Sunday, 12.12.2010.


Polls close in Kosovo elections

47.8 percent of voters cast their ballots by the end of voting in the Kosovo elections today, the Kosovo Central Election Commission (CEC) said.

Izvor: B92

Polls close in Kosovo elections IMAGE SOURCE

24 Komentari

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pre 14 godina

This is deja vue, we hear it here from Gábor Vona and Jobbik. I know... anti-imperialism, buy domestic, down with foreign influence. All way to familiar. Many people buy it.
(Je¿ wêgierski, 13 December 2010)

This is not your common "Buy home country" goods you see all over the world. The "Buy Albanian" campaign is directed at the locally homegrown produce which are being suffocated by Serb (tariffless) goods in Kosova and Greece in Albanian proper.

In Albania this has been going on for almost 20 years now as it is very beneficial to very few well connected importers who at times eschew tariffs and in turn pay bribes to politicians.

For example under Hoxha we had three different cigarette brands: DS (premium), Gent (medium priced) and Partizani (cheap). Now the market is dominated by Western brands made in Greece and no Albanian made cigarettes exist anymore. There's no good reason why we shouldn't still be making our own cigarettes but politicians don't make money by building factories (too time consuming) and it's easier to get rich quick just taking bribes from importers.

Not at all. He was quite sympathetic for me till recent. He seem to succumb into populism and "great Albania" and other stuff. True, it does not suit America, neither EU, nor Serbia. It perfectly does suit VV - so let's see what happens.
(Je¿ wêgierski, 13 December 2010)

Like I said you see him through the eyes of the foreign media. He has been advocating unification for as long as I remember and hasn't succumbed recently. However he's become a thorn to the internationsl since the UDI.

There's nothing wrong with unification: It was good for the Americans, Italians and the Germans in the XIX century, it's certainly good for us in the XXI.
Having said that I fully wish that the Serbs unified their people too under one country.

Unity is strength: that's our motto.

Je¿ wêgierski

pre 14 godina

None of the Kosova parties are creating any jobs and they have become subservient to EULEX and UNMIK. Kurti is a breath of fresh air amidst a political class mired in total corruption and get rich quick schemes.
(Zoti, 13 December 2010 17:40)

This is deja vue, we hear it here from Gábor Vona and Jobbik. I know... anti-imperialism, buy domestic, down with foreign influence. All way to familiar. Many people buy it.


He preaches self-reliance and until now is the most politically signifcant force in Kosova. He spearheaded the "Buy Albanian" campaign and is an advocate of governmental support for local producers instead of importers.
(Zoti, 13 December 2010 17:40)

100% familiar. BTW: we buy American, Albanian, Russian, German, Japanese... For instance one of my cars has significant parts made in both America and North Korea. We buy what makes sense for us and what others have good experience with. And if possible - we buy nothing, to save money. And I love if people buy what I make.


I'm sure your opinion of Kurti is formed by the picture painted of him in the Serb press which portrays him as a radical. You have never heard him speak in Albanian and if you did you might have had a different opinion.
(Zoti, 13 December 2010 17:40)

Not at all. He was quite sympathetic for me till recent. He seem to succumb into populism and "great Albania" and other stuff. True, it does not suit America, neither EU, nor Serbia. It perfectly does suit VV - so let's see what happens.


pre 14 godina

Ask Albin Kurti, what kind of jobs can he create and what is his business plan.
Than ask Seselj the same. And compare. And wonder, what's the difference.
(Je¿ koha-ditorowy, 13 December 2010)

Kurti's number one job is to unify our lands. Seselj I don't really care about and I don't think it's relevant to the discussion. As a matter of fact I don't really care about any Serb politicians. We are discussing Kosova's elections here.

None of the Kosova parties are creating any jobs and they have become subservient to EULEX and UNMIK. Kurti is a breath of fresh air amidst a political class mired in total corruption and get rich quick schemes.

He preaches self-reliance and until now is the most politically signifcant force in Kosova. He spearheaded the "Buy Albanian" campaign and is an advocate of governmental support for local producers instead of importers.

I'm sure your opinion of Kurti is formed by the picture painted of him in the Serb press which portrays him as a radical. You have never heard him speak in Albanian and if you did you might have had a different opinion.

Niall O'Doherty

pre 14 godina

Just got back to my office from Graqanica, and it was breath taking to see citizens of Kosova lined up to cast their vote. It's all about democracy ladies&gents.Norhern Mitro is going slow, but its getting there. By 11am 3% of puplation in Zubin Potok have casted their votes. This is a big plus considerning the past elections.
(Agim Kelmendi, 12 December 2010 13:57)

There's fantasy and there's fantasy but sweet Jesus, this is in the stratosphere.

I presume the polar bears voted as well.

Je¿ koha-ditorowy

pre 14 godina

I enjoy reading this Albanian rubbish about democracy and the other western-infused crap such as “Just got back to my office from Graqanica, and it was breath taking to see citizens of Kosova lined up to cast their vote”.
(sj, 13 December 2010 08:51)

Yes, this is ridiculous - and let me re-post here what I posted in the other thread. This is the stuff from Albanians to Albanians. No lies and no smoke.


Caricature by Jeton Mikulovci, Koha Ditore, December 5 2010.

