Thursday, 03.09.2009.


"Breakthrough in search for Gen. Mihailović's grave"

The military intelligence services have submitted information to the State Commission that General Dragoljub Mihailović is buried on Ada Ciganlija.

Izvor: FoNet

"Breakthrough in search for Gen. Mihailoviæ's grave" IMAGE SOURCE

12 Komentari

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pre 15 godina

I find it deeply disturbing that some are advocating digging up the dead (this was originally an SRS idea that even Milosevic rejected).

What do you think God would make of so many people wanting to dig up the dead?
Ironic, no that so many people talk about ungodly communists but some of those same people want to comit ungodly acts.

And no I don't believe that Mihailovic would advocate digging up graves of his political opponents either.

Michael Thomas

pre 15 godina

If Tito’s remains are still in his Belgrade Mausoleum (which I doubt), then he should be dug-up and subjected to DNA testing. It is pretty well accepted that Tito was not Josip Broz (a half Croat, half Slovene peasant who most probably perished on a World War 1 Russian battlefield). But if he was not Josip, then who was he? A DNA test can at identify his nationality and that would a major step in identifying the man and those who set him up as the Yugoslav dictator.


pre 15 godina

Janez, you are probably slovenian, based on your name. It is noted that slovenians have the highest approval rating of Tito, and you seem to be in line with that. You want to know why? Because Tito enriched slovenia at the expense of the rest of the country. Before world war two, development in yugoslavia focused away from slovenia, and slovenia's percent of the average in terms of income and wealth actually went down. During Tito's reign and afterwards Slovenia's percentage of national income kept on increasing, to surpass well over 200% in the 1980s.

I dislike Tito because he became a dictator with the dismissal of more democratic people like Rankovic and especially Djilas. But, the dude decentralized the country which led to its death. Another key thing that led to its destruction was the outrageously high debt which he took on. In 1989 alone, that debt cost 500,000 people to lose their jobs/livelihood. This then helps fuel nationalism, and this is further worse when there is such high income inequality.

On a side note, Tito is a mysterious character. Supposedly from Kumrovec, he almost never went there after world war II, because the people there said that this guy is not their Tito. The real tito had two fingers missing, but this dictator did not. The dictator could not even speak serbocroatian properly. Clearly there are some murky things that remain unexplained. Still, I dare you to try to put yourself into huge debt, and see how that will fare. He died before it came time to pay off his cash wasting left and right for his own personal gains.

dean van der serbia

pre 15 godina

@@@ by Janez

"...Comrade Tito is neither a Croat, Serb, Slovene, Bosniak, Macedonian, Jew, Hungarian etc. He belongs to all the Yugoslav people and hs memory shall serve to be an inspiration to all future generations of what can be acheived of the South Slav people when they work together. Only together are we strong.

Tito's legacy will rightly outlast anything that Mihailovic or his bourgeoise royalist fellow travellers has ever done. How on earth can you call him anti-christ.

Sloboda Narodu, smrt fasizmu
(Janez-Beograd, 3 September 2009 17:39)..."

Answer: Your "Comrade Tito" can be anything you want Janez, Yugoslav(though this spices are distinct) and Marsman too, but SURELY not Serb, so please be so kind and take him back home to his "Janez-land".

Why antichrist? Well as a communist he did not believe in God? So, he is anti-Christ as all the "Comrades" too!
Or he was not a communist at all, but some mason as it had been suggested too?
Who knows...it's sure that he had good time enjoying his fascist cult of personality.
Now, it is time to move him out once and for all, but his legacy will surely stay with hundreds of thousands of expelled and killed Serbs following his communist anti-Serb policies!


pre 15 godina

To my fellow Serbs, tito was the instrument that destroyed Serbia and brought the destructive nightmare we now experience. Never forget that it was tito that gave the greenlight for British bombers to bomb Belgrade as Nazi troops had already left. Tito further split the Serbs and gave Kosovo autonomy in order to further reduce Serbian influence on our lands. It was tito that allowed the illegal migration of albanians into Kosovo and the effects remain to this day.

May our Loyalist General be buried above Titos grave after tito's site has been bulldozed and removed from our collective conscious.


pre 15 godina

"Tito's legacy will rightly outlast anything that Mihailovic or his bourgeoise royalist fellow travellers has ever done."

