Wednesday, 19.10.2011.


KFOR wants EULEX to be allowed through barricades

Northern Kosovo Serb municipal representatives have decided to allow NATO troops, KFOR, partial freedom of movement through the barricades.

Izvor: B92

KFOR wants EULEX to be allowed through barricades IMAGE SOURCE

30 Komentari

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pre 13 godina

So, in fact, when KFOR stops to transport Kosovo Albanians to the checkpoints (which can hardly be considered a part of the KFOR peacekeeping mandate, everyone will agree on this) the barricades will be removed?
(Analyst, 19 October 2011 19:37)

KFOR is not transporting Kosovo Albanians to the border crossings; it is transporting customs officials (who may be Serb, Albanians, Roma or god knows what). KFOR is implementing UNMIKs regulation nr. 2 of August 1999 by transporting customs officials there to collect the customs taxes that UNMIK has decided under the power given to UNMIK by resolution 1244.

Rest assured analyst that everything is covered :)


pre 13 godina

As I am writing this comment , the barricades are being removed and in certain areas KFOR had to use tear gas to disperse Serbs at barricades.


pre 13 godina

-Correction: Go to Jonestown, Guyana, then drink Kool-Aid,it would make the world a better place (New Zealander, 19 October 2011 22:25)-

Good one, "b92." is that yet another b92 special?

i call this the milosevic press, but i'm starting to be nostalgic for those days, compared to today's serbian media... you guys and gals should be so proud of yrselves. you've come such a long way.

roberto frisco

Balkan Anthropologist

pre 13 godina

Put your word where your mouth is. You albanians should saddle your donkeys and grab your pitchforks and attack the north.
(MikeC, 19 October 2011 17:28)

LOL people like "JohnC" would never do that since it would mean leaving their nice living conditions in the West. It's better for keyboard warriors like him to demand other people in an area he doesn't live and probably has never been to do the dirty work so he can feel comfortable reading it on a Serbian site and then making some idiotic comment in empty triumph. Too bad he can't even understand what the article says since he's too obsessed with starting a war that no one's able to fight :)


pre 13 godina

So, in fact, when KFOR stops to transport Kosovo Albanians to the checkpoints (which can hardly be considered a part of the KFOR peacekeeping mandate, everyone will agree on this) the barricades will be removed?
(Analyst, 19 October 2011 19:37)

Perhaps yes - when KFOR didn't transport Kosovo Albanians to the checkpoints, barricades didn't exist.

New Zealander

pre 13 godina

We should not negotiate with those holding people hostage in the northern part of Kosovo.

What about the sick people, how are they accessing healthcare providers with the roads blocked?

(KOSO, 19 October 2011 15:44)

Keep drinking the Kool-Aid, Koso.
(Englebert, 19 October 2011 16:00)

Correction: Go to Jonestown, Guyana, then drink Kool-Aid,it would make the world a better place


pre 13 godina

Who would allow them to declare independence from Kosovo? US/NATO said Kosovo division is out of question.
(aaayyy, 18 October 2011 19:55)

Well, we still don’t know if they want to be independent from Kosovo or not. If so, they should declare independence and then we’ll see if they will be able to achieve it or not. They need to follow the example of their grand-fathers in the 19th century that did not wait for the Ottoman Empire to tell them that Serbs could declare independence; they had the courage to go ahead and declare it anyway and defend it when it was necessary.(jci)

Their grand-fathers in the 19th century had the courage to go ahead and declare independence from Ottoman Empire with foreign Russian help. Right now such help isn't available. What do you want from anarmed farmers - to go ahead fight and defeat NATO with bare hands? BTW there are rumours tat Serb representatives had contacts with Albanians and suggested Kosovo recognition in exchange for Kosovo North, but they were rejected.