Explanation (who does not get it, just in case).

"ZGJEDHJET" = "Elections" is written on the top of the slot machine, "VOTA" = "Vote" is written on the place where you place the coin.

Note, what kind of stuff is pictured in the slot machine: bread, electricity, salary.


And music to our ears.
Democracy at work.
(Zoti, 13 December 2010 05:09)

Ask Albin Kurti, what kind of jobs can he create and what is his business plan.
Than ask Seselj the same. And compare. And wonder, what's the difference.


pre 14 godina

I enjoy reading this Albanian rubbish about democracy and the other western-infused crap such as “Just got back to my office from Graqanica, and it was breath taking to see citizens of Kosova lined up to cast their vote”.
Like mindless parrots they paraphrase the same drivel over and over again, but there is no answer on how are the Albanians going to improve the living standards for the locals? I watched Peter Feith interviewed and he said that after the successful elections “Kosovo was now in a position to received foreign aid”. I laughed and a colleague asked, how do they think Kosovo has survived so far? prayers from Washington? Feith raise the issue of privatization of telephones and energy companies; once again my colleague asked what energy? Kosovo has no energy unless you are talking about generators.
During the same program they interviewed people in the street in Pristina; they were not very happy at all. One man talked about the high unemployment in Kosovo and no prospects for the young with the only financial assistance of 36 Euros per month and stated “try and live off that if you can”.
A women she said “the only employment is in the government and we have 90% unemployed and all political sides promise everything, but 12 years no improvement except going backward”. The most interesting part was the impending negotiations – they will take up to 10 years to finish and unless “Serbia eases movement of people soon life in Kosovo will become even worse as the EU is unable to help out as it battles to save itself from economic oblivion”. As an afterthought, the journalist said “10 years is a very long time and many things will change in that period”. He was hinting that the negotiations are not about recognizing Kosovo as an independent state, but on reintegration with Serbia.
For the Albanians that seek help from the Washington; the US has big problems as the government has to renew social security payments to 19 million unemployed. The only recourse is print more money.
Vetvendosije is an excellent example of Islamic inspired stupidity. They think that the EU will allow them freedom to do what they want, but in the same breath demand money to feed themselves. Classic case of biting the hand that feeds you. Ask Hosni Mubarak what the US told him about his over populated nation – “either get it down or you’ll have to feed yourself” – no more aid. No aid for Kosovo, then Kosovo is DEAD.
Let me put it this way, the EU will first raze Kosovo to the ground and wipe out every man, woman and child than let the Albanians do what they want.


pre 14 godina

Vetvendoja deserve some special attention. People are getting tired from the status quo in ground of Kosovo. There is no future with this status and we need forward and join Kosova to Albania in a union.


pre 14 godina

Anybody care to mention the big story here - Vetvendosje.

They are becoming what many have predicted and this is a nightmare for the internationals in Kosovo.
(bganon, 13 December 2010 00:03)

And music to our ears.
Democracy at work.

Je¿ prognozowanja i interpolacji

pre 14 godina

this is a nightmare for the internationals in Kosovo.
(bganon, 13 December 2010 00:03)

And as usual - someone already has a wet dream. Vetëvendosje! falls neatly in his portfolio, Albin needs only minimal course correction to be "politically correct". He will do it, don't worry.


how do you feel about the newest political party, the one that appears to be most western-style democratic, anti- corruption?
(roberto, 12 December 2010 18:21)

This is oxymoron. "Western-style democracy" is increasingly associated in the area with corruption and sell-out. Kosovo does not look like being an exception now.

Prediction: Albin will shake hands with good friends of V.V. soon - in secret at first. No, I am not drunk (yet).

Let's start with business. For this one I charge 9.98 Fränkli to foreigners, discounts available upon request. I need money to buy a truck to carry these tomatoes.

Je¿ oraklowy i Frank szwajcarski

pre 14 godina

Anybody care to mention the big story here - Vetvendosije.

They are becoming what many have predicted and this is a nightmare for the internationals in Kosovo.
(bganon, 13 December 2010 00:03)

Mentioned a day and a half ago.



More precisely:


Next time I will ask for a fee for each prediction. Serbs pay half and in Dinars, others in Swiss Franc. No Euro and not even Dollar is accepted. Hope will gather enough money for my vacation.

Where? Not sure yet, way to many destinations. And as said, some of the top destinations are best during the tomato season.


pre 14 godina

Anybody care to mention the big story here - Vetvendosije.

They are becoming what many have predicted and this is a nightmare for the internationals in Kosovo.


pre 14 godina

I think they are Serbs first, then citizens of Serbia, and last but not least, inhabitants of the province of Kosovo. In this order ;-)
(Top, 12 December 2010 20:30)

Almost in that order. If they are serbs and citizens of serbia then they live outside of kosova ;-)

Don't whine that to us here, let the Serbs in Kosovo hear what you have to say. :)


pre 14 godina

I think they are Serbs first, then citizens of Serbia, and last but not least, inhabitants of the province of Kosovo. In this order ;-)
(Top, 12 December 2010 20:30)

Almost in that order. If they are serbs and citizens of serbia then they live outside of kosova ;-)



pre 14 godina

No wonder if not so many people vote, when they can only choose between the devil and the deep blue sea.

