Monday, 23.03.2009.


Belgrade mayor, Tadić adviser stopped at crossing

Kosovo police, KPS, prevented Belgrade Mayor Dragan Đilas and presidential adviser Mlađan Đorđević from entering the province this Monday.

Izvor: Beta

Belgrade mayor, Tadiæ adviser stopped at crossing IMAGE SOURCE

28 Komentari

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pre 15 godina


With rhetoric like "they are Serbian citizens..." Serbia is going nowhere. You know that everyone with a bit of intellegence should know that. The way forward Treat OTHER countries as they treat you! In other word respect should be mutual.
(EA, 24 March 2009 07:47)

Really! Tell it to the UN. It must be their rhetoric as well because res 1244 says exactly that.


pre 15 godina

Thaqi and
(Tex Willer, 23 March 2009 16:13)

will you Kosovars learn that Ç and Q are two different letters in Albanian??

It is ThaÇi not Thaqi. You can also read it in ALL Albanian news papers. What's so hard to understand it??

gjon cima

pre 15 godina

MarKo, I really appreciate your sense of humour. We Balkans need it so much. When people will have much more sense of humour there it will be less demagogy and bla, bla, bla. Business will flow and make all of us better off. We have great potential as peoples and area. And all together in the United Europe.


pre 15 godina

this is how the so called independent state shows it accepts multiethnicity and good neighbourly relations;i would like someone to remind me of any positive albanian contribution to the unity and brotherhood in the former yugoslavia; k-albanians accepted all that was given to them for free, and their only contribution in return was sabotage, rape and autistic approach to society; the least serbia should do is block the border if these us puppets continue to exercise this illegal harrassment; for this reason and for all the humuliation serbia was already exposed to regarding kosovo, it should never cease its efforts in trying to regain its illegally occupied territory, even if it takes a thousand years ...


pre 15 godina


With rhetoric like "they are Serbian citizens..." Serbia is going nowhere. You know that everyone with a bit of intellegence should know that. The way forward Treat OTHER countries as they treat you! In other word respect should be mutual.


pre 15 godina

This is a political game. The serbian politicians are playing it to prepare the people by saying. We can't do nothing anymore, we can't even cross the border. The Kosovo is lost. Let's try to take Mitrovica and the rest of north...
It is clear enough ;-)
Think people! Nothing is casual.


pre 15 godina

It was to make a political point that they will not abandon K-Serbs south of the Ibar. And to keep Pristina on its toes of course.
(lowe, 24 March 2009 00:59)

Don't forget ICJ either. This is a "we are good boys, we want to help poor victims, but these lawless bad boys prevent us from crossing". Every time a humanitarian truck or a politician cannot cross or reporter beaten is an other shooting itself in the foot.

By now the foot of pigeon-snake Quetzalcoatl god should look like a Swiss cheese. Have no idea, how can he hold himself in upright position.

Apropos, cheese.... Darn, I want some. :( But not the Swiss one! :)


pre 15 godina

The day is coming when the Serbs will roll right through your pretend border. These events may seem minor, until the Serbs put a slap down on these fake border controls.


pre 15 godina

To stop Serbs visiting Serbs would be like stopping Albanians visiting Albanians.

K Police?

They would not be able to do anything without the protection of big daddy US. However, I am surprised that big daddy US allows such silly games.


pre 15 godina

"open your eyes it is not ''administrative line'' but it is ''THE REPUBLIC OF KOSOVO'S BORDER'' don't lie anymore.. meanwhile sooner you will need visa to enter it...
(beni, 24 March 2009 00:11) "

Obviously this border crossing is not in north Kosovo as they would have no problem entering otherwise. Don't you realize by now why the Serbian ministers went there even though knew they would be stopped? It was to make a political point that they will not abandon K-Serbs south of the Ibar. And to keep Pristina on its toes of course.


pre 15 godina

open your eyes it is not ''administrative line'' but it is ''THE REPUBLIC OF KOSOVO'S BORDER'' don't lie anymore.. meanwhile sooner you will need visa to enter it...


pre 15 godina

I don't think this has anything to do with Kosovo (unfortunately)... Me thinks the DS are readying their next man "da Mayor" for the position of "da Prez"


pre 15 godina

To Vlado and others:

Vlado, You still did not get the point. We do not need to visit Serbia. Maybe we will go there when Kosova will play fotball against serbia in Qualification for European Championship.


pre 15 godina

"... procedures for entry into Kosovo were not observed."

