Thursday, 24.06.2010.


Gallup: Corruption main problem in W. Balkans

In western Balkans, corruption is present in everyday life and represents the main problem to the common people in the region.

Izvor: Tanjug

Gallup: Corruption main problem in W. Balkans IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 14 godina

Manchin pointed out that citizens of western Balkans have great confidence in the European Union (EU) - greater even than in their own governments - and believe that the EU could be of assistance in eliminating corruption. A Gallup pole financed by the EU why Im not surprised. You can have any outcome depending how you ask the question. In Croatia support for the EU membership is in the low teens out of a 100. Corruption is ripe also in the west EU countries with kickbacks ,special corrupt perks for those on top and many other nontransparent unlawful practices.


pre 14 godina

No surprise with this story, but how can people be so naieve in the region to believe that the EU can sort out all the internal problems of a country?? Has the EU solved the endemic corruption in eastern european countries and other Balkan countries such as Romania and Bulgaria? No. So why would the western Balkans be any different? Or is it down to the fact that the local media portray the EU as Nirvana to deceive them into joining the EU which is essentially a political union? Go figure.


pre 14 godina

Manchin pointed out that citizens of western Balkans have great confidence in the European Union (EU) - greater even than in their own governments - and believe that the EU could be of assistance in eliminating corruption. A Gallup pole financed by the EU why Im not surprised. You can have any outcome depending how you ask the question. In Croatia support for the EU membership is in the low teens out of a 100. Corruption is ripe also in the west EU countries with kickbacks ,special corrupt perks for those on top and many other nontransparent unlawful practices.


pre 14 godina

No surprise with this story, but how can people be so naieve in the region to believe that the EU can sort out all the internal problems of a country?? Has the EU solved the endemic corruption in eastern european countries and other Balkan countries such as Romania and Bulgaria? No. So why would the western Balkans be any different? Or is it down to the fact that the local media portray the EU as Nirvana to deceive them into joining the EU which is essentially a political union? Go figure.


pre 14 godina

No surprise with this story, but how can people be so naieve in the region to believe that the EU can sort out all the internal problems of a country?? Has the EU solved the endemic corruption in eastern european countries and other Balkan countries such as Romania and Bulgaria? No. So why would the western Balkans be any different? Or is it down to the fact that the local media portray the EU as Nirvana to deceive them into joining the EU which is essentially a political union? Go figure.


pre 14 godina

Manchin pointed out that citizens of western Balkans have great confidence in the European Union (EU) - greater even than in their own governments - and believe that the EU could be of assistance in eliminating corruption. A Gallup pole financed by the EU why Im not surprised. You can have any outcome depending how you ask the question. In Croatia support for the EU membership is in the low teens out of a 100. Corruption is ripe also in the west EU countries with kickbacks ,special corrupt perks for those on top and many other nontransparent unlawful practices.