Thursday, 09.09.2010.


Serbia, EU reach resolution compromise

The altered text of the Kosovo resolution written in cooperation with the EU would be presented on Thursday to the UN General Assembly.

Izvor: B92

Serbia, EU reach resolution compromise IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 14 godina

There is a saying:

"rearranging the deckchairs on the titanic"

It means that which ever way you look at a situation you have lost!

With Kosovo and with the Serbian governments fight for Kosovo I have never seen more of a reality to the saying I mentioned. Why did Tadic not just hand the keys over to the K-Albanians from the start instead of putting on this pathetic show?

So now we are to negotiate about a mass of our land that no longer belongs to us and to ask the nice people at UCK not to kill the remaining Serbs in Kosovo because they will end up with no alternative but to flee in the first place.

Hey, that is what I call the upper political hand. And as for William Hague - Say hello to your boss when you see him in Hell because threats like yours only come from the devil himself!


pre 14 godina

So my fellow ethnic Albanian citizens, are we ready for real negotiations?
(Zoran, 9 September 2010 19:49)

But my dear neighbor, we, Albanians, have always wanted and favored the kind of negociations which are envisaged by "your" UN resolution, as to refugees, missing people, cultural heritage, sports, police cooperation...etc...

Let's go, we're eager to start !!


pre 14 godina

What makes you think the UNGA would reject it?
(Zoran, 9 September 2010 15:02)

Come on ! You really think that the UN members had not already been polled informally by Serbia on one side and US/EU and Co. on the other side about how they would vote and both sides knew what the result would have been.

Whether it did or didn't, there are still only two options. One is to accept dialogue and the other is to accept a frozen conflict. You see, if the UNGA rejects the resolution, the matter ends up with the UNSC, where we have two vetoes (i.e. frozen conflict).
(Zoran, 9 September 2010 15:02)

You got it wrong here… what’s frozen is the UNSC. In addition, Kosovo’s supporters are not planning to go to the UNSC for any resolution since for them the Kosovo’s matter is closed, so those two vetoes are worthless as there is nothing to veto in the first place. On the other hand, if Serbia wants the UNSC to annul Kosovo’s declaration of independence, it will have to face the vetoes of US, FR and UK.

So negotiations are an inevitability. The reason Tadic failed is that he took that away from where we have strength (the world/UN) and placed it where we are weak (the EU). As such, he and our drive for EU membership will face the consequences that no amount of spin will cover up. This will strengthen the anti-EU and anti-DS forces.
(Zoran, 9 September 2010 15:02)

He took the issue where it matters, even though a little bit late. Instead of spending energy to convince Namibia or Lesotho, Serbia since the beginning should have spent energy on bringing on its side the EU members which matter. Whereas Serbia chose to ignore the EU in the last 10 years, in practice saying I don’t care what the EU thinks, I have Russia on my side. As the facts showed, it was the EU which mattered and instead of ignoring it Serbia should have tried to change the EU’s thinking about the issue.

Now, regarding secessions and the "Kosova" precedent, it certainly is gathering steam.
(Zoran, 9 September 2010 15:02)

Kosovo sets a precedent for any entity that is called Kosovo and declared independence on 18 Feb 2008. ICJ was crystal clear about that and the fact that Kosovo is not similar to other cases is supported by almost all Serbia allies (like Cyprus, Slovakia, Spain, etc.).


pre 14 godina

it really is interesting to see how most serb apologists cant seem to grasp that serbia has no authority whatsoever in kosovo. And it is the very un1244 that serbia still clings to as being relevent that confirms it. And thanks to serbs (despite their apparent distaste of unilateral decisions) erasure of the federal govt. of Yugoslavia that un1244 did apply to. Their is no possibility at all of applying un1244 even if everyone wanted to.

Kosovo is independent, everyone knows it. Serb leadership knows it. its just a matter of how long they will feel it necessary to string along the populace with the lie of "status negotiations" as serbia has nothing with wich to negotiate with at all.

Serbia isnt compromising or giving away anything with this resolution... they have nothing to give away in the first place.

Kosovo is long gone and free... all this nonsense is just to wean the serb populace to slow acceptance.

In the end, they will reformulate and rename the same status and decentralized govt. that Kosovo is already gifting kosovo serbs with that ensures they get firm (and unwarranted)representation and self governace.... and the foreign govt. of serbia can puff up its chest to its population and pretend to have had a hand in "demanding it"


pre 14 godina

It is interesting to note that this UN resolution was supposed to counter the ICJ decision and highlight the fact it didn't rule on the right to secession but only on the declaration.

(Zoran, 9 September 2010 11:07)

You don't need a resolution to say that. That was explicitely said by the Court itself.

Pavle V

pre 14 godina

Compromise? Seems like tadic and co either got bullied or are just euro-American puppets.... These are not the kind of Serbs I grew up hearing my father talk about, they have no backbones...


pre 14 godina

"I just wanted to say that I attempted to answer your request on Russia and the WTO 3 times and only the last partial posting was published (without the links).
(pss, 9 September 2010 17:55) "

Well, this is yet another one of your "partial" attempts isn't it? And in the wrong discussion thread too.


pre 14 godina

“If Serbia really wants any of those points you mention then it has to recognize if it wants to have any chance with those. This is the only choice Serbia has for now and this window of opportunity is closing as well. You're seeing this things from a different perspective. That is the perspective where Serbia is the king-maker and can play the West any way it wants.” (johny)

-- I would say that taking status off the table is an indirect recognition of Kosovo, wouldn’t you agree? You still however continue to think that Serbia had no leg in this race; that it was doomed to failure in the UNGA if it went through. I don’t know how the votes would have ended up, and I’m sure Washington would have been royally pissed if it came to the Security Council for a veto. But I’m also interested in finding out what was said/offered/threatened to Tadić by Ashton that made them suddenly do a turn-around – and get the 5 Naysayers on board too. Maybe this was the plan all along? To test the waters and see how many states would have supported Serbia and then wait for a response from the EU and the US? What did they offer in return for Belgrade taking status off the table? Sticks had to have been accompanied by some interesting carrots. I wonder if Pristina is aware of what it might have to agree to, now that Belgrade has been all nice and cooperative? But you’re right in that Belgrade needs to be smart about this. The ideas I’ve mentioned are hypothetically possible, but it remains to be seen what Belgrade wants and what Belgrade is able to successfully bargain for. Perhaps now that they’ve made all nicey nicey with the EU, England, Germany and others will be more likely to cooperate? And knowing Tadić, I mean I like the guy, but he seems to settle for the first thing thrown at him. Someone like Nikolic would probably be more forceful in pushing for a Daytonization.

“If the Serbian municipalities were to be given a RS-like status how would you stop similar demands for the Albanian majority municipalities in Serbia, or indeed any other majority municipalities (Muslim "Bosniak", Hungarian etc.)” (nik)

-- Well, how many times have we been hearing that Kosovo is a “special case”? Remember, other secession movements will not be recognized as precedent by Kosovo. Washington said so. You can either partition or you can cantonize. If you partition, Belgrade can only get the north. If you cantonize, you strengthen the Ahtisaari Plan beyond its original content. The K-Serbs were already offered significant degrees of decentralization. RS-status would ensure Pristina never revokes that autonomy. Personally, I'm in favor of the latter.

“You are asking for too much and giving nothing in return!” (Albert)

Umm, Serbia presumably took status off the table. That’s as major a concession as there could be. Besides, what I offered as a way forward in no way endangers Albanian interests in Kosovo. The north was, is, and will be, out of their control, Gracanica and Strpce are two remote enclaves that provide little if any revenue to Pristina, and the monasteries were already designated by the Ahtisaari Plan to enjoy considerable degrees of extraterritoriality.

In any event, I presume if Belgrade gets these cosmetic concessions, the agreement was probably that in return it takes status off the table, unblocks Kosovo’s route to key international institutions, and lifts any economic embargoes on it. You can easily give up 5 podunk Serb municipalities and pretty Serbian monasteries in exchange for that!

Micheal Breathnach

pre 14 godina

Well, I'm sorry to say but that's the end of it!
The Serbian government has just sold its country's soul.

Oh how they are smiling now in Berlin and Washington.
This is a terrible kick in the teeth for the United Nations as well as so many nations throughout the World who support the rule of International Law.



pre 14 godina

This is not a comprimise of any sort! This is an act of treachery!
It is a complete and utter betrayal of Serbian territory, Serbian culture and most of all, a betrayal to the Serbian people themselves.
And for what? To appease and reward terrorists and criminals!

The way Tadic is spinning this is insulting!
Does he seriously think that the Serbian population is made up of fools?

If the Serbian people accept this so called resolution, i would be truly ashamed to call myself a Serb!
If the Tadic government survives this act of betrayal then the Serbian people truly deserve everything they get!


pre 14 godina

"As for Tadic he is just following what Djindic started." If that is true, Serbia is in good hands. Djindic was Serbia's hope for the future. Sadly, he was taken away too soon.


pre 14 godina

2. Kosovo's "borders" are kept as is (that whole "we don't want to set a precedent" thing), but accompanied by RS-like status for the 5 main Serbian municipalities (3 in the north + Gracanica + Strpce) and extraterritoriality for the SPC monasteries. This keeeps Kosovo whole, but makes it cantonized like Bosnia.


You are asking for too much and giving nothing in return! That plan or idea you are floating today, has been already rejected by Kosovo institutions, US, and EU as well. As I see the most could Albanians ever go is exchange of the north for few towns in the north of Serbia. Serbia would carve 12% of land out of Kosovo for less than one 1% of the land in south Serbia.

That is the only thing Serbia could gain or loose everything!


pre 14 godina

A compromise involves give and take, where neither side gets all that they want, but a portion of their original position. Serbia gave away all and got nothing. This "compromise" destroys our position that secession was illegal. It is a complete capitulation by Tadic; he has de facto recognized Kosovo by agreeing to talk to it as an "equal", not about status but technical issues. This is a pure backdoor recognition of Kosovo, and it is disgusting. He will now try to fool the people that it was otherwise, but apparently this was his plan for a long time. In the end, today is the day when Serbia gave up. Serbia will be allowed to enter the EU when pigs fly, or when Serbia's borders become current Sumadija.


pre 14 godina

Well said... I am waiting to see what comes next. I don't believe that everything is at it appears.
(kate, 9 September 2010 14:53)
I think you're right Kate. It seems team Albania is quiet today as they realise they've been suckered into negotiations.

As you can see by most comments today, the Serbian patriots and even non-patriots have gone against the government today.

Even though negotiations are described as technical, it will be almost impossible to do that. They will have to involve elements of status.

We will have to wait and see what happens next. I can see this sell out will put a lot of pressure on the government so they will have to make sure this ends up paying dividends.

So my fellow ethnic Albanian citizens, are we ready for real negotiations?

Principa, Gracanica, KiM, Srbija

pre 14 godina


"If that isn't true, I can't support the Serbian government. "

- what next you'll be calling for elections as soon as too!

Join the bandwagon bganon!


pre 14 godina

Tadic allows EULEX in.

Tadic asks the ICJ the wrong question and losses.

Tadic utterly capitulates on this resolution, and gives the fence-sitting countries sufficient reason to recognize Kosovo's independence.

Tadic cannot be trusted to defend Serbia's sovereignty against EU pressure.

Is it going to be two more years of negotiations of which Tadic will once again present as compromise benefiting Serbia, until after the 2012 elections when the negotiated results will reveal Tadic's final capitulation?


pre 14 godina

Here's the actual text of the new resolution:


People should read it before making all these alarmist comments about quislingdom etc.

Yes it does not say dialogue on "all issues" but it also does not say only dialogue on "technical issues." That is, nothing is excluded. Moreover, it also makes reference to "the UN Charter" which Serbia presumably interprets as backing its view. No it does not openly condemn "unilateral secession" but given that resolution was going to flop in the UNGA that would have been a ruling directly against Serbia's view anyway. By putting this resolution cooperatively with the EU in a way that does not exclude any issue in negotiation, Tadic has made a smarter move than many give him credit for. Kosova is gone long ago and has full rights to, given its status under the old Yugoslav constitution till it was suppressed, but Serbia has needed to be smarter about how to guarantee its own rights in the situaton, namely the status of the north, the internal arrangements inside Kosovo re the enclaves and monasteries, and the rights of the K Serbs. In this scenario, it might actually make progress.

I have no love either for the EU or for the Serbian position on Kosova, yet I can't help thinking that the EU itself did not want to see Serbia go down in a humiliating defeat before the UN brought about by its own actions - forcing a world vote on the issue of Kosovar independence - and so moved to save it from itself.


pre 14 godina

"1. Official partition whereby Belgrade takes the north, with Ahtisaari Plan applied to the rest. This might actually be the best option for Pristina because it removes the thorniest obstacle to full sovereignty.

2. Kosovo's "borders" are kept as is (that whole "we don't want to set a precedent" thing), but accompanied by RS-like status for the 5 main Serbian municipalities (3 in the north + Gracanica + Strpce) and extraterritoriality for the SPC monasteries. This keeeps Kosovo whole, but makes it cantonized like Bosnia"

Again a double standard. If there is an "official partition" of Kosovo, that is going beyond the Ahtisaari plan which privides a ban for unification of Kosovo and Albania. A partition does not mean "independent" Kosovo, but a division of the territory between Serbia and Albania.
If the Serbian municipalities were to be given a RS-like status how would you stop similar demands for the Albanian majority municipalities in Serbia, or indeed any other majority municipalities (Muslim "Bosniak", Hungarian etc.)

