pre 10 godina
pre 10 godina
pre 16 godina
By the way, James, 'and' has a 'd' on the end of it.
pre 16 godina
Message to the EU: Seek a mutually agreed solution between the parties. Pressure the Albanians to make concessions to do so. This will bring recognition to Kosovo and close the final page.
pre 16 godina
Razvan: "As long as UN resolutions are not respected, what's the use of this Organization?"
Exactly, well said, that's what makes it such a serious issue. You've hit the nail on the head.
Philip - I am English too and echo your sentiments completely. I just hope that some of the mainstream media pick up on this story.
A good article in The Spectator today worth looking at []
James, as you can see, even at times like this B92 publishes comments such as yours. Good on them, and you would certainly not find this level of free speech in Kosovo.
In case you didn't know, people are terrified of speaking out against any of the Kosovan Albanian activities. No doubt it will all come out soon.
But I would like to know why you are so happy for Britain to break international law. This is a very myopic attitude. It's not 1999 with the bandwagon to jump on, and the post Milosevic (formerly) pro European Serbia certainly didn't deserve to have 15% of its territory wrenched away.
You may be happy for the UK to financially and militarily support an illegal statelet which has no interest other than to please the US, but I most certainly am not.
pre 16 godina
my information on Romania and its reasons came from another Romanian poster here ('George the Romanian' I think) on another article, who was also talking about Moldova and relations with Russia and also about the friendship with Serbia, that you mentioned again.
The author of the article was suggesting that the neighbors would feel neglected (the whole phrase makes it sound not like 'neglected' but like 'jealous') about EU money going to Kosovo, not me. I took Romania just as an example. That could have been Bulgaria or any other country.
The things that you say about what would happen if the Hungarian minority did this and that make a lot of sense. Unfortunately, that is not what was done by the Serbian regime in the 90s to Albanians.
I didn't take personally anything you said..
pre 16 godina
Philip, I am English an proud that my government was one of the first to recognise Kosova as an independent state.
...but of course this is a serbian site an do not expect my comments to be published!!!
God Bless the people of Kosova.
pre 16 godina
I'm writing this to you because you are mentioning the name of my country several times.
You say: "As for the recognition of independence, the countries that disagreed, mostly did that because of internal problems (Spain, Cyprus, Romania)."
First of all, you must know that Romania is not afraid about potential problems with its minorities. We have merely a disagreement with the Hungarian minority, based on the fact that they want autonomy based on ethnicity, while we want to offer local autonomy, which is not based on ethnicity, because European law stipulates that minorities are not entitled to collective rights. Even if they would wish to proclaim independence, it would be impossible, because the region were they are living is in the middle of Romania and it would be impossible to create a State in State. On the other hand, if Hungarians would try to provoke us, starting to make demonstrations for independence, then we would let them demonstrate, and if they would become violent, then we would file a protest to EU Parliament and if they would start to kill Romanians, then we would stay calm and count the victims, writing reports to EU and UN. We understood how things work in the New World Order and we adapted quick. They would have no chance to obtain independence. Luckily, they don't want it.
We have a word in Romania: "Our best friends are the Serbs and the Black Sea". I'm not going to speak for Spain or Cyprus, because I don't know what problems they have. It seems that you know better. I just want to tell you that WE have no problems. There is only one reason for which we disagree with Kosovo's independence, a reason that has to do on one hand with the UN resolution and on the other hand with the friendship that exists between Romanians and Serbs.
Not everything in this world is based only on interest, as you suggest. There are some things that are still based on law and friendship.
And because I mentioned "law", I must observe that Kosovar Politicians don't have quite a good relation to it. Most of them have a very doubtful past and very doubtful connections, and my strong impression is that the declaration of independence was made more for the money that will come from EU, than for the Kosovar people.
You say: "Any Romanians feeling jealous about EU help going to Kosovo here?"
I have to tell you that I don't feel jealous, just concerned. The EU money you are talking about is collected from all EU States, Romania included. As new members of EU, we receive a certain amount of money on projects we present, and we contribute to EU budget with another amount. Last year we contributed to EU budget without receiving any money, because we didn't present any projects due to the internal political fights. Therefore, taxes here are rising and multiplying and life is far from being the Paradise you imagine. It's difficult for me to accept that I must pay more money now, for fantasies behind that are very clear financial interests.
Please don't take it personal. I don't hate Albanians. There are Albanians living in Romania and we have no problems with them. They integrated very well in our society, they learned our language and they work honestly. Some Albanians are here for many generations while others emigrated in the last ten years. All of them are very good Romanian Citizens.
I wrote this long comment, because some of the affirmations made about Romania were not true.
As for the United Nations, I think that the member countries should decide if they keep it working or not. As long as UN resolutions are not respected, what's the use of this Organization?
pre 16 godina
I am British and am thoroughly ashamed of my Government's part in facilitating this rogue state. We Europeans will all live to regret this one day.
Kosovo is at the heart of Serbia. We need to keep it that way.
Thank you Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Paddy Ashdown and the EU élite for giving Europe its very own radical Muslim state.
I just wish I knew what I could do to help you.
Support Serbia!
pre 16 godina
"First, however many states may recognize it, Kosovo's independence is still illegal in international law. As the EU is trying to bolster the rule of law in international relations, this is an own goal"
How many nationalities have gained independence after the UN was formed? Wasn't Yugoslavia a sovereign country? When enough states recognize Kosovo's independence, then the next step will be realized. International law hasn't done a really great job in the last 50 years either, how many wars have there been? It didn't protect the Kosovo Albanians in 1998-1999. It didn't help them either in the previous years, when they were PEACEFULLY
asking for their rights. Human rights are international laws too, aren't they? I remember the end of 1996 when the majority of the Kosovo people and Ibrahim Rugova still believed the KLA did not exist, that the rumours were just provocations from the Serbian regime. How did the Serbian regime respect human rights then?
"Secondly, Kosovo lacks the ability to run its own affairs. The EU is sending a 2,000 strong mission to
reinforce the justice system. Nor can Kosovo manage its own security. No colony has ever been granted independence on such a weak basis"
The EU is mostly welcome to help. They should do the same for all the Balkans and "reeducate" us to live with each other, Serbs and Albanians. The undeveloped justice and security systems that this guy talks about are really sensitive issues, nobody will let them in the hands of one ethnicity only, it is too early. So it is natural that the justice system needs to be reinforced and that the security is not fully functional yet. It is natural that there must be a gradual and supervised passing of powers and competences from the international community to the hands of the local people, if they do well.
"Thirdly, with 40 per cent unemployment, a failing economy, poor infrastructure, high levels of organized
crime, significant outward migration, an independent Kosovo is simply unviable without massive external support"
Yeah support is necessary, but we are talking about a little country, with a lot of emmigrants, so the support
won't be that massive. The strongest support that Kosovo needs right now is in strengthening the institutions
and I am glad that EU is there. Things very likely will proceed in the european way, not in the balkan way.
"Fourth, encouraging Kosovo down the independence path has split the EU, damagingly, between those countries that recognize Kosovo and those that do not. It has also opened a chasm in relations between a majority of states and Serbia, and a minority and Kosovo. To claim that the EU is united in its approach
to Kosovo is blatantly untrue. All we can say is that for want of a common policy we agree to differ."
They were united in sending a mission, which I think is even more important than independence itself for the future of the whole region. As for the recognition of independence, the countries that disagreed, mostly did that because of internal problems (Spain, Cyprus, Romania). They ALL agreed that Europe must take responsability, by sending the mission, though.
"But if the EU cannot agree a common policy towards Kosovo, how can it expect to unite around a common policy
towards Russia or an international climate change treaty? Moreover, this rift is not likely to heal swiftly.
The probability is that it will fester, causing continuing disharmony"
Aren't we mixing apples and peaches here? Kosovo with global climate? What is the connection?Disagreement on
Kosovo doesn't mean disagreement on international climate change treaty. As for the common politics towards Russia, I don't think the EU will ever be united in the near future. EU is still very diverse.
"Fifth, Kosovo independence is likely to prove costly. The whole apparatus of statehood has to be funded. Already over a billion euro has been pledged - almost twice what the EU is sending to Afghanistan in the
same period. Olli Rehn, the enlargement commissioner, said this week it was necessary to support Kosovo ‘so that we don't have to pour in EU taxpayers money for ever and have a black hole in the Balkans.' But that is precisely what we have now done!"
So if it will be costly, Europe should just let the situation rot there? It would have been transformed into a black hole pretty soon, if nothing had been done. Serbia certainly wouldn't have spent its taxpayers money there, in its "heartland". And the taxpayers money will not go there forever, this is 100% sure.
"Sixth, our willingness to sanction illegal independence will give succor to communities tempted down the
same route. While it is unlikely that Kosovo will have an immediate resonance in Catalonia, or even Scotland,
we have created a dangerous precedent. Who knows by whom it may be exploited in the future?"
