pre 15 godina
Words of a desparate man from an increasingly isolated country.
Friday, 22.01.2010.
The UN Security Council is debating the situation in Kosovo in New York this Friday, at a session addressed by Serbian President Boris Tadić.
Izvor: Beta
pre 15 godina
Words of a desparate man from an increasingly isolated country.
pre 15 godina
# 'Gerard M. Gallucci (UN Regional Representative in Mitrovica, Kosovo from July 2005 until October 2008) from 'Transconflict' [link [link]]
(kate, 22 January 2010 14:18)
And you realize he does not represent the views of the US govt, and I suspect his outspoken views are part of his "retired" status.'
Wasn't he in fact fired because of these same views?
(Amer, 22 January 2010 19:00)
Excellent link. Gallucci is a principled man with convictions. We need more Americans just like him. It probably shocks Team Albania to see an American besides me who is pro Serb.
pre 15 godina
Mark- You are already in Serbia. ANd believe me MArk the Serbian people can play this game a lot longer than the K-Albanians.
Milan, on the contreary you are on Illyrian soil and we Dardanians have been "playing the game" a lot longer than Serbia ever will. Dardania is free backed by the states and theres nothing serbia or anyone else can do about it,
It has always been and always will be: Might Makes Right.
pre 15 godina
thanx, joe, and you keep contributing as well! it's always good to gain and offer support, and constructive feedback as well.
roberto frisco
pre 15 godina
you people don't understand one thing: nobody in the world cares about this conflict anymore! Kosovo is independent and is not going back. If there would be conflict Kosovo would unite with Albania in the south and would not need to be recognized any longer, then there would be WAR with Serbia all over again, only this time it wouldn't be as one sided as it once was in 1999. The KPS (former KLA) is being trained in the west for such a scenario as we speak and with modern technology heavily invested in Kosovo and Albania Serbia has no chance. Serbia is bankrupt and they only are carrying this policy to gain political support in Serbia, noone listens to them anymore internationally.
pre 15 godina
psss, what if the USA changes their stand on Kosovo Albanians UDI? What if they all-of-a-sudden say, "Let's go back to the bargaining table"? What would you then say about America? Would you bad-mouth them too, and consider them your enemies? It may happen. The West is really getting tired of, not to mention out of resources, with these stupid territorial conflicts, especially in Europe. See you at the table, mon ami.
(EverythingChanges, 23 January 2010 02:58)
I assume you addressed this to me. I am not worried because it is not going to happen. But if it did would I bad mouth America, no it is my home. I would be greatly disappointed in the leadership and work to change what I do not like.
But as I said Kosovo has full bipartisan support, so there is a far greater chance that Serbia would become a Kosovo province than the US back tracking.
pre 15 godina
Great comment like always. Keep it up my friend.
pre 15 godina
So did Kosovo's Skender Hyseni
werent there foolish people speaking only weeks ago that Kosovar reps were not allowed in? where was the serbian outrage?
sad sad sad.
and on a humorous note... tadic gracefully ran away from the press afterwards.
pre 15 godina
To Kate and all who got my point:
that's right we you everyboy gave blood for the boundaries we have today so there is only one way to change them by giving more blood but serbs are the list and last people who are willing to do that right now because you came in Europe in VI century and ocupied our land,part of Hungary,Bulgaria even your Romanian friends will be against you not mentionin now mighty Croatia,B.H Montenegro who never liked you because you are a threat to their own identity and Kosova who are ready to die reather be uner Serbia again.
so dont get mad,take a deep breath this is the true story of balkans.
pre 15 godina
Even the UN said that there is no status negotiations, meaning that Kosova is indirectly recognized by the UN. Well we can't be surprised at all since Martti Ahtisaari(UN representative) was sent to solve the Kosova issue. I gotta tell ya, He is damn good:).
Move forward my beatiuful Kosova.
pre 15 godina
I just read tadic's address to the UN, compliments of b92.
here i found nothing new or encouraging.
here i found the same old rhetoric: full propaganda ag. pristina authorities, full use of the usual "news" as evidence that serbia must colonize its "province."
nothing new, no progress, no compromise, just implied demands that there be "no more recognitions!" (so YOU say.)
oh yes, and just like here, the usual reassurance that "serbia has mended its evil old ways" (i paraphrase.) with no evidence. and it hasn't.
so here is my response: i ask that EVERY country who has yet to recognize, to please step up to the plate and recognize Kosovo/a, as quickly as possible. that will be the best response to tadic.
last time i wrote: soon we will have "65." the next day, "65." so let's run a little contest: who will be #66? hmm, let's think about it...
and when we reach 100, which will happen soon enough, we'll have a great party of liberation, worldwide.
when tadic actually gets ready to talk to the leaders of Kosovo/a as equals, then we'll see progress. and not before.
thank you.
pre 15 godina
Its very simple for Kosovo Government to dismantle the parallel structures just come out and say WAR in TERROR and no one can't say nothing every state knows such thing exist in Kosovo is nothing NEW you are protecting your borders so what is different from other states anyone has right to dismantle those crime organization who doesn't pay TAXES does or will SERBIA allowed something like that in his territory so why you are barking!!!! and Kosovo will have a fully support to dismantle those CRIMINALS
pre 15 godina
Kate don't worry about the international community their money or their resources.Because if they run out of any of them they certainly will not ask Serbia for help. Because serbia has none of them iself. If you are worried about the lives of 90% of the Kosovo's population I tell you not to worry again. We will chose to die from hunger than go back to Serbia.
(Mark, 22 January 2010 21:09)
Mark- You are already in Serbia. ANd believe me MArk the Serbian people can play this game a lot longer than the K-Albanians.
pre 15 godina
'The fact remains that Kosovo is still legally part of Serbia ...
