Serbia violated UNSCR 1244 in November 2006 with their constitution which unilaterally finalised Kosovo's status, this gave Kosovo no option but to declare independence. (Ian, UK, 26 November 2011 14:02)

In a tricky way: Only because the UDI was declared by some socalled 'representatives of the people of Kosovo' (and not by official Kosovo temporary institutions which were mentionened in UN1244), they didn't violate UN1244.

"So basically what I'm trying to say is, its funny how Serbia and friends pick and choose to abide by only those laws that suits their interests"
(Ian, UK, 26 November 2011 14:02)
According to this, all Kosovo politicians who dare to claim that Kosovo's status is final and cannot be negotiatied violate UN1244, because there was no mutual agreement?


pre 12 godina

There Is an Albania and Albanians living there. Kosovo is a part of Serbian and never a part o Albanian. Kosovo was almost Albanian free or there was small minority of them for say about 60years ago. at the 70´s to 90´s they expand and populated like white mice. And the ethnic cleansing and terrorizing in Kosovo started long time ago before the Yugoslav wars started at the 90´s. But the thing is that it was NON-Albanians that was harassed,killed or had to flee. So the thing is NATO with friends did a big mistake Burning billions of dollars on a Bombarding Serbia and hers suverenity, when they have a place for Albanians to live in called Albania, if they gave all Albanian family half of the Bombing campaign money and building them homes in there home country Albanian. Maybe US and other country could heaved save some money to there depths. The only thing way the got on Albos side in the war is that they dident want them as refugees in Europe, cus all of us living in center,west,north Europe know what kind of people K-Albos are, and that is the worst kind. My GOD bless Serbs and there whole country Serbia. And forgive Me and other for not seeing the right. Sandro(I)/ Former UN employee BiH and Kosovo


pre 12 godina

This comes from the creator of Bosnia. We have not forgotten Carl that once upon a time you were the high representative of Bosnia and you failed with that task miserably. Bosnia is today a non functioning state divided into two major sectors and it sounds like you have a similar approach for Kosovo in sight.

Kosovo is failed only as long as Serbs are allowed to have a political influence, minorities (read Serbs) should be given all rights possible and local self governance but under no circumstances a political influence in the development of Kosovo as a state; for those who want the rest are more than welcome to join their motherland. The reality is that northern Kosovo had already been given all what is democratically doable short of giving away that part of the state. To say something that is obvious to us all is that what has been offered to Serbs is not being accepted. And the answer to that Carl is not creating another Bosnia. The answer is simply take it or leave it, end of story. As I have always said Serbia is the single most contributor to the instability in the Balkans.

Don’t get ahead of yourself Carl because you are not a prominent politician, that role was occupied by Anna Lindh but I guess we all know what happened to her.

You should be declared a persona non grata by the Kosovo administration ASAP.


pre 12 godina

"Serbia will NEVER recognize an independent Albanian Kosovo, so stop wasting time typing that over and over on your keyboard.

"As for N. KiM, Serbs living independent or Pristina is a reality that will stand".

"The Albanians in Presevo can move to Kosovo, if they do not like living in Serbia. They are free to do so.
(Winston, 26 November 2011 18:07)

"Thank you Winston for enlighting us"! You are "a real Serb". You are so "real" that your dream of keeping Yugoslavia still exist. Do you remember as "a real Serb" say that "Kosovo is an internal affair of Yugoslavia and Serbia? Just to clarify you, I have never asked for Serbia to recognise Kosovo as independent BUT SERBIA HAS NO CHOICE. FULL STOP! I simply make suggestion how a real peace can be achieved between Serbs and Albanians. I DO NOT TRUST your statement that Serbia "will never recognise an independent Albanian Kosovo" as you put it. I have good reason to write that Serbia will eventually recognise Kosovo independence because THE FACTS IN SERBIAN POLITIAL HISTORY ARE STUBORN. From individuals from the same government are coming conflicting statement, read Jeremic, Bogdanovic, Tadic and Dacic and the fully failed polititian Kostunica and you will see how strong Serbia feels about Kosovo....PURELY for Serbian internal politics.


pre 12 godina

UNSC 1244 is still in force, and certainly explains why those that recognize the so-called independent state of Kosovo are devoting so much time and energy in trying to bribe and threaten Serbia to recognize it: if UNSC 1244 was not in force, then quite frankly, nobody would care what Serbia thinks, but most of the West certainly does because only Serbia can legitimately grant it independence per the resolution, and it certainly shouldn't and won't. The Resolution establishes clearly that Kosovo is an autonomous province of the successor state of Serbia, and, by the way Ian, indefinite future means exactly what it says: indefinite, i.e. no end date. The nonsensical argument that somehow Serbia rendered invalid a UNSC resolution through its constitution is certainly creative, but bizarre. Indeed, even the US State Department or your own former empire (now American poodle) based in London never made or makes such an assertion because it is laughable. What is even more laughable is that Pristina ever tried to engage in good faith status negotiations: Pristina demanded nothing less than independence and the Serbia Constitution codified what has always been the case recognized by the UN, Kosovo is a province of Serbia. It will never be a UN member nor a EU member (assuming such a union still exists in twenty years). Tadic is trying to find a creative solution for a relationship short of recognition, and Pristina had better finally grow up, take a break from organ and human trafficking, and realize it will never be a legitimate nation. Then, after a solution is reached, we can concentrate on liberating Northern Ireland from UK oppression and giving it the dignity and union with Ireland it deserves.

Autobahn Ferrari

pre 12 godina

(pss, 27 November 2011 14:21)

The Rambouillet Accords are a 3-year interim agreement that will provide democratic self-government, peace, and security for everyone living in Kosovo.
Three years after entry into force of the Accords, an international meeting will be convened to determine a mechanism for a final settlement for Kosovo, on the basis of the will of the people, opinions of relevant authorities, each party's efforts regarding the implementation of the Accords, and the Helsinki Final Act.


1: Helsinki final act guarantees Serbian sovereignty. That requires a mutual agreement, the only reason why the UDI was not illegal as it was made by a non-state actor. Recognising declarations by non-state actors is illegal but the court chose it's discretion there. Wonder why.
As the court states,

“Indeed, it is entirely possible for a particular act such as a unilateral declaration of independence not to be in violation of international law without necessarily constituting the exercise of a right conferred by it. The Court has been asked for an opinion on the first point, not the second.”

