Sunday, 14.06.2009.


Ex-U.S. ambassador: Solution in partition

A former U.S. ambassador says that a partition of Kosovo and a referendum on independence in the Republic of Srpska (RS) are the best solutions.

Izvor: Blic

Ex-U.S. ambassador: Solution in partition IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 15 godina

""Kosovo's Albanians do not accept the partition idea, and it is only a matter of time before violence flares up in Kosovo over this,"

And we don't accept division of Serbia and it's matter of time before violance flares over this.
I can't believe you, people!
They, ignoring the laws declare republics (including Serbia) indivisable. Then they bomb Krajina and Bosnian Serbs, even though both accepted autonomy only. They ethnically cleanse Krajina in order to create stability in Croatia, telling us that they have to stand on the "principals" and defend "european values".
Serbs have come to mature over this. We are ready to stand on the principals and defend european values, too. We are learning from our Croatian negbors. Bosnia can go to hell, no division of republics.
It's european values.
What's with you now US and EU?
We are waiting for you to give us support as you did to our democratic neighbors to defend those values and to bring stability to Serbia.
No divisions!


pre 15 godina

"Serbia is happy to lose Vojvodina to Hungaria, Bujanovc, Preseva and Medvegja to Kosova, Wester Macedonia to Albania then we can talk....
(EA, 14 June 2009 14:34)"

EA, honestly, the Albanians are the ones who who would be asked the last, if they were asked at all.

you should be realistic and come to terms with the fact that the Albanians are only willing fetch-and-carry sycophants in this "game".

time is on Serbia´s side, and there is absolutely no reason to divide anything, it´s all serbian anyway.

and...I see these attempts to promote partition as the ineffective try to secure at least anything for US-american influence on serbian territory before the situation changes in favor of international law and of course in favor of Serbia.

this will come to an end, and no American will have a say on it, so our dear albanian friends should wake up from their dreams... no Montgomery or Artisari has any authority to credibly promote his private thoughts, since they are "bought" anyway.

as for EA:

why this bitterness and perpetual reiteration of things that only exist in your illusion? is that the (ineffective) attempt to distract from southern Serbia, by talking about Vojvodina?


pre 15 godina

This man is using his former credentials to propagate the same “Greater Serbia” mythology that states that Serbian borders should span beyond the rivers Drina and Ibar…


pre 15 godina

Now Kosvo has an Army with a special trained Police Force and very soon will be part of NATO, bring it on Serbia, we are waitting for it but this time around Albanians are not unarmed anymore,,,you will be suprised to see us just south of Belgrade within a week...
(Donna, 15 June 2009 05:02)

All, what was yours for over 1000 year period of time were the mountains. Roman, Slavic, Byzantine, Turkish rulers maintained large military units just to keep the valleys safe.

And if you dream about armed conflict and be in "south of Belgrade within a week" - that's a proof, isn't it? It is expected, you behave like in 21st century AD, not BC.

konstantin gregovic

pre 15 godina

1. Pec and Decani regions ceeded to Montenegro
(Niall O'Doherty, 15 June 2009 12:49)

You have to be kidding.

Montenegro relinquished its right to be Serbian by the Djukanovic propoganda.

Old Serbia, Raska, Zeta was in parts of present day Kosovo and Metohojia. The majority in Montenegro have relinquised the right to be called Serbians so they have relinqished the right to Serbian land.

In Greek, it's called "Amartia" and that it what the current state of Montenegro is.

Further to your statement, Montenegro is trying to create an autocepahlus church and disband the Serbian Orthodox Chruch. Do you really think the the oldest Serbian Orthodox Churches in Decani and Pec would ever join an illegal church which will never be recognized by Constantinople. The same rings true for the other "Amartia" nation called FYROM.

The Albanian Government at least has made some committment to protect and rebuild the Serbian Orthodox Sites, the Montenegrins want to invade them.


pre 15 godina

It's lucky that B92 and Blic picked up on Mr. Montgomery's article, because otherwise he'd have received no attention.

I checked Google News for his name - it came back with the Op Ed article in the NY Times, no discussion.

So I tried the Washington Post, the paper with the most interest in foreign affairs - zilch.

The New York Times index showed one letter in response, from Peter Galbraith, diplomat and author, who said "don't reward genocide."

And that seems to be that.

If this had been a trial balloon sent up by the administration, you could have expected to see some discussion of the idea in the press. Since you don't, it probably wasn't.


pre 15 godina

The perfect solution should be to divide kosovo 50/50.

50% goes to the Albanians

50% goes to Serbia.

We, The Serbs, get to keep the name Kosovo. It’s our name it’s our province.

The new Albanian territories join Albany and become part of a greater Albania.

Give Pressovo to the Albanians if we get Republika serbska to back to Serbia from that failed fake state Bosnia.

That way every body is happy.

The Albanians get a greater Albania. More territories for the Albanians and they truly become independent from the Serbs.

We get RS back we get your 50% of Kosovo back and get the rights to the Kosovo name.

A lot less Albanians in Serbia.

No more foreign troop in Serbia.

With the reality on the ground. This is pretty good.


pre 15 godina

... bring it on Serbia, we are waitting for it but this time around Albanians are not unarmed anymore,,,you will be suprised to see us just south of Belgrade within a week...
(Donna, 15 June 2009 05:02)

in every major conflict taking place in the balkan theater, you (albanians) have almost ALWAYS chosen to ally yourself with the most powerful and numerous but ultimately the losing side.

US- Disclaimer

pre 15 godina

Montgomery does not represent any policy of the US State Department. He has been retired for over 10 years now.
He lives in the Balkans. He's not a diplomat.


pre 15 godina

Northern Kosovo, Gračanica, Štrpce etc. are still Serbian - and this is reality. Mayby US diplomats first time in the history see reality.

And Donna - Zvečan was never part of any albanian state. And will be never part of any albanian state. Before war Serbs was absolute majority in the North - and will be still absolute majority. Zvečan will be part of "Thaci Kosovo" - only in Your dreams ;)

PS. Kosovo can't join NATO, becouse Spain, Slovakia, Romania and Greece unrecognized this pseudocountry ;)

Niall O'Doherty

pre 15 godina

No partition of Kosovo, not at any price...
Yes partition of Southern Serbia (Eastern Kosovo) Bujanovac, Medvedja, Presevo Valley, Novi Pazar, Crvena Jabuka...We Albanians agree to take back our territory mentioned above but will not give an inch of our homeland Kosovo to the minority Serbs that have been gathered in the northern part of Mitrovica, that has allways has been populated by majority Albanians and a day will come soon when Albanians will return there forever...Now Kosvo has an Army with a special trained Police Force and very soon will be part of NATO, bring it on Serbia, we are waitting for it but this time around Albanians are not unarmed anymore,,,you will be suprised to see us just south of Belgrade within a week...
(Donna, 15 June 2009 05:02)

I dont think the irridentist Albanian mob are in any position to dictate terms to Belgrade. Partition should only be used as a very last resort. If its does come to it the following should apply:

1. Pec and Decani regions ceeded to Montenegro

2. Belgrade takes Mitrovica (all of it) and gets land corridoor linking it to Strpce.

3. All Serbian holy sites and monasteries in south placed under Belgrade control.

4. Albania takes rest - Pristina and Prizren. Tirana and Belgrade enter into bilateral agreement over protection and access to holy sites as well as securing rights or dual nationality of Serbs/Albanians who end up under opposite jurisdictions.

As I said, this shoudl only be used as a very last resort. However I think that if we end up partioning Kosmet, this could opening up a whole new can of worms in Bosnia and Macedonia and could cause more problems than solve. if you partition Kosmet, how do you deny the right of B-Serbs and Albanian Macednians their right to seceede? Mr Montgomery instead should insist on the territorial integrity of Macednnia, Bi-H and Serbia.

Its telling that the ex ambassador is suggesting this. It seems to suggest that Washington is becoming desperate and is looking for a way out. Either way, the cards are certainly stashed in Serbia's favour as she and only she can sign away any part of her territory.

Peter Sudyka

pre 15 godina


OK, it doesn't work like that. Why even suggest that?

You can't argue in favour of Srpska independence, but not Kosovo, it makes Serbia's arguement look stupid.


pre 15 godina

Can it be the Serbs are being set up for a another big fall most likely. William Montgomery if he got a call from Hillary and Obama that he is in with them. He would be singing a different song again depending on what the tune Hillary and Obama played for him. Be careful of Trojan horses disguise as your victory prize they have very nasty surprises inside that you don't have a clue about until it is very much to late.


pre 15 godina

No partition of Kosovo, not at any price...
Yes partition of Southern Serbia (Eastern Kosovo) Bujanovac, Medvedja, Presevo Valley, Novi Pazar, Crvena Jabuka...We Albanians agree to take back our territory mentioned above but will not give an inch of our homeland Kosovo to the minority Serbs that have been gathered in the northern part of Mitrovica, that has allways has been populated by majority Albanians and a day will come soon when Albanians will return there forever...Now Kosvo has an Army with a special trained Police Force and very soon will be part of NATO, bring it on Serbia, we are waitting for it but this time around Albanians are not unarmed anymore,,,you will be suprised to see us just south of Belgrade within a week...


pre 15 godina

No more territorial devisions, enough already!

Kosovo is de jure Serbian and the legal aspect is whats important. This is why the provisional institutions lack legitimacy in the world arena.
As long as Serbia has law on her side then it will be fine. Policies can change, the west is only looking for the most practicle way to exploit the region. Serbia holds a lot of good cards in this regard and maybe that will have some impact in the future.

As for Republika Srpska, im sorry but that will also remain de jure Bosnian. This William fellow knows very well what he is talking about. Do not listen to him it will only create further tensions and longer american presence in Bosnia. R.Srpska should commit herself to improving relations with other nationalities, trust is the main issue. The Federation also needs to come to terms that R.Srpska is a reality and tone down the rhetoric for the benefit of a united soceity.

Other then that i suggest all of you download some Bajaga music (moji drugovi) and go for a run in the neighbourhood, you all feel much better.


pre 15 godina

You see news such as this, "the ex-ambasador..blah blah" and everyone jumps on it like it's Obama talking.

Kosovo is yesterdays news as far as the rest of world is concerned. The independence of Kosovo was used by the Bush administration to divert attention from something else in Iraq. And one day when George W. Bush writes his memories, Kosovo will be used as one of the few good things that he did in a presidency that was plagued by wars and problems.

But as far as Kosovo goes, it was something that was done without much after thought on how to properly implement it. They just did it and left it at that. Kosovo is now a Balkan Taiwan and will remain so. Until a really strong leader with some really strong ideas decides to do something about it.

p.s. I follow news quite often, and I fail to see what Kosovoars have seen from Obama to make them think they are on his agenda.