(kate, 22 January 2010 23:33)'
Under what law? (You tried using Resolution 1244 before, so let's not go around that again, unless you've got a new take on it.) Since the Serb government says it won't accept an ICJ ruling that the DoI was legal, maybe you should look for another argument, anyway.
pre 15 godina
psss, what if the USA changes their stand on Kosovo Albanians UDI? What if they all-of-a-sudden say, "Let's go back to the bargaining table"? What would you then say about America? Would you bad-mouth them too, and consider them your enemies? It may happen. The West is really getting tired of, not to mention out of resources, with these stupid territorial conflicts, especially in Europe. See you at the table, mon ami.
pre 15 godina
...Well well, how come every country is acting provocatively towards Croatia, MNG Macedonia Bulgaria...etc
(PRN, 22 January 2010 15:42)
Well well how come every country is acting provocatively towards muslim brothers of yours throughout the world. I think that’s what you meant to say.
pre 15 godina
Amer: "Where the word is that we'll stick by plucky little Kosovo."
And what of "plucky" Serbia which has withstood such international aggression, bias and bullying for the past 2 decades?
Or do you believe that they are all war criminals while all Kosovo Albanians are freedom fighters?
Nothing is that black and white and as a clearly intelligent person you should be able to see things beyond the popular stance.
Time has moved on and if the old guard from all sides are replaced by modern forward thinkers then people have a chance.
The fact remains that Kosovo is still legally part of Serbia and nothing will change until there are real status discussions to find a solution that both sides can live with.
pre 15 godina
'But they will definitely be moving on from the small fry that Kosovo now represents to them.
(kate, 22 January 2010 19:54)'
The trick, you see, is to have more than one person in a department - this way, a government can deal with more than one problem at a time. Whether there are or are not sufficient fish for a fish-fry, and who's to be invited to any given one, for example. It's interesting that you seem so well informed about the intentions of other governments - mine included. You are apparently invited to more fish fries than I am. Which is fine, by the way, since I prefer barbecues. Where the word is that we'll stick by plucky little Kosovo.
pre 15 godina
pss - why is it important that he represents the views of the US govt? Contrary to their (and your) belief their opinion is not the only one that counts.
(kate, 22 January 2010 18:25)
Go back to your original post. It is you who claim that the US has realized that the only way forward is to return to the negotiating table. It is you who come up with an opinion by former Mr Gallucci who retired shortly after he expressed views contrary to the US in the handling of Kosovo matters. If you want to use him to prove "your" point it is important that his opinion represents that of the US.
pre 15 godina
Kosovo is not able to be a self-supporting entity in any way, shape or form. The 'international community' cannot spare the money, resources and troops to indulge and finance non functioning, expensive projects like Kosovo.
The only way forward is to return to the negotiating table and develop a solution which is acceptable to all and moves things forward.
The US and the rest of the world know this, and now have other fish to fry on the diplomatic world stage.
(kate, 22 January 2010 10:39)
Kate don't worry about the international community their money or their resources.Because if they run out of any of them they certainly will not ask Serbia for help. Because serbia has none of them iself. If you are worried about the lives of 90% of the Kosovo's population I tell you not to worry again. We will chose to die from hunger than go back to Serbia.
pre 15 godina
pss - why is it important that he represents the views of the US govt? Contrary to their (and your) belief their opinion is not the only one that counts.
pre 15 godina
'Gerard M. Gallucci (UN Regional Representative in Mitrovica, Kosovo from July 2005 until October 2008) from 'Transconflict' [link [link]]
(kate, 22 January 2010 14:18)
And you realize he does not represent the views of the US govt, and I suspect his outspoken views are part of his "retired" status.'
Wasn't he in fact fired because of these same views?
pre 15 godina
Amer: "But you told us they had the fish to fry!"
And indeed they do, but hopefully within their capacity (ie. not over-committing themselves on any more 'moral crusades' while there are so many genuine problems in the world).
But they will definitely be moving on from the small fry that Kosovo now represents to them.
pre 15 godina
'Who cares how big the capacity for diplomatic fish-fries, when there is a shortage of fish to fry ...
(kate, 22 January 2010 15:32)'
But you told us they had the fish to fry!
pre 15 godina
pss - why is it important that he represents the views of the US govt? Contrary to their (and your) belief their opinion is not the only one that counts.
pre 15 godina
Gerard M. Gallucci (UN Regional Representative in Mitrovica, Kosovo from July 2005 until October 2008) from 'Transconflict' [link [link]]
(kate, 22 January 2010 14:18)
And you realize he does not represent the views of the US govt, and I suspect his outspoken views are part of his "retired" status.
You will find indiviuals that agree with you, but can you find someone who is officially speaking and not rendering a private opinion??
pre 15 godina
....(continuation of the previous thread)
There is either a problem EITHER with Serbia alone OR with each individual Balkan country.
I dont think this is a rocket science.
pre 15 godina
Well according to Jeremic, this is an important meeting this is why the highest level must take place. According to conventional wisdom
Hyseni = Tadic + Jeremic
I didnt know tha Hyseni can contribute alone equal and Tadic + Jeremic together.
Well done to our FM.
BTW Tadic is talking of provacative moves/statements from Balkan neighbours...Well well, how come every country is acting provocatively towards Croatia, MNG Macedonia Bulgaria...etc
pre 15 godina
Amer: "The diplomatic world stage is wide and there is room for many fish-fries and barbecues."
Who cares how big the capacity for diplomatic fish-fries, when there is a shortage of fish to fry thanks to European fishing quotas, regulations and depleted stocks... soon to be seen on Balkan shores.
Same old story, the tools are there but the substance is lacking!
pre 15 godina
"Serbia and Kosovo are urged to find a way to put aside the status considerations and commit to the resumption of regional cooperation"
You won't have one without the other! Kosovo has always belonged to Serbia and will continue to do so in the future. Albanians should respect that and give up their occupation of Serbian land.
pre 15 godina
'The US and the rest of the world know this, and now have other fish to fry on the diplomatic world stage.
(kate, 22 January 2010 10:39)'
The diplomatic world stage is wide and there is room for many fish-fries and barbecues.
pre 15 godina
To pss - just one of many examples of somebody notable who believes that the status issue isn't over:
"2010 may be the year that Kosovo status, and that of the north, really gets settled. Or maybe it will just be more of the same divided status quo. Either would be better than renewed conflict but negotiations would be best and everyone may come to see this after some further theatre."
