Saturday, 17.10.2009.


Tadić confers with RS party officials

President Boris Tadić says the Dayton Agreement, guaranteed by Serbia, could only be altered with the consent of all three peoples in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Izvor: B92

Tadiæ confers with RS party officials IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 14 godina

Serbian government “respects” Bosnian territorial integrity as much as Putinist Russia “respected” Georgian territorial integrity until August 2008.


pre 14 godina

"What's the point of holding talks left and right when everyone knows that it will ultimately end with the independence of RS! That is the "reality on the ground".

-- Because Serbia needs to show that it's playing by the rules of the game. Obviously an independent RS is incredibly likely, but an independent RS invariably legitimizes an independent Kosovo. Therefore, Serbia needs to be consistent in its foreign policies unlike the K-Albanians who love to play double standards. Whatever the outcome of Bosnia, and even if the future status of RS breaks away from Bosnia, Belgrade can at least say "hey, we didn't buck the system and did everything legally, so no one can condemn us for that".


pre 14 godina

Serbian President Boris Tadić in Belgrade will tell them pretend you're the grieved party make a big show with a lot of nonsense statements how Serbs are preserving Bosnia i Hezergovina that should throw them off. How you all went to see me Serbian President Boris Tadić in Belgrade discus how to even preserve Bosnia i Herzegovina better to the outermost of the Serb abilities. That should convince everyone their at next meeting in Butmir for a fraction of a second of the Serbs peaceful neighborly loving unifying intentions. If they look at you with disbelief of the Serbs subterfuge just make a big tizzy like Dodik always dose. Well I never you can ask any Serb of my genuines of destroying Bosnia oops. I mean preserving ask any Serb or almost any loyal Serb to the preserving the greater Serbia project oops. I think he has been to long around Serbs he just forgets were Serbia starts and ends. Some one should give him a real world map not a Serbian pretended one with a death wish list on it. pointed out that such a regional policy was precisely why Serbia was enjoying a "deep respect" in the international community. President Boris Tadić also said that Serbia respects Bosnia's integrity. Who you kidding Boris it looks like the Serbs are on a collision coarse to distraction.


pre 14 godina


Talks regarding Kosovo were decided before the meating between Serbs and Albanians. In other words, Serbs were called upon to sign a "peace plan" they were not involved with to begin with. The difference between Kosovo and Bosnia is that Bosnia consists of two seperate entities that both agreed to the current Dayton accord.
In Kosovo one side agreed to a "peace plan" while the other rejected it. There were never any serious negotiations. Albanians would not settle for anything less than independece. How can you negotiate with those demands??? Besides the West agreed to a document, resolution 1244, which states that Kosovo would not become independent, a promise they decided they had the right to break. They underrestimated Serb resistance to stealing 12 percent of its internationally recognized territory. That's why it is the way it is. Facts on the ground clearly show that Kosovo will be partitioned or there needs to be real negotiations if there is going to be peace.


pre 14 godina

What's the point of holding talks left and right when everyone knows that it will ultimately end with the independence of RS! That is the "reality on the ground".
(MikeC, 17 October 2009 11:48)

Exactly what I said regarding Kosova, but the talks went on and finally Ahtisary, which was appointed by UNSC,made a decision and Kosova declared independence in coordination with our western partners.


pre 14 godina

What's the point of holding talks left and right when everyone knows that it will ultimately end with the independence of RS! That is the "reality on the ground".


pre 14 godina

What's the point of holding talks left and right when everyone knows that it will ultimately end with the independence of RS! That is the "reality on the ground".


pre 14 godina


Talks regarding Kosovo were decided before the meating between Serbs and Albanians. In other words, Serbs were called upon to sign a "peace plan" they were not involved with to begin with. The difference between Kosovo and Bosnia is that Bosnia consists of two seperate entities that both agreed to the current Dayton accord.
In Kosovo one side agreed to a "peace plan" while the other rejected it. There were never any serious negotiations. Albanians would not settle for anything less than independece. How can you negotiate with those demands??? Besides the West agreed to a document, resolution 1244, which states that Kosovo would not become independent, a promise they decided they had the right to break. They underrestimated Serb resistance to stealing 12 percent of its internationally recognized territory. That's why it is the way it is. Facts on the ground clearly show that Kosovo will be partitioned or there needs to be real negotiations if there is going to be peace.


pre 14 godina

"What's the point of holding talks left and right when everyone knows that it will ultimately end with the independence of RS! That is the "reality on the ground".

