Sunday, 02.03.2008.


"No autonomy, canton for Serbs in north"

EU's special representative to Kosovo Pieter Feith says Serbs in northern Kosovo will get neither a canton nor autonomy.

Izvor: B92

"No autonomy, canton for Serbs in north" IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 17 godina


I always wondered do people like you live on the same planet. Are u suggesting that the US is involed every where on this planet just to defend human rights and planatary peace?

Why dont add Vietnam or Iraq to your list?!
The US gouverment has zero cerdibility to talk about human rights outside its borders.


pre 17 godina


"...On the other hand they will prove not to be better than Milosevic used to be. Actually Milosevic was even better, since he did not use any force to integrate Albanians into Serbian society, they were free to run parallel institutions and live independently from Belgrade."

Just when I thought I heard all the excuses from some of you folks, I got surprised once again. Someone may need to remind bmrusila that the reason the Albanians were forced to run parallel institutions was because they got booted from the state and provincial ones and replaced by Serbs as part of your "gracious" Milosevic agenda to strip the province of its autonomy.


Thank you for pointing out once again the obvious to some of the readers here. You may have to do it again soon I'm afraid.

But yes, the fact is that it is largely the EU and the U.S. that foot the bill for the peacekeeping and post-war reparations in Bosnia and Kosovo. It will be the EU that will keep on pumping its taxpayers' money in this region should the countries here ever join it. You can bet then that the EU will want to have a say in how affairs are run in Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania, and possibly Serbia (if it ever gets its act together). Whether we like it or not... beggars are not choosers.

Just for fun... a few more ironies:

Russia likes to be the "defender of international" law. Yet, only a few years ago the Russian army killed off Chechens in indiscriminate bombing of anything Chechen (remember Grozny?). Strikingly similar to Milosevic's approach to surpressing insurgencies, I'd say.

Putin provided the Milosevic regime with over $150 million in economic support while seeking debt relief from the international community and loans from the International Monetary Fund. He also hosted wanted war criminals during that time in Kremlin. At the same time Russia was getting food aid from the United States.

China invaded Tibet as it pleased in a "might makes right" type of move. It did the same thing against India. It resolved its territorial dispute with that country by simply invading.


pre 17 godina


The special ties and transfer relate to the Ahtisaari Plan: the Serbian government basically being legally able to send funds to the Kosovo Serbs - but this transfer has to occur with the full knowledge of the government in Prishtina. Effectively, the government of Kosovo will have no claim on the money - it is simply recorded on the balance sheets of the Kosovo treasury, before it proceeds to the local Serbian municipal structures.

So, I guess, I suggest go read the Ahtisaari package before you claim to be oh-all-so-smart.
(C, 2 March 2008 16:12)

Before you try to preach your western political idealism and so whole hearted "truths", do me a favour; take a good stern look at the situation in Kosovo. You go onto to talk about the Ahtisaari Plan. OK, do me a favour, why don’t you read about UN Resolution 1244, and how, according to the UN, Serbia's territorial integrity will in no way be jeopardised, and which also states that any force entering Kosovo, will be illegally doing so, and thus, be an enemy on Serbian territory.

I’m going to propose one thing to you. If you think that the albanians or the EU are going to give a flying hoot about Serbian funds, then answer me this. Why is it that they should just "monitor" the fund transfer, considering the fact they went against a number of treaties/charters, not to mention a UN resolution. They even have forced the implementation of the Ahtisaari Plan which was not agreed upon by Serbia, and veto-ed by Russia. So if you can sit there for even a brief second and tell me that "before it proceeds to the local Serbian municipal structures" that it wont be delivered by albanians or EU diplomats, then you, are in every single term and aspect of the word "wrong."

I still cannot believe the dim witted ignorance of the K-albanians. Do they actually believe that america, or its puppet the EU, gives a toothpick's worth about the will of the albanians?

How many places seek independence? And why is it that only Kosovo is allowed to? Well, if I’m 18 years of age, and just a member of the public in Australia, and I can already see the faults in Kosovo independence, what makes you think that the EU and america haven't already predicted all this long before?

Why Kosovo you may ask?
America needed a place to set up "anti Iranian missile defence systems." But why not Slovakia? Or the pre proposed places? Simple. The fact of the matter is, America cannot set up any sort of "ballistic/anti ballistic missiles/defence" on sovereign land. Think about it. What would america do if Russia was to put up "missile defence" in Cuba, or even Mexico and claim that it is "anti Indian missile defence."
Ah, yes, but then again, why Kosovo? Well considering the fact that Kosovo was illegally torn from Serbia, against the UN resolution, it is now in a "political" limbo. With no side able to declare what can and can't be done on the land, it is clearly an easy option for america to build bases and “defence” systems there. Knowing that Kosovo will never be a EU member, nor a UN member (nor NATO as it is not allowed to recruit illegal states) due to vetos from a lot of countries, it is going to be a bottomless pit for decades to come.

Some may ask why not Cyprus? Ah, but heres the loop hole, Greece is a EU member is it not? And the EU cannot do as it likes with the land of its members. And many other areas are too close to Russia and tied up with Russia. (i.e. Georgian areas, Taiwan and so forth). Where as with Serbia, they couldn't care less.

OK, so back to how this all ties in with Pieter and your comments. If it is possible for the EU, to go and illegally take land from a sovereign country and not have anyone do anything about it. What on god’s green earth honestly possesses you to believe that they would care about whether the funds reach the Serbs or end up like Kosovo, stuck in limbo?

Oh yes, and the comments made by Pieter. As "Another Canadian Serb" has pointed out (thank you), albanians make up 17%. So why is it that 17% can choose the fate of the other 83% and steal land? Oh the double standards of the EU. Thats right. Silly me to think that it was just plain old bad luck.

Now you go do me a favour, try get out of your shell, and see outside of the box, it might surprise you as to how much you and the rest of the albanians have been swindled.

From someone who looks at it from every angle.


pre 17 godina

"lowe... Do you remember when you used to say that Kosova will loose the north? well Kosova was recognized as an independent country with the north also so dont even dream about north going with Serbia.
(afrim hoxha, 2 March 2008 14:11) "

afrim hoxha,

a few corrections are in order here:

1. the north is currently de facto independent -- the K-Serbs are running their own lives there now and cooperating with Belgrade. Do you see a single Albanian official from Pristina there???

2. Kosovo declared independence. But this independence has no legitimacy as far as the UN is concerned. You will remain outside the UN indefintely. Kosovo south of the Ibar will become an EU colony. If you call that true independence, well its your choice, but I would beg very much to differ with such an interpretation of an independent country.

Peter Sudyka

pre 17 godina


I agree with the Kosovo constitution towards the Serbian minority, it does empower them a lot and technically speaking, there should be no problem with the Serbs accepting the conditions set out by Pristina, but the question I ask now is, if Serbia was to offer the same to Kosovo Albanians, would they accept?

It is obvious that ethnic nationalism is still strong and it will take a long time for these wounds to heal, this is why Kosovo must brace itself for Serbian disapproval, but I think that the next generation will see it differently. Time heals wounds better than anything.

peter, sydney

pre 17 godina

afrim hoxha:

A K-albanian unilateral declaration of independence (UDI)does not equate to independence for Kosovo. UDI is nor recognised by either the UN or EU - save in your own dreams of course & notwithstanding commedians like Feith. And 'north' isn't going anywhere - last I looked, was still part of Serbia.

The Highlinder:

Is funny you speaking for 'everyone on the planet' in relation to the approval of the EU's mission to Kosovo. Think you should tell the UN secretary-general as he doesn't seem to know anything about it. A 'unique' exception perhaps? Certainly put's your whole post in perspective doesn't it.

Bad Gorilla:

Kosovo is indeed 'fully occupied' by NATO, & likely to stay that way.


Didn't include this in previous post, but seeing as you brought it up..

Ahtisaari plan was never ratified by UN as Russia said veto would be employed if an attempt was made.

And let's not forget the bribery allegations made against Ahtisaari while he was in Kosovo.

See C.. :)


A child's life in Serbia is precious by anyone's standards.. save perhaps that of NATO & the US.

Seems to me that their 'smart bombs' are a far greater threat to kids that any serb or (I hope) K-albanian.


Is one thing to say that 'serbs in Kosovo' have all these fine rights under a K-albanian UDI. The reality is of course quite different. Suggest you go tell all 'those serbs' attending Zadušnice on saturday.

Would be heartening to the mothers, fathers, sisters & brothers who had to travel to serb cemetaries in K-albanian territory under armed escort.

And would no doubt reassure them after finding the graves of their kin desecrated & vandalised on a day on which they mourn their dead.

peter, sydney

pre 17 godina

To all those who appear to be taking Pieter Feith seriously:

This man claims (as the EU's special representative to Kosovo), that EULEX's mission statement in Kosovo is to 'stabilise ' the region in line with the EU's support for the K-albanian unilateral declaration of independence (UDI). He further claims that the EU mission has authorisation under UN resolution 1244.

These claims are totally laughable.

Here are the reasons:

1. The EU has not recognised a K-albanian UDI. To claim that it has is to ignore at least 4 EU member states - Spain, Cyprus, Greece & Romania, any of which would veto any such recognition.

2. The UN has not & will not recognise a K-albanian UDI. The russian veto guarantees this quite apart from any other factors such as the 2/3rd's majority required in the general assembly.

3. The K-albanian UDI itself violates the UN charter & the Helsinki accords of 1975.

4. Any UN member state that recognises a K-albanian UDI is in breach of the UN charter it signed.

5. The K-albanian UDI violates UN resolution 1244 which currently governs the actions of all parties in Kosovo.

6. The EU mission EULEX itself violates UN resolution 1244 despite the EU claiming to have received authority from the UN secretary-general in the form of some 'letter' which was in fact never sent!
Any such letter can only originate from the UN security council & that's not going to happen.

7. After finding itself 'hung out to dry' by the UN, 'brussels' then seeks to unilaterally create 'an international steering group' to justify the legality of it's inherently illegal mission. Under whose authorisation pray tell? The 'pirates' in 'brussels' perhaps?

8. And the ultimate irony? That all of these machinations are meant to 'stabilise' the situation in Kosovo by inflaming serbs all over the place.

Good joke Mr Feith.