BTW where does Res 1244 say that Kosovo stamps could have independent state atributes
(aaayyy, 18 October 2011 19:55)

Nowhere; 1244 does not deal with custom stamp. UNMIK, under the powers given by 1244, decided that stamps labeled “Kosovo Customs” are OK.(jci)

Why are you so sure 1244 gave UNMIK power to decide that Kosovo is allowed to have stamps with independent state attributes? One can hardly call such action status neutral.

and that Kosovo - central Serbia border should be guarded by ethnic Albanians?
(aaayyy, 18 October 2011 19:55)

1244 was not written by a racist mind to say that this or that ethnicity can do this or can’t do that; on the same token 1244 does not forbid any ethnicity from guarding the border. 1244 was not written to establish the apartheid in Kosovo. Indeed, nobody is sending ethnic Albanians to guard the border; it’s Kosovo Customs employees (from all ethnicities) that guard the Kosovo borders. Just see them as people, not as Albanians, Serbs, Roma, etc;(jci)

Actually they are sending ethnic Albanians to replace ethnic Serbs and to guard the border.


pre 13 godina

When you see this, you get a clear understanding why Croatia didn't want to "negotiate" anymore back in Summer 1995. This is not talk, but delay on purpose. They will not change their minds until you make them. Croatia clarified all misunderstandings in less than a week and it has not problems whatsoever ever since they persuaded their "barricading and shooting" minorities.

So just do it!

(JohnC., 19 October 2011 09:39)

JohnC, so you support ethnic cleansing of people as a way to solve ethnic conflicts. I guess that according to you Milosevic should have ethnically cleansed Albanians from Kosovo in order to stop Serbian-Albanian conflict there.

Forever Dardans

pre 13 godina

it does surprize me how serbs of serbia and serbs of N kosovo still have same metntality,same ideas as they had on 20th centery come one people let it go you know it was never yours and it will never be dont be a victim os politics>>>>!!!


pre 13 godina

“Serbs have only one condition and that is status neutrality of KFOR, which should operate within its mandate as a UN peacekeeping mission,” he underlined.

So, in fact, when KFOR stops to transport Kosovo Albanians to the checkpoints (which can hardly be considered a part of the KFOR peacekeeping mandate, everyone will agree on this) the barricades will be removed?


pre 13 godina

KFOR and EULUX has now nothing to complain about.
Let see if they Accept - if they dont - they are not to be trusted.



pre 13 godina

That seems settled now. Serbs controlling NATO's movements in the north sounds good to me. NATO transporting Albanians via helicopter to unused administrative points. Fine, that's a waste of resources and stretching funds. In the mean time, Serbs are using alternative routes and the unrestricted train service.


pre 13 godina

KFOR heading towards another confrontation?



pre 13 godina

We should not negotiate with those holding people hostage in the northern part of Kosovo.

What about the sick people, how are they accessing healthcare providers with the roads blocked?

(KOSO, 19 October 2011 15:44)

Keep drinking the Kool-Aid, Koso. People travel to and from Serbia proper all the time. How do you think the VP of Republika Srpska came to the north? Podujevo??? As a foreigner I drove on the alternate roads several times last month and never had any trouble. As people who have actually been in the north have testified here dozens of times, there is no lack of freedom of movement for normal citizens - it only applies to those who represent Pristina who have problems.

Got it now?

Balkan Anthropologist

pre 13 godina

LOL how cute. Once again the only Albanian "response" are coming from the cyber knuckleheads on this site that are looking for a fight. Where's Pristina to "negotiate"? Oh that's right, they have no say in northern Kosovo, just like they've never had a say over anything regarding Kosovo. They're just told to smile and accept what's given to them. That's probably why there's so many angry comments here :)


pre 13 godina

@Balkan Anthropologist

You're right, thus far Prishtina has been marginalized. On the other hand, what say does Belgrade have in Kosovo? It's having to ask countries not to recognize Prishtina, that's it. It's also being asked to normalize relations with Prishtina if it wishes to join the EU. Pretty soon it'll have to choose which one it values more


pre 13 godina

We should not negotiate with those holding people hostage in the northern part of Kosovo.

What about the sick people, how are they accessing healthcare providers with the roads blocked?


Another Canadian Serb

pre 13 godina


2 million of Serbia's Kosovo Albanians can not dictate to 7.5 million Serbians about how they are going to strip away Kosovo from Serbia.

Kosovo Albanians are a miniority in Serbia!


pre 13 godina

These 60,000 want 20% of the land of the 2,000,000. (ben, 19 October 2011 13:06)

LOL!!! The census shows a population of 1.7 million, not 2 million. Even that 1.7 million probably represents 130% of the provincial population. LOL!!

Yes ben, farmers tend to have more land than city dwellers. What exactly is your point? Want to steal more land? Those 60,000 represent 100% of the population in that 20% of territory.