The dilema is: Ahtisaari plan or opening the Pandor's bix.


pre 14 godina

It goes like this Serbia you are so close to getting in to the defunct EU club. But their is just one+one+one more thing standing in the way how can you fix it Serbia, O boy yippee ye.

gjon cima

pre 14 godina

The ICJ pronouncement was the true ground for the solid bridge of a future prosperous coexistence between peoples who've been living there for centuries.
The Serbian decision is the first fundamental stone in this direction and I (humbly) invite all the interested to see this act this way and appreciate it for the courage and the great meaning.
When the bridge is completed I'd really like to have a walk there.
Best wishes to all.


pre 14 godina

"The slogan "Both Kosovo and EU" was just a smoke screen for the serbian public.

(Mark, 9 September 2010 15:53) "

I'm not so sure about the smokescreen bit. With a bit more luck they might have pulled it off, or at least ended up with a public that was happy with the outcome - I think they were justified in going out on the limb. Unfortunately - for them - it simply didn't work. Maybe their calculations were too optimistic, but pessimistic political slogans don't win you the chance to try.

For example, if the EU accession process had gone faster, people might have lost interest in the Kosovo struggle and willingly released them from that part of the deal. And they did seem to think it would go fast - remember Jeremic attending that first conference in Croatia and suggesting that "Serbia and Croatia" should lead the Western Balkans into the EU? After Croatia was already within sight of admission?

But then somebody (named Jeremic?) started talking to that Swiss legal firm and they started to believe that they could actually hang on to Kosovo, or get something from it, by a clever legal maneuver while not giving the EU any excuse to delay the accession process. But by getting too clever - telling other governments that the ICJ maneuver was only protection for Tadic while actually going ahead full-force, for example - they lost credibility, even with the French, previously a major backer. So the EU process slowed down. And the ICJ maneuver backfired. They'd been counting on getting a hazy decision that could be spun, giving them the chance to force Kosovo to give up something they could present as a victory, but the Court ruled decisively against them, and - things just didn't work out.

Somebody has to take the fall, so Jeremic may suddenly decide he wants to spend more time with his family. Let's hope that satisfies the wolves.


pre 14 godina

Interesting report because this is being reported by Western media as a backdown by Tadic to the EU & USA. There is no comprimise here. Just a comprimised Serbia. Tadic will destroy Serbia forever.


pre 14 godina

"I'm struggling to think of any benefits to this climbdown, although I'm open to suggestions."
(bganon, 9 September 2010 12:57)

In my opinion, there is a strong correlation between nationalistic elites governing Serbia and Kosovo as a part of Serbia. In other words: the only time Serbia did not have a nationalist party governing it for a long period of time is during the last two years. Also, the only time Kosovo was not part of Serbia is, surprise surprise, during the last two years. The rest of the time (when Serbia was on its own and not inside Yugoslavia) nationalistic parties were in power and Kosovo was de jure a part of Serbia. It looks like having Kosovo within Serbia gives rise to that pattern of action and reaction between Albanians and Serbs that favors nationalistic and hard line parties on both sides. Sad but true. The rise of Milosevic was due mainly to this action-reaction pattern. The rise of the KLA was due mainly to this action-reaction pattern.

When some people speak about stabilization of the situation, I think they talk about breaking this pattern. It stabilizes not only Kosovo, but Serbia as well. So to answer to your question: "A stable Serbia is a pretty big benefit for Serbs and for their neighbors".


pre 14 godina

Now this doesn't mean that Serbia will recognize Kosovo anytime soon, if at all - and if they don't it means a number of other states including the 5 EU Naysayers will not either. But what it does do is show that Belgrade made a concession for what I imagine (or hope) is a set of guarantees that go beyond possible EU membership.

If status is taken off the table, in order to reach a compromise as Belgrade has been wanting, I wonder what will become of Kosovo's internal sovereignty and scope of authority? This still opens up the possibility for a number of additional features:

1. Official partition whereby Belgrade takes the north, with Ahtisaari Plan applied to the rest. This might actually be the best option for Pristina because it removes the thorniest obstacle to full sovereignty.

2. Kosovo's "borders" are kept as is (that whole "we don't want to set a precedent" thing), but accompanied by RS-like status for the 5 main Serbian municipalities (3 in the north + Gracanica + Strpce) and extraterritoriality for the SPC monasteries. This keeeps Kosovo whole, but makes it cantonized like Bosnia.

If Belgrade can extract one or the other from these technical talks, now apparently supported by the EU, I will consider this a major victory for all sides. If the only thing that results from this is Serbia bowing to Western pressure in order to get into the EU without any additional concessions, it will indeed be a lost opportunity.
(Mike, 9 September 2010 15:56)

Don't hold your breath. First status off the table is not Serbia's choosing. Its not as if Serbia had the choice to keep it on the table or off the table. The choice it had was to go ahead with unchanged resolution and UNGA majority takes it off the table or change the resolution and EU takes it off the table. It is ludicrous to even think that Serbia gave up a secured UNGA majority in favor of 20 something EU countries that it has been confronting for about a month now. So now that we've established that Serbia doesn't have the choice of status on or off, we can move on. If Serbia really wants any of those points you mention then it has to recognize if it wants to have any chance with those. This is the only choice Serbia has for now and this window of opportunity is closing as well. You're seeing this things from a different perspective. That is the perspective where Serbia is the king-maker and can play the West any way it wants. Serbia had no choice. It was faced with UNGA defeat and EU defeat or just defeat by the EU. It chose the lesser of the two; to just get defeated by the EU rather than 1 hundred something countries. To sum up it is not Serbia who forces the hands of others in this game; its those who make up the rules and have the cards that force Serbia's hand. That has always been the case. They give you money, you play by their rules. Its simple. If you don't like that then you have to find another source where you can get money from. That has been the case since the 90's when the old USSR stopped funding Serbia.


pre 14 godina

"And that, of course, was something that ICJ took into account in deciding that Kosovo’s UDI did not violate international law."
(icj1, 9 September 2010 14:08)

Nice comments from you icj1. Just one thing, I would not call it UDI. It is not the correct description of the event of 17 February 2008. How can an event be unilateral? It makes no sense. Serbia tried to describe this event using the same terms in the UNGA resolution as well, but now we are being told that it has been removed. Anybody has a link to the new resolution?


pre 14 godina

(lowe, 9 September 2010 15:51)
I just wanted to say that I attempted to answer your request on Russia and the WTO 3 times and only the last partial posting was published (without the links).


pre 14 godina

Well said... I am waiting to see what comes next. I don't believe that everything is at it appears.
(kate, 9 September 2010 14:53)

Let me help you with what comes next Kate: R-E-C-O-G-N-I-T-I-O-N.

It's kind of sad that it took you so long to finally get it. The writing has been on the wall for quite some time now.


pre 14 godina

I think the title of this article is way off. should be "serbia comprimises and the eu laughs and feels more important then ever".

mr tadic ..keep giving and getting nothing in return and see what you end up with...have we not learned the lesson of what the EU really wants for us ??? do we not see ourselves better then that !!!


pre 14 godina

And now Jeremic ? poor little Vuk...
Must he travel again all around the world to promote this new resolution ? Does he earn more points for his frequent flyer card?


pre 14 godina

1. Stay the course and have the UNGA reject the resolution. That would have been bad for Serbia, because if the UNGA rejects that fact the unilateral secessions are not acceptable, wouldn’t that be an indirect support for the Kosovo’s UDI ?
(icj1, 9 September 2010 14:08)
What makes you think the UNGA would reject it? Whether it did or didn't, there are still only two options. One is to accept dialogue and the other is to accept a frozen conflict. You see, if the UNGA rejects the resolution, the matter ends up with the UNSC, where we have two vetoes (i.e. frozen conflict).

So negotiations are an inevitability. The reason Tadic failed is that he took that away from where we have strength (the world/UN) and placed it where we are weak (the EU). As such, he and our drive for EU membership will face the consequences that no amount of spin will cover up. This will strengthen the anti-EU and anti-DS forces.

Now, regarding secessions and the "Kosova" precedent, it certainly is gathering steam.


pre 14 godina

The only way this could develop into a defeat for Serbia's interests in Kosovo is if Belgrade passes up a number of opportunities now that they apparently have the EU heavy hitter on their side.

So the issue of status was taken off the negotiating table. To be fair, that was really the one fundamental sticking point between Serbia and the Quint. And the fact that the US and Britain almost looked buffoonish trying to get this removed indicates not only how worried they were in the event of a passing resolution, but what they were willing to do and what they might have been willing to offer in exchange for its removal.

Now this doesn't mean that Serbia will recognize Kosovo anytime soon, if at all - and if they don't it means a number of other states including the 5 EU Naysayers will not either. But what it does do is show that Belgrade made a concession for what I imagine (or hope) is a set of guarantees that go beyond possible EU membership.

If status is taken off the table, in order to reach a compromise as Belgrade has been wanting, I wonder what will become of Kosovo's internal sovereignty and scope of authority? This still opens up the possibility for a number of additional features:

1. Official partition whereby Belgrade takes the north, with Ahtisaari Plan applied to the rest. This might actually be the best option for Pristina because it removes the thorniest obstacle to full sovereignty.

2. Kosovo's "borders" are kept as is (that whole "we don't want to set a precedent" thing), but accompanied by RS-like status for the 5 main Serbian municipalities (3 in the north + Gracanica + Strpce) and extraterritoriality for the SPC monasteries. This keeeps Kosovo whole, but makes it cantonized like Bosnia.

If Belgrade can extract one or the other from these technical talks, now apparently supported by the EU, I will consider this a major victory for all sides. If the only thing that results from this is Serbia bowing to Western pressure in order to get into the EU without any additional concessions, it will indeed be a lost opportunity.


pre 14 godina

For me as an Albanian this is a little worisome. when Serbia gives signs of cooperation than the west is ready to make concessions. I hope you have new election bring back the hardcore radicals that nobody from the international community wants to deal with. As for Tadic he is just following what Djindic started.The slogan "Both Kosovo and EU" was just a smoke screen for the serbian public. Didn't have either of them before he came in power and doesn't have them now.ICJ and this resoulution are just part of the game.Serbia would have had much more leverage if hadn't asked the ICJ. The question is what were you serbs expecting from your government?


pre 14 godina

Serbia has capitulated when it comes to her policy that "Kosovo je Serbia". This is just a confirmation that Serbia lost Kosovo 10 years ago. So, don't blame Tadic for this one. Feel free to go to Milosevic grave and curse at him.

The resolution is everything Kosovo wanted- recognize the ruling of ICJ, no mentioned of status discussion, and dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia ( Thaci called for it a few days ago).
I have had a feeling for a while now that Tadic never believed the " Kosovo je Serbia" mantra. His thinking is probably in line with what SPO and LDP have been advocating, but he could not come out and say if for fear of giving the opposition an opening. He is a smart guy trying to dig Serbia out of a whole.

The question is, what will Jeremic do now? He is been doing the rounds around the world promoting the other resolution, and now Tadic has undone everything for him. It is now apparent that he has no say on Serbia's Foreign policy. If he is smart,he would see that he is been made a fool& humiliated and should resign immediately.

Another Canadian Serb

pre 14 godina

I sure hope that Serbia has shut it's current borders to these illegal invading aliens.

Furthermore, there is nothing to talk about. Serbia needs to get back to basics with the 1244 and most of all needs to get back to BUSINESS!


pre 14 godina


1. icj1 wrote:

"I don't get why there should be a problem for two parties to enter in a dialogue to improve people's lives.

That does not mean recognition. ..."

2. dht´s reply:

You have not understand my point.

My point is that the term "cooperation" implies the existence of two equal and independent states.

From our perspective, the relationship between Serbia and "Kosova" can only be of such a kind that is similar to, for example, the relationship between the United Kingdom and Scotland, or the relationship between BiH and Republika Srpska.

I´ve seen that the Serbian Progressive Party is the most popular party in the moment.
This is good, because Nikolić
has pointed out again and again that he would protect the Serbs in the north of Kosovo by all means.

Even with the help of volunteers, we cannot bring back the WHOLE Kosovo by using force.

However, the protection of the Serbs in the north of Kosovo and, possibly, of the Serbs in Štrpce, is practicable.


pre 14 godina

"So, is this 'Serbia recognises Kosovo' by the back-door? "

No, Serbia has done nothing of the sort, Tadic and his US-installed puppet regime has. But that is about to be reversed by a serious independent government to come.

Such blatant betrayal is going to cost him more than his place in the western sun i´m afraid....


pre 14 godina

The question for Serbia is how does it regain control over Kosovo?

The answer: It is not going to regain control over Kosovo.

Next question: What shall be done, provided the asnwer of question one, while the majority of the Serbs are not willing to accept the loss (yet)

The resolution proves that Tadic knows the answer.


pre 14 godina

Serbia needs to go back to the drawing board and come up with a resolution that clarifies Serbia’s territorial integrity. If Tadic and Jeremic can’t do this then make way for someone who can. In matters as important as this you keep going until you succeed, failure is not an option Mr Tadic.
(Try and Try again, 9 September 2010 13:07)

Well, Serbia can come up with any resolutions it wants, but they have to be approved to mean anything. The resolution as it was did not have any chance of being approved, so the options before Tadic were the following:

1. Stay the course and have the UNGA reject the resolution. That would have been bad for Serbia, because if the UNGA rejects that fact the unilateral secessions are not acceptable, wouldn’t that be an indirect support for the Kosovo’s UDI ?