Dragan, Toronto

pre 15 godina

The end result within the next half century or less, will be the independence of Republika Srpska and the partition of Kosovo-Methohija. Since Dayton, the IBL has been solidified by the 49-51 percentage ratio; albeit the Brcko district is another bone of contention that needs to be properly resolved in the future as well. As for Kosmet, as it stands, defacto partition already along the Ibar River and enclaves, whether the K-Albs want to realize it or not...facts on the ground, count for far more than than their courtyard jamboree in Pristina (that they now want to move to Prizen). I wonder why? Prizren league memories,or to erase Serbian vestige there too?


pre 15 godina

Partition of the Balkans along ethnic lines would be a win\win for both Albanians and Serbs.

Many moderate elements of the Albanian population would support such a plan.

Why not come up with a lasting solution to the regions problems on the eve of its accession to the EU?

Bring in the Balkans as a single unit, a Super Yugo type of thing. Allow the voting\administrative districts to be determined by ethnic census every 10 years.

That way everyone’s ethnicity is protected and they can vote in a block that represents their over all ethnic makeup. Dividing up ethnicities so they are a minority in various countries is seriously undemocratic and dilutes the voice of the people.

Tackling each countries problems like they are in isolation of one another is foolish. Its all related, we need an across the board solution. No ethnicity in the region is completely innocent, all have abused their minorities at times.

AND, give the poor Gypsies their own country for Christ’s sake, at the very least allow them to have their own representatives in the EP and vote as a block.


pre 15 godina

It's hard to say why Balkan Bill decided to surface at exactly this time, maybe he's been talking to Tadic who floated a similar idea a few months ago, but saying that "nothing has happened" for the past decade overlooks one thing: the Bush administration had no interest in the Balkans. (You can tell from the off-handed way they handled Kosovo's Declaration of Independence - they should have either prepared the ground, diplomatically, or warned Pristina exactly how hard it would be.) The Balkans were a Clinton area of interest, and while adding a couple of countries to Nato was fine and taking credit from Kosovo for 'all the help' was flattering, what did they actually do?

So, for someone to appear with this idea of suddenly giving up seems a little strange now that the current administration shows some sign of getting things back on track. Mr. Montgomery is said to speak fluent Serbian - it might help if he learned Albanian, just to be able to see the other side of the question.


pre 15 godina

Now you asked him about everything only the weather forecast was missing, but the most interesting question you didn't:

Which is your explanation of the Mladic's happy life in Serbia??? Who protects him?? Why??? What Mladic represents for you Mr Montgomery?

Anyhow, the fact that you interview Mr Montgomery every day you show that:

1. you inflate his positions and him as person/analyst
2. you can't find many that will suit your appetite/philosophy

So please Mr Montgomery and B92: give us a break. The exchange is the word NOT partition.


pre 15 godina

Hm....very interesting.
I just don't know, who is actually Mr.Montgomery representing now...?It seems that he has no clue at all about the new reality.Partially partition...is it okay and fer enough?
Let's say for instance that Kosovo will be divided, and also BiH same, what about Serbia(Presevska Dolina,Sandzak,then Macedonia, Greece)


pre 15 godina

YES...Iam from Kosovo and I accept this plan.We will get North Mitrovica to Serbia but we will get Preseva,Medvegja,West macedonia,and South Epirus,and Kosova to re-back into ALBANIA.This is the only form to have stability in Balkan.


pre 15 godina

What about partition of Albania? Southern Metohija(known as northern albania)could join Serbia. Thath could be long term solution for both sides.


pre 15 godina


I've read the Ahtisaari Plan. It's written by someone completely missing the historical dimensions of the region, and is more interested in presenting something that looks nice in order to get a Nobel Peace Prize. It looks great on paper, but it assumes a lot of things in order for anything to work. Yes, the Plan envisions Serb autonomy to the point where being part of Kosovo's institutions are a joke. But in the same manner as Albanians rebuffed every offer by Belgrade to live in a virtually independent region as part of Serbia, so too does it appear that K-Serbs want no attachment at all to "Kosova". Your leaders could offer them the keys to Pristina after you move your capital to Prizren, but as long as they have to sign all their documents with "Republic of Kosova" letterhead, they're not going to participate. Call it stubborness if you will, but Rugova et al did the same thing.

It didn't work when Serbia offered it to Pristina, and it's not going to work when Pristina (or more likely Ahtisaari) offers it to Mitrovica.


pre 15 godina

>>Referring to the former ambassador's suggestions and the the comments expressed in here, it confirms that the former ambassador is in not living in the real world and his suggestions are UNREALISTIC. (EA)>>

i totally agree with yr assessment, EA. the only point upon which i could agree with mr. montgomery is that he is the EX.

partition forever is a disaster. helping these nations, incl kosovo/a and bosnia to function normally and then all working together as members of the EU, that is the hope, the only hope.

as to this issue of "dysfunctionality" or "failing" states -- why is so much of the balkans dysfunctional, WHY have these states been failing -- that is what is impt to properly analyze. when the factors that very consciously contribute to the "failing" are removed, then it will be a very different story.



pre 15 godina

I believe that for Serbia it's time to gather stones. The Albanians are also aware whose lands they have occupied. The problem is that neither of the sides is ready to initiate the bargaining. So it must be someone neutral. In any case their relations are poisoned for long and best if they find a way of devorce.


pre 15 godina

I would really REALLY push for decentralization to the point where each municipality, Albanian or Serb, has control over it's own day to day activitiy and Pristina becomes just a EU-led figurehead.

Read the Ahtisaari plan, as long as it's within the Kosova constitution they can do a lot of things. Eventually Serbia will have to decentralize as well the same way. As for Sprska, not without a war and everyone wants to avoid that.

Albanians officials can't get to N Kosova? They even took the serbian leaders to Ohrid to see how decentralization works last week. What channel are you watching?


pre 15 godina

This ex ambassador has a right of an opinion, and that is his opinion, wich I think he is entitled to.

But any more homogenous states in the balkans we should all forget about it.

There is no chance that either Serbia or Kosovo or any other state in the Balkans will be partitioned to satisfy 'nationalistic' ideas on any side, as long as they are not trying to KILL or FORCEFULL ethnic cleansing.

So to all nationalists 'keep on dreaming' as its NOT going to happen and specially the division of Kosovo.

My advise to those who think that any division will happen, try and intergrate, as NO ONE (country) is supporting you..

Little Russia

pre 15 godina

Montgomery wrote here

"permitting the Republika Srpska ... to hold a referendum on independence.

In both cases, there would need to be a demonstrated will and readiness to USE MILITARY FORCE to prevent violence along the way"

Read between the lines.

Second, we perfectly know that the prolem isn't reduced to whether hold or not the referendum and to people's will. Why have you said nothing about Brcko district?

Then, Montgomery said that BiH case is more complicated that Kosovo's one. Why? Because in BiH Serbs control significant and economically important part of the territory, while in Kosovo Serbs are offered a small chunk of the territorry?

Again, read between the lines.

Not the ideas themselves, voiced by Montgomery are important, but HOW and with what motives they are going to implement it.

The One

pre 15 godina

Montgomery a serbian lobbyist, is presenting the partition as the only solution. hmm -Yes it is the only solutions that the serbs wants but not the only one,mister. Mister Montgomery stop feeding the serbian nationalism, and as a conseguence the balkan nationalism. No one in the Balkans stands any more the serbian nationalism. Don't play with fire mister.


pre 15 godina

I'm all in favor of partitioning Bosnia as it's been de facto partitioned between RS and Federacija for nearly 15 years now. That's a simple divide along the internal administrative borders and call it a day.

I'm not in favor of the simple partitioning of Kosovo Province along the Ibar. Granted that's the most obvious, but 2/3 of Kosovo's Serbs live south of it. Rather, I would really REALLY push for decentralization to the point where each municipality, Albanian or Serb, has control over it's own day to day activitiy and Pristina becomes just a EU-led figurehead. Montgomery is right that no Serb politician will be willing to let go of any part of Kosovo, and no K-Albanian leader, even though they could never set foot in northern Mitrovica would relinquish it either.

Whatever the outcome, the current solutions are not working and are only strengthening the entrenched positions on both sides. Each side has valid arguments, but neither side can checkmate the other.

Holbrook's plans have proven to be untenable.


pre 15 godina

I hate to admit it but he's right. A buffer zone should be made between everyone. The only way to get everyone to accept this idea is for both the Americans and Russians to tell each side that is what they can support. This worked great with Greece and Turkey, it'll work great with here too.


pre 15 godina

They say that the higher the fence is the better are the neighbors. So despite my internal protest I back for partition. The problem is how and where ? This globe does not belong to any of us. Neither does it belong to the mankind only ! We only rent it for a while and human life is the only value we have to take care of.

P.S. I have to conceal my usual NIC cause one of the two sides conflicting over Kosovo always gives me “poor comments” without even reading my posts and no PR campaign can save my reputation.


pre 15 godina

Some people might dismiss the comments by Montgomery as those of an ex-ambassador with no real weight in the current state of affairs both in Bosnia & Kosovo.
On the contrary, I think his views represent the current thinking in the US administration.

The US goverment right now has other urgent matters to deal with ie Iraq & Afganistan wars,Iran & Korea and the economic crisis and therefore the Balkans is not included in the priorities of the Obama goverment.

What Montgomery confirms is the defacto partition that exists both in Bosnia and in Kosovo all but in name.He also confirms the bankruptsy of the US Balkans policy.
They have created two protectorates which need millions of $ to be kept alive.The US goverment hasn't got the will and the financial muscle to continue with the present situation.Therefore some sort
of new arrangement will have to be agreed upon.

The problem that i see with the idea of partition is the future of the new entities that will be created.Will they stay independent or join
their motherlands.If that happens it will probably reinforce the nationalist feelings of the Albanians in Montenegro & Fyrom and might tryto join their motherlands.


pre 15 godina

Referring to the former ambassador's suggestions and the the comments expressed in here, it confirms that the former ambassador is in not living in the real world and his suggestions are UNREALISTIC.
As I mentioned in my previous comment which was misunderstood and prejudged by the Serbian panel (no surprise here), there should be NO CHANGES OF BORDERS in the Balkans. Full stop! We all know why Kosova became independent or why Serbia LOST Kosova for good whichever form you like. We can also agree to disagree. There is also a Court opinion waiting to come out with Serbia's request. Way forward would be Serbia to recognise Kosova's independence and refrain from the attempts to stop he unstoppable Kosova's indepdence. Next Kosova and Serbia as two independent to be engaged in friendships agreement, free movement of goods and people....NOT a ROCKET SCIENCE mr former ambassador!


pre 15 godina

However one must keep in mind, we will ALWAYS see Kosovo as our land and the first chance Serbia gets, it will come back for it!

Kosovo is Serbia
(Nikola, 14 June 2009 16:30)

My dear Kosovare, it is good to hear from another Kosovar.

All I want to say is that you can view Kosova however you'd like, you can call it anything you want, and live wherever you want in Kosova, just don't commit illegal acts or harm or injury any person.

Since 1999 Prishtina is completely rebuilt, I doubt you would even recognize anything.