Niall O'Doherty

pre 13 godina

remember all the serbian manastiries and orthodox churches are way inside kosovo not in the north mitrovica i'hope my comment will get published this time
(ROLANDI, 19 October 2011 10:23)

Dem Serbs are getting a bit uppity...quick Jethro get me Uncle Jessie's shotgun. We going huntin. yeeehaaww.

Seriously, you need to take a good long hard look at yourself. Failing that, stop drinking the Kool Aid.


pre 13 godina

(JohnC., 19 October 2011 09:39)

These Albanians always want someone else to do their dirty work and demand that KFOR use tanks to bring the Serbs under control.
Your pride over the Croats using the same method with Serbs in Krajina is one thing they will live to regret. Croatia is unable to survive on its own so the EU which h has run out of money has forced Croatia to trade with Serbia. In fact the EU is forcing all the old republics to trade with Serbia and guess who will benefit from all of this? That’s right Serbia.
The Croats are going to have to borrow billions of Euros for payment of confiscated property. Even Josipovic confirmed so much. When Kosor stated that they were not going to give any of the war criminals to Belgrade Josipovic stated on HTV Dnevnik that “we have to comply with that request whether we like it or not – there is no question”. The EU was most angry at Kosor’s statement.
Where do you think your Albanians are going to look for work?????????????
You see little man slowly but surely Serbia will control all of the Balkans and as your allies are sinking into a financial mire and the Russians are coming out on top, well I’m sure you can guess the rest.


pre 13 godina

"if you love kosovo so much try to bild ndon't destroy like thugs thet not the way u run the country ..."
(ROLANDI, 19 October 2011 10:23)

Yes, I always wonder why the Albanians who claim to love Kosovo so much allow that their country is run by corrupt and criminal thugs :)


pre 13 godina

One step further and you are getting close to recommending a "Volksgerichtshof" in Mitrovica-North, concentration camps and/or Gulags to resolve problems with minorities... As a matter of fact, such pattern of thinking appears to resemble the mind set of certain gents in Pristina...


pre 13 godina

remember all the serbian manastiries and orthodox churches are way inside kosovo not in the north mitrovica i'hope my comment will get published this time
(ROLANDI, 19 October 2011 10:23)

Is that supposed to be some kind of threat against UNESCO sites? I hope not because threatening monasteries would be something only a baboon would do.


pre 13 godina

if you love kosovo so much try to bild ndon't destroy like thugs thet not the way u run the country in the streets palestinians have been in the street of palestine since 1963/7 but they have not achive one good thing about palestine i'can see same thing in north mitrovica remember all the serbian manastiries and orthodox churches are way inside kosovo not in the north mitrovica i'hope my comment will get published this time


pre 13 godina

When you see this, you get a clear understanding why Croatia didn't want to "negotiate" anymore back in Summer 1995. This is not talk, but delay on purpose. They will not change their minds until you make them. Croatia clarified all misunderstandings in less than a week and it has not problems whatsoever ever since they persuaded their "barricading and shooting" minorities.

So just do it!



pre 13 godina

When you see this, you get a clear understanding why Croatia didn't want to "negotiate" anymore back in Summer 1995. This is not talk, but delay on purpose. They will not change their minds until you make them. Croatia clarified all misunderstandings in less than a week and it has not problems whatsoever ever since they persuaded their "barricading and shooting" minorities.

So just do it!


Another Canadian Serb

pre 13 godina


2 million of Serbia's Kosovo Albanians can not dictate to 7.5 million Serbians about how they are going to strip away Kosovo from Serbia.

Kosovo Albanians are a miniority in Serbia!


pre 13 godina

remember all the serbian manastiries and orthodox churches are way inside kosovo not in the north mitrovica i'hope my comment will get published this time
(ROLANDI, 19 October 2011 10:23)

Is that supposed to be some kind of threat against UNESCO sites? I hope not because threatening monasteries would be something only a baboon would do.


pre 13 godina

"if you love kosovo so much try to bild ndon't destroy like thugs thet not the way u run the country ..."
(ROLANDI, 19 October 2011 10:23)