Now imagine if a party in Serbia was elected that had big ones to throw a more specific question to the ICJ.

2: Kosovo’s UDI came after the three year period so the Rambouillet Accords have elapsed and have no further bearing today, no UDI in 2003/4/5. The Standards before status policy part of 1244 or Rambouillet Accords so it offers legal extentions beyond the mid 2005 reveiw. The will of the people was taken into account and they said nothing on that matter within the timeframe. Silence is golden. So unfortunately for your argument and the K-Albs they blew independence with the 2004 violence/pogrom against Serbs.

On a different note, do you play poker alot and find bluffing offers different results if you continually do it?


pre 12 godina

When all else fails send in Carl Bildt, the seemingly mild mannered scandanavian aparatchik. Too bad old cyrus vance is not available. Soon the puppet masters will find some non discript back water town in Ohio and invite mr Tadic to be wined and dined. Then we will have another accord, perhaps the cleveland accord-maybe not cleveland because thats too big a town for issues relating to serbia. Perhaps sandusky or elyria would be more appropriate.

If that fails there will be sanctions, war and eventually Tadic may end up in the hauge wearing a serbian flag tie-like his former boss Milosevic.No longer of any use to the empire ,americas Yugoslav poodles often become serbian patriots abruptly in the hague. Or like noriega they end up in France-not eating snails but crawling on the earth like them!

Kosovo is Serbia and always will be.


pre 12 godina

"Swidish FM proposes new talk on Northern Kosovo"Until the beginning of disentegration of former Yougoslavia there is no evidence that Swidish Government have ever advocated establishing new state of Kosovo on sovereign territory of Serbia.Serbia is a sovereign country including Province of KOSMET whose international borders are established by TREATIES.Now,the question is:What is in there for Mr.Carl Bildt and Sweden?What ever that is, Serbs do not like it and should not trust him.
His performance during Bosnia conflict speak for itself.Mr.Bildt like many others EU experts never fully understood complexity of ethnic and religious relationship of the pople living in that region.Establishing new "State of Kosovo" would require new treaty in regard to Serbia or decree by UNSC.Neither of these is feasible now or in forceeable future.
Therefore,you be well advise Mr.Bildt to help your Albanians friends negociate with Serbs of the region coexistence,tolerance and trade.


pre 12 godina

Ian, since 1999 Prishtina has been proposing nothing less than independent Kosovo in its current border.

The West said/says that Kosovo partition is out of discussion.
(aaayyy, 26 November 2011 23:19)

And since 2008 aka when Belgrade started to give an interest in Kosovo, has not offered anything but Belgrade's sovereignty in its current boarders.

Russia and Friends said/ say that partition is out of discussion.
(Ian, UK, 27 November 2011 13:05)

I could provide a lot of links where Western officials say that Kosovo partition is out of discussion doesn't matter what Serbia wants.

Could you provide links where Russian officials say that same? Or are you just talking in the sake of talking?

And Belgrade always gives an interest in Kosovo.

You say KAlbs don't want to be under Serbian control, but KAlbs have been out of Serbia's control for 12 years, what's the reason for them to worry?


pre 12 godina


Hey Winston, your mommy gave you false information about Kosova you Serbs are brainwashed from your Government and from Milosevic?
Kosova was one of 8 Republic of former Yugoslavia you like it or not truth some times hertz but what can you do, You Serbs really think will get kosova back to control if you Serbs think yes, You Serbs must be out of your mine crazy Kosova Albanians went through so much bloodshed never want to live under Serbia, Oh maturity of population are Kosova Albanians which it means Albanians will decide for Kosova what to do no you Serbs sorry.


pre 12 godina

Thus option 1 would be feasible only if Kosova deploys strong security forces deterrent not for northern Serbs but for the Serbian/Russian army. Fact is Kosova has hugely and illogical strong limitations of her security forces in 2,300 lightly armed firemen.

So KAlbs could defeat Serbian/Russian armies combained if armed well enough... :)

Also could be option 3: Just improve people's life without thinking about status and changing borders.


pre 12 godina

So KAlbs could defeat Serbian/Russian armies combained if armed well enough... :)

Also could be option 3: Just improve people's life without thinking about status and changing borders.
(aaayyy, 27 November 2011 16:26)

It's nothing new for us man.

You always had Russians full supprot militarly, diplomatically.
You had Russians commanding many your units. You had many Russians in your special force units. You had satelite coverage of Kosova provided by Russki for almost two years. You had all the spear parts for your tanks and other weponery delivered by Russi in 1997/8 just in time...

Nothing new for us man.

Without Russia you are no one and nothing. If we had half of the backing that you have from Russia today we would talk about Nis not Leposavic.

In boosting falsely your chests you even don't aknowledge the good that Ruskies are doing for you since you created your state.


pre 12 godina

(Helsingborg, 26 November 2011 20:15)

Well how nice, greetings “Helsingborg” from ”Lund”, the world is truly a small place in this day and age. And it seems like you got me completely wrong, honestly it would be me who would be honored if Carl was perceived as a persona non grata, and it seems like my wish has suddenly come true, at least that is what I got from Thacis politically correct response to Carl Bildt.

And about your comments concerning Albanians, please try to get a hold of you self, the name calling in this commentary is staggering, trolls, terrorists, drug dealers, commooon.

Another thing, and now i am assuming that you are a Serb living in Sweden and i am obviously an Kosovar Albanian living in Sweden. What is beautiful about the Swedish society is that the word foreigner in Sweden includes every single person that is not a ethnic Swed, you should know that Swedes make no difference amongst foreigners; you my Helsingborgian neighbor are just as unwelcome here as i am, so it’s not just the “Kalbs” that Swedes would like to get rid of, I think they got a list of a couple of “juggar” that they’d rather get rid of first.

(PEN, 26 November 2011 20:29)

PEN your comment is proof enough for me that you have no clue about what you are talking about so im not even going to bother answering you, se I grow up in Kosovo and nothing you said comes near the “truth” that you seem to be in possession of. And again with the name calling, illiterate, terrorist, sure why not if that makes you feel any better keep it up.