I have never heard of Scotland or Catalonia being abused in the extent Kosovo was. The Scottish vote every now and then on what they want to do, if they want independence or not.
"Seventh, and to what end? For Kosovo will not really be independent at all. A Kosovo passport will hardly become a travel document of choice. Nor will there be a Kosovo seat at the UN. Kosovo has swapped its status as a UN protected vassal of Serbia, for that of a UN protected vassal of the EU. Apart from the satisfaction
of being able to poke Serbia in the eye, independence is effectually meaningless"
First, better EU than Serbia. Second, EU will not stay there forever. When things start running well and I am sure they will, EU will go away, actually we will be EU. This was not done for the satisfaction of poking Serbia in the eye. That is so stupid to say. This was done to solve the problem of two million people. It "creates a problem" for 120'000 people and that problem is dealt with really well in the Ahtisaari package.
"Eighth, there is no obvious exit strategy! Olli Rehn expects matters to "settle" That is a big expectation.
Iraq was once similarly expected to "settle". It is doubtful that Serbia will "settle" either, to judge from
the Serb Foreign Minister's recent ferocious speech to the European Parliament. So it is not clear what the endgame will be. Can we imagine, ten years hence, Serb and Kosovo ministers meekly sharing a table to discuss Cyprus, or Russia or even renewable energy?"
Again mixing apples and peaches. Kosovo and Iraq are very different. And by the way, the situation in Iraq is much better in the last months. The problem with Iraq was the management of the afterwar. The american army wanted to do everything by
itself and now they are cooperating much more with the local population.
Yes I can immagine Serb and Kosovo ministers together
sharing a table. If it took only ten years that would be great. It will be more than ten though.
"Ninth, the finance and personnel flowing into Kosovo may themselves cause problems if neighboring states feel
neglected. That won't assist relations. Meanwhile within Kosovo itself there is a danger of building
dependency - an economy reliant on EU subsidy, employment dominated by the state sector, hand-outs instead of enterprise. A state supported by the EU but without the independent ability to accede to the EU. This could lead to Kosovo feeling like a colonized people, rather than independent citizens, delaying rather than accelerating,
their EU accession;"
Is he really saying that the neighboring countries would feel jealous that the oppurtunity offered to them is being offered to their neighbors in Kosovo? He is underestimating the neighboring countries. Just a few days ago I read that Romania received 4.25 billion
Euro to help with employment. Would Romania feel jealous for example? Any Romanians feeling jealous about EU help going
to Kosovo here?
It is up to the EU and to the people of Kosovo to not let that kind of dependency be there forever. I have faith that the EU will do things right. Supervised means something.
"Last, the focus on, and the tensions over, Kosovo could delay the timetable for Western Balkan accession as a whole. This risks upsetting the stability of the region as a whole and increases the potential for renewed violence."
In the first phrase he may be right, in the second he is wrong. The region will be more stable, even if accession is delayed. It took how many years to Romania and Bulgaria to get in the EU? Did they become unstable from that?
pre 16 godina
Winston: "Why doesn't B92 re-publish reports or articles written by acknowledged experts, such as those from the International Crisis Group, European Stability Initiative and a dozen other organisations?"
You must be joking!! Don't you read any background information? For example, the ICG is packed full of the very people who were in charge of attacking Serbia in 1999. It's the retirement paddock for the likes of Louise Arbour.
The people that you are mentioning are as biased as they come, and will ALWAYS take a government led line, even if there's the occasional seed of independence thrown in occasionally for good measure.
Next you'll be saying that Human Rights Watch is apolitical!
pre 16 godina
I wasted my three minutes for nothing, who is this Peter Sain ley Nobody!?
Geta go...
pre 16 godina
It is sad that the UN is still a puppet of the United States of America. Very soon you would see Bosnia breaking, followed by Macedonia. This will be the begining and the countries in Europe and in other continents will pay for it in a very big way. Irresepective of what happened in Kosovo in 1999. i have lived the whole bombing in serbia and i really know what people have gone through in serbia.Soverinity of country has been taken away by the US who talks about liberty. I hope some day the same will happen in the US and the countries whom americans have been spitting at will be the first ones to recognise the same.What about the hague tribunal for kosovo. How many innocent people have been killed and it is always the serbs who have to pay for it. What about Taci and his people.We will have a lot more to discuss on the leaders of Kosovo. f we talk abpout crime the American Presidents including Clinton and Bush should be tried out in Hague for what ever they have done in this world and they are the ones to be given life imprisonment or to guantanomo bay.
pre 16 godina
Calling Kosava the "mother of Serbia" is totally ridiculous. No religious intonation should attempt to "capture" a place on a map. Jerusalem doesn't belong to Jews, Palestinians, or Christians either. Serbia lost Kosava when Milosevic attempted to create Serbioslavia. He did not a have a benevolent bone in his body, unlike Tito. Tito wasn't perfect, but...
Any state or republic subject to brute oppression, rape, murder, etc has every right to declare independence.
If the US oppressed its citizens in this manner, I'd support secession as well. Kosova is different than many nations. RS has no claim to independence. They are already a country within a country.
Now it is time for all of Europe to support Kosova instead of waltzing around! Russia is even more full of himself than our pathetic President Bush.
pre 16 godina
Excellent Article, in fact one of the best I've read on the subject. The ten reasons given are concise and to the point.
View from Canada from someone who is neither Serb nor Albanian.
pre 16 godina
Remarks from Independant was the remark to article from Ivan Marovic "The end of nationalism"-same page
pre 16 godina
Students, think what Ivan's intentions are? Learn you hystory because if you don't know your past, your future is uncertain.
Just think how much Serbian people had done since 90s to please the west and just how many slaps in the face they received as a reward.
So, knowing everything that was done to Serbian people, I don't believe this article is well intentinal to you students in Serbia.
Ofcause, there should be peaceful protest only, but I don't see that this unruly croud had guns and knives and went with intention of killing. Ask about killing on the streets of major American cities, then talk to me about unruly people.
So Ivica, you are trying very hard to stear more trouble for Serbian children, but most of these silly remarks that I read hardly come from Serbian students-they come from those that love to see Serbia go in flame again.
Serbian students, please love your country!!!
pre 16 godina
What a great article. He hit the nail right on the head.
This is a breath of fresh air from the usual anti-Serb we get from William Montgomery.
pre 16 godina
Interesting and wise article.
I think, that is time to stop this power games, conducted by the so-called super «powerful» countries (US, UK) followed by «idiotic» European countries like Germany, France, and Italy. A third group of European countries also followed these ones’, which I would baptize them as Jokers.
Kosovo started wrong since the very beginning when NATO decided to attack/bomb Yugoslavia 1999. But prior to this bombing US troops were providing military training to a group of the terrorist named «UCK» warriors in North of Albanian, precisely near the ABL (Administrative Boundary Line), of Kosovo. (Kukes, Bajram Curi, etc.). The so «famous» massacre of Racak – Pristina district, reported and supported by Head of OSCE Mr. William Walker, did in fact occurred? Why the result of the Investigation was never released?
The drowning of the children in March 2004, reported as the Kosovo Serbs being responsible, the investigations showed the otherwise. Why the Kosovo Albanians were not criticized for producing un-true excuses and once again make an ethnic cleansing?
To all the above questions a simple answer: Would not be Politic correct.
Where is the true in all this conflict?
There is no true, because the so mentioned powerful countries and others they cannot and will never accept or recognise their commitment and responsibility in the most recent conflicts/wars, like Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq etc.
At the end, WE normal people are the ones’ that are paying the bill of the US president and his jokers and idiotic European allies.
To all the mentioned countries, I appeal for Decency in their «judgements» to the world nations and the Respect of the International Law that your predecessors signed.
Joe Stewart
pre 16 godina
Dear Dexter,
I hope you will be able to get rid of that Genius from the White House, so that you don't have to pay anything anymore. Believe me that nobody needs the kind of help your country is offering right now. As a Romanian, I love America as much as I hate Russia, but your country is putting us lately in a very delicate situation towards Serbia. We always had the best relations with Serbs, since America was undiscovered territory. Good luck with your elections. Vote more wisely this year.
pre 16 godina
Out of the hundreds of analysis by those writing for EU publications, somebody working at the B92 English section choses this particular analysis, which reflects the line the Serbian authorities are taking. Even if this view was the prevalent view within the EU - which it is not - the author is not an expert, or even a well-known talking head.