Yes, I always wonder why the Albanians who claim to love Kosovo so much allow that their country is run by corrupt and criminal thugs :)


pre 13 godina

One step further and you are getting close to recommending a "Volksgerichtshof" in Mitrovica-North, concentration camps and/or Gulags to resolve problems with minorities... As a matter of fact, such pattern of thinking appears to resemble the mind set of certain gents in Pristina...


pre 13 godina

(JohnC., 19 October 2011 09:39)

These Albanians always want someone else to do their dirty work and demand that KFOR use tanks to bring the Serbs under control.
Your pride over the Croats using the same method with Serbs in Krajina is one thing they will live to regret. Croatia is unable to survive on its own so the EU which h has run out of money has forced Croatia to trade with Serbia. In fact the EU is forcing all the old republics to trade with Serbia and guess who will benefit from all of this? That’s right Serbia.
The Croats are going to have to borrow billions of Euros for payment of confiscated property. Even Josipovic confirmed so much. When Kosor stated that they were not going to give any of the war criminals to Belgrade Josipovic stated on HTV Dnevnik that “we have to comply with that request whether we like it or not – there is no question”. The EU was most angry at Kosor’s statement.
Where do you think your Albanians are going to look for work?????????????
You see little man slowly but surely Serbia will control all of the Balkans and as your allies are sinking into a financial mire and the Russians are coming out on top, well I’m sure you can guess the rest.


pre 13 godina

We should not negotiate with those holding people hostage in the northern part of Kosovo.

What about the sick people, how are they accessing healthcare providers with the roads blocked?

(KOSO, 19 October 2011 15:44)

Keep drinking the Kool-Aid, Koso. People travel to and from Serbia proper all the time. How do you think the VP of Republika Srpska came to the north? Podujevo??? As a foreigner I drove on the alternate roads several times last month and never had any trouble. As people who have actually been in the north have testified here dozens of times, there is no lack of freedom of movement for normal citizens - it only applies to those who represent Pristina who have problems.

Got it now?


pre 13 godina

That seems settled now. Serbs controlling NATO's movements in the north sounds good to me. NATO transporting Albanians via helicopter to unused administrative points. Fine, that's a waste of resources and stretching funds. In the mean time, Serbs are using alternative routes and the unrestricted train service.

Niall O'Doherty

pre 13 godina

remember all the serbian manastiries and orthodox churches are way inside kosovo not in the north mitrovica i'hope my comment will get published this time
(ROLANDI, 19 October 2011 10:23)

Dem Serbs are getting a bit uppity...quick Jethro get me Uncle Jessie's shotgun. We going huntin. yeeehaaww.

Seriously, you need to take a good long hard look at yourself. Failing that, stop drinking the Kool Aid.

Balkan Anthropologist

pre 13 godina

LOL how cute. Once again the only Albanian "response" are coming from the cyber knuckleheads on this site that are looking for a fight. Where's Pristina to "negotiate"? Oh that's right, they have no say in northern Kosovo, just like they've never had a say over anything regarding Kosovo. They're just told to smile and accept what's given to them. That's probably why there's so many angry comments here :)


pre 13 godina

These 60,000 want 20% of the land of the 2,000,000. (ben, 19 October 2011 13:06)

LOL!!! The census shows a population of 1.7 million, not 2 million. Even that 1.7 million probably represents 130% of the provincial population. LOL!!

Yes ben, farmers tend to have more land than city dwellers. What exactly is your point? Want to steal more land? Those 60,000 represent 100% of the population in that 20% of territory.


pre 13 godina

KFOR and EULUX has now nothing to complain about.
Let see if they Accept - if they dont - they are not to be trusted.



pre 13 godina

if you love kosovo so much try to bild ndon't destroy like thugs thet not the way u run the country in the streets palestinians have been in the street of palestine since 1963/7 but they have not achive one good thing about palestine i'can see same thing in north mitrovica remember all the serbian manastiries and orthodox churches are way inside kosovo not in the north mitrovica i'hope my comment will get published this time


pre 13 godina

“Serbs have only one condition and that is status neutrality of KFOR, which should operate within its mandate as a UN peacekeeping mission,” he underlined.

So, in fact, when KFOR stops to transport Kosovo Albanians to the checkpoints (which can hardly be considered a part of the KFOR peacekeeping mandate, everyone will agree on this) the barricades will be removed?


pre 13 godina

We should not negotiate with those holding people hostage in the northern part of Kosovo.