Would Serbia allow the Kosova polititians without asking permission/visas to visit Belgrade?
(EA, 23 March 2009 21:13)

EA, you know the answer it yes, because they ARE Serbian citizens.
They don't even need a passport because they are just visiting another part f their country.
How long they stay is another matter. It all depends on whether or not they are wanted criminals.


pre 15 godina

"... procedures for entry into Kosovo were not observed."

Would Serbia allow the Kosova polititians without asking permission/visas to visit Belgrade?


pre 15 godina


If I would be in the place of Kosovo "adminitstration" I would simply create a UNILATERAL rule:

"To show our goodwill, we allow all citizens of Serbia to enter Kosovo without further bureaucratic hurdles".

Now, of course someone has to show, he is indeed a citizen of Serbia - a passport or personal ID is perfect.

Here the usual "I prove you, my stick is bigger" Balkan mentality would ask the Kosovo "authorities" to "destroy" a full page of Serbian passport with some really ugly stamp. Or do the same with the personal ID, making it useless.

In an answer, Serbia would have nothing else to do, just issue EU/Croatia-type plastic ID cards you cannot stamp. And than K. Albanians would need to invent somewhat else. I am sure, they will.

This kind of game would be more funny, to be honest the old one. The "you yucky bad Serbian boy, I don't want to play with you, I won't let you in" is of kindergarten niveau - and is already a yesterday news. Besides, every time an other Serbian Big Boss is not let in, Kosovo "authorities" shoot a score in their own net and take an other hit in the ICJ game. Hence, nothing to cheer about.

I fully agree, everything was prepared well in advance. As many times said, if I would be some Serbian Big Fish, I would just let my black Mercedes drive on the Beograd-Raska-Pristina highway - there is no KPS check, only a little customs booth near Mitrovica.

Todays's score (after similar attempt on the KFOR-bridge few days ago and two other similar cases):

S(e): 4
S(hq): 0

In soccer it's not a very good performance, probably time to re-organize the tactics. You are being hit precisely with the same trick several times in the row, 4:0 is not a good performance.

Isn't it funny, that IF by grace of god a Serbian BigBoss is close to Mitrovica - he will try to cross on the KFOR bridge, NOT the usual "smuggler's way" on the freeway east of the town.

Of course, you have all attributes on the KFOR-bridge: KPS in full glory, customs and even the infamous 50 Euro pay-place.

Nothing of it is on the freeway, except the lazy customs guys who will look "the other way" for extra 5-10 Euro even if your car has "BG" plates and is fully loaded with Kalashnikovs.

As for 4:0 "score" - it's just an other proof, K. politicians have to "think different". Or maybe there is indeed no Jobs in Kosovo, (only Ballmer). You probably know, what I mean... ;)


pre 15 godina

Dear Albanian readers:

Please lobby the Self proclaimed Kosovo Authorities to Allow Mr. Diljas and all members of the Ruling for a European Serbia into Kosovo and then not let him leave.

They would make excellent advisers in Separatist undertakings to curry favour with western masters. They are quite used to this and have indentured themselves to the EU voluntarily.

They may also offer instrumental advice towards the furtherance corruption and nepotism. I know that these are two areas that the Kosovo authorities are adeptly exploring.

In the alternative we will accept a fair trade of one of your lame horses for 130 of our parliamentarians.


pre 15 godina

It is probably the first mayor of Belgrade in history that wants to visit Kosova.

Are there closely any local elections in Serbia/Belgrade??? ;)

Editon Osmani

pre 15 godina

Serbia has experience on international relations. My questions is: Why political leaders of Serbs are so stupid; Why they don't stop to lie their people and to start to work for EU integration also I ask which is deference between SESEL and KUSTUNICA ;TADIC and SLOBODAN MILOSEVIC; Why political leaders on Serbia continue to live with bad dreams. They always lying lying lying and still lying their people. It is last time when people of Serbia must to change their policy towards all regional countries including KOSOVO.