Sadly, this is not a one-off. Commentaries chosen from foreign publications relating to Kosovo have a habit of reflecting the Serbian authorities viewpoint. I refer to the StratFor analysis published earlier by B92. StratFor has no Balkan expertise, is a heavily biased "thinktank" with no credibility in Washington and EU circles when it comes to either eastern Europe or the CIS. Why doesn't B92 re-publish reports or articles written by acknowledged experts, such as those from the International Crisis Group, European Stability Initiative and a dozen other organisations? Best guess would be the don't support the less than objective viewpoint of the person in charge of selecting these articles.
pre 16 godina
Kosovo was never a unique case! It was similar to many national liberation struggles round the world E.G. Kurds. The US supported the Turks (at least 30000 dead and 1000s of villages destroyed)but attacked the Serbs. Nothing to do with humanitarian intervention.
pre 16 godina
Great article Peter and good response Ruby - I agree wholeheartedly.
As for any criticism that Peter doesn't offer a solution - that's a bit rich! After the mess that's been created.
It is clear that there will be a partition and that the 'A' plan will be introduced in the rest of Kosovo south of the Ibar.
As soon as the Kosovo Albanian population see the reality of this situation there will be major problems.
Without ever having sovereignty, but only ever having nominal independence, there will be no UN or EU seat. People seem to overlook the fact that without legal recognition the UDI is meanlingless.
No country is intending to support Kosovo financially for the foreseeable future, and why should taxpayers have to support the defence, administration and social costs of an illegal statelet in another country?
There will be a lack of funding and investment, and virtually no control in running affairs. Kosovo becomes a protectorate independent in name only.
What a complete mess! Another terrible misjudgement by the US and most of the EU.
pre 16 godina
"We shall all pay for Kosovo's independence"
23 February 2008
Peter Sain ley Berry
What does you mean by "We"? Does the author means Serbia and Russia? There is no price to pay for stopping a ruthless country oppressing its "own" people if you fancy call it so or oppressing the non-Serbs if that fits better.
"It looks as though Kosovo will be hanging even more heavily around the necks of the international community and the European Union in particular for a great many years to come".
That "many years" will not take more time needed than any other new born country in the world history. Kosova has the advantage of a very good government, who is has a strong willing to serve to its citizens despite of their ethnic background, willing to fight crime and corruption and ensure a prosperous future for its citizens. Kosova's, and primarly joining the EU and NATO. Of course it will take some time to get there but NO COUNTRY has started running before they could walk. And Kosova is not a exception to that. That FACT that EU and NATO is in Kosova will speed up the process of assistance and integration to EU. No one can deny this. Kosova has the yougest population in EUROPE.
"But just because an aspiration is legitimate does not necessarily mean that it should be granted or even that it is wise".
If that was the case, then according to the auuthor it would have been wise and turn a blind eye and let Milosevic regime to finish off the ethnic cleansing in Kosova.
"On every continent we find enclaves that would prefer to live under a different jurisdiction: tribes, races, minorities, nations that never had their own state"
Each conflict has its own history and Kosova's independence is a lesson for all the regimes in the world that "if your resorts to force in solving political issues...your risk losing your own people and country".
When it comes to Kosova issue and oppression it came to the point that "enough is enough" and the world conscience woke up! To add on to this argument where in the history of Europe NATO had to intevene to stop the brutality of a regime?
"I have still to hear a convincing reason why the status quo could not have been maintained until such time as the whole region joined the European Union"
You will never here a "convicing reason" because you would never really want to hear as such. That theory would have served Serbia perfectly. Actually it served a lost since the war ended in 1999. Do you really think that the Serbs in the process of "negotiations" really wanted a REALISTIC negotiation? I give you just one clue. Looking at Kosova's history...Kosova as part of the Yugoslavia...its autonomuou status, break of Yugoslavia, the stripp of its status by Milosevic, war to stop the ethnic cleansing, Serbian police and army out of Kosova in 1999, look what Serbs proposed to President Ahtisari originally...then you might find a convincing reason as good as Kostunica can see.
Why unilateral declaration and acceptance?
Because Russia was not willing to back a solution through the UN. They threatened veto in the Security Council as Russia and Serbia were "offering" solutions that were VERY UNREALISTIC. The same thing with the EU. Towncountries like Cyprus threatened to use veto should EU have come on block to recognise Kosova independence. It is a paradox of modern history but I hope that soon EU will reform itself and not allowing these PARADOXAL attitude to block other countries integration.
pre 16 godina
Interesting analysis. I was reading and thinking the gentleman would give a solution in which we not pay. Unfortunately nothing. A missed chance I would say, making the article unbalanced and biassed.
The gentleman suggests there would be no problems if the international community would give Kosovo back to Serbia, to Mr Kostunica and his supporters. We all saw last days what that would mean, burning embassies and distruction. I think it is unrealistic to expect the Serbs being boss again in Kosovo. We also don't expect the Czechs again to accept Austrian rule or give Vojvodina back to Hungary, to which it belonged several hundreds of years. We don't discuss to give Karelia, illegally taken by Russia, back to Finland, etc, etc.
Borders have changed in Europe throughout history and independant Kosovo is just the latest change.
And the Serbs should be the last to cry about international law. They are responsible for breaking those rules during the breakdown of the former Yugoslavia and we are still expecting Belgrade to deliver a few war criminals. Belgrade has frustrated on purpose this delivery for many years. Disrespecting inernational rules.
pre 16 godina
Good luck Europeans! US is already paying for one such enterprise. Enjoy!
pre 16 godina
Great article!! when you listen to Rice, ambasadors, most media commentators and especially US ambasador in Serbia it maks you sick to your stomac. "Kosovo is never going to be Serbian again" they said, but we are Serbian friends and they should just move forward. What a hypocrats. You don't hear one rational answer. They all were programmed as what to say and by expression in their faces it is obvious that they don't believe what they are saying themselves.
They served Serbian holy land to bunch of gangsters and war criminals, but they want the Serbs to move on. By listening to Rice today I can see how much respect she has for Serbian culture. With her stern motinless face she said: Come on that was in 1389 move forward Serbs.
If someone steels Vatican from catholics, Jerusalem from Jews and Meca from Moslums would she say the same thing. Big bullies terrorising small nation like Serbia in order to claim victory and show to middle east how much they love them.
pre 16 godina
Great article!! when you listen to Rice, ambasadors, most media commentators and especially US ambasador in Serbia it maks you sick to your stomac. "Kosovo is never going to be Serbian again" they said, but we are Serbian friends and they should just move forward. What a hypocrats. You don't hear one rational answer. They all were programmed as what to say and by expression in their faces it is obvious that they don't believe what they are saying themselves.
They served Serbian holy land to bunch of gangsters and war criminals, but they want the Serbs to move on. By listening to Rice today I can see how much respect she has for Serbian culture. With her stern motinless face she said: Come on that was in 1389 move forward Serbs.
If someone steels Vatican from catholics, Jerusalem from Jews and Meca from Moslums would she say the same thing. Big bullies terrorising small nation like Serbia in order to claim victory and show to middle east how much they love them.
pre 16 godina
Great article Peter and good response Ruby - I agree wholeheartedly.
As for any criticism that Peter doesn't offer a solution - that's a bit rich! After the mess that's been created.
It is clear that there will be a partition and that the 'A' plan will be introduced in the rest of Kosovo south of the Ibar.
As soon as the Kosovo Albanian population see the reality of this situation there will be major problems.
Without ever having sovereignty, but only ever having nominal independence, there will be no UN or EU seat. People seem to overlook the fact that without legal recognition the UDI is meanlingless.
No country is intending to support Kosovo financially for the foreseeable future, and why should taxpayers have to support the defence, administration and social costs of an illegal statelet in another country?
There will be a lack of funding and investment, and virtually no control in running affairs. Kosovo becomes a protectorate independent in name only.
What a complete mess! Another terrible misjudgement by the US and most of the EU.
pre 16 godina
Interesting and wise article.
I think, that is time to stop this power games, conducted by the so-called super «powerful» countries (US, UK) followed by «idiotic» European countries like Germany, France, and Italy. A third group of European countries also followed these ones’, which I would baptize them as Jokers.
Kosovo started wrong since the very beginning when NATO decided to attack/bomb Yugoslavia 1999. But prior to this bombing US troops were providing military training to a group of the terrorist named «UCK» warriors in North of Albanian, precisely near the ABL (Administrative Boundary Line), of Kosovo. (Kukes, Bajram Curi, etc.). The so «famous» massacre of Racak – Pristina district, reported and supported by Head of OSCE Mr. William Walker, did in fact occurred? Why the result of the Investigation was never released?
The drowning of the children in March 2004, reported as the Kosovo Serbs being responsible, the investigations showed the otherwise. Why the Kosovo Albanians were not criticized for producing un-true excuses and once again make an ethnic cleansing?
To all the above questions a simple answer: Would not be Politic correct.
Where is the true in all this conflict?
There is no true, because the so mentioned powerful countries and others they cannot and will never accept or recognise their commitment and responsibility in the most recent conflicts/wars, like Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq etc.
At the end, WE normal people are the ones’ that are paying the bill of the US president and his jokers and idiotic European allies.