What about the sick people, how are they accessing healthcare providers with the roads blocked?



pre 13 godina

@Balkan Anthropologist

You're right, thus far Prishtina has been marginalized. On the other hand, what say does Belgrade have in Kosovo? It's having to ask countries not to recognize Prishtina, that's it. It's also being asked to normalize relations with Prishtina if it wishes to join the EU. Pretty soon it'll have to choose which one it values more


pre 13 godina

When you see this, you get a clear understanding why Croatia didn't want to "negotiate" anymore back in Summer 1995. This is not talk, but delay on purpose. They will not change their minds until you make them. Croatia clarified all misunderstandings in less than a week and it has not problems whatsoever ever since they persuaded their "barricading and shooting" minorities.

So just do it!

(JohnC., 19 October 2011 09:39)

JohnC, so you support ethnic cleansing of people as a way to solve ethnic conflicts. I guess that according to you Milosevic should have ethnically cleansed Albanians from Kosovo in order to stop Serbian-Albanian conflict there.


pre 13 godina

KFOR heading towards another confrontation?



pre 13 godina

So, in fact, when KFOR stops to transport Kosovo Albanians to the checkpoints (which can hardly be considered a part of the KFOR peacekeeping mandate, everyone will agree on this) the barricades will be removed?
(Analyst, 19 October 2011 19:37)

Perhaps yes - when KFOR didn't transport Kosovo Albanians to the checkpoints, barricades didn't exist.

Forever Dardans

pre 13 godina

it does surprize me how serbs of serbia and serbs of N kosovo still have same metntality,same ideas as they had on 20th centery come one people let it go you know it was never yours and it will never be dont be a victim os politics>>>>!!!

New Zealander

pre 13 godina

We should not negotiate with those holding people hostage in the northern part of Kosovo.

What about the sick people, how are they accessing healthcare providers with the roads blocked?

(KOSO, 19 October 2011 15:44)

Keep drinking the Kool-Aid, Koso.
(Englebert, 19 October 2011 16:00)

Correction: Go to Jonestown, Guyana, then drink Kool-Aid,it would make the world a better place


pre 13 godina

Who would allow them to declare independence from Kosovo? US/NATO said Kosovo division is out of question.
(aaayyy, 18 October 2011 19:55)

Well, we still don’t know if they want to be independent from Kosovo or not. If so, they should declare independence and then we’ll see if they will be able to achieve it or not. They need to follow the example of their grand-fathers in the 19th century that did not wait for the Ottoman Empire to tell them that Serbs could declare independence; they had the courage to go ahead and declare it anyway and defend it when it was necessary.(jci)

Their grand-fathers in the 19th century had the courage to go ahead and declare independence from Ottoman Empire with foreign Russian help. Right now such help isn't available. What do you want from anarmed farmers - to go ahead fight and defeat NATO with bare hands? BTW there are rumours tat Serb representatives had contacts with Albanians and suggested Kosovo recognition in exchange for Kosovo North, but they were rejected.

BTW where does Res 1244 say that Kosovo stamps could have independent state atributes
(aaayyy, 18 October 2011 19:55)

Nowhere; 1244 does not deal with custom stamp. UNMIK, under the powers given by 1244, decided that stamps labeled “Kosovo Customs” are OK.(jci)

Why are you so sure 1244 gave UNMIK power to decide that Kosovo is allowed to have stamps with independent state attributes? One can hardly call such action status neutral.

and that Kosovo - central Serbia border should be guarded by ethnic Albanians?
(aaayyy, 18 October 2011 19:55)

1244 was not written by a racist mind to say that this or that ethnicity can do this or can’t do that; on the same token 1244 does not forbid any ethnicity from guarding the border. 1244 was not written to establish the apartheid in Kosovo. Indeed, nobody is sending ethnic Albanians to guard the border; it’s Kosovo Customs employees (from all ethnicities) that guard the Kosovo borders. Just see them as people, not as Albanians, Serbs, Roma, etc;(jci)

Actually they are sending ethnic Albanians to replace ethnic Serbs and to guard the border.