When will they finally be non-corrupt and non-extremistic parties to elect in Kosovo?


pre 14 godina

"I hope that the Serbs from Kosovo will do everyhing possible to live full cooperation with kosovo They'll have to undesrtand that they are Kosovars first, and then Serbs."
(Gladko, 12 December 2010 14:51)

I think they are Serbs first, then citizens of Serbia, and last but not least, inhabitants of the province of Kosovo. In this order ;-)


pre 14 godina

11% voted? Let's see if that increases. The less Albanians vote, the less legitimacy they give their leaders to negotiate with Serbia. 2/3 Albanians didn't vote last time. It'll be GREAT to see how we've demoralized the Albanian public when a govt they didn't even vote for accepts the 'more than autonomy, less than independence' plan. ITS OVAH!


pre 14 godina

Agim Kelmendi You do not have other Website to go on or? why do you care what other country write on there Website (shko naj faqe shqiptare apo anglish si BBC apo dicka tjeter )
(Rich, 12 December 2010 14:55)

Since when did you become the self appointed king of B92's comments section?


pre 14 godina

# Just got back to my office from Graqanica, and it was breath taking to see citizens of Kosova lined up to cast their vote. It's all about democracy ladies&gents.Norhern Mitro is going slow, but its getting there. By 11am 3% of puplation in Zubin Potok have casted their votes. This is a big plus considerning the past elections.
(Agim Kelmendi, 12 December 2010 13:57)

Thanks, Agim, for keeping us up to date on the elections. i'm very excited as well; it's a very good sign. all the way round.

also -- more and more serbs in kosova will continue taking part in the elections, despite all of the pressure to stay away, from the usual suspects (blgd regime and diaspora.)

please keep us informed, as objective english language sources are limited, to say the least.

how do you feel about the newest political party, the one that appears to be most western-style democratic, anti- corruption? are you supporting them?

it would be a very good thing indeed to foster interesting and reasonably intelligent conversation regarding these matters, for example kosovar politics, rather than the usual hate fest, which predominates and always leads nowhere fast.

felimendarit :)


Je¿ szkiptarski

pre 14 godina

I hope that the Serbs from Kosovo will do everyhing possible to live full cooperation with kosovo They'll have to undesrtand that they are Kosovars first, and then Serbs.
(Gladko, 12 December 2010 14:51)

Yes, Mehmet Gladkisha - just please elaborate, why would they support that bunch of criminals? This is much less about ethnical crap - much more simply that so far Pristina has only minimal number of players to cheer for. Veton Surroi, Pacolli, what other names you have? Please list out whom you would like to see on the top. It's nothing to "boycott" - just not much to vote for.

And as for "full cooperation" - that reminds me about ideas of "full cooperation" with nazis or "full cooperation" with Ottomans.


pre 14 godina

I hope that the Serbs from Kosovo will do everyhing possible to live full cooperation with kosovo They'll have to undesrtand that they are Kosovars first, and then Serbs.


pre 14 godina

Agim Kelmendi You do not have other Website to go on or? why do you care what other country write on there Website (shko naj faqe shqiptare apo anglish si BBC apo dicka tjeter )

Agim Kelmendi

pre 14 godina

Just got back to my office from Graqanica, and it was breath taking to see citizens of Kosova lined up to cast their vote. It's all about democracy ladies&gents.Norhern Mitro is going slow, but its getting there. By 11am 3% of puplation in Zubin Potok have casted their votes. This is a big plus considerning the past elections.

Agim Kelmendi

pre 14 godina

Elections are going well so far, but it is worth mentioning that late last night the office of Danish KFOR in zubin Potok was attacked and threatening notice were left at the scene.

Agim Kelmendi

pre 14 godina

Just got back to my office from Graqanica, and it was breath taking to see citizens of Kosova lined up to cast their vote. It's all about democracy ladies&gents.Norhern Mitro is going slow, but its getting there. By 11am 3% of puplation in Zubin Potok have casted their votes. This is a big plus considerning the past elections.

Je¿ szkiptarski

pre 14 godina

I hope that the Serbs from Kosovo will do everyhing possible to live full cooperation with kosovo They'll have to undesrtand that they are Kosovars first, and then Serbs.
(Gladko, 12 December 2010 14:51)

Yes, Mehmet Gladkisha - just please elaborate, why would they support that bunch of criminals? This is much less about ethnical crap - much more simply that so far Pristina has only minimal number of players to cheer for. Veton Surroi, Pacolli, what other names you have? Please list out whom you would like to see on the top. It's nothing to "boycott" - just not much to vote for.

And as for "full cooperation" - that reminds me about ideas of "full cooperation" with nazis or "full cooperation" with Ottomans.