-- Because Serbia needs to show that it's playing by the rules of the game. Obviously an independent RS is incredibly likely, but an independent RS invariably legitimizes an independent Kosovo. Therefore, Serbia needs to be consistent in its foreign policies unlike the K-Albanians who love to play double standards. Whatever the outcome of Bosnia, and even if the future status of RS breaks away from Bosnia, Belgrade can at least say "hey, we didn't buck the system and did everything legally, so no one can condemn us for that".


pre 14 godina

What's the point of holding talks left and right when everyone knows that it will ultimately end with the independence of RS! That is the "reality on the ground".
(MikeC, 17 October 2009 11:48)

Exactly what I said regarding Kosova, but the talks went on and finally Ahtisary, which was appointed by UNSC,made a decision and Kosova declared independence in coordination with our western partners.


pre 14 godina

Serbian President Boris Tadić in Belgrade will tell them pretend you're the grieved party make a big show with a lot of nonsense statements how Serbs are preserving Bosnia i Hezergovina that should throw them off. How you all went to see me Serbian President Boris Tadić in Belgrade discus how to even preserve Bosnia i Herzegovina better to the outermost of the Serb abilities. That should convince everyone their at next meeting in Butmir for a fraction of a second of the Serbs peaceful neighborly loving unifying intentions. If they look at you with disbelief of the Serbs subterfuge just make a big tizzy like Dodik always dose. Well I never you can ask any Serb of my genuines of destroying Bosnia oops. I mean preserving ask any Serb or almost any loyal Serb to the preserving the greater Serbia project oops. I think he has been to long around Serbs he just forgets were Serbia starts and ends. Some one should give him a real world map not a Serbian pretended one with a death wish list on it. pointed out that such a regional policy was precisely why Serbia was enjoying a "deep respect" in the international community. President Boris Tadić also said that Serbia respects Bosnia's integrity. Who you kidding Boris it looks like the Serbs are on a collision coarse to distraction.


pre 14 godina

Serbian government “respects” Bosnian territorial integrity as much as Putinist Russia “respected” Georgian territorial integrity until August 2008.


pre 14 godina

Serbian President Boris Tadić in Belgrade will tell them pretend you're the grieved party make a big show with a lot of nonsense statements how Serbs are preserving Bosnia i Hezergovina that should throw them off. How you all went to see me Serbian President Boris Tadić in Belgrade discus how to even preserve Bosnia i Herzegovina better to the outermost of the Serb abilities. That should convince everyone their at next meeting in Butmir for a fraction of a second of the Serbs peaceful neighborly loving unifying intentions. If they look at you with disbelief of the Serbs subterfuge just make a big tizzy like Dodik always dose. Well I never you can ask any Serb of my genuines of destroying Bosnia oops. I mean preserving ask any Serb or almost any loyal Serb to the preserving the greater Serbia project oops. I think he has been to long around Serbs he just forgets were Serbia starts and ends. Some one should give him a real world map not a Serbian pretended one with a death wish list on it. pointed out that such a regional policy was precisely why Serbia was enjoying a "deep respect" in the international community. President Boris Tadić also said that Serbia respects Bosnia's integrity. Who you kidding Boris it looks like the Serbs are on a collision coarse to distraction.


pre 14 godina

What's the point of holding talks left and right when everyone knows that it will ultimately end with the independence of RS! That is the "reality on the ground".
(MikeC, 17 October 2009 11:48)

Exactly what I said regarding Kosova, but the talks went on and finally Ahtisary, which was appointed by UNSC,made a decision and Kosova declared independence in coordination with our western partners.


pre 14 godina

What's the point of holding talks left and right when everyone knows that it will ultimately end with the independence of RS! That is the "reality on the ground".


pre 14 godina


Talks regarding Kosovo were decided before the meating between Serbs and Albanians. In other words, Serbs were called upon to sign a "peace plan" they were not involved with to begin with. The difference between Kosovo and Bosnia is that Bosnia consists of two seperate entities that both agreed to the current Dayton accord.
In Kosovo one side agreed to a "peace plan" while the other rejected it. There were never any serious negotiations. Albanians would not settle for anything less than independece. How can you negotiate with those demands??? Besides the West agreed to a document, resolution 1244, which states that Kosovo would not become independent, a promise they decided they had the right to break. They underrestimated Serb resistance to stealing 12 percent of its internationally recognized territory. That's why it is the way it is. Facts on the ground clearly show that Kosovo will be partitioned or there needs to be real negotiations if there is going to be peace.


pre 14 godina

"What's the point of holding talks left and right when everyone knows that it will ultimately end with the independence of RS! That is the "reality on the ground".

-- Because Serbia needs to show that it's playing by the rules of the game. Obviously an independent RS is incredibly likely, but an independent RS invariably legitimizes an independent Kosovo. Therefore, Serbia needs to be consistent in its foreign policies unlike the K-Albanians who love to play double standards. Whatever the outcome of Bosnia, and even if the future status of RS breaks away from Bosnia, Belgrade can at least say "hey, we didn't buck the system and did everything legally, so no one can condemn us for that".


pre 14 godina

Serbian government “respects” Bosnian territorial integrity as much as Putinist Russia “respected” Georgian territorial integrity until August 2008.