With the coming demise of the Bush administration & it's failed unilateral approach to foreign policy, one hopes that the bureaucrats in the EU will take note.

Gunboat diplomacy does not work.


pre 17 godina

I think serbs like to live as albanians did not long time ago. They want to have their Schools, University, Ekonomy which will pay taxes to Kosova and not to take enything from Kosova. This were happening that time. We payed electricity, water, heating, roads, Vat until we didnt receive any dinar from the serbian government. What serbs doing now is different they dont pay nothing no vat, no electricity no water nothing. In other hand they receive salary from Kosova and Serbia this is bigg difference. But if serbs want not to ba payed by kosova government than this is OK. But they have to pay taxes, electricity, water, heating etc.
(Beni, 2 March 2008 22:30)

Serbs have always paid taxes to beograd and that will continue. Also we have a serbian police force that will report to beograd if there are any offenders, rest assured, no money will be stolen from serbia! Thankyou for your concern however.


pre 17 godina

Okay, lets just - for a sec - dig beneath the surface and beyond legal niceties:

There is one COMMON link between UNMIK, KFOR and EULEX => It is the European Union. The EU is the major contributor to UNMIK (whose fourth pillar, dealing with economy is entirely EU-run; including int'l civil servants & UNMIK Police).

The EU makes up the single biggest military contribution to KFOR.

The Union has launched EULEX - an entirely EU-run operation.

Now...the world of legalists is surely one of ultimate intrigue. They claim they are against the EU, but YES for KFOR, while forgetting all the while that the EU is the major component of both. They claim they are for UN, but not EU - again forgetting UNMIK in Kosovo represents nothing but a legal cover on which EU functions in Kosovo.

Now, lets cut to the chase: Kostunica and his advisors can whine all day and act it all up that they have no idea who Peter Feith is. Truth of the matter is they have been dealing with the EU on Kosovo ever since UNMIK entered in 1999.

But, of course, the Serbian public is never tired of the national-legalistic discourse propelled by their leaders.

The Serbian body politic is effectively misleading the Serbian public by propelling legalistic arguments which deny the substantive importance of the EU as the nucleus of economic, political and military engine of the bulk of international activity in what is now Kosovo.

It's basically like this: lets create legal platforms on which one type of EU engagement (UNMIK) is legal, but another is illegal (EULEX). In the meantime, it ends up being implied that the EU is somehow only now installing itself in Kosovo - which is claimed illegal - which couldn't be farther from the truth.

The fact of the matter is: the EU is extending its rules of the game to the Western Balkans. The question is: does Serbia have the guts to eschew these rules, create its own, or play by Putin's playbook? All this in light of the fact that the major bulk of Serbia's trade and investment linkages point towards EU, not Moscow...


pre 17 godina

"what (What) Peter (Pieter)Faith (Feith) says is that 5% cannot rule the 95%.

The same thing said teh (the) free world to Milosevic on 1999, now to the new milosevic Mr Kostunica.
(ben, 2 March 2008 23:19)"

(Grammar corrections in between parentheses)

Kosovo Albanian are only 20% of the population in Serbia. Since Kosovo was never an official republic in Yugoslavia it did and does not have the same rights as the real republics that became independent after Yugoslavia fell apart. The illegal autonamy given under communist rule was revoked legally as every country would have done under those circumstances. There is no territorial integrity of Kosova, only the official, UN approved territorial integrity of The Republic of Serbia. By the way, calling PM Kostunica another Milosevic shows a complete lack of basic education and common sense.

Another Canadian Serb

pre 17 godina

For all that are challenged with Geography and it's relationship with Percentages. It is very simple, for instance
Serbia has an approximate population of 10 Million people whereas Kosovo has a population of 1.7 Million and therfore Kosovo in relation only represents a value of 17%. Can somebody please explain this to our Albanian posters.


pre 17 godina

what Peter Faith says is that 5% cannot rule the 95%.

The same thing said teh free world to Milosevic on 1999, now to the new milosevic Mr Kostunica.


pre 17 godina

Peter Sudyka,

By our constitution serbs and not just serbs has more rights than albanians. They all rights. They have rights on schools, university, administration documents are in three languages albanian serbian and english. In parlamanet they have 10 seats guarantee even if they dont win any vote. They have veto on lot of things. They have local government and can do enything with their economy. They will receive help from central government. They have so many rights that no body in world could give to an minority. We did so because we now best how it is to be in a state which treat you with police, army and steel everything that you have. We offered them everything what we could exept our homes and our property which we build it so many times since 1912 when we became kolony of ex yougoslavia. We are not going to threat them or to take their property or burn it or kill them. We pay electricity for them, taxes, water and so on. They have better life here in Kosova than in Serbia. You can come here and ask them. Ask them what kind of tretman they have in serbia.

It is serbian government who push them to demonstrate and work against Kosova. They are freee to travel in Kosova no body will tuch them. But if they will continue to work against Kosova and against themslef then these benefits will go. Dont exepting state this mean thet you will give up from benefits that that state gives you.

Peter V

pre 17 godina

First he says EULEX got jurisdiction from UNMIK and he hasnt gotten a letter from Ban, and then Ban comes out and says UNMIK still has jurisdiction and that he sent the letter to Fieth. He is a liar, whos trying to lie his way out of the situation. pretty soon his web of lies will catch hima nd hel be stuck


pre 17 godina

I think serbs like to live as albanians did not long time ago. They want to have their Schools, University, Ekonomy which will pay taxes to Kosova and not to take enything from Kosova. This were happening that time. We payed electricity, water, heating, roads, Vat until we didnt receive any dinar from the serbian government. What serbs doing now is different they dont pay nothing no vat, no electricity no water nothing. In other hand they receive salary from Kosova and Serbia this is bigg difference. But if serbs want not to ba payed by kosova government than this is OK. But they have to pay taxes, electricity, water, heating etc.

MiLan T.O.

pre 17 godina

I surely hope that Mr Feith is funding his own stay in prishtina, and the EU tax payers don't have to foot the bill.. i mean, the EU mission is non-existant and illegal according to the United Nations, so why on Earth should the tax payers pay for his stay??

This gentleman obviously lives in his own little world where everything is just peachy.

Kosovo IS Serbia.

Princip, UK

pre 17 godina

"The EU has insisted that its support for the unilateral declaration of independence and the decision to send a mission to the province was motivated by a desire to stabilize the region"

- well I guess that is the whole crux of the matter - there is NO EU support what so ever fro the ILLEGAL declaration of secession! Mr Feith is on a losing streak even before he has begun with his INLEX (lawless) Kosovo Mission!

I guess like many have said he covets his health pay check and needs to keep it going as long as he can! Well thats fine but he can have very little impact given his word is ignored and his mission has no legality! This is creating an ever greater limbo scenario and is highly unlikely to be stabilising once the deceived wake up from their self induced non-independence/Dependece coma! This is turining into a frozen conflict limbo farce faster then I thought!

Oh what a tangle web we weave and how easily some are deceived!!!

Laura, Prishtina

pre 17 godina

Naturally, anything that diturbs/touches sovereignty and territorial intergrity of Kosovo will set a danger precedent in the Balkans and throughout the world.

Jan (Amsterdam)

pre 17 godina

The UN should show immediately who has the final word. This man must be removed ASAP. Either he did not understand what the UN Secretary General told last week or he is some ignorant to ignore it all. It is better for the EU to back down on this on otherwise lots of trouble will be coming. Serbia, Serbs and Kosovo Serbs, most of the European people are standing by you. Please do not give in and you will be victorious.


pre 17 godina


The special ties and transfer relate to the Ahtisaari Plan: the Serbian government basically being legally able to send funds to the Kosovo Serbs - but this transfer has to occur with the full knowledge of the government in Prishtina. Effectively, the government of Kosovo will have no claim on the money - it is simply recorded on the balance sheets of the Kosovo treasury, before it proceeds to the local Serbian municipal structures.

So, I guess, I suggest go read the Ahtisaari package before you claim to be oh-all-so-smart.

Gunar Knob

pre 17 godina

Sure, Pieter.. if you say so...
Not following your orders would be against the law, right?!
Laughable, really.
Anyhow - you go tiger, go... punish those Serbs.. and make sure you do it in accordance with the norms and values of EU..


pre 17 godina

#to bmruslia

i see that youcomment on every day dialog that goes on on B92 radio.

but please Kosova will never be serbia again you had your chance and now is gone,, the best think serbia is to do accept the reality and go foword...

and also one mroe think Albainians never killed any of your kids like you did in Kosova..

the world dosetn beliove any more off serbian propaganda,,,,


pre 17 godina

Such a comment to be made is an absolute disgrace which shows complete disregard for Serbian rights and total and utter double standards. How can the EU show pure contempt for the territorial integrity of Serbia (sovereign and united nations member) but then claim to protect the integrity of a region that is not even a nation!
And don't make me laugh with this unilateral declaration as Kosovo will NEVER gain a seat at the United Nations thus making it impossible to be run economically and diplomatically. When the EU realize the mistake they have made they will be forced to retract their recognition as will the US eventually. This will be due to Kosovo desperately needing the support of Belgrade to simply survive. International law simply can't be ignored and the VAST majority of nations recognize that such a move will take the world back to times before the great war.


pre 17 godina

Afrim... don´t fool yourself...

the Serbs will be there, when the US are gonna travel home...

and then, my dear, let´s talk again about it. ;)

there is no basis for any kind of "territorial integrity" of Kosovo, since UNSC 1244 is still in force.

wake up, kids.

that means, besides the revokable declarations of some european countries, all the world knows that Kosovo is Serbia.

no discussions about it.

Bad Gorilla

pre 17 godina

The Western Powers won't admit another Serb troublemaking para-state like Serb Krajina or Republika Srpska. Kosovo is fully occupied by NATO troops.


pre 17 godina

Mr Feith is nervous. He has signed a contract for a fabulous salary from an unlegitimate EU mission on Serbia territory, and sees that EU will soon withraw him if he does not do something. Only that he can provoke a war by being a dilettant.

Peter Sudyka

pre 17 godina

How can the EU possibly expect Serbia to cooperate with them on their plan when they are completely against, have not and will not recognize the territorial integrity of Kosovo? You cannot force anyone to accept anything and they think that by offering Serbia EU membership they are compensating Serbia at all?