2. Withdraw the resolution which would have been a humiliation for Serbia after it declared that it is not going to withdraw it;

3. Make a vague resolution which does not support Kosovo’s independence but calls for a vague dialogue which Serbia can again interpret the way it wants.

He choose (3) which appears to be the best for Serbia. Note that in not choosing (1) Tadic did the same smart thing that US & Co. did with the Antisahari Plan. When it was clear that Russia would veto it, they did not present it to the UNSC, otherwise the plan would have been legally rejected, thus indirectly legally rejecting the Kosovo’s supervised independence. Without that vote, US & Co could claim that the plan was approved by the UNSG and that was sufficient to have UN approval. Without that vote, Serbia could not claim that the UNSC rejected the Antisahari Plan. And that, of course, was something that ICJ took into account in deciding that Kosovo’s UDI did not violate international law.


pre 14 godina

Why would you want to compromise with the very people who are trying to steal your land? This is complete betrayal and a sell-out by this government. But then, I didn't expect any different from a government which was placed in power by the US ambassador (Michael Polt at the time).

Try and Try again

pre 14 godina

Thought I'd share this: Bože ne oprosti im jer znaju šta rade! Roughly translated:- 'God do not forgive them for they know what they do'. A response to Tadic's capitulation on the resolution. Looks like the Serbian public are not impressed.


pre 14 godina

Zoran: "It is interesting to note that this UN resolution was supposed to counter the ICJ decision and highlight the fact it didn't rule on the right to secession but only on the declaration.

"Now we have the sell-out government directly supporting the ICJ decision without even clarifying its stand. Why bother having a UN resolution is my question? It doesn't benefit Serbia."

Well said... I am waiting to see what comes next. I don't believe that everything is at it appears.


pre 14 godina

"This dialogue would be aimed to promote cooperation, make progress on the path towards the EU and improve people's lives."

The term "cooperation" implies that there are two equal states !

And the Serbian government now tries to "sell" this deal to the Serbian people by declaring

"New resolution excludes recognition of Kosovo's independence".

I am very sorry for this hard wording, but this is BETRAYAL.
(dht, 9 September 2010 10:43)

I don't get why there should be a problem for two parties to enter in a dialogue to improve people's lives.

That does not mean recognition. E. Germany and W. Germany spoke with each other without recognizing each other for decades. Chinese officials regularly meet with Taiwan officials, even though China does not recognize Taiwan as a state, but considers it as a province of China.

The same thing is what Serbia is doing with Kosovo. Serbia will speak with Kosovo, without recognizing it. I think it's a very extremist view to say that Serbia should not speak at all with Kosovo. It's easy to be said from people who don't live in Kosovo, however the consequences of the lack of cooperation on practical matters are suffered by the ordinary people there (Serbs and Albanians). Take for example the fact that organized crime cooperates very well across borders and ethnicities, but police cannot cooperate because of this absurd position of no dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo. Or other things, like electricity, phone service, rail road transportation service, etc… All of these are things the two parties can cooperate to improve people’s lives, without Serbia having to recognize Kosovo.

Try and Try again

pre 14 godina

Judging from the article, Serbia can file this resolution into the waste paper basket. I don't see any value in raising this resolution at the UN it sounds pointless. Tadic has been bamboozled by the EU into accepting a worthless resolution. This charade illustrates perfectly the dangers of a collective EU foreign policy – impotent, ineffective fudge. No wonder Bajram Rexhepi believes that ‘talks can only be led on the level of two independent countries discussing technical questions’.
Serbia needs to go back to the drawing board and come up with a resolution that clarifies Serbia’s territorial integrity. If Tadic and Jeremic can’t do this then make way for someone who can. In matters as important as this you keep going until you succeed, failure is not an option Mr Tadic.

The Swiss

pre 14 godina

As much as I disagree with this illegal UDI, as much as I became anti EU during the last couple of years (for various reasons not linked to this UDI) and anyway anti US/lies I would say to the Serbian camp that the Serbian govnt thru Mr Tadic has acted in the most pragmatic and best way considering the very difficult inheritance they got at the begining of their mandate. To treat them as betrayors is not only wrong but empty of any substance that could justify this kind of wording, unless it would come with some solid arguments as to why the govnt decision should have been different!

To the Albanian camp I would say that stealing someone else property is already a wrong start to pretend to be a "country" and the very fact that 2/3 of the world has not recon after more than 2 years just prove it. Moreover the way quiet a number of countries were blackmailed to do so also does not add any shine to your pretention.
Last but not least to have a "govnt" composed of criminals and thieves is another proof that nothing lies at the end in your hands apart from some pride of having stolen, with the help of your masters, a piece of land!
From now on you would have not excuses anymore to blaim your complete economical and social failures at the Serbian expenses, nor you will have any opportunity to just wait for the food to come into your mouth but rather learn how to earn it in a proper and legal way!
Good luck to all of you and should this courageous and pragmatic decision of Mr Tadic pave the way for a durable and solid solution, mainly for the Serbian people that really deserve it!


pre 14 godina

The thing that worries me here is not concerning Serbia's reaction to the ICJ or Serbia withdrawing a resolution condemning it or UDI.

The thing that worries me is that it appears as if negotiations on all issues (including status) have been ruled out.

For one thing it is a mistake to be willing to give up on so much with apparantly nothing in return except for vague promises on EU membership. For another people have to understand that even if the Serbian government goes along with the current strategy, this does not guarantee a peaceful future. The only way to ensure that is for a concensus to be made by a majority (or at least large minority of Serbians) who would support negotiations and make the compromises necessary for a lasting solution.

Instead we have a top down situation. The reason for my slight optimism yesterday was due to the fact that it implied that negotiations on all issues would be held.

If that isn't true, I can't support the Serbian government. The only other hope is that the Serbian government has a guarantee that such talks will be held but that no official annoucnement will be made, but this is flimsy and could easily be seen as something for the Serbian government to take back to its own people to swallow.

I'm struggling to think of any benefits to this climbdown, although I'm open to suggestions.

Principa, Gracanica, KiM, Srbija

pre 14 godina

Jeremic must be seething - all his work and excellent effort is nullified once more by weak DS leadership.

How does such a watered down resolution uphold Serbia's territorial integrity?

Upholding the nations soverignty - Is this not as President (and any government) what should be first and foremost a priority otherwise there is no state to be President of! It is highly unconstitutional and is far removed from the Serbian populaces sentiment regarding EU membership at cost of Kosovo.

All that this does is put off the inevitable that the EUcrats have told quite clearly - EU or Kosovo - Tadic is far too weak to let the EU have the genuine answer - to hell with EU if its at loss of the heart of Serbia!

Tadic will spin that this is not the case and the Eucrats will soften the message but the cat's out of the bag - roll on election time!


pre 14 godina

It is interesting to note that this UN resolution was supposed to counter the ICJ decision and highlight the fact it didn't rule on the right to secession but only on the declaration.

Now we have the sell-out government directly supporting the ICJ decision without even clarifying its stand. Why bother having a UN resolution is my question? It doesn't benefit Serbia.

Anyway, this just exposes the weakness of the current Serbian government. It's not going to make Kosovo independent because we are being protected by much stronger forces there (and I don't mean just Russia).


pre 14 godina

So, is this 'Serbia recognises Kosovo' by the back-door?

The question for Serbia should not be whether Kosovo is shown any amount of recognition. It should not be. EU or not.

The question for Serbia is how does it regain control over Kosovo?

Serbia should award autonomy in line with 1244 for a limited time period and only deal on that basis. Anything else is giving up all claim.

Ian, UK

pre 14 godina

It looks like Serbia gave into the Muscles from Brussels.

Almost every EU member state was annoyed about the previous resolution as Serbia ditched the EU and rushed through it's own resolution, even though they had originally promised to do it with the EU.

This resolution should promote peaceful co-existence between Kosovo and Serbia, as well as solving technical issues such as boarder control, police co-operation, movement of trade, return of refugees etc.


pre 14 godina

Congratulations to Team Albania. Team Albania 1 - Team Serbia 0. Tadic has just signed away Kosovo, and for what? If this was his plan all along he should never have bothered with the ICJ or anything else regarding Kosovo. I suppose it was to be expected when the population voted for a former model to run the country. Good looks but no substance.


pre 14 godina

Now that I´ve read the new draft for resolution, I´ve to say:

Yes, Mr. Tadić has made a
"deal" with EU and "sold" the Serbs in Kosovo !

See especially lit. f) of the draft:

"This dialogue would be aimed to promote cooperation, make progress on the path towards the EU and improve people's lives."

The term "cooperation" implies that there are two equal states !

And the Serbian government now tries to "sell" this deal to the Serbian people by declaring

"New resolution excludes recognition of Kosovo's independence".

I am very sorry for this hard wording, but this is BETRAYAL.


pre 14 godina

Congratulations to Team Albania. Team Albania 1 - Team Serbia 0. Tadic has just signed away Kosovo, and for what? If this was his plan all along he should never have bothered with the ICJ or anything else regarding Kosovo. I suppose it was to be expected when the population voted for a former model to run the country. Good looks but no substance.


pre 14 godina

Now that I´ve read the new draft for resolution, I´ve to say:

Yes, Mr. Tadić has made a
"deal" with EU and "sold" the Serbs in Kosovo !

See especially lit. f) of the draft:

"This dialogue would be aimed to promote cooperation, make progress on the path towards the EU and improve people's lives."

The term "cooperation" implies that there are two equal states !

And the Serbian government now tries to "sell" this deal to the Serbian people by declaring

"New resolution excludes recognition of Kosovo's independence".

I am very sorry for this hard wording, but this is BETRAYAL.

Principa, Gracanica, KiM, Srbija

pre 14 godina

Jeremic must be seething - all his work and excellent effort is nullified once more by weak DS leadership.

How does such a watered down resolution uphold Serbia's territorial integrity?

Upholding the nations soverignty - Is this not as President (and any government) what should be first and foremost a priority otherwise there is no state to be President of! It is highly unconstitutional and is far removed from the Serbian populaces sentiment regarding EU membership at cost of Kosovo.

All that this does is put off the inevitable that the EUcrats have told quite clearly - EU or Kosovo - Tadic is far too weak to let the EU have the genuine answer - to hell with EU if its at loss of the heart of Serbia!

Tadic will spin that this is not the case and the Eucrats will soften the message but the cat's out of the bag - roll on election time!


pre 14 godina

And now Jeremic ? poor little Vuk...
Must he travel again all around the world to promote this new resolution ? Does he earn more points for his frequent flyer card?


pre 14 godina

Serbia has capitulated when it comes to her policy that "Kosovo je Serbia". This is just a confirmation that Serbia lost Kosovo 10 years ago. So, don't blame Tadic for this one. Feel free to go to Milosevic grave and curse at him.

The resolution is everything Kosovo wanted- recognize the ruling of ICJ, no mentioned of status discussion, and dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia ( Thaci called for it a few days ago).
I have had a feeling for a while now that Tadic never believed the " Kosovo je Serbia" mantra. His thinking is probably in line with what SPO and LDP have been advocating, but he could not come out and say if for fear of giving the opposition an opening. He is a smart guy trying to dig Serbia out of a whole.

The question is, what will Jeremic do now? He is been doing the rounds around the world promoting the other resolution, and now Tadic has undone everything for him. It is now apparent that he has no say on Serbia's Foreign policy. If he is smart,he would see that he is been made a fool& humiliated and should resign immediately.


pre 14 godina

Why would you want to compromise with the very people who are trying to steal your land? This is complete betrayal and a sell-out by this government. But then, I didn't expect any different from a government which was placed in power by the US ambassador (Michael Polt at the time).


pre 14 godina

Zoran: "It is interesting to note that this UN resolution was supposed to counter the ICJ decision and highlight the fact it didn't rule on the right to secession but only on the declaration.

"Now we have the sell-out government directly supporting the ICJ decision without even clarifying its stand. Why bother having a UN resolution is my question? It doesn't benefit Serbia."

Well said... I am waiting to see what comes next. I don't believe that everything is at it appears.


pre 14 godina

The only way this could develop into a defeat for Serbia's interests in Kosovo is if Belgrade passes up a number of opportunities now that they apparently have the EU heavy hitter on their side.

So the issue of status was taken off the negotiating table. To be fair, that was really the one fundamental sticking point between Serbia and the Quint. And the fact that the US and Britain almost looked buffoonish trying to get this removed indicates not only how worried they were in the event of a passing resolution, but what they were willing to do and what they might have been willing to offer in exchange for its removal.

Now this doesn't mean that Serbia will recognize Kosovo anytime soon, if at all - and if they don't it means a number of other states including the 5 EU Naysayers will not either. But what it does do is show that Belgrade made a concession for what I imagine (or hope) is a set of guarantees that go beyond possible EU membership.

If status is taken off the table, in order to reach a compromise as Belgrade has been wanting, I wonder what will become of Kosovo's internal sovereignty and scope of authority? This still opens up the possibility for a number of additional features:

1. Official partition whereby Belgrade takes the north, with Ahtisaari Plan applied to the rest. This might actually be the best option for Pristina because it removes the thorniest obstacle to full sovereignty.