Tex Willer

pre 15 godina

Just imagine if Mr. Thaqi and Mr. Sejdiu are on a way to visit Preseva Municipality, would be possible for them to enter in Serbia? 100% NO NO NO.
So the same standards for Serbian officials.


pre 15 godina


they are doing this to sow as if they care for K-Serbs. They knew in advance that they are going to be prevented from entering KS but they tried.


pre 15 godina

According to variety of sources the Serbian Government has instructed Kosovar minority not to pay their electricity and is sending unannounced officials to Kosova to cause a scenery. Either way, pay your bills & inform our minsitry if you plan on visiting Kosova on official business.


pre 15 godina

So the political games continue.
I only wish I could read between the lines of such elaborate action by Serbian politicians.
No wait, you don’t have to be one to see that!
Impromptu news conference at the site!!!
Wow, a work of a genius.
It’s a miracle; even I can see the reason for this trip now.
So the “actual” reason for visiting the health centre was not the reason at all.
They knew that they will not be allowed in (the news in Kosovo did report that if they do not have the right clearance they will not enter) and they still did (does anybody know why… ok we all do).
Talk about playing with peoples feelings.
If I was at the border control I would actually let them in today just to see if they were actually ready for the visit.


pre 15 godina

Of course Thaci and co. would be allowed to visit any part of Serbia. They are Serbian citizens. Now being arrested for breaking laws or other illegal activities (ie: murdering innocent civilians) Thats another story.

Tex Willer

pre 15 godina

Just imagine if Mr. Thaqi and Mr. Sejdiu are on a way to visit Preseva Municipality, would be possible for them to enter in Serbia? 100% NO NO NO.
So the same standards for Serbian officials.


pre 15 godina

According to variety of sources the Serbian Government has instructed Kosovar minority not to pay their electricity and is sending unannounced officials to Kosova to cause a scenery. Either way, pay your bills & inform our minsitry if you plan on visiting Kosova on official business.


pre 15 godina

So the political games continue.
I only wish I could read between the lines of such elaborate action by Serbian politicians.
No wait, you don’t have to be one to see that!
Impromptu news conference at the site!!!
Wow, a work of a genius.
It’s a miracle; even I can see the reason for this trip now.
So the “actual” reason for visiting the health centre was not the reason at all.
They knew that they will not be allowed in (the news in Kosovo did report that if they do not have the right clearance they will not enter) and they still did (does anybody know why… ok we all do).
Talk about playing with peoples feelings.
If I was at the border control I would actually let them in today just to see if they were actually ready for the visit.


pre 15 godina


they are doing this to sow as if they care for K-Serbs. They knew in advance that they are going to be prevented from entering KS but they tried.

Editon Osmani

pre 15 godina

Serbia has experience on international relations. My questions is: Why political leaders of Serbs are so stupid; Why they don't stop to lie their people and to start to work for EU integration also I ask which is deference between SESEL and KUSTUNICA ;TADIC and SLOBODAN MILOSEVIC; Why political leaders on Serbia continue to live with bad dreams. They always lying lying lying and still lying their people. It is last time when people of Serbia must to change their policy towards all regional countries including KOSOVO.


pre 15 godina

It is probably the first mayor of Belgrade in history that wants to visit Kosova.

Are there closely any local elections in Serbia/Belgrade??? ;)


pre 15 godina

"... procedures for entry into Kosovo were not observed."

Would Serbia allow the Kosova polititians without asking permission/visas to visit Belgrade?


pre 15 godina

Of course Thaci and co. would be allowed to visit any part of Serbia. They are Serbian citizens. Now being arrested for breaking laws or other illegal activities (ie: murdering innocent civilians) Thats another story.


pre 15 godina

To Vlado and others:

Vlado, You still did not get the point. We do not need to visit Serbia. Maybe we will go there when Kosova will play fotball against serbia in Qualification for European Championship.


pre 15 godina

open your eyes it is not ''administrative line'' but it is ''THE REPUBLIC OF KOSOVO'S BORDER'' don't lie anymore.. meanwhile sooner you will need visa to enter it...


pre 15 godina

Dear Albanian readers:

Please lobby the Self proclaimed Kosovo Authorities to Allow Mr. Diljas and all members of the Ruling for a European Serbia into Kosovo and then not let him leave.