The EU must stop behaving like the US in the way that they cannot expect these two peoples to exist in peace and harmony for the next 40-50 years (when this current generation has died off), they cannot force cooperation between people who do not want to and they cannot expect that everyone will want to play their game by their rules.

You can't force people to live in a particular way, that is called tyranny, not freedom.

They should leave this territorial integrity of Kosovo as it is, send their mission to develop the infrastructure of the areas south of Mitrovica and let Serbia maintain its influence North of the Ibar River. The recognition of independence has and will only be done by a number of states anyway, so it is more of a superficial border, they should let the North exist as a de facto part of Serbia and a de jure part of Kosovo, if they are so adamant in dominating Kosovo.

The Highlinder

pre 17 godina

Guys dont start to get to upset its only the reality this guy is trying to break to you all , and all over the world, everyone is sick and tired of the Nationalist views that are coming from the Belgrade headquarters towards the 'other' for goods sake stop pretending and ilusinating over this subject anymore its a done deal. or as your govermants stance towards this issue is taking you back to 1989..you all now what follows with these kind of attitudes we seen it happen and it will certanly happen again if you carry on with this kind of ignorance, I know ,you know and every one on this planet knows that EU mission got approved and will continue, now whether you guys want to cary on shooting your selfs on the foot, cause thats the vibe im getting from everyone on the Pro-serbs side.
Good Day \


pre 17 godina

"No autonomy, canton for Serbs in north"

Well, Pasha Feith, it's your headache, not mine. Your little villayet has enough problems as it stands now. Why add the extra burden of encouraging more resistance from your dhimmi class?


pre 17 godina

The EU, my god, i cannot even find the words to express my utter disgust and absolute anger at the double standards and actions which they have expressed towards the serbs.

"Kosovo's territorial integrity." You have to be kidding me. Oh you just make me sick, to the point which my stomach is literally vomitting at the thought of someone giving you some sort of power.
How dare you. You first of all support the illegal unilateral independence, thus completely spitting on Serbia's territorial integrity, then you have the nerver to say that the serbs must respect "kosovo's territorial integrity". I cant stand to even sit here and type knowing that these are the sorts of people who are in charge of EU relations and procedures.

"Our agenda gives Serbs special links, which includes a transfer of funds from Belgrade, if necessary."
Alright you have officially forced me to declare you to have less mental capacity than that of a gold fish.
O.K. So, albanians wanted kosovo independent, but apparently Belgrade has to fund them. Does this funding include, paying to set up electricity, water, and other supplies. And how is it that you expect Belgrade to transfer these funds when they are meant to have "transparent ties"... thus, any money that is sent through, must be given out to the serbs by a politician. Seeing that most of the politicians (i.e. all) are albanian, you expect us to trust them with the safety and well being of Serbs? WOW!

Do me a favour, gets your eyes checked, have your ears cleaned, and scrape out all of that proverbial filth coming out of your mouth, and only then can you even address anyone.

Now does everybody see why kosovo independence is not only illegal, but a complete joke?

Jovan z

pre 17 godina

BRAVO! BRAVO! It is the plan of the EU/NATO/US that they will create and encourage every action to cause a reaction from Serbs from which they can justify further military action and cement their hold over Germany's old and pesky enemy in Srbija.Now they have this EU as a vehicle along with the US to take over all of Europe including the Balkans.And Srbija must be destroyed for this.When will our tragedy end?

afrim hoxha

pre 17 godina

RONALD, in fact in wchich planet do you and people like you live? Dont you already see that Kosova has already become independent?
lowe... Do you remember when you used to say that Kosova will loose the north? well Kosova was recognized as an independent country with the north also so dont even dream about north going with Serbia.


pre 17 godina

Ok, now the EU plays the role of dictatorship and I can feel it in Feith’s voice. Well, soon he will be very well aware that he or the EU has no power to integrate Serbs into Albanian led society. If they try to use the force in order to integrate Serbs then they risk the military involvement of Serbia and most likely Russia as well.

On the other hand they will prove not to be better than Milosevic used to be. Actually Milosevic was even better, since he did not use any force to integrate Albanians into Serbian society, they were free to run parallel institutions and live independently from Belgrade.

Mr Feith and the EU should accept the reality on the ground as the Serbs do not want to do anything under Albanian nor the EU's rule. Serbs in Kosovo will be completely under Belgrade’s umbrella and run their lives independently from Pristina’s criminal government. Serbs only use the same principle as Albanians used to do.

Serbs choose silent boycott of everything Albanian.

International Observer

pre 17 godina

"this can only be done with the full respect of the Kosovo government and the territorial integrity of Kosovo".

Beyond belief!


pre 17 godina

I don't think it's possible for Kosovo to have any territorial integrity except as part of the sovereign state of Serbia. All those states that recognised Kosovo have rubbished the idea that states have territorial integrity.

It is an irony that the most lawless corner of europe should itself become a phoney illegal state.


pre 17 godina

It is truly amazing how much arrogant the EU are getting and are how can live with a organization like that on its borders. They feel they can dictate to countries not even in the EU that is truly amazing. With their total nonsense saying the European way and perspective they think they are the only ones that have it which are only Brussels self serving ways. A few of the big members that steer it and hide behind it they tune every one else out truly Brussels EU is a dangerous. They feel and think they are above all the laws and in no way they don't apply to them. IF you want a law they will make up one to their self serving benefit or a treaty to their liking and advantage truly a dangerous organization and getting worse.

peter, sydney

pre 17 godina

Ronald... you quite literally took the worlds right out of my mouth. What planet indeed. Certainly no place with a high sanity index.


pre 17 godina

So the Serbs are to be held in Ghetto,s as the Jews were in the 2nd World war. The EU talk about a multi-ethnic Kosovo, well the Serbs have almost gone ,the Bosnians also and the Roma live in conditions tanatamount to the worst i have seen in the Bombay slums. Is this guy saying to the Non Albanian population you can live under the Nato guns or lump it and leave, ie if you don,t like our version of Democracy go to Serbia?. Well thats what it looks like from here.Funny how Kosovo is a Serbian name for the province and that the majority of towns villages have Serbian names. Guess thats just history now.

Another Canadian Serb

pre 17 godina

Serbs in the North should start the evacuation process and head to one of the European Nations that have recognized independence for Kosovo. The EU's mission has been a great success in the fact that they have finished their ethnic cleansing of the Serbs in Kosovo. I am sure the EU Nations will be happy to receive some more population growth. Once the EVACUATION is complete all UN, NATO and other Clubs can go home for EASTER.


pre 17 godina

On which planet does this guy live.

First off, this is an illegal declaration.


Even if this was an legal declaration, if K-Albanians get to secceed, then so the K-Serbs have that same right.

You cannot gtrant one group special rights and deny an other group the same rights.

That feith's role has played out even before it has begun.


pre 17 godina

"EU's special representative to Kosovo Pieter Feith says Serbs in northern Kosovo will get neither a canton nor autonomy."

Feith is, pervesely, right. The K-Serbs want neither autonomy nor a canton. They just want to remain Serbians and the current de facto situation suits them just fine.


pre 17 godina

On which planet does this guy live.

First off, this is an illegal declaration.


Even if this was an legal declaration, if K-Albanians get to secceed, then so the K-Serbs have that same right.

You cannot gtrant one group special rights and deny an other group the same rights.

That feith's role has played out even before it has begun.


pre 17 godina

Ok, now the EU plays the role of dictatorship and I can feel it in Feith’s voice. Well, soon he will be very well aware that he or the EU has no power to integrate Serbs into Albanian led society. If they try to use the force in order to integrate Serbs then they risk the military involvement of Serbia and most likely Russia as well.

On the other hand they will prove not to be better than Milosevic used to be. Actually Milosevic was even better, since he did not use any force to integrate Albanians into Serbian society, they were free to run parallel institutions and live independently from Belgrade.

Mr Feith and the EU should accept the reality on the ground as the Serbs do not want to do anything under Albanian nor the EU's rule. Serbs in Kosovo will be completely under Belgrade’s umbrella and run their lives independently from Pristina’s criminal government. Serbs only use the same principle as Albanians used to do.

Serbs choose silent boycott of everything Albanian.


pre 17 godina

"EU's special representative to Kosovo Pieter Feith says Serbs in northern Kosovo will get neither a canton nor autonomy."

Feith is, pervesely, right. The K-Serbs want neither autonomy nor a canton. They just want to remain Serbians and the current de facto situation suits them just fine.


pre 17 godina

So the Serbs are to be held in Ghetto,s as the Jews were in the 2nd World war. The EU talk about a multi-ethnic Kosovo, well the Serbs have almost gone ,the Bosnians also and the Roma live in conditions tanatamount to the worst i have seen in the Bombay slums. Is this guy saying to the Non Albanian population you can live under the Nato guns or lump it and leave, ie if you don,t like our version of Democracy go to Serbia?. Well thats what it looks like from here.Funny how Kosovo is a Serbian name for the province and that the majority of towns villages have Serbian names. Guess thats just history now.


pre 17 godina

It is truly amazing how much arrogant the EU are getting and are how can live with a organization like that on its borders. They feel they can dictate to countries not even in the EU that is truly amazing. With their total nonsense saying the European way and perspective they think they are the only ones that have it which are only Brussels self serving ways. A few of the big members that steer it and hide behind it they tune every one else out truly Brussels EU is a dangerous. They feel and think they are above all the laws and in no way they don't apply to them. IF you want a law they will make up one to their self serving benefit or a treaty to their liking and advantage truly a dangerous organization and getting worse.


pre 17 godina

The EU, my god, i cannot even find the words to express my utter disgust and absolute anger at the double standards and actions which they have expressed towards the serbs.

"Kosovo's territorial integrity." You have to be kidding me. Oh you just make me sick, to the point which my stomach is literally vomitting at the thought of someone giving you some sort of power.
How dare you. You first of all support the illegal unilateral independence, thus completely spitting on Serbia's territorial integrity, then you have the nerver to say that the serbs must respect "kosovo's territorial integrity". I cant stand to even sit here and type knowing that these are the sorts of people who are in charge of EU relations and procedures.

