Tuesday, 23.10.2007.


Daughter says Karadžić won't surrender

Radovan Karadžić’s daughter Sonja Jovičević-Karadžić said that the surrender of her father was no longer an option.

Izvor: Beta

Daughter says Karadžiæ won't surrender IMAGE SOURCE

15 Komentari

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Andrea Baucero

pre 16 godina

Maybe Thompson is overly nationalistic, and every country has nationalistic and fascist singers, but at least he wasn't caught with an anti-aircraft weapon in his villa, as Ceca Raznjatovic was a few years ago, when she was questioned for being a part of the conspiration that killed your only hope for a better future, Zoran Dindic.


pre 16 godina

In Canada, Canadians and Quebecois live in peace, in harmony, even though the Quebecers wat to become an independent country.
We've never been in wars as the Serbs did in the 90s against our neighbours.

I hope that Serbs on this forum will have a serious reflection on this topic and find answers for them and their children.


pre 16 godina

Can you explain why so many young Croats seem to hate the Serbs?
(Victor, 23. October 2007 21:08)
They probably learned it from their relatives who torched the Serbian Orthodox church burning alive my maternal grandmother's family members.

Obviously, from the many responses, people find your posts as offensive as I do Victor.


pre 16 godina

Victor, Maybe they learned it from their parents or better their grandparents. They had first hand expirence at hateing Serbs durring WW2.


pre 16 godina

«Victor, do you rock to Thompson? »

Of course, not! But I see that many young Croats do. Can you explain why so many young Croats seem to hate the Serbs?

Charles Alverson

pre 16 godina

Why should Karadzic surrender? If the Hague were a true court with an interest in justice, there might be some reason. But to surrender to a tool of the US and the European countries responsible for pulling Yugoslavia violently apart would further demean the whole concept of justice.

Charles Alverson

pre 16 godina

Why should Karadzic surrender? If the Hague were a true court with an interest in justice, there might be some reason. But to surrender to a tool of the US and the European countries responsible for pulling Yugoslavia violently apart would further demean the whole concept of justice.


pre 16 godina

Victor, Maybe they learned it from their parents or better their grandparents. They had first hand expirence at hateing Serbs durring WW2.


pre 16 godina

Can you explain why so many young Croats seem to hate the Serbs?
(Victor, 23. October 2007 21:08)
They probably learned it from their relatives who torched the Serbian Orthodox church burning alive my maternal grandmother's family members.

Obviously, from the many responses, people find your posts as offensive as I do Victor.


pre 16 godina

«Victor, do you rock to Thompson? »

Of course, not! But I see that many young Croats do. Can you explain why so many young Croats seem to hate the Serbs?


pre 16 godina

In Canada, Canadians and Quebecois live in peace, in harmony, even though the Quebecers wat to become an independent country.
We've never been in wars as the Serbs did in the 90s against our neighbours.

I hope that Serbs on this forum will have a serious reflection on this topic and find answers for them and their children.

Andrea Baucero

pre 16 godina

Maybe Thompson is overly nationalistic, and every country has nationalistic and fascist singers, but at least he wasn't caught with an anti-aircraft weapon in his villa, as Ceca Raznjatovic was a few years ago, when she was questioned for being a part of the conspiration that killed your only hope for a better future, Zoran Dindic.


pre 16 godina

«Victor, do you rock to Thompson? »

Of course, not! But I see that many young Croats do. Can you explain why so many young Croats seem to hate the Serbs?

Charles Alverson

pre 16 godina

Why should Karadzic surrender? If the Hague were a true court with an interest in justice, there might be some reason. But to surrender to a tool of the US and the European countries responsible for pulling Yugoslavia violently apart would further demean the whole concept of justice.


pre 16 godina

Victor, Maybe they learned it from their parents or better their grandparents. They had first hand expirence at hateing Serbs durring WW2.


pre 16 godina

Can you explain why so many young Croats seem to hate the Serbs?
(Victor, 23. October 2007 21:08)
They probably learned it from their relatives who torched the Serbian Orthodox church burning alive my maternal grandmother's family members.

Obviously, from the many responses, people find your posts as offensive as I do Victor.


pre 16 godina

In Canada, Canadians and Quebecois live in peace, in harmony, even though the Quebecers wat to become an independent country.
We've never been in wars as the Serbs did in the 90s against our neighbours.

I hope that Serbs on this forum will have a serious reflection on this topic and find answers for them and their children.

Andrea Baucero

pre 16 godina

Maybe Thompson is overly nationalistic, and every country has nationalistic and fascist singers, but at least he wasn't caught with an anti-aircraft weapon in his villa, as Ceca Raznjatovic was a few years ago, when she was questioned for being a part of the conspiration that killed your only hope for a better future, Zoran Dindic.