To all the mentioned countries, I appeal for Decency in their «judgements» to the world nations and the Respect of the International Law that your predecessors signed.
Joe Stewart
pre 16 godina
Dear Dexter,
I hope you will be able to get rid of that Genius from the White House, so that you don't have to pay anything anymore. Believe me that nobody needs the kind of help your country is offering right now. As a Romanian, I love America as much as I hate Russia, but your country is putting us lately in a very delicate situation towards Serbia. We always had the best relations with Serbs, since America was undiscovered territory. Good luck with your elections. Vote more wisely this year.
pre 16 godina
What a great article. He hit the nail right on the head.
This is a breath of fresh air from the usual anti-Serb we get from William Montgomery.
pre 16 godina
I am British and am thoroughly ashamed of my Government's part in facilitating this rogue state. We Europeans will all live to regret this one day.
Kosovo is at the heart of Serbia. We need to keep it that way.
Thank you Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Paddy Ashdown and the EU élite for giving Europe its very own radical Muslim state.
I just wish I knew what I could do to help you.
Support Serbia!
pre 16 godina
Razvan: "As long as UN resolutions are not respected, what's the use of this Organization?"
Exactly, well said, that's what makes it such a serious issue. You've hit the nail on the head.
Philip - I am English too and echo your sentiments completely. I just hope that some of the mainstream media pick up on this story.
A good article in The Spectator today worth looking at []
James, as you can see, even at times like this B92 publishes comments such as yours. Good on them, and you would certainly not find this level of free speech in Kosovo.
In case you didn't know, people are terrified of speaking out against any of the Kosovan Albanian activities. No doubt it will all come out soon.
But I would like to know why you are so happy for Britain to break international law. This is a very myopic attitude. It's not 1999 with the bandwagon to jump on, and the post Milosevic (formerly) pro European Serbia certainly didn't deserve to have 15% of its territory wrenched away.
You may be happy for the UK to financially and militarily support an illegal statelet which has no interest other than to please the US, but I most certainly am not.
pre 16 godina
Winston: "Why doesn't B92 re-publish reports or articles written by acknowledged experts, such as those from the International Crisis Group, European Stability Initiative and a dozen other organisations?"
You must be joking!! Don't you read any background information? For example, the ICG is packed full of the very people who were in charge of attacking Serbia in 1999. It's the retirement paddock for the likes of Louise Arbour.
The people that you are mentioning are as biased as they come, and will ALWAYS take a government led line, even if there's the occasional seed of independence thrown in occasionally for good measure.
Next you'll be saying that Human Rights Watch is apolitical!
pre 16 godina
Kosovo was never a unique case! It was similar to many national liberation struggles round the world E.G. Kurds. The US supported the Turks (at least 30000 dead and 1000s of villages destroyed)but attacked the Serbs. Nothing to do with humanitarian intervention.
pre 16 godina
It is sad that the UN is still a puppet of the United States of America. Very soon you would see Bosnia breaking, followed by Macedonia. This will be the begining and the countries in Europe and in other continents will pay for it in a very big way. Irresepective of what happened in Kosovo in 1999. i have lived the whole bombing in serbia and i really know what people have gone through in serbia.Soverinity of country has been taken away by the US who talks about liberty. I hope some day the same will happen in the US and the countries whom americans have been spitting at will be the first ones to recognise the same.What about the hague tribunal for kosovo. How many innocent people have been killed and it is always the serbs who have to pay for it. What about Taci and his people.We will have a lot more to discuss on the leaders of Kosovo. f we talk abpout crime the American Presidents including Clinton and Bush should be tried out in Hague for what ever they have done in this world and they are the ones to be given life imprisonment or to guantanomo bay.
pre 16 godina
Good luck Europeans! US is already paying for one such enterprise. Enjoy!
pre 16 godina
Excellent Article, in fact one of the best I've read on the subject. The ten reasons given are concise and to the point.
View from Canada from someone who is neither Serb nor Albanian.
pre 16 godina
Interesting analysis. I was reading and thinking the gentleman would give a solution in which we not pay. Unfortunately nothing. A missed chance I would say, making the article unbalanced and biassed.
The gentleman suggests there would be no problems if the international community would give Kosovo back to Serbia, to Mr Kostunica and his supporters. We all saw last days what that would mean, burning embassies and distruction. I think it is unrealistic to expect the Serbs being boss again in Kosovo. We also don't expect the Czechs again to accept Austrian rule or give Vojvodina back to Hungary, to which it belonged several hundreds of years. We don't discuss to give Karelia, illegally taken by Russia, back to Finland, etc, etc.
Borders have changed in Europe throughout history and independant Kosovo is just the latest change.
And the Serbs should be the last to cry about international law. They are responsible for breaking those rules during the breakdown of the former Yugoslavia and we are still expecting Belgrade to deliver a few war criminals. Belgrade has frustrated on purpose this delivery for many years. Disrespecting inernational rules.
pre 16 godina
I'm writing this to you because you are mentioning the name of my country several times.
You say: "As for the recognition of independence, the countries that disagreed, mostly did that because of internal problems (Spain, Cyprus, Romania)."
First of all, you must know that Romania is not afraid about potential problems with its minorities. We have merely a disagreement with the Hungarian minority, based on the fact that they want autonomy based on ethnicity, while we want to offer local autonomy, which is not based on ethnicity, because European law stipulates that minorities are not entitled to collective rights. Even if they would wish to proclaim independence, it would be impossible, because the region were they are living is in the middle of Romania and it would be impossible to create a State in State. On the other hand, if Hungarians would try to provoke us, starting to make demonstrations for independence, then we would let them demonstrate, and if they would become violent, then we would file a protest to EU Parliament and if they would start to kill Romanians, then we would stay calm and count the victims, writing reports to EU and UN. We understood how things work in the New World Order and we adapted quick. They would have no chance to obtain independence. Luckily, they don't want it.
We have a word in Romania: "Our best friends are the Serbs and the Black Sea". I'm not going to speak for Spain or Cyprus, because I don't know what problems they have. It seems that you know better. I just want to tell you that WE have no problems. There is only one reason for which we disagree with Kosovo's independence, a reason that has to do on one hand with the UN resolution and on the other hand with the friendship that exists between Romanians and Serbs.
Not everything in this world is based only on interest, as you suggest. There are some things that are still based on law and friendship.
And because I mentioned "law", I must observe that Kosovar Politicians don't have quite a good relation to it. Most of them have a very doubtful past and very doubtful connections, and my strong impression is that the declaration of independence was made more for the money that will come from EU, than for the Kosovar people.
You say: "Any Romanians feeling jealous about EU help going to Kosovo here?"
I have to tell you that I don't feel jealous, just concerned. The EU money you are talking about is collected from all EU States, Romania included. As new members of EU, we receive a certain amount of money on projects we present, and we contribute to EU budget with another amount. Last year we contributed to EU budget without receiving any money, because we didn't present any projects due to the internal political fights. Therefore, taxes here are rising and multiplying and life is far from being the Paradise you imagine. It's difficult for me to accept that I must pay more money now, for fantasies behind that are very clear financial interests.
Please don't take it personal. I don't hate Albanians. There are Albanians living in Romania and we have no problems with them. They integrated very well in our society, they learned our language and they work honestly. Some Albanians are here for many generations while others emigrated in the last ten years. All of them are very good Romanian Citizens.
I wrote this long comment, because some of the affirmations made about Romania were not true.
As for the United Nations, I think that the member countries should decide if they keep it working or not. As long as UN resolutions are not respected, what's the use of this Organization?
pre 16 godina
By the way, James, 'and' has a 'd' on the end of it.
pre 16 godina
"We shall all pay for Kosovo's independence"
23 February 2008
Peter Sain ley Berry
What does you mean by "We"? Does the author means Serbia and Russia? There is no price to pay for stopping a ruthless country oppressing its "own" people if you fancy call it so or oppressing the non-Serbs if that fits better.
"It looks as though Kosovo will be hanging even more heavily around the necks of the international community and the European Union in particular for a great many years to come".
That "many years" will not take more time needed than any other new born country in the world history. Kosova has the advantage of a very good government, who is has a strong willing to serve to its citizens despite of their ethnic background, willing to fight crime and corruption and ensure a prosperous future for its citizens. Kosova's, and primarly joining the EU and NATO. Of course it will take some time to get there but NO COUNTRY has started running before they could walk. And Kosova is not a exception to that. That FACT that EU and NATO is in Kosova will speed up the process of assistance and integration to EU. No one can deny this. Kosova has the yougest population in EUROPE.
"But just because an aspiration is legitimate does not necessarily mean that it should be granted or even that it is wise".
If that was the case, then according to the auuthor it would have been wise and turn a blind eye and let Milosevic regime to finish off the ethnic cleansing in Kosova.
