Friday, 26.08.2011.


Germany’s stance “should be taken into consideration”

Germany’s position must be taken into account, analyzed and built into decisions about the future, Serbia’s President Boris Tadić has said.

Izvor: B92

Germany’s stance “should be taken into consideration” IMAGE SOURCE

30 Komentari

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Wim Roffel

pre 13 godina

If Tadic spent less time telling the Serbs they have to do what Merkel wants and spent more time explaining to Merkel what Serbia wants and defending that he would achieve considerably more. I wouldn't astonished at all if Merkel seriously believes that Kosovo is some multi-ethnic paradise.


pre 13 godina

Alternatives like Russia and Belarus - they aren't so far, plus Serbia gets most of its imports/energy from Russia.
(ida, 28 August 2011 03:45)

Sure, those too... You just need to manage to move Serbia there :)


pre 13 godina

"Alternatives like what ?"

Alternatives like Russia and Belarus - they aren't so far, plus Serbia gets most of its imports/energy from Russia.


pre 13 godina

Serbia must explore alternatives to Europe and this should be stated publically to let the Euros know Serbia isn't going to sacrifice her integrity for membership of a club that works against her and her people no matter where they live.
(miles, 26 August 2011 13:29)

Alternatives like what ? Moving Serbia to Africa or to Asia close to the China friend ? It would be a little bit expensive, but, hey, if it's less expensive than Europe, it should be done.


pre 13 godina

I have to ask ;

to all our enlightened posters here who persist in refering to their neighbours as 'fascist' and so on...please clarify for us your definition of 'fascist'.

To be absolutley clear , Germany , Croatia , Albania and the rest of your neighbours for that matter are NOT fascist - they are in fact democratic with consititutional multi party systems. Croatia in fact has a Serbian deputy PM in the ruling coalition.

The simple truth that you continuously want to call everyone opposed to you a 'fasciist' and 'nazi' and evil and so , only proves you have avtually no concept nor context of your subject matter - ie you have no idea what your talking about.

And no, because i disagree with your that is not being fascist - it morally , academicaly and intellectually being truthfull. An intellectual concept you obviously find difficult to grasp.


pre 13 godina

eu does not want or care about tadic's political future anymore. serbia has to go through pains to accept Kosovo's independence whether some delusional people want to hear or not. Thought maybe a while, but recognition of Kosovo by Serbia or isolation of Serbia seems to be in the corner. Go to russians and chinese for money and help (chuckling) if you want to try different route. Hm. Have to pass through EU and NATO airspace.


pre 13 godina


I agree with some things you said..

It would be much easier if more people thought like you "live & let live".

Both sides need to make compromise.

Please understand that Serbia cannot let go of something seen as sacred & integral to our culture/history.

I also understand of hardships faced by Albanians in the past in Kosovo which obviously has left scars, some still open.

Serbians also have faced hardships in Kosovo too.

Everyone has a family & for every single person injured or adversely affected by a conflict, their family feels the pain too and so it spreads further.

I think that when both sides speak so firmly about their wants/objectives/opinions then the other side is upset & feels they need to defend their own beliefs & countrymen.

I guess only time is going to tell..


pre 13 godina

Keep in mind: Germany is Serbia's WORST enemy. That's a problem in Serbia. People tend to forget this. Way too much talking about Albanians, Croats and other issues that do not attack the root of all problems here: Germany and it's fascistic ideology that still lives on.


pre 13 godina

Egar Cayce prediction:
"[Through Russia], comes the hope of the world. Not in respect to what is sometimes termed Communism or Bolshevism -- no! But freedom -- freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man. The principle has been born there. It will take years for it to be crystallized; yet out of Russia comes again the hope of the world."

(ZZ, 26 August 2011 15:54)

yes , I remeber him now. Pleasant chap that once predicted that ATLANTIS would be discovered in 1968 - off the coast of Bermuda.

Moral of the story , "you can't believe everything you read."


pre 13 godina

Look at how mixed up they are. They invent new histories and blame all their problems on the Serbs rather than look at themselves-something far too painful to do.

(miles, 26 August 2011 13:29)

Pot , kettle : Black!

You do know how ridiculous it sounds when someone in the Balkans keeps repeating that same broken record.

You may want to have a lonnnnggggggg , hard and honest look at yourself.

Bloody Mary

pre 13 godina

"We want you Serbia to re-join the family you left on your own accord."