Agim Kelmendi

pre 14 godina

Elections are going well so far, but it is worth mentioning that late last night the office of Danish KFOR in zubin Potok was attacked and threatening notice were left at the scene.


pre 14 godina

I hope that the Serbs from Kosovo will do everyhing possible to live full cooperation with kosovo They'll have to undesrtand that they are Kosovars first, and then Serbs.


pre 14 godina

"I hope that the Serbs from Kosovo will do everyhing possible to live full cooperation with kosovo They'll have to undesrtand that they are Kosovars first, and then Serbs."
(Gladko, 12 December 2010 14:51)

I think they are Serbs first, then citizens of Serbia, and last but not least, inhabitants of the province of Kosovo. In this order ;-)


pre 14 godina

Agim Kelmendi You do not have other Website to go on or? why do you care what other country write on there Website (shko naj faqe shqiptare apo anglish si BBC apo dicka tjeter )
(Rich, 12 December 2010 14:55)

Since when did you become the self appointed king of B92's comments section?


pre 14 godina

Agim Kelmendi You do not have other Website to go on or? why do you care what other country write on there Website (shko naj faqe shqiptare apo anglish si BBC apo dicka tjeter )


pre 14 godina

# Just got back to my office from Graqanica, and it was breath taking to see citizens of Kosova lined up to cast their vote. It's all about democracy ladies&gents.Norhern Mitro is going slow, but its getting there. By 11am 3% of puplation in Zubin Potok have casted their votes. This is a big plus considerning the past elections.
(Agim Kelmendi, 12 December 2010 13:57)

Thanks, Agim, for keeping us up to date on the elections. i'm very excited as well; it's a very good sign. all the way round.

also -- more and more serbs in kosova will continue taking part in the elections, despite all of the pressure to stay away, from the usual suspects (blgd regime and diaspora.)

please keep us informed, as objective english language sources are limited, to say the least.

how do you feel about the newest political party, the one that appears to be most western-style democratic, anti- corruption? are you supporting them?

it would be a very good thing indeed to foster interesting and reasonably intelligent conversation regarding these matters, for example kosovar politics, rather than the usual hate fest, which predominates and always leads nowhere fast.

felimendarit :)



pre 14 godina

11% voted? Let's see if that increases. The less Albanians vote, the less legitimacy they give their leaders to negotiate with Serbia. 2/3 Albanians didn't vote last time. It'll be GREAT to see how we've demoralized the Albanian public when a govt they didn't even vote for accepts the 'more than autonomy, less than independence' plan. ITS OVAH!


pre 14 godina

No wonder if not so many people vote, when they can only choose between the devil and the deep blue sea.

When will they finally be non-corrupt and non-extremistic parties to elect in Kosovo?


pre 14 godina

I think they are Serbs first, then citizens of Serbia, and last but not least, inhabitants of the province of Kosovo. In this order ;-)
(Top, 12 December 2010 20:30)

Almost in that order. If they are serbs and citizens of serbia then they live outside of kosova ;-)



pre 14 godina

Anybody care to mention the big story here - Vetvendosije.

They are becoming what many have predicted and this is a nightmare for the internationals in Kosovo.


pre 14 godina

Anybody care to mention the big story here - Vetvendosje.

They are becoming what many have predicted and this is a nightmare for the internationals in Kosovo.
(bganon, 13 December 2010 00:03)

And music to our ears.
Democracy at work.

Je¿ koha-ditorowy

pre 14 godina

I enjoy reading this Albanian rubbish about democracy and the other western-infused crap such as “Just got back to my office from Graqanica, and it was breath taking to see citizens of Kosova lined up to cast their vote”.
(sj, 13 December 2010 08:51)

Yes, this is ridiculous - and let me re-post here what I posted in the other thread. This is the stuff from Albanians to Albanians. No lies and no smoke.


Caricature by Jeton Mikulovci, Koha Ditore, December 5 2010.

Explanation (who does not get it, just in case).

"ZGJEDHJET" = "Elections" is written on the top of the slot machine, "VOTA" = "Vote" is written on the place where you place the coin.

Note, what kind of stuff is pictured in the slot machine: bread, electricity, salary.


And music to our ears.
Democracy at work.
(Zoti, 13 December 2010 05:09)

Ask Albin Kurti, what kind of jobs can he create and what is his business plan.
Than ask Seselj the same. And compare. And wonder, what's the difference.


pre 14 godina

Vetvendoja deserve some special attention. People are getting tired from the status quo in ground of Kosovo. There is no future with this status and we need forward and join Kosova to Albania in a union.


pre 14 godina

I enjoy reading this Albanian rubbish about democracy and the other western-infused crap such as “Just got back to my office from Graqanica, and it was breath taking to see citizens of Kosova lined up to cast their vote”.
Like mindless parrots they paraphrase the same drivel over and over again, but there is no answer on how are the Albanians going to improve the living standards for the locals? I watched Peter Feith interviewed and he said that after the successful elections “Kosovo was now in a position to received foreign aid”. I laughed and a colleague asked, how do they think Kosovo has survived so far? prayers from Washington? Feith raise the issue of privatization of telephones and energy companies; once again my colleague asked what energy? Kosovo has no energy unless you are talking about generators.
During the same program they interviewed people in the street in Pristina; they were not very happy at all. One man talked about the high unemployment in Kosovo and no prospects for the young with the only financial assistance of 36 Euros per month and stated “try and live off that if you can”.
A women she said “the only employment is in the government and we have 90% unemployed and all political sides promise everything, but 12 years no improvement except going backward”. The most interesting part was the impending negotiations – they will take up to 10 years to finish and unless “Serbia eases movement of people soon life in Kosovo will become even worse as the EU is unable to help out as it battles to save itself from economic oblivion”. As an afterthought, the journalist said “10 years is a very long time and many things will change in that period”. He was hinting that the negotiations are not about recognizing Kosovo as an independent state, but on reintegration with Serbia.
For the Albanians that seek help from the Washington; the US has big problems as the government has to renew social security payments to 19 million unemployed. The only recourse is print more money.
Vetvendosije is an excellent example of Islamic inspired stupidity. They think that the EU will allow them freedom to do what they want, but in the same breath demand money to feed themselves. Classic case of biting the hand that feeds you. Ask Hosni Mubarak what the US told him about his over populated nation – “either get it down or you’ll have to feed yourself” – no more aid. No aid for Kosovo, then Kosovo is DEAD.
Let me put it this way, the EU will first raze Kosovo to the ground and wipe out every man, woman and child than let the Albanians do what they want.