"On every continent we find enclaves that would prefer to live under a different jurisdiction: tribes, races, minorities, nations that never had their own state"
Each conflict has its own history and Kosova's independence is a lesson for all the regimes in the world that "if your resorts to force in solving political issues...your risk losing your own people and country".
When it comes to Kosova issue and oppression it came to the point that "enough is enough" and the world conscience woke up! To add on to this argument where in the history of Europe NATO had to intevene to stop the brutality of a regime?
"I have still to hear a convincing reason why the status quo could not have been maintained until such time as the whole region joined the European Union"
You will never here a "convicing reason" because you would never really want to hear as such. That theory would have served Serbia perfectly. Actually it served a lost since the war ended in 1999. Do you really think that the Serbs in the process of "negotiations" really wanted a REALISTIC negotiation? I give you just one clue. Looking at Kosova's history...Kosova as part of the Yugoslavia...its autonomuou status, break of Yugoslavia, the stripp of its status by Milosevic, war to stop the ethnic cleansing, Serbian police and army out of Kosova in 1999, look what Serbs proposed to President Ahtisari originally...then you might find a convincing reason as good as Kostunica can see.
Why unilateral declaration and acceptance?
Because Russia was not willing to back a solution through the UN. They threatened veto in the Security Council as Russia and Serbia were "offering" solutions that were VERY UNREALISTIC. The same thing with the EU. Towncountries like Cyprus threatened to use veto should EU have come on block to recognise Kosova independence. It is a paradox of modern history but I hope that soon EU will reform itself and not allowing these PARADOXAL attitude to block other countries integration.
pre 16 godina
Students, think what Ivan's intentions are? Learn you hystory because if you don't know your past, your future is uncertain.
Just think how much Serbian people had done since 90s to please the west and just how many slaps in the face they received as a reward.
So, knowing everything that was done to Serbian people, I don't believe this article is well intentinal to you students in Serbia.
Ofcause, there should be peaceful protest only, but I don't see that this unruly croud had guns and knives and went with intention of killing. Ask about killing on the streets of major American cities, then talk to me about unruly people.
So Ivica, you are trying very hard to stear more trouble for Serbian children, but most of these silly remarks that I read hardly come from Serbian students-they come from those that love to see Serbia go in flame again.
Serbian students, please love your country!!!
pre 16 godina
"First, however many states may recognize it, Kosovo's independence is still illegal in international law. As the EU is trying to bolster the rule of law in international relations, this is an own goal"
How many nationalities have gained independence after the UN was formed? Wasn't Yugoslavia a sovereign country? When enough states recognize Kosovo's independence, then the next step will be realized. International law hasn't done a really great job in the last 50 years either, how many wars have there been? It didn't protect the Kosovo Albanians in 1998-1999. It didn't help them either in the previous years, when they were PEACEFULLY
asking for their rights. Human rights are international laws too, aren't they? I remember the end of 1996 when the majority of the Kosovo people and Ibrahim Rugova still believed the KLA did not exist, that the rumours were just provocations from the Serbian regime. How did the Serbian regime respect human rights then?
"Secondly, Kosovo lacks the ability to run its own affairs. The EU is sending a 2,000 strong mission to
reinforce the justice system. Nor can Kosovo manage its own security. No colony has ever been granted independence on such a weak basis"
The EU is mostly welcome to help. They should do the same for all the Balkans and "reeducate" us to live with each other, Serbs and Albanians. The undeveloped justice and security systems that this guy talks about are really sensitive issues, nobody will let them in the hands of one ethnicity only, it is too early. So it is natural that the justice system needs to be reinforced and that the security is not fully functional yet. It is natural that there must be a gradual and supervised passing of powers and competences from the international community to the hands of the local people, if they do well.
"Thirdly, with 40 per cent unemployment, a failing economy, poor infrastructure, high levels of organized
crime, significant outward migration, an independent Kosovo is simply unviable without massive external support"
Yeah support is necessary, but we are talking about a little country, with a lot of emmigrants, so the support
won't be that massive. The strongest support that Kosovo needs right now is in strengthening the institutions
and I am glad that EU is there. Things very likely will proceed in the european way, not in the balkan way.
"Fourth, encouraging Kosovo down the independence path has split the EU, damagingly, between those countries that recognize Kosovo and those that do not. It has also opened a chasm in relations between a majority of states and Serbia, and a minority and Kosovo. To claim that the EU is united in its approach
to Kosovo is blatantly untrue. All we can say is that for want of a common policy we agree to differ."
They were united in sending a mission, which I think is even more important than independence itself for the future of the whole region. As for the recognition of independence, the countries that disagreed, mostly did that because of internal problems (Spain, Cyprus, Romania). They ALL agreed that Europe must take responsability, by sending the mission, though.
"But if the EU cannot agree a common policy towards Kosovo, how can it expect to unite around a common policy
towards Russia or an international climate change treaty? Moreover, this rift is not likely to heal swiftly.
The probability is that it will fester, causing continuing disharmony"
Aren't we mixing apples and peaches here? Kosovo with global climate? What is the connection?Disagreement on
Kosovo doesn't mean disagreement on international climate change treaty. As for the common politics towards Russia, I don't think the EU will ever be united in the near future. EU is still very diverse.
"Fifth, Kosovo independence is likely to prove costly. The whole apparatus of statehood has to be funded. Already over a billion euro has been pledged - almost twice what the EU is sending to Afghanistan in the
same period. Olli Rehn, the enlargement commissioner, said this week it was necessary to support Kosovo ‘so that we don't have to pour in EU taxpayers money for ever and have a black hole in the Balkans.' But that is precisely what we have now done!"
So if it will be costly, Europe should just let the situation rot there? It would have been transformed into a black hole pretty soon, if nothing had been done. Serbia certainly wouldn't have spent its taxpayers money there, in its "heartland". And the taxpayers money will not go there forever, this is 100% sure.
"Sixth, our willingness to sanction illegal independence will give succor to communities tempted down the
same route. While it is unlikely that Kosovo will have an immediate resonance in Catalonia, or even Scotland,
we have created a dangerous precedent. Who knows by whom it may be exploited in the future?"
I have never heard of Scotland or Catalonia being abused in the extent Kosovo was. The Scottish vote every now and then on what they want to do, if they want independence or not.
"Seventh, and to what end? For Kosovo will not really be independent at all. A Kosovo passport will hardly become a travel document of choice. Nor will there be a Kosovo seat at the UN. Kosovo has swapped its status as a UN protected vassal of Serbia, for that of a UN protected vassal of the EU. Apart from the satisfaction
of being able to poke Serbia in the eye, independence is effectually meaningless"
First, better EU than Serbia. Second, EU will not stay there forever. When things start running well and I am sure they will, EU will go away, actually we will be EU. This was not done for the satisfaction of poking Serbia in the eye. That is so stupid to say. This was done to solve the problem of two million people. It "creates a problem" for 120'000 people and that problem is dealt with really well in the Ahtisaari package.
"Eighth, there is no obvious exit strategy! Olli Rehn expects matters to "settle" That is a big expectation.
Iraq was once similarly expected to "settle". It is doubtful that Serbia will "settle" either, to judge from
the Serb Foreign Minister's recent ferocious speech to the European Parliament. So it is not clear what the endgame will be. Can we imagine, ten years hence, Serb and Kosovo ministers meekly sharing a table to discuss Cyprus, or Russia or even renewable energy?"
Again mixing apples and peaches. Kosovo and Iraq are very different. And by the way, the situation in Iraq is much better in the last months. The problem with Iraq was the management of the afterwar. The american army wanted to do everything by
itself and now they are cooperating much more with the local population.
Yes I can immagine Serb and Kosovo ministers together
sharing a table. If it took only ten years that would be great. It will be more than ten though.
"Ninth, the finance and personnel flowing into Kosovo may themselves cause problems if neighboring states feel
neglected. That won't assist relations. Meanwhile within Kosovo itself there is a danger of building
dependency - an economy reliant on EU subsidy, employment dominated by the state sector, hand-outs instead of enterprise. A state supported by the EU but without the independent ability to accede to the EU. This could lead to Kosovo feeling like a colonized people, rather than independent citizens, delaying rather than accelerating,
their EU accession;"
Is he really saying that the neighboring countries would feel jealous that the oppurtunity offered to them is being offered to their neighbors in Kosovo? He is underestimating the neighboring countries. Just a few days ago I read that Romania received 4.25 billion
Euro to help with employment. Would Romania feel jealous for example? Any Romanians feeling jealous about EU help going
to Kosovo here?
It is up to the EU and to the people of Kosovo to not let that kind of dependency be there forever. I have faith that the EU will do things right. Supervised means something.
"Last, the focus on, and the tensions over, Kosovo could delay the timetable for Western Balkan accession as a whole. This risks upsetting the stability of the region as a whole and increases the potential for renewed violence."
