Saturday, 02.05.2009.


"U.S. should counter Iran, China influence in L. America"

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said the United States must try to reach out to Latin American leaders.

Izvor: RFE/RL

"U.S. should counter Iran, China influence in L. America" IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 15 godina

The US should ask for forgiveness for all of the innocent blood that they have spilled and are still spilling. One of the major stops on that road to America's salvation and attonement is Serbia. If I were an American, I would be more concerned with the forgiveness from their innocent victims than the economy, Iran, Russia, NK, China, nuclear war--all of them piled together. You better quickly shed your world "satan" image and get back to your old New Adam image. You will never even be a shadow of your glory days unless your victims forgive you. Give them a Right reason to forgive you and heal yourself and help heal the world. Now that would be God's America!!!


pre 15 godina

IT'S ABOUT TIME!!!!!!!!!!!

US bully tactics are no longer going to work, Latin America has to stop the looting and become industrialized instead of a raw material supplier, which is why Chavez and allies are dealing with China, Russia and Iran, they are transfering technology and setting up factories in L.A.

The empire atitude must end, the union of the South will consolidate once the stooges remaining (Uribe of Cocalombia and Garcia of Peru)are replaced by patriotic leaders who are strongly knocking at the door.


pre 15 godina

Well Madame Clinton, you will need all the luck you can muster to win over the likes of Castro and Chavez. Just don't bother to visit them at the moment. They might just quarrantine you as a swine flu suspect. Then you won't be able to stop hubby Bill from dilly dallying with another Monica Lewinsky!


pre 15 godina

IT'S ABOUT TIME!!!!!!!!!!!

US bully tactics are no longer going to work, Latin America has to stop the looting and become industrialized instead of a raw material supplier, which is why Chavez and allies are dealing with China, Russia and Iran, they are transfering technology and setting up factories in L.A.

The empire atitude must end, the union of the South will consolidate once the stooges remaining (Uribe of Cocalombia and Garcia of Peru)are replaced by patriotic leaders who are strongly knocking at the door.


pre 15 godina

The US should ask for forgiveness for all of the innocent blood that they have spilled and are still spilling. One of the major stops on that road to America's salvation and attonement is Serbia. If I were an American, I would be more concerned with the forgiveness from their innocent victims than the economy, Iran, Russia, NK, China, nuclear war--all of them piled together. You better quickly shed your world "satan" image and get back to your old New Adam image. You will never even be a shadow of your glory days unless your victims forgive you. Give them a Right reason to forgive you and heal yourself and help heal the world. Now that would be God's America!!!


pre 15 godina

Well Madame Clinton, you will need all the luck you can muster to win over the likes of Castro and Chavez. Just don't bother to visit them at the moment. They might just quarrantine you as a swine flu suspect. Then you won't be able to stop hubby Bill from dilly dallying with another Monica Lewinsky!


pre 15 godina

Well Madame Clinton, you will need all the luck you can muster to win over the likes of Castro and Chavez. Just don't bother to visit them at the moment. They might just quarrantine you as a swine flu suspect. Then you won't be able to stop hubby Bill from dilly dallying with another Monica Lewinsky!


pre 15 godina

IT'S ABOUT TIME!!!!!!!!!!!

US bully tactics are no longer going to work, Latin America has to stop the looting and become industrialized instead of a raw material supplier, which is why Chavez and allies are dealing with China, Russia and Iran, they are transfering technology and setting up factories in L.A.

The empire atitude must end, the union of the South will consolidate once the stooges remaining (Uribe of Cocalombia and Garcia of Peru)are replaced by patriotic leaders who are strongly knocking at the door.


pre 15 godina

The US should ask for forgiveness for all of the innocent blood that they have spilled and are still spilling. One of the major stops on that road to America's salvation and attonement is Serbia. If I were an American, I would be more concerned with the forgiveness from their innocent victims than the economy, Iran, Russia, NK, China, nuclear war--all of them piled together. You better quickly shed your world "satan" image and get back to your old New Adam image. You will never even be a shadow of your glory days unless your victims forgive you. Give them a Right reason to forgive you and heal yourself and help heal the world. Now that would be God's America!!!