We have witnessed Tito's legacy: the breakup of Yugoslavia, hudreds of thousands dead and the theft of Seriban lands in Krajina, Bosnia and Kosovo. That's what I will remember Tito for.


pre 15 godina

It is THE high time that remains of Serbian patriot, General Mihailovic are located and given top state burial and, in the same time, that remains of communist antichrist and destroyer of Serbian identity Tito are sent to the countries where he belongs to!
(dean van der serbia, 3 September 2009 14:47)

Comrade Tito is neither a Croat, Serb, Slovene, Bosniak, Macedonian, Jew, Hungarian etc. He belongs to all the Yugoslav people and hs memory shall serve to be an inspiration to all future generations of what can be acheived of the South Slav people when they work together. Only together are we strong.

Tito's legacy will rightly outlast anything that Mihailovic or his bourgeoise royalist fellow travellers has ever done. How on earth can you call him anti-christ.

Sloboda Narodu, smrt fasizmu

dean van der serbia

pre 15 godina

This news us bully...it is just denounced.
We should only hope that Commission, which is found in April, will soon come out with results.


pre 15 godina

Give this HERO the proper burial he deserves!! Imagine if the allies didn't stab him in the back, the Balkan situation would be a lot different today!

dean van der serbia

pre 15 godina

It is THE high time that remains of Serbian patriot, General Mihailovic are located and given top state burial and, in the same time, that remains of communist antichrist and destroyer of Serbian identity Tito are sent to the countries where he belongs to!

Nicholas Thompson

pre 15 godina

Mihailovich is one of the most tragic, heroic and noble figures of World War II. His resting place is holy ground for all freedom loving people around the world. That Serbs are only know recognizing his sacrifice and contribution to the final Allied victory, is disgraceful and a legacy of the deep influence of Communist proaganda on Serbs.


pre 15 godina

Give this HERO the proper burial he deserves!! Imagine if the allies didn't stab him in the back, the Balkan situation would be a lot different today!

Nicholas Thompson

pre 15 godina

Mihailovich is one of the most tragic, heroic and noble figures of World War II. His resting place is holy ground for all freedom loving people around the world. That Serbs are only know recognizing his sacrifice and contribution to the final Allied victory, is disgraceful and a legacy of the deep influence of Communist proaganda on Serbs.

dean van der serbia

pre 15 godina

It is THE high time that remains of Serbian patriot, General Mihailovic are located and given top state burial and, in the same time, that remains of communist antichrist and destroyer of Serbian identity Tito are sent to the countries where he belongs to!


pre 15 godina

"Tito's legacy will rightly outlast anything that Mihailovic or his bourgeoise royalist fellow travellers has ever done."

We have witnessed Tito's legacy: the breakup of Yugoslavia, hudreds of thousands dead and the theft of Seriban lands in Krajina, Bosnia and Kosovo. That's what I will remember Tito for.


pre 15 godina

It is THE high time that remains of Serbian patriot, General Mihailovic are located and given top state burial and, in the same time, that remains of communist antichrist and destroyer of Serbian identity Tito are sent to the countries where he belongs to!
(dean van der serbia, 3 September 2009 14:47)

Comrade Tito is neither a Croat, Serb, Slovene, Bosniak, Macedonian, Jew, Hungarian etc. He belongs to all the Yugoslav people and hs memory shall serve to be an inspiration to all future generations of what can be acheived of the South Slav people when they work together. Only together are we strong.

Tito's legacy will rightly outlast anything that Mihailovic or his bourgeoise royalist fellow travellers has ever done. How on earth can you call him anti-christ.

Sloboda Narodu, smrt fasizmu


pre 15 godina

To my fellow Serbs, tito was the instrument that destroyed Serbia and brought the destructive nightmare we now experience. Never forget that it was tito that gave the greenlight for British bombers to bomb Belgrade as Nazi troops had already left. Tito further split the Serbs and gave Kosovo autonomy in order to further reduce Serbian influence on our lands. It was tito that allowed the illegal migration of albanians into Kosovo and the effects remain to this day.

May our Loyalist General be buried above Titos grave after tito's site has been bulldozed and removed from our collective conscious.

dean van der serbia

pre 15 godina

@@@ by Janez

"...Comrade Tito is neither a Croat, Serb, Slovene, Bosniak, Macedonian, Jew, Hungarian etc. He belongs to all the Yugoslav people and hs memory shall serve to be an inspiration to all future generations of what can be acheived of the South Slav people when they work together. Only together are we strong.