2. Kosovo's "borders" are kept as is (that whole "we don't want to set a precedent" thing), but accompanied by RS-like status for the 5 main Serbian municipalities (3 in the north + Gracanica + Strpce) and extraterritoriality for the SPC monasteries. This keeeps Kosovo whole, but makes it cantonized like Bosnia.

If Belgrade can extract one or the other from these technical talks, now apparently supported by the EU, I will consider this a major victory for all sides. If the only thing that results from this is Serbia bowing to Western pressure in order to get into the EU without any additional concessions, it will indeed be a lost opportunity.


pre 14 godina

It is interesting to note that this UN resolution was supposed to counter the ICJ decision and highlight the fact it didn't rule on the right to secession but only on the declaration.

Now we have the sell-out government directly supporting the ICJ decision without even clarifying its stand. Why bother having a UN resolution is my question? It doesn't benefit Serbia.

Anyway, this just exposes the weakness of the current Serbian government. It's not going to make Kosovo independent because we are being protected by much stronger forces there (and I don't mean just Russia).


pre 14 godina

For me as an Albanian this is a little worisome. when Serbia gives signs of cooperation than the west is ready to make concessions. I hope you have new election bring back the hardcore radicals that nobody from the international community wants to deal with. As for Tadic he is just following what Djindic started.The slogan "Both Kosovo and EU" was just a smoke screen for the serbian public. Didn't have either of them before he came in power and doesn't have them now.ICJ and this resoulution are just part of the game.Serbia would have had much more leverage if hadn't asked the ICJ. The question is what were you serbs expecting from your government?


pre 14 godina

"So, is this 'Serbia recognises Kosovo' by the back-door? "

No, Serbia has done nothing of the sort, Tadic and his US-installed puppet regime has. But that is about to be reversed by a serious independent government to come.

Such blatant betrayal is going to cost him more than his place in the western sun i´m afraid....

Ian, UK

pre 14 godina

It looks like Serbia gave into the Muscles from Brussels.

Almost every EU member state was annoyed about the previous resolution as Serbia ditched the EU and rushed through it's own resolution, even though they had originally promised to do it with the EU.

This resolution should promote peaceful co-existence between Kosovo and Serbia, as well as solving technical issues such as boarder control, police co-operation, movement of trade, return of refugees etc.


pre 14 godina

I think the title of this article is way off. should be "serbia comprimises and the eu laughs and feels more important then ever".

mr tadic ..keep giving and getting nothing in return and see what you end up with...have we not learned the lesson of what the EU really wants for us ??? do we not see ourselves better then that !!!


pre 14 godina

So, is this 'Serbia recognises Kosovo' by the back-door?

The question for Serbia should not be whether Kosovo is shown any amount of recognition. It should not be. EU or not.

The question for Serbia is how does it regain control over Kosovo?

Serbia should award autonomy in line with 1244 for a limited time period and only deal on that basis. Anything else is giving up all claim.

Try and Try again

pre 14 godina

Judging from the article, Serbia can file this resolution into the waste paper basket. I don't see any value in raising this resolution at the UN it sounds pointless. Tadic has been bamboozled by the EU into accepting a worthless resolution. This charade illustrates perfectly the dangers of a collective EU foreign policy – impotent, ineffective fudge. No wonder Bajram Rexhepi believes that ‘talks can only be led on the level of two independent countries discussing technical questions’.
Serbia needs to go back to the drawing board and come up with a resolution that clarifies Serbia’s territorial integrity. If Tadic and Jeremic can’t do this then make way for someone who can. In matters as important as this you keep going until you succeed, failure is not an option Mr Tadic.


pre 14 godina

A compromise involves give and take, where neither side gets all that they want, but a portion of their original position. Serbia gave away all and got nothing. This "compromise" destroys our position that secession was illegal. It is a complete capitulation by Tadic; he has de facto recognized Kosovo by agreeing to talk to it as an "equal", not about status but technical issues. This is a pure backdoor recognition of Kosovo, and it is disgusting. He will now try to fool the people that it was otherwise, but apparently this was his plan for a long time. In the end, today is the day when Serbia gave up. Serbia will be allowed to enter the EU when pigs fly, or when Serbia's borders become current Sumadija.


pre 14 godina

"As for Tadic he is just following what Djindic started." If that is true, Serbia is in good hands. Djindic was Serbia's hope for the future. Sadly, he was taken away too soon.


pre 14 godina

The thing that worries me here is not concerning Serbia's reaction to the ICJ or Serbia withdrawing a resolution condemning it or UDI.

The thing that worries me is that it appears as if negotiations on all issues (including status) have been ruled out.

For one thing it is a mistake to be willing to give up on so much with apparantly nothing in return except for vague promises on EU membership. For another people have to understand that even if the Serbian government goes along with the current strategy, this does not guarantee a peaceful future. The only way to ensure that is for a concensus to be made by a majority (or at least large minority of Serbians) who would support negotiations and make the compromises necessary for a lasting solution.

Instead we have a top down situation. The reason for my slight optimism yesterday was due to the fact that it implied that negotiations on all issues would be held.

If that isn't true, I can't support the Serbian government. The only other hope is that the Serbian government has a guarantee that such talks will be held but that no official annoucnement will be made, but this is flimsy and could easily be seen as something for the Serbian government to take back to its own people to swallow.

I'm struggling to think of any benefits to this climbdown, although I'm open to suggestions.

Try and Try again

pre 14 godina

Thought I'd share this: Bože ne oprosti im jer znaju šta rade! Roughly translated:- 'God do not forgive them for they know what they do'. A response to Tadic's capitulation on the resolution. Looks like the Serbian public are not impressed.


pre 14 godina

1. Stay the course and have the UNGA reject the resolution. That would have been bad for Serbia, because if the UNGA rejects that fact the unilateral secessions are not acceptable, wouldn’t that be an indirect support for the Kosovo’s UDI ?
(icj1, 9 September 2010 14:08)
What makes you think the UNGA would reject it? Whether it did or didn't, there are still only two options. One is to accept dialogue and the other is to accept a frozen conflict. You see, if the UNGA rejects the resolution, the matter ends up with the UNSC, where we have two vetoes (i.e. frozen conflict).

So negotiations are an inevitability. The reason Tadic failed is that he took that away from where we have strength (the world/UN) and placed it where we are weak (the EU). As such, he and our drive for EU membership will face the consequences that no amount of spin will cover up. This will strengthen the anti-EU and anti-DS forces.

Now, regarding secessions and the "Kosova" precedent, it certainly is gathering steam.


pre 14 godina


1. icj1 wrote:

"I don't get why there should be a problem for two parties to enter in a dialogue to improve people's lives.

That does not mean recognition. ..."

2. dht´s reply:

You have not understand my point.

My point is that the term "cooperation" implies the existence of two equal and independent states.

From our perspective, the relationship between Serbia and "Kosova" can only be of such a kind that is similar to, for example, the relationship between the United Kingdom and Scotland, or the relationship between BiH and Republika Srpska.

I´ve seen that the Serbian Progressive Party is the most popular party in the moment.
This is good, because Nikolić
has pointed out again and again that he would protect the Serbs in the north of Kosovo by all means.

Even with the help of volunteers, we cannot bring back the WHOLE Kosovo by using force.

However, the protection of the Serbs in the north of Kosovo and, possibly, of the Serbs in Štrpce, is practicable.


pre 14 godina

The question for Serbia is how does it regain control over Kosovo?

The answer: It is not going to regain control over Kosovo.

Next question: What shall be done, provided the asnwer of question one, while the majority of the Serbs are not willing to accept the loss (yet)

The resolution proves that Tadic knows the answer.

Micheal Breathnach

pre 14 godina

Well, I'm sorry to say but that's the end of it!
The Serbian government has just sold its country's soul.

Oh how they are smiling now in Berlin and Washington.
This is a terrible kick in the teeth for the United Nations as well as so many nations throughout the World who support the rule of International Law.


The Swiss

pre 14 godina

As much as I disagree with this illegal UDI, as much as I became anti EU during the last couple of years (for various reasons not linked to this UDI) and anyway anti US/lies I would say to the Serbian camp that the Serbian govnt thru Mr Tadic has acted in the most pragmatic and best way considering the very difficult inheritance they got at the begining of their mandate. To treat them as betrayors is not only wrong but empty of any substance that could justify this kind of wording, unless it would come with some solid arguments as to why the govnt decision should have been different!

To the Albanian camp I would say that stealing someone else property is already a wrong start to pretend to be a "country" and the very fact that 2/3 of the world has not recon after more than 2 years just prove it. Moreover the way quiet a number of countries were blackmailed to do so also does not add any shine to your pretention.
Last but not least to have a "govnt" composed of criminals and thieves is another proof that nothing lies at the end in your hands apart from some pride of having stolen, with the help of your masters, a piece of land!
From now on you would have not excuses anymore to blaim your complete economical and social failures at the Serbian expenses, nor you will have any opportunity to just wait for the food to come into your mouth but rather learn how to earn it in a proper and legal way!
Good luck to all of you and should this courageous and pragmatic decision of Mr Tadic pave the way for a durable and solid solution, mainly for the Serbian people that really deserve it!


pre 14 godina

Tadic allows EULEX in.

Tadic asks the ICJ the wrong question and losses.

Tadic utterly capitulates on this resolution, and gives the fence-sitting countries sufficient reason to recognize Kosovo's independence.

Tadic cannot be trusted to defend Serbia's sovereignty against EU pressure.

Is it going to be two more years of negotiations of which Tadic will once again present as compromise benefiting Serbia, until after the 2012 elections when the negotiated results will reveal Tadic's final capitulation?


pre 14 godina

"This dialogue would be aimed to promote cooperation, make progress on the path towards the EU and improve people's lives."

The term "cooperation" implies that there are two equal states !

And the Serbian government now tries to "sell" this deal to the Serbian people by declaring

"New resolution excludes recognition of Kosovo's independence".

I am very sorry for this hard wording, but this is BETRAYAL.
(dht, 9 September 2010 10:43)

I don't get why there should be a problem for two parties to enter in a dialogue to improve people's lives.

That does not mean recognition. E. Germany and W. Germany spoke with each other without recognizing each other for decades. Chinese officials regularly meet with Taiwan officials, even though China does not recognize Taiwan as a state, but considers it as a province of China.

The same thing is what Serbia is doing with Kosovo. Serbia will speak with Kosovo, without recognizing it. I think it's a very extremist view to say that Serbia should not speak at all with Kosovo. It's easy to be said from people who don't live in Kosovo, however the consequences of the lack of cooperation on practical matters are suffered by the ordinary people there (Serbs and Albanians). Take for example the fact that organized crime cooperates very well across borders and ethnicities, but police cannot cooperate because of this absurd position of no dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo. Or other things, like electricity, phone service, rail road transportation service, etc… All of these are things the two parties can cooperate to improve people’s lives, without Serbia having to recognize Kosovo.

Another Canadian Serb

pre 14 godina

I sure hope that Serbia has shut it's current borders to these illegal invading aliens.

Furthermore, there is nothing to talk about. Serbia needs to get back to basics with the 1244 and most of all needs to get back to BUSINESS!

Principa, Gracanica, KiM, Srbija

pre 14 godina


"If that isn't true, I can't support the Serbian government. "

- what next you'll be calling for elections as soon as too!

Join the bandwagon bganon!


pre 14 godina

Here's the actual text of the new resolution:


People should read it before making all these alarmist comments about quislingdom etc.

Yes it does not say dialogue on "all issues" but it also does not say only dialogue on "technical issues." That is, nothing is excluded. Moreover, it also makes reference to "the UN Charter" which Serbia presumably interprets as backing its view. No it does not openly condemn "unilateral secession" but given that resolution was going to flop in the UNGA that would have been a ruling directly against Serbia's view anyway. By putting this resolution cooperatively with the EU in a way that does not exclude any issue in negotiation, Tadic has made a smarter move than many give him credit for. Kosova is gone long ago and has full rights to, given its status under the old Yugoslav constitution till it was suppressed, but Serbia has needed to be smarter about how to guarantee its own rights in the situaton, namely the status of the north, the internal arrangements inside Kosovo re the enclaves and monasteries, and the rights of the K Serbs. In this scenario, it might actually make progress.

I have no love either for the EU or for the Serbian position on Kosova, yet I can't help thinking that the EU itself did not want to see Serbia go down in a humiliating defeat before the UN brought about by its own actions - forcing a world vote on the issue of Kosovar independence - and so moved to save it from itself.


pre 14 godina

Interesting report because this is being reported by Western media as a backdown by Tadic to the EU & USA. There is no comprimise here. Just a comprimised Serbia. Tadic will destroy Serbia forever.


pre 14 godina

Well said... I am waiting to see what comes next. I don't believe that everything is at it appears.
(kate, 9 September 2010 14:53)
I think you're right Kate. It seems team Albania is quiet today as they realise they've been suckered into negotiations.

As you can see by most comments today, the Serbian patriots and even non-patriots have gone against the government today.

Even though negotiations are described as technical, it will be almost impossible to do that. They will have to involve elements of status.

We will have to wait and see what happens next. I can see this sell out will put a lot of pressure on the government so they will have to make sure this ends up paying dividends.