They would make excellent advisers in Separatist undertakings to curry favour with western masters. They are quite used to this and have indentured themselves to the EU voluntarily.

They may also offer instrumental advice towards the furtherance corruption and nepotism. I know that these are two areas that the Kosovo authorities are adeptly exploring.

In the alternative we will accept a fair trade of one of your lame horses for 130 of our parliamentarians.


pre 15 godina

"open your eyes it is not ''administrative line'' but it is ''THE REPUBLIC OF KOSOVO'S BORDER'' don't lie anymore.. meanwhile sooner you will need visa to enter it...
(beni, 24 March 2009 00:11) "

Obviously this border crossing is not in north Kosovo as they would have no problem entering otherwise. Don't you realize by now why the Serbian ministers went there even though knew they would be stopped? It was to make a political point that they will not abandon K-Serbs south of the Ibar. And to keep Pristina on its toes of course.


pre 15 godina

"... procedures for entry into Kosovo were not observed."

Would Serbia allow the Kosova polititians without asking permission/visas to visit Belgrade?
(EA, 23 March 2009 21:13)

EA, you know the answer it yes, because they ARE Serbian citizens.
They don't even need a passport because they are just visiting another part f their country.
How long they stay is another matter. It all depends on whether or not they are wanted criminals.


pre 15 godina

I don't think this has anything to do with Kosovo (unfortunately)... Me thinks the DS are readying their next man "da Mayor" for the position of "da Prez"


pre 15 godina

Thaqi and
(Tex Willer, 23 March 2009 16:13)

will you Kosovars learn that Ç and Q are two different letters in Albanian??

It is ThaÇi not Thaqi. You can also read it in ALL Albanian news papers. What's so hard to understand it??


pre 15 godina


If I would be in the place of Kosovo "adminitstration" I would simply create a UNILATERAL rule:

"To show our goodwill, we allow all citizens of Serbia to enter Kosovo without further bureaucratic hurdles".

Now, of course someone has to show, he is indeed a citizen of Serbia - a passport or personal ID is perfect.

Here the usual "I prove you, my stick is bigger" Balkan mentality would ask the Kosovo "authorities" to "destroy" a full page of Serbian passport with some really ugly stamp. Or do the same with the personal ID, making it useless.

In an answer, Serbia would have nothing else to do, just issue EU/Croatia-type plastic ID cards you cannot stamp. And than K. Albanians would need to invent somewhat else. I am sure, they will.

This kind of game would be more funny, to be honest the old one. The "you yucky bad Serbian boy, I don't want to play with you, I won't let you in" is of kindergarten niveau - and is already a yesterday news. Besides, every time an other Serbian Big Boss is not let in, Kosovo "authorities" shoot a score in their own net and take an other hit in the ICJ game. Hence, nothing to cheer about.

I fully agree, everything was prepared well in advance. As many times said, if I would be some Serbian Big Fish, I would just let my black Mercedes drive on the Beograd-Raska-Pristina highway - there is no KPS check, only a little customs booth near Mitrovica.

Todays's score (after similar attempt on the KFOR-bridge few days ago and two other similar cases):

S(e): 4
S(hq): 0

In soccer it's not a very good performance, probably time to re-organize the tactics. You are being hit precisely with the same trick several times in the row, 4:0 is not a good performance.

Isn't it funny, that IF by grace of god a Serbian BigBoss is close to Mitrovica - he will try to cross on the KFOR bridge, NOT the usual "smuggler's way" on the freeway east of the town.

Of course, you have all attributes on the KFOR-bridge: KPS in full glory, customs and even the infamous 50 Euro pay-place.

Nothing of it is on the freeway, except the lazy customs guys who will look "the other way" for extra 5-10 Euro even if your car has "BG" plates and is fully loaded with Kalashnikovs.