Gerard M. Gallucci (UN Regional Representative in Mitrovica, Kosovo from July 2005 until October 2008) from 'Transconflict' [link]
pre 15 godina
Foreign Minister of Kosova, Skender Hyseni is with the meeting of the UN Security Council, but it probably already know MR Tadic, this is what I call double standards, NOT in Zagreb, but OKEY in New Jork.
(Maximilian, 22 January 2010 10:59)
That's because the UN does not recognise Kosovo as an independent country. If Hyseni was invited to Zagreb as a representitive of UNMIK Kosovo then all would be fine.
pre 15 godina
The only way forward is to return to the negotiating table and develop a solution which is acceptable to all and moves things forward.
The US and the rest of the world know this, and now have other fish to fry on the diplomatic world stage.
(kate, 22 January 2010 10:39)
Curious as to where you learned this other than in this forum. Everything I read from credible sources still state that supporters of Kosovo Independence that status negotiations are fruitless and attentions should be placed on regional cooperation and negotiations over subjects of importance to the 2 separate entity.
That is with exception to the news we learn from the international experts such as yourself in this forum.
I also love the "enshrined" comment, I think we have reached a new level here. The last time I read 1244, I did notice a slight glow around that part.
pre 15 godina
"Kosovo is not able to be a self-supporting entity in any way, shape or form. Kate"
Kate, both Kosovo and Serbia borrow from WB and IMF.
Please dont be a hypocrit
What could Serbia do better for Kosovo that outclasses the "internationals"? lol
As for sovrenty or "claims" Serbia always had a bigger eye than a stomach.
It is not the first time that your politicians dont want to let Albanians into the UN. And you never learn :)
pre 15 godina
I don't believe that Serbia has any intention to 'take over' Kosovo but the fact remains that Kosovo is a legal province of Serbia, as confirmed by, and enshrined in, Resolution 1244.
Kate, then why all the fuzz if Serbia has no intention to take Kosova/o?
Oh, as I see it , today the priority for Mr. Tadic will be Mesic's statemant rather then Kosova/o.
pre 15 godina
To Oso Kuka
Speaking of historic conquerors and boundaries (even if you were correct) is completely irrelevant.
Britain would still be part of the Roman Empire if that was the case, and while we may then as a nation have a better grasp of nice healthy cuisine, millions have died through history to draw the boundaries that we have today.
The only relevant issue is where the sovereign boundaries of nations sit at this time; legally recognised territories protected as such under international law.
I don't believe that Serbia has any intention to 'take over' Kosovo but the fact remains that Kosovo is a legal province of Serbia, as confirmed by, and enshrined in, Resolution 1244.
The UN knows this, and all responsible countries who aren't trying to morph the world into a giant oil producing arms factory know this.
Kosovo is not able to be a self-supporting entity in any way, shape or form. The 'international community' cannot spare the money, resources and troops to indulge and finance non functioning, expensive projects like Kosovo.
The only way forward is to return to the negotiating table and develop a solution which is acceptable to all and moves things forward.
The US and the rest of the world know this, and now have other fish to fry on the diplomatic world stage.
pre 15 godina
Foreign Minister of Kosova, Skender Hyseni is with the meeting of the UN Security Council, but it probably already know MR Tadic, this is what I call double standards, NOT in Zagreb, but OKEY in New Jork.
pre 15 godina
Kosovo is a done deal no matter what Serbia or UN says there is no going back if we go back on time 15 hundred years ago we conquered all balkans and half of greece(Illyrians) at list we got something back Dardania(Kosovo)now.
(Oso Kuka, 22 January 2010 09:56)
Yes, the great Illyrian people descended to Earth from the planet Zog in the Mother Ship after defeating the Cylons, built the pyramids, founded the great civilizations of Mespotamia, Egypt, classical Greece and Rome, invented the wheel, astronomy, the Great Wall of China, gave us Jesus, discovered America, the Renaissance and Elvis.
Haven't you heard it was in Battlestar Gallactica.
pre 15 godina
Since Kosovo foreign minister is coming to UN and Serbia knows about why don't Tadic boycote like inaguration party if Croatian president.
Kosovo is a done deal no matter what Serbia or UN says there is no going back if we go back on time 15 hundred years ago we conquered all balkans and half of greece(Illyrians) at list we got something back Dardania(Kosovo)now.
pre 15 godina
Kosovo is a done deal no matter what Serbia or UN says there is no going back if we go back on time 15 hundred years ago we conquered all balkans and half of greece(Illyrians) at list we got something back Dardania(Kosovo)now.
(Oso Kuka, 22 January 2010 09:56)
Yes, the great Illyrian people descended to Earth from the planet Zog in the Mother Ship after defeating the Cylons, built the pyramids, founded the great civilizations of Mespotamia, Egypt, classical Greece and Rome, invented the wheel, astronomy, the Great Wall of China, gave us Jesus, discovered America, the Renaissance and Elvis.
Haven't you heard it was in Battlestar Gallactica.
pre 15 godina
To Oso Kuka
Speaking of historic conquerors and boundaries (even if you were correct) is completely irrelevant.
Britain would still be part of the Roman Empire if that was the case, and while we may then as a nation have a better grasp of nice healthy cuisine, millions have died through history to draw the boundaries that we have today.
The only relevant issue is where the sovereign boundaries of nations sit at this time; legally recognised territories protected as such under international law.
I don't believe that Serbia has any intention to 'take over' Kosovo but the fact remains that Kosovo is a legal province of Serbia, as confirmed by, and enshrined in, Resolution 1244.
The UN knows this, and all responsible countries who aren't trying to morph the world into a giant oil producing arms factory know this.
Kosovo is not able to be a self-supporting entity in any way, shape or form. The 'international community' cannot spare the money, resources and troops to indulge and finance non functioning, expensive projects like Kosovo.
The only way forward is to return to the negotiating table and develop a solution which is acceptable to all and moves things forward.
The US and the rest of the world know this, and now have other fish to fry on the diplomatic world stage.
pre 15 godina
Since Kosovo foreign minister is coming to UN and Serbia knows about why don't Tadic boycote like inaguration party if Croatian president.