(Comm. Parrisson, 26 November 2011 20:33)

Thank you for that unbearably crucial insight!


pre 12 godina

'"Anyway UNSCR 1244 said that Kosovo's final status (as Kosovo according to UNSCR 1244 is only apart of FR-Yugoslavia for the indefinite future) must be mutually agreed by both parties"

actually 1244 says no such thing. NO where does it say that either Kosovo or Serbia must agree to the final status. It says the following:
"Facilitating a political process designed to determine Kosovo's future status, taking into account the Rambouillet accords (S/1999/648);"
The Rambouillet Accords states:
" Mechanism for final settlement. An international meeting will be convened after 3 years to determine a mechanism for a final settlement for Kosovo. The will of the people will be an important factor at the international meeting."

So no mention of mutual agreement, that is why the ICJ ruled that DOI did not violate 1244.


pre 12 godina

"The will of the people will be an important factor at the international meeting."

Actually only the will of Albanians matters...


pre 12 godina

One can discuss and speculate over Carl Bilds intentions of being a protagonist in the international scene but if one goes beyond that, it cannot but find that what Mr. Bild says is actually fair.

This mistrust towards Carl Bild, mirrors actually the mistrust between the both sides, Albanian/Serbian and vice versa and not mistrust towards Mr Bild or even less towards the highly respectable country that he represents.

The north Kosova is a problem -we can all agree with this with Mr Bild.

How can this problem be solved?

1. use of force- after all we are talking about 60,000 K-Serbs who are minority among K-Serbs themselves, let alone if you consider the entire Kosova.

2. Land swap- Serbs in north go with Serbia and Eastern Kosova (Presheva valley) joins Kosova. Hands shake and move on.

Now option 1 (military force) was applied to eastern Kosova in 2000 when NATO gave green light to Serbian Army to use heavy weaponry and tanks to neutralise the lightly armed UCPMB as the Serbian counterpart of UCPMB the lightly armed MUP was unable to succeed for over a year.

By same token- why NATO should not allow ROSU or KSF to secure north Kosova? There will not be huge casualties. Serbs in north are around 60,000 of them and only a tiny minority will resist with arms. Even if huge portion of them takes arms again it will be a simply an easy job for Kosova's security forces- not more than 3-4 days of work.

The problem seems comes from Belgrade and what Dacic the Serbian vice-PM said in several occasions during the last week: if any violence is used against this town of 60,000 K-Serbs Serbia will go to war.
We all know that Serbia has huge military base just 30 min from Kosova and also has a big military base with Russian just less than an hour form Kosova. It has over 400 upgraded and modern tanks and much more of the older versions. This serious deterrent force makes NATO and KFOR to be extremely patient in front of the criminals in north Kosova form months now and for years before that.
Thus option 1 would be feasible only if Kosova deploys strong security forces deterrent not for northern Serbs but for the Serbian/Russian army. Fact is Kosova has hugely and illogical strong limitations of her security forces in 2,300 lightly armed firemen.

Beside this complication the hardest question that Kosova and her friends need to address is the following: why would a newly established country that aspires to be democracy would want to apply force over citizens that do not recognize it as their state?

The answer would be in essence not much diverse from Serbian positions that 'one day we will take Kosova back' by force obviously.

Thus option 1 seems to have huge political, practical, moral and ethical complications.

Option 2 seems to be more realistic in my opinion.

It requires only good will and recognition of reality: political borders do not reflect the natural one. And this is the main problem between Serbs and Albanians in general and it seems it has not been solved with the declaration of independence.

This is what Carl Bild is saying.

Option 2 is the most feasible and logical. This option will require that Serbia stops her usual BS and needs to acknowledge the right of Kosova to be independent otherwise the problem will remain open again.

Is this perhaps the main obstacle for striking a deal based on option 2??? I don't think Thaci or anyone in Prishtina gives a sh. about Leposavic, Zubin Potok... or whatever these villages are called in north. They simply use them as bargain chip for the final deal of mutual recognition of right to be free and live with dignity in their respective countries. Well it seems Serbia is not happy to recognize this right to Kosova and the problem is open. Thus if Mr Bild refers to this problem when he speaks about the need to talk about north Kosova then I agree with him 100%. But he needs to go down to roots of the problem and say that clear to Belgrade. He cannot present it as a sort of mutual problem.


pre 12 godina

1: Helsinki final act guarantees Serbian sovereignty.
(Autobahn Ferrari, 27 November 2011 16:47)

I read the Helsinki final act and I did find nowhere the sentence “guarantees Serbian sovereignty”. Would you be so kind to provide the precise reference where the Act says that in case I missed it ?

That requires a mutual agreement, the only reason why the UDI was not illegal as it was made by a non-state actor.
(Autobahn Ferrari, 27 November 2011 16:47)

That matter has already been settled, my friend. Kosovo’s UDI is in accordance with international law. Obviously you have not read the news since July 2010 :)

Recognising declarations by non-state actors is illegal but the court chose it's discretion there. Wonder why.
(Autobahn Ferrari, 27 November 2011 16:47)

Who said that “Recognising declarations by non-state actors is illegal” ? Are you saying that all countries who recognize Serbs declaration of independence from the Ottoman Empire are committing an illegal act ?

As the court states,

“Indeed, it is entirely possible for a particular act such as a unilateral declaration of independence not to be in violation of international law without necessarily constituting the exercise of a right conferred by it. The Court has been asked for an opinion on the first point, not the second.”
(Autobahn Ferrari, 27 November 2011 16:47)

Yes, that’s a correct citation, like, I can cite “Done in English and in French, the English text being authoritative”. But not sure what is the purpose you cited it for !

Now imagine if a party in Serbia was elected that had big ones to throw a more specific question to the ICJ.
(Autobahn Ferrari, 27 November 2011 16:47)

And what would that question be ? Are you saying that Vuk was stupid and did not know how to ask a question ?!