So my fellow ethnic Albanian citizens, are we ready for real negotiations?


pre 14 godina

This is not a comprimise of any sort! This is an act of treachery!
It is a complete and utter betrayal of Serbian territory, Serbian culture and most of all, a betrayal to the Serbian people themselves.
And for what? To appease and reward terrorists and criminals!

The way Tadic is spinning this is insulting!
Does he seriously think that the Serbian population is made up of fools?

If the Serbian people accept this so called resolution, i would be truly ashamed to call myself a Serb!
If the Tadic government survives this act of betrayal then the Serbian people truly deserve everything they get!


pre 14 godina

“If Serbia really wants any of those points you mention then it has to recognize if it wants to have any chance with those. This is the only choice Serbia has for now and this window of opportunity is closing as well. You're seeing this things from a different perspective. That is the perspective where Serbia is the king-maker and can play the West any way it wants.” (johny)

-- I would say that taking status off the table is an indirect recognition of Kosovo, wouldn’t you agree? You still however continue to think that Serbia had no leg in this race; that it was doomed to failure in the UNGA if it went through. I don’t know how the votes would have ended up, and I’m sure Washington would have been royally pissed if it came to the Security Council for a veto. But I’m also interested in finding out what was said/offered/threatened to Tadić by Ashton that made them suddenly do a turn-around – and get the 5 Naysayers on board too. Maybe this was the plan all along? To test the waters and see how many states would have supported Serbia and then wait for a response from the EU and the US? What did they offer in return for Belgrade taking status off the table? Sticks had to have been accompanied by some interesting carrots. I wonder if Pristina is aware of what it might have to agree to, now that Belgrade has been all nice and cooperative? But you’re right in that Belgrade needs to be smart about this. The ideas I’ve mentioned are hypothetically possible, but it remains to be seen what Belgrade wants and what Belgrade is able to successfully bargain for. Perhaps now that they’ve made all nicey nicey with the EU, England, Germany and others will be more likely to cooperate? And knowing Tadić, I mean I like the guy, but he seems to settle for the first thing thrown at him. Someone like Nikolic would probably be more forceful in pushing for a Daytonization.

“If the Serbian municipalities were to be given a RS-like status how would you stop similar demands for the Albanian majority municipalities in Serbia, or indeed any other majority municipalities (Muslim "Bosniak", Hungarian etc.)” (nik)

-- Well, how many times have we been hearing that Kosovo is a “special case”? Remember, other secession movements will not be recognized as precedent by Kosovo. Washington said so. You can either partition or you can cantonize. If you partition, Belgrade can only get the north. If you cantonize, you strengthen the Ahtisaari Plan beyond its original content. The K-Serbs were already offered significant degrees of decentralization. RS-status would ensure Pristina never revokes that autonomy. Personally, I'm in favor of the latter.

“You are asking for too much and giving nothing in return!” (Albert)

Umm, Serbia presumably took status off the table. That’s as major a concession as there could be. Besides, what I offered as a way forward in no way endangers Albanian interests in Kosovo. The north was, is, and will be, out of their control, Gracanica and Strpce are two remote enclaves that provide little if any revenue to Pristina, and the monasteries were already designated by the Ahtisaari Plan to enjoy considerable degrees of extraterritoriality.

In any event, I presume if Belgrade gets these cosmetic concessions, the agreement was probably that in return it takes status off the table, unblocks Kosovo’s route to key international institutions, and lifts any economic embargoes on it. You can easily give up 5 podunk Serb municipalities and pretty Serbian monasteries in exchange for that!


pre 14 godina

There is a saying:

"rearranging the deckchairs on the titanic"

It means that which ever way you look at a situation you have lost!

With Kosovo and with the Serbian governments fight for Kosovo I have never seen more of a reality to the saying I mentioned. Why did Tadic not just hand the keys over to the K-Albanians from the start instead of putting on this pathetic show?

So now we are to negotiate about a mass of our land that no longer belongs to us and to ask the nice people at UCK not to kill the remaining Serbs in Kosovo because they will end up with no alternative but to flee in the first place.

Hey, that is what I call the upper political hand. And as for William Hague - Say hello to your boss when you see him in Hell because threats like yours only come from the devil himself!

Pavle V

pre 14 godina

Compromise? Seems like tadic and co either got bullied or are just euro-American puppets.... These are not the kind of Serbs I grew up hearing my father talk about, they have no backbones...


pre 14 godina

Serbia needs to go back to the drawing board and come up with a resolution that clarifies Serbia’s territorial integrity. If Tadic and Jeremic can’t do this then make way for someone who can. In matters as important as this you keep going until you succeed, failure is not an option Mr Tadic.
(Try and Try again, 9 September 2010 13:07)

Well, Serbia can come up with any resolutions it wants, but they have to be approved to mean anything. The resolution as it was did not have any chance of being approved, so the options before Tadic were the following:

1. Stay the course and have the UNGA reject the resolution. That would have been bad for Serbia, because if the UNGA rejects that fact the unilateral secessions are not acceptable, wouldn’t that be an indirect support for the Kosovo’s UDI ?

2. Withdraw the resolution which would have been a humiliation for Serbia after it declared that it is not going to withdraw it;

3. Make a vague resolution which does not support Kosovo’s independence but calls for a vague dialogue which Serbia can again interpret the way it wants.

He choose (3) which appears to be the best for Serbia. Note that in not choosing (1) Tadic did the same smart thing that US & Co. did with the Antisahari Plan. When it was clear that Russia would veto it, they did not present it to the UNSC, otherwise the plan would have been legally rejected, thus indirectly legally rejecting the Kosovo’s supervised independence. Without that vote, US & Co could claim that the plan was approved by the UNSG and that was sufficient to have UN approval. Without that vote, Serbia could not claim that the UNSC rejected the Antisahari Plan. And that, of course, was something that ICJ took into account in deciding that Kosovo’s UDI did not violate international law.


pre 14 godina

It goes like this Serbia you are so close to getting in to the defunct EU club. But their is just one+one+one more thing standing in the way how can you fix it Serbia, O boy yippee ye.


pre 14 godina

2. Kosovo's "borders" are kept as is (that whole "we don't want to set a precedent" thing), but accompanied by RS-like status for the 5 main Serbian municipalities (3 in the north + Gracanica + Strpce) and extraterritoriality for the SPC monasteries. This keeeps Kosovo whole, but makes it cantonized like Bosnia.


You are asking for too much and giving nothing in return! That plan or idea you are floating today, has been already rejected by Kosovo institutions, US, and EU as well. As I see the most could Albanians ever go is exchange of the north for few towns in the north of Serbia. Serbia would carve 12% of land out of Kosovo for less than one 1% of the land in south Serbia.

That is the only thing Serbia could gain or loose everything!


pre 14 godina

"I just wanted to say that I attempted to answer your request on Russia and the WTO 3 times and only the last partial posting was published (without the links).
(pss, 9 September 2010 17:55) "

Well, this is yet another one of your "partial" attempts isn't it? And in the wrong discussion thread too.


pre 14 godina

So my fellow ethnic Albanian citizens, are we ready for real negotiations?
(Zoran, 9 September 2010 19:49)

But my dear neighbor, we, Albanians, have always wanted and favored the kind of negociations which are envisaged by "your" UN resolution, as to refugees, missing people, cultural heritage, sports, police cooperation...etc...

Let's go, we're eager to start !!


pre 14 godina

Now this doesn't mean that Serbia will recognize Kosovo anytime soon, if at all - and if they don't it means a number of other states including the 5 EU Naysayers will not either. But what it does do is show that Belgrade made a concession for what I imagine (or hope) is a set of guarantees that go beyond possible EU membership.

If status is taken off the table, in order to reach a compromise as Belgrade has been wanting, I wonder what will become of Kosovo's internal sovereignty and scope of authority? This still opens up the possibility for a number of additional features:

1. Official partition whereby Belgrade takes the north, with Ahtisaari Plan applied to the rest. This might actually be the best option for Pristina because it removes the thorniest obstacle to full sovereignty.

2. Kosovo's "borders" are kept as is (that whole "we don't want to set a precedent" thing), but accompanied by RS-like status for the 5 main Serbian municipalities (3 in the north + Gracanica + Strpce) and extraterritoriality for the SPC monasteries. This keeeps Kosovo whole, but makes it cantonized like Bosnia.

If Belgrade can extract one or the other from these technical talks, now apparently supported by the EU, I will consider this a major victory for all sides. If the only thing that results from this is Serbia bowing to Western pressure in order to get into the EU without any additional concessions, it will indeed be a lost opportunity.
(Mike, 9 September 2010 15:56)

Don't hold your breath. First status off the table is not Serbia's choosing. Its not as if Serbia had the choice to keep it on the table or off the table. The choice it had was to go ahead with unchanged resolution and UNGA majority takes it off the table or change the resolution and EU takes it off the table. It is ludicrous to even think that Serbia gave up a secured UNGA majority in favor of 20 something EU countries that it has been confronting for about a month now. So now that we've established that Serbia doesn't have the choice of status on or off, we can move on. If Serbia really wants any of those points you mention then it has to recognize if it wants to have any chance with those. This is the only choice Serbia has for now and this window of opportunity is closing as well. You're seeing this things from a different perspective. That is the perspective where Serbia is the king-maker and can play the West any way it wants. Serbia had no choice. It was faced with UNGA defeat and EU defeat or just defeat by the EU. It chose the lesser of the two; to just get defeated by the EU rather than 1 hundred something countries. To sum up it is not Serbia who forces the hands of others in this game; its those who make up the rules and have the cards that force Serbia's hand. That has always been the case. They give you money, you play by their rules. Its simple. If you don't like that then you have to find another source where you can get money from. That has been the case since the 90's when the old USSR stopped funding Serbia.


pre 14 godina

Well said... I am waiting to see what comes next. I don't believe that everything is at it appears.
(kate, 9 September 2010 14:53)

Let me help you with what comes next Kate: R-E-C-O-G-N-I-T-I-O-N.

It's kind of sad that it took you so long to finally get it. The writing has been on the wall for quite some time now.


pre 14 godina

"The slogan "Both Kosovo and EU" was just a smoke screen for the serbian public.

(Mark, 9 September 2010 15:53) "

I'm not so sure about the smokescreen bit. With a bit more luck they might have pulled it off, or at least ended up with a public that was happy with the outcome - I think they were justified in going out on the limb. Unfortunately - for them - it simply didn't work. Maybe their calculations were too optimistic, but pessimistic political slogans don't win you the chance to try.

For example, if the EU accession process had gone faster, people might have lost interest in the Kosovo struggle and willingly released them from that part of the deal. And they did seem to think it would go fast - remember Jeremic attending that first conference in Croatia and suggesting that "Serbia and Croatia" should lead the Western Balkans into the EU? After Croatia was already within sight of admission?

But then somebody (named Jeremic?) started talking to that Swiss legal firm and they started to believe that they could actually hang on to Kosovo, or get something from it, by a clever legal maneuver while not giving the EU any excuse to delay the accession process. But by getting too clever - telling other governments that the ICJ maneuver was only protection for Tadic while actually going ahead full-force, for example - they lost credibility, even with the French, previously a major backer. So the EU process slowed down. And the ICJ maneuver backfired. They'd been counting on getting a hazy decision that could be spun, giving them the chance to force Kosovo to give up something they could present as a victory, but the Court ruled decisively against them, and - things just didn't work out.

Somebody has to take the fall, so Jeremic may suddenly decide he wants to spend more time with his family. Let's hope that satisfies the wolves.


pre 14 godina

(lowe, 9 September 2010 15:51)
I just wanted to say that I attempted to answer your request on Russia and the WTO 3 times and only the last partial posting was published (without the links).


pre 14 godina

"1. Official partition whereby Belgrade takes the north, with Ahtisaari Plan applied to the rest. This might actually be the best option for Pristina because it removes the thorniest obstacle to full sovereignty.

2. Kosovo's "borders" are kept as is (that whole "we don't want to set a precedent" thing), but accompanied by RS-like status for the 5 main Serbian municipalities (3 in the north + Gracanica + Strpce) and extraterritoriality for the SPC monasteries. This keeeps Kosovo whole, but makes it cantonized like Bosnia"

Again a double standard. If there is an "official partition" of Kosovo, that is going beyond the Ahtisaari plan which privides a ban for unification of Kosovo and Albania. A partition does not mean "independent" Kosovo, but a division of the territory between Serbia and Albania.
If the Serbian municipalities were to be given a RS-like status how would you stop similar demands for the Albanian majority municipalities in Serbia, or indeed any other majority municipalities (Muslim "Bosniak", Hungarian etc.)

The dilema is: Ahtisaari plan or opening the Pandor's bix.


pre 14 godina

it really is interesting to see how most serb apologists cant seem to grasp that serbia has no authority whatsoever in kosovo. And it is the very un1244 that serbia still clings to as being relevent that confirms it. And thanks to serbs (despite their apparent distaste of unilateral decisions) erasure of the federal govt. of Yugoslavia that un1244 did apply to. Their is no possibility at all of applying un1244 even if everyone wanted to.

Kosovo is independent, everyone knows it. Serb leadership knows it. its just a matter of how long they will feel it necessary to string along the populace with the lie of "status negotiations" as serbia has nothing with wich to negotiate with at all.

Serbia isnt compromising or giving away anything with this resolution... they have nothing to give away in the first place.