Balkan Anthropologist

pre 13 godina

Put your word where your mouth is. You albanians should saddle your donkeys and grab your pitchforks and attack the north.
(MikeC, 19 October 2011 17:28)

LOL people like "JohnC" would never do that since it would mean leaving their nice living conditions in the West. It's better for keyboard warriors like him to demand other people in an area he doesn't live and probably has never been to do the dirty work so he can feel comfortable reading it on a Serbian site and then making some idiotic comment in empty triumph. Too bad he can't even understand what the article says since he's too obsessed with starting a war that no one's able to fight :)


pre 13 godina

-Correction: Go to Jonestown, Guyana, then drink Kool-Aid,it would make the world a better place (New Zealander, 19 October 2011 22:25)-

Good one, "b92." is that yet another b92 special?

i call this the milosevic press, but i'm starting to be nostalgic for those days, compared to today's serbian media... you guys and gals should be so proud of yrselves. you've come such a long way.

roberto frisco


pre 13 godina

As I am writing this comment , the barricades are being removed and in certain areas KFOR had to use tear gas to disperse Serbs at barricades.


pre 13 godina

So, in fact, when KFOR stops to transport Kosovo Albanians to the checkpoints (which can hardly be considered a part of the KFOR peacekeeping mandate, everyone will agree on this) the barricades will be removed?
(Analyst, 19 October 2011 19:37)

KFOR is not transporting Kosovo Albanians to the border crossings; it is transporting customs officials (who may be Serb, Albanians, Roma or god knows what). KFOR is implementing UNMIKs regulation nr. 2 of August 1999 by transporting customs officials there to collect the customs taxes that UNMIK has decided under the power given to UNMIK by resolution 1244.

Rest assured analyst that everything is covered :)


pre 13 godina

When you see this, you get a clear understanding why Croatia didn't want to "negotiate" anymore back in Summer 1995. This is not talk, but delay on purpose. They will not change their minds until you make them. Croatia clarified all misunderstandings in less than a week and it has not problems whatsoever ever since they persuaded their "barricading and shooting" minorities.

So just do it!



pre 13 godina

if you love kosovo so much try to bild ndon't destroy like thugs thet not the way u run the country in the streets palestinians have been in the street of palestine since 1963/7 but they have not achive one good thing about palestine i'can see same thing in north mitrovica remember all the serbian manastiries and orthodox churches are way inside kosovo not in the north mitrovica i'hope my comment will get published this time


pre 13 godina

We should not negotiate with those holding people hostage in the northern part of Kosovo.

What about the sick people, how are they accessing healthcare providers with the roads blocked?


Another Canadian Serb

pre 13 godina


2 million of Serbia's Kosovo Albanians can not dictate to 7.5 million Serbians about how they are going to strip away Kosovo from Serbia.

Kosovo Albanians are a miniority in Serbia!

Forever Dardans

pre 13 godina

it does surprize me how serbs of serbia and serbs of N kosovo still have same metntality,same ideas as they had on 20th centery come one people let it go you know it was never yours and it will never be dont be a victim os politics>>>>!!!


pre 13 godina

remember all the serbian manastiries and orthodox churches are way inside kosovo not in the north mitrovica i'hope my comment will get published this time
(ROLANDI, 19 October 2011 10:23)

Is that supposed to be some kind of threat against UNESCO sites? I hope not because threatening monasteries would be something only a baboon would do.


pre 13 godina

One step further and you are getting close to recommending a "Volksgerichtshof" in Mitrovica-North, concentration camps and/or Gulags to resolve problems with minorities... As a matter of fact, such pattern of thinking appears to resemble the mind set of certain gents in Pristina...


pre 13 godina

"if you love kosovo so much try to bild ndon't destroy like thugs thet not the way u run the country ..."
(ROLANDI, 19 October 2011 10:23)

Yes, I always wonder why the Albanians who claim to love Kosovo so much allow that their country is run by corrupt and criminal thugs :)


pre 13 godina

(JohnC., 19 October 2011 09:39)

These Albanians always want someone else to do their dirty work and demand that KFOR use tanks to bring the Serbs under control.
Your pride over the Croats using the same method with Serbs in Krajina is one thing they will live to regret. Croatia is unable to survive on its own so the EU which h has run out of money has forced Croatia to trade with Serbia. In fact the EU is forcing all the old republics to trade with Serbia and guess who will benefit from all of this? That’s right Serbia.
The Croats are going to have to borrow billions of Euros for payment of confiscated property. Even Josipovic confirmed so much. When Kosor stated that they were not going to give any of the war criminals to Belgrade Josipovic stated on HTV Dnevnik that “we have to comply with that request whether we like it or not – there is no question”. The EU was most angry at Kosor’s statement.
Where do you think your Albanians are going to look for work?????????????
You see little man slowly but surely Serbia will control all of the Balkans and as your allies are sinking into a financial mire and the Russians are coming out on top, well I’m sure you can guess the rest.