2: Kosovo’s UDI came after the three year period so the Rambouillet Accords have elapsed and have no further bearing today, no UDI in 2003/4/5. The Standards before status policy part of 1244 or Rambouillet Accords so it offers legal extentions beyond the mid 2005 reveiw. The will of the people was taken into account and they said nothing on that matter within the timeframe. Silence is golden. So unfortunately for your argument and the K-Albs they blew independence with the 2004 violence/pogrom against Serbs.
(Autobahn Ferrari, 27 November 2011 16:47)

That’s a brilliant argument; duly noted. However, the ICJ’s opinion stands and Kosovo’s UDI is in accordance with international law.


pre 12 godina

On a different note, do you play poker alot and find bluffing offers different results if you continually do it?
(Autobahn Ferrari, 27 November 2011 16:47
Maybe you did not actually read my post and I think that if we were in a poker game you would not last very long as you do not really understand the plays.
The reference to status in 1244 says taking into account Rambouillet Accords" it does not say settled by the Rambouillet accords. True it was for 3 years but I do not think when 1244 was proposed anyone thought it would be going on for 12 years either.
But still the point I was saying is neither 1244 nor Rambouillet says that any decision on status MUST be agreeable to both sides.
Now your argument that Kosovo did not violate Helsinki due to the fact it was not a state is true but what is your point. Is there a situation where a recognized state can declare independence from another recognized state--think about it. The whole deal about helsinki and territorial integrity is that no state can claim a part of another state. (ie Albanian could not claim Kosovo) it does not even address situations of DOI's.
As far as throwing in the suppositions of "WHAT IF" a new party or anyone asks a different question of the ICJ, don't be so sure. Remember your lot could not conceive the possibility that you were wrong on the first question. You thought you walked into the game with a winning hand and did not even consider what the other players were holding, and that my friend making is the making of a poker player who goes home empty handed.


pre 12 godina

There should be NO TALKS whatsoever with Serbia when it comes to Kosovo territory. Full stop! To many concessions have been made to Serbia and still taking a piss " by non recognising " the Kosovo independence and advocating solution " in compliance with Serbian constitution..." and all these nonsense. Kosovo should embrace itself for a big battle to exert its FULL authority in the whole its territory. It doesn't have to rush BUT must be extremely well prepared for all eventuality including the Serbian threat of war. If Serbia really gives a damn of its minority, it MUST RECOGNISE Kosovo first before starting thinking about any discussion about northern Kosovo or Albanians living in Presevo, Bujanovc and Medvegja. I have suggested few times in the past a solution in relations with Serbia would be STRICT RECIPROCITY. Same rights for Serbs living in northern Kosovo to the rights enjoyed by Albanians living in Presevo, Bujanovc and Medvegja.


pre 12 godina

This comes from the creator of Bosnia. We have not forgotten Carl that once upon a time you were the high representative of Bosnia and you failed with that task miserably. Bosnia is today a non functioning state divided into two major sectors and it sounds like you have a similar approach for Kosovo in sight.

Kosovo is failed only as long as Serbs are allowed to have a political influence, minorities (read Serbs) should be given all rights possible and local self governance but under no circumstances a political influence in the development of Kosovo as a state; for those who want the rest are more than welcome to join their motherland. The reality is that northern Kosovo had already been given all what is democratically doable short of giving away that part of the state. To say something that is obvious to us all is that what has been offered to Serbs is not being accepted. And the answer to that Carl is not creating another Bosnia. The answer is simply take it or leave it, end of story. As I have always said Serbia is the single most contributor to the instability in the Balkans.

Don’t get ahead of yourself Carl because you are not a prominent politician, that role was occupied by Anna Lindh but I guess we all know what happened to her.

You should be declared a persona non grata by the Kosovo administration ASAP.


pre 12 godina

Finally, a european politician in touch with reality.
(MikeC, 26 November 2011 15:58)

Nothing to do with reality, it is to do with give someone something they want te keep them happy, for the sake of peace!

Remember the British premier Chamberlin and his appeasement policy towards aggressive Germany of 1938.

But as EA states I do not think K Albanians will compromise unless similar concession are made to Albanians in south serbia. So no change what so ever.


pre 12 godina

"Serbia will NEVER recognize an independent Albanian Kosovo, so stop wasting time typing that over and over on your keyboard.

"As for N. KiM, Serbs living independent or Pristina is a reality that will stand".

"The Albanians in Presevo can move to Kosovo, if they do not like living in Serbia. They are free to do so.
(Winston, 26 November 2011 18:07)

"Thank you Winston for enlighting us"! You are "a real Serb". You are so "real" that your dream of keeping Yugoslavia still exist. Do you remember as "a real Serb" say that "Kosovo is an internal affair of Yugoslavia and Serbia? Just to clarify you, I have never asked for Serbia to recognise Kosovo as independent BUT SERBIA HAS NO CHOICE. FULL STOP! I simply make suggestion how a real peace can be achieved between Serbs and Albanians. I DO NOT TRUST your statement that Serbia "will never recognise an independent Albanian Kosovo" as you put it. I have good reason to write that Serbia will eventually recognise Kosovo independence because THE FACTS IN SERBIAN POLITIAL HISTORY ARE STUBORN. From individuals from the same government are coming conflicting statement, read Jeremic, Bogdanovic, Tadic and Dacic and the fully failed polititian Kostunica and you will see how strong Serbia feels about Kosovo....PURELY for Serbian internal politics.


pre 12 godina

Mr./Mrs. EA, Serbia will NEVER recognize an independent Albanian Kosovo, so stop wasting time typing that over and over on your keyboard. As for N. KiM, Serbs living independent or Pristina is a reality that will stand. How many years has the West been trying to build this multi-ethnic KiM of their dreams, and N. KiM is more independent than ever - just ask KFOR. The Albanians in Presevo can move to Kosovo, if they do not like living in Serbia. They are free to do so.
(Winston, 26 November 2011 18:07)

I think your proposal makes complete sense. Albanians in Presevo can move to Kosovo and Serbs in N. Kosovo can move to Serbia. Or the other option is that Presevo can join Kosovo and N. Kosovo can join Serbia. If Serbs and Albanians can't live together, they should not be forced to.


pre 12 godina

I believe with these comments from a western diplomat, we are witnessing the start to ending the failed project of an " independent kosovo".
(Robert1899, 26 November 2011, 16:06)

mabye not the end of the 'independent Kosovo' project, but everyone can see that the western idea of creating a multiethnic, democratic Kosovo which shares European values miserably failed. Instead, a mafia state headed by corrupt criminals and election fakers was created.


pre 12 godina

I believe with these comments from a western diplomat, we are witnessing the start to ending the failed project of an " independent kosovo".


pre 12 godina

Mr./Mrs. EA, Serbia will NEVER recognize an independent Albanian Kosovo, so stop wasting time typing that over and over on your keyboard. As for N. KiM, Serbs living independent or Pristina is a reality that will stand. How many years has the West been trying to build this multi-ethnic KiM of their dreams, and N. KiM is more independent than ever - just ask KFOR. The Albanians in Presevo can move to Kosovo, if they do not like living in Serbia. They are free to do so.


pre 12 godina

Another PR stunt to sell the Serbs the same sh*t in a different package that will depend, yet again, on never delivered 'promises' and 'guarantees'. Sh*t is sh*t. If they really want to help out, then they can allow Kosovo albanians to emigrate to wonderful Sweden, but no, they prefer to keep them in 'independent Kosova'. Makes deportation easier no?