Kosovo is long gone and free... all this nonsense is just to wean the serb populace to slow acceptance.

In the end, they will reformulate and rename the same status and decentralized govt. that Kosovo is already gifting kosovo serbs with that ensures they get firm (and unwarranted)representation and self governace.... and the foreign govt. of serbia can puff up its chest to its population and pretend to have had a hand in "demanding it"


pre 14 godina

"I'm struggling to think of any benefits to this climbdown, although I'm open to suggestions."
(bganon, 9 September 2010 12:57)

In my opinion, there is a strong correlation between nationalistic elites governing Serbia and Kosovo as a part of Serbia. In other words: the only time Serbia did not have a nationalist party governing it for a long period of time is during the last two years. Also, the only time Kosovo was not part of Serbia is, surprise surprise, during the last two years. The rest of the time (when Serbia was on its own and not inside Yugoslavia) nationalistic parties were in power and Kosovo was de jure a part of Serbia. It looks like having Kosovo within Serbia gives rise to that pattern of action and reaction between Albanians and Serbs that favors nationalistic and hard line parties on both sides. Sad but true. The rise of Milosevic was due mainly to this action-reaction pattern. The rise of the KLA was due mainly to this action-reaction pattern.

When some people speak about stabilization of the situation, I think they talk about breaking this pattern. It stabilizes not only Kosovo, but Serbia as well. So to answer to your question: "A stable Serbia is a pretty big benefit for Serbs and for their neighbors".


pre 14 godina

It is interesting to note that this UN resolution was supposed to counter the ICJ decision and highlight the fact it didn't rule on the right to secession but only on the declaration.

(Zoran, 9 September 2010 11:07)

You don't need a resolution to say that. That was explicitely said by the Court itself.


pre 14 godina

"And that, of course, was something that ICJ took into account in deciding that Kosovo’s UDI did not violate international law."
(icj1, 9 September 2010 14:08)

Nice comments from you icj1. Just one thing, I would not call it UDI. It is not the correct description of the event of 17 February 2008. How can an event be unilateral? It makes no sense. Serbia tried to describe this event using the same terms in the UNGA resolution as well, but now we are being told that it has been removed. Anybody has a link to the new resolution?

gjon cima

pre 14 godina

The ICJ pronouncement was the true ground for the solid bridge of a future prosperous coexistence between peoples who've been living there for centuries.
The Serbian decision is the first fundamental stone in this direction and I (humbly) invite all the interested to see this act this way and appreciate it for the courage and the great meaning.
When the bridge is completed I'd really like to have a walk there.
Best wishes to all.


pre 14 godina

What makes you think the UNGA would reject it?
(Zoran, 9 September 2010 15:02)

Come on ! You really think that the UN members had not already been polled informally by Serbia on one side and US/EU and Co. on the other side about how they would vote and both sides knew what the result would have been.

Whether it did or didn't, there are still only two options. One is to accept dialogue and the other is to accept a frozen conflict. You see, if the UNGA rejects the resolution, the matter ends up with the UNSC, where we have two vetoes (i.e. frozen conflict).
(Zoran, 9 September 2010 15:02)

You got it wrong here… what’s frozen is the UNSC. In addition, Kosovo’s supporters are not planning to go to the UNSC for any resolution since for them the Kosovo’s matter is closed, so those two vetoes are worthless as there is nothing to veto in the first place. On the other hand, if Serbia wants the UNSC to annul Kosovo’s declaration of independence, it will have to face the vetoes of US, FR and UK.

So negotiations are an inevitability. The reason Tadic failed is that he took that away from where we have strength (the world/UN) and placed it where we are weak (the EU). As such, he and our drive for EU membership will face the consequences that no amount of spin will cover up. This will strengthen the anti-EU and anti-DS forces.
(Zoran, 9 September 2010 15:02)

He took the issue where it matters, even though a little bit late. Instead of spending energy to convince Namibia or Lesotho, Serbia since the beginning should have spent energy on bringing on its side the EU members which matter. Whereas Serbia chose to ignore the EU in the last 10 years, in practice saying I don’t care what the EU thinks, I have Russia on my side. As the facts showed, it was the EU which mattered and instead of ignoring it Serbia should have tried to change the EU’s thinking about the issue.

Now, regarding secessions and the "Kosova" precedent, it certainly is gathering steam.
(Zoran, 9 September 2010 15:02)

Kosovo sets a precedent for any entity that is called Kosovo and declared independence on 18 Feb 2008. ICJ was crystal clear about that and the fact that Kosovo is not similar to other cases is supported by almost all Serbia allies (like Cyprus, Slovakia, Spain, etc.).


pre 14 godina

It is interesting to note that this UN resolution was supposed to counter the ICJ decision and highlight the fact it didn't rule on the right to secession but only on the declaration.

Now we have the sell-out government directly supporting the ICJ decision without even clarifying its stand. Why bother having a UN resolution is my question? It doesn't benefit Serbia.

Anyway, this just exposes the weakness of the current Serbian government. It's not going to make Kosovo independent because we are being protected by much stronger forces there (and I don't mean just Russia).

The Swiss

pre 14 godina

As much as I disagree with this illegal UDI, as much as I became anti EU during the last couple of years (for various reasons not linked to this UDI) and anyway anti US/lies I would say to the Serbian camp that the Serbian govnt thru Mr Tadic has acted in the most pragmatic and best way considering the very difficult inheritance they got at the begining of their mandate. To treat them as betrayors is not only wrong but empty of any substance that could justify this kind of wording, unless it would come with some solid arguments as to why the govnt decision should have been different!

To the Albanian camp I would say that stealing someone else property is already a wrong start to pretend to be a "country" and the very fact that 2/3 of the world has not recon after more than 2 years just prove it. Moreover the way quiet a number of countries were blackmailed to do so also does not add any shine to your pretention.
Last but not least to have a "govnt" composed of criminals and thieves is another proof that nothing lies at the end in your hands apart from some pride of having stolen, with the help of your masters, a piece of land!
From now on you would have not excuses anymore to blaim your complete economical and social failures at the Serbian expenses, nor you will have any opportunity to just wait for the food to come into your mouth but rather learn how to earn it in a proper and legal way!
Good luck to all of you and should this courageous and pragmatic decision of Mr Tadic pave the way for a durable and solid solution, mainly for the Serbian people that really deserve it!

Ian, UK

pre 14 godina

It looks like Serbia gave into the Muscles from Brussels.

Almost every EU member state was annoyed about the previous resolution as Serbia ditched the EU and rushed through it's own resolution, even though they had originally promised to do it with the EU.

This resolution should promote peaceful co-existence between Kosovo and Serbia, as well as solving technical issues such as boarder control, police co-operation, movement of trade, return of refugees etc.


pre 14 godina

The only way this could develop into a defeat for Serbia's interests in Kosovo is if Belgrade passes up a number of opportunities now that they apparently have the EU heavy hitter on their side.

So the issue of status was taken off the negotiating table. To be fair, that was really the one fundamental sticking point between Serbia and the Quint. And the fact that the US and Britain almost looked buffoonish trying to get this removed indicates not only how worried they were in the event of a passing resolution, but what they were willing to do and what they might have been willing to offer in exchange for its removal.

Now this doesn't mean that Serbia will recognize Kosovo anytime soon, if at all - and if they don't it means a number of other states including the 5 EU Naysayers will not either. But what it does do is show that Belgrade made a concession for what I imagine (or hope) is a set of guarantees that go beyond possible EU membership.

If status is taken off the table, in order to reach a compromise as Belgrade has been wanting, I wonder what will become of Kosovo's internal sovereignty and scope of authority? This still opens up the possibility for a number of additional features:

1. Official partition whereby Belgrade takes the north, with Ahtisaari Plan applied to the rest. This might actually be the best option for Pristina because it removes the thorniest obstacle to full sovereignty.

2. Kosovo's "borders" are kept as is (that whole "we don't want to set a precedent" thing), but accompanied by RS-like status for the 5 main Serbian municipalities (3 in the north + Gracanica + Strpce) and extraterritoriality for the SPC monasteries. This keeeps Kosovo whole, but makes it cantonized like Bosnia.

If Belgrade can extract one or the other from these technical talks, now apparently supported by the EU, I will consider this a major victory for all sides. If the only thing that results from this is Serbia bowing to Western pressure in order to get into the EU without any additional concessions, it will indeed be a lost opportunity.


pre 14 godina

So, is this 'Serbia recognises Kosovo' by the back-door?

The question for Serbia should not be whether Kosovo is shown any amount of recognition. It should not be. EU or not.

The question for Serbia is how does it regain control over Kosovo?

Serbia should award autonomy in line with 1244 for a limited time period and only deal on that basis. Anything else is giving up all claim.


pre 14 godina

And now Jeremic ? poor little Vuk...
Must he travel again all around the world to promote this new resolution ? Does he earn more points for his frequent flyer card?


pre 14 godina

"So, is this 'Serbia recognises Kosovo' by the back-door? "

No, Serbia has done nothing of the sort, Tadic and his US-installed puppet regime has. But that is about to be reversed by a serious independent government to come.

Such blatant betrayal is going to cost him more than his place in the western sun i´m afraid....


pre 14 godina

Why would you want to compromise with the very people who are trying to steal your land? This is complete betrayal and a sell-out by this government. But then, I didn't expect any different from a government which was placed in power by the US ambassador (Michael Polt at the time).

Another Canadian Serb

pre 14 godina

I sure hope that Serbia has shut it's current borders to these illegal invading aliens.

Furthermore, there is nothing to talk about. Serbia needs to get back to basics with the 1244 and most of all needs to get back to BUSINESS!

Principa, Gracanica, KiM, Srbija

pre 14 godina

Jeremic must be seething - all his work and excellent effort is nullified once more by weak DS leadership.

How does such a watered down resolution uphold Serbia's territorial integrity?

Upholding the nations soverignty - Is this not as President (and any government) what should be first and foremost a priority otherwise there is no state to be President of! It is highly unconstitutional and is far removed from the Serbian populaces sentiment regarding EU membership at cost of Kosovo.

All that this does is put off the inevitable that the EUcrats have told quite clearly - EU or Kosovo - Tadic is far too weak to let the EU have the genuine answer - to hell with EU if its at loss of the heart of Serbia!

Tadic will spin that this is not the case and the Eucrats will soften the message but the cat's out of the bag - roll on election time!


pre 14 godina

Well said... I am waiting to see what comes next. I don't believe that everything is at it appears.
(kate, 9 September 2010 14:53)

Let me help you with what comes next Kate: R-E-C-O-G-N-I-T-I-O-N.

It's kind of sad that it took you so long to finally get it. The writing has been on the wall for quite some time now.


pre 14 godina


1. icj1 wrote:

"I don't get why there should be a problem for two parties to enter in a dialogue to improve people's lives.

That does not mean recognition. ..."

2. dht´s reply:

You have not understand my point.

My point is that the term "cooperation" implies the existence of two equal and independent states.

From our perspective, the relationship between Serbia and "Kosova" can only be of such a kind that is similar to, for example, the relationship between the United Kingdom and Scotland, or the relationship between BiH and Republika Srpska.

I´ve seen that the Serbian Progressive Party is the most popular party in the moment.
This is good, because Nikolić
has pointed out again and again that he would protect the Serbs in the north of Kosovo by all means.

Even with the help of volunteers, we cannot bring back the WHOLE Kosovo by using force.

However, the protection of the Serbs in the north of Kosovo and, possibly, of the Serbs in Štrpce, is practicable.


pre 14 godina

Serbia has capitulated when it comes to her policy that "Kosovo je Serbia". This is just a confirmation that Serbia lost Kosovo 10 years ago. So, don't blame Tadic for this one. Feel free to go to Milosevic grave and curse at him.

The resolution is everything Kosovo wanted- recognize the ruling of ICJ, no mentioned of status discussion, and dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia ( Thaci called for it a few days ago).
I have had a feeling for a while now that Tadic never believed the " Kosovo je Serbia" mantra. His thinking is probably in line with what SPO and LDP have been advocating, but he could not come out and say if for fear of giving the opposition an opening. He is a smart guy trying to dig Serbia out of a whole.

The question is, what will Jeremic do now? He is been doing the rounds around the world promoting the other resolution, and now Tadic has undone everything for him. It is now apparent that he has no say on Serbia's Foreign policy. If he is smart,he would see that he is been made a fool& humiliated and should resign immediately.


pre 14 godina

Here's the actual text of the new resolution:


People should read it before making all these alarmist comments about quislingdom etc.

Yes it does not say dialogue on "all issues" but it also does not say only dialogue on "technical issues." That is, nothing is excluded. Moreover, it also makes reference to "the UN Charter" which Serbia presumably interprets as backing its view. No it does not openly condemn "unilateral secession" but given that resolution was going to flop in the UNGA that would have been a ruling directly against Serbia's view anyway. By putting this resolution cooperatively with the EU in a way that does not exclude any issue in negotiation, Tadic has made a smarter move than many give him credit for. Kosova is gone long ago and has full rights to, given its status under the old Yugoslav constitution till it was suppressed, but Serbia has needed to be smarter about how to guarantee its own rights in the situaton, namely the status of the north, the internal arrangements inside Kosovo re the enclaves and monasteries, and the rights of the K Serbs. In this scenario, it might actually make progress.