"Our agenda gives Serbs special links, which includes a transfer of funds from Belgrade, if necessary."
Alright you have officially forced me to declare you to have less mental capacity than that of a gold fish.
O.K. So, albanians wanted kosovo independent, but apparently Belgrade has to fund them. Does this funding include, paying to set up electricity, water, and other supplies. And how is it that you expect Belgrade to transfer these funds when they are meant to have "transparent ties"... thus, any money that is sent through, must be given out to the serbs by a politician. Seeing that most of the politicians (i.e. all) are albanian, you expect us to trust them with the safety and well being of Serbs? WOW!

Do me a favour, gets your eyes checked, have your ears cleaned, and scrape out all of that proverbial filth coming out of your mouth, and only then can you even address anyone.

Now does everybody see why kosovo independence is not only illegal, but a complete joke?

International Observer

pre 17 godina

"this can only be done with the full respect of the Kosovo government and the territorial integrity of Kosovo".

Beyond belief!

peter, sydney

pre 17 godina

Ronald... you quite literally took the worlds right out of my mouth. What planet indeed. Certainly no place with a high sanity index.

Another Canadian Serb

pre 17 godina

Serbs in the North should start the evacuation process and head to one of the European Nations that have recognized independence for Kosovo. The EU's mission has been a great success in the fact that they have finished their ethnic cleansing of the Serbs in Kosovo. I am sure the EU Nations will be happy to receive some more population growth. Once the EVACUATION is complete all UN, NATO and other Clubs can go home for EASTER.


pre 17 godina

I don't think it's possible for Kosovo to have any territorial integrity except as part of the sovereign state of Serbia. All those states that recognised Kosovo have rubbished the idea that states have territorial integrity.

It is an irony that the most lawless corner of europe should itself become a phoney illegal state.

Jovan z

pre 17 godina

BRAVO! BRAVO! It is the plan of the EU/NATO/US that they will create and encourage every action to cause a reaction from Serbs from which they can justify further military action and cement their hold over Germany's old and pesky enemy in Srbija.Now they have this EU as a vehicle along with the US to take over all of Europe including the Balkans.And Srbija must be destroyed for this.When will our tragedy end?


pre 17 godina

Afrim... don´t fool yourself...

the Serbs will be there, when the US are gonna travel home...

and then, my dear, let´s talk again about it. ;)

there is no basis for any kind of "territorial integrity" of Kosovo, since UNSC 1244 is still in force.

wake up, kids.

that means, besides the revokable declarations of some european countries, all the world knows that Kosovo is Serbia.

no discussions about it.

afrim hoxha

pre 17 godina

RONALD, in fact in wchich planet do you and people like you live? Dont you already see that Kosova has already become independent?
lowe... Do you remember when you used to say that Kosova will loose the north? well Kosova was recognized as an independent country with the north also so dont even dream about north going with Serbia.


pre 17 godina

Mr Feith is nervous. He has signed a contract for a fabulous salary from an unlegitimate EU mission on Serbia territory, and sees that EU will soon withraw him if he does not do something. Only that he can provoke a war by being a dilettant.

MiLan T.O.

pre 17 godina

I surely hope that Mr Feith is funding his own stay in prishtina, and the EU tax payers don't have to foot the bill.. i mean, the EU mission is non-existant and illegal according to the United Nations, so why on Earth should the tax payers pay for his stay??

This gentleman obviously lives in his own little world where everything is just peachy.

Kosovo IS Serbia.


pre 17 godina

"No autonomy, canton for Serbs in north"

Well, Pasha Feith, it's your headache, not mine. Your little villayet has enough problems as it stands now. Why add the extra burden of encouraging more resistance from your dhimmi class?


pre 17 godina

"lowe... Do you remember when you used to say that Kosova will loose the north? well Kosova was recognized as an independent country with the north also so dont even dream about north going with Serbia.
(afrim hoxha, 2 March 2008 14:11) "

afrim hoxha,

a few corrections are in order here:

1. the north is currently de facto independent -- the K-Serbs are running their own lives there now and cooperating with Belgrade. Do you see a single Albanian official from Pristina there???

2. Kosovo declared independence. But this independence has no legitimacy as far as the UN is concerned. You will remain outside the UN indefintely. Kosovo south of the Ibar will become an EU colony. If you call that true independence, well its your choice, but I would beg very much to differ with such an interpretation of an independent country.


pre 17 godina


I always wondered do people like you live on the same planet. Are u suggesting that the US is involed every where on this planet just to defend human rights and planatary peace?

Why dont add Vietnam or Iraq to your list?!
The US gouverment has zero cerdibility to talk about human rights outside its borders.


pre 17 godina

Such a comment to be made is an absolute disgrace which shows complete disregard for Serbian rights and total and utter double standards. How can the EU show pure contempt for the territorial integrity of Serbia (sovereign and united nations member) but then claim to protect the integrity of a region that is not even a nation!
And don't make me laugh with this unilateral declaration as Kosovo will NEVER gain a seat at the United Nations thus making it impossible to be run economically and diplomatically. When the EU realize the mistake they have made they will be forced to retract their recognition as will the US eventually. This will be due to Kosovo desperately needing the support of Belgrade to simply survive. International law simply can't be ignored and the VAST majority of nations recognize that such a move will take the world back to times before the great war.

Princip, UK

pre 17 godina

"The EU has insisted that its support for the unilateral declaration of independence and the decision to send a mission to the province was motivated by a desire to stabilize the region"

- well I guess that is the whole crux of the matter - there is NO EU support what so ever fro the ILLEGAL declaration of secession! Mr Feith is on a losing streak even before he has begun with his INLEX (lawless) Kosovo Mission!

I guess like many have said he covets his health pay check and needs to keep it going as long as he can! Well thats fine but he can have very little impact given his word is ignored and his mission has no legality! This is creating an ever greater limbo scenario and is highly unlikely to be stabilising once the deceived wake up from their self induced non-independence/Dependece coma! This is turining into a frozen conflict limbo farce faster then I thought!

Oh what a tangle web we weave and how easily some are deceived!!!


pre 17 godina


The special ties and transfer relate to the Ahtisaari Plan: the Serbian government basically being legally able to send funds to the Kosovo Serbs - but this transfer has to occur with the full knowledge of the government in Prishtina. Effectively, the government of Kosovo will have no claim on the money - it is simply recorded on the balance sheets of the Kosovo treasury, before it proceeds to the local Serbian municipal structures.

So, I guess, I suggest go read the Ahtisaari package before you claim to be oh-all-so-smart.
(C, 2 March 2008 16:12)

Before you try to preach your western political idealism and so whole hearted "truths", do me a favour; take a good stern look at the situation in Kosovo. You go onto to talk about the Ahtisaari Plan. OK, do me a favour, why don’t you read about UN Resolution 1244, and how, according to the UN, Serbia's territorial integrity will in no way be jeopardised, and which also states that any force entering Kosovo, will be illegally doing so, and thus, be an enemy on Serbian territory.

I’m going to propose one thing to you. If you think that the albanians or the EU are going to give a flying hoot about Serbian funds, then answer me this. Why is it that they should just "monitor" the fund transfer, considering the fact they went against a number of treaties/charters, not to mention a UN resolution. They even have forced the implementation of the Ahtisaari Plan which was not agreed upon by Serbia, and veto-ed by Russia. So if you can sit there for even a brief second and tell me that "before it proceeds to the local Serbian municipal structures" that it wont be delivered by albanians or EU diplomats, then you, are in every single term and aspect of the word "wrong."

I still cannot believe the dim witted ignorance of the K-albanians. Do they actually believe that america, or its puppet the EU, gives a toothpick's worth about the will of the albanians?

How many places seek independence? And why is it that only Kosovo is allowed to? Well, if I’m 18 years of age, and just a member of the public in Australia, and I can already see the faults in Kosovo independence, what makes you think that the EU and america haven't already predicted all this long before?

Why Kosovo you may ask?
America needed a place to set up "anti Iranian missile defence systems." But why not Slovakia? Or the pre proposed places? Simple. The fact of the matter is, America cannot set up any sort of "ballistic/anti ballistic missiles/defence" on sovereign land. Think about it. What would america do if Russia was to put up "missile defence" in Cuba, or even Mexico and claim that it is "anti Indian missile defence."
Ah, yes, but then again, why Kosovo? Well considering the fact that Kosovo was illegally torn from Serbia, against the UN resolution, it is now in a "political" limbo. With no side able to declare what can and can't be done on the land, it is clearly an easy option for america to build bases and “defence” systems there. Knowing that Kosovo will never be a EU member, nor a UN member (nor NATO as it is not allowed to recruit illegal states) due to vetos from a lot of countries, it is going to be a bottomless pit for decades to come.

Some may ask why not Cyprus? Ah, but heres the loop hole, Greece is a EU member is it not? And the EU cannot do as it likes with the land of its members. And many other areas are too close to Russia and tied up with Russia. (i.e. Georgian areas, Taiwan and so forth). Where as with Serbia, they couldn't care less.

OK, so back to how this all ties in with Pieter and your comments. If it is possible for the EU, to go and illegally take land from a sovereign country and not have anyone do anything about it. What on god’s green earth honestly possesses you to believe that they would care about whether the funds reach the Serbs or end up like Kosovo, stuck in limbo?

Oh yes, and the comments made by Pieter. As "Another Canadian Serb" has pointed out (thank you), albanians make up 17%. So why is it that 17% can choose the fate of the other 83% and steal land? Oh the double standards of the EU. Thats right. Silly me to think that it was just plain old bad luck.

Now you go do me a favour, try get out of your shell, and see outside of the box, it might surprise you as to how much you and the rest of the albanians have been swindled.

From someone who looks at it from every angle.

Jan (Amsterdam)

pre 17 godina

The UN should show immediately who has the final word. This man must be removed ASAP. Either he did not understand what the UN Secretary General told last week or he is some ignorant to ignore it all. It is better for the EU to back down on this on otherwise lots of trouble will be coming. Serbia, Serbs and Kosovo Serbs, most of the European people are standing by you. Please do not give in and you will be victorious.


pre 17 godina

I think serbs like to live as albanians did not long time ago. They want to have their Schools, University, Ekonomy which will pay taxes to Kosova and not to take enything from Kosova. This were happening that time. We payed electricity, water, heating, roads, Vat until we didnt receive any dinar from the serbian government. What serbs doing now is different they dont pay nothing no vat, no electricity no water nothing. In other hand they receive salary from Kosova and Serbia this is bigg difference. But if serbs want not to ba payed by kosova government than this is OK. But they have to pay taxes, electricity, water, heating etc.
(Beni, 2 March 2008 22:30)

Serbs have always paid taxes to beograd and that will continue. Also we have a serbian police force that will report to beograd if there are any offenders, rest assured, no money will be stolen from serbia! Thankyou for your concern however.