Sweden should be the last country to offer advice on Kosovo when the jews are quitting the country in droves because the politically correct classes don't want to address the problem that the total lack of integration of refugees into Sweden has lead to a strong rise in anti-semitism. They talk multi-culturalism but refuse to enforce protection and freedom for all communities in Sweden. Some can get away with anything because the authorities are afraid they will be accused of racism. What kind of Europe is this?


pre 12 godina

One can discuss and speculate over Carl Bilds intentions of being a protagonist in the international scene but if one goes beyond that, it cannot but find that what Mr. Bild says is actually fair.

This mistrust towards Carl Bild, mirrors actually the mistrust between the both sides, Albanian/Serbian and vice versa and not mistrust towards Mr Bild or even less towards the highly respectable country that he represents.

The north Kosova is a problem -we can all agree with this with Mr Bild.

How can this problem be solved?

1. use of force- after all we are talking about 60,000 K-Serbs who are minority among K-Serbs themselves, let alone if you consider the entire Kosova.

2. Land swap- Serbs in north go with Serbia and Eastern Kosova (Presheva valley) joins Kosova. Hands shake and move on.

Now option 1 (military force) was applied to eastern Kosova in 2000 when NATO gave green light to Serbian Army to use heavy weaponry and tanks to neutralise the lightly armed UCPMB as the Serbian counterpart of UCPMB the lightly armed MUP was unable to succeed for over a year.

By same token- why NATO should not allow ROSU or KSF to secure north Kosova? There will not be huge casualties. Serbs in north are around 60,000 of them and only a tiny minority will resist with arms. Even if huge portion of them takes arms again it will be a simply an easy job for Kosova's security forces- not more than 3-4 days of work.

The problem seems comes from Belgrade and what Dacic the Serbian vice-PM said in several occasions during the last week: if any violence is used against this town of 60,000 K-Serbs Serbia will go to war.
We all know that Serbia has huge military base just 30 min from Kosova and also has a big military base with Russian just less than an hour form Kosova. It has over 400 upgraded and modern tanks and much more of the older versions. This serious deterrent force makes NATO and KFOR to be extremely patient in front of the criminals in north Kosova form months now and for years before that.
Thus option 1 would be feasible only if Kosova deploys strong security forces deterrent not for northern Serbs but for the Serbian/Russian army. Fact is Kosova has hugely and illogical strong limitations of her security forces in 2,300 lightly armed firemen.

Beside this complication the hardest question that Kosova and her friends need to address is the following: why would a newly established country that aspires to be democracy would want to apply force over citizens that do not recognize it as their state?

The answer would be in essence not much diverse from Serbian positions that 'one day we will take Kosova back' by force obviously.

Thus option 1 seems to have huge political, practical, moral and ethical complications.

Option 2 seems to be more realistic in my opinion.

It requires only good will and recognition of reality: political borders do not reflect the natural one. And this is the main problem between Serbs and Albanians in general and it seems it has not been solved with the declaration of independence.

This is what Carl Bild is saying.

Option 2 is the most feasible and logical. This option will require that Serbia stops her usual BS and needs to acknowledge the right of Kosova to be independent otherwise the problem will remain open again.

Is this perhaps the main obstacle for striking a deal based on option 2??? I don't think Thaci or anyone in Prishtina gives a sh. about Leposavic, Zubin Potok... or whatever these villages are called in north. They simply use them as bargain chip for the final deal of mutual recognition of right to be free and live with dignity in their respective countries. Well it seems Serbia is not happy to recognize this right to Kosova and the problem is open. Thus if Mr Bild refers to this problem when he speaks about the need to talk about north Kosova then I agree with him 100%. But he needs to go down to roots of the problem and say that clear to Belgrade. He cannot present it as a sort of mutual problem.


pre 12 godina

So KAlbs could defeat Serbian/Russian armies combained if armed well enough... :)

Also could be option 3: Just improve people's life without thinking about status and changing borders.
(aaayyy, 27 November 2011 16:26)

It's nothing new for us man.

You always had Russians full supprot militarly, diplomatically.
You had Russians commanding many your units. You had many Russians in your special force units. You had satelite coverage of Kosova provided by Russki for almost two years. You had all the spear parts for your tanks and other weponery delivered by Russi in 1997/8 just in time...

Nothing new for us man.

Without Russia you are no one and nothing. If we had half of the backing that you have from Russia today we would talk about Nis not Leposavic.

In boosting falsely your chests you even don't aknowledge the good that Ruskies are doing for you since you created your state.


pre 12 godina

Aleks-a little harsh on Sweden i believe. Many immigrants have settled well in Sweden, but there is definitely an undercurrent of xenophobia. They are, you are right, desperate to get rid of their Kalbs though.


pre 12 godina

"But as EA states I do not think K Albanians will compromise unless similar concession are made to Albanians in south serbia. So no change what so ever."


Albanians will not compromise! You will compromise if your suggar daddy tells you to do so. You have no saying in what happens in northern Kosovo. The people there don't want to belong to a drugsmuggling bunch of terrorists. If albanians in Presevo want independence then they should make a move. However, they wont because they would rather live under serb rule then the one of Thaci and other albanian bandits.


pre 12 godina

(Helsingborg, 26 November 2011 20:15)

Well how nice, greetings “Helsingborg” from ”Lund”, the world is truly a small place in this day and age. And it seems like you got me completely wrong, honestly it would be me who would be honored if Carl was perceived as a persona non grata, and it seems like my wish has suddenly come true, at least that is what I got from Thacis politically correct response to Carl Bildt.

And about your comments concerning Albanians, please try to get a hold of you self, the name calling in this commentary is staggering, trolls, terrorists, drug dealers, commooon.