pre 14 godina

Ask Albin Kurti, what kind of jobs can he create and what is his business plan.
Than ask Seselj the same. And compare. And wonder, what's the difference.
(Je¿ koha-ditorowy, 13 December 2010)

Kurti's number one job is to unify our lands. Seselj I don't really care about and I don't think it's relevant to the discussion. As a matter of fact I don't really care about any Serb politicians. We are discussing Kosova's elections here.

None of the Kosova parties are creating any jobs and they have become subservient to EULEX and UNMIK. Kurti is a breath of fresh air amidst a political class mired in total corruption and get rich quick schemes.

He preaches self-reliance and until now is the most politically signifcant force in Kosova. He spearheaded the "Buy Albanian" campaign and is an advocate of governmental support for local producers instead of importers.

I'm sure your opinion of Kurti is formed by the picture painted of him in the Serb press which portrays him as a radical. You have never heard him speak in Albanian and if you did you might have had a different opinion.


pre 14 godina

I think they are Serbs first, then citizens of Serbia, and last but not least, inhabitants of the province of Kosovo. In this order ;-)
(Top, 12 December 2010 20:30)

Almost in that order. If they are serbs and citizens of serbia then they live outside of kosova ;-)

Don't whine that to us here, let the Serbs in Kosovo hear what you have to say. :)

Je¿ prognozowanja i interpolacji

pre 14 godina

this is a nightmare for the internationals in Kosovo.
(bganon, 13 December 2010 00:03)

And as usual - someone already has a wet dream. Vetëvendosje! falls neatly in his portfolio, Albin needs only minimal course correction to be "politically correct". He will do it, don't worry.


how do you feel about the newest political party, the one that appears to be most western-style democratic, anti- corruption?
(roberto, 12 December 2010 18:21)

This is oxymoron. "Western-style democracy" is increasingly associated in the area with corruption and sell-out. Kosovo does not look like being an exception now.

Prediction: Albin will shake hands with good friends of V.V. soon - in secret at first. No, I am not drunk (yet).

Let's start with business. For this one I charge 9.98 Fränkli to foreigners, discounts available upon request. I need money to buy a truck to carry these tomatoes.

Je¿ oraklowy i Frank szwajcarski

pre 14 godina

Anybody care to mention the big story here - Vetvendosije.

They are becoming what many have predicted and this is a nightmare for the internationals in Kosovo.
(bganon, 13 December 2010 00:03)

Mentioned a day and a half ago.



More precisely:


Next time I will ask for a fee for each prediction. Serbs pay half and in Dinars, others in Swiss Franc. No Euro and not even Dollar is accepted. Hope will gather enough money for my vacation.

Where? Not sure yet, way to many destinations. And as said, some of the top destinations are best during the tomato season.

Je¿ wêgierski

pre 14 godina

None of the Kosova parties are creating any jobs and they have become subservient to EULEX and UNMIK. Kurti is a breath of fresh air amidst a political class mired in total corruption and get rich quick schemes.
(Zoti, 13 December 2010 17:40)

This is deja vue, we hear it here from Gábor Vona and Jobbik. I know... anti-imperialism, buy domestic, down with foreign influence. All way to familiar. Many people buy it.


He preaches self-reliance and until now is the most politically signifcant force in Kosova. He spearheaded the "Buy Albanian" campaign and is an advocate of governmental support for local producers instead of importers.
(Zoti, 13 December 2010 17:40)

100% familiar. BTW: we buy American, Albanian, Russian, German, Japanese... For instance one of my cars has significant parts made in both America and North Korea. We buy what makes sense for us and what others have good experience with. And if possible - we buy nothing, to save money. And I love if people buy what I make.


I'm sure your opinion of Kurti is formed by the picture painted of him in the Serb press which portrays him as a radical. You have never heard him speak in Albanian and if you did you might have had a different opinion.
(Zoti, 13 December 2010 17:40)

Not at all. He was quite sympathetic for me till recent. He seem to succumb into populism and "great Albania" and other stuff. True, it does not suit America, neither EU, nor Serbia. It perfectly does suit VV - so let's see what happens.

Niall O'Doherty

pre 14 godina

Just got back to my office from Graqanica, and it was breath taking to see citizens of Kosova lined up to cast their vote. It's all about democracy ladies&gents.Norhern Mitro is going slow, but its getting there. By 11am 3% of puplation in Zubin Potok have casted their votes. This is a big plus considerning the past elections.
(Agim Kelmendi, 12 December 2010 13:57)

There's fantasy and there's fantasy but sweet Jesus, this is in the stratosphere.