Nicholas Klinsman

pre 15 godina

If it prevents future conflict so that all these people can move forward than I'm for partition, although I think it would have to be phased in, and who knows where it would stop.

Some people will say partition doesn't make sense in this day and age, but neither did the breakup of Yugoslavia into 7 mini states. Since that was done why stop now. Better to do it in peacetime conditions.


pre 15 godina

"Kosovo's Albanians do not accept the partition idea, and it is only a matter of time before violence flares up in Kosovo over this,"

No, but Presevo valley might learn from the N K Serbs and want to join Kosova. The West knows all these and that's why partition will not happen, despite this guy's ideas.

Presheva Valley for N or Ibar or nothing at all. If Serbia doesn't cooperate, let them join The Russian Union, not EU. By the time Serbia gets visas the North will be integrated--or Serbia doesn't get them.

Rezze E Malit

pre 15 godina

Montgomery to me seems like a failed Ambassador, there is no benchmark that he is known for. As suppose to Hoolbrook, who should be nominated for noble peace prize. i would agree if he came with idea that we should swap preshava valley, with northern part of mitrovica. Does he live in belgrade, is his wife serbian, cause he reminds me of a french who used to bat for serbs all the time, cause his wife was serbian. As long as america is super power , there will be no partition of bosnia serbia nor kosova . i would like to have an partition , wherever albanians are , but is worth it . No cause you have to start wars , with macedonia montenegro , serbia maybe greece and italy too. but thanks God that there is no gun powder. and we are still in Peace.


pre 15 godina

Strange enough that Montgomery, a skillfull diplomat, doesn't see his solution would bring more problems that it would solve.

Practically only Slovenia would remain untouched from redrawing the borders.

Strange eonugh, he suggests EU should move on this track. It would be the best argument multiethnicity and multiculturalism doesn't work, and it would deal a strong ideological blow tho idea of EU, bringing Europe in the 21st century to the political thinking of the 19th centure, which some of the posters here seem to adore so deeply.

What would be the practical result of such a solution, well, it doesn't take much to figure out. Sure, for someone sitting in Australia or USA it would be practically no more different than the result of a baseball game. But it's too much different for us, Europeans


pre 15 godina

"Montgomery said that the overwhelming majority of Serbs who fled Kosovo "will never return", and described this as "reality". He also stated that a "large number" of Serbs will be forced to leave if forced them to accept "full authority of the Kosovo government". "

Yes ex ambasador. Those overwhelming Serbs left because of your american illegal aggression against Serbia and also because of your 100% support of albanian uck terrorists. Now it's too late to be talking about reality on the ground. Why weren't you talking about this reality before Serbs got ethnically celansed from their homeland thanks to your bombs.


pre 15 godina

First of all EA, Vojvodina does not want independence. I don't know why you keep insisting that it does, this goes from political realities, to what EA wants to be reality.

As for Montgomery and his proposal, it is not a bad idea in theory. Keep in mind that I am a Kosovo Serb born in Pristina, however reality is reality.

If it can be agreed that the Serbs in south and central Kosovo are allowed to move up to North Kosovo which would mean pushing the Serbs to the North, and pushing the Albanians to the south, then it can be acceptable. Also, I would not accept the agreement unless the monasteries in Kosovo are kept under the control of Serbia and the Serbian Orthodox Church. Allowing Serbian guards to protect the Churches and to have full control over all affairs in the churches.

With those two conditions, and with Republika Srpska also allowed to vote in a referendum, then I would unfortunately agree to Monty's plan.

However one must keep in mind, we will ALWAYS see Kosovo as our land and the first chance Serbia gets, it will come back for it!

Kosovo is Serbia


pre 15 godina

In the article Holbrooke also mentions the fact that it has to be the EU that pushes for the partition solution, as the US has too much invested in maintaining the status quo.

I don't take much joy in agreeing with Montgomery as I believe that multiculturalism is possible, however, you have to take a look on the ground. The fact is Bosnia remains a failing state. The fact is that even a Kosovo with more recognitions and more entry into international organisations will still remain a risk too far for some western investment. That the very best that a current independent Kosovo can hope for is to balance its books, rather than bring economic benefit to its people.

All of this needs to be unlocked, a fresh approach is needed. One day you have stop flogging a dead horse in the hopes that it will miraculously recover.

I think the beginning of the process should be that the EU and US should informally give incentives to Serbia and Kosovo Albanian leaders to sit down and engage in old fashioined horse trading. Everything on the table. Lets just see what can be done, because both the current Serbian policy and the current Kosovo Albanian policy is not working either for the people of Serbia and those living in Kosovo.


pre 15 godina

EA, you need to understand that there will be partition of Kosovo and Presevo and other areas in Serbia will not go anywhere. Mr. Montgomery is finally providing intelligent commentary; stability will only come when a solution that respects everyone's needs is attained. To create such a solution requires compromise, so while every party will gain, each party will also lose. In the end a solution will be attained that provides the best alternative for every side. I'd suggest you get to work on a new flag for Kosovo as the present flag will be defunct soon:;)


pre 15 godina

"If Serbia is happy to lose Vojvodina to Hungaria, Bujanovc, Preseva and Medvegja to Kosova, Wester Macedonia to Albania then we can talk....

You forgot to mention Northern Epirus in south Albania. It belongs to Greece! You want to let a 12% hungarian population in Vojvodina get independence and control of the entire territory!Your suggestions are totaly unrealistic and delusional! The facts on the ground will become a permenent solution. You want Presevo! Well, come and get it!


pre 15 godina

I have not complex about partition/redrawing the borders if THAT IS FOUND to be the only way forward which I personally doubt. If Serbia is happy to lose Vojvodina to Hungaria, Bujanovc, Preseva and Medvegja to Kosova, Wester Macedonia to Albania then we can talk....
(EA, 14 June 2009 14:34)

EA, give it up. Nobody is mentioning these areas. Nobody is going to ask you or any Albanian about Vojvodina etc. Stop dreaming of partitioning Serbia even more.

Serbia can only unite her territories, not lose more.
The most you can hope for is a part of Kosovo but certainly not having your dream of dismembering Serbia completely.

You honestly belive that anyone is even going ask what Albanians want. Delusional, that's all I can say.


pre 15 godina

Finaly someone who realize what needs to be done to secure peace. Albanians think they can expell all Serbs, burn down monasteries and then Belgrade to recognize Kosovo. Dream on!
Montgomery is simply suggesting that everyone accept the facts on the ground and the fact that Kosovo will never be anything but a black hole unless Serbs have a say. Kosovo is after all Serbian territory.


pre 15 godina

I think the former ambassador is living in a different planet since he retired.

Montgomery said..." he did not favor "compensation" ideas involving the Bosnian Serb entity (RS) and Kosovo, and that separate action should be taken in the two cases...
BUT he favours a strong, velika Serbian state?

I have not complex about partition/redrawing the borders if THAT IS FOUND to be the only way forward which I personally doubt. If Serbia is happy to lose Vojvodina to Hungaria, Bujanovc, Preseva and Medvegja to Kosova, Wester Macedonia to Albania then we can talk....


pre 15 godina

"Kosovo is after all Serbian territory."
Why are you giving away a peace of your own territory than? Or maybe you were thinking to get back a piece of lost territory.


pre 15 godina

Yes, Montgomery is right. Partition is the only solution for long term stability. But Holbrooke and friends doesn't want a stable Balkans. They want chaos and internal tensions to make it is easier for them to control it. Divide and rule is their motto. Let's just hope the reasonable Montgomery school of thought wins more supporters.


pre 15 godina

I have not complex about partition/redrawing the borders if THAT IS FOUND to be the only way forward which I personally doubt. If Serbia is happy to lose Vojvodina to Hungaria, Bujanovc, Preseva and Medvegja to Kosova, Wester Macedonia to Albania then we can talk....
(EA, 14 June 2009 14:34)

EA, give it up. Nobody is mentioning these areas. Nobody is going to ask you or any Albanian about Vojvodina etc. Stop dreaming of partitioning Serbia even more.

Serbia can only unite her territories, not lose more.
The most you can hope for is a part of Kosovo but certainly not having your dream of dismembering Serbia completely.

You honestly belive that anyone is even going ask what Albanians want. Delusional, that's all I can say.


pre 15 godina

First of all EA, Vojvodina does not want independence. I don't know why you keep insisting that it does, this goes from political realities, to what EA wants to be reality.

As for Montgomery and his proposal, it is not a bad idea in theory. Keep in mind that I am a Kosovo Serb born in Pristina, however reality is reality.

If it can be agreed that the Serbs in south and central Kosovo are allowed to move up to North Kosovo which would mean pushing the Serbs to the North, and pushing the Albanians to the south, then it can be acceptable. Also, I would not accept the agreement unless the monasteries in Kosovo are kept under the control of Serbia and the Serbian Orthodox Church. Allowing Serbian guards to protect the Churches and to have full control over all affairs in the churches.

With those two conditions, and with Republika Srpska also allowed to vote in a referendum, then I would unfortunately agree to Monty's plan.

However one must keep in mind, we will ALWAYS see Kosovo as our land and the first chance Serbia gets, it will come back for it!

Kosovo is Serbia


pre 15 godina

Finaly someone who realize what needs to be done to secure peace. Albanians think they can expell all Serbs, burn down monasteries and then Belgrade to recognize Kosovo. Dream on!
Montgomery is simply suggesting that everyone accept the facts on the ground and the fact that Kosovo will never be anything but a black hole unless Serbs have a say. Kosovo is after all Serbian territory.


pre 15 godina

"If Serbia is happy to lose Vojvodina to Hungaria, Bujanovc, Preseva and Medvegja to Kosova, Wester Macedonia to Albania then we can talk....

You forgot to mention Northern Epirus in south Albania. It belongs to Greece! You want to let a 12% hungarian population in Vojvodina get independence and control of the entire territory!Your suggestions are totaly unrealistic and delusional! The facts on the ground will become a permenent solution. You want Presevo! Well, come and get it!


pre 15 godina

Yes, Montgomery is right. Partition is the only solution for long term stability. But Holbrooke and friends doesn't want a stable Balkans. They want chaos and internal tensions to make it is easier for them to control it. Divide and rule is their motto. Let's just hope the reasonable Montgomery school of thought wins more supporters.


pre 15 godina

"Montgomery said that the overwhelming majority of Serbs who fled Kosovo "will never return", and described this as "reality". He also stated that a "large number" of Serbs will be forced to leave if forced them to accept "full authority of the Kosovo government". "

Yes ex ambasador. Those overwhelming Serbs left because of your american illegal aggression against Serbia and also because of your 100% support of albanian uck terrorists. Now it's too late to be talking about reality on the ground. Why weren't you talking about this reality before Serbs got ethnically celansed from their homeland thanks to your bombs.


pre 15 godina

I think the former ambassador is living in a different planet since he retired.

Montgomery said..." he did not favor "compensation" ideas involving the Bosnian Serb entity (RS) and Kosovo, and that separate action should be taken in the two cases...
BUT he favours a strong, velika Serbian state?