In the first phrase he may be right, in the second he is wrong. The region will be more stable, even if accession is delayed. It took how many years to Romania and Bulgaria to get in the EU? Did they become unstable from that?
pre 16 godina
Out of the hundreds of analysis by those writing for EU publications, somebody working at the B92 English section choses this particular analysis, which reflects the line the Serbian authorities are taking. Even if this view was the prevalent view within the EU - which it is not - the author is not an expert, or even a well-known talking head.
Sadly, this is not a one-off. Commentaries chosen from foreign publications relating to Kosovo have a habit of reflecting the Serbian authorities viewpoint. I refer to the StratFor analysis published earlier by B92. StratFor has no Balkan expertise, is a heavily biased "thinktank" with no credibility in Washington and EU circles when it comes to either eastern Europe or the CIS. Why doesn't B92 re-publish reports or articles written by acknowledged experts, such as those from the International Crisis Group, European Stability Initiative and a dozen other organisations? Best guess would be the don't support the less than objective viewpoint of the person in charge of selecting these articles.
pre 16 godina
I wasted my three minutes for nothing, who is this Peter Sain ley Nobody!?
Geta go...
pre 16 godina
Calling Kosava the "mother of Serbia" is totally ridiculous. No religious intonation should attempt to "capture" a place on a map. Jerusalem doesn't belong to Jews, Palestinians, or Christians either. Serbia lost Kosava when Milosevic attempted to create Serbioslavia. He did not a have a benevolent bone in his body, unlike Tito. Tito wasn't perfect, but...
Any state or republic subject to brute oppression, rape, murder, etc has every right to declare independence.
If the US oppressed its citizens in this manner, I'd support secession as well. Kosova is different than many nations. RS has no claim to independence. They are already a country within a country.
Now it is time for all of Europe to support Kosova instead of waltzing around! Russia is even more full of himself than our pathetic President Bush.
pre 16 godina
Message to the EU: Seek a mutually agreed solution between the parties. Pressure the Albanians to make concessions to do so. This will bring recognition to Kosovo and close the final page.
pre 16 godina
Remarks from Independant was the remark to article from Ivan Marovic "The end of nationalism"-same page
pre 16 godina
my information on Romania and its reasons came from another Romanian poster here ('George the Romanian' I think) on another article, who was also talking about Moldova and relations with Russia and also about the friendship with Serbia, that you mentioned again.
The author of the article was suggesting that the neighbors would feel neglected (the whole phrase makes it sound not like 'neglected' but like 'jealous') about EU money going to Kosovo, not me. I took Romania just as an example. That could have been Bulgaria or any other country.
The things that you say about what would happen if the Hungarian minority did this and that make a lot of sense. Unfortunately, that is not what was done by the Serbian regime in the 90s to Albanians.
I didn't take personally anything you said..
pre 16 godina
Philip, I am English an proud that my government was one of the first to recognise Kosova as an independent state.
...but of course this is a serbian site an do not expect my comments to be published!!!
God Bless the people of Kosova.
pre 10 godina
pre 16 godina
Interesting analysis. I was reading and thinking the gentleman would give a solution in which we not pay. Unfortunately nothing. A missed chance I would say, making the article unbalanced and biassed.
The gentleman suggests there would be no problems if the international community would give Kosovo back to Serbia, to Mr Kostunica and his supporters. We all saw last days what that would mean, burning embassies and distruction. I think it is unrealistic to expect the Serbs being boss again in Kosovo. We also don't expect the Czechs again to accept Austrian rule or give Vojvodina back to Hungary, to which it belonged several hundreds of years. We don't discuss to give Karelia, illegally taken by Russia, back to Finland, etc, etc.
Borders have changed in Europe throughout history and independant Kosovo is just the latest change.
And the Serbs should be the last to cry about international law. They are responsible for breaking those rules during the breakdown of the former Yugoslavia and we are still expecting Belgrade to deliver a few war criminals. Belgrade has frustrated on purpose this delivery for many years. Disrespecting inernational rules.
pre 16 godina
Out of the hundreds of analysis by those writing for EU publications, somebody working at the B92 English section choses this particular analysis, which reflects the line the Serbian authorities are taking. Even if this view was the prevalent view within the EU - which it is not - the author is not an expert, or even a well-known talking head.
Sadly, this is not a one-off. Commentaries chosen from foreign publications relating to Kosovo have a habit of reflecting the Serbian authorities viewpoint. I refer to the StratFor analysis published earlier by B92. StratFor has no Balkan expertise, is a heavily biased "thinktank" with no credibility in Washington and EU circles when it comes to either eastern Europe or the CIS. Why doesn't B92 re-publish reports or articles written by acknowledged experts, such as those from the International Crisis Group, European Stability Initiative and a dozen other organisations? Best guess would be the don't support the less than objective viewpoint of the person in charge of selecting these articles.
pre 16 godina
"First, however many states may recognize it, Kosovo's independence is still illegal in international law. As the EU is trying to bolster the rule of law in international relations, this is an own goal"
How many nationalities have gained independence after the UN was formed? Wasn't Yugoslavia a sovereign country? When enough states recognize Kosovo's independence, then the next step will be realized. International law hasn't done a really great job in the last 50 years either, how many wars have there been? It didn't protect the Kosovo Albanians in 1998-1999. It didn't help them either in the previous years, when they were PEACEFULLY
asking for their rights. Human rights are international laws too, aren't they? I remember the end of 1996 when the majority of the Kosovo people and Ibrahim Rugova still believed the KLA did not exist, that the rumours were just provocations from the Serbian regime. How did the Serbian regime respect human rights then?
"Secondly, Kosovo lacks the ability to run its own affairs. The EU is sending a 2,000 strong mission to
reinforce the justice system. Nor can Kosovo manage its own security. No colony has ever been granted independence on such a weak basis"
The EU is mostly welcome to help. They should do the same for all the Balkans and "reeducate" us to live with each other, Serbs and Albanians. The undeveloped justice and security systems that this guy talks about are really sensitive issues, nobody will let them in the hands of one ethnicity only, it is too early. So it is natural that the justice system needs to be reinforced and that the security is not fully functional yet. It is natural that there must be a gradual and supervised passing of powers and competences from the international community to the hands of the local people, if they do well.
"Thirdly, with 40 per cent unemployment, a failing economy, poor infrastructure, high levels of organized
crime, significant outward migration, an independent Kosovo is simply unviable without massive external support"
Yeah support is necessary, but we are talking about a little country, with a lot of emmigrants, so the support
won't be that massive. The strongest support that Kosovo needs right now is in strengthening the institutions
and I am glad that EU is there. Things very likely will proceed in the european way, not in the balkan way.
"Fourth, encouraging Kosovo down the independence path has split the EU, damagingly, between those countries that recognize Kosovo and those that do not. It has also opened a chasm in relations between a majority of states and Serbia, and a minority and Kosovo. To claim that the EU is united in its approach
to Kosovo is blatantly untrue. All we can say is that for want of a common policy we agree to differ."
They were united in sending a mission, which I think is even more important than independence itself for the future of the whole region. As for the recognition of independence, the countries that disagreed, mostly did that because of internal problems (Spain, Cyprus, Romania). They ALL agreed that Europe must take responsability, by sending the mission, though.
"But if the EU cannot agree a common policy towards Kosovo, how can it expect to unite around a common policy
towards Russia or an international climate change treaty? Moreover, this rift is not likely to heal swiftly.
The probability is that it will fester, causing continuing disharmony"
Aren't we mixing apples and peaches here? Kosovo with global climate? What is the connection?Disagreement on
Kosovo doesn't mean disagreement on international climate change treaty. As for the common politics towards Russia, I don't think the EU will ever be united in the near future. EU is still very diverse.
"Fifth, Kosovo independence is likely to prove costly. The whole apparatus of statehood has to be funded. Already over a billion euro has been pledged - almost twice what the EU is sending to Afghanistan in the
same period. Olli Rehn, the enlargement commissioner, said this week it was necessary to support Kosovo ‘so that we don't have to pour in EU taxpayers money for ever and have a black hole in the Balkans.' But that is precisely what we have now done!"
So if it will be costly, Europe should just let the situation rot there? It would have been transformed into a black hole pretty soon, if nothing had been done. Serbia certainly wouldn't have spent its taxpayers money there, in its "heartland". And the taxpayers money will not go there forever, this is 100% sure.
"Sixth, our willingness to sanction illegal independence will give succor to communities tempted down the
same route. While it is unlikely that Kosovo will have an immediate resonance in Catalonia, or even Scotland,
we have created a dangerous precedent. Who knows by whom it may be exploited in the future?"
I have never heard of Scotland or Catalonia being abused in the extent Kosovo was. The Scottish vote every now and then on what they want to do, if they want independence or not.
