Thursday, 13.12.2007.


Zagreb protests over Italian stamp

Zagreb has sent a demarche to Rome over a postal stamp depicting Rijeka.

Izvor: FoNet

Zagreb protests over Italian stamp IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 16 godina

I don't claim Dalmatia as italian but the respect for someone that was lawfully leaving there. Rome did not conquer but brought civilization in the Balcans, when none of the present populations was there. Venice brought commerce and economical whealth on the see and more important was fighting against the turks until her end. During 2nd w.w. croats where first allied of the nazis and then switch to partizans (exactly like italians) but they resulted as winners thanks to the other yugoslavs. The result is that thousands of Italians were killed and all the rest etnhically cleand. Something like this never happened in all history to any of the minorities present in the italian territory.


pre 16 godina


Serbs came to the region in 5th century and not after the 6th.


Albanians are not making stamps and still claim Kosovo as theirs. Now we have a huge problem with the Albanians and some neighbouring countries' high official representatives such as Stipe Mesic is very eager to blame Serbia as troublamker and factor of instability advicing Serbs to give up Kosovo and grant it to Albanians as simple as that. Well I guess what goes around comes around, after all. When and if Italians come to ask for something that they think it belongs to them, then Serbia might send same message to Croatians instead of support.


pre 16 godina

How far back in history do we want to go? Dalmatia was the land of Illyrian people, no? Italians claim it because they conquered it during the Roman empire. You have to remember that Roman empire started in Rome and thus the rest of the land must have been conquered.


pre 16 godina

Their have been many statements coming from Italy in high offices Presidents ,Prime ministers and Vice how the Slovenia ,Croatia ,Montenegro and Albania have stoled their lands. Even the Slovenians don't want the Italians patrolling their air space as part of NATO because they don't trust them. They consider the Adriatic sea as a inland sea of Italy.


pre 16 godina

I agree with your statment that it is inapropriate for Italy to provoke Croatians without a real reason.
Regarding your statment that
"Rijeka was Italian because they conquered it during the Roman Empire, but it does not make it Italian." using that logic, doesnt make it Croatian also because Croatians, just like Serbs apeared in the region only after the 6th century.


pre 16 godina

Igor, Rijeka was Italian because it had an Italian majority until after the expulsion after WWII. Same goes with Zadar and eastern Istria.

Italians were the majority in all major settlements on the western coast of the Adriatic from Bar to Triest up until the early 1700s. The Italians in the early 1800s represented 1/3 of the total population of Dalmatia. Italians were a significant presence on the Croatian coast and Boka Kotorska until the risorgimento and animosity between Austria and the re-unified led many to flee to Italy. After the massive migration out Italians were restricted too two cities and Istria which was so close to Italy.


pre 16 godina

This has nothing to do with insecurity but rather with diplomacy. What the Italians did was wrong and we all know that it is not fair to issue such stamps especially in relations to Balkan countries where there were many battles fought. It would be like Albania making a stamp claiming Kosovo. I would be a bit upset about that as would many Serbs that post here. BTW, Rijeka was Italian because they conquered it during the Roman Empire, but it does not make it Italian.


pre 16 godina


Its not exactly a lie that Rijeka was an italian town until the early 19:s

What are the croats afraid of? That Italy wants the town back? Well, actually the italian fascist party lead by Alessandra Mussolini wants it but that I wouldn't worry to much if I was a croat.

The croats are so insecure in their nationality that they have to protest at this???


pre 16 godina

Dalmatia was Italian/Venetian for many centuries. Croatia, enjoy the fruits of Tito's legacy for as long as they last. When Croatian occupation comes to an end and Italy returns to claim what is hers Serbs will be be allowed to return to their home, Srpska Krajina.


pre 16 godina

Dalmatia was Italian/Venetian for many centuries. Croatia, enjoy the fruits of Tito's legacy for as long as they last. When Croatian occupation comes to an end and Italy returns to claim what is hers Serbs will be be allowed to return to their home, Srpska Krajina.


pre 16 godina


Its not exactly a lie that Rijeka was an italian town until the early 19:s

What are the croats afraid of? That Italy wants the town back? Well, actually the italian fascist party lead by Alessandra Mussolini wants it but that I wouldn't worry to much if I was a croat.

The croats are so insecure in their nationality that they have to protest at this???


pre 16 godina

Igor, Rijeka was Italian because it had an Italian majority until after the expulsion after WWII. Same goes with Zadar and eastern Istria.

Italians were the majority in all major settlements on the western coast of the Adriatic from Bar to Triest up until the early 1700s. The Italians in the early 1800s represented 1/3 of the total population of Dalmatia. Italians were a significant presence on the Croatian coast and Boka Kotorska until the risorgimento and animosity between Austria and the re-unified led many to flee to Italy. After the massive migration out Italians were restricted too two cities and Istria which was so close to Italy.


pre 16 godina


Serbs came to the region in 5th century and not after the 6th.