Kosovo is a done deal no matter what Serbia or UN says there is no going back if we go back on time 15 hundred years ago we conquered all balkans and half of greece(Illyrians) at list we got something back Dardania(Kosovo)now.
pre 15 godina
Foreign Minister of Kosova, Skender Hyseni is with the meeting of the UN Security Council, but it probably already know MR Tadic, this is what I call double standards, NOT in Zagreb, but OKEY in New Jork.
pre 15 godina
"Serbia and Kosovo are urged to find a way to put aside the status considerations and commit to the resumption of regional cooperation"
You won't have one without the other! Kosovo has always belonged to Serbia and will continue to do so in the future. Albanians should respect that and give up their occupation of Serbian land.
pre 15 godina
Foreign Minister of Kosova, Skender Hyseni is with the meeting of the UN Security Council, but it probably already know MR Tadic, this is what I call double standards, NOT in Zagreb, but OKEY in New Jork.
(Maximilian, 22 January 2010 10:59)
That's because the UN does not recognise Kosovo as an independent country. If Hyseni was invited to Zagreb as a representitive of UNMIK Kosovo then all would be fine.
pre 15 godina
To pss - just one of many examples of somebody notable who believes that the status issue isn't over:
"2010 may be the year that Kosovo status, and that of the north, really gets settled. Or maybe it will just be more of the same divided status quo. Either would be better than renewed conflict but negotiations would be best and everyone may come to see this after some further theatre."
Gerard M. Gallucci (UN Regional Representative in Mitrovica, Kosovo from July 2005 until October 2008) from 'Transconflict' [link]
pre 15 godina
Well according to Jeremic, this is an important meeting this is why the highest level must take place. According to conventional wisdom
Hyseni = Tadic + Jeremic
I didnt know tha Hyseni can contribute alone equal and Tadic + Jeremic together.
Well done to our FM.
BTW Tadic is talking of provacative moves/statements from Balkan neighbours...Well well, how come every country is acting provocatively towards Croatia, MNG Macedonia Bulgaria...etc
pre 15 godina
"Kosovo is not able to be a self-supporting entity in any way, shape or form. Kate"
Kate, both Kosovo and Serbia borrow from WB and IMF.
Please dont be a hypocrit
What could Serbia do better for Kosovo that outclasses the "internationals"? lol
As for sovrenty or "claims" Serbia always had a bigger eye than a stomach.
It is not the first time that your politicians dont want to let Albanians into the UN. And you never learn :)
pre 15 godina
....(continuation of the previous thread)
There is either a problem EITHER with Serbia alone OR with each individual Balkan country.
I dont think this is a rocket science.
pre 15 godina
The only way forward is to return to the negotiating table and develop a solution which is acceptable to all and moves things forward.
The US and the rest of the world know this, and now have other fish to fry on the diplomatic world stage.
(kate, 22 January 2010 10:39)
Curious as to where you learned this other than in this forum. Everything I read from credible sources still state that supporters of Kosovo Independence that status negotiations are fruitless and attentions should be placed on regional cooperation and negotiations over subjects of importance to the 2 separate entity.
That is with exception to the news we learn from the international experts such as yourself in this forum.
I also love the "enshrined" comment, I think we have reached a new level here. The last time I read 1244, I did notice a slight glow around that part.
pre 15 godina
pss - why is it important that he represents the views of the US govt? Contrary to their (and your) belief their opinion is not the only one that counts.
pre 15 godina
Amer: "Where the word is that we'll stick by plucky little Kosovo."
And what of "plucky" Serbia which has withstood such international aggression, bias and bullying for the past 2 decades?
Or do you believe that they are all war criminals while all Kosovo Albanians are freedom fighters?
Nothing is that black and white and as a clearly intelligent person you should be able to see things beyond the popular stance.
Time has moved on and if the old guard from all sides are replaced by modern forward thinkers then people have a chance.
The fact remains that Kosovo is still legally part of Serbia and nothing will change until there are real status discussions to find a solution that both sides can live with.
pre 15 godina
Amer: "The diplomatic world stage is wide and there is room for many fish-fries and barbecues."
Who cares how big the capacity for diplomatic fish-fries, when there is a shortage of fish to fry thanks to European fishing quotas, regulations and depleted stocks... soon to be seen on Balkan shores.
Same old story, the tools are there but the substance is lacking!
pre 15 godina
Kosovo is not able to be a self-supporting entity in any way, shape or form. The 'international community' cannot spare the money, resources and troops to indulge and finance non functioning, expensive projects like Kosovo.
The only way forward is to return to the negotiating table and develop a solution which is acceptable to all and moves things forward.
The US and the rest of the world know this, and now have other fish to fry on the diplomatic world stage.
(kate, 22 January 2010 10:39)
Kate don't worry about the international community their money or their resources.Because if they run out of any of them they certainly will not ask Serbia for help. Because serbia has none of them iself. If you are worried about the lives of 90% of the Kosovo's population I tell you not to worry again. We will chose to die from hunger than go back to Serbia.
pre 15 godina
pss - why is it important that he represents the views of the US govt? Contrary to their (and your) belief their opinion is not the only one that counts.
pre 15 godina
Amer: "But you told us they had the fish to fry!"
And indeed they do, but hopefully within their capacity (ie. not over-committing themselves on any more 'moral crusades' while there are so many genuine problems in the world).
But they will definitely be moving on from the small fry that Kosovo now represents to them.
pre 15 godina
I don't believe that Serbia has any intention to 'take over' Kosovo but the fact remains that Kosovo is a legal province of Serbia, as confirmed by, and enshrined in, Resolution 1244.
Kate, then why all the fuzz if Serbia has no intention to take Kosova/o?
Oh, as I see it , today the priority for Mr. Tadic will be Mesic's statemant rather then Kosova/o.
pre 15 godina
Gerard M. Gallucci (UN Regional Representative in Mitrovica, Kosovo from July 2005 until October 2008) from 'Transconflict' [link [link]]
(kate, 22 January 2010 14:18)
And you realize he does not represent the views of the US govt, and I suspect his outspoken views are part of his "retired" status.