pre 13 godina

@Balkan Anthropologist

You're right, thus far Prishtina has been marginalized. On the other hand, what say does Belgrade have in Kosovo? It's having to ask countries not to recognize Prishtina, that's it. It's also being asked to normalize relations with Prishtina if it wishes to join the EU. Pretty soon it'll have to choose which one it values more


pre 13 godina

These 60,000 want 20% of the land of the 2,000,000. (ben, 19 October 2011 13:06)

LOL!!! The census shows a population of 1.7 million, not 2 million. Even that 1.7 million probably represents 130% of the provincial population. LOL!!

Yes ben, farmers tend to have more land than city dwellers. What exactly is your point? Want to steal more land? Those 60,000 represent 100% of the population in that 20% of territory.

Niall O'Doherty

pre 13 godina

remember all the serbian manastiries and orthodox churches are way inside kosovo not in the north mitrovica i'hope my comment will get published this time
(ROLANDI, 19 October 2011 10:23)

Dem Serbs are getting a bit uppity...quick Jethro get me Uncle Jessie's shotgun. We going huntin. yeeehaaww.

Seriously, you need to take a good long hard look at yourself. Failing that, stop drinking the Kool Aid.


pre 13 godina

That seems settled now. Serbs controlling NATO's movements in the north sounds good to me. NATO transporting Albanians via helicopter to unused administrative points. Fine, that's a waste of resources and stretching funds. In the mean time, Serbs are using alternative routes and the unrestricted train service.

Balkan Anthropologist

pre 13 godina

LOL how cute. Once again the only Albanian "response" are coming from the cyber knuckleheads on this site that are looking for a fight. Where's Pristina to "negotiate"? Oh that's right, they have no say in northern Kosovo, just like they've never had a say over anything regarding Kosovo. They're just told to smile and accept what's given to them. That's probably why there's so many angry comments here :)


pre 13 godina

We should not negotiate with those holding people hostage in the northern part of Kosovo.

What about the sick people, how are they accessing healthcare providers with the roads blocked?

(KOSO, 19 October 2011 15:44)

Keep drinking the Kool-Aid, Koso. People travel to and from Serbia proper all the time. How do you think the VP of Republika Srpska came to the north? Podujevo??? As a foreigner I drove on the alternate roads several times last month and never had any trouble. As people who have actually been in the north have testified here dozens of times, there is no lack of freedom of movement for normal citizens - it only applies to those who represent Pristina who have problems.

Got it now?


pre 13 godina

KFOR heading towards another confrontation?



pre 13 godina

KFOR and EULUX has now nothing to complain about.
Let see if they Accept - if they dont - they are not to be trusted.



pre 13 godina

When you see this, you get a clear understanding why Croatia didn't want to "negotiate" anymore back in Summer 1995. This is not talk, but delay on purpose. They will not change their minds until you make them. Croatia clarified all misunderstandings in less than a week and it has not problems whatsoever ever since they persuaded their "barricading and shooting" minorities.

So just do it!

(JohnC., 19 October 2011 09:39)

JohnC, so you support ethnic cleansing of people as a way to solve ethnic conflicts. I guess that according to you Milosevic should have ethnically cleansed Albanians from Kosovo in order to stop Serbian-Albanian conflict there.


pre 13 godina

“Serbs have only one condition and that is status neutrality of KFOR, which should operate within its mandate as a UN peacekeeping mission,” he underlined.

So, in fact, when KFOR stops to transport Kosovo Albanians to the checkpoints (which can hardly be considered a part of the KFOR peacekeeping mandate, everyone will agree on this) the barricades will be removed?

New Zealander

pre 13 godina

We should not negotiate with those holding people hostage in the northern part of Kosovo.

What about the sick people, how are they accessing healthcare providers with the roads blocked?

