pre 16 godina
(Jovan, 21 August 2008 17:27)
Now before you write about you have to read Kanun.
Kanun beside that regulates penal issues it also regulates CIVIL one tales you how large the road between two properties should be; how the heritage should be divided, the first book regulates the relations of ppl with the Church as Alb-American mentioned and many other civil issues.
So you ignore the civil part of the Kanun and focus to the stereotypes about Kanun due to your xenophobia in my opinion. I am sure you have no clue about Kanun but still insist in speaking about- see moisi’s post (moisi, 22 August 2008 07:52) he gives you some hints that the issue here is much more complex and articulated than your “knowledge” about Kanun.
Have you read one of the 12 books at least? One of the 1,300 articles??? That’s why I kindly suggested you not to speak about things that you don’t know- but you still insist.
I tale you that Italy has similar codes like Kanun but you prefer to “teach” civilisation- of course to Albanians- your preferred target ;))
Than you go with ‘thousands of ppl issue’- now tale me where did you got that statistics? Why not hundred of thousands?
Besides the notion of civilisation cannot be relativised- you have to prove it with acts. Being a Serb I can easily ask you if Srebrenica, Vukovar, Racak, the process of the Serbian state establishment in Hague these days about monster acts that they did in Kosova is civilisation????
You say “but, since even an us-american team of archeologists in the late 80´s declared your illyrian illusions as outdated”
Now although I am not particularly interested in it I would like to have some more info on this “scientific proof” can you pls suggest me where can I check your affirmation?
Now let me tackle your stereotypes.
Kanun as I said to you is above all cultural and political manifest of the Albanian pride and love for freedom and the motherland: we Albanians will not go in front of KADIA to judge us but we will solve our penal & CIVIL issues with our laws- how the Kanun says.
Now you cannot just pass above this it is VERY important and it says a very important thing:
that the resistance of Albanians was systematic and continuous day-by-day and in every segment of the life not sporadic and spontaneous or wait for the help form the big brother as others in the Balkan. A huge difference!
Above all what you ignore is the fact that Kanun basically is nothing exclusive Albanian. Ancient Greeks had the same moral and civil norms and rules as Kanun- it is the basic feature of the native Balkanians.
Some, maybe romantics, believe that the driving force of unification of the Greek cities in the war against Troy was the shared moral codes and values- the Trojans infringed the Kanun (to bring it in more modern times) and we are legitimate to take repression acts towards them. In fact that moral codes that regulate the behaviour of the host and hosted person. As a matter a fact Kanun says that the house of the Albanian is the house of the God and the guest. It brings the guest in the same status as God. The house is sacred continues- hence you know the punishment that you get if you offend the sacred temple- as the house.
Now pls don’t banalize as you often do in saying that I am affirming that Albanians have directly to do with Greek-Troyan war- I am just speaking about common cultural heritage and values.
The fact that Kanun survived till late only in the Northern part of Albania is due to geographical and historical-socio-economical reasons. You don’t have to be a ‘rocket scientist’ to understand this.
Unfortunately I am not able to help you when you speak about the compatibility of our MODERN society and the EU norms since I don’t know how to tackle the issues of chronic xenophobia. Moderna Albanian society does not apply Kanun anymore.
Although I believe that the spirit of Kanun should have been translated in the modern jurisdiction as gives to Albanians the feeling that the justice has been done. To escape form any banalisation is to say the crimes in the private house or against a woman should be punished severely i.e. if it is from 5-7 years make it 7-9 (my personal opinion).
What can I say is that this year Albania overpasses the million foreign tourist visitations that Albanian cities are in the agenda of every tourist cruise operator that visits the Mediterranean- in other words Albania is not anymore isolated and Kosova is not under occupation hence the Europeans (you including) can come and visit and judge themselves. So Jovo you are welcomed to visit Albanopolis, Byls, Butrinti and many other ancient Illyrian cities and enjoy the Mediterranean. Before you have to stop near Pristina and Visit ULPIANA- the other Illyrian city.
See Jovo nations are not randomly distributed in the space there are historical reasons why we live in south and you in north. There are also historical reasons why your (Slav) arrival is scientifically proven and there is not even one single proof that we have arrived here- ancient Greeks and Romans would have noticed our arrival just as they have noticed yours.
P.S. I am sure that you are intelligent enough to differentiate typo errors from the contextual one, so please spear me with this kind of comments.
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