I have no love either for the EU or for the Serbian position on Kosova, yet I can't help thinking that the EU itself did not want to see Serbia go down in a humiliating defeat before the UN brought about by its own actions - forcing a world vote on the issue of Kosovar independence - and so moved to save it from itself.


pre 14 godina

Now that I´ve read the new draft for resolution, I´ve to say:

Yes, Mr. Tadić has made a
"deal" with EU and "sold" the Serbs in Kosovo !

See especially lit. f) of the draft:

"This dialogue would be aimed to promote cooperation, make progress on the path towards the EU and improve people's lives."

The term "cooperation" implies that there are two equal states !

And the Serbian government now tries to "sell" this deal to the Serbian people by declaring

"New resolution excludes recognition of Kosovo's independence".

I am very sorry for this hard wording, but this is BETRAYAL.


pre 14 godina

1. Stay the course and have the UNGA reject the resolution. That would have been bad for Serbia, because if the UNGA rejects that fact the unilateral secessions are not acceptable, wouldn’t that be an indirect support for the Kosovo’s UDI ?
(icj1, 9 September 2010 14:08)
What makes you think the UNGA would reject it? Whether it did or didn't, there are still only two options. One is to accept dialogue and the other is to accept a frozen conflict. You see, if the UNGA rejects the resolution, the matter ends up with the UNSC, where we have two vetoes (i.e. frozen conflict).

So negotiations are an inevitability. The reason Tadic failed is that he took that away from where we have strength (the world/UN) and placed it where we are weak (the EU). As such, he and our drive for EU membership will face the consequences that no amount of spin will cover up. This will strengthen the anti-EU and anti-DS forces.

Now, regarding secessions and the "Kosova" precedent, it certainly is gathering steam.


pre 14 godina

Zoran: "It is interesting to note that this UN resolution was supposed to counter the ICJ decision and highlight the fact it didn't rule on the right to secession but only on the declaration.

"Now we have the sell-out government directly supporting the ICJ decision without even clarifying its stand. Why bother having a UN resolution is my question? It doesn't benefit Serbia."

Well said... I am waiting to see what comes next. I don't believe that everything is at it appears.


pre 14 godina

Well said... I am waiting to see what comes next. I don't believe that everything is at it appears.
(kate, 9 September 2010 14:53)
I think you're right Kate. It seems team Albania is quiet today as they realise they've been suckered into negotiations.

As you can see by most comments today, the Serbian patriots and even non-patriots have gone against the government today.

Even though negotiations are described as technical, it will be almost impossible to do that. They will have to involve elements of status.

We will have to wait and see what happens next. I can see this sell out will put a lot of pressure on the government so they will have to make sure this ends up paying dividends.

So my fellow ethnic Albanian citizens, are we ready for real negotiations?


pre 14 godina

it really is interesting to see how most serb apologists cant seem to grasp that serbia has no authority whatsoever in kosovo. And it is the very un1244 that serbia still clings to as being relevent that confirms it. And thanks to serbs (despite their apparent distaste of unilateral decisions) erasure of the federal govt. of Yugoslavia that un1244 did apply to. Their is no possibility at all of applying un1244 even if everyone wanted to.

Kosovo is independent, everyone knows it. Serb leadership knows it. its just a matter of how long they will feel it necessary to string along the populace with the lie of "status negotiations" as serbia has nothing with wich to negotiate with at all.

Serbia isnt compromising or giving away anything with this resolution... they have nothing to give away in the first place.

Kosovo is long gone and free... all this nonsense is just to wean the serb populace to slow acceptance.

In the end, they will reformulate and rename the same status and decentralized govt. that Kosovo is already gifting kosovo serbs with that ensures they get firm (and unwarranted)representation and self governace.... and the foreign govt. of serbia can puff up its chest to its population and pretend to have had a hand in "demanding it"

Try and Try again

pre 14 godina

Judging from the article, Serbia can file this resolution into the waste paper basket. I don't see any value in raising this resolution at the UN it sounds pointless. Tadic has been bamboozled by the EU into accepting a worthless resolution. This charade illustrates perfectly the dangers of a collective EU foreign policy – impotent, ineffective fudge. No wonder Bajram Rexhepi believes that ‘talks can only be led on the level of two independent countries discussing technical questions’.
Serbia needs to go back to the drawing board and come up with a resolution that clarifies Serbia’s territorial integrity. If Tadic and Jeremic can’t do this then make way for someone who can. In matters as important as this you keep going until you succeed, failure is not an option Mr Tadic.


pre 14 godina

I think the title of this article is way off. should be "serbia comprimises and the eu laughs and feels more important then ever".

mr tadic ..keep giving and getting nothing in return and see what you end up with...have we not learned the lesson of what the EU really wants for us ??? do we not see ourselves better then that !!!


pre 14 godina

The thing that worries me here is not concerning Serbia's reaction to the ICJ or Serbia withdrawing a resolution condemning it or UDI.

The thing that worries me is that it appears as if negotiations on all issues (including status) have been ruled out.

For one thing it is a mistake to be willing to give up on so much with apparantly nothing in return except for vague promises on EU membership. For another people have to understand that even if the Serbian government goes along with the current strategy, this does not guarantee a peaceful future. The only way to ensure that is for a concensus to be made by a majority (or at least large minority of Serbians) who would support negotiations and make the compromises necessary for a lasting solution.

Instead we have a top down situation. The reason for my slight optimism yesterday was due to the fact that it implied that negotiations on all issues would be held.

If that isn't true, I can't support the Serbian government. The only other hope is that the Serbian government has a guarantee that such talks will be held but that no official annoucnement will be made, but this is flimsy and could easily be seen as something for the Serbian government to take back to its own people to swallow.

I'm struggling to think of any benefits to this climbdown, although I'm open to suggestions.


pre 14 godina

2. Kosovo's "borders" are kept as is (that whole "we don't want to set a precedent" thing), but accompanied by RS-like status for the 5 main Serbian municipalities (3 in the north + Gracanica + Strpce) and extraterritoriality for the SPC monasteries. This keeeps Kosovo whole, but makes it cantonized like Bosnia.


You are asking for too much and giving nothing in return! That plan or idea you are floating today, has been already rejected by Kosovo institutions, US, and EU as well. As I see the most could Albanians ever go is exchange of the north for few towns in the north of Serbia. Serbia would carve 12% of land out of Kosovo for less than one 1% of the land in south Serbia.

That is the only thing Serbia could gain or loose everything!


pre 14 godina

Congratulations to Team Albania. Team Albania 1 - Team Serbia 0. Tadic has just signed away Kosovo, and for what? If this was his plan all along he should never have bothered with the ICJ or anything else regarding Kosovo. I suppose it was to be expected when the population voted for a former model to run the country. Good looks but no substance.


pre 14 godina

"This dialogue would be aimed to promote cooperation, make progress on the path towards the EU and improve people's lives."

The term "cooperation" implies that there are two equal states !

And the Serbian government now tries to "sell" this deal to the Serbian people by declaring

"New resolution excludes recognition of Kosovo's independence".

I am very sorry for this hard wording, but this is BETRAYAL.
(dht, 9 September 2010 10:43)

I don't get why there should be a problem for two parties to enter in a dialogue to improve people's lives.

That does not mean recognition. E. Germany and W. Germany spoke with each other without recognizing each other for decades. Chinese officials regularly meet with Taiwan officials, even though China does not recognize Taiwan as a state, but considers it as a province of China.

The same thing is what Serbia is doing with Kosovo. Serbia will speak with Kosovo, without recognizing it. I think it's a very extremist view to say that Serbia should not speak at all with Kosovo. It's easy to be said from people who don't live in Kosovo, however the consequences of the lack of cooperation on practical matters are suffered by the ordinary people there (Serbs and Albanians). Take for example the fact that organized crime cooperates very well across borders and ethnicities, but police cannot cooperate because of this absurd position of no dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo. Or other things, like electricity, phone service, rail road transportation service, etc… All of these are things the two parties can cooperate to improve people’s lives, without Serbia having to recognize Kosovo.


pre 14 godina

The question for Serbia is how does it regain control over Kosovo?

The answer: It is not going to regain control over Kosovo.

Next question: What shall be done, provided the asnwer of question one, while the majority of the Serbs are not willing to accept the loss (yet)

The resolution proves that Tadic knows the answer.


pre 14 godina

For me as an Albanian this is a little worisome. when Serbia gives signs of cooperation than the west is ready to make concessions. I hope you have new election bring back the hardcore radicals that nobody from the international community wants to deal with. As for Tadic he is just following what Djindic started.The slogan "Both Kosovo and EU" was just a smoke screen for the serbian public. Didn't have either of them before he came in power and doesn't have them now.ICJ and this resoulution are just part of the game.Serbia would have had much more leverage if hadn't asked the ICJ. The question is what were you serbs expecting from your government?


pre 14 godina

What makes you think the UNGA would reject it?
(Zoran, 9 September 2010 15:02)

Come on ! You really think that the UN members had not already been polled informally by Serbia on one side and US/EU and Co. on the other side about how they would vote and both sides knew what the result would have been.

Whether it did or didn't, there are still only two options. One is to accept dialogue and the other is to accept a frozen conflict. You see, if the UNGA rejects the resolution, the matter ends up with the UNSC, where we have two vetoes (i.e. frozen conflict).
(Zoran, 9 September 2010 15:02)

You got it wrong here… what’s frozen is the UNSC. In addition, Kosovo’s supporters are not planning to go to the UNSC for any resolution since for them the Kosovo’s matter is closed, so those two vetoes are worthless as there is nothing to veto in the first place. On the other hand, if Serbia wants the UNSC to annul Kosovo’s declaration of independence, it will have to face the vetoes of US, FR and UK.

So negotiations are an inevitability. The reason Tadic failed is that he took that away from where we have strength (the world/UN) and placed it where we are weak (the EU). As such, he and our drive for EU membership will face the consequences that no amount of spin will cover up. This will strengthen the anti-EU and anti-DS forces.
(Zoran, 9 September 2010 15:02)

He took the issue where it matters, even though a little bit late. Instead of spending energy to convince Namibia or Lesotho, Serbia since the beginning should have spent energy on bringing on its side the EU members which matter. Whereas Serbia chose to ignore the EU in the last 10 years, in practice saying I don’t care what the EU thinks, I have Russia on my side. As the facts showed, it was the EU which mattered and instead of ignoring it Serbia should have tried to change the EU’s thinking about the issue.

Now, regarding secessions and the "Kosova" precedent, it certainly is gathering steam.
(Zoran, 9 September 2010 15:02)

Kosovo sets a precedent for any entity that is called Kosovo and declared independence on 18 Feb 2008. ICJ was crystal clear about that and the fact that Kosovo is not similar to other cases is supported by almost all Serbia allies (like Cyprus, Slovakia, Spain, etc.).


pre 14 godina

Serbia needs to go back to the drawing board and come up with a resolution that clarifies Serbia’s territorial integrity. If Tadic and Jeremic can’t do this then make way for someone who can. In matters as important as this you keep going until you succeed, failure is not an option Mr Tadic.
(Try and Try again, 9 September 2010 13:07)

Well, Serbia can come up with any resolutions it wants, but they have to be approved to mean anything. The resolution as it was did not have any chance of being approved, so the options before Tadic were the following:

1. Stay the course and have the UNGA reject the resolution. That would have been bad for Serbia, because if the UNGA rejects that fact the unilateral secessions are not acceptable, wouldn’t that be an indirect support for the Kosovo’s UDI ?

2. Withdraw the resolution which would have been a humiliation for Serbia after it declared that it is not going to withdraw it;

3. Make a vague resolution which does not support Kosovo’s independence but calls for a vague dialogue which Serbia can again interpret the way it wants.

He choose (3) which appears to be the best for Serbia. Note that in not choosing (1) Tadic did the same smart thing that US & Co. did with the Antisahari Plan. When it was clear that Russia would veto it, they did not present it to the UNSC, otherwise the plan would have been legally rejected, thus indirectly legally rejecting the Kosovo’s supervised independence. Without that vote, US & Co could claim that the plan was approved by the UNSG and that was sufficient to have UN approval. Without that vote, Serbia could not claim that the UNSC rejected the Antisahari Plan. And that, of course, was something that ICJ took into account in deciding that Kosovo’s UDI did not violate international law.

Try and Try again

pre 14 godina

Thought I'd share this: Bože ne oprosti im jer znaju šta rade! Roughly translated:- 'God do not forgive them for they know what they do'. A response to Tadic's capitulation on the resolution. Looks like the Serbian public are not impressed.


pre 14 godina

It goes like this Serbia you are so close to getting in to the defunct EU club. But their is just one+one+one more thing standing in the way how can you fix it Serbia, O boy yippee ye.


pre 14 godina

"As for Tadic he is just following what Djindic started." If that is true, Serbia is in good hands. Djindic was Serbia's hope for the future. Sadly, he was taken away too soon.

Micheal Breathnach

pre 14 godina

Well, I'm sorry to say but that's the end of it!
The Serbian government has just sold its country's soul.

Oh how they are smiling now in Berlin and Washington.
This is a terrible kick in the teeth for the United Nations as well as so many nations throughout the World who support the rule of International Law.



pre 14 godina

Now this doesn't mean that Serbia will recognize Kosovo anytime soon, if at all - and if they don't it means a number of other states including the 5 EU Naysayers will not either. But what it does do is show that Belgrade made a concession for what I imagine (or hope) is a set of guarantees that go beyond possible EU membership.

