Tuesday, 04.05.2010.


Arrest over attempted NY bomb attack

The suspect, a US citizen of Pakistani descent, was arrested in New York as he tried to board a flight to Dubai.

Izvor: VOA

Arrest over attempted NY bomb attack IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 14 godina

What motivated this imbecile to be a would be terrorist? As a Muslim I still have to condemn or denounce this idiot for the amount of havoc he could have reeked and also if he's tarnishing the reputation of innocent Muslims.


pre 14 godina

What motivated this imbecile to be a would be terrorist? As a Muslim I still have to condemn or denounce this idiot for the amount of havoc he could have reeked and also if he's tarnishing the reputation of innocent Muslims.


pre 14 godina

What motivated this imbecile to be a would be terrorist? As a Muslim I still have to condemn or denounce this idiot for the amount of havoc he could have reeked and also if he's tarnishing the reputation of innocent Muslims.