"Seventh, and to what end? For Kosovo will not really be independent at all. A Kosovo passport will hardly become a travel document of choice. Nor will there be a Kosovo seat at the UN. Kosovo has swapped its status as a UN protected vassal of Serbia, for that of a UN protected vassal of the EU. Apart from the satisfaction
of being able to poke Serbia in the eye, independence is effectually meaningless"
First, better EU than Serbia. Second, EU will not stay there forever. When things start running well and I am sure they will, EU will go away, actually we will be EU. This was not done for the satisfaction of poking Serbia in the eye. That is so stupid to say. This was done to solve the problem of two million people. It "creates a problem" for 120'000 people and that problem is dealt with really well in the Ahtisaari package.
"Eighth, there is no obvious exit strategy! Olli Rehn expects matters to "settle" That is a big expectation.
Iraq was once similarly expected to "settle". It is doubtful that Serbia will "settle" either, to judge from
the Serb Foreign Minister's recent ferocious speech to the European Parliament. So it is not clear what the endgame will be. Can we imagine, ten years hence, Serb and Kosovo ministers meekly sharing a table to discuss Cyprus, or Russia or even renewable energy?"
Again mixing apples and peaches. Kosovo and Iraq are very different. And by the way, the situation in Iraq is much better in the last months. The problem with Iraq was the management of the afterwar. The american army wanted to do everything by
itself and now they are cooperating much more with the local population.
Yes I can immagine Serb and Kosovo ministers together
sharing a table. If it took only ten years that would be great. It will be more than ten though.
"Ninth, the finance and personnel flowing into Kosovo may themselves cause problems if neighboring states feel
neglected. That won't assist relations. Meanwhile within Kosovo itself there is a danger of building
dependency - an economy reliant on EU subsidy, employment dominated by the state sector, hand-outs instead of enterprise. A state supported by the EU but without the independent ability to accede to the EU. This could lead to Kosovo feeling like a colonized people, rather than independent citizens, delaying rather than accelerating,
their EU accession;"
Is he really saying that the neighboring countries would feel jealous that the oppurtunity offered to them is being offered to their neighbors in Kosovo? He is underestimating the neighboring countries. Just a few days ago I read that Romania received 4.25 billion
Euro to help with employment. Would Romania feel jealous for example? Any Romanians feeling jealous about EU help going
to Kosovo here?
It is up to the EU and to the people of Kosovo to not let that kind of dependency be there forever. I have faith that the EU will do things right. Supervised means something.
"Last, the focus on, and the tensions over, Kosovo could delay the timetable for Western Balkan accession as a whole. This risks upsetting the stability of the region as a whole and increases the potential for renewed violence."
In the first phrase he may be right, in the second he is wrong. The region will be more stable, even if accession is delayed. It took how many years to Romania and Bulgaria to get in the EU? Did they become unstable from that?
pre 16 godina
Calling Kosava the "mother of Serbia" is totally ridiculous. No religious intonation should attempt to "capture" a place on a map. Jerusalem doesn't belong to Jews, Palestinians, or Christians either. Serbia lost Kosava when Milosevic attempted to create Serbioslavia. He did not a have a benevolent bone in his body, unlike Tito. Tito wasn't perfect, but...
Any state or republic subject to brute oppression, rape, murder, etc has every right to declare independence.
If the US oppressed its citizens in this manner, I'd support secession as well. Kosova is different than many nations. RS has no claim to independence. They are already a country within a country.
Now it is time for all of Europe to support Kosova instead of waltzing around! Russia is even more full of himself than our pathetic President Bush.
pre 16 godina
I wasted my three minutes for nothing, who is this Peter Sain ley Nobody!?
Geta go...
pre 16 godina
"We shall all pay for Kosovo's independence"
23 February 2008
Peter Sain ley Berry
What does you mean by "We"? Does the author means Serbia and Russia? There is no price to pay for stopping a ruthless country oppressing its "own" people if you fancy call it so or oppressing the non-Serbs if that fits better.
"It looks as though Kosovo will be hanging even more heavily around the necks of the international community and the European Union in particular for a great many years to come".
That "many years" will not take more time needed than any other new born country in the world history. Kosova has the advantage of a very good government, who is has a strong willing to serve to its citizens despite of their ethnic background, willing to fight crime and corruption and ensure a prosperous future for its citizens. Kosova's, and primarly joining the EU and NATO. Of course it will take some time to get there but NO COUNTRY has started running before they could walk. And Kosova is not a exception to that. That FACT that EU and NATO is in Kosova will speed up the process of assistance and integration to EU. No one can deny this. Kosova has the yougest population in EUROPE.
"But just because an aspiration is legitimate does not necessarily mean that it should be granted or even that it is wise".
If that was the case, then according to the auuthor it would have been wise and turn a blind eye and let Milosevic regime to finish off the ethnic cleansing in Kosova.
"On every continent we find enclaves that would prefer to live under a different jurisdiction: tribes, races, minorities, nations that never had their own state"
Each conflict has its own history and Kosova's independence is a lesson for all the regimes in the world that "if your resorts to force in solving political issues...your risk losing your own people and country".
When it comes to Kosova issue and oppression it came to the point that "enough is enough" and the world conscience woke up! To add on to this argument where in the history of Europe NATO had to intevene to stop the brutality of a regime?
"I have still to hear a convincing reason why the status quo could not have been maintained until such time as the whole region joined the European Union"
You will never here a "convicing reason" because you would never really want to hear as such. That theory would have served Serbia perfectly. Actually it served a lost since the war ended in 1999. Do you really think that the Serbs in the process of "negotiations" really wanted a REALISTIC negotiation? I give you just one clue. Looking at Kosova's history...Kosova as part of the Yugoslavia...its autonomuou status, break of Yugoslavia, the stripp of its status by Milosevic, war to stop the ethnic cleansing, Serbian police and army out of Kosova in 1999, look what Serbs proposed to President Ahtisari originally...then you might find a convincing reason as good as Kostunica can see.
Why unilateral declaration and acceptance?
Because Russia was not willing to back a solution through the UN. They threatened veto in the Security Council as Russia and Serbia were "offering" solutions that were VERY UNREALISTIC. The same thing with the EU. Towncountries like Cyprus threatened to use veto should EU have come on block to recognise Kosova independence. It is a paradox of modern history but I hope that soon EU will reform itself and not allowing these PARADOXAL attitude to block other countries integration.
pre 16 godina
Great article!! when you listen to Rice, ambasadors, most media commentators and especially US ambasador in Serbia it maks you sick to your stomac. "Kosovo is never going to be Serbian again" they said, but we are Serbian friends and they should just move forward. What a hypocrats. You don't hear one rational answer. They all were programmed as what to say and by expression in their faces it is obvious that they don't believe what they are saying themselves.
They served Serbian holy land to bunch of gangsters and war criminals, but they want the Serbs to move on. By listening to Rice today I can see how much respect she has for Serbian culture. With her stern motinless face she said: Come on that was in 1389 move forward Serbs.
If someone steels Vatican from catholics, Jerusalem from Jews and Meca from Moslums would she say the same thing. Big bullies terrorising small nation like Serbia in order to claim victory and show to middle east how much they love them.
pre 16 godina
Philip, I am English an proud that my government was one of the first to recognise Kosova as an independent state.
...but of course this is a serbian site an do not expect my comments to be published!!!
God Bless the people of Kosova.
pre 16 godina
Kosovo was never a unique case! It was similar to many national liberation struggles round the world E.G. Kurds. The US supported the Turks (at least 30000 dead and 1000s of villages destroyed)but attacked the Serbs. Nothing to do with humanitarian intervention.
pre 16 godina
What a great article. He hit the nail right on the head.
This is a breath of fresh air from the usual anti-Serb we get from William Montgomery.
pre 16 godina
It is sad that the UN is still a puppet of the United States of America. Very soon you would see Bosnia breaking, followed by Macedonia. This will be the begining and the countries in Europe and in other continents will pay for it in a very big way. Irresepective of what happened in Kosovo in 1999. i have lived the whole bombing in serbia and i really know what people have gone through in serbia.Soverinity of country has been taken away by the US who talks about liberty. I hope some day the same will happen in the US and the countries whom americans have been spitting at will be the first ones to recognise the same.What about the hague tribunal for kosovo. How many innocent people have been killed and it is always the serbs who have to pay for it. What about Taci and his people.We will have a lot more to discuss on the leaders of Kosovo. f we talk abpout crime the American Presidents including Clinton and Bush should be tried out in Hague for what ever they have done in this world and they are the ones to be given life imprisonment or to guantanomo bay.
pre 16 godina
Dear Dexter,
I hope you will be able to get rid of that Genius from the White House, so that you don't have to pay anything anymore. Believe me that nobody needs the kind of help your country is offering right now. As a Romanian, I love America as much as I hate Russia, but your country is putting us lately in a very delicate situation towards Serbia. We always had the best relations with Serbs, since America was undiscovered territory. Good luck with your elections. Vote more wisely this year.
pre 16 godina
Students, think what Ivan's intentions are? Learn you hystory because if you don't know your past, your future is uncertain.