As for 4:0 "score" - it's just an other proof, K. politicians have to "think different". Or maybe there is indeed no Jobs in Kosovo, (only Ballmer). You probably know, what I mean... ;)


pre 15 godina


With rhetoric like "they are Serbian citizens..." Serbia is going nowhere. You know that everyone with a bit of intellegence should know that. The way forward Treat OTHER countries as they treat you! In other word respect should be mutual.

gjon cima

pre 15 godina

MarKo, I really appreciate your sense of humour. We Balkans need it so much. When people will have much more sense of humour there it will be less demagogy and bla, bla, bla. Business will flow and make all of us better off. We have great potential as peoples and area. And all together in the United Europe.


pre 15 godina

To stop Serbs visiting Serbs would be like stopping Albanians visiting Albanians.

K Police?

They would not be able to do anything without the protection of big daddy US. However, I am surprised that big daddy US allows such silly games.


pre 15 godina

The day is coming when the Serbs will roll right through your pretend border. These events may seem minor, until the Serbs put a slap down on these fake border controls.


pre 15 godina

This is a political game. The serbian politicians are playing it to prepare the people by saying. We can't do nothing anymore, we can't even cross the border. The Kosovo is lost. Let's try to take Mitrovica and the rest of north...
It is clear enough ;-)
Think people! Nothing is casual.


pre 15 godina

It was to make a political point that they will not abandon K-Serbs south of the Ibar. And to keep Pristina on its toes of course.
(lowe, 24 March 2009 00:59)

Don't forget ICJ either. This is a "we are good boys, we want to help poor victims, but these lawless bad boys prevent us from crossing". Every time a humanitarian truck or a politician cannot cross or reporter beaten is an other shooting itself in the foot.

By now the foot of pigeon-snake Quetzalcoatl god should look like a Swiss cheese. Have no idea, how can he hold himself in upright position.

Apropos, cheese.... Darn, I want some. :( But not the Swiss one! :)


pre 15 godina

this is how the so called independent state shows it accepts multiethnicity and good neighbourly relations;i would like someone to remind me of any positive albanian contribution to the unity and brotherhood in the former yugoslavia; k-albanians accepted all that was given to them for free, and their only contribution in return was sabotage, rape and autistic approach to society; the least serbia should do is block the border if these us puppets continue to exercise this illegal harrassment; for this reason and for all the humuliation serbia was already exposed to regarding kosovo, it should never cease its efforts in trying to regain its illegally occupied territory, even if it takes a thousand years ...


pre 15 godina


With rhetoric like "they are Serbian citizens..." Serbia is going nowhere. You know that everyone with a bit of intellegence should know that. The way forward Treat OTHER countries as they treat you! In other word respect should be mutual.
(EA, 24 March 2009 07:47)

Really! Tell it to the UN. It must be their rhetoric as well because res 1244 says exactly that.


pre 15 godina

Of course Thaci and co. would be allowed to visit any part of Serbia. They are Serbian citizens. Now being arrested for breaking laws or other illegal activities (ie: murdering innocent civilians) Thats another story.

Tex Willer

pre 15 godina

Just imagine if Mr. Thaqi and Mr. Sejdiu are on a way to visit Preseva Municipality, would be possible for them to enter in Serbia? 100% NO NO NO.
So the same standards for Serbian officials.


pre 15 godina

According to variety of sources the Serbian Government has instructed Kosovar minority not to pay their electricity and is sending unannounced officials to Kosova to cause a scenery. Either way, pay your bills & inform our minsitry if you plan on visiting Kosova on official business.

Editon Osmani

pre 15 godina

Serbia has experience on international relations. My questions is: Why political leaders of Serbs are so stupid; Why they don't stop to lie their people and to start to work for EU integration also I ask which is deference between SESEL and KUSTUNICA ;TADIC and SLOBODAN MILOSEVIC; Why political leaders on Serbia continue to live with bad dreams. They always lying lying lying and still lying their people. It is last time when people of Serbia must to change their policy towards all regional countries including KOSOVO.


pre 15 godina


If I would be in the place of Kosovo "adminitstration" I would simply create a UNILATERAL rule:

"To show our goodwill, we allow all citizens of Serbia to enter Kosovo without further bureaucratic hurdles".