Please define "we", Mr. or Mrs. self-declared European spokesperson...


pre 13 godina

Although I agree with most of what has been said about Germany. They have certainly achieved in peacetime what they couldn't in wartime. Slovakia was never occupied by the Germans, and Croatia was recognised as an independent state in the 1940's too. But please give credit to Tadic, you might not think so at the moment, but from where I am looking (UK) he is representing your interests very well indeed. Germany is not the EU, and I don't think that the UK or the French or the Italians will ever give it free rein over central Europe. Just remember collectively we are strong and individually we are weak. We want you Serbia to re-join the family you left on your own accord. Tadic knows that to improve the living conditions of his citizens joining the EU is the only answer. Give him credit for that at least.


pre 13 godina


Hmmm I guess I touched a raw nerve. Don't hate anyone was a touch arrogant, not superior though. I apologise-now that's rare on these boards an apology, now I'm feeling really superior.


pre 13 godina

Tadic is right, but Istanbul's view is also very important. Turkey knows best how to solve problems. Culturally, Serbs and Turks are very similar. This is important and has to be considered.


pre 13 godina

Germany already has someone to concern themselves with Germany's national interests. They are called Germans. Serb leaders should do the same.

Old children's story:
"The Emperor Has No Clothes" should be required reading for this ruling party. Joining the Emperors Union means having to take off your clothes too! Might as well play leap frog in the nude!

Mark 8:36:
"For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and loose his soul?" Begs the question, where is your soul located? Are you protecting it?

Egar Cayce prediction:
"[Through Russia], comes the hope of the world. Not in respect to what is sometimes termed Communism or Bolshevism -- no! But freedom -- freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man. The principle has been born there. It will take years for it to be crystallized; yet out of Russia comes again the hope of the world."

Alfred W. McCoy- The Decline and Fall of the American Empire
Economic Decline: Scenario 2020
After years of swelling deficits fed by incessant warfare in distant lands, in 2020, as long expected, the US dollar finally loses its special status as the world's reserve currency. Suddenly, the cost of imports soars. Unable to pay for swelling deficits by selling now-devalued Treasury notes abroad, Washington is finally forced to slash its bloated military budget. Under pressure at home and abroad, Washington slowly pulls US forces back from hundreds of overseas bases to a continental perimeter. By now, however, it is far too late.


pre 13 godina

Mr President, i think you should stik to one story. You have to make up your mind and stop taking your citizens for fools. I respect your democratic means but you have to start treating serbian people with some dignity, tell them the reality.

It's plan and simple, you cannot have both EU and Kosovo.

miles - i almost loughed initially when i read your comment, but soon enough i realised that your deep hairtred and arrogance towards other natianalitis in balkans reminded me of the recent history where views like yours were fuled by delusional peole who let you to belive that you are superior in the reagen and essentially can do as you pleaesed. Mr - you have nothing more or less then i have, so the least i demnd is respct in a human level ( a concenp alint to you i suspect). Live and let me live, i want a better future, better education, better helath service, better law and order and most importantly i want freedom and to be treated with dignety and respect.


pre 13 godina

“As a president of Serbia I had a talk with my old interlocutor and I believe friend Angela Merkel, because this was not our first talk but the sixth,” he was quoted as saying.'
This is why I can't stand Tadic and his yellows. After what Merkel just told him, he still calls her a 'friend'! To call him an idiot and a traitor would be kind. He has to go, this guy would sell Kosovo for two schillings tomorrow if he could, good thing that Kostunica put it in the constitution that he can't.
Tadic gets more and more pathetic every day.


pre 13 godina

"Germany could not let Yugoslavia join the European Union, because there would have been no Greater Croatia and no Greater Albania that were subservient to Germany. "

(Yet Another J S, 26 August 2011 13:51)

Sure, and for the same reasons Germany was solely responsible for the breakup of Czechoslovakia, and even more, the whole Soviet union, right?


pre 13 godina

Tadic should not give in into Germany's demands.

So Tadic grow some balls. If you can't, borrow some from Mladic, or Kostunica. The transplant can be arranged in the many "yellow houses" across so-called Albania and so-called Kosova (for a nominal price, "blood tests not included")

Yet Another J S

pre 13 godina

Germany could not let Yugoslavia join the European Union, because there would have been no Greater Croatia and no Greater Albania that were subservient to Germany.

This is why the Balkan Wars were engineered by Germany subtlety in order to get England, America, and NATO involved to break up Yugoslavia.

There were several groups that Germany funded and instructed on how to encourage separatism and even the Serbia’s Academics were used to try to break up Yugoslavia peacefully just like Czechoslovakia was broken up by agreement.

The English were paying attention, and they knew that a Greater Croatia and a Greater Albania is what the German Fourth Reich wanted, and England has always been against any German Reich on the European Continent.

Germany would have preferred a peaceful and subtle break up in order to make Continental Europe richer, instead of being a drain on German finances.


pre 13 godina

Well said Steve!