Albanians are not making stamps and still claim Kosovo as theirs. Now we have a huge problem with the Albanians and some neighbouring countries' high official representatives such as Stipe Mesic is very eager to blame Serbia as troublamker and factor of instability advicing Serbs to give up Kosovo and grant it to Albanians as simple as that. Well I guess what goes around comes around, after all. When and if Italians come to ask for something that they think it belongs to them, then Serbia might send same message to Croatians instead of support.


pre 16 godina

This has nothing to do with insecurity but rather with diplomacy. What the Italians did was wrong and we all know that it is not fair to issue such stamps especially in relations to Balkan countries where there were many battles fought. It would be like Albania making a stamp claiming Kosovo. I would be a bit upset about that as would many Serbs that post here. BTW, Rijeka was Italian because they conquered it during the Roman Empire, but it does not make it Italian.


pre 16 godina

Their have been many statements coming from Italy in high offices Presidents ,Prime ministers and Vice how the Slovenia ,Croatia ,Montenegro and Albania have stoled their lands. Even the Slovenians don't want the Italians patrolling their air space as part of NATO because they don't trust them. They consider the Adriatic sea as a inland sea of Italy.


pre 16 godina

I agree with your statment that it is inapropriate for Italy to provoke Croatians without a real reason.
Regarding your statment that
"Rijeka was Italian because they conquered it during the Roman Empire, but it does not make it Italian." using that logic, doesnt make it Croatian also because Croatians, just like Serbs apeared in the region only after the 6th century.


pre 16 godina

How far back in history do we want to go? Dalmatia was the land of Illyrian people, no? Italians claim it because they conquered it during the Roman empire. You have to remember that Roman empire started in Rome and thus the rest of the land must have been conquered.


pre 16 godina

I don't claim Dalmatia as italian but the respect for someone that was lawfully leaving there. Rome did not conquer but brought civilization in the Balcans, when none of the present populations was there. Venice brought commerce and economical whealth on the see and more important was fighting against the turks until her end. During 2nd w.w. croats where first allied of the nazis and then switch to partizans (exactly like italians) but they resulted as winners thanks to the other yugoslavs. The result is that thousands of Italians were killed and all the rest etnhically cleand. Something like this never happened in all history to any of the minorities present in the italian territory.


pre 16 godina

Dalmatia was Italian/Venetian for many centuries. Croatia, enjoy the fruits of Tito's legacy for as long as they last. When Croatian occupation comes to an end and Italy returns to claim what is hers Serbs will be be allowed to return to their home, Srpska Krajina.


pre 16 godina

Their have been many statements coming from Italy in high offices Presidents ,Prime ministers and Vice how the Slovenia ,Croatia ,Montenegro and Albania have stoled their lands. Even the Slovenians don't want the Italians patrolling their air space as part of NATO because they don't trust them. They consider the Adriatic sea as a inland sea of Italy.


pre 16 godina

I agree with your statment that it is inapropriate for Italy to provoke Croatians without a real reason.
Regarding your statment that
"Rijeka was Italian because they conquered it during the Roman Empire, but it does not make it Italian." using that logic, doesnt make it Croatian also because Croatians, just like Serbs apeared in the region only after the 6th century.


pre 16 godina

I don't claim Dalmatia as italian but the respect for someone that was lawfully leaving there. Rome did not conquer but brought civilization in the Balcans, when none of the present populations was there. Venice brought commerce and economical whealth on the see and more important was fighting against the turks until her end. During 2nd w.w. croats where first allied of the nazis and then switch to partizans (exactly like italians) but they resulted as winners thanks to the other yugoslavs. The result is that thousands of Italians were killed and all the rest etnhically cleand. Something like this never happened in all history to any of the minorities present in the italian territory.


pre 16 godina


Its not exactly a lie that Rijeka was an italian town until the early 19:s

What are the croats afraid of? That Italy wants the town back? Well, actually the italian fascist party lead by Alessandra Mussolini wants it but that I wouldn't worry to much if I was a croat.

The croats are so insecure in their nationality that they have to protest at this???


pre 16 godina

This has nothing to do with insecurity but rather with diplomacy. What the Italians did was wrong and we all know that it is not fair to issue such stamps especially in relations to Balkan countries where there were many battles fought. It would be like Albania making a stamp claiming Kosovo. I would be a bit upset about that as would many Serbs that post here. BTW, Rijeka was Italian because they conquered it during the Roman Empire, but it does not make it Italian.


pre 16 godina

Igor, Rijeka was Italian because it had an Italian majority until after the expulsion after WWII. Same goes with Zadar and eastern Istria.

Italians were the majority in all major settlements on the western coast of the Adriatic from Bar to Triest up until the early 1700s. The Italians in the early 1800s represented 1/3 of the total population of Dalmatia. Italians were a significant presence on the Croatian coast and Boka Kotorska until the risorgimento and animosity between Austria and the re-unified led many to flee to Italy. After the massive migration out Italians were restricted too two cities and Istria which was so close to Italy.


pre 16 godina

How far back in history do we want to go? Dalmatia was the land of Illyrian people, no? Italians claim it because they conquered it during the Roman empire. You have to remember that Roman empire started in Rome and thus the rest of the land must have been conquered.


pre 16 godina


Serbs came to the region in 5th century and not after the 6th.


Albanians are not making stamps and still claim Kosovo as theirs. Now we have a huge problem with the Albanians and some neighbouring countries' high official representatives such as Stipe Mesic is very eager to blame Serbia as troublamker and factor of instability advicing Serbs to give up Kosovo and grant it to Albanians as simple as that. Well I guess what goes around comes around, after all. When and if Italians come to ask for something that they think it belongs to them, then Serbia might send same message to Croatians instead of support.