Now, of course someone has to show, he is indeed a citizen of Serbia - a passport or personal ID is perfect.

Here the usual "I prove you, my stick is bigger" Balkan mentality would ask the Kosovo "authorities" to "destroy" a full page of Serbian passport with some really ugly stamp. Or do the same with the personal ID, making it useless.

In an answer, Serbia would have nothing else to do, just issue EU/Croatia-type plastic ID cards you cannot stamp. And than K. Albanians would need to invent somewhat else. I am sure, they will.

This kind of game would be more funny, to be honest the old one. The "you yucky bad Serbian boy, I don't want to play with you, I won't let you in" is of kindergarten niveau - and is already a yesterday news. Besides, every time an other Serbian Big Boss is not let in, Kosovo "authorities" shoot a score in their own net and take an other hit in the ICJ game. Hence, nothing to cheer about.

I fully agree, everything was prepared well in advance. As many times said, if I would be some Serbian Big Fish, I would just let my black Mercedes drive on the Beograd-Raska-Pristina highway - there is no KPS check, only a little customs booth near Mitrovica.

Todays's score (after similar attempt on the KFOR-bridge few days ago and two other similar cases):

S(e): 4
S(hq): 0

In soccer it's not a very good performance, probably time to re-organize the tactics. You are being hit precisely with the same trick several times in the row, 4:0 is not a good performance.

Isn't it funny, that IF by grace of god a Serbian BigBoss is close to Mitrovica - he will try to cross on the KFOR bridge, NOT the usual "smuggler's way" on the freeway east of the town.

Of course, you have all attributes on the KFOR-bridge: KPS in full glory, customs and even the infamous 50 Euro pay-place.

Nothing of it is on the freeway, except the lazy customs guys who will look "the other way" for extra 5-10 Euro even if your car has "BG" plates and is fully loaded with Kalashnikovs.

As for 4:0 "score" - it's just an other proof, K. politicians have to "think different". Or maybe there is indeed no Jobs in Kosovo, (only Ballmer). You probably know, what I mean... ;)


pre 15 godina


they are doing this to sow as if they care for K-Serbs. They knew in advance that they are going to be prevented from entering KS but they tried.


pre 15 godina

Dear Albanian readers:

Please lobby the Self proclaimed Kosovo Authorities to Allow Mr. Diljas and all members of the Ruling for a European Serbia into Kosovo and then not let him leave.

They would make excellent advisers in Separatist undertakings to curry favour with western masters. They are quite used to this and have indentured themselves to the EU voluntarily.

They may also offer instrumental advice towards the furtherance corruption and nepotism. I know that these are two areas that the Kosovo authorities are adeptly exploring.

In the alternative we will accept a fair trade of one of your lame horses for 130 of our parliamentarians.


pre 15 godina

So the political games continue.
I only wish I could read between the lines of such elaborate action by Serbian politicians.
No wait, you don’t have to be one to see that!
Impromptu news conference at the site!!!
Wow, a work of a genius.
It’s a miracle; even I can see the reason for this trip now.
So the “actual” reason for visiting the health centre was not the reason at all.
They knew that they will not be allowed in (the news in Kosovo did report that if they do not have the right clearance they will not enter) and they still did (does anybody know why… ok we all do).
Talk about playing with peoples feelings.
If I was at the border control I would actually let them in today just to see if they were actually ready for the visit.


pre 15 godina

"... procedures for entry into Kosovo were not observed."

Would Serbia allow the Kosova polititians without asking permission/visas to visit Belgrade?
(EA, 23 March 2009 21:13)

EA, you know the answer it yes, because they ARE Serbian citizens.
They don't even need a passport because they are just visiting another part f their country.
How long they stay is another matter. It all depends on whether or not they are wanted criminals.


pre 15 godina

It is probably the first mayor of Belgrade in history that wants to visit Kosova.