Being the President of Serbia Tadic will make financial gains from WHOEVER he befriends for economic reasons, so why doesn't he concentrate on emerging markets from countries that actually SUPPORT Serbia.

Serbia should be trying to become closer with Montenegro again and also countries such as Brasil where huge opportunities exist.

Brasilians are starting to build more commercial ships & are becoming more involved in oil mining & the country is rich in resources for the production of just about ANYTHING (except Uranium for Nuclear Weapons).

Serbia's money should be spend on trying to find economies of scale elsewhere. I'm not saying she should give up EU integration but I just believe that WE are not here on this planet just to give away Kosovo - our forefathers who fought for Kosovo would turn in their graves if they knew we were negotiating it.

We do not need to go to war but we definitely should not let anyone bully us.

How much $$$ do we get from selling fruit in Europe? NOT ENOUGH is the answer. We are completely undervalued for our rich agribusiness.

I'm sure we can trade with other countries & continents that can be of financial benefit to us. Instead of thinking we will get tax breaks through Europe for trade.. with the savings from the EU tax breaks we could be spending that money on trade agreements with other foreign countries.


pre 13 godina

I thought he was finally growing a set of balls the other day, but he seems to have miss placed them. This has to mean that he feels there is no alternative but to give in to all and any demands the Germans, French and Brits make, and therefore he is trying to soften up the Serbian public so he can make more concessions.

I think he really needs to step down now. Other futures need to be explored that are not so Eurocentric.

A county's soul and integrity are more important than anything else. The Serbs fought alone against the Nazi's and stood up to the Turks while all her neighbours tried on the black shirts. I met a Croatian gentleman in Pula who envied Serbian history as unlike his own people the Serbs had never let a foreign empire rule them without resistance. They shouldn't start now.

The Croats, Albanians and Bosnian Muslims traded in their self respect for puppet strings a long time ago, and their morality was spent during WW1. Look at how mixed up they are. They invent new histories and blame all their problems on the Serbs rather than look at themselves-something far too painful to do.

Serbia must explore alternatives to Europe and this should be stated publically to let the Euros know Serbia isn't going to sacrifice her integrity for membership of a club that works against her and her people no matter where they live.


pre 13 godina

Tadic has began to understand the seriousness of the situation. Without Germany saying YES Serbia will never be able to join EU. By the way Serbia gets more help from EU than from Russia and China. This tells you what EU means for Serbia.

Steve Gligorijevic

pre 13 godina

Why does Serbia have to take into consideration Germany's demands?? Tadic is a fool if he thinks that bending over for the Germans will get Serbia into the EU.

I have already commented some weeks ago that Germany and other EU countries would move the goalposts as soon as Serbia gave up it's last so called "war criminal" for entry into the EU. Now Serbia must recognise an independant Kosovo for entry into the EU, as I knew they would have to. The Germans and the rest of the EU are screwing Serbia over, when is Serbia going to bloody well wake up for God's sake? Serbia knows the Germany of old and they have always been Serbia's enemy and they still are. They are not your friends and they never will be. Get rid of that idiot Tadic and forget the sinking ship the EU, do not go the same way as Greece. Does Serbia not understand that the Germans and other western countries only have the aim to control you, not with bombs and bullets this time but by economic means. For God's sake Serbia please wake up and tell them to go to hell before they send Serbia to hell.

Steve Gligorijevic

pre 13 godina

Why does Serbia have to take into consideration Germany's demands?? Tadic is a fool if he thinks that bending over for the Germans will get Serbia into the EU.

I have already commented some weeks ago that Germany and other EU countries would move the goalposts as soon as Serbia gave up it's last so called "war criminal" for entry into the EU. Now Serbia must recognise an independant Kosovo for entry into the EU, as I knew they would have to. The Germans and the rest of the EU are screwing Serbia over, when is Serbia going to bloody well wake up for God's sake? Serbia knows the Germany of old and they have always been Serbia's enemy and they still are. They are not your friends and they never will be. Get rid of that idiot Tadic and forget the sinking ship the EU, do not go the same way as Greece. Does Serbia not understand that the Germans and other western countries only have the aim to control you, not with bombs and bullets this time but by economic means. For God's sake Serbia please wake up and tell them to go to hell before they send Serbia to hell.


pre 13 godina

“As a president of Serbia I had a talk with my old interlocutor and I believe friend Angela Merkel, because this was not our first talk but the sixth,” he was quoted as saying.'
This is why I can't stand Tadic and his yellows. After what Merkel just told him, he still calls her a 'friend'! To call him an idiot and a traitor would be kind. He has to go, this guy would sell Kosovo for two schillings tomorrow if he could, good thing that Kostunica put it in the constitution that he can't.
Tadic gets more and more pathetic every day.


pre 13 godina

Tadic has began to understand the seriousness of the situation. Without Germany saying YES Serbia will never be able to join EU. By the way Serbia gets more help from EU than from Russia and China. This tells you what EU means for Serbia.