You will find indiviuals that agree with you, but can you find someone who is officially speaking and not rendering a private opinion??
pre 15 godina
'Who cares how big the capacity for diplomatic fish-fries, when there is a shortage of fish to fry ...
(kate, 22 January 2010 15:32)'
But you told us they had the fish to fry!
pre 15 godina
'The US and the rest of the world know this, and now have other fish to fry on the diplomatic world stage.
(kate, 22 January 2010 10:39)'
The diplomatic world stage is wide and there is room for many fish-fries and barbecues.
pre 15 godina
'Gerard M. Gallucci (UN Regional Representative in Mitrovica, Kosovo from July 2005 until October 2008) from 'Transconflict' [link [link]]
(kate, 22 January 2010 14:18)
And you realize he does not represent the views of the US govt, and I suspect his outspoken views are part of his "retired" status.'
Wasn't he in fact fired because of these same views?
pre 15 godina
...Well well, how come every country is acting provocatively towards Croatia, MNG Macedonia Bulgaria...etc
(PRN, 22 January 2010 15:42)
Well well how come every country is acting provocatively towards muslim brothers of yours throughout the world. I think that’s what you meant to say.
pre 15 godina
pss - why is it important that he represents the views of the US govt? Contrary to their (and your) belief their opinion is not the only one that counts.
(kate, 22 January 2010 18:25)
Go back to your original post. It is you who claim that the US has realized that the only way forward is to return to the negotiating table. It is you who come up with an opinion by former Mr Gallucci who retired shortly after he expressed views contrary to the US in the handling of Kosovo matters. If you want to use him to prove "your" point it is important that his opinion represents that of the US.
pre 15 godina
'But they will definitely be moving on from the small fry that Kosovo now represents to them.
(kate, 22 January 2010 19:54)'
The trick, you see, is to have more than one person in a department - this way, a government can deal with more than one problem at a time. Whether there are or are not sufficient fish for a fish-fry, and who's to be invited to any given one, for example. It's interesting that you seem so well informed about the intentions of other governments - mine included. You are apparently invited to more fish fries than I am. Which is fine, by the way, since I prefer barbecues. Where the word is that we'll stick by plucky little Kosovo.
pre 15 godina
Kate don't worry about the international community their money or their resources.Because if they run out of any of them they certainly will not ask Serbia for help. Because serbia has none of them iself. If you are worried about the lives of 90% of the Kosovo's population I tell you not to worry again. We will chose to die from hunger than go back to Serbia.
(Mark, 22 January 2010 21:09)
Mark- You are already in Serbia. ANd believe me MArk the Serbian people can play this game a lot longer than the K-Albanians.
pre 15 godina
To Kate and all who got my point:
that's right we you everyboy gave blood for the boundaries we have today so there is only one way to change them by giving more blood but serbs are the list and last people who are willing to do that right now because you came in Europe in VI century and ocupied our land,part of Hungary,Bulgaria even your Romanian friends will be against you not mentionin now mighty Croatia,B.H Montenegro who never liked you because you are a threat to their own identity and Kosova who are ready to die reather be uner Serbia again.
so dont get mad,take a deep breath this is the true story of balkans.
pre 15 godina
psss, what if the USA changes their stand on Kosovo Albanians UDI? What if they all-of-a-sudden say, "Let's go back to the bargaining table"? What would you then say about America? Would you bad-mouth them too, and consider them your enemies? It may happen. The West is really getting tired of, not to mention out of resources, with these stupid territorial conflicts, especially in Europe. See you at the table, mon ami.
(EverythingChanges, 23 January 2010 02:58)
I assume you addressed this to me. I am not worried because it is not going to happen. But if it did would I bad mouth America, no it is my home. I would be greatly disappointed in the leadership and work to change what I do not like.
But as I said Kosovo has full bipartisan support, so there is a far greater chance that Serbia would become a Kosovo province than the US back tracking.
pre 15 godina
'The fact remains that Kosovo is still legally part of Serbia ...
(kate, 22 January 2010 23:33)'
Under what law? (You tried using Resolution 1244 before, so let's not go around that again, unless you've got a new take on it.) Since the Serb government says it won't accept an ICJ ruling that the DoI was legal, maybe you should look for another argument, anyway.
pre 15 godina
Even the UN said that there is no status negotiations, meaning that Kosova is indirectly recognized by the UN. Well we can't be surprised at all since Martti Ahtisaari(UN representative) was sent to solve the Kosova issue. I gotta tell ya, He is damn good:).
Move forward my beatiuful Kosova.
pre 15 godina
So did Kosovo's Skender Hyseni
werent there foolish people speaking only weeks ago that Kosovar reps were not allowed in? where was the serbian outrage?
sad sad sad.
and on a humorous note... tadic gracefully ran away from the press afterwards.
pre 15 godina
# 'Gerard M. Gallucci (UN Regional Representative in Mitrovica, Kosovo from July 2005 until October 2008) from 'Transconflict' [link [link]]
(kate, 22 January 2010 14:18)
And you realize he does not represent the views of the US govt, and I suspect his outspoken views are part of his "retired" status.'
Wasn't he in fact fired because of these same views?
(Amer, 22 January 2010 19:00)
Excellent link. Gallucci is a principled man with convictions. We need more Americans just like him. It probably shocks Team Albania to see an American besides me who is pro Serb.
pre 15 godina
you people don't understand one thing: nobody in the world cares about this conflict anymore! Kosovo is independent and is not going back. If there would be conflict Kosovo would unite with Albania in the south and would not need to be recognized any longer, then there would be WAR with Serbia all over again, only this time it wouldn't be as one sided as it once was in 1999. The KPS (former KLA) is being trained in the west for such a scenario as we speak and with modern technology heavily invested in Kosovo and Albania Serbia has no chance. Serbia is bankrupt and they only are carrying this policy to gain political support in Serbia, noone listens to them anymore internationally.
pre 15 godina
Mark- You are already in Serbia. ANd believe me MArk the Serbian people can play this game a lot longer than the K-Albanians.