Another thing, and now i am assuming that you are a Serb living in Sweden and i am obviously an Kosovar Albanian living in Sweden. What is beautiful about the Swedish society is that the word foreigner in Sweden includes every single person that is not a ethnic Swed, you should know that Swedes make no difference amongst foreigners; you my Helsingborgian neighbor are just as unwelcome here as i am, so it’s not just the “Kalbs” that Swedes would like to get rid of, I think they got a list of a couple of “juggar” that they’d rather get rid of first.

(PEN, 26 November 2011 20:29)

PEN your comment is proof enough for me that you have no clue about what you are talking about so im not even going to bother answering you, se I grow up in Kosovo and nothing you said comes near the “truth” that you seem to be in possession of. And again with the name calling, illiterate, terrorist, sure why not if that makes you feel any better keep it up.

(Comm. Parrisson, 26 November 2011 20:33)

Thank you for that unbearably crucial insight!


pre 12 godina

'"Anyway UNSCR 1244 said that Kosovo's final status (as Kosovo according to UNSCR 1244 is only apart of FR-Yugoslavia for the indefinite future) must be mutually agreed by both parties"

actually 1244 says no such thing. NO where does it say that either Kosovo or Serbia must agree to the final status. It says the following:
"Facilitating a political process designed to determine Kosovo's future status, taking into account the Rambouillet accords (S/1999/648);"
The Rambouillet Accords states:
" Mechanism for final settlement. An international meeting will be convened after 3 years to determine a mechanism for a final settlement for Kosovo. The will of the people will be an important factor at the international meeting."

So no mention of mutual agreement, that is why the ICJ ruled that DOI did not violate 1244.


pre 12 godina

No no no! UNSCR 1244 guaranteed the FR-Yugoslavia's sovereignty over Kosovo for the INDEFINITE FUTURE, meaning that FR-Yugoslavia's sovereignty over Kosovo was NOT A PERMANENT GUARANTEE per UNSCR 1244. The Successor of FR-Yugoslavia was Serbia and Montenegro, which itself was replaced by two states and succeeded by Serbia according to the Serbian constitution (which I will come back to later). So Serbia is the successor to the successor of FR-Yugoslavia. Part of the FR-Yugoslavia's successor aka Montenegro, recognises Kosovo.

Anyway UNSCR 1244 said that Kosovo's final status (as Kosovo according to UNSCR 1244 is only apart of FR-Yugoslavia for the indefinite future) must be mutually agreed by both parties. The government established in Pristina per UNSCR 1244 tried and tried to discuss and negotiate the final status of Kosovo and Belgrade did not care at all and just ignored the government in Pristina. Belgrade did not want to discuss the final status of Kosovo and was just happy with the then status quo. Anyway along comes 8 November 2006 and the National Assembly of Serbia unveils the Constitution of Serbia. The Constitution of Serbia states that it "defines the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija as the integral part of Serbia", meaning that Serbia violated UNSCR 1244 in November 2006 as Belgrade unilaterally finalised Kosovo's status without giving anyone in Kosovo a say. The referendum on adopting the Serbian Constitution was not even carried out in Kosovo. The people of Kosovo and the authorities in Kosovo had no say over Kosovo's final status, it was not mutually agreed by both parties which UNSCR 1244 clearly states the case must be. As Serbia violated UNSCR 1244 in November 2006 with their constitution which unilaterally finalised Kosovo's status, this gave Kosovo no option but to declare independence. They had tried to negotiate the future of Kosovo's status, but Belgrade ignored them; Belgrade unilaterally finalised Kosovo's status without giving a single person in Kosovo a say. There was no mutual agreement by both parties.

So basically what I'm trying to say is, its funny how Serbia and friends pick and choose to abide by only those laws that suits their interests.

Now that Serbia has failed on the international arena diplomatically and the limited success Serbia has had is down to peace loving Russia actively lobbying against Kosovo. Not to mention Serbia's failure in the ICJ.

Now because things haven't gone as planned, we have Serbian politicians shouting "International Law" whilst banging the War Drums. Now isn't that ironic.
(Ian, UK, 26 November 2011 14:02)

Ian, could you give a link to the documents dated after 1999 where Prishtina proposed anything less than independence in the current border of the province for Kosovo status? NEVER.

Could you give a link to the documents dated after 1999 where the West/US/NATO agreed to Kosovo partition? All of them kept/keep saying that Kosovo partition was/is out of question since 1999.

Just ask Albanian participants of this site.


pre 12 godina

If Serbia recognized Kosovo independence first then any attempts to negotiate KSerbs right would be seen as interfierence into a foreign state internal affears.

Democratic multi-ethnic Kosovo project reminds me a communism-all-over-the-world project.


pre 12 godina


Hey Winston, your mommy gave you false information about Kosova you Serbs are brainwashed from your Government and from Milosevic?
Kosova was one of 8 Republic of former Yugoslavia you like it or not truth some times hertz but what can you do, You Serbs really think will get kosova back to control if you Serbs think yes, You Serbs must be out of your mine crazy Kosova Albanians went through so much bloodshed never want to live under Serbia, Oh maturity of population are Kosova Albanians which it means Albanians will decide for Kosova what to do no you Serbs sorry.


pre 12 godina

Well Nori your K-Albanian compatriots are more than welcome to join their motherland too if they would prefer. Doesn't sound very nice does it. But then I don't really expect anything more from your usual rascist Albanian commentator. If you don't like living among us even though we make you feel more than welcome, you know by vandalizing your churches and cemetaries, stoning your vehicles, stealing your land, and murdering your citizens for good measure, well you can just piss off to central Serbia then. What's the problem. Now I ask you, what could be more reasonable. Of course what you fail to grasp is that Kosovo is Serbia's motherland, and her people have lived their for centuries despite your best efforts. And as far as creating instability is concerned Albanians are doing that quite successfully wherever they pitch up. Ask the local police in virtually every country you have a large enough presence in.

Comm. Parrisson

pre 12 godina

"Bosnia is today a non functioning state divided into two major sectors and it sounds like you have a similar approach for Kosovo in sight. "
(Nori, 26 November 2011 18:42)

To be like Bosnia would be a 100% improvement for Kosovo from its current situation.


pre 12 godina

Nori-i am sure he would consider it an honour to be persona non grata by a bunch of drug dealing terrorists. Would do his career a lot of good.


pre 12 godina

When all else fails send in Carl Bildt, the seemingly mild mannered scandanavian aparatchik. Too bad old cyrus vance is not available. Soon the puppet masters will find some non discript back water town in Ohio and invite mr Tadic to be wined and dined. Then we will have another accord, perhaps the cleveland accord-maybe not cleveland because thats too big a town for issues relating to serbia. Perhaps sandusky or elyria would be more appropriate.

