pre 14 godina
This is deja vue, we hear it here from Gábor Vona and Jobbik. I know... anti-imperialism, buy domestic, down with foreign influence. All way to familiar. Many people buy it.
(Je¿ wêgierski, 13 December 2010)
This is not your common "Buy home country" goods you see all over the world. The "Buy Albanian" campaign is directed at the locally homegrown produce which are being suffocated by Serb (tariffless) goods in Kosova and Greece in Albanian proper.
In Albania this has been going on for almost 20 years now as it is very beneficial to very few well connected importers who at times eschew tariffs and in turn pay bribes to politicians.
For example under Hoxha we had three different cigarette brands: DS (premium), Gent (medium priced) and Partizani (cheap). Now the market is dominated by Western brands made in Greece and no Albanian made cigarettes exist anymore. There's no good reason why we shouldn't still be making our own cigarettes but politicians don't make money by building factories (too time consuming) and it's easier to get rich quick just taking bribes from importers.
Not at all. He was quite sympathetic for me till recent. He seem to succumb into populism and "great Albania" and other stuff. True, it does not suit America, neither EU, nor Serbia. It perfectly does suit VV - so let's see what happens.
(Je¿ wêgierski, 13 December 2010)
Like I said you see him through the eyes of the foreign media. He has been advocating unification for as long as I remember and hasn't succumbed recently. However he's become a thorn to the internationsl since the UDI.
There's nothing wrong with unification: It was good for the Americans, Italians and the Germans in the XIX century, it's certainly good for us in the XXI.
Having said that I fully wish that the Serbs unified their people too under one country.
Unity is strength: that's our motto.
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