I presume the polar bears voted as well.


pre 14 godina

This is deja vue, we hear it here from Gábor Vona and Jobbik. I know... anti-imperialism, buy domestic, down with foreign influence. All way to familiar. Many people buy it.
(Je¿ wêgierski, 13 December 2010)

This is not your common "Buy home country" goods you see all over the world. The "Buy Albanian" campaign is directed at the locally homegrown produce which are being suffocated by Serb (tariffless) goods in Kosova and Greece in Albanian proper.

In Albania this has been going on for almost 20 years now as it is very beneficial to very few well connected importers who at times eschew tariffs and in turn pay bribes to politicians.

For example under Hoxha we had three different cigarette brands: DS (premium), Gent (medium priced) and Partizani (cheap). Now the market is dominated by Western brands made in Greece and no Albanian made cigarettes exist anymore. There's no good reason why we shouldn't still be making our own cigarettes but politicians don't make money by building factories (too time consuming) and it's easier to get rich quick just taking bribes from importers.

Not at all. He was quite sympathetic for me till recent. He seem to succumb into populism and "great Albania" and other stuff. True, it does not suit America, neither EU, nor Serbia. It perfectly does suit VV - so let's see what happens.
(Je¿ wêgierski, 13 December 2010)

Like I said you see him through the eyes of the foreign media. He has been advocating unification for as long as I remember and hasn't succumbed recently. However he's become a thorn to the internationsl since the UDI.

There's nothing wrong with unification: It was good for the Americans, Italians and the Germans in the XIX century, it's certainly good for us in the XXI.
Having said that I fully wish that the Serbs unified their people too under one country.

Unity is strength: that's our motto.


pre 14 godina

I hope that the Serbs from Kosovo will do everyhing possible to live full cooperation with kosovo They'll have to undesrtand that they are Kosovars first, and then Serbs.

Je¿ szkiptarski

pre 14 godina

I hope that the Serbs from Kosovo will do everyhing possible to live full cooperation with kosovo They'll have to undesrtand that they are Kosovars first, and then Serbs.
(Gladko, 12 December 2010 14:51)

Yes, Mehmet Gladkisha - just please elaborate, why would they support that bunch of criminals? This is much less about ethnical crap - much more simply that so far Pristina has only minimal number of players to cheer for. Veton Surroi, Pacolli, what other names you have? Please list out whom you would like to see on the top. It's nothing to "boycott" - just not much to vote for.

And as for "full cooperation" - that reminds me about ideas of "full cooperation" with nazis or "full cooperation" with Ottomans.

Agim Kelmendi

pre 14 godina

Just got back to my office from Graqanica, and it was breath taking to see citizens of Kosova lined up to cast their vote. It's all about democracy ladies&gents.Norhern Mitro is going slow, but its getting there. By 11am 3% of puplation in Zubin Potok have casted their votes. This is a big plus considerning the past elections.


pre 14 godina

Agim Kelmendi You do not have other Website to go on or? why do you care what other country write on there Website (shko naj faqe shqiptare apo anglish si BBC apo dicka tjeter )

Agim Kelmendi

pre 14 godina

Elections are going well so far, but it is worth mentioning that late last night the office of Danish KFOR in zubin Potok was attacked and threatening notice were left at the scene.


pre 14 godina

11% voted? Let's see if that increases. The less Albanians vote, the less legitimacy they give their leaders to negotiate with Serbia. 2/3 Albanians didn't vote last time. It'll be GREAT to see how we've demoralized the Albanian public when a govt they didn't even vote for accepts the 'more than autonomy, less than independence' plan. ITS OVAH!


pre 14 godina

"I hope that the Serbs from Kosovo will do everyhing possible to live full cooperation with kosovo They'll have to undesrtand that they are Kosovars first, and then Serbs."
(Gladko, 12 December 2010 14:51)

I think they are Serbs first, then citizens of Serbia, and last but not least, inhabitants of the province of Kosovo. In this order ;-)


pre 14 godina

# Just got back to my office from Graqanica, and it was breath taking to see citizens of Kosova lined up to cast their vote. It's all about democracy ladies&gents.Norhern Mitro is going slow, but its getting there. By 11am 3% of puplation in Zubin Potok have casted their votes. This is a big plus considerning the past elections.
(Agim Kelmendi, 12 December 2010 13:57)

Thanks, Agim, for keeping us up to date on the elections. i'm very excited as well; it's a very good sign. all the way round.

also -- more and more serbs in kosova will continue taking part in the elections, despite all of the pressure to stay away, from the usual suspects (blgd regime and diaspora.)

please keep us informed, as objective english language sources are limited, to say the least.

how do you feel about the newest political party, the one that appears to be most western-style democratic, anti- corruption? are you supporting them?

it would be a very good thing indeed to foster interesting and reasonably intelligent conversation regarding these matters, for example kosovar politics, rather than the usual hate fest, which predominates and always leads nowhere fast.

felimendarit :)



pre 14 godina

I think they are Serbs first, then citizens of Serbia, and last but not least, inhabitants of the province of Kosovo. In this order ;-)
(Top, 12 December 2010 20:30)