Laura, Prishtina

pre 17 godina

Naturally, anything that diturbs/touches sovereignty and territorial intergrity of Kosovo will set a danger precedent in the Balkans and throughout the world.


pre 17 godina

"what (What) Peter (Pieter)Faith (Feith) says is that 5% cannot rule the 95%.

The same thing said teh (the) free world to Milosevic on 1999, now to the new milosevic Mr Kostunica.
(ben, 2 March 2008 23:19)"

(Grammar corrections in between parentheses)

Kosovo Albanian are only 20% of the population in Serbia. Since Kosovo was never an official republic in Yugoslavia it did and does not have the same rights as the real republics that became independent after Yugoslavia fell apart. The illegal autonamy given under communist rule was revoked legally as every country would have done under those circumstances. There is no territorial integrity of Kosova, only the official, UN approved territorial integrity of The Republic of Serbia. By the way, calling PM Kostunica another Milosevic shows a complete lack of basic education and common sense.

Peter Sudyka

pre 17 godina

How can the EU possibly expect Serbia to cooperate with them on their plan when they are completely against, have not and will not recognize the territorial integrity of Kosovo? You cannot force anyone to accept anything and they think that by offering Serbia EU membership they are compensating Serbia at all?

The EU must stop behaving like the US in the way that they cannot expect these two peoples to exist in peace and harmony for the next 40-50 years (when this current generation has died off), they cannot force cooperation between people who do not want to and they cannot expect that everyone will want to play their game by their rules.

You can't force people to live in a particular way, that is called tyranny, not freedom.

They should leave this territorial integrity of Kosovo as it is, send their mission to develop the infrastructure of the areas south of Mitrovica and let Serbia maintain its influence North of the Ibar River. The recognition of independence has and will only be done by a number of states anyway, so it is more of a superficial border, they should let the North exist as a de facto part of Serbia and a de jure part of Kosovo, if they are so adamant in dominating Kosovo.

Peter V

pre 17 godina

First he says EULEX got jurisdiction from UNMIK and he hasnt gotten a letter from Ban, and then Ban comes out and says UNMIK still has jurisdiction and that he sent the letter to Fieth. He is a liar, whos trying to lie his way out of the situation. pretty soon his web of lies will catch hima nd hel be stuck

peter, sydney

pre 17 godina

afrim hoxha:

A K-albanian unilateral declaration of independence (UDI)does not equate to independence for Kosovo. UDI is nor recognised by either the UN or EU - save in your own dreams of course & notwithstanding commedians like Feith. And 'north' isn't going anywhere - last I looked, was still part of Serbia.

The Highlinder:

Is funny you speaking for 'everyone on the planet' in relation to the approval of the EU's mission to Kosovo. Think you should tell the UN secretary-general as he doesn't seem to know anything about it. A 'unique' exception perhaps? Certainly put's your whole post in perspective doesn't it.

Bad Gorilla:

Kosovo is indeed 'fully occupied' by NATO, & likely to stay that way.


Didn't include this in previous post, but seeing as you brought it up..

Ahtisaari plan was never ratified by UN as Russia said veto would be employed if an attempt was made.

And let's not forget the bribery allegations made against Ahtisaari while he was in Kosovo.

See C.. :)


A child's life in Serbia is precious by anyone's standards.. save perhaps that of NATO & the US.

Seems to me that their 'smart bombs' are a far greater threat to kids that any serb or (I hope) K-albanian.


Is one thing to say that 'serbs in Kosovo' have all these fine rights under a K-albanian UDI. The reality is of course quite different. Suggest you go tell all 'those serbs' attending Zadušnice on saturday.

Would be heartening to the mothers, fathers, sisters & brothers who had to travel to serb cemetaries in K-albanian territory under armed escort.

And would no doubt reassure them after finding the graves of their kin desecrated & vandalised on a day on which they mourn their dead.

Another Canadian Serb

pre 17 godina

For all that are challenged with Geography and it's relationship with Percentages. It is very simple, for instance
Serbia has an approximate population of 10 Million people whereas Kosovo has a population of 1.7 Million and therfore Kosovo in relation only represents a value of 17%. Can somebody please explain this to our Albanian posters.

Gunar Knob

pre 17 godina

Sure, Pieter.. if you say so...
Not following your orders would be against the law, right?!
Laughable, really.
Anyhow - you go tiger, go... punish those Serbs.. and make sure you do it in accordance with the norms and values of EU..


pre 17 godina

Okay, lets just - for a sec - dig beneath the surface and beyond legal niceties:

There is one COMMON link between UNMIK, KFOR and EULEX => It is the European Union. The EU is the major contributor to UNMIK (whose fourth pillar, dealing with economy is entirely EU-run; including int'l civil servants & UNMIK Police).

The EU makes up the single biggest military contribution to KFOR.

The Union has launched EULEX - an entirely EU-run operation.

Now...the world of legalists is surely one of ultimate intrigue. They claim they are against the EU, but YES for KFOR, while forgetting all the while that the EU is the major component of both. They claim they are for UN, but not EU - again forgetting UNMIK in Kosovo represents nothing but a legal cover on which EU functions in Kosovo.

Now, lets cut to the chase: Kostunica and his advisors can whine all day and act it all up that they have no idea who Peter Feith is. Truth of the matter is they have been dealing with the EU on Kosovo ever since UNMIK entered in 1999.

But, of course, the Serbian public is never tired of the national-legalistic discourse propelled by their leaders.

The Serbian body politic is effectively misleading the Serbian public by propelling legalistic arguments which deny the substantive importance of the EU as the nucleus of economic, political and military engine of the bulk of international activity in what is now Kosovo.

It's basically like this: lets create legal platforms on which one type of EU engagement (UNMIK) is legal, but another is illegal (EULEX). In the meantime, it ends up being implied that the EU is somehow only now installing itself in Kosovo - which is claimed illegal - which couldn't be farther from the truth.

The fact of the matter is: the EU is extending its rules of the game to the Western Balkans. The question is: does Serbia have the guts to eschew these rules, create its own, or play by Putin's playbook? All this in light of the fact that the major bulk of Serbia's trade and investment linkages point towards EU, not Moscow...


pre 17 godina

I think serbs like to live as albanians did not long time ago. They want to have their Schools, University, Ekonomy which will pay taxes to Kosova and not to take enything from Kosova. This were happening that time. We payed electricity, water, heating, roads, Vat until we didnt receive any dinar from the serbian government. What serbs doing now is different they dont pay nothing no vat, no electricity no water nothing. In other hand they receive salary from Kosova and Serbia this is bigg difference. But if serbs want not to ba payed by kosova government than this is OK. But they have to pay taxes, electricity, water, heating etc.


pre 17 godina

#to bmruslia

i see that youcomment on every day dialog that goes on on B92 radio.

but please Kosova will never be serbia again you had your chance and now is gone,, the best think serbia is to do accept the reality and go foword...

and also one mroe think Albainians never killed any of your kids like you did in Kosova..

the world dosetn beliove any more off serbian propaganda,,,,

The Highlinder

pre 17 godina

Guys dont start to get to upset its only the reality this guy is trying to break to you all , and all over the world, everyone is sick and tired of the Nationalist views that are coming from the Belgrade headquarters towards the 'other' for goods sake stop pretending and ilusinating over this subject anymore its a done deal. or as your govermants stance towards this issue is taking you back to 1989..you all now what follows with these kind of attitudes we seen it happen and it will certanly happen again if you carry on with this kind of ignorance, I know ,you know and every one on this planet knows that EU mission got approved and will continue, now whether you guys want to cary on shooting your selfs on the foot, cause thats the vibe im getting from everyone on the Pro-serbs side.
Good Day \


pre 17 godina

what Peter Faith says is that 5% cannot rule the 95%.

The same thing said teh free world to Milosevic on 1999, now to the new milosevic Mr Kostunica.


pre 17 godina


The special ties and transfer relate to the Ahtisaari Plan: the Serbian government basically being legally able to send funds to the Kosovo Serbs - but this transfer has to occur with the full knowledge of the government in Prishtina. Effectively, the government of Kosovo will have no claim on the money - it is simply recorded on the balance sheets of the Kosovo treasury, before it proceeds to the local Serbian municipal structures.

So, I guess, I suggest go read the Ahtisaari package before you claim to be oh-all-so-smart.


pre 17 godina

Peter Sudyka,

By our constitution serbs and not just serbs has more rights than albanians. They all rights. They have rights on schools, university, administration documents are in three languages albanian serbian and english. In parlamanet they have 10 seats guarantee even if they dont win any vote. They have veto on lot of things. They have local government and can do enything with their economy. They will receive help from central government. They have so many rights that no body in world could give to an minority. We did so because we now best how it is to be in a state which treat you with police, army and steel everything that you have. We offered them everything what we could exept our homes and our property which we build it so many times since 1912 when we became kolony of ex yougoslavia. We are not going to threat them or to take their property or burn it or kill them. We pay electricity for them, taxes, water and so on. They have better life here in Kosova than in Serbia. You can come here and ask them. Ask them what kind of tretman they have in serbia.

It is serbian government who push them to demonstrate and work against Kosova. They are freee to travel in Kosova no body will tuch them. But if they will continue to work against Kosova and against themslef then these benefits will go. Dont exepting state this mean thet you will give up from benefits that that state gives you.

peter, sydney

pre 17 godina

To all those who appear to be taking Pieter Feith seriously:

This man claims (as the EU's special representative to Kosovo), that EULEX's mission statement in Kosovo is to 'stabilise ' the region in line with the EU's support for the K-albanian unilateral declaration of independence (UDI). He further claims that the EU mission has authorisation under UN resolution 1244.

These claims are totally laughable.

Here are the reasons:

1. The EU has not recognised a K-albanian UDI. To claim that it has is to ignore at least 4 EU member states - Spain, Cyprus, Greece & Romania, any of which would veto any such recognition.