Just think how much Serbian people had done since 90s to please the west and just how many slaps in the face they received as a reward.
So, knowing everything that was done to Serbian people, I don't believe this article is well intentinal to you students in Serbia.
Ofcause, there should be peaceful protest only, but I don't see that this unruly croud had guns and knives and went with intention of killing. Ask about killing on the streets of major American cities, then talk to me about unruly people.
So Ivica, you are trying very hard to stear more trouble for Serbian children, but most of these silly remarks that I read hardly come from Serbian students-they come from those that love to see Serbia go in flame again.
Serbian students, please love your country!!!
pre 16 godina
Remarks from Independant was the remark to article from Ivan Marovic "The end of nationalism"-same page
pre 16 godina
Great article Peter and good response Ruby - I agree wholeheartedly.
As for any criticism that Peter doesn't offer a solution - that's a bit rich! After the mess that's been created.
It is clear that there will be a partition and that the 'A' plan will be introduced in the rest of Kosovo south of the Ibar.
As soon as the Kosovo Albanian population see the reality of this situation there will be major problems.
Without ever having sovereignty, but only ever having nominal independence, there will be no UN or EU seat. People seem to overlook the fact that without legal recognition the UDI is meanlingless.
No country is intending to support Kosovo financially for the foreseeable future, and why should taxpayers have to support the defence, administration and social costs of an illegal statelet in another country?
There will be a lack of funding and investment, and virtually no control in running affairs. Kosovo becomes a protectorate independent in name only.
What a complete mess! Another terrible misjudgement by the US and most of the EU.
pre 16 godina
Winston: "Why doesn't B92 re-publish reports or articles written by acknowledged experts, such as those from the International Crisis Group, European Stability Initiative and a dozen other organisations?"
You must be joking!! Don't you read any background information? For example, the ICG is packed full of the very people who were in charge of attacking Serbia in 1999. It's the retirement paddock for the likes of Louise Arbour.
The people that you are mentioning are as biased as they come, and will ALWAYS take a government led line, even if there's the occasional seed of independence thrown in occasionally for good measure.
Next you'll be saying that Human Rights Watch is apolitical!
pre 16 godina
my information on Romania and its reasons came from another Romanian poster here ('George the Romanian' I think) on another article, who was also talking about Moldova and relations with Russia and also about the friendship with Serbia, that you mentioned again.
The author of the article was suggesting that the neighbors would feel neglected (the whole phrase makes it sound not like 'neglected' but like 'jealous') about EU money going to Kosovo, not me. I took Romania just as an example. That could have been Bulgaria or any other country.
The things that you say about what would happen if the Hungarian minority did this and that make a lot of sense. Unfortunately, that is not what was done by the Serbian regime in the 90s to Albanians.
I didn't take personally anything you said..
pre 16 godina
Good luck Europeans! US is already paying for one such enterprise. Enjoy!
pre 16 godina
Interesting and wise article.
I think, that is time to stop this power games, conducted by the so-called super «powerful» countries (US, UK) followed by «idiotic» European countries like Germany, France, and Italy. A third group of European countries also followed these ones’, which I would baptize them as Jokers.
Kosovo started wrong since the very beginning when NATO decided to attack/bomb Yugoslavia 1999. But prior to this bombing US troops were providing military training to a group of the terrorist named «UCK» warriors in North of Albanian, precisely near the ABL (Administrative Boundary Line), of Kosovo. (Kukes, Bajram Curi, etc.). The so «famous» massacre of Racak – Pristina district, reported and supported by Head of OSCE Mr. William Walker, did in fact occurred? Why the result of the Investigation was never released?
The drowning of the children in March 2004, reported as the Kosovo Serbs being responsible, the investigations showed the otherwise. Why the Kosovo Albanians were not criticized for producing un-true excuses and once again make an ethnic cleansing?
To all the above questions a simple answer: Would not be Politic correct.
Where is the true in all this conflict?
There is no true, because the so mentioned powerful countries and others they cannot and will never accept or recognise their commitment and responsibility in the most recent conflicts/wars, like Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq etc.
At the end, WE normal people are the ones’ that are paying the bill of the US president and his jokers and idiotic European allies.
To all the mentioned countries, I appeal for Decency in their «judgements» to the world nations and the Respect of the International Law that your predecessors signed.
Joe Stewart
pre 16 godina
Excellent Article, in fact one of the best I've read on the subject. The ten reasons given are concise and to the point.
View from Canada from someone who is neither Serb nor Albanian.
pre 16 godina
I am British and am thoroughly ashamed of my Government's part in facilitating this rogue state. We Europeans will all live to regret this one day.
Kosovo is at the heart of Serbia. We need to keep it that way.
Thank you Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Paddy Ashdown and the EU élite for giving Europe its very own radical Muslim state.
I just wish I knew what I could do to help you.
Support Serbia!
pre 16 godina
I'm writing this to you because you are mentioning the name of my country several times.
You say: "As for the recognition of independence, the countries that disagreed, mostly did that because of internal problems (Spain, Cyprus, Romania)."
First of all, you must know that Romania is not afraid about potential problems with its minorities. We have merely a disagreement with the Hungarian minority, based on the fact that they want autonomy based on ethnicity, while we want to offer local autonomy, which is not based on ethnicity, because European law stipulates that minorities are not entitled to collective rights. Even if they would wish to proclaim independence, it would be impossible, because the region were they are living is in the middle of Romania and it would be impossible to create a State in State. On the other hand, if Hungarians would try to provoke us, starting to make demonstrations for independence, then we would let them demonstrate, and if they would become violent, then we would file a protest to EU Parliament and if they would start to kill Romanians, then we would stay calm and count the victims, writing reports to EU and UN. We understood how things work in the New World Order and we adapted quick. They would have no chance to obtain independence. Luckily, they don't want it.
We have a word in Romania: "Our best friends are the Serbs and the Black Sea". I'm not going to speak for Spain or Cyprus, because I don't know what problems they have. It seems that you know better. I just want to tell you that WE have no problems. There is only one reason for which we disagree with Kosovo's independence, a reason that has to do on one hand with the UN resolution and on the other hand with the friendship that exists between Romanians and Serbs.
Not everything in this world is based only on interest, as you suggest. There are some things that are still based on law and friendship.
And because I mentioned "law", I must observe that Kosovar Politicians don't have quite a good relation to it. Most of them have a very doubtful past and very doubtful connections, and my strong impression is that the declaration of independence was made more for the money that will come from EU, than for the Kosovar people.
You say: "Any Romanians feeling jealous about EU help going to Kosovo here?"
I have to tell you that I don't feel jealous, just concerned. The EU money you are talking about is collected from all EU States, Romania included. As new members of EU, we receive a certain amount of money on projects we present, and we contribute to EU budget with another amount. Last year we contributed to EU budget without receiving any money, because we didn't present any projects due to the internal political fights. Therefore, taxes here are rising and multiplying and life is far from being the Paradise you imagine. It's difficult for me to accept that I must pay more money now, for fantasies behind that are very clear financial interests.
Please don't take it personal. I don't hate Albanians. There are Albanians living in Romania and we have no problems with them. They integrated very well in our society, they learned our language and they work honestly. Some Albanians are here for many generations while others emigrated in the last ten years. All of them are very good Romanian Citizens.
I wrote this long comment, because some of the affirmations made about Romania were not true.
As for the United Nations, I think that the member countries should decide if they keep it working or not. As long as UN resolutions are not respected, what's the use of this Organization?
pre 16 godina
Razvan: "As long as UN resolutions are not respected, what's the use of this Organization?"
Exactly, well said, that's what makes it such a serious issue. You've hit the nail on the head.
Philip - I am English too and echo your sentiments completely. I just hope that some of the mainstream media pick up on this story.
A good article in The Spectator today worth looking at []
James, as you can see, even at times like this B92 publishes comments such as yours. Good on them, and you would certainly not find this level of free speech in Kosovo.
In case you didn't know, people are terrified of speaking out against any of the Kosovan Albanian activities. No doubt it will all come out soon.
But I would like to know why you are so happy for Britain to break international law. This is a very myopic attitude. It's not 1999 with the bandwagon to jump on, and the post Milosevic (formerly) pro European Serbia certainly didn't deserve to have 15% of its territory wrenched away.
You may be happy for the UK to financially and militarily support an illegal statelet which has no interest other than to please the US, but I most certainly am not.
pre 16 godina
By the way, James, 'and' has a 'd' on the end of it.
pre 16 godina
Message to the EU: Seek a mutually agreed solution between the parties. Pressure the Albanians to make concessions to do so. This will bring recognition to Kosovo and close the final page.
pre 10 godina
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