Tito's legacy will rightly outlast anything that Mihailovic or his bourgeoise royalist fellow travellers has ever done. How on earth can you call him anti-christ.

Sloboda Narodu, smrt fasizmu
(Janez-Beograd, 3 September 2009 17:39)..."

Answer: Your "Comrade Tito" can be anything you want Janez, Yugoslav(though this spices are distinct) and Marsman too, but SURELY not Serb, so please be so kind and take him back home to his "Janez-land".

Why antichrist? Well as a communist he did not believe in God? So, he is anti-Christ as all the "Comrades" too!
Or he was not a communist at all, but some mason as it had been suggested too?
Who knows...it's sure that he had good time enjoying his fascist cult of personality.
Now, it is time to move him out once and for all, but his legacy will surely stay with hundreds of thousands of expelled and killed Serbs following his communist anti-Serb policies!


pre 15 godina

Janez, you are probably slovenian, based on your name. It is noted that slovenians have the highest approval rating of Tito, and you seem to be in line with that. You want to know why? Because Tito enriched slovenia at the expense of the rest of the country. Before world war two, development in yugoslavia focused away from slovenia, and slovenia's percent of the average in terms of income and wealth actually went down. During Tito's reign and afterwards Slovenia's percentage of national income kept on increasing, to surpass well over 200% in the 1980s.

I dislike Tito because he became a dictator with the dismissal of more democratic people like Rankovic and especially Djilas. But, the dude decentralized the country which led to its death. Another key thing that led to its destruction was the outrageously high debt which he took on. In 1989 alone, that debt cost 500,000 people to lose their jobs/livelihood. This then helps fuel nationalism, and this is further worse when there is such high income inequality.

On a side note, Tito is a mysterious character. Supposedly from Kumrovec, he almost never went there after world war II, because the people there said that this guy is not their Tito. The real tito had two fingers missing, but this dictator did not. The dictator could not even speak serbocroatian properly. Clearly there are some murky things that remain unexplained. Still, I dare you to try to put yourself into huge debt, and see how that will fare. He died before it came time to pay off his cash wasting left and right for his own personal gains.

Michael Thomas

pre 15 godina

If Tito’s remains are still in his Belgrade Mausoleum (which I doubt), then he should be dug-up and subjected to DNA testing. It is pretty well accepted that Tito was not Josip Broz (a half Croat, half Slovene peasant who most probably perished on a World War 1 Russian battlefield). But if he was not Josip, then who was he? A DNA test can at identify his nationality and that would a major step in identifying the man and those who set him up as the Yugoslav dictator.

dean van der serbia

pre 15 godina

This news us bully...it is just denounced.
We should only hope that Commission, which is found in April, will soon come out with results.


pre 15 godina

I find it deeply disturbing that some are advocating digging up the dead (this was originally an SRS idea that even Milosevic rejected).

What do you think God would make of so many people wanting to dig up the dead?
Ironic, no that so many people talk about ungodly communists but some of those same people want to comit ungodly acts.

And no I don't believe that Mihailovic would advocate digging up graves of his political opponents either.


pre 15 godina

It is THE high time that remains of Serbian patriot, General Mihailovic are located and given top state burial and, in the same time, that remains of communist antichrist and destroyer of Serbian identity Tito are sent to the countries where he belongs to!
(dean van der serbia, 3 September 2009 14:47)

Comrade Tito is neither a Croat, Serb, Slovene, Bosniak, Macedonian, Jew, Hungarian etc. He belongs to all the Yugoslav people and hs memory shall serve to be an inspiration to all future generations of what can be acheived of the South Slav people when they work together. Only together are we strong.

Tito's legacy will rightly outlast anything that Mihailovic or his bourgeoise royalist fellow travellers has ever done. How on earth can you call him anti-christ.

Sloboda Narodu, smrt fasizmu

Nicholas Thompson

pre 15 godina

Mihailovich is one of the most tragic, heroic and noble figures of World War II. His resting place is holy ground for all freedom loving people around the world. That Serbs are only know recognizing his sacrifice and contribution to the final Allied victory, is disgraceful and a legacy of the deep influence of Communist proaganda on Serbs.

dean van der serbia

pre 15 godina

It is THE high time that remains of Serbian patriot, General Mihailovic are located and given top state burial and, in the same time, that remains of communist antichrist and destroyer of Serbian identity Tito are sent to the countries where he belongs to!


pre 15 godina

"Tito's legacy will rightly outlast anything that Mihailovic or his bourgeoise royalist fellow travellers has ever done."

