Wednesday, 12.09.2007.


Barosso: Hague cooperation leads to SAA

Jose Manuel Barroso says full cooperation with the Hague would lead to Serbia signing the SAA by the end of this year.

Izvor: B92

Barosso: Hague cooperation leads to SAA IMAGE SOURCE

18 Komentari

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pre 17 godina

"The fact that the albanians on this forum hate Kostunica with such venom must mean that he is doing an excellent job :) . Keep doing what you are doing Vojo!
(Dragan, 12. September 2007 19:32) "

Dragan - if Serbia's only policy is to cause tension in the region, cause hatred between albanians and serbs, isolate Serbia, stop the development of the region ...- then you are right, he must be doing a good job.

For you info, albanian do not hate Koshtunica, we pity him and thank him for continuing Milosevic's policy which leads us to independence. For us people like Tadic are much more dangerous.


pre 17 godina

Victor, you sad:

S"…What bothers me is that the Serb Gov could have arrested Mladic for years during 1995 and 2003 and they did not, even though they were aware that and indictment had been issued against him by the ICTY for war crimes and genocide. I do not understand that a responsible and honest Gov. behave like this. Do you?…"

What bothers me is that so much energy of the "International Community", (US and couple of friends), is still focused on punishing Serbs for the alleged war crimes from the past. At the same time, the same countries that are loudest about the need to punish Serbs, are themselves busy committing war crimes of the huge scale at this very moment! If judged by the same standards as they judge Serbs, complete British and US administrations should join Seselj behind the bars in Den Haag. When will US equivalent of Mladic, general who lad onslaught of Faluja face the justice? It's unbelievable but US and GB still claim high moral ground above everyone else and they are still lecturing everybody! And these administrations consider themselves responsible and honest! I do not understand that. Do you?


pre 17 godina

I wouldn't exactly call the Milosevic and Djindjic governements between 95 and 03 responsible... remember that sanctions were also in place during some of those years.

Not so strange that a government under those circumstances do not cooperate with the "enemy" as they see it

And my paralell to Gotovina IS justified, I am not so sure that Mladic is in Serbia. If he is he is actually not very clever, with his money and contacts I belive that Russia, Byelorussia, south Africa or some south american countries would be safer than serbia, remember what Djindjic did to Milosevic....?

And what with Karadzic? Why is there no theats against his native Montenegro when not arresting him?

I think that even if you and Carla belives that they know their locations its not that simple. She was equally sure that Gotovina was in Croatia, that says something about the intelligence work the Hague has..


pre 17 godina

The fact that the albanians on this forum hate Kostunica with such venom must mean that he is doing an excellent job :) . Keep doing what you are doing Vojo!


pre 17 godina

Kostunica is a "modern" version of Miloshevic. It is becoming more and more evedent that Kosova must be independent ASAP (as soon as possible). Just an hypothetical question for Princip as Koshtunica's spokeperson. I am wandering how the more than 2 millions of Kosovar Albanians would have been called should Kosova remain with Serbia?


pre 17 godina

The EU works great as an economic/free trade zone and Serbia should join with its territory fully intact as soon as possible.This will be a big incentive for the majority of people in Kosovo to cooperate.If General Mladic is in Serbia I would like to be informed of his whereabouts so that I can collect the $5m reward.He should be relieved to be able to finally plead his case in a European court of law and explain his actions so no Serb should feel bad about giving me his whereabouts.However,it is kind of hypocritical for the EU to insist on his surrender considering the fact that the US and EU do not condition aid to Afghanistan and Pakistan on the capture of Osama Banana.Serbia is Europe and rational Europeans are waking up to the fact that Kosovo needs economic incentives and not meaningless unilateral declarations which cannot be legally recognized.The future is bright for those who take to heart the message in John Lennon's Imagine.


pre 17 godina

Princip, it seems to me that Kostunica realizes the EU has become more than an economic forumn; it has also become a force for homogenization along political and cultural standards. This is the one sticking point he and many of DSS leaders may have when considering further Serbian-EU integration. Nevertheless, it has become blatantly apparent that Brussels strongly wants Belgrade in its ranks. I have not seen any other country so vigorously pursued by EU officials as Serbia.

Victor, yes. Mladic must be caught asap. I'm sure that the day he is caught, the final negotiations for EU integration will begin the day after. Brussels is keen to get Serbia into the EU because of its strategic and geographic position as the lynchpin of the western Balkans.

John3, let's also not forget that Kostunica was not in power during the 1990s when this so-called Greater Serbian objective was pursued. The 40% of the Serbian population you say vote for the SRS do not support notions of a Greater Serbia. The SRS has become a national populist party that gets most support from protest votes against the sitting government. During the Milosevic years when the SRS openly called for a Greater Serbia, it received less that 5% of the popular vote. Understanding the complexities of the SRS, as well as the attitudes of its voters, may be the most critical factor in understanding the present political conditions in Serbia today.


pre 17 godina

Look at the recommendations of each individual post. It is obvious that there r Serbs that dont care about south Kosovo. Its just that it is not a majority. Or said in this way, I dont know any personally that are willing to see Kosovo independent and are willing to do all they can to keep it.

Which is more then you can say for free speech under the Kosovo regime. They oppress/liquidate anyone that disagrees with them.



pre 17 godina

Come on Srboslav, of course Mladic is in Serbia, protected by the Serbian authorities.

Remember last week, Rade Bulatovic (Secret Service Chief) admitted that Mladic lived in Serbia until 2005 for sure.

Who believes all the tear jerking stories that nobody know where he is? Completely nonsense. Ratko Mladic is in Serbia, safe and protected. So, it is easy to arrest and deliver him. That this is not happening, is because of the unwillingness of Mr Kostunica and his nationalistic friends.

laki NY

pre 17 godina

this to Princip, kate, cvele, raso,,
the following comments from your brothers and sisters in serbia describe the state of affairs in Serbia



pre 17 godina


What bothers me is that the Serb Gov could have arrested Mladic for years during 1995 and 2003 and they did not, even though they were aware that and indictment had been issued against him by the ICTY for war crimes and genocide. I do not understand that a responsible and honest Gov. behave like this. Do you?

And after 2002, the Gov. made sure that Mladic was under the protection of the army and he still is. And you seem to ignore all this by posing question which are not relevant to the case.


pre 17 godina

It was made clear to the PM that he has 100 days, no more and no less.
Helsinki document also recognizes the right of people/ nations for self-determination.
Now, another thing that he has to deal with, are the statements from his cabinet memebers.
BTW,it would be very productive for the Serbian posters (that live outside Serbia) to read the news in Serbian and the comments from people who actually live in Serbia, and read their opinions about Kosovo issue and DSS.
It would be for informational and educational purposes, of course.


pre 17 godina

How dare this Kostunica talk about international standards, after his country tried to create Great Serbia, by trying to snap large territories of Croatia and Bosnia, violating the same international standards.

And what do we see these days, high ranking Serbian officials threathening with military intervention, other high ranking Serbian officials insulting a friendly neighboring country, the Serbian Orthodox making problems in neighboring countries, openly