If status is taken off the table, in order to reach a compromise as Belgrade has been wanting, I wonder what will become of Kosovo's internal sovereignty and scope of authority? This still opens up the possibility for a number of additional features:

1. Official partition whereby Belgrade takes the north, with Ahtisaari Plan applied to the rest. This might actually be the best option for Pristina because it removes the thorniest obstacle to full sovereignty.

2. Kosovo's "borders" are kept as is (that whole "we don't want to set a precedent" thing), but accompanied by RS-like status for the 5 main Serbian municipalities (3 in the north + Gracanica + Strpce) and extraterritoriality for the SPC monasteries. This keeeps Kosovo whole, but makes it cantonized like Bosnia.

If Belgrade can extract one or the other from these technical talks, now apparently supported by the EU, I will consider this a major victory for all sides. If the only thing that results from this is Serbia bowing to Western pressure in order to get into the EU without any additional concessions, it will indeed be a lost opportunity.
(Mike, 9 September 2010 15:56)

Don't hold your breath. First status off the table is not Serbia's choosing. Its not as if Serbia had the choice to keep it on the table or off the table. The choice it had was to go ahead with unchanged resolution and UNGA majority takes it off the table or change the resolution and EU takes it off the table. It is ludicrous to even think that Serbia gave up a secured UNGA majority in favor of 20 something EU countries that it has been confronting for about a month now. So now that we've established that Serbia doesn't have the choice of status on or off, we can move on. If Serbia really wants any of those points you mention then it has to recognize if it wants to have any chance with those. This is the only choice Serbia has for now and this window of opportunity is closing as well. You're seeing this things from a different perspective. That is the perspective where Serbia is the king-maker and can play the West any way it wants. Serbia had no choice. It was faced with UNGA defeat and EU defeat or just defeat by the EU. It chose the lesser of the two; to just get defeated by the EU rather than 1 hundred something countries. To sum up it is not Serbia who forces the hands of others in this game; its those who make up the rules and have the cards that force Serbia's hand. That has always been the case. They give you money, you play by their rules. Its simple. If you don't like that then you have to find another source where you can get money from. That has been the case since the 90's when the old USSR stopped funding Serbia.


pre 14 godina

"I just wanted to say that I attempted to answer your request on Russia and the WTO 3 times and only the last partial posting was published (without the links).
(pss, 9 September 2010 17:55) "

Well, this is yet another one of your "partial" attempts isn't it? And in the wrong discussion thread too.


pre 14 godina

So my fellow ethnic Albanian citizens, are we ready for real negotiations?
(Zoran, 9 September 2010 19:49)

But my dear neighbor, we, Albanians, have always wanted and favored the kind of negociations which are envisaged by "your" UN resolution, as to refugees, missing people, cultural heritage, sports, police cooperation...etc...

Let's go, we're eager to start !!

gjon cima

pre 14 godina

The ICJ pronouncement was the true ground for the solid bridge of a future prosperous coexistence between peoples who've been living there for centuries.
The Serbian decision is the first fundamental stone in this direction and I (humbly) invite all the interested to see this act this way and appreciate it for the courage and the great meaning.
When the bridge is completed I'd really like to have a walk there.
Best wishes to all.


pre 14 godina

"1. Official partition whereby Belgrade takes the north, with Ahtisaari Plan applied to the rest. This might actually be the best option for Pristina because it removes the thorniest obstacle to full sovereignty.

2. Kosovo's "borders" are kept as is (that whole "we don't want to set a precedent" thing), but accompanied by RS-like status for the 5 main Serbian municipalities (3 in the north + Gracanica + Strpce) and extraterritoriality for the SPC monasteries. This keeeps Kosovo whole, but makes it cantonized like Bosnia"

Again a double standard. If there is an "official partition" of Kosovo, that is going beyond the Ahtisaari plan which privides a ban for unification of Kosovo and Albania. A partition does not mean "independent" Kosovo, but a division of the territory between Serbia and Albania.
If the Serbian municipalities were to be given a RS-like status how would you stop similar demands for the Albanian majority municipalities in Serbia, or indeed any other majority municipalities (Muslim "Bosniak", Hungarian etc.)

The dilema is: Ahtisaari plan or opening the Pandor's bix.


pre 14 godina

This is not a comprimise of any sort! This is an act of treachery!
It is a complete and utter betrayal of Serbian territory, Serbian culture and most of all, a betrayal to the Serbian people themselves.
And for what? To appease and reward terrorists and criminals!

The way Tadic is spinning this is insulting!
Does he seriously think that the Serbian population is made up of fools?

If the Serbian people accept this so called resolution, i would be truly ashamed to call myself a Serb!
If the Tadic government survives this act of betrayal then the Serbian people truly deserve everything they get!

Pavle V

pre 14 godina

Compromise? Seems like tadic and co either got bullied or are just euro-American puppets.... These are not the kind of Serbs I grew up hearing my father talk about, they have no backbones...


pre 14 godina

"The slogan "Both Kosovo and EU" was just a smoke screen for the serbian public.

(Mark, 9 September 2010 15:53) "

I'm not so sure about the smokescreen bit. With a bit more luck they might have pulled it off, or at least ended up with a public that was happy with the outcome - I think they were justified in going out on the limb. Unfortunately - for them - it simply didn't work. Maybe their calculations were too optimistic, but pessimistic political slogans don't win you the chance to try.

For example, if the EU accession process had gone faster, people might have lost interest in the Kosovo struggle and willingly released them from that part of the deal. And they did seem to think it would go fast - remember Jeremic attending that first conference in Croatia and suggesting that "Serbia and Croatia" should lead the Western Balkans into the EU? After Croatia was already within sight of admission?

But then somebody (named Jeremic?) started talking to that Swiss legal firm and they started to believe that they could actually hang on to Kosovo, or get something from it, by a clever legal maneuver while not giving the EU any excuse to delay the accession process. But by getting too clever - telling other governments that the ICJ maneuver was only protection for Tadic while actually going ahead full-force, for example - they lost credibility, even with the French, previously a major backer. So the EU process slowed down. And the ICJ maneuver backfired. They'd been counting on getting a hazy decision that could be spun, giving them the chance to force Kosovo to give up something they could present as a victory, but the Court ruled decisively against them, and - things just didn't work out.

Somebody has to take the fall, so Jeremic may suddenly decide he wants to spend more time with his family. Let's hope that satisfies the wolves.


pre 14 godina

Tadic allows EULEX in.

Tadic asks the ICJ the wrong question and losses.

Tadic utterly capitulates on this resolution, and gives the fence-sitting countries sufficient reason to recognize Kosovo's independence.

Tadic cannot be trusted to defend Serbia's sovereignty against EU pressure.

Is it going to be two more years of negotiations of which Tadic will once again present as compromise benefiting Serbia, until after the 2012 elections when the negotiated results will reveal Tadic's final capitulation?


pre 14 godina

Interesting report because this is being reported by Western media as a backdown by Tadic to the EU & USA. There is no comprimise here. Just a comprimised Serbia. Tadic will destroy Serbia forever.


pre 14 godina

(lowe, 9 September 2010 15:51)
I just wanted to say that I attempted to answer your request on Russia and the WTO 3 times and only the last partial posting was published (without the links).


pre 14 godina

“If Serbia really wants any of those points you mention then it has to recognize if it wants to have any chance with those. This is the only choice Serbia has for now and this window of opportunity is closing as well. You're seeing this things from a different perspective. That is the perspective where Serbia is the king-maker and can play the West any way it wants.” (johny)

-- I would say that taking status off the table is an indirect recognition of Kosovo, wouldn’t you agree? You still however continue to think that Serbia had no leg in this race; that it was doomed to failure in the UNGA if it went through. I don’t know how the votes would have ended up, and I’m sure Washington would have been royally pissed if it came to the Security Council for a veto. But I’m also interested in finding out what was said/offered/threatened to Tadić by Ashton that made them suddenly do a turn-around – and get the 5 Naysayers on board too. Maybe this was the plan all along? To test the waters and see how many states would have supported Serbia and then wait for a response from the EU and the US? What did they offer in return for Belgrade taking status off the table? Sticks had to have been accompanied by some interesting carrots. I wonder if Pristina is aware of what it might have to agree to, now that Belgrade has been all nice and cooperative? But you’re right in that Belgrade needs to be smart about this. The ideas I’ve mentioned are hypothetically possible, but it remains to be seen what Belgrade wants and what Belgrade is able to successfully bargain for. Perhaps now that they’ve made all nicey nicey with the EU, England, Germany and others will be more likely to cooperate? And knowing Tadić, I mean I like the guy, but he seems to settle for the first thing thrown at him. Someone like Nikolic would probably be more forceful in pushing for a Daytonization.

“If the Serbian municipalities were to be given a RS-like status how would you stop similar demands for the Albanian majority municipalities in Serbia, or indeed any other majority municipalities (Muslim "Bosniak", Hungarian etc.)” (nik)

-- Well, how many times have we been hearing that Kosovo is a “special case”? Remember, other secession movements will not be recognized as precedent by Kosovo. Washington said so. You can either partition or you can cantonize. If you partition, Belgrade can only get the north. If you cantonize, you strengthen the Ahtisaari Plan beyond its original content. The K-Serbs were already offered significant degrees of decentralization. RS-status would ensure Pristina never revokes that autonomy. Personally, I'm in favor of the latter.

“You are asking for too much and giving nothing in return!” (Albert)

Umm, Serbia presumably took status off the table. That’s as major a concession as there could be. Besides, what I offered as a way forward in no way endangers Albanian interests in Kosovo. The north was, is, and will be, out of their control, Gracanica and Strpce are two remote enclaves that provide little if any revenue to Pristina, and the monasteries were already designated by the Ahtisaari Plan to enjoy considerable degrees of extraterritoriality.

In any event, I presume if Belgrade gets these cosmetic concessions, the agreement was probably that in return it takes status off the table, unblocks Kosovo’s route to key international institutions, and lifts any economic embargoes on it. You can easily give up 5 podunk Serb municipalities and pretty Serbian monasteries in exchange for that!


pre 14 godina

There is a saying:

"rearranging the deckchairs on the titanic"

It means that which ever way you look at a situation you have lost!

With Kosovo and with the Serbian governments fight for Kosovo I have never seen more of a reality to the saying I mentioned. Why did Tadic not just hand the keys over to the K-Albanians from the start instead of putting on this pathetic show?

So now we are to negotiate about a mass of our land that no longer belongs to us and to ask the nice people at UCK not to kill the remaining Serbs in Kosovo because they will end up with no alternative but to flee in the first place.

Hey, that is what I call the upper political hand. And as for William Hague - Say hello to your boss when you see him in Hell because threats like yours only come from the devil himself!


pre 14 godina

"I'm struggling to think of any benefits to this climbdown, although I'm open to suggestions."
(bganon, 9 September 2010 12:57)

In my opinion, there is a strong correlation between nationalistic elites governing Serbia and Kosovo as a part of Serbia. In other words: the only time Serbia did not have a nationalist party governing it for a long period of time is during the last two years. Also, the only time Kosovo was not part of Serbia is, surprise surprise, during the last two years. The rest of the time (when Serbia was on its own and not inside Yugoslavia) nationalistic parties were in power and Kosovo was de jure a part of Serbia. It looks like having Kosovo within Serbia gives rise to that pattern of action and reaction between Albanians and Serbs that favors nationalistic and hard line parties on both sides. Sad but true. The rise of Milosevic was due mainly to this action-reaction pattern. The rise of the KLA was due mainly to this action-reaction pattern.

When some people speak about stabilization of the situation, I think they talk about breaking this pattern. It stabilizes not only Kosovo, but Serbia as well. So to answer to your question: "A stable Serbia is a pretty big benefit for Serbs and for their neighbors".


pre 14 godina

"And that, of course, was something that ICJ took into account in deciding that Kosovo’s UDI did not violate international law."
(icj1, 9 September 2010 14:08)

Nice comments from you icj1. Just one thing, I would not call it UDI. It is not the correct description of the event of 17 February 2008. How can an event be unilateral? It makes no sense. Serbia tried to describe this event using the same terms in the UNGA resolution as well, but now we are being told that it has been removed. Anybody has a link to the new resolution?

Principa, Gracanica, KiM, Srbija

pre 14 godina


"If that isn't true, I can't support the Serbian government. "

- what next you'll be calling for elections as soon as too!

Join the bandwagon bganon!


pre 14 godina

It is interesting to note that this UN resolution was supposed to counter the ICJ decision and highlight the fact it didn't rule on the right to secession but only on the declaration.

(Zoran, 9 September 2010 11:07)

You don't need a resolution to say that. That was explicitely said by the Court itself.


pre 14 godina

A compromise involves give and take, where neither side gets all that they want, but a portion of their original position. Serbia gave away all and got nothing. This "compromise" destroys our position that secession was illegal. It is a complete capitulation by Tadic; he has de facto recognized Kosovo by agreeing to talk to it as an "equal", not about status but technical issues. This is a pure backdoor recognition of Kosovo, and it is disgusting. He will now try to fool the people that it was otherwise, but apparently this was his plan for a long time. In the end, today is the day when Serbia gave up. Serbia will be allowed to enter the EU when pigs fly, or when Serbia's borders become current Sumadija.