Yet Another J S

pre 13 godina

Germany could not let Yugoslavia join the European Union, because there would have been no Greater Croatia and no Greater Albania that were subservient to Germany.

This is why the Balkan Wars were engineered by Germany subtlety in order to get England, America, and NATO involved to break up Yugoslavia.

There were several groups that Germany funded and instructed on how to encourage separatism and even the Serbia’s Academics were used to try to break up Yugoslavia peacefully just like Czechoslovakia was broken up by agreement.

The English were paying attention, and they knew that a Greater Croatia and a Greater Albania is what the German Fourth Reich wanted, and England has always been against any German Reich on the European Continent.

Germany would have preferred a peaceful and subtle break up in order to make Continental Europe richer, instead of being a drain on German finances.


pre 13 godina

"Germany could not let Yugoslavia join the European Union, because there would have been no Greater Croatia and no Greater Albania that were subservient to Germany. "

(Yet Another J S, 26 August 2011 13:51)

Sure, and for the same reasons Germany was solely responsible for the breakup of Czechoslovakia, and even more, the whole Soviet union, right?


pre 13 godina

I thought he was finally growing a set of balls the other day, but he seems to have miss placed them. This has to mean that he feels there is no alternative but to give in to all and any demands the Germans, French and Brits make, and therefore he is trying to soften up the Serbian public so he can make more concessions.

I think he really needs to step down now. Other futures need to be explored that are not so Eurocentric.

A county's soul and integrity are more important than anything else. The Serbs fought alone against the Nazi's and stood up to the Turks while all her neighbours tried on the black shirts. I met a Croatian gentleman in Pula who envied Serbian history as unlike his own people the Serbs had never let a foreign empire rule them without resistance. They shouldn't start now.

The Croats, Albanians and Bosnian Muslims traded in their self respect for puppet strings a long time ago, and their morality was spent during WW1. Look at how mixed up they are. They invent new histories and blame all their problems on the Serbs rather than look at themselves-something far too painful to do.

Serbia must explore alternatives to Europe and this should be stated publically to let the Euros know Serbia isn't going to sacrifice her integrity for membership of a club that works against her and her people no matter where they live.


pre 13 godina

Well said Steve!

Being the President of Serbia Tadic will make financial gains from WHOEVER he befriends for economic reasons, so why doesn't he concentrate on emerging markets from countries that actually SUPPORT Serbia.

Serbia should be trying to become closer with Montenegro again and also countries such as Brasil where huge opportunities exist.

Brasilians are starting to build more commercial ships & are becoming more involved in oil mining & the country is rich in resources for the production of just about ANYTHING (except Uranium for Nuclear Weapons).

Serbia's money should be spend on trying to find economies of scale elsewhere. I'm not saying she should give up EU integration but I just believe that WE are not here on this planet just to give away Kosovo - our forefathers who fought for Kosovo would turn in their graves if they knew we were negotiating it.

We do not need to go to war but we definitely should not let anyone bully us.

How much $$$ do we get from selling fruit in Europe? NOT ENOUGH is the answer. We are completely undervalued for our rich agribusiness.

I'm sure we can trade with other countries & continents that can be of financial benefit to us. Instead of thinking we will get tax breaks through Europe for trade.. with the savings from the EU tax breaks we could be spending that money on trade agreements with other foreign countries.


pre 13 godina

Mr President, i think you should stik to one story. You have to make up your mind and stop taking your citizens for fools. I respect your democratic means but you have to start treating serbian people with some dignity, tell them the reality.

It's plan and simple, you cannot have both EU and Kosovo.

miles - i almost loughed initially when i read your comment, but soon enough i realised that your deep hairtred and arrogance towards other natianalitis in balkans reminded me of the recent history where views like yours were fuled by delusional peole who let you to belive that you are superior in the reagen and essentially can do as you pleaesed. Mr - you have nothing more or less then i have, so the least i demnd is respct in a human level ( a concenp alint to you i suspect). Live and let me live, i want a better future, better education, better helath service, better law and order and most importantly i want freedom and to be treated with dignety and respect.


pre 13 godina

Tadic should not give in into Germany's demands.

So Tadic grow some balls. If you can't, borrow some from Mladic, or Kostunica. The transplant can be arranged in the many "yellow houses" across so-called Albania and so-called Kosova (for a nominal price, "blood tests not included")


pre 13 godina

Tadic is right, but Istanbul's view is also very important. Turkey knows best how to solve problems. Culturally, Serbs and Turks are very similar. This is important and has to be considered.


pre 13 godina

Germany already has someone to concern themselves with Germany's national interests. They are called Germans. Serb leaders should do the same.