Almost in that order. If they are serbs and citizens of serbia then they live outside of kosova ;-)



pre 14 godina

I enjoy reading this Albanian rubbish about democracy and the other western-infused crap such as “Just got back to my office from Graqanica, and it was breath taking to see citizens of Kosova lined up to cast their vote”.
Like mindless parrots they paraphrase the same drivel over and over again, but there is no answer on how are the Albanians going to improve the living standards for the locals? I watched Peter Feith interviewed and he said that after the successful elections “Kosovo was now in a position to received foreign aid”. I laughed and a colleague asked, how do they think Kosovo has survived so far? prayers from Washington? Feith raise the issue of privatization of telephones and energy companies; once again my colleague asked what energy? Kosovo has no energy unless you are talking about generators.
During the same program they interviewed people in the street in Pristina; they were not very happy at all. One man talked about the high unemployment in Kosovo and no prospects for the young with the only financial assistance of 36 Euros per month and stated “try and live off that if you can”.
A women she said “the only employment is in the government and we have 90% unemployed and all political sides promise everything, but 12 years no improvement except going backward”. The most interesting part was the impending negotiations – they will take up to 10 years to finish and unless “Serbia eases movement of people soon life in Kosovo will become even worse as the EU is unable to help out as it battles to save itself from economic oblivion”. As an afterthought, the journalist said “10 years is a very long time and many things will change in that period”. He was hinting that the negotiations are not about recognizing Kosovo as an independent state, but on reintegration with Serbia.
For the Albanians that seek help from the Washington; the US has big problems as the government has to renew social security payments to 19 million unemployed. The only recourse is print more money.
Vetvendosije is an excellent example of Islamic inspired stupidity. They think that the EU will allow them freedom to do what they want, but in the same breath demand money to feed themselves. Classic case of biting the hand that feeds you. Ask Hosni Mubarak what the US told him about his over populated nation – “either get it down or you’ll have to feed yourself” – no more aid. No aid for Kosovo, then Kosovo is DEAD.
Let me put it this way, the EU will first raze Kosovo to the ground and wipe out every man, woman and child than let the Albanians do what they want.


pre 14 godina

Agim Kelmendi You do not have other Website to go on or? why do you care what other country write on there Website (shko naj faqe shqiptare apo anglish si BBC apo dicka tjeter )
(Rich, 12 December 2010 14:55)

Since when did you become the self appointed king of B92's comments section?

Niall O'Doherty

pre 14 godina

Just got back to my office from Graqanica, and it was breath taking to see citizens of Kosova lined up to cast their vote. It's all about democracy ladies&gents.Norhern Mitro is going slow, but its getting there. By 11am 3% of puplation in Zubin Potok have casted their votes. This is a big plus considerning the past elections.
(Agim Kelmendi, 12 December 2010 13:57)

There's fantasy and there's fantasy but sweet Jesus, this is in the stratosphere.

I presume the polar bears voted as well.

Je¿ koha-ditorowy

pre 14 godina

I enjoy reading this Albanian rubbish about democracy and the other western-infused crap such as “Just got back to my office from Graqanica, and it was breath taking to see citizens of Kosova lined up to cast their vote”.
(sj, 13 December 2010 08:51)

Yes, this is ridiculous - and let me re-post here what I posted in the other thread. This is the stuff from Albanians to Albanians. No lies and no smoke.


Caricature by Jeton Mikulovci, Koha Ditore, December 5 2010.

Explanation (who does not get it, just in case).

"ZGJEDHJET" = "Elections" is written on the top of the slot machine, "VOTA" = "Vote" is written on the place where you place the coin.

Note, what kind of stuff is pictured in the slot machine: bread, electricity, salary.


And music to our ears.
Democracy at work.
(Zoti, 13 December 2010 05:09)

Ask Albin Kurti, what kind of jobs can he create and what is his business plan.
Than ask Seselj the same. And compare. And wonder, what's the difference.


pre 14 godina

No wonder if not so many people vote, when they can only choose between the devil and the deep blue sea.

When will they finally be non-corrupt and non-extremistic parties to elect in Kosovo?


pre 14 godina

Vetvendoja deserve some special attention. People are getting tired from the status quo in ground of Kosovo. There is no future with this status and we need forward and join Kosova to Albania in a union.


pre 14 godina

I think they are Serbs first, then citizens of Serbia, and last but not least, inhabitants of the province of Kosovo. In this order ;-)
(Top, 12 December 2010 20:30)

Almost in that order. If they are serbs and citizens of serbia then they live outside of kosova ;-)

Don't whine that to us here, let the Serbs in Kosovo hear what you have to say. :)


pre 14 godina

Anybody care to mention the big story here - Vetvendosije.

They are becoming what many have predicted and this is a nightmare for the internationals in Kosovo.


pre 14 godina

Anybody care to mention the big story here - Vetvendosje.