2. The UN has not & will not recognise a K-albanian UDI. The russian veto guarantees this quite apart from any other factors such as the 2/3rd's majority required in the general assembly.

3. The K-albanian UDI itself violates the UN charter & the Helsinki accords of 1975.

4. Any UN member state that recognises a K-albanian UDI is in breach of the UN charter it signed.

5. The K-albanian UDI violates UN resolution 1244 which currently governs the actions of all parties in Kosovo.

6. The EU mission EULEX itself violates UN resolution 1244 despite the EU claiming to have received authority from the UN secretary-general in the form of some 'letter' which was in fact never sent!
Any such letter can only originate from the UN security council & that's not going to happen.

7. After finding itself 'hung out to dry' by the UN, 'brussels' then seeks to unilaterally create 'an international steering group' to justify the legality of it's inherently illegal mission. Under whose authorisation pray tell? The 'pirates' in 'brussels' perhaps?

8. And the ultimate irony? That all of these machinations are meant to 'stabilise' the situation in Kosovo by inflaming serbs all over the place.

Good joke Mr Feith.

With the coming demise of the Bush administration & it's failed unilateral approach to foreign policy, one hopes that the bureaucrats in the EU will take note.

Gunboat diplomacy does not work.

Bad Gorilla

pre 17 godina

The Western Powers won't admit another Serb troublemaking para-state like Serb Krajina or Republika Srpska. Kosovo is fully occupied by NATO troops.

Peter Sudyka

pre 17 godina


I agree with the Kosovo constitution towards the Serbian minority, it does empower them a lot and technically speaking, there should be no problem with the Serbs accepting the conditions set out by Pristina, but the question I ask now is, if Serbia was to offer the same to Kosovo Albanians, would they accept?

It is obvious that ethnic nationalism is still strong and it will take a long time for these wounds to heal, this is why Kosovo must brace itself for Serbian disapproval, but I think that the next generation will see it differently. Time heals wounds better than anything.


pre 17 godina


"...On the other hand they will prove not to be better than Milosevic used to be. Actually Milosevic was even better, since he did not use any force to integrate Albanians into Serbian society, they were free to run parallel institutions and live independently from Belgrade."

Just when I thought I heard all the excuses from some of you folks, I got surprised once again. Someone may need to remind bmrusila that the reason the Albanians were forced to run parallel institutions was because they got booted from the state and provincial ones and replaced by Serbs as part of your "gracious" Milosevic agenda to strip the province of its autonomy.


Thank you for pointing out once again the obvious to some of the readers here. You may have to do it again soon I'm afraid.

But yes, the fact is that it is largely the EU and the U.S. that foot the bill for the peacekeeping and post-war reparations in Bosnia and Kosovo. It will be the EU that will keep on pumping its taxpayers' money in this region should the countries here ever join it. You can bet then that the EU will want to have a say in how affairs are run in Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania, and possibly Serbia (if it ever gets its act together). Whether we like it or not... beggars are not choosers.

Just for fun... a few more ironies:

Russia likes to be the "defender of international" law. Yet, only a few years ago the Russian army killed off Chechens in indiscriminate bombing of anything Chechen (remember Grozny?). Strikingly similar to Milosevic's approach to surpressing insurgencies, I'd say.

Putin provided the Milosevic regime with over $150 million in economic support while seeking debt relief from the international community and loans from the International Monetary Fund. He also hosted wanted war criminals during that time in Kremlin. At the same time Russia was getting food aid from the United States.

China invaded Tibet as it pleased in a "might makes right" type of move. It did the same thing against India. It resolved its territorial dispute with that country by simply invading.


pre 17 godina


"...On the other hand they will prove not to be better than Milosevic used to be. Actually Milosevic was even better, since he did not use any force to integrate Albanians into Serbian society, they were free to run parallel institutions and live independently from Belgrade."

Just when I thought I heard all the excuses from some of you folks, I got surprised once again. Someone may need to remind bmrusila that the reason the Albanians were forced to run parallel institutions was because they got booted from the state and provincial ones and replaced by Serbs as part of your "gracious" Milosevic agenda to strip the province of its autonomy.


Thank you for pointing out once again the obvious to some of the readers here. You may have to do it again soon I'm afraid.

But yes, the fact is that it is largely the EU and the U.S. that foot the bill for the peacekeeping and post-war reparations in Bosnia and Kosovo. It will be the EU that will keep on pumping its taxpayers' money in this region should the countries here ever join it. You can bet then that the EU will want to have a say in how affairs are run in Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania, and possibly Serbia (if it ever gets its act together). Whether we like it or not... beggars are not choosers.

Just for fun... a few more ironies:

Russia likes to be the "defender of international" law. Yet, only a few years ago the Russian army killed off Chechens in indiscriminate bombing of anything Chechen (remember Grozny?). Strikingly similar to Milosevic's approach to surpressing insurgencies, I'd say.

Putin provided the Milosevic regime with over $150 million in economic support while seeking debt relief from the international community and loans from the International Monetary Fund. He also hosted wanted war criminals during that time in Kremlin. At the same time Russia was getting food aid from the United States.

China invaded Tibet as it pleased in a "might makes right" type of move. It did the same thing against India. It resolved its territorial dispute with that country by simply invading.

afrim hoxha

pre 17 godina

RONALD, in fact in wchich planet do you and people like you live? Dont you already see that Kosova has already become independent?
lowe... Do you remember when you used to say that Kosova will loose the north? well Kosova was recognized as an independent country with the north also so dont even dream about north going with Serbia.


pre 17 godina

#to bmruslia

i see that youcomment on every day dialog that goes on on B92 radio.

but please Kosova will never be serbia again you had your chance and now is gone,, the best think serbia is to do accept the reality and go foword...

and also one mroe think Albainians never killed any of your kids like you did in Kosova..

the world dosetn beliove any more off serbian propaganda,,,,

The Highlinder

pre 17 godina

Guys dont start to get to upset its only the reality this guy is trying to break to you all , and all over the world, everyone is sick and tired of the Nationalist views that are coming from the Belgrade headquarters towards the 'other' for goods sake stop pretending and ilusinating over this subject anymore its a done deal. or as your govermants stance towards this issue is taking you back to 1989..you all now what follows with these kind of attitudes we seen it happen and it will certanly happen again if you carry on with this kind of ignorance, I know ,you know and every one on this planet knows that EU mission got approved and will continue, now whether you guys want to cary on shooting your selfs on the foot, cause thats the vibe im getting from everyone on the Pro-serbs side.
Good Day \


pre 17 godina

I think serbs like to live as albanians did not long time ago. They want to have their Schools, University, Ekonomy which will pay taxes to Kosova and not to take enything from Kosova. This were happening that time. We payed electricity, water, heating, roads, Vat until we didnt receive any dinar from the serbian government. What serbs doing now is different they dont pay nothing no vat, no electricity no water nothing. In other hand they receive salary from Kosova and Serbia this is bigg difference. But if serbs want not to ba payed by kosova government than this is OK. But they have to pay taxes, electricity, water, heating etc.


pre 17 godina

Peter Sudyka,

By our constitution serbs and not just serbs has more rights than albanians. They all rights. They have rights on schools, university, administration documents are in three languages albanian serbian and english. In parlamanet they have 10 seats guarantee even if they dont win any vote. They have veto on lot of things. They have local government and can do enything with their economy. They will receive help from central government. They have so many rights that no body in world could give to an minority. We did so because we now best how it is to be in a state which treat you with police, army and steel everything that you have. We offered them everything what we could exept our homes and our property which we build it so many times since 1912 when we became kolony of ex yougoslavia. We are not going to threat them or to take their property or burn it or kill them. We pay electricity for them, taxes, water and so on. They have better life here in Kosova than in Serbia. You can come here and ask them. Ask them what kind of tretman they have in serbia.

It is serbian government who push them to demonstrate and work against Kosova. They are freee to travel in Kosova no body will tuch them. But if they will continue to work against Kosova and against themslef then these benefits will go. Dont exepting state this mean thet you will give up from benefits that that state gives you.


pre 17 godina

what Peter Faith says is that 5% cannot rule the 95%.

The same thing said teh free world to Milosevic on 1999, now to the new milosevic Mr Kostunica.

Bad Gorilla

pre 17 godina

The Western Powers won't admit another Serb troublemaking para-state like Serb Krajina or Republika Srpska. Kosovo is fully occupied by NATO troops.

Peter Sudyka

pre 17 godina

How can the EU possibly expect Serbia to cooperate with them on their plan when they are completely against, have not and will not recognize the territorial integrity of Kosovo? You cannot force anyone to accept anything and they think that by offering Serbia EU membership they are compensating Serbia at all?

The EU must stop behaving like the US in the way that they cannot expect these two peoples to exist in peace and harmony for the next 40-50 years (when this current generation has died off), they cannot force cooperation between people who do not want to and they cannot expect that everyone will want to play their game by their rules.

You can't force people to live in a particular way, that is called tyranny, not freedom.

They should leave this territorial integrity of Kosovo as it is, send their mission to develop the infrastructure of the areas south of Mitrovica and let Serbia maintain its influence North of the Ibar River. The recognition of independence has and will only be done by a number of states anyway, so it is more of a superficial border, they should let the North exist as a de facto part of Serbia and a de jure part of Kosovo, if they are so adamant in dominating Kosovo.

Peter Sudyka

pre 17 godina


I agree with the Kosovo constitution towards the Serbian minority, it does empower them a lot and technically speaking, there should be no problem with the Serbs accepting the conditions set out by Pristina, but the question I ask now is, if Serbia was to offer the same to Kosovo Albanians, would they accept?

It is obvious that ethnic nationalism is still strong and it will take a long time for these wounds to heal, this is why Kosovo must brace itself for Serbian disapproval, but I think that the next generation will see it differently. Time heals wounds better than anything.


pre 17 godina

The EU, my god, i cannot even find the words to express my utter disgust and absolute anger at the double standards and actions which they have expressed towards the serbs.

"Kosovo's territorial integrity." You have to be kidding me. Oh you just make me sick, to the point which my stomach is literally vomitting at the thought of someone giving you some sort of power.
How dare you. You first of all support the illegal unilateral independence, thus completely spitting on Serbia's territorial integrity, then you have the nerver to say that the serbs must respect "kosovo's territorial integrity". I cant stand to even sit here and type knowing that these are the sorts of people who are in charge of EU relations and procedures.