Milan, on the contreary you are on Illyrian soil and we Dardanians have been "playing the game" a lot longer than Serbia ever will. Dardania is free backed by the states and theres nothing serbia or anyone else can do about it,
It has always been and always will be: Might Makes Right.
pre 15 godina
psss, what if the USA changes their stand on Kosovo Albanians UDI? What if they all-of-a-sudden say, "Let's go back to the bargaining table"? What would you then say about America? Would you bad-mouth them too, and consider them your enemies? It may happen. The West is really getting tired of, not to mention out of resources, with these stupid territorial conflicts, especially in Europe. See you at the table, mon ami.
pre 15 godina
Its very simple for Kosovo Government to dismantle the parallel structures just come out and say WAR in TERROR and no one can't say nothing every state knows such thing exist in Kosovo is nothing NEW you are protecting your borders so what is different from other states anyone has right to dismantle those crime organization who doesn't pay TAXES does or will SERBIA allowed something like that in his territory so why you are barking!!!! and Kosovo will have a fully support to dismantle those CRIMINALS
pre 15 godina
I just read tadic's address to the UN, compliments of b92.
here i found nothing new or encouraging.
here i found the same old rhetoric: full propaganda ag. pristina authorities, full use of the usual "news" as evidence that serbia must colonize its "province."
nothing new, no progress, no compromise, just implied demands that there be "no more recognitions!" (so YOU say.)
oh yes, and just like here, the usual reassurance that "serbia has mended its evil old ways" (i paraphrase.) with no evidence. and it hasn't.
so here is my response: i ask that EVERY country who has yet to recognize, to please step up to the plate and recognize Kosovo/a, as quickly as possible. that will be the best response to tadic.
last time i wrote: soon we will have "65." the next day, "65." so let's run a little contest: who will be #66? hmm, let's think about it...
and when we reach 100, which will happen soon enough, we'll have a great party of liberation, worldwide.
when tadic actually gets ready to talk to the leaders of Kosovo/a as equals, then we'll see progress. and not before.
thank you.
pre 15 godina
Great comment like always. Keep it up my friend.
pre 15 godina
thanx, joe, and you keep contributing as well! it's always good to gain and offer support, and constructive feedback as well.
roberto frisco
pre 15 godina
Words of a desparate man from an increasingly isolated country.
pre 15 godina
Since Kosovo foreign minister is coming to UN and Serbia knows about why don't Tadic boycote like inaguration party if Croatian president.
Kosovo is a done deal no matter what Serbia or UN says there is no going back if we go back on time 15 hundred years ago we conquered all balkans and half of greece(Illyrians) at list we got something back Dardania(Kosovo)now.
pre 15 godina
Kosovo is a done deal no matter what Serbia or UN says there is no going back if we go back on time 15 hundred years ago we conquered all balkans and half of greece(Illyrians) at list we got something back Dardania(Kosovo)now.
(Oso Kuka, 22 January 2010 09:56)
Yes, the great Illyrian people descended to Earth from the planet Zog in the Mother Ship after defeating the Cylons, built the pyramids, founded the great civilizations of Mespotamia, Egypt, classical Greece and Rome, invented the wheel, astronomy, the Great Wall of China, gave us Jesus, discovered America, the Renaissance and Elvis.
Haven't you heard it was in Battlestar Gallactica.
pre 15 godina
To Oso Kuka
Speaking of historic conquerors and boundaries (even if you were correct) is completely irrelevant.
Britain would still be part of the Roman Empire if that was the case, and while we may then as a nation have a better grasp of nice healthy cuisine, millions have died through history to draw the boundaries that we have today.
The only relevant issue is where the sovereign boundaries of nations sit at this time; legally recognised territories protected as such under international law.
I don't believe that Serbia has any intention to 'take over' Kosovo but the fact remains that Kosovo is a legal province of Serbia, as confirmed by, and enshrined in, Resolution 1244.
The UN knows this, and all responsible countries who aren't trying to morph the world into a giant oil producing arms factory know this.
Kosovo is not able to be a self-supporting entity in any way, shape or form. The 'international community' cannot spare the money, resources and troops to indulge and finance non functioning, expensive projects like Kosovo.
The only way forward is to return to the negotiating table and develop a solution which is acceptable to all and moves things forward.
The US and the rest of the world know this, and now have other fish to fry on the diplomatic world stage.
pre 15 godina
Foreign Minister of Kosova, Skender Hyseni is with the meeting of the UN Security Council, but it probably already know MR Tadic, this is what I call double standards, NOT in Zagreb, but OKEY in New Jork.
pre 15 godina
"Serbia and Kosovo are urged to find a way to put aside the status considerations and commit to the resumption of regional cooperation"
You won't have one without the other! Kosovo has always belonged to Serbia and will continue to do so in the future. Albanians should respect that and give up their occupation of Serbian land.
pre 15 godina
I don't believe that Serbia has any intention to 'take over' Kosovo but the fact remains that Kosovo is a legal province of Serbia, as confirmed by, and enshrined in, Resolution 1244.
Kate, then why all the fuzz if Serbia has no intention to take Kosova/o?
Oh, as I see it , today the priority for Mr. Tadic will be Mesic's statemant rather then Kosova/o.
pre 15 godina
"Kosovo is not able to be a self-supporting entity in any way, shape or form. Kate"
Kate, both Kosovo and Serbia borrow from WB and IMF.
Please dont be a hypocrit
What could Serbia do better for Kosovo that outclasses the "internationals"? lol
As for sovrenty or "claims" Serbia always had a bigger eye than a stomach.
It is not the first time that your politicians dont want to let Albanians into the UN. And you never learn :)
pre 15 godina
The only way forward is to return to the negotiating table and develop a solution which is acceptable to all and moves things forward.
The US and the rest of the world know this, and now have other fish to fry on the diplomatic world stage.
(kate, 22 January 2010 10:39)
Curious as to where you learned this other than in this forum. Everything I read from credible sources still state that supporters of Kosovo Independence that status negotiations are fruitless and attentions should be placed on regional cooperation and negotiations over subjects of importance to the 2 separate entity.
That is with exception to the news we learn from the international experts such as yourself in this forum.