I have not complex about partition/redrawing the borders if THAT IS FOUND to be the only way forward which I personally doubt. If Serbia is happy to lose Vojvodina to Hungaria, Bujanovc, Preseva and Medvegja to Kosova, Wester Macedonia to Albania then we can talk....

Nicholas Klinsman

pre 15 godina

If it prevents future conflict so that all these people can move forward than I'm for partition, although I think it would have to be phased in, and who knows where it would stop.

Some people will say partition doesn't make sense in this day and age, but neither did the breakup of Yugoslavia into 7 mini states. Since that was done why stop now. Better to do it in peacetime conditions.


pre 15 godina

Some people might dismiss the comments by Montgomery as those of an ex-ambassador with no real weight in the current state of affairs both in Bosnia & Kosovo.
On the contrary, I think his views represent the current thinking in the US administration.

The US goverment right now has other urgent matters to deal with ie Iraq & Afganistan wars,Iran & Korea and the economic crisis and therefore the Balkans is not included in the priorities of the Obama goverment.

What Montgomery confirms is the defacto partition that exists both in Bosnia and in Kosovo all but in name.He also confirms the bankruptsy of the US Balkans policy.
They have created two protectorates which need millions of $ to be kept alive.The US goverment hasn't got the will and the financial muscle to continue with the present situation.Therefore some sort
of new arrangement will have to be agreed upon.

The problem that i see with the idea of partition is the future of the new entities that will be created.Will they stay independent or join
their motherlands.If that happens it will probably reinforce the nationalist feelings of the Albanians in Montenegro & Fyrom and might tryto join their motherlands.


pre 15 godina

In the article Holbrooke also mentions the fact that it has to be the EU that pushes for the partition solution, as the US has too much invested in maintaining the status quo.

I don't take much joy in agreeing with Montgomery as I believe that multiculturalism is possible, however, you have to take a look on the ground. The fact is Bosnia remains a failing state. The fact is that even a Kosovo with more recognitions and more entry into international organisations will still remain a risk too far for some western investment. That the very best that a current independent Kosovo can hope for is to balance its books, rather than bring economic benefit to its people.

All of this needs to be unlocked, a fresh approach is needed. One day you have stop flogging a dead horse in the hopes that it will miraculously recover.

I think the beginning of the process should be that the EU and US should informally give incentives to Serbia and Kosovo Albanian leaders to sit down and engage in old fashioined horse trading. Everything on the table. Lets just see what can be done, because both the current Serbian policy and the current Kosovo Albanian policy is not working either for the people of Serbia and those living in Kosovo.


pre 15 godina

EA, you need to understand that there will be partition of Kosovo and Presevo and other areas in Serbia will not go anywhere. Mr. Montgomery is finally providing intelligent commentary; stability will only come when a solution that respects everyone's needs is attained. To create such a solution requires compromise, so while every party will gain, each party will also lose. In the end a solution will be attained that provides the best alternative for every side. I'd suggest you get to work on a new flag for Kosovo as the present flag will be defunct soon:;)


pre 15 godina

I'm all in favor of partitioning Bosnia as it's been de facto partitioned between RS and Federacija for nearly 15 years now. That's a simple divide along the internal administrative borders and call it a day.

I'm not in favor of the simple partitioning of Kosovo Province along the Ibar. Granted that's the most obvious, but 2/3 of Kosovo's Serbs live south of it. Rather, I would really REALLY push for decentralization to the point where each municipality, Albanian or Serb, has control over it's own day to day activitiy and Pristina becomes just a EU-led figurehead. Montgomery is right that no Serb politician will be willing to let go of any part of Kosovo, and no K-Albanian leader, even though they could never set foot in northern Mitrovica would relinquish it either.

Whatever the outcome, the current solutions are not working and are only strengthening the entrenched positions on both sides. Each side has valid arguments, but neither side can checkmate the other.

Holbrook's plans have proven to be untenable.


pre 15 godina

They say that the higher the fence is the better are the neighbors. So despite my internal protest I back for partition. The problem is how and where ? This globe does not belong to any of us. Neither does it belong to the mankind only ! We only rent it for a while and human life is the only value we have to take care of.

P.S. I have to conceal my usual NIC cause one of the two sides conflicting over Kosovo always gives me “poor comments” without even reading my posts and no PR campaign can save my reputation.

Little Russia

pre 15 godina

Montgomery wrote here

"permitting the Republika Srpska ... to hold a referendum on independence.

In both cases, there would need to be a demonstrated will and readiness to USE MILITARY FORCE to prevent violence along the way"

Read between the lines.

Second, we perfectly know that the prolem isn't reduced to whether hold or not the referendum and to people's will. Why have you said nothing about Brcko district?

Then, Montgomery said that BiH case is more complicated that Kosovo's one. Why? Because in BiH Serbs control significant and economically important part of the territory, while in Kosovo Serbs are offered a small chunk of the territorry?

Again, read between the lines.

Not the ideas themselves, voiced by Montgomery are important, but HOW and with what motives they are going to implement it.


pre 15 godina


I've read the Ahtisaari Plan. It's written by someone completely missing the historical dimensions of the region, and is more interested in presenting something that looks nice in order to get a Nobel Peace Prize. It looks great on paper, but it assumes a lot of things in order for anything to work. Yes, the Plan envisions Serb autonomy to the point where being part of Kosovo's institutions are a joke. But in the same manner as Albanians rebuffed every offer by Belgrade to live in a virtually independent region as part of Serbia, so too does it appear that K-Serbs want no attachment at all to "Kosova". Your leaders could offer them the keys to Pristina after you move your capital to Prizren, but as long as they have to sign all their documents with "Republic of Kosova" letterhead, they're not going to participate. Call it stubborness if you will, but Rugova et al did the same thing.

It didn't work when Serbia offered it to Pristina, and it's not going to work when Pristina (or more likely Ahtisaari) offers it to Mitrovica.


pre 15 godina

Referring to the former ambassador's suggestions and the the comments expressed in here, it confirms that the former ambassador is in not living in the real world and his suggestions are UNREALISTIC.
As I mentioned in my previous comment which was misunderstood and prejudged by the Serbian panel (no surprise here), there should be NO CHANGES OF BORDERS in the Balkans. Full stop! We all know why Kosova became independent or why Serbia LOST Kosova for good whichever form you like. We can also agree to disagree. There is also a Court opinion waiting to come out with Serbia's request. Way forward would be Serbia to recognise Kosova's independence and refrain from the attempts to stop he unstoppable Kosova's indepdence. Next Kosova and Serbia as two independent to be engaged in friendships agreement, free movement of goods and people....NOT a ROCKET SCIENCE mr former ambassador!

The One

pre 15 godina

Montgomery a serbian lobbyist, is presenting the partition as the only solution. hmm -Yes it is the only solutions that the serbs wants but not the only one,mister. Mister Montgomery stop feeding the serbian nationalism, and as a conseguence the balkan nationalism. No one in the Balkans stands any more the serbian nationalism. Don't play with fire mister.


pre 15 godina

What about partition of Albania? Southern Metohija(known as northern albania)could join Serbia. Thath could be long term solution for both sides.


pre 15 godina

I hate to admit it but he's right. A buffer zone should be made between everyone. The only way to get everyone to accept this idea is for both the Americans and Russians to tell each side that is what they can support. This worked great with Greece and Turkey, it'll work great with here too.


pre 15 godina

I would really REALLY push for decentralization to the point where each municipality, Albanian or Serb, has control over it's own day to day activitiy and Pristina becomes just a EU-led figurehead.

Read the Ahtisaari plan, as long as it's within the Kosova constitution they can do a lot of things. Eventually Serbia will have to decentralize as well the same way. As for Sprska, not without a war and everyone wants to avoid that.

Albanians officials can't get to N Kosova? They even took the serbian leaders to Ohrid to see how decentralization works last week. What channel are you watching?


pre 15 godina

YES...Iam from Kosovo and I accept this plan.We will get North Mitrovica to Serbia but we will get Preseva,Medvegja,West macedonia,and South Epirus,and Kosova to re-back into ALBANIA.This is the only form to have stability in Balkan.


pre 15 godina

However one must keep in mind, we will ALWAYS see Kosovo as our land and the first chance Serbia gets, it will come back for it!

Kosovo is Serbia
(Nikola, 14 June 2009 16:30)

My dear Kosovare, it is good to hear from another Kosovar.

All I want to say is that you can view Kosova however you'd like, you can call it anything you want, and live wherever you want in Kosova, just don't commit illegal acts or harm or injury any person.

Since 1999 Prishtina is completely rebuilt, I doubt you would even recognize anything.


pre 15 godina

You see news such as this, "the ex-ambasador..blah blah" and everyone jumps on it like it's Obama talking.

Kosovo is yesterdays news as far as the rest of world is concerned. The independence of Kosovo was used by the Bush administration to divert attention from something else in Iraq. And one day when George W. Bush writes his memories, Kosovo will be used as one of the few good things that he did in a presidency that was plagued by wars and problems.

But as far as Kosovo goes, it was something that was done without much after thought on how to properly implement it. They just did it and left it at that. Kosovo is now a Balkan Taiwan and will remain so. Until a really strong leader with some really strong ideas decides to do something about it.

p.s. I follow news quite often, and I fail to see what Kosovoars have seen from Obama to make them think they are on his agenda.


pre 15 godina

I believe that for Serbia it's time to gather stones. The Albanians are also aware whose lands they have occupied. The problem is that neither of the sides is ready to initiate the bargaining. So it must be someone neutral. In any case their relations are poisoned for long and best if they find a way of devorce.

Dragan, Toronto

pre 15 godina

The end result within the next half century or less, will be the independence of Republika Srpska and the partition of Kosovo-Methohija. Since Dayton, the IBL has been solidified by the 49-51 percentage ratio; albeit the Brcko district is another bone of contention that needs to be properly resolved in the future as well. As for Kosmet, as it stands, defacto partition already along the Ibar River and enclaves, whether the K-Albs want to realize it or not...facts on the ground, count for far more than than their courtyard jamboree in Pristina (that they now want to move to Prizen). I wonder why? Prizren league memories,or to erase Serbian vestige there too?


pre 15 godina

"Kosovo is after all Serbian territory."
Why are you giving away a peace of your own territory than? Or maybe you were thinking to get back a piece of lost territory.


pre 15 godina

Strange enough that Montgomery, a skillfull diplomat, doesn't see his solution would bring more problems that it would solve.

Practically only Slovenia would remain untouched from redrawing the borders.

Strange eonugh, he suggests EU should move on this track. It would be the best argument multiethnicity and multiculturalism doesn't work, and it would deal a strong ideological blow tho idea of EU, bringing Europe in the 21st century to the political thinking of the 19th centure, which some of the posters here seem to adore so deeply.