Old children's story:
"The Emperor Has No Clothes" should be required reading for this ruling party. Joining the Emperors Union means having to take off your clothes too! Might as well play leap frog in the nude!

Mark 8:36:
"For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and loose his soul?" Begs the question, where is your soul located? Are you protecting it?

Egar Cayce prediction:
"[Through Russia], comes the hope of the world. Not in respect to what is sometimes termed Communism or Bolshevism -- no! But freedom -- freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man. The principle has been born there. It will take years for it to be crystallized; yet out of Russia comes again the hope of the world."

Alfred W. McCoy- The Decline and Fall of the American Empire
Economic Decline: Scenario 2020
After years of swelling deficits fed by incessant warfare in distant lands, in 2020, as long expected, the US dollar finally loses its special status as the world's reserve currency. Suddenly, the cost of imports soars. Unable to pay for swelling deficits by selling now-devalued Treasury notes abroad, Washington is finally forced to slash its bloated military budget. Under pressure at home and abroad, Washington slowly pulls US forces back from hundreds of overseas bases to a continental perimeter. By now, however, it is far too late.


pre 13 godina


Hmmm I guess I touched a raw nerve. Don't hate anyone was a touch arrogant, not superior though. I apologise-now that's rare on these boards an apology, now I'm feeling really superior.


pre 13 godina

Although I agree with most of what has been said about Germany. They have certainly achieved in peacetime what they couldn't in wartime. Slovakia was never occupied by the Germans, and Croatia was recognised as an independent state in the 1940's too. But please give credit to Tadic, you might not think so at the moment, but from where I am looking (UK) he is representing your interests very well indeed. Germany is not the EU, and I don't think that the UK or the French or the Italians will ever give it free rein over central Europe. Just remember collectively we are strong and individually we are weak. We want you Serbia to re-join the family you left on your own accord. Tadic knows that to improve the living conditions of his citizens joining the EU is the only answer. Give him credit for that at least.


pre 13 godina

Keep in mind: Germany is Serbia's WORST enemy. That's a problem in Serbia. People tend to forget this. Way too much talking about Albanians, Croats and other issues that do not attack the root of all problems here: Germany and it's fascistic ideology that still lives on.

Bloody Mary

pre 13 godina

"We want you Serbia to re-join the family you left on your own accord."

Please define "we", Mr. or Mrs. self-declared European spokesperson...


pre 13 godina

Look at how mixed up they are. They invent new histories and blame all their problems on the Serbs rather than look at themselves-something far too painful to do.

(miles, 26 August 2011 13:29)

Pot , kettle : Black!

You do know how ridiculous it sounds when someone in the Balkans keeps repeating that same broken record.

You may want to have a lonnnnggggggg , hard and honest look at yourself.


pre 13 godina

Egar Cayce prediction:
"[Through Russia], comes the hope of the world. Not in respect to what is sometimes termed Communism or Bolshevism -- no! But freedom -- freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man. The principle has been born there. It will take years for it to be crystallized; yet out of Russia comes again the hope of the world."

(ZZ, 26 August 2011 15:54)

yes , I remeber him now. Pleasant chap that once predicted that ATLANTIS would be discovered in 1968 - off the coast of Bermuda.

Moral of the story , "you can't believe everything you read."


pre 13 godina

eu does not want or care about tadic's political future anymore. serbia has to go through pains to accept Kosovo's independence whether some delusional people want to hear or not. Thought maybe a while, but recognition of Kosovo by Serbia or isolation of Serbia seems to be in the corner. Go to russians and chinese for money and help (chuckling) if you want to try different route. Hm. Have to pass through EU and NATO airspace.


pre 13 godina


I agree with some things you said..

It would be much easier if more people thought like you "live & let live".

Both sides need to make compromise.

Please understand that Serbia cannot let go of something seen as sacred & integral to our culture/history.

I also understand of hardships faced by Albanians in the past in Kosovo which obviously has left scars, some still open.

Serbians also have faced hardships in Kosovo too.

Everyone has a family & for every single person injured or adversely affected by a conflict, their family feels the pain too and so it spreads further.

I think that when both sides speak so firmly about their wants/objectives/opinions then the other side is upset & feels they need to defend their own beliefs & countrymen.

I guess only time is going to tell..


pre 13 godina

I have to ask ;

to all our enlightened posters here who persist in refering to their neighbours as 'fascist' and so on...please clarify for us your definition of 'fascist'.