I also love the "enshrined" comment, I think we have reached a new level here. The last time I read 1244, I did notice a slight glow around that part.
pre 15 godina
'The US and the rest of the world know this, and now have other fish to fry on the diplomatic world stage.
(kate, 22 January 2010 10:39)'
The diplomatic world stage is wide and there is room for many fish-fries and barbecues.
pre 15 godina
...Well well, how come every country is acting provocatively towards Croatia, MNG Macedonia Bulgaria...etc
(PRN, 22 January 2010 15:42)
Well well how come every country is acting provocatively towards muslim brothers of yours throughout the world. I think that’s what you meant to say.
pre 15 godina
pss - why is it important that he represents the views of the US govt? Contrary to their (and your) belief their opinion is not the only one that counts.
pre 15 godina
Well according to Jeremic, this is an important meeting this is why the highest level must take place. According to conventional wisdom
Hyseni = Tadic + Jeremic
I didnt know tha Hyseni can contribute alone equal and Tadic + Jeremic together.
Well done to our FM.
BTW Tadic is talking of provacative moves/statements from Balkan neighbours...Well well, how come every country is acting provocatively towards Croatia, MNG Macedonia Bulgaria...etc
pre 15 godina
Kosovo is not able to be a self-supporting entity in any way, shape or form. The 'international community' cannot spare the money, resources and troops to indulge and finance non functioning, expensive projects like Kosovo.
The only way forward is to return to the negotiating table and develop a solution which is acceptable to all and moves things forward.
The US and the rest of the world know this, and now have other fish to fry on the diplomatic world stage.
(kate, 22 January 2010 10:39)
Kate don't worry about the international community their money or their resources.Because if they run out of any of them they certainly will not ask Serbia for help. Because serbia has none of them iself. If you are worried about the lives of 90% of the Kosovo's population I tell you not to worry again. We will chose to die from hunger than go back to Serbia.
pre 15 godina
Amer: "Where the word is that we'll stick by plucky little Kosovo."
And what of "plucky" Serbia which has withstood such international aggression, bias and bullying for the past 2 decades?
Or do you believe that they are all war criminals while all Kosovo Albanians are freedom fighters?
Nothing is that black and white and as a clearly intelligent person you should be able to see things beyond the popular stance.
Time has moved on and if the old guard from all sides are replaced by modern forward thinkers then people have a chance.
The fact remains that Kosovo is still legally part of Serbia and nothing will change until there are real status discussions to find a solution that both sides can live with.
pre 15 godina
Amer: "The diplomatic world stage is wide and there is room for many fish-fries and barbecues."
Who cares how big the capacity for diplomatic fish-fries, when there is a shortage of fish to fry thanks to European fishing quotas, regulations and depleted stocks... soon to be seen on Balkan shores.
Same old story, the tools are there but the substance is lacking!
pre 15 godina
....(continuation of the previous thread)
There is either a problem EITHER with Serbia alone OR with each individual Balkan country.
I dont think this is a rocket science.
pre 15 godina
Gerard M. Gallucci (UN Regional Representative in Mitrovica, Kosovo from July 2005 until October 2008) from 'Transconflict' [link [link]]
(kate, 22 January 2010 14:18)
And you realize he does not represent the views of the US govt, and I suspect his outspoken views are part of his "retired" status.
You will find indiviuals that agree with you, but can you find someone who is officially speaking and not rendering a private opinion??
pre 15 godina
pss - why is it important that he represents the views of the US govt? Contrary to their (and your) belief their opinion is not the only one that counts.
pre 15 godina
'But they will definitely be moving on from the small fry that Kosovo now represents to them.
(kate, 22 January 2010 19:54)'
The trick, you see, is to have more than one person in a department - this way, a government can deal with more than one problem at a time. Whether there are or are not sufficient fish for a fish-fry, and who's to be invited to any given one, for example. It's interesting that you seem so well informed about the intentions of other governments - mine included. You are apparently invited to more fish fries than I am. Which is fine, by the way, since I prefer barbecues. Where the word is that we'll stick by plucky little Kosovo.
pre 15 godina
'Gerard M. Gallucci (UN Regional Representative in Mitrovica, Kosovo from July 2005 until October 2008) from 'Transconflict' [link [link]]
(kate, 22 January 2010 14:18)
And you realize he does not represent the views of the US govt, and I suspect his outspoken views are part of his "retired" status.'
Wasn't he in fact fired because of these same views?
pre 15 godina
pss - why is it important that he represents the views of the US govt? Contrary to their (and your) belief their opinion is not the only one that counts.
(kate, 22 January 2010 18:25)
Go back to your original post. It is you who claim that the US has realized that the only way forward is to return to the negotiating table. It is you who come up with an opinion by former Mr Gallucci who retired shortly after he expressed views contrary to the US in the handling of Kosovo matters. If you want to use him to prove "your" point it is important that his opinion represents that of the US.
pre 15 godina
Foreign Minister of Kosova, Skender Hyseni is with the meeting of the UN Security Council, but it probably already know MR Tadic, this is what I call double standards, NOT in Zagreb, but OKEY in New Jork.
(Maximilian, 22 January 2010 10:59)
That's because the UN does not recognise Kosovo as an independent country. If Hyseni was invited to Zagreb as a representitive of UNMIK Kosovo then all would be fine.
pre 15 godina
Amer: "But you told us they had the fish to fry!"
And indeed they do, but hopefully within their capacity (ie. not over-committing themselves on any more 'moral crusades' while there are so many genuine problems in the world).
But they will definitely be moving on from the small fry that Kosovo now represents to them.
pre 15 godina
To pss - just one of many examples of somebody notable who believes that the status issue isn't over:
"2010 may be the year that Kosovo status, and that of the north, really gets settled. Or maybe it will just be more of the same divided status quo. Either would be better than renewed conflict but negotiations would be best and everyone may come to see this after some further theatre."
Gerard M. Gallucci (UN Regional Representative in Mitrovica, Kosovo from July 2005 until October 2008) from 'Transconflict' [link]
pre 15 godina
'Who cares how big the capacity for diplomatic fish-fries, when there is a shortage of fish to fry ...