What would be the practical result of such a solution, well, it doesn't take much to figure out. Sure, for someone sitting in Australia or USA it would be practically no more different than the result of a baseball game. But it's too much different for us, Europeans


pre 15 godina

Northern Kosovo, Gračanica, Štrpce etc. are still Serbian - and this is reality. Mayby US diplomats first time in the history see reality.

And Donna - Zvečan was never part of any albanian state. And will be never part of any albanian state. Before war Serbs was absolute majority in the North - and will be still absolute majority. Zvečan will be part of "Thaci Kosovo" - only in Your dreams ;)

PS. Kosovo can't join NATO, becouse Spain, Slovakia, Romania and Greece unrecognized this pseudocountry ;)


pre 15 godina

... bring it on Serbia, we are waitting for it but this time around Albanians are not unarmed anymore,,,you will be suprised to see us just south of Belgrade within a week...
(Donna, 15 June 2009 05:02)

in every major conflict taking place in the balkan theater, you (albanians) have almost ALWAYS chosen to ally yourself with the most powerful and numerous but ultimately the losing side.

Niall O'Doherty

pre 15 godina

No partition of Kosovo, not at any price...
Yes partition of Southern Serbia (Eastern Kosovo) Bujanovac, Medvedja, Presevo Valley, Novi Pazar, Crvena Jabuka...We Albanians agree to take back our territory mentioned above but will not give an inch of our homeland Kosovo to the minority Serbs that have been gathered in the northern part of Mitrovica, that has allways has been populated by majority Albanians and a day will come soon when Albanians will return there forever...Now Kosvo has an Army with a special trained Police Force and very soon will be part of NATO, bring it on Serbia, we are waitting for it but this time around Albanians are not unarmed anymore,,,you will be suprised to see us just south of Belgrade within a week...
(Donna, 15 June 2009 05:02)

I dont think the irridentist Albanian mob are in any position to dictate terms to Belgrade. Partition should only be used as a very last resort. If its does come to it the following should apply:

1. Pec and Decani regions ceeded to Montenegro

2. Belgrade takes Mitrovica (all of it) and gets land corridoor linking it to Strpce.

3. All Serbian holy sites and monasteries in south placed under Belgrade control.

4. Albania takes rest - Pristina and Prizren. Tirana and Belgrade enter into bilateral agreement over protection and access to holy sites as well as securing rights or dual nationality of Serbs/Albanians who end up under opposite jurisdictions.

As I said, this shoudl only be used as a very last resort. However I think that if we end up partioning Kosmet, this could opening up a whole new can of worms in Bosnia and Macedonia and could cause more problems than solve. if you partition Kosmet, how do you deny the right of B-Serbs and Albanian Macednians their right to seceede? Mr Montgomery instead should insist on the territorial integrity of Macednnia, Bi-H and Serbia.

Its telling that the ex ambassador is suggesting this. It seems to suggest that Washington is becoming desperate and is looking for a way out. Either way, the cards are certainly stashed in Serbia's favour as she and only she can sign away any part of her territory.


pre 15 godina

Hm....very interesting.
I just don't know, who is actually Mr.Montgomery representing now...?It seems that he has no clue at all about the new reality.Partially partition...is it okay and fer enough?
Let's say for instance that Kosovo will be divided, and also BiH same, what about Serbia(Presevska Dolina,Sandzak,then Macedonia, Greece)

Rezze E Malit

pre 15 godina

Montgomery to me seems like a failed Ambassador, there is no benchmark that he is known for. As suppose to Hoolbrook, who should be nominated for noble peace prize. i would agree if he came with idea that we should swap preshava valley, with northern part of mitrovica. Does he live in belgrade, is his wife serbian, cause he reminds me of a french who used to bat for serbs all the time, cause his wife was serbian. As long as america is super power , there will be no partition of bosnia serbia nor kosova . i would like to have an partition , wherever albanians are , but is worth it . No cause you have to start wars , with macedonia montenegro , serbia maybe greece and italy too. but thanks God that there is no gun powder. and we are still in Peace.


pre 15 godina

This ex ambassador has a right of an opinion, and that is his opinion, wich I think he is entitled to.

But any more homogenous states in the balkans we should all forget about it.

There is no chance that either Serbia or Kosovo or any other state in the Balkans will be partitioned to satisfy 'nationalistic' ideas on any side, as long as they are not trying to KILL or FORCEFULL ethnic cleansing.

So to all nationalists 'keep on dreaming' as its NOT going to happen and specially the division of Kosovo.

My advise to those who think that any division will happen, try and intergrate, as NO ONE (country) is supporting you..


pre 15 godina

>>Referring to the former ambassador's suggestions and the the comments expressed in here, it confirms that the former ambassador is in not living in the real world and his suggestions are UNREALISTIC. (EA)>>

i totally agree with yr assessment, EA. the only point upon which i could agree with mr. montgomery is that he is the EX.

partition forever is a disaster. helping these nations, incl kosovo/a and bosnia to function normally and then all working together as members of the EU, that is the hope, the only hope.

as to this issue of "dysfunctionality" or "failing" states -- why is so much of the balkans dysfunctional, WHY have these states been failing -- that is what is impt to properly analyze. when the factors that very consciously contribute to the "failing" are removed, then it will be a very different story.



pre 15 godina

Now you asked him about everything only the weather forecast was missing, but the most interesting question you didn't:

Which is your explanation of the Mladic's happy life in Serbia??? Who protects him?? Why??? What Mladic represents for you Mr Montgomery?

Anyhow, the fact that you interview Mr Montgomery every day you show that:

1. you inflate his positions and him as person/analyst
2. you can't find many that will suit your appetite/philosophy

So please Mr Montgomery and B92: give us a break. The exchange is the word NOT partition.


pre 15 godina

It's hard to say why Balkan Bill decided to surface at exactly this time, maybe he's been talking to Tadic who floated a similar idea a few months ago, but saying that "nothing has happened" for the past decade overlooks one thing: the Bush administration had no interest in the Balkans. (You can tell from the off-handed way they handled Kosovo's Declaration of Independence - they should have either prepared the ground, diplomatically, or warned Pristina exactly how hard it would be.) The Balkans were a Clinton area of interest, and while adding a couple of countries to Nato was fine and taking credit from Kosovo for 'all the help' was flattering, what did they actually do?

So, for someone to appear with this idea of suddenly giving up seems a little strange now that the current administration shows some sign of getting things back on track. Mr. Montgomery is said to speak fluent Serbian - it might help if he learned Albanian, just to be able to see the other side of the question.


pre 15 godina

"Kosovo's Albanians do not accept the partition idea, and it is only a matter of time before violence flares up in Kosovo over this,"

No, but Presevo valley might learn from the N K Serbs and want to join Kosova. The West knows all these and that's why partition will not happen, despite this guy's ideas.

Presheva Valley for N or Ibar or nothing at all. If Serbia doesn't cooperate, let them join The Russian Union, not EU. By the time Serbia gets visas the North will be integrated--or Serbia doesn't get them.


pre 15 godina

The perfect solution should be to divide kosovo 50/50.

50% goes to the Albanians

50% goes to Serbia.

We, The Serbs, get to keep the name Kosovo. It’s our name it’s our province.

The new Albanian territories join Albany and become part of a greater Albania.

Give Pressovo to the Albanians if we get Republika serbska to back to Serbia from that failed fake state Bosnia.

That way every body is happy.

The Albanians get a greater Albania. More territories for the Albanians and they truly become independent from the Serbs.

We get RS back we get your 50% of Kosovo back and get the rights to the Kosovo name.

A lot less Albanians in Serbia.

No more foreign troop in Serbia.

With the reality on the ground. This is pretty good.


pre 15 godina

Now Kosvo has an Army with a special trained Police Force and very soon will be part of NATO, bring it on Serbia, we are waitting for it but this time around Albanians are not unarmed anymore,,,you will be suprised to see us just south of Belgrade within a week...
(Donna, 15 June 2009 05:02)

All, what was yours for over 1000 year period of time were the mountains. Roman, Slavic, Byzantine, Turkish rulers maintained large military units just to keep the valleys safe.

And if you dream about armed conflict and be in "south of Belgrade within a week" - that's a proof, isn't it? It is expected, you behave like in 21st century AD, not BC.

Peter Sudyka

pre 15 godina


OK, it doesn't work like that. Why even suggest that?

You can't argue in favour of Srpska independence, but not Kosovo, it makes Serbia's arguement look stupid.

US- Disclaimer

pre 15 godina

Montgomery does not represent any policy of the US State Department. He has been retired for over 10 years now.
He lives in the Balkans. He's not a diplomat.


pre 15 godina

Can it be the Serbs are being set up for a another big fall most likely. William Montgomery if he got a call from Hillary and Obama that he is in with them. He would be singing a different song again depending on what the tune Hillary and Obama played for him. Be careful of Trojan horses disguise as your victory prize they have very nasty surprises inside that you don't have a clue about until it is very much to late.


pre 15 godina

No partition of Kosovo, not at any price...
Yes partition of Southern Serbia (Eastern Kosovo) Bujanovac, Medvedja, Presevo Valley, Novi Pazar, Crvena Jabuka...We Albanians agree to take back our territory mentioned above but will not give an inch of our homeland Kosovo to the minority Serbs that have been gathered in the northern part of Mitrovica, that has allways has been populated by majority Albanians and a day will come soon when Albanians will return there forever...Now Kosvo has an Army with a special trained Police Force and very soon will be part of NATO, bring it on Serbia, we are waitting for it but this time around Albanians are not unarmed anymore,,,you will be suprised to see us just south of Belgrade within a week...


pre 15 godina

Partition of the Balkans along ethnic lines would be a win\win for both Albanians and Serbs.

Many moderate elements of the Albanian population would support such a plan.

Why not come up with a lasting solution to the regions problems on the eve of its accession to the EU?

Bring in the Balkans as a single unit, a Super Yugo type of thing. Allow the voting\administrative districts to be determined by ethnic census every 10 years.

That way everyone’s ethnicity is protected and they can vote in a block that represents their over all ethnic makeup. Dividing up ethnicities so they are a minority in various countries is seriously undemocratic and dilutes the voice of the people.

Tackling each countries problems like they are in isolation of one another is foolish. Its all related, we need an across the board solution. No ethnicity in the region is completely innocent, all have abused their minorities at times.

AND, give the poor Gypsies their own country for Christ’s sake, at the very least allow them to have their own representatives in the EP and vote as a block.


pre 15 godina

No more territorial devisions, enough already!

Kosovo is de jure Serbian and the legal aspect is whats important. This is why the provisional institutions lack legitimacy in the world arena.
As long as Serbia has law on her side then it will be fine. Policies can change, the west is only looking for the most practicle way to exploit the region. Serbia holds a lot of good cards in this regard and maybe that will have some impact in the future.

As for Republika Srpska, im sorry but that will also remain de jure Bosnian. This William fellow knows very well what he is talking about. Do not listen to him it will only create further tensions and longer american presence in Bosnia. R.Srpska should commit herself to improving relations with other nationalities, trust is the main issue. The Federation also needs to come to terms that R.Srpska is a reality and tone down the rhetoric for the benefit of a united soceity.