If that fails there will be sanctions, war and eventually Tadic may end up in the hauge wearing a serbian flag tie-like his former boss Milosevic.No longer of any use to the empire ,americas Yugoslav poodles often become serbian patriots abruptly in the hague. Or like noriega they end up in France-not eating snails but crawling on the earth like them!

Kosovo is Serbia and always will be.


pre 12 godina

1: Helsinki final act guarantees Serbian sovereignty.
(Autobahn Ferrari, 27 November 2011 16:47)

I read the Helsinki final act and I did find nowhere the sentence “guarantees Serbian sovereignty”. Would you be so kind to provide the precise reference where the Act says that in case I missed it ?

That requires a mutual agreement, the only reason why the UDI was not illegal as it was made by a non-state actor.
(Autobahn Ferrari, 27 November 2011 16:47)

That matter has already been settled, my friend. Kosovo’s UDI is in accordance with international law. Obviously you have not read the news since July 2010 :)

Recognising declarations by non-state actors is illegal but the court chose it's discretion there. Wonder why.
(Autobahn Ferrari, 27 November 2011 16:47)

Who said that “Recognising declarations by non-state actors is illegal” ? Are you saying that all countries who recognize Serbs declaration of independence from the Ottoman Empire are committing an illegal act ?

As the court states,

“Indeed, it is entirely possible for a particular act such as a unilateral declaration of independence not to be in violation of international law without necessarily constituting the exercise of a right conferred by it. The Court has been asked for an opinion on the first point, not the second.”
(Autobahn Ferrari, 27 November 2011 16:47)

Yes, that’s a correct citation, like, I can cite “Done in English and in French, the English text being authoritative”. But not sure what is the purpose you cited it for !

Now imagine if a party in Serbia was elected that had big ones to throw a more specific question to the ICJ.
(Autobahn Ferrari, 27 November 2011 16:47)

And what would that question be ? Are you saying that Vuk was stupid and did not know how to ask a question ?!

2: Kosovo’s UDI came after the three year period so the Rambouillet Accords have elapsed and have no further bearing today, no UDI in 2003/4/5. The Standards before status policy part of 1244 or Rambouillet Accords so it offers legal extentions beyond the mid 2005 reveiw. The will of the people was taken into account and they said nothing on that matter within the timeframe. Silence is golden. So unfortunately for your argument and the K-Albs they blew independence with the 2004 violence/pogrom against Serbs.
(Autobahn Ferrari, 27 November 2011 16:47)

That’s a brilliant argument; duly noted. However, the ICJ’s opinion stands and Kosovo’s UDI is in accordance with international law.


pre 12 godina

"Swidish FM proposes new talk on Northern Kosovo"Until the beginning of disentegration of former Yougoslavia there is no evidence that Swidish Government have ever advocated establishing new state of Kosovo on sovereign territory of Serbia.Serbia is a sovereign country including Province of KOSMET whose international borders are established by TREATIES.Now,the question is:What is in there for Mr.Carl Bildt and Sweden?What ever that is, Serbs do not like it and should not trust him.
His performance during Bosnia conflict speak for itself.Mr.Bildt like many others EU experts never fully understood complexity of ethnic and religious relationship of the pople living in that region.Establishing new "State of Kosovo" would require new treaty in regard to Serbia or decree by UNSC.Neither of these is feasible now or in forceeable future.
Therefore,you be well advise Mr.Bildt to help your Albanians friends negociate with Serbs of the region coexistence,tolerance and trade.


pre 12 godina

Kosova was one of 8 Republic of former Yugoslavia you like it or not truth some times hertz
(Bahri, 27 November 2011 06:17)

Could you read?

It was a socialist state and a federation made up of six socialist republics: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovenia. Serbia, in addition, included two autonomous provinces of Vojvodina and Kosovo and Metohia.



pre 12 godina

Thus option 1 would be feasible only if Kosova deploys strong security forces deterrent not for northern Serbs but for the Serbian/Russian army. Fact is Kosova has hugely and illogical strong limitations of her security forces in 2,300 lightly armed firemen.

So KAlbs could defeat Serbian/Russian armies combained if armed well enough... :)

Also could be option 3: Just improve people's life without thinking about status and changing borders.


pre 12 godina

On a different note, do you play poker alot and find bluffing offers different results if you continually do it?
(Autobahn Ferrari, 27 November 2011 16:47
Maybe you did not actually read my post and I think that if we were in a poker game you would not last very long as you do not really understand the plays.
The reference to status in 1244 says taking into account Rambouillet Accords" it does not say settled by the Rambouillet accords. True it was for 3 years but I do not think when 1244 was proposed anyone thought it would be going on for 12 years either.
But still the point I was saying is neither 1244 nor Rambouillet says that any decision on status MUST be agreeable to both sides.
Now your argument that Kosovo did not violate Helsinki due to the fact it was not a state is true but what is your point. Is there a situation where a recognized state can declare independence from another recognized state--think about it. The whole deal about helsinki and territorial integrity is that no state can claim a part of another state. (ie Albanian could not claim Kosovo) it does not even address situations of DOI's.
As far as throwing in the suppositions of "WHAT IF" a new party or anyone asks a different question of the ICJ, don't be so sure. Remember your lot could not conceive the possibility that you were wrong on the first question. You thought you walked into the game with a winning hand and did not even consider what the other players were holding, and that my friend making is the making of a poker player who goes home empty handed.


pre 12 godina

There Is an Albania and Albanians living there. Kosovo is a part of Serbian and never a part o Albanian. Kosovo was almost Albanian free or there was small minority of them for say about 60years ago. at the 70´s to 90´s they expand and populated like white mice. And the ethnic cleansing and terrorizing in Kosovo started long time ago before the Yugoslav wars started at the 90´s. But the thing is that it was NON-Albanians that was harassed,killed or had to flee. So the thing is NATO with friends did a big mistake Burning billions of dollars on a Bombarding Serbia and hers suverenity, when they have a place for Albanians to live in called Albania, if they gave all Albanian family half of the Bombing campaign money and building them homes in there home country Albanian. Maybe US and other country could heaved save some money to there depths. The only thing way the got on Albos side in the war is that they dident want them as refugees in Europe, cus all of us living in center,west,north Europe know what kind of people K-Albos are, and that is the worst kind. My GOD bless Serbs and there whole country Serbia. And forgive Me and other for not seeing the right. Sandro(I)/ Former UN employee BiH and Kosovo


pre 12 godina


I understand you are patriotic but you really have no idea of Kosovo's functionality without Serbia. You talk like as if the Kosovo army (which doesn't exist) will come to the front line and meet the Serbs with an iron fist, no compromise, no negotiations, Thaci's way or the highway.