"Our agenda gives Serbs special links, which includes a transfer of funds from Belgrade, if necessary."
Alright you have officially forced me to declare you to have less mental capacity than that of a gold fish.
O.K. So, albanians wanted kosovo independent, but apparently Belgrade has to fund them. Does this funding include, paying to set up electricity, water, and other supplies. And how is it that you expect Belgrade to transfer these funds when they are meant to have "transparent ties"... thus, any money that is sent through, must be given out to the serbs by a politician. Seeing that most of the politicians (i.e. all) are albanian, you expect us to trust them with the safety and well being of Serbs? WOW!

Do me a favour, gets your eyes checked, have your ears cleaned, and scrape out all of that proverbial filth coming out of your mouth, and only then can you even address anyone.

Now does everybody see why kosovo independence is not only illegal, but a complete joke?


pre 17 godina

Afrim... don´t fool yourself...

the Serbs will be there, when the US are gonna travel home...

and then, my dear, let´s talk again about it. ;)

there is no basis for any kind of "territorial integrity" of Kosovo, since UNSC 1244 is still in force.

wake up, kids.

that means, besides the revokable declarations of some european countries, all the world knows that Kosovo is Serbia.

no discussions about it.


pre 17 godina


The special ties and transfer relate to the Ahtisaari Plan: the Serbian government basically being legally able to send funds to the Kosovo Serbs - but this transfer has to occur with the full knowledge of the government in Prishtina. Effectively, the government of Kosovo will have no claim on the money - it is simply recorded on the balance sheets of the Kosovo treasury, before it proceeds to the local Serbian municipal structures.

So, I guess, I suggest go read the Ahtisaari package before you claim to be oh-all-so-smart.


pre 17 godina

Such a comment to be made is an absolute disgrace which shows complete disregard for Serbian rights and total and utter double standards. How can the EU show pure contempt for the territorial integrity of Serbia (sovereign and united nations member) but then claim to protect the integrity of a region that is not even a nation!
And don't make me laugh with this unilateral declaration as Kosovo will NEVER gain a seat at the United Nations thus making it impossible to be run economically and diplomatically. When the EU realize the mistake they have made they will be forced to retract their recognition as will the US eventually. This will be due to Kosovo desperately needing the support of Belgrade to simply survive. International law simply can't be ignored and the VAST majority of nations recognize that such a move will take the world back to times before the great war.

Princip, UK

pre 17 godina

"The EU has insisted that its support for the unilateral declaration of independence and the decision to send a mission to the province was motivated by a desire to stabilize the region"

- well I guess that is the whole crux of the matter - there is NO EU support what so ever fro the ILLEGAL declaration of secession! Mr Feith is on a losing streak even before he has begun with his INLEX (lawless) Kosovo Mission!

I guess like many have said he covets his health pay check and needs to keep it going as long as he can! Well thats fine but he can have very little impact given his word is ignored and his mission has no legality! This is creating an ever greater limbo scenario and is highly unlikely to be stabilising once the deceived wake up from their self induced non-independence/Dependece coma! This is turining into a frozen conflict limbo farce faster then I thought!

Oh what a tangle web we weave and how easily some are deceived!!!

Peter V

pre 17 godina

First he says EULEX got jurisdiction from UNMIK and he hasnt gotten a letter from Ban, and then Ban comes out and says UNMIK still has jurisdiction and that he sent the letter to Fieth. He is a liar, whos trying to lie his way out of the situation. pretty soon his web of lies will catch hima nd hel be stuck


pre 17 godina

Ok, now the EU plays the role of dictatorship and I can feel it in Feith’s voice. Well, soon he will be very well aware that he or the EU has no power to integrate Serbs into Albanian led society. If they try to use the force in order to integrate Serbs then they risk the military involvement of Serbia and most likely Russia as well.

On the other hand they will prove not to be better than Milosevic used to be. Actually Milosevic was even better, since he did not use any force to integrate Albanians into Serbian society, they were free to run parallel institutions and live independently from Belgrade.

Mr Feith and the EU should accept the reality on the ground as the Serbs do not want to do anything under Albanian nor the EU's rule. Serbs in Kosovo will be completely under Belgrade’s umbrella and run their lives independently from Pristina’s criminal government. Serbs only use the same principle as Albanians used to do.

Serbs choose silent boycott of everything Albanian.

Laura, Prishtina

pre 17 godina

Naturally, anything that diturbs/touches sovereignty and territorial intergrity of Kosovo will set a danger precedent in the Balkans and throughout the world.


pre 17 godina

On which planet does this guy live.

First off, this is an illegal declaration.


Even if this was an legal declaration, if K-Albanians get to secceed, then so the K-Serbs have that same right.

You cannot gtrant one group special rights and deny an other group the same rights.

That feith's role has played out even before it has begun.


pre 17 godina

"what (What) Peter (Pieter)Faith (Feith) says is that 5% cannot rule the 95%.

The same thing said teh (the) free world to Milosevic on 1999, now to the new milosevic Mr Kostunica.
(ben, 2 March 2008 23:19)"

(Grammar corrections in between parentheses)

Kosovo Albanian are only 20% of the population in Serbia. Since Kosovo was never an official republic in Yugoslavia it did and does not have the same rights as the real republics that became independent after Yugoslavia fell apart. The illegal autonamy given under communist rule was revoked legally as every country would have done under those circumstances. There is no territorial integrity of Kosova, only the official, UN approved territorial integrity of The Republic of Serbia. By the way, calling PM Kostunica another Milosevic shows a complete lack of basic education and common sense.

Jan (Amsterdam)

pre 17 godina

The UN should show immediately who has the final word. This man must be removed ASAP. Either he did not understand what the UN Secretary General told last week or he is some ignorant to ignore it all. It is better for the EU to back down on this on otherwise lots of trouble will be coming. Serbia, Serbs and Kosovo Serbs, most of the European people are standing by you. Please do not give in and you will be victorious.


pre 17 godina

"No autonomy, canton for Serbs in north"

Well, Pasha Feith, it's your headache, not mine. Your little villayet has enough problems as it stands now. Why add the extra burden of encouraging more resistance from your dhimmi class?

Gunar Knob

pre 17 godina

Sure, Pieter.. if you say so...
Not following your orders would be against the law, right?!
Laughable, really.
Anyhow - you go tiger, go... punish those Serbs.. and make sure you do it in accordance with the norms and values of EU..


pre 17 godina

"EU's special representative to Kosovo Pieter Feith says Serbs in northern Kosovo will get neither a canton nor autonomy."

Feith is, pervesely, right. The K-Serbs want neither autonomy nor a canton. They just want to remain Serbians and the current de facto situation suits them just fine.

Another Canadian Serb

pre 17 godina

Serbs in the North should start the evacuation process and head to one of the European Nations that have recognized independence for Kosovo. The EU's mission has been a great success in the fact that they have finished their ethnic cleansing of the Serbs in Kosovo. I am sure the EU Nations will be happy to receive some more population growth. Once the EVACUATION is complete all UN, NATO and other Clubs can go home for EASTER.

International Observer

pre 17 godina

"this can only be done with the full respect of the Kosovo government and the territorial integrity of Kosovo".

Beyond belief!


pre 17 godina

So the Serbs are to be held in Ghetto,s as the Jews were in the 2nd World war. The EU talk about a multi-ethnic Kosovo, well the Serbs have almost gone ,the Bosnians also and the Roma live in conditions tanatamount to the worst i have seen in the Bombay slums. Is this guy saying to the Non Albanian population you can live under the Nato guns or lump it and leave, ie if you don,t like our version of Democracy go to Serbia?. Well thats what it looks like from here.Funny how Kosovo is a Serbian name for the province and that the majority of towns villages have Serbian names. Guess thats just history now.


pre 17 godina

It is truly amazing how much arrogant the EU are getting and are how can live with a organization like that on its borders. They feel they can dictate to countries not even in the EU that is truly amazing. With their total nonsense saying the European way and perspective they think they are the only ones that have it which are only Brussels self serving ways. A few of the big members that steer it and hide behind it they tune every one else out truly Brussels EU is a dangerous. They feel and think they are above all the laws and in no way they don't apply to them. IF you want a law they will make up one to their self serving benefit or a treaty to their liking and advantage truly a dangerous organization and getting worse.

peter, sydney

pre 17 godina

Ronald... you quite literally took the worlds right out of my mouth. What planet indeed. Certainly no place with a high sanity index.


pre 17 godina

I don't think it's possible for Kosovo to have any territorial integrity except as part of the sovereign state of Serbia. All those states that recognised Kosovo have rubbished the idea that states have territorial integrity.

It is an irony that the most lawless corner of europe should itself become a phoney illegal state.

Jovan z

pre 17 godina

BRAVO! BRAVO! It is the plan of the EU/NATO/US that they will create and encourage every action to cause a reaction from Serbs from which they can justify further military action and cement their hold over Germany's old and pesky enemy in Srbija.Now they have this EU as a vehicle along with the US to take over all of Europe including the Balkans.And Srbija must be destroyed for this.When will our tragedy end?


pre 17 godina

Mr Feith is nervous. He has signed a contract for a fabulous salary from an unlegitimate EU mission on Serbia territory, and sees that EU will soon withraw him if he does not do something. Only that he can provoke a war by being a dilettant.

MiLan T.O.

pre 17 godina

I surely hope that Mr Feith is funding his own stay in prishtina, and the EU tax payers don't have to foot the bill.. i mean, the EU mission is non-existant and illegal according to the United Nations, so why on Earth should the tax payers pay for his stay??

This gentleman obviously lives in his own little world where everything is just peachy.

Kosovo IS Serbia.

Another Canadian Serb

pre 17 godina

For all that are challenged with Geography and it's relationship with Percentages. It is very simple, for instance
Serbia has an approximate population of 10 Million people whereas Kosovo has a population of 1.7 Million and therfore Kosovo in relation only represents a value of 17%. Can somebody please explain this to our Albanian posters.


pre 17 godina

Okay, lets just - for a sec - dig beneath the surface and beyond legal niceties:

There is one COMMON link between UNMIK, KFOR and EULEX => It is the European Union. The EU is the major contributor to UNMIK (whose fourth pillar, dealing with economy is entirely EU-run; including int'l civil servants & UNMIK Police).