Other then that i suggest all of you download some Bajaga music (moji drugovi) and go for a run in the neighbourhood, you all feel much better.

konstantin gregovic

pre 15 godina

1. Pec and Decani regions ceeded to Montenegro
(Niall O'Doherty, 15 June 2009 12:49)

You have to be kidding.

Montenegro relinquished its right to be Serbian by the Djukanovic propoganda.

Old Serbia, Raska, Zeta was in parts of present day Kosovo and Metohojia. The majority in Montenegro have relinquised the right to be called Serbians so they have relinqished the right to Serbian land.

In Greek, it's called "Amartia" and that it what the current state of Montenegro is.

Further to your statement, Montenegro is trying to create an autocepahlus church and disband the Serbian Orthodox Chruch. Do you really think the the oldest Serbian Orthodox Churches in Decani and Pec would ever join an illegal church which will never be recognized by Constantinople. The same rings true for the other "Amartia" nation called FYROM.

The Albanian Government at least has made some committment to protect and rebuild the Serbian Orthodox Sites, the Montenegrins want to invade them.


pre 15 godina

"Serbia is happy to lose Vojvodina to Hungaria, Bujanovc, Preseva and Medvegja to Kosova, Wester Macedonia to Albania then we can talk....
(EA, 14 June 2009 14:34)"

EA, honestly, the Albanians are the ones who who would be asked the last, if they were asked at all.

you should be realistic and come to terms with the fact that the Albanians are only willing fetch-and-carry sycophants in this "game".

time is on Serbia´s side, and there is absolutely no reason to divide anything, it´s all serbian anyway.

and...I see these attempts to promote partition as the ineffective try to secure at least anything for US-american influence on serbian territory before the situation changes in favor of international law and of course in favor of Serbia.

this will come to an end, and no American will have a say on it, so our dear albanian friends should wake up from their dreams... no Montgomery or Artisari has any authority to credibly promote his private thoughts, since they are "bought" anyway.

as for EA:

why this bitterness and perpetual reiteration of things that only exist in your illusion? is that the (ineffective) attempt to distract from southern Serbia, by talking about Vojvodina?


pre 15 godina

It's lucky that B92 and Blic picked up on Mr. Montgomery's article, because otherwise he'd have received no attention.

I checked Google News for his name - it came back with the Op Ed article in the NY Times, no discussion.

So I tried the Washington Post, the paper with the most interest in foreign affairs - zilch.

The New York Times index showed one letter in response, from Peter Galbraith, diplomat and author, who said "don't reward genocide."

And that seems to be that.

If this had been a trial balloon sent up by the administration, you could have expected to see some discussion of the idea in the press. Since you don't, it probably wasn't.


pre 15 godina

This man is using his former credentials to propagate the same “Greater Serbia” mythology that states that Serbian borders should span beyond the rivers Drina and Ibar…


pre 15 godina

""Kosovo's Albanians do not accept the partition idea, and it is only a matter of time before violence flares up in Kosovo over this,"

And we don't accept division of Serbia and it's matter of time before violance flares over this.
I can't believe you, people!
They, ignoring the laws declare republics (including Serbia) indivisable. Then they bomb Krajina and Bosnian Serbs, even though both accepted autonomy only. They ethnically cleanse Krajina in order to create stability in Croatia, telling us that they have to stand on the "principals" and defend "european values".
Serbs have come to mature over this. We are ready to stand on the principals and defend european values, too. We are learning from our Croatian negbors. Bosnia can go to hell, no division of republics.
It's european values.
What's with you now US and EU?
We are waiting for you to give us support as you did to our democratic neighbors to defend those values and to bring stability to Serbia.
No divisions!


pre 15 godina

I think the former ambassador is living in a different planet since he retired.

Montgomery said..." he did not favor "compensation" ideas involving the Bosnian Serb entity (RS) and Kosovo, and that separate action should be taken in the two cases...
BUT he favours a strong, velika Serbian state?

I have not complex about partition/redrawing the borders if THAT IS FOUND to be the only way forward which I personally doubt. If Serbia is happy to lose Vojvodina to Hungaria, Bujanovc, Preseva and Medvegja to Kosova, Wester Macedonia to Albania then we can talk....


pre 15 godina

Referring to the former ambassador's suggestions and the the comments expressed in here, it confirms that the former ambassador is in not living in the real world and his suggestions are UNREALISTIC.
As I mentioned in my previous comment which was misunderstood and prejudged by the Serbian panel (no surprise here), there should be NO CHANGES OF BORDERS in the Balkans. Full stop! We all know why Kosova became independent or why Serbia LOST Kosova for good whichever form you like. We can also agree to disagree. There is also a Court opinion waiting to come out with Serbia's request. Way forward would be Serbia to recognise Kosova's independence and refrain from the attempts to stop he unstoppable Kosova's indepdence. Next Kosova and Serbia as two independent to be engaged in friendships agreement, free movement of goods and people....NOT a ROCKET SCIENCE mr former ambassador!


pre 15 godina

However one must keep in mind, we will ALWAYS see Kosovo as our land and the first chance Serbia gets, it will come back for it!

Kosovo is Serbia
(Nikola, 14 June 2009 16:30)

My dear Kosovare, it is good to hear from another Kosovar.

All I want to say is that you can view Kosova however you'd like, you can call it anything you want, and live wherever you want in Kosova, just don't commit illegal acts or harm or injury any person.

Since 1999 Prishtina is completely rebuilt, I doubt you would even recognize anything.


pre 15 godina

"Kosovo's Albanians do not accept the partition idea, and it is only a matter of time before violence flares up in Kosovo over this,"

No, but Presevo valley might learn from the N K Serbs and want to join Kosova. The West knows all these and that's why partition will not happen, despite this guy's ideas.

Presheva Valley for N or Ibar or nothing at all. If Serbia doesn't cooperate, let them join The Russian Union, not EU. By the time Serbia gets visas the North will be integrated--or Serbia doesn't get them.

Rezze E Malit

pre 15 godina

Montgomery to me seems like a failed Ambassador, there is no benchmark that he is known for. As suppose to Hoolbrook, who should be nominated for noble peace prize. i would agree if he came with idea that we should swap preshava valley, with northern part of mitrovica. Does he live in belgrade, is his wife serbian, cause he reminds me of a french who used to bat for serbs all the time, cause his wife was serbian. As long as america is super power , there will be no partition of bosnia serbia nor kosova . i would like to have an partition , wherever albanians are , but is worth it . No cause you have to start wars , with macedonia montenegro , serbia maybe greece and italy too. but thanks God that there is no gun powder. and we are still in Peace.


pre 15 godina

Finaly someone who realize what needs to be done to secure peace. Albanians think they can expell all Serbs, burn down monasteries and then Belgrade to recognize Kosovo. Dream on!
Montgomery is simply suggesting that everyone accept the facts on the ground and the fact that Kosovo will never be anything but a black hole unless Serbs have a say. Kosovo is after all Serbian territory.

The One

pre 15 godina

Montgomery a serbian lobbyist, is presenting the partition as the only solution. hmm -Yes it is the only solutions that the serbs wants but not the only one,mister. Mister Montgomery stop feeding the serbian nationalism, and as a conseguence the balkan nationalism. No one in the Balkans stands any more the serbian nationalism. Don't play with fire mister.


pre 15 godina

"Kosovo is after all Serbian territory."
Why are you giving away a peace of your own territory than? Or maybe you were thinking to get back a piece of lost territory.


pre 15 godina

No partition of Kosovo, not at any price...
Yes partition of Southern Serbia (Eastern Kosovo) Bujanovac, Medvedja, Presevo Valley, Novi Pazar, Crvena Jabuka...We Albanians agree to take back our territory mentioned above but will not give an inch of our homeland Kosovo to the minority Serbs that have been gathered in the northern part of Mitrovica, that has allways has been populated by majority Albanians and a day will come soon when Albanians will return there forever...Now Kosvo has an Army with a special trained Police Force and very soon will be part of NATO, bring it on Serbia, we are waitting for it but this time around Albanians are not unarmed anymore,,,you will be suprised to see us just south of Belgrade within a week...


pre 15 godina

>>Referring to the former ambassador's suggestions and the the comments expressed in here, it confirms that the former ambassador is in not living in the real world and his suggestions are UNREALISTIC. (EA)>>

i totally agree with yr assessment, EA. the only point upon which i could agree with mr. montgomery is that he is the EX.

partition forever is a disaster. helping these nations, incl kosovo/a and bosnia to function normally and then all working together as members of the EU, that is the hope, the only hope.

as to this issue of "dysfunctionality" or "failing" states -- why is so much of the balkans dysfunctional, WHY have these states been failing -- that is what is impt to properly analyze. when the factors that very consciously contribute to the "failing" are removed, then it will be a very different story.



pre 15 godina

YES...Iam from Kosovo and I accept this plan.We will get North Mitrovica to Serbia but we will get Preseva,Medvegja,West macedonia,and South Epirus,and Kosova to re-back into ALBANIA.This is the only form to have stability in Balkan.


pre 15 godina

I have not complex about partition/redrawing the borders if THAT IS FOUND to be the only way forward which I personally doubt. If Serbia is happy to lose Vojvodina to Hungaria, Bujanovc, Preseva and Medvegja to Kosova, Wester Macedonia to Albania then we can talk....
(EA, 14 June 2009 14:34)

EA, give it up. Nobody is mentioning these areas. Nobody is going to ask you or any Albanian about Vojvodina etc. Stop dreaming of partitioning Serbia even more.

Serbia can only unite her territories, not lose more.
The most you can hope for is a part of Kosovo but certainly not having your dream of dismembering Serbia completely.

You honestly belive that anyone is even going ask what Albanians want. Delusional, that's all I can say.


pre 15 godina

First of all EA, Vojvodina does not want independence. I don't know why you keep insisting that it does, this goes from political realities, to what EA wants to be reality.

As for Montgomery and his proposal, it is not a bad idea in theory. Keep in mind that I am a Kosovo Serb born in Pristina, however reality is reality.

If it can be agreed that the Serbs in south and central Kosovo are allowed to move up to North Kosovo which would mean pushing the Serbs to the North, and pushing the Albanians to the south, then it can be acceptable. Also, I would not accept the agreement unless the monasteries in Kosovo are kept under the control of Serbia and the Serbian Orthodox Church. Allowing Serbian guards to protect the Churches and to have full control over all affairs in the churches.

With those two conditions, and with Republika Srpska also allowed to vote in a referendum, then I would unfortunately agree to Monty's plan.

However one must keep in mind, we will ALWAYS see Kosovo as our land and the first chance Serbia gets, it will come back for it!

Kosovo is Serbia


pre 15 godina

I would really REALLY push for decentralization to the point where each municipality, Albanian or Serb, has control over it's own day to day activitiy and Pristina becomes just a EU-led figurehead.