(kate, 22 January 2010 15:32)'
But you told us they had the fish to fry!
pre 15 godina
thanx, joe, and you keep contributing as well! it's always good to gain and offer support, and constructive feedback as well.
roberto frisco
pre 15 godina
I just read tadic's address to the UN, compliments of b92.
here i found nothing new or encouraging.
here i found the same old rhetoric: full propaganda ag. pristina authorities, full use of the usual "news" as evidence that serbia must colonize its "province."
nothing new, no progress, no compromise, just implied demands that there be "no more recognitions!" (so YOU say.)
oh yes, and just like here, the usual reassurance that "serbia has mended its evil old ways" (i paraphrase.) with no evidence. and it hasn't.
so here is my response: i ask that EVERY country who has yet to recognize, to please step up to the plate and recognize Kosovo/a, as quickly as possible. that will be the best response to tadic.
last time i wrote: soon we will have "65." the next day, "65." so let's run a little contest: who will be #66? hmm, let's think about it...
and when we reach 100, which will happen soon enough, we'll have a great party of liberation, worldwide.
when tadic actually gets ready to talk to the leaders of Kosovo/a as equals, then we'll see progress. and not before.
thank you.
pre 15 godina
you people don't understand one thing: nobody in the world cares about this conflict anymore! Kosovo is independent and is not going back. If there would be conflict Kosovo would unite with Albania in the south and would not need to be recognized any longer, then there would be WAR with Serbia all over again, only this time it wouldn't be as one sided as it once was in 1999. The KPS (former KLA) is being trained in the west for such a scenario as we speak and with modern technology heavily invested in Kosovo and Albania Serbia has no chance. Serbia is bankrupt and they only are carrying this policy to gain political support in Serbia, noone listens to them anymore internationally.
pre 15 godina
Mark- You are already in Serbia. ANd believe me MArk the Serbian people can play this game a lot longer than the K-Albanians.
Milan, on the contreary you are on Illyrian soil and we Dardanians have been "playing the game" a lot longer than Serbia ever will. Dardania is free backed by the states and theres nothing serbia or anyone else can do about it,
It has always been and always will be: Might Makes Right.
pre 15 godina
psss, what if the USA changes their stand on Kosovo Albanians UDI? What if they all-of-a-sudden say, "Let's go back to the bargaining table"? What would you then say about America? Would you bad-mouth them too, and consider them your enemies? It may happen. The West is really getting tired of, not to mention out of resources, with these stupid territorial conflicts, especially in Europe. See you at the table, mon ami.
pre 15 godina
To Kate and all who got my point:
that's right we you everyboy gave blood for the boundaries we have today so there is only one way to change them by giving more blood but serbs are the list and last people who are willing to do that right now because you came in Europe in VI century and ocupied our land,part of Hungary,Bulgaria even your Romanian friends will be against you not mentionin now mighty Croatia,B.H Montenegro who never liked you because you are a threat to their own identity and Kosova who are ready to die reather be uner Serbia again.
so dont get mad,take a deep breath this is the true story of balkans.
pre 15 godina
Great comment like always. Keep it up my friend.
pre 15 godina
psss, what if the USA changes their stand on Kosovo Albanians UDI? What if they all-of-a-sudden say, "Let's go back to the bargaining table"? What would you then say about America? Would you bad-mouth them too, and consider them your enemies? It may happen. The West is really getting tired of, not to mention out of resources, with these stupid territorial conflicts, especially in Europe. See you at the table, mon ami.
(EverythingChanges, 23 January 2010 02:58)
I assume you addressed this to me. I am not worried because it is not going to happen. But if it did would I bad mouth America, no it is my home. I would be greatly disappointed in the leadership and work to change what I do not like.
But as I said Kosovo has full bipartisan support, so there is a far greater chance that Serbia would become a Kosovo province than the US back tracking.
pre 15 godina
'The fact remains that Kosovo is still legally part of Serbia ...
(kate, 22 January 2010 23:33)'
Under what law? (You tried using Resolution 1244 before, so let's not go around that again, unless you've got a new take on it.) Since the Serb government says it won't accept an ICJ ruling that the DoI was legal, maybe you should look for another argument, anyway.
pre 15 godina
Kate don't worry about the international community their money or their resources.Because if they run out of any of them they certainly will not ask Serbia for help. Because serbia has none of them iself. If you are worried about the lives of 90% of the Kosovo's population I tell you not to worry again. We will chose to die from hunger than go back to Serbia.
(Mark, 22 January 2010 21:09)
Mark- You are already in Serbia. ANd believe me MArk the Serbian people can play this game a lot longer than the K-Albanians.
pre 15 godina
Its very simple for Kosovo Government to dismantle the parallel structures just come out and say WAR in TERROR and no one can't say nothing every state knows such thing exist in Kosovo is nothing NEW you are protecting your borders so what is different from other states anyone has right to dismantle those crime organization who doesn't pay TAXES does or will SERBIA allowed something like that in his territory so why you are barking!!!! and Kosovo will have a fully support to dismantle those CRIMINALS
pre 15 godina
So did Kosovo's Skender Hyseni
werent there foolish people speaking only weeks ago that Kosovar reps were not allowed in? where was the serbian outrage?
sad sad sad.
and on a humorous note... tadic gracefully ran away from the press afterwards.
pre 15 godina
Even the UN said that there is no status negotiations, meaning that Kosova is indirectly recognized by the UN. Well we can't be surprised at all since Martti Ahtisaari(UN representative) was sent to solve the Kosova issue. I gotta tell ya, He is damn good:).
Move forward my beatiuful Kosova.
pre 15 godina
Words of a desparate man from an increasingly isolated country.
pre 15 godina
# 'Gerard M. Gallucci (UN Regional Representative in Mitrovica, Kosovo from July 2005 until October 2008) from 'Transconflict' [link [link]]
(kate, 22 January 2010 14:18)
And you realize he does not represent the views of the US govt, and I suspect his outspoken views are part of his "retired" status.'
Wasn't he in fact fired because of these same views?
(Amer, 22 January 2010 19:00)
Excellent link. Gallucci is a principled man with convictions. We need more Americans just like him. It probably shocks Team Albania to see an American besides me who is pro Serb.
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