The reality is far different and everybody knows this. The world knows that Serbs have been a majority in Kosovo far longer than Albanians have. Yes Serbs are now a minority in Kosovo but there is no international law on 'squatting', and thus you will never become your independent state.

As for the Albanians living in Presevo et al, they are under completely different circumstances than the Serbs in Northern KiM & enclaves throughout. Kosovo has always been within Serbia. Presevo has always been within Serbia.
You will never have a bargaining chip with Presevo etc and Northern KiM. You have no argument and that's why noone ever bothers to address this, other than the internet warriors who jump on the "Presevo bandwagon".

Take a reality check, you need to understand that your views are ludicrous. Walk into Mitrovica & tell a few locals about your hardline views and how you would 'implement' them...


pre 12 godina

UNSC 1244 is still in force, and certainly explains why those that recognize the so-called independent state of Kosovo are devoting so much time and energy in trying to bribe and threaten Serbia to recognize it: if UNSC 1244 was not in force, then quite frankly, nobody would care what Serbia thinks, but most of the West certainly does because only Serbia can legitimately grant it independence per the resolution, and it certainly shouldn't and won't. The Resolution establishes clearly that Kosovo is an autonomous province of the successor state of Serbia, and, by the way Ian, indefinite future means exactly what it says: indefinite, i.e. no end date. The nonsensical argument that somehow Serbia rendered invalid a UNSC resolution through its constitution is certainly creative, but bizarre. Indeed, even the US State Department or your own former empire (now American poodle) based in London never made or makes such an assertion because it is laughable. What is even more laughable is that Pristina ever tried to engage in good faith status negotiations: Pristina demanded nothing less than independence and the Serbia Constitution codified what has always been the case recognized by the UN, Kosovo is a province of Serbia. It will never be a UN member nor a EU member (assuming such a union still exists in twenty years). Tadic is trying to find a creative solution for a relationship short of recognition, and Pristina had better finally grow up, take a break from organ and human trafficking, and realize it will never be a legitimate nation. Then, after a solution is reached, we can concentrate on liberating Northern Ireland from UK oppression and giving it the dignity and union with Ireland it deserves.


pre 12 godina

"Anyway UNSCR 1244 said that Kosovo's final status (as Kosovo according to UNSCR 1244 is only apart of FR-Yugoslavia for the indefinite future) must be mutually agreed by both parties....As Serbia violated UNSCR 1244 in November 2006 with their constitution which unilaterally finalised Kosovo's status, this gave Kosovo no option but to declare independence. (Ian, UK, 26 November 2011 14:02)

In a tricky way: Only because the UDI was declared by some socalled 'representatives of the people of Kosovo' (and not by official Kosovo temporary institutions which were mentionened in UN1244), they didn't violate UN1244.

"So basically what I'm trying to say is, its funny how Serbia and friends pick and choose to abide by only those laws that suits their interests"
(Ian, UK, 26 November 2011 14:02)
According to this, all Kosovo politicians who dare to claim that Kosovo's status is final and cannot be negotiatied violate UN1244, because there was no mutual agreement?


pre 12 godina

"The will of the people will be an important factor at the international meeting."

Actually only the will of Albanians matters...


pre 12 godina

Kosovo is a failed state
(MikeC, 27 November 2011 09:26)

That's not true - since Kosovo is not a state, how can it be a failed one?

Autobahn Ferrari

pre 12 godina

(pss, 27 November 2011 14:21)

The Rambouillet Accords are a 3-year interim agreement that will provide democratic self-government, peace, and security for everyone living in Kosovo.
Three years after entry into force of the Accords, an international meeting will be convened to determine a mechanism for a final settlement for Kosovo, on the basis of the will of the people, opinions of relevant authorities, each party's efforts regarding the implementation of the Accords, and the Helsinki Final Act.


1: Helsinki final act guarantees Serbian sovereignty. That requires a mutual agreement, the only reason why the UDI was not illegal as it was made by a non-state actor. Recognising declarations by non-state actors is illegal but the court chose it's discretion there. Wonder why.
As the court states,

“Indeed, it is entirely possible for a particular act such as a unilateral declaration of independence not to be in violation of international law without necessarily constituting the exercise of a right conferred by it. The Court has been asked for an opinion on the first point, not the second.”

Now imagine if a party in Serbia was elected that had big ones to throw a more specific question to the ICJ.

2: Kosovo’s UDI came after the three year period so the Rambouillet Accords have elapsed and have no further bearing today, no UDI in 2003/4/5. The Standards before status policy part of 1244 or Rambouillet Accords so it offers legal extentions beyond the mid 2005 reveiw. The will of the people was taken into account and they said nothing on that matter within the timeframe. Silence is golden. So unfortunately for your argument and the K-Albs they blew independence with the 2004 violence/pogrom against Serbs.

On a different note, do you play poker alot and find bluffing offers different results if you continually do it?


pre 12 godina

Ian, since 1999 Prishtina has been proposing nothing less than independent Kosovo in its current border.

The West said/says that Kosovo partition is out of discussion.
(aaayyy, 26 November 2011 23:19)

And since 2008 aka when Belgrade started to give an interest in Kosovo, has not offered anything but Belgrade's sovereignty in its current boarders.

Russia and Friends said/ say that partition is out of discussion.
(Ian, UK, 27 November 2011 13:05)

I could provide a lot of links where Western officials say that Kosovo partition is out of discussion doesn't matter what Serbia wants.

Could you provide links where Russian officials say that same? Or are you just talking in the sake of talking?

And Belgrade always gives an interest in Kosovo.

You say KAlbs don't want to be under Serbian control, but KAlbs have been out of Serbia's control for 12 years, what's the reason for them to worry?