Are there closely any local elections in Serbia/Belgrade??? ;)


pre 15 godina

"open your eyes it is not ''administrative line'' but it is ''THE REPUBLIC OF KOSOVO'S BORDER'' don't lie anymore.. meanwhile sooner you will need visa to enter it...
(beni, 24 March 2009 00:11) "

Obviously this border crossing is not in north Kosovo as they would have no problem entering otherwise. Don't you realize by now why the Serbian ministers went there even though knew they would be stopped? It was to make a political point that they will not abandon K-Serbs south of the Ibar. And to keep Pristina on its toes of course.


pre 15 godina

To Vlado and others:

Vlado, You still did not get the point. We do not need to visit Serbia. Maybe we will go there when Kosova will play fotball against serbia in Qualification for European Championship.


pre 15 godina

"... procedures for entry into Kosovo were not observed."

Would Serbia allow the Kosova polititians without asking permission/visas to visit Belgrade?


pre 15 godina

open your eyes it is not ''administrative line'' but it is ''THE REPUBLIC OF KOSOVO'S BORDER'' don't lie anymore.. meanwhile sooner you will need visa to enter it...


pre 15 godina

It was to make a political point that they will not abandon K-Serbs south of the Ibar. And to keep Pristina on its toes of course.
(lowe, 24 March 2009 00:59)

Don't forget ICJ either. This is a "we are good boys, we want to help poor victims, but these lawless bad boys prevent us from crossing". Every time a humanitarian truck or a politician cannot cross or reporter beaten is an other shooting itself in the foot.

By now the foot of pigeon-snake Quetzalcoatl god should look like a Swiss cheese. Have no idea, how can he hold himself in upright position.

Apropos, cheese.... Darn, I want some. :( But not the Swiss one! :)


pre 15 godina

To stop Serbs visiting Serbs would be like stopping Albanians visiting Albanians.

K Police?

They would not be able to do anything without the protection of big daddy US. However, I am surprised that big daddy US allows such silly games.


pre 15 godina

The day is coming when the Serbs will roll right through your pretend border. These events may seem minor, until the Serbs put a slap down on these fake border controls.


pre 15 godina

this is how the so called independent state shows it accepts multiethnicity and good neighbourly relations;i would like someone to remind me of any positive albanian contribution to the unity and brotherhood in the former yugoslavia; k-albanians accepted all that was given to them for free, and their only contribution in return was sabotage, rape and autistic approach to society; the least serbia should do is block the border if these us puppets continue to exercise this illegal harrassment; for this reason and for all the humuliation serbia was already exposed to regarding kosovo, it should never cease its efforts in trying to regain its illegally occupied territory, even if it takes a thousand years ...


pre 15 godina

I don't think this has anything to do with Kosovo (unfortunately)... Me thinks the DS are readying their next man "da Mayor" for the position of "da Prez"


pre 15 godina


With rhetoric like "they are Serbian citizens..." Serbia is going nowhere. You know that everyone with a bit of intellegence should know that. The way forward Treat OTHER countries as they treat you! In other word respect should be mutual.


pre 15 godina


With rhetoric like "they are Serbian citizens..." Serbia is going nowhere. You know that everyone with a bit of intellegence should know that. The way forward Treat OTHER countries as they treat you! In other word respect should be mutual.
(EA, 24 March 2009 07:47)

Really! Tell it to the UN. It must be their rhetoric as well because res 1244 says exactly that.


pre 15 godina

This is a political game. The serbian politicians are playing it to prepare the people by saying. We can't do nothing anymore, we can't even cross the border. The Kosovo is lost. Let's try to take Mitrovica and the rest of north...
It is clear enough ;-)
Think people! Nothing is casual.

gjon cima

pre 15 godina

MarKo, I really appreciate your sense of humour. We Balkans need it so much. When people will have much more sense of humour there it will be less demagogy and bla, bla, bla. Business will flow and make all of us better off. We have great potential as peoples and area. And all together in the United Europe.


pre 15 godina

Thaqi and
(Tex Willer, 23 March 2009 16:13)

will you Kosovars learn that Ç and Q are two different letters in Albanian??

It is ThaÇi not Thaqi. You can also read it in ALL Albanian news papers. What's so hard to understand it??