Read the Ahtisaari plan, as long as it's within the Kosova constitution they can do a lot of things. Eventually Serbia will have to decentralize as well the same way. As for Sprska, not without a war and everyone wants to avoid that.

Albanians officials can't get to N Kosova? They even took the serbian leaders to Ohrid to see how decentralization works last week. What channel are you watching?


pre 15 godina

"If Serbia is happy to lose Vojvodina to Hungaria, Bujanovc, Preseva and Medvegja to Kosova, Wester Macedonia to Albania then we can talk....

You forgot to mention Northern Epirus in south Albania. It belongs to Greece! You want to let a 12% hungarian population in Vojvodina get independence and control of the entire territory!Your suggestions are totaly unrealistic and delusional! The facts on the ground will become a permenent solution. You want Presevo! Well, come and get it!


pre 15 godina

Strange enough that Montgomery, a skillfull diplomat, doesn't see his solution would bring more problems that it would solve.

Practically only Slovenia would remain untouched from redrawing the borders.

Strange eonugh, he suggests EU should move on this track. It would be the best argument multiethnicity and multiculturalism doesn't work, and it would deal a strong ideological blow tho idea of EU, bringing Europe in the 21st century to the political thinking of the 19th centure, which some of the posters here seem to adore so deeply.

What would be the practical result of such a solution, well, it doesn't take much to figure out. Sure, for someone sitting in Australia or USA it would be practically no more different than the result of a baseball game. But it's too much different for us, Europeans


pre 15 godina

Yes, Montgomery is right. Partition is the only solution for long term stability. But Holbrooke and friends doesn't want a stable Balkans. They want chaos and internal tensions to make it is easier for them to control it. Divide and rule is their motto. Let's just hope the reasonable Montgomery school of thought wins more supporters.


pre 15 godina

Now you asked him about everything only the weather forecast was missing, but the most interesting question you didn't:

Which is your explanation of the Mladic's happy life in Serbia??? Who protects him?? Why??? What Mladic represents for you Mr Montgomery?

Anyhow, the fact that you interview Mr Montgomery every day you show that:

1. you inflate his positions and him as person/analyst
2. you can't find many that will suit your appetite/philosophy

So please Mr Montgomery and B92: give us a break. The exchange is the word NOT partition.


pre 15 godina

What about partition of Albania? Southern Metohija(known as northern albania)could join Serbia. Thath could be long term solution for both sides.


pre 15 godina

EA, you need to understand that there will be partition of Kosovo and Presevo and other areas in Serbia will not go anywhere. Mr. Montgomery is finally providing intelligent commentary; stability will only come when a solution that respects everyone's needs is attained. To create such a solution requires compromise, so while every party will gain, each party will also lose. In the end a solution will be attained that provides the best alternative for every side. I'd suggest you get to work on a new flag for Kosovo as the present flag will be defunct soon:;)


pre 15 godina

This ex ambassador has a right of an opinion, and that is his opinion, wich I think he is entitled to.

But any more homogenous states in the balkans we should all forget about it.

There is no chance that either Serbia or Kosovo or any other state in the Balkans will be partitioned to satisfy 'nationalistic' ideas on any side, as long as they are not trying to KILL or FORCEFULL ethnic cleansing.

So to all nationalists 'keep on dreaming' as its NOT going to happen and specially the division of Kosovo.

My advise to those who think that any division will happen, try and intergrate, as NO ONE (country) is supporting you..


pre 15 godina

Hm....very interesting.
I just don't know, who is actually Mr.Montgomery representing now...?It seems that he has no clue at all about the new reality.Partially partition...is it okay and fer enough?
Let's say for instance that Kosovo will be divided, and also BiH same, what about Serbia(Presevska Dolina,Sandzak,then Macedonia, Greece)


pre 15 godina

It's hard to say why Balkan Bill decided to surface at exactly this time, maybe he's been talking to Tadic who floated a similar idea a few months ago, but saying that "nothing has happened" for the past decade overlooks one thing: the Bush administration had no interest in the Balkans. (You can tell from the off-handed way they handled Kosovo's Declaration of Independence - they should have either prepared the ground, diplomatically, or warned Pristina exactly how hard it would be.) The Balkans were a Clinton area of interest, and while adding a couple of countries to Nato was fine and taking credit from Kosovo for 'all the help' was flattering, what did they actually do?

So, for someone to appear with this idea of suddenly giving up seems a little strange now that the current administration shows some sign of getting things back on track. Mr. Montgomery is said to speak fluent Serbian - it might help if he learned Albanian, just to be able to see the other side of the question.


pre 15 godina

In the article Holbrooke also mentions the fact that it has to be the EU that pushes for the partition solution, as the US has too much invested in maintaining the status quo.

I don't take much joy in agreeing with Montgomery as I believe that multiculturalism is possible, however, you have to take a look on the ground. The fact is Bosnia remains a failing state. The fact is that even a Kosovo with more recognitions and more entry into international organisations will still remain a risk too far for some western investment. That the very best that a current independent Kosovo can hope for is to balance its books, rather than bring economic benefit to its people.

All of this needs to be unlocked, a fresh approach is needed. One day you have stop flogging a dead horse in the hopes that it will miraculously recover.

I think the beginning of the process should be that the EU and US should informally give incentives to Serbia and Kosovo Albanian leaders to sit down and engage in old fashioined horse trading. Everything on the table. Lets just see what can be done, because both the current Serbian policy and the current Kosovo Albanian policy is not working either for the people of Serbia and those living in Kosovo.


pre 15 godina

"Montgomery said that the overwhelming majority of Serbs who fled Kosovo "will never return", and described this as "reality". He also stated that a "large number" of Serbs will be forced to leave if forced them to accept "full authority of the Kosovo government". "

Yes ex ambasador. Those overwhelming Serbs left because of your american illegal aggression against Serbia and also because of your 100% support of albanian uck terrorists. Now it's too late to be talking about reality on the ground. Why weren't you talking about this reality before Serbs got ethnically celansed from their homeland thanks to your bombs.


pre 15 godina

I hate to admit it but he's right. A buffer zone should be made between everyone. The only way to get everyone to accept this idea is for both the Americans and Russians to tell each side that is what they can support. This worked great with Greece and Turkey, it'll work great with here too.


pre 15 godina

I'm all in favor of partitioning Bosnia as it's been de facto partitioned between RS and Federacija for nearly 15 years now. That's a simple divide along the internal administrative borders and call it a day.

I'm not in favor of the simple partitioning of Kosovo Province along the Ibar. Granted that's the most obvious, but 2/3 of Kosovo's Serbs live south of it. Rather, I would really REALLY push for decentralization to the point where each municipality, Albanian or Serb, has control over it's own day to day activitiy and Pristina becomes just a EU-led figurehead. Montgomery is right that no Serb politician will be willing to let go of any part of Kosovo, and no K-Albanian leader, even though they could never set foot in northern Mitrovica would relinquish it either.

Whatever the outcome, the current solutions are not working and are only strengthening the entrenched positions on both sides. Each side has valid arguments, but neither side can checkmate the other.

Holbrook's plans have proven to be untenable.

Peter Sudyka

pre 15 godina


OK, it doesn't work like that. Why even suggest that?

You can't argue in favour of Srpska independence, but not Kosovo, it makes Serbia's arguement look stupid.

US- Disclaimer

pre 15 godina

Montgomery does not represent any policy of the US State Department. He has been retired for over 10 years now.
He lives in the Balkans. He's not a diplomat.

Nicholas Klinsman

pre 15 godina

If it prevents future conflict so that all these people can move forward than I'm for partition, although I think it would have to be phased in, and who knows where it would stop.

Some people will say partition doesn't make sense in this day and age, but neither did the breakup of Yugoslavia into 7 mini states. Since that was done why stop now. Better to do it in peacetime conditions.


pre 15 godina


I've read the Ahtisaari Plan. It's written by someone completely missing the historical dimensions of the region, and is more interested in presenting something that looks nice in order to get a Nobel Peace Prize. It looks great on paper, but it assumes a lot of things in order for anything to work. Yes, the Plan envisions Serb autonomy to the point where being part of Kosovo's institutions are a joke. But in the same manner as Albanians rebuffed every offer by Belgrade to live in a virtually independent region as part of Serbia, so too does it appear that K-Serbs want no attachment at all to "Kosova". Your leaders could offer them the keys to Pristina after you move your capital to Prizren, but as long as they have to sign all their documents with "Republic of Kosova" letterhead, they're not going to participate. Call it stubborness if you will, but Rugova et al did the same thing.

It didn't work when Serbia offered it to Pristina, and it's not going to work when Pristina (or more likely Ahtisaari) offers it to Mitrovica.

Little Russia

pre 15 godina

Montgomery wrote here

"permitting the Republika Srpska ... to hold a referendum on independence.

In both cases, there would need to be a demonstrated will and readiness to USE MILITARY FORCE to prevent violence along the way"

Read between the lines.

Second, we perfectly know that the prolem isn't reduced to whether hold or not the referendum and to people's will. Why have you said nothing about Brcko district?

Then, Montgomery said that BiH case is more complicated that Kosovo's one. Why? Because in BiH Serbs control significant and economically important part of the territory, while in Kosovo Serbs are offered a small chunk of the territorry?

Again, read between the lines.

Not the ideas themselves, voiced by Montgomery are important, but HOW and with what motives they are going to implement it.


pre 15 godina

I believe that for Serbia it's time to gather stones. The Albanians are also aware whose lands they have occupied. The problem is that neither of the sides is ready to initiate the bargaining. So it must be someone neutral. In any case their relations are poisoned for long and best if they find a way of devorce.

Niall O'Doherty

pre 15 godina

No partition of Kosovo, not at any price...
Yes partition of Southern Serbia (Eastern Kosovo) Bujanovac, Medvedja, Presevo Valley, Novi Pazar, Crvena Jabuka...We Albanians agree to take back our territory mentioned above but will not give an inch of our homeland Kosovo to the minority Serbs that have been gathered in the northern part of Mitrovica, that has allways has been populated by majority Albanians and a day will come soon when Albanians will return there forever...Now Kosvo has an Army with a special trained Police Force and very soon will be part of NATO, bring it on Serbia, we are waitting for it but this time around Albanians are not unarmed anymore,,,you will be suprised to see us just south of Belgrade within a week...
(Donna, 15 June 2009 05:02)

I dont think the irridentist Albanian mob are in any position to dictate terms to Belgrade. Partition should only be used as a very last resort. If its does come to it the following should apply:

1. Pec and Decani regions ceeded to Montenegro

2. Belgrade takes Mitrovica (all of it) and gets land corridoor linking it to Strpce.

3. All Serbian holy sites and monasteries in south placed under Belgrade control.

4. Albania takes rest - Pristina and Prizren. Tirana and Belgrade enter into bilateral agreement over protection and access to holy sites as well as securing rights or dual nationality of Serbs/Albanians who end up under opposite jurisdictions.