The EU makes up the single biggest military contribution to KFOR.

The Union has launched EULEX - an entirely EU-run operation.

Now...the world of legalists is surely one of ultimate intrigue. They claim they are against the EU, but YES for KFOR, while forgetting all the while that the EU is the major component of both. They claim they are for UN, but not EU - again forgetting UNMIK in Kosovo represents nothing but a legal cover on which EU functions in Kosovo.

Now, lets cut to the chase: Kostunica and his advisors can whine all day and act it all up that they have no idea who Peter Feith is. Truth of the matter is they have been dealing with the EU on Kosovo ever since UNMIK entered in 1999.

But, of course, the Serbian public is never tired of the national-legalistic discourse propelled by their leaders.

The Serbian body politic is effectively misleading the Serbian public by propelling legalistic arguments which deny the substantive importance of the EU as the nucleus of economic, political and military engine of the bulk of international activity in what is now Kosovo.

It's basically like this: lets create legal platforms on which one type of EU engagement (UNMIK) is legal, but another is illegal (EULEX). In the meantime, it ends up being implied that the EU is somehow only now installing itself in Kosovo - which is claimed illegal - which couldn't be farther from the truth.

The fact of the matter is: the EU is extending its rules of the game to the Western Balkans. The question is: does Serbia have the guts to eschew these rules, create its own, or play by Putin's playbook? All this in light of the fact that the major bulk of Serbia's trade and investment linkages point towards EU, not Moscow...


pre 17 godina

I think serbs like to live as albanians did not long time ago. They want to have their Schools, University, Ekonomy which will pay taxes to Kosova and not to take enything from Kosova. This were happening that time. We payed electricity, water, heating, roads, Vat until we didnt receive any dinar from the serbian government. What serbs doing now is different they dont pay nothing no vat, no electricity no water nothing. In other hand they receive salary from Kosova and Serbia this is bigg difference. But if serbs want not to ba payed by kosova government than this is OK. But they have to pay taxes, electricity, water, heating etc.
(Beni, 2 March 2008 22:30)

Serbs have always paid taxes to beograd and that will continue. Also we have a serbian police force that will report to beograd if there are any offenders, rest assured, no money will be stolen from serbia! Thankyou for your concern however.

peter, sydney

pre 17 godina

To all those who appear to be taking Pieter Feith seriously:

This man claims (as the EU's special representative to Kosovo), that EULEX's mission statement in Kosovo is to 'stabilise ' the region in line with the EU's support for the K-albanian unilateral declaration of independence (UDI). He further claims that the EU mission has authorisation under UN resolution 1244.

These claims are totally laughable.

Here are the reasons:

1. The EU has not recognised a K-albanian UDI. To claim that it has is to ignore at least 4 EU member states - Spain, Cyprus, Greece & Romania, any of which would veto any such recognition.

2. The UN has not & will not recognise a K-albanian UDI. The russian veto guarantees this quite apart from any other factors such as the 2/3rd's majority required in the general assembly.

3. The K-albanian UDI itself violates the UN charter & the Helsinki accords of 1975.

4. Any UN member state that recognises a K-albanian UDI is in breach of the UN charter it signed.

5. The K-albanian UDI violates UN resolution 1244 which currently governs the actions of all parties in Kosovo.

6. The EU mission EULEX itself violates UN resolution 1244 despite the EU claiming to have received authority from the UN secretary-general in the form of some 'letter' which was in fact never sent!
Any such letter can only originate from the UN security council & that's not going to happen.

7. After finding itself 'hung out to dry' by the UN, 'brussels' then seeks to unilaterally create 'an international steering group' to justify the legality of it's inherently illegal mission. Under whose authorisation pray tell? The 'pirates' in 'brussels' perhaps?

8. And the ultimate irony? That all of these machinations are meant to 'stabilise' the situation in Kosovo by inflaming serbs all over the place.

Good joke Mr Feith.

With the coming demise of the Bush administration & it's failed unilateral approach to foreign policy, one hopes that the bureaucrats in the EU will take note.

Gunboat diplomacy does not work.

peter, sydney

pre 17 godina

afrim hoxha:

A K-albanian unilateral declaration of independence (UDI)does not equate to independence for Kosovo. UDI is nor recognised by either the UN or EU - save in your own dreams of course & notwithstanding commedians like Feith. And 'north' isn't going anywhere - last I looked, was still part of Serbia.

The Highlinder:

Is funny you speaking for 'everyone on the planet' in relation to the approval of the EU's mission to Kosovo. Think you should tell the UN secretary-general as he doesn't seem to know anything about it. A 'unique' exception perhaps? Certainly put's your whole post in perspective doesn't it.

Bad Gorilla:

Kosovo is indeed 'fully occupied' by NATO, & likely to stay that way.


Didn't include this in previous post, but seeing as you brought it up..

Ahtisaari plan was never ratified by UN as Russia said veto would be employed if an attempt was made.

And let's not forget the bribery allegations made against Ahtisaari while he was in Kosovo.

See C.. :)


A child's life in Serbia is precious by anyone's standards.. save perhaps that of NATO & the US.

Seems to me that their 'smart bombs' are a far greater threat to kids that any serb or (I hope) K-albanian.


Is one thing to say that 'serbs in Kosovo' have all these fine rights under a K-albanian UDI. The reality is of course quite different. Suggest you go tell all 'those serbs' attending Zadušnice on saturday.

Would be heartening to the mothers, fathers, sisters & brothers who had to travel to serb cemetaries in K-albanian territory under armed escort.

And would no doubt reassure them after finding the graves of their kin desecrated & vandalised on a day on which they mourn their dead.


pre 17 godina

"lowe... Do you remember when you used to say that Kosova will loose the north? well Kosova was recognized as an independent country with the north also so dont even dream about north going with Serbia.
(afrim hoxha, 2 March 2008 14:11) "

afrim hoxha,

a few corrections are in order here:

1. the north is currently de facto independent -- the K-Serbs are running their own lives there now and cooperating with Belgrade. Do you see a single Albanian official from Pristina there???

2. Kosovo declared independence. But this independence has no legitimacy as far as the UN is concerned. You will remain outside the UN indefintely. Kosovo south of the Ibar will become an EU colony. If you call that true independence, well its your choice, but I would beg very much to differ with such an interpretation of an independent country.


pre 17 godina


The special ties and transfer relate to the Ahtisaari Plan: the Serbian government basically being legally able to send funds to the Kosovo Serbs - but this transfer has to occur with the full knowledge of the government in Prishtina. Effectively, the government of Kosovo will have no claim on the money - it is simply recorded on the balance sheets of the Kosovo treasury, before it proceeds to the local Serbian municipal structures.

So, I guess, I suggest go read the Ahtisaari package before you claim to be oh-all-so-smart.
(C, 2 March 2008 16:12)

Before you try to preach your western political idealism and so whole hearted "truths", do me a favour; take a good stern look at the situation in Kosovo. You go onto to talk about the Ahtisaari Plan. OK, do me a favour, why don’t you read about UN Resolution 1244, and how, according to the UN, Serbia's territorial integrity will in no way be jeopardised, and which also states that any force entering Kosovo, will be illegally doing so, and thus, be an enemy on Serbian territory.

I’m going to propose one thing to you. If you think that the albanians or the EU are going to give a flying hoot about Serbian funds, then answer me this. Why is it that they should just "monitor" the fund transfer, considering the fact they went against a number of treaties/charters, not to mention a UN resolution. They even have forced the implementation of the Ahtisaari Plan which was not agreed upon by Serbia, and veto-ed by Russia. So if you can sit there for even a brief second and tell me that "before it proceeds to the local Serbian municipal structures" that it wont be delivered by albanians or EU diplomats, then you, are in every single term and aspect of the word "wrong."

I still cannot believe the dim witted ignorance of the K-albanians. Do they actually believe that america, or its puppet the EU, gives a toothpick's worth about the will of the albanians?

How many places seek independence? And why is it that only Kosovo is allowed to? Well, if I’m 18 years of age, and just a member of the public in Australia, and I can already see the faults in Kosovo independence, what makes you think that the EU and america haven't already predicted all this long before?

Why Kosovo you may ask?
America needed a place to set up "anti Iranian missile defence systems." But why not Slovakia? Or the pre proposed places? Simple. The fact of the matter is, America cannot set up any sort of "ballistic/anti ballistic missiles/defence" on sovereign land. Think about it. What would america do if Russia was to put up "missile defence" in Cuba, or even Mexico and claim that it is "anti Indian missile defence."
Ah, yes, but then again, why Kosovo? Well considering the fact that Kosovo was illegally torn from Serbia, against the UN resolution, it is now in a "political" limbo. With no side able to declare what can and can't be done on the land, it is clearly an easy option for america to build bases and “defence” systems there. Knowing that Kosovo will never be a EU member, nor a UN member (nor NATO as it is not allowed to recruit illegal states) due to vetos from a lot of countries, it is going to be a bottomless pit for decades to come.

Some may ask why not Cyprus? Ah, but heres the loop hole, Greece is a EU member is it not? And the EU cannot do as it likes with the land of its members. And many other areas are too close to Russia and tied up with Russia. (i.e. Georgian areas, Taiwan and so forth). Where as with Serbia, they couldn't care less.

OK, so back to how this all ties in with Pieter and your comments. If it is possible for the EU, to go and illegally take land from a sovereign country and not have anyone do anything about it. What on god’s green earth honestly possesses you to believe that they would care about whether the funds reach the Serbs or end up like Kosovo, stuck in limbo?

Oh yes, and the comments made by Pieter. As "Another Canadian Serb" has pointed out (thank you), albanians make up 17%. So why is it that 17% can choose the fate of the other 83% and steal land? Oh the double standards of the EU. Thats right. Silly me to think that it was just plain old bad luck.

Now you go do me a favour, try get out of your shell, and see outside of the box, it might surprise you as to how much you and the rest of the albanians have been swindled.

From someone who looks at it from every angle.


pre 17 godina


I always wondered do people like you live on the same planet. Are u suggesting that the US is involed every where on this planet just to defend human rights and planatary peace?

Why dont add Vietnam or Iraq to your list?!
The US gouverment has zero cerdibility to talk about human rights outside its borders.