They are becoming what many have predicted and this is a nightmare for the internationals in Kosovo.
(bganon, 13 December 2010 00:03)

And music to our ears.
Democracy at work.


pre 14 godina

This is deja vue, we hear it here from Gábor Vona and Jobbik. I know... anti-imperialism, buy domestic, down with foreign influence. All way to familiar. Many people buy it.
(Je¿ wêgierski, 13 December 2010)

This is not your common "Buy home country" goods you see all over the world. The "Buy Albanian" campaign is directed at the locally homegrown produce which are being suffocated by Serb (tariffless) goods in Kosova and Greece in Albanian proper.

In Albania this has been going on for almost 20 years now as it is very beneficial to very few well connected importers who at times eschew tariffs and in turn pay bribes to politicians.

For example under Hoxha we had three different cigarette brands: DS (premium), Gent (medium priced) and Partizani (cheap). Now the market is dominated by Western brands made in Greece and no Albanian made cigarettes exist anymore. There's no good reason why we shouldn't still be making our own cigarettes but politicians don't make money by building factories (too time consuming) and it's easier to get rich quick just taking bribes from importers.

Not at all. He was quite sympathetic for me till recent. He seem to succumb into populism and "great Albania" and other stuff. True, it does not suit America, neither EU, nor Serbia. It perfectly does suit VV - so let's see what happens.
(Je¿ wêgierski, 13 December 2010)

Like I said you see him through the eyes of the foreign media. He has been advocating unification for as long as I remember and hasn't succumbed recently. However he's become a thorn to the internationsl since the UDI.

There's nothing wrong with unification: It was good for the Americans, Italians and the Germans in the XIX century, it's certainly good for us in the XXI.
Having said that I fully wish that the Serbs unified their people too under one country.

Unity is strength: that's our motto.


pre 14 godina

Ask Albin Kurti, what kind of jobs can he create and what is his business plan.
Than ask Seselj the same. And compare. And wonder, what's the difference.
(Je¿ koha-ditorowy, 13 December 2010)

Kurti's number one job is to unify our lands. Seselj I don't really care about and I don't think it's relevant to the discussion. As a matter of fact I don't really care about any Serb politicians. We are discussing Kosova's elections here.

None of the Kosova parties are creating any jobs and they have become subservient to EULEX and UNMIK. Kurti is a breath of fresh air amidst a political class mired in total corruption and get rich quick schemes.

He preaches self-reliance and until now is the most politically signifcant force in Kosova. He spearheaded the "Buy Albanian" campaign and is an advocate of governmental support for local producers instead of importers.

I'm sure your opinion of Kurti is formed by the picture painted of him in the Serb press which portrays him as a radical. You have never heard him speak in Albanian and if you did you might have had a different opinion.

Je¿ oraklowy i Frank szwajcarski

pre 14 godina

Anybody care to mention the big story here - Vetvendosije.

They are becoming what many have predicted and this is a nightmare for the internationals in Kosovo.
(bganon, 13 December 2010 00:03)

Mentioned a day and a half ago.



More precisely:


Next time I will ask for a fee for each prediction. Serbs pay half and in Dinars, others in Swiss Franc. No Euro and not even Dollar is accepted. Hope will gather enough money for my vacation.

Where? Not sure yet, way to many destinations. And as said, some of the top destinations are best during the tomato season.

Je¿ prognozowanja i interpolacji

pre 14 godina

this is a nightmare for the internationals in Kosovo.
(bganon, 13 December 2010 00:03)

And as usual - someone already has a wet dream. Vetëvendosje! falls neatly in his portfolio, Albin needs only minimal course correction to be "politically correct". He will do it, don't worry.


how do you feel about the newest political party, the one that appears to be most western-style democratic, anti- corruption?
(roberto, 12 December 2010 18:21)

This is oxymoron. "Western-style democracy" is increasingly associated in the area with corruption and sell-out. Kosovo does not look like being an exception now.

Prediction: Albin will shake hands with good friends of V.V. soon - in secret at first. No, I am not drunk (yet).

Let's start with business. For this one I charge 9.98 Fränkli to foreigners, discounts available upon request. I need money to buy a truck to carry these tomatoes.

Je¿ wêgierski

pre 14 godina

None of the Kosova parties are creating any jobs and they have become subservient to EULEX and UNMIK. Kurti is a breath of fresh air amidst a political class mired in total corruption and get rich quick schemes.
(Zoti, 13 December 2010 17:40)

This is deja vue, we hear it here from Gábor Vona and Jobbik. I know... anti-imperialism, buy domestic, down with foreign influence. All way to familiar. Many people buy it.


He preaches self-reliance and until now is the most politically signifcant force in Kosova. He spearheaded the "Buy Albanian" campaign and is an advocate of governmental support for local producers instead of importers.
(Zoti, 13 December 2010 17:40)

100% familiar. BTW: we buy American, Albanian, Russian, German, Japanese... For instance one of my cars has significant parts made in both America and North Korea. We buy what makes sense for us and what others have good experience with. And if possible - we buy nothing, to save money. And I love if people buy what I make.


I'm sure your opinion of Kurti is formed by the picture painted of him in the Serb press which portrays him as a radical. You have never heard him speak in Albanian and if you did you might have had a different opinion.
(Zoti, 13 December 2010 17:40)

Not at all. He was quite sympathetic for me till recent. He seem to succumb into populism and "great Albania" and other stuff. True, it does not suit America, neither EU, nor Serbia. It perfectly does suit VV - so let's see what happens.