As I said, this shoudl only be used as a very last resort. However I think that if we end up partioning Kosmet, this could opening up a whole new can of worms in Bosnia and Macedonia and could cause more problems than solve. if you partition Kosmet, how do you deny the right of B-Serbs and Albanian Macednians their right to seceede? Mr Montgomery instead should insist on the territorial integrity of Macednnia, Bi-H and Serbia.

Its telling that the ex ambassador is suggesting this. It seems to suggest that Washington is becoming desperate and is looking for a way out. Either way, the cards are certainly stashed in Serbia's favour as she and only she can sign away any part of her territory.


pre 15 godina

The perfect solution should be to divide kosovo 50/50.

50% goes to the Albanians

50% goes to Serbia.

We, The Serbs, get to keep the name Kosovo. It’s our name it’s our province.

The new Albanian territories join Albany and become part of a greater Albania.

Give Pressovo to the Albanians if we get Republika serbska to back to Serbia from that failed fake state Bosnia.

That way every body is happy.

The Albanians get a greater Albania. More territories for the Albanians and they truly become independent from the Serbs.

We get RS back we get your 50% of Kosovo back and get the rights to the Kosovo name.

A lot less Albanians in Serbia.

No more foreign troop in Serbia.

With the reality on the ground. This is pretty good.


pre 15 godina

They say that the higher the fence is the better are the neighbors. So despite my internal protest I back for partition. The problem is how and where ? This globe does not belong to any of us. Neither does it belong to the mankind only ! We only rent it for a while and human life is the only value we have to take care of.

P.S. I have to conceal my usual NIC cause one of the two sides conflicting over Kosovo always gives me “poor comments” without even reading my posts and no PR campaign can save my reputation.


pre 15 godina

Can it be the Serbs are being set up for a another big fall most likely. William Montgomery if he got a call from Hillary and Obama that he is in with them. He would be singing a different song again depending on what the tune Hillary and Obama played for him. Be careful of Trojan horses disguise as your victory prize they have very nasty surprises inside that you don't have a clue about until it is very much to late.


pre 15 godina

It's lucky that B92 and Blic picked up on Mr. Montgomery's article, because otherwise he'd have received no attention.

I checked Google News for his name - it came back with the Op Ed article in the NY Times, no discussion.

So I tried the Washington Post, the paper with the most interest in foreign affairs - zilch.

The New York Times index showed one letter in response, from Peter Galbraith, diplomat and author, who said "don't reward genocide."

And that seems to be that.

If this had been a trial balloon sent up by the administration, you could have expected to see some discussion of the idea in the press. Since you don't, it probably wasn't.

Dragan, Toronto

pre 15 godina

The end result within the next half century or less, will be the independence of Republika Srpska and the partition of Kosovo-Methohija. Since Dayton, the IBL has been solidified by the 49-51 percentage ratio; albeit the Brcko district is another bone of contention that needs to be properly resolved in the future as well. As for Kosmet, as it stands, defacto partition already along the Ibar River and enclaves, whether the K-Albs want to realize it or not...facts on the ground, count for far more than than their courtyard jamboree in Pristina (that they now want to move to Prizen). I wonder why? Prizren league memories,or to erase Serbian vestige there too?


pre 15 godina

... bring it on Serbia, we are waitting for it but this time around Albanians are not unarmed anymore,,,you will be suprised to see us just south of Belgrade within a week...
(Donna, 15 June 2009 05:02)

in every major conflict taking place in the balkan theater, you (albanians) have almost ALWAYS chosen to ally yourself with the most powerful and numerous but ultimately the losing side.


pre 15 godina

Partition of the Balkans along ethnic lines would be a win\win for both Albanians and Serbs.

Many moderate elements of the Albanian population would support such a plan.

Why not come up with a lasting solution to the regions problems on the eve of its accession to the EU?

Bring in the Balkans as a single unit, a Super Yugo type of thing. Allow the voting\administrative districts to be determined by ethnic census every 10 years.

That way everyone’s ethnicity is protected and they can vote in a block that represents their over all ethnic makeup. Dividing up ethnicities so they are a minority in various countries is seriously undemocratic and dilutes the voice of the people.

Tackling each countries problems like they are in isolation of one another is foolish. Its all related, we need an across the board solution. No ethnicity in the region is completely innocent, all have abused their minorities at times.

AND, give the poor Gypsies their own country for Christ’s sake, at the very least allow them to have their own representatives in the EP and vote as a block.


pre 15 godina

This man is using his former credentials to propagate the same “Greater Serbia” mythology that states that Serbian borders should span beyond the rivers Drina and Ibar…


pre 15 godina

No more territorial devisions, enough already!

Kosovo is de jure Serbian and the legal aspect is whats important. This is why the provisional institutions lack legitimacy in the world arena.
As long as Serbia has law on her side then it will be fine. Policies can change, the west is only looking for the most practicle way to exploit the region. Serbia holds a lot of good cards in this regard and maybe that will have some impact in the future.

As for Republika Srpska, im sorry but that will also remain de jure Bosnian. This William fellow knows very well what he is talking about. Do not listen to him it will only create further tensions and longer american presence in Bosnia. R.Srpska should commit herself to improving relations with other nationalities, trust is the main issue. The Federation also needs to come to terms that R.Srpska is a reality and tone down the rhetoric for the benefit of a united soceity.

Other then that i suggest all of you download some Bajaga music (moji drugovi) and go for a run in the neighbourhood, you all feel much better.


pre 15 godina

Northern Kosovo, Gračanica, Štrpce etc. are still Serbian - and this is reality. Mayby US diplomats first time in the history see reality.

And Donna - Zvečan was never part of any albanian state. And will be never part of any albanian state. Before war Serbs was absolute majority in the North - and will be still absolute majority. Zvečan will be part of "Thaci Kosovo" - only in Your dreams ;)

PS. Kosovo can't join NATO, becouse Spain, Slovakia, Romania and Greece unrecognized this pseudocountry ;)


pre 15 godina

You see news such as this, "the ex-ambasador..blah blah" and everyone jumps on it like it's Obama talking.

Kosovo is yesterdays news as far as the rest of world is concerned. The independence of Kosovo was used by the Bush administration to divert attention from something else in Iraq. And one day when George W. Bush writes his memories, Kosovo will be used as one of the few good things that he did in a presidency that was plagued by wars and problems.

But as far as Kosovo goes, it was something that was done without much after thought on how to properly implement it. They just did it and left it at that. Kosovo is now a Balkan Taiwan and will remain so. Until a really strong leader with some really strong ideas decides to do something about it.

p.s. I follow news quite often, and I fail to see what Kosovoars have seen from Obama to make them think they are on his agenda.


pre 15 godina

Some people might dismiss the comments by Montgomery as those of an ex-ambassador with no real weight in the current state of affairs both in Bosnia & Kosovo.
On the contrary, I think his views represent the current thinking in the US administration.

The US goverment right now has other urgent matters to deal with ie Iraq & Afganistan wars,Iran & Korea and the economic crisis and therefore the Balkans is not included in the priorities of the Obama goverment.

What Montgomery confirms is the defacto partition that exists both in Bosnia and in Kosovo all but in name.He also confirms the bankruptsy of the US Balkans policy.
They have created two protectorates which need millions of $ to be kept alive.The US goverment hasn't got the will and the financial muscle to continue with the present situation.Therefore some sort
of new arrangement will have to be agreed upon.

The problem that i see with the idea of partition is the future of the new entities that will be created.Will they stay independent or join
their motherlands.If that happens it will probably reinforce the nationalist feelings of the Albanians in Montenegro & Fyrom and might tryto join their motherlands.

konstantin gregovic

pre 15 godina

1. Pec and Decani regions ceeded to Montenegro
(Niall O'Doherty, 15 June 2009 12:49)

You have to be kidding.

Montenegro relinquished its right to be Serbian by the Djukanovic propoganda.

Old Serbia, Raska, Zeta was in parts of present day Kosovo and Metohojia. The majority in Montenegro have relinquised the right to be called Serbians so they have relinqished the right to Serbian land.

In Greek, it's called "Amartia" and that it what the current state of Montenegro is.

Further to your statement, Montenegro is trying to create an autocepahlus church and disband the Serbian Orthodox Chruch. Do you really think the the oldest Serbian Orthodox Churches in Decani and Pec would ever join an illegal church which will never be recognized by Constantinople. The same rings true for the other "Amartia" nation called FYROM.

The Albanian Government at least has made some committment to protect and rebuild the Serbian Orthodox Sites, the Montenegrins want to invade them.


pre 15 godina

Now Kosvo has an Army with a special trained Police Force and very soon will be part of NATO, bring it on Serbia, we are waitting for it but this time around Albanians are not unarmed anymore,,,you will be suprised to see us just south of Belgrade within a week...
(Donna, 15 June 2009 05:02)

All, what was yours for over 1000 year period of time were the mountains. Roman, Slavic, Byzantine, Turkish rulers maintained large military units just to keep the valleys safe.

And if you dream about armed conflict and be in "south of Belgrade within a week" - that's a proof, isn't it? It is expected, you behave like in 21st century AD, not BC.


pre 15 godina

"Serbia is happy to lose Vojvodina to Hungaria, Bujanovc, Preseva and Medvegja to Kosova, Wester Macedonia to Albania then we can talk....
(EA, 14 June 2009 14:34)"

EA, honestly, the Albanians are the ones who who would be asked the last, if they were asked at all.

you should be realistic and come to terms with the fact that the Albanians are only willing fetch-and-carry sycophants in this "game".

time is on Serbia´s side, and there is absolutely no reason to divide anything, it´s all serbian anyway.

and...I see these attempts to promote partition as the ineffective try to secure at least anything for US-american influence on serbian territory before the situation changes in favor of international law and of course in favor of Serbia.

this will come to an end, and no American will have a say on it, so our dear albanian friends should wake up from their dreams... no Montgomery or Artisari has any authority to credibly promote his private thoughts, since they are "bought" anyway.

as for EA:

why this bitterness and perpetual reiteration of things that only exist in your illusion? is that the (ineffective) attempt to distract from southern Serbia, by talking about Vojvodina?


pre 15 godina

""Kosovo's Albanians do not accept the partition idea, and it is only a matter of time before violence flares up in Kosovo over this,"

And we don't accept division of Serbia and it's matter of time before violance flares over this.
I can't believe you, people!
They, ignoring the laws declare republics (including Serbia) indivisable. Then they bomb Krajina and Bosnian Serbs, even though both accepted autonomy only. They ethnically cleanse Krajina in order to create stability in Croatia, telling us that they have to stand on the "principals" and defend "european values".
Serbs have come to mature over this. We are ready to stand on the principals and defend european values, too. We are learning from our Croatian negbors. Bosnia can go to hell, no division of republics.
It's european values.
What's with you now US and EU?
We are waiting for you to give us support as you did to our democratic neighbors to defend those values and to bring stability to Serbia.
No divisions!