To be absolutley clear , Germany , Croatia , Albania and the rest of your neighbours for that matter are NOT fascist - they are in fact democratic with consititutional multi party systems. Croatia in fact has a Serbian deputy PM in the ruling coalition.

The simple truth that you continuously want to call everyone opposed to you a 'fasciist' and 'nazi' and evil and so , only proves you have avtually no concept nor context of your subject matter - ie you have no idea what your talking about.

And no, because i disagree with your that is not being fascist - it morally , academicaly and intellectually being truthfull. An intellectual concept you obviously find difficult to grasp.


pre 13 godina

"Alternatives like what ?"

Alternatives like Russia and Belarus - they aren't so far, plus Serbia gets most of its imports/energy from Russia.


pre 13 godina

Serbia must explore alternatives to Europe and this should be stated publically to let the Euros know Serbia isn't going to sacrifice her integrity for membership of a club that works against her and her people no matter where they live.
(miles, 26 August 2011 13:29)

Alternatives like what ? Moving Serbia to Africa or to Asia close to the China friend ? It would be a little bit expensive, but, hey, if it's less expensive than Europe, it should be done.


pre 13 godina

Alternatives like Russia and Belarus - they aren't so far, plus Serbia gets most of its imports/energy from Russia.
(ida, 28 August 2011 03:45)

Sure, those too... You just need to manage to move Serbia there :)

Wim Roffel

pre 13 godina

If Tadic spent less time telling the Serbs they have to do what Merkel wants and spent more time explaining to Merkel what Serbia wants and defending that he would achieve considerably more. I wouldn't astonished at all if Merkel seriously believes that Kosovo is some multi-ethnic paradise.

Steve Gligorijevic

pre 13 godina

Why does Serbia have to take into consideration Germany's demands?? Tadic is a fool if he thinks that bending over for the Germans will get Serbia into the EU.

I have already commented some weeks ago that Germany and other EU countries would move the goalposts as soon as Serbia gave up it's last so called "war criminal" for entry into the EU. Now Serbia must recognise an independant Kosovo for entry into the EU, as I knew they would have to. The Germans and the rest of the EU are screwing Serbia over, when is Serbia going to bloody well wake up for God's sake? Serbia knows the Germany of old and they have always been Serbia's enemy and they still are. They are not your friends and they never will be. Get rid of that idiot Tadic and forget the sinking ship the EU, do not go the same way as Greece. Does Serbia not understand that the Germans and other western countries only have the aim to control you, not with bombs and bullets this time but by economic means. For God's sake Serbia please wake up and tell them to go to hell before they send Serbia to hell.

Yet Another J S

pre 13 godina

Germany could not let Yugoslavia join the European Union, because there would have been no Greater Croatia and no Greater Albania that were subservient to Germany.

This is why the Balkan Wars were engineered by Germany subtlety in order to get England, America, and NATO involved to break up Yugoslavia.

There were several groups that Germany funded and instructed on how to encourage separatism and even the Serbia’s Academics were used to try to break up Yugoslavia peacefully just like Czechoslovakia was broken up by agreement.

The English were paying attention, and they knew that a Greater Croatia and a Greater Albania is what the German Fourth Reich wanted, and England has always been against any German Reich on the European Continent.

Germany would have preferred a peaceful and subtle break up in order to make Continental Europe richer, instead of being a drain on German finances.


pre 13 godina

I thought he was finally growing a set of balls the other day, but he seems to have miss placed them. This has to mean that he feels there is no alternative but to give in to all and any demands the Germans, French and Brits make, and therefore he is trying to soften up the Serbian public so he can make more concessions.

I think he really needs to step down now. Other futures need to be explored that are not so Eurocentric.

A county's soul and integrity are more important than anything else. The Serbs fought alone against the Nazi's and stood up to the Turks while all her neighbours tried on the black shirts. I met a Croatian gentleman in Pula who envied Serbian history as unlike his own people the Serbs had never let a foreign empire rule them without resistance. They shouldn't start now.

The Croats, Albanians and Bosnian Muslims traded in their self respect for puppet strings a long time ago, and their morality was spent during WW1. Look at how mixed up they are. They invent new histories and blame all their problems on the Serbs rather than look at themselves-something far too painful to do.

Serbia must explore alternatives to Europe and this should be stated publically to let the Euros know Serbia isn't going to sacrifice her integrity for membership of a club that works against her and her people no matter where they live.


pre 13 godina

"Germany could not let Yugoslavia join the European Union, because there would have been no Greater Croatia and no Greater Albania that were subservient to Germany. "

(Yet Another J S, 26 August 2011 13:51)

Sure, and for the same reasons Germany was solely responsible for the breakup of Czechoslovakia, and even more, the whole Soviet union, right?


pre 13 godina

Tadic has began to understand the seriousness of the situation. Without Germany saying YES Serbia will never be able to join EU. By the way Serbia gets more help from EU than from Russia and China. This tells you what EU means for Serbia.