We have witnessed Tito's legacy: the breakup of Yugoslavia, hudreds of thousands dead and the theft of Seriban lands in Krajina, Bosnia and Kosovo. That's what I will remember Tito for.


pre 15 godina

I find it deeply disturbing that some are advocating digging up the dead (this was originally an SRS idea that even Milosevic rejected).

What do you think God would make of so many people wanting to dig up the dead?
Ironic, no that so many people talk about ungodly communists but some of those same people want to comit ungodly acts.

And no I don't believe that Mihailovic would advocate digging up graves of his political opponents either.


pre 15 godina

Give this HERO the proper burial he deserves!! Imagine if the allies didn't stab him in the back, the Balkan situation would be a lot different today!

dean van der serbia

pre 15 godina

@@@ by Janez

"...Comrade Tito is neither a Croat, Serb, Slovene, Bosniak, Macedonian, Jew, Hungarian etc. He belongs to all the Yugoslav people and hs memory shall serve to be an inspiration to all future generations of what can be acheived of the South Slav people when they work together. Only together are we strong.

Tito's legacy will rightly outlast anything that Mihailovic or his bourgeoise royalist fellow travellers has ever done. How on earth can you call him anti-christ.

Sloboda Narodu, smrt fasizmu
(Janez-Beograd, 3 September 2009 17:39)..."

Answer: Your "Comrade Tito" can be anything you want Janez, Yugoslav(though this spices are distinct) and Marsman too, but SURELY not Serb, so please be so kind and take him back home to his "Janez-land".

Why antichrist? Well as a communist he did not believe in God? So, he is anti-Christ as all the "Comrades" too!
Or he was not a communist at all, but some mason as it had been suggested too?
Who knows...it's sure that he had good time enjoying his fascist cult of personality.
Now, it is time to move him out once and for all, but his legacy will surely stay with hundreds of thousands of expelled and killed Serbs following his communist anti-Serb policies!


pre 15 godina

To my fellow Serbs, tito was the instrument that destroyed Serbia and brought the destructive nightmare we now experience. Never forget that it was tito that gave the greenlight for British bombers to bomb Belgrade as Nazi troops had already left. Tito further split the Serbs and gave Kosovo autonomy in order to further reduce Serbian influence on our lands. It was tito that allowed the illegal migration of albanians into Kosovo and the effects remain to this day.

May our Loyalist General be buried above Titos grave after tito's site has been bulldozed and removed from our collective conscious.

dean van der serbia

pre 15 godina

This news us bully...it is just denounced.
We should only hope that Commission, which is found in April, will soon come out with results.

Michael Thomas

pre 15 godina

If Tito’s remains are still in his Belgrade Mausoleum (which I doubt), then he should be dug-up and subjected to DNA testing. It is pretty well accepted that Tito was not Josip Broz (a half Croat, half Slovene peasant who most probably perished on a World War 1 Russian battlefield). But if he was not Josip, then who was he? A DNA test can at identify his nationality and that would a major step in identifying the man and those who set him up as the Yugoslav dictator.


pre 15 godina

Janez, you are probably slovenian, based on your name. It is noted that slovenians have the highest approval rating of Tito, and you seem to be in line with that. You want to know why? Because Tito enriched slovenia at the expense of the rest of the country. Before world war two, development in yugoslavia focused away from slovenia, and slovenia's percent of the average in terms of income and wealth actually went down. During Tito's reign and afterwards Slovenia's percentage of national income kept on increasing, to surpass well over 200% in the 1980s.

I dislike Tito because he became a dictator with the dismissal of more democratic people like Rankovic and especially Djilas. But, the dude decentralized the country which led to its death. Another key thing that led to its destruction was the outrageously high debt which he took on. In 1989 alone, that debt cost 500,000 people to lose their jobs/livelihood. This then helps fuel nationalism, and this is further worse when there is such high income inequality.

On a side note, Tito is a mysterious character. Supposedly from Kumrovec, he almost never went there after world war II, because the people there said that this guy is not their Tito. The real tito had two fingers missing, but this dictator did not. The dictator could not even speak serbocroatian properly. Clearly there are some murky things that remain unexplained. Still, I dare you to try to put yourself into huge debt, and see how that will fare. He died before it came time to pay off his cash wasting left and right for his own personal gains.