(KOSO, 19 October 2011 15:44)

Keep drinking the Kool-Aid, Koso.
(Englebert, 19 October 2011 16:00)

Correction: Go to Jonestown, Guyana, then drink Kool-Aid,it would make the world a better place


pre 13 godina

So, in fact, when KFOR stops to transport Kosovo Albanians to the checkpoints (which can hardly be considered a part of the KFOR peacekeeping mandate, everyone will agree on this) the barricades will be removed?
(Analyst, 19 October 2011 19:37)

Perhaps yes - when KFOR didn't transport Kosovo Albanians to the checkpoints, barricades didn't exist.


pre 13 godina

-Correction: Go to Jonestown, Guyana, then drink Kool-Aid,it would make the world a better place (New Zealander, 19 October 2011 22:25)-

Good one, "b92." is that yet another b92 special?

i call this the milosevic press, but i'm starting to be nostalgic for those days, compared to today's serbian media... you guys and gals should be so proud of yrselves. you've come such a long way.

roberto frisco


pre 13 godina

As I am writing this comment , the barricades are being removed and in certain areas KFOR had to use tear gas to disperse Serbs at barricades.


pre 13 godina

Who would allow them to declare independence from Kosovo? US/NATO said Kosovo division is out of question.
(aaayyy, 18 October 2011 19:55)

Well, we still don’t know if they want to be independent from Kosovo or not. If so, they should declare independence and then we’ll see if they will be able to achieve it or not. They need to follow the example of their grand-fathers in the 19th century that did not wait for the Ottoman Empire to tell them that Serbs could declare independence; they had the courage to go ahead and declare it anyway and defend it when it was necessary.(jci)

Their grand-fathers in the 19th century had the courage to go ahead and declare independence from Ottoman Empire with foreign Russian help. Right now such help isn't available. What do you want from anarmed farmers - to go ahead fight and defeat NATO with bare hands? BTW there are rumours tat Serb representatives had contacts with Albanians and suggested Kosovo recognition in exchange for Kosovo North, but they were rejected.

BTW where does Res 1244 say that Kosovo stamps could have independent state atributes
(aaayyy, 18 October 2011 19:55)

Nowhere; 1244 does not deal with custom stamp. UNMIK, under the powers given by 1244, decided that stamps labeled “Kosovo Customs” are OK.(jci)

Why are you so sure 1244 gave UNMIK power to decide that Kosovo is allowed to have stamps with independent state attributes? One can hardly call such action status neutral.

and that Kosovo - central Serbia border should be guarded by ethnic Albanians?
(aaayyy, 18 October 2011 19:55)

1244 was not written by a racist mind to say that this or that ethnicity can do this or can’t do that; on the same token 1244 does not forbid any ethnicity from guarding the border. 1244 was not written to establish the apartheid in Kosovo. Indeed, nobody is sending ethnic Albanians to guard the border; it’s Kosovo Customs employees (from all ethnicities) that guard the Kosovo borders. Just see them as people, not as Albanians, Serbs, Roma, etc;(jci)

Actually they are sending ethnic Albanians to replace ethnic Serbs and to guard the border.

Balkan Anthropologist

pre 13 godina

Put your word where your mouth is. You albanians should saddle your donkeys and grab your pitchforks and attack the north.
(MikeC, 19 October 2011 17:28)

LOL people like "JohnC" would never do that since it would mean leaving their nice living conditions in the West. It's better for keyboard warriors like him to demand other people in an area he doesn't live and probably has never been to do the dirty work so he can feel comfortable reading it on a Serbian site and then making some idiotic comment in empty triumph. Too bad he can't even understand what the article says since he's too obsessed with starting a war that no one's able to fight :)


pre 13 godina

So, in fact, when KFOR stops to transport Kosovo Albanians to the checkpoints (which can hardly be considered a part of the KFOR peacekeeping mandate, everyone will agree on this) the barricades will be removed?
(Analyst, 19 October 2011 19:37)

KFOR is not transporting Kosovo Albanians to the border crossings; it is transporting customs officials (who may be Serb, Albanians, Roma or god knows what). KFOR is implementing UNMIKs regulation nr. 2 of August 1999 by transporting customs officials there to collect the customs taxes that UNMIK has decided under the power given to UNMIK by resolution 1244.

Rest assured analyst that everything is covered :)