Bloody Mary

pre 13 godina

"We want you Serbia to re-join the family you left on your own accord."

Please define "we", Mr. or Mrs. self-declared European spokesperson...


pre 13 godina

“As a president of Serbia I had a talk with my old interlocutor and I believe friend Angela Merkel, because this was not our first talk but the sixth,” he was quoted as saying.'
This is why I can't stand Tadic and his yellows. After what Merkel just told him, he still calls her a 'friend'! To call him an idiot and a traitor would be kind. He has to go, this guy would sell Kosovo for two schillings tomorrow if he could, good thing that Kostunica put it in the constitution that he can't.
Tadic gets more and more pathetic every day.


pre 13 godina

Tadic should not give in into Germany's demands.

So Tadic grow some balls. If you can't, borrow some from Mladic, or Kostunica. The transplant can be arranged in the many "yellow houses" across so-called Albania and so-called Kosova (for a nominal price, "blood tests not included")


pre 13 godina

Tadic is right, but Istanbul's view is also very important. Turkey knows best how to solve problems. Culturally, Serbs and Turks are very similar. This is important and has to be considered.


pre 13 godina

Well said Steve!

Being the President of Serbia Tadic will make financial gains from WHOEVER he befriends for economic reasons, so why doesn't he concentrate on emerging markets from countries that actually SUPPORT Serbia.

Serbia should be trying to become closer with Montenegro again and also countries such as Brasil where huge opportunities exist.

Brasilians are starting to build more commercial ships & are becoming more involved in oil mining & the country is rich in resources for the production of just about ANYTHING (except Uranium for Nuclear Weapons).

Serbia's money should be spend on trying to find economies of scale elsewhere. I'm not saying she should give up EU integration but I just believe that WE are not here on this planet just to give away Kosovo - our forefathers who fought for Kosovo would turn in their graves if they knew we were negotiating it.

We do not need to go to war but we definitely should not let anyone bully us.

How much $$$ do we get from selling fruit in Europe? NOT ENOUGH is the answer. We are completely undervalued for our rich agribusiness.

I'm sure we can trade with other countries & continents that can be of financial benefit to us. Instead of thinking we will get tax breaks through Europe for trade.. with the savings from the EU tax breaks we could be spending that money on trade agreements with other foreign countries.


pre 13 godina

Although I agree with most of what has been said about Germany. They have certainly achieved in peacetime what they couldn't in wartime. Slovakia was never occupied by the Germans, and Croatia was recognised as an independent state in the 1940's too. But please give credit to Tadic, you might not think so at the moment, but from where I am looking (UK) he is representing your interests very well indeed. Germany is not the EU, and I don't think that the UK or the French or the Italians will ever give it free rein over central Europe. Just remember collectively we are strong and individually we are weak. We want you Serbia to re-join the family you left on your own accord. Tadic knows that to improve the living conditions of his citizens joining the EU is the only answer. Give him credit for that at least.


pre 13 godina

Mr President, i think you should stik to one story. You have to make up your mind and stop taking your citizens for fools. I respect your democratic means but you have to start treating serbian people with some dignity, tell them the reality.

It's plan and simple, you cannot have both EU and Kosovo.

miles - i almost loughed initially when i read your comment, but soon enough i realised that your deep hairtred and arrogance towards other natianalitis in balkans reminded me of the recent history where views like yours were fuled by delusional peole who let you to belive that you are superior in the reagen and essentially can do as you pleaesed. Mr - you have nothing more or less then i have, so the least i demnd is respct in a human level ( a concenp alint to you i suspect). Live and let me live, i want a better future, better education, better helath service, better law and order and most importantly i want freedom and to be treated with dignety and respect.


pre 13 godina

I have to ask ;

to all our enlightened posters here who persist in refering to their neighbours as 'fascist' and so on...please clarify for us your definition of 'fascist'.

To be absolutley clear , Germany , Croatia , Albania and the rest of your neighbours for that matter are NOT fascist - they are in fact democratic with consititutional multi party systems. Croatia in fact has a Serbian deputy PM in the ruling coalition.

The simple truth that you continuously want to call everyone opposed to you a 'fasciist' and 'nazi' and evil and so , only proves you have avtually no concept nor context of your subject matter - ie you have no idea what your talking about.

And no, because i disagree with your that is not being fascist - it morally , academicaly and intellectually being truthfull. An intellectual concept you obviously find difficult to grasp.


pre 13 godina

Germany already has someone to concern themselves with Germany's national interests. They are called Germans. Serb leaders should do the same.

Old children's story:
"The Emperor Has No Clothes" should be required reading for this ruling party. Joining the Emperors Union means having to take off your clothes too! Might as well play leap frog in the nude!

Mark 8:36:
"For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and loose his soul?" Begs the question, where is your soul located? Are you protecting it?

Egar Cayce prediction:
"[Through Russia], comes the hope of the world. Not in respect to what is sometimes termed Communism or Bolshevism -- no! But freedom -- freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man. The principle has been born there. It will take years for it to be crystallized; yet out of Russia comes again the hope of the world."

Alfred W. McCoy- The Decline and Fall of the American Empire
Economic Decline: Scenario 2020
After years of swelling deficits fed by incessant warfare in distant lands, in 2020, as long expected, the US dollar finally loses its special status as the world's reserve currency. Suddenly, the cost of imports soars. Unable to pay for swelling deficits by selling now-devalued Treasury notes abroad, Washington is finally forced to slash its bloated military budget. Under pressure at home and abroad, Washington slowly pulls US forces back from hundreds of overseas bases to a continental perimeter. By now, however, it is far too late.


pre 13 godina

eu does not want or care about tadic's political future anymore. serbia has to go through pains to accept Kosovo's independence whether some delusional people want to hear or not. Thought maybe a while, but recognition of Kosovo by Serbia or isolation of Serbia seems to be in the corner. Go to russians and chinese for money and help (chuckling) if you want to try different route. Hm. Have to pass through EU and NATO airspace.


pre 13 godina

Serbia must explore alternatives to Europe and this should be stated publically to let the Euros know Serbia isn't going to sacrifice her integrity for membership of a club that works against her and her people no matter where they live.
(miles, 26 August 2011 13:29)

Alternatives like what ? Moving Serbia to Africa or to Asia close to the China friend ? It would be a little bit expensive, but, hey, if it's less expensive than Europe, it should be done.


pre 13 godina


Hmmm I guess I touched a raw nerve. Don't hate anyone was a touch arrogant, not superior though. I apologise-now that's rare on these boards an apology, now I'm feeling really superior.


pre 13 godina

Look at how mixed up they are. They invent new histories and blame all their problems on the Serbs rather than look at themselves-something far too painful to do.

(miles, 26 August 2011 13:29)

Pot , kettle : Black!

You do know how ridiculous it sounds when someone in the Balkans keeps repeating that same broken record.

You may want to have a lonnnnggggggg , hard and honest look at yourself.


pre 13 godina

Egar Cayce prediction:
"[Through Russia], comes the hope of the world. Not in respect to what is sometimes termed Communism or Bolshevism -- no! But freedom -- freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man. The principle has been born there. It will take years for it to be crystallized; yet out of Russia comes again the hope of the world."

(ZZ, 26 August 2011 15:54)

yes , I remeber him now. Pleasant chap that once predicted that ATLANTIS would be discovered in 1968 - off the coast of Bermuda.

Moral of the story , "you can't believe everything you read."


pre 13 godina

Keep in mind: Germany is Serbia's WORST enemy. That's a problem in Serbia. People tend to forget this. Way too much talking about Albanians, Croats and other issues that do not attack the root of all problems here: Germany and it's fascistic ideology that still lives on.


pre 13 godina

Alternatives like Russia and Belarus - they aren't so far, plus Serbia gets most of its imports/energy from Russia.
(ida, 28 August 2011 03:45)

Sure, those too... You just need to manage to move Serbia there :)


pre 13 godina


I agree with some things you said..

It would be much easier if more people thought like you "live & let live".

Both sides need to make compromise.

Please understand that Serbia cannot let go of something seen as sacred & integral to our culture/history.

I also understand of hardships faced by Albanians in the past in Kosovo which obviously has left scars, some still open.

Serbians also have faced hardships in Kosovo too.

Everyone has a family & for every single person injured or adversely affected by a conflict, their family feels the pain too and so it spreads further.

I think that when both sides speak so firmly about their wants/objectives/opinions then the other side is upset & feels they need to defend their own beliefs & countrymen.

I guess only time is going to tell..


pre 13 godina

"Alternatives like what ?"

Alternatives like Russia and Belarus - they aren't so far, plus Serbia gets most of its imports/energy from Russia.

Wim Roffel

pre 13 godina

If Tadic spent less time telling the Serbs they have to do what Merkel wants and spent more time explaining to Merkel what Serbia wants and defending that he would achieve considerably more. I wouldn't astonished at all if Merkel seriously believes that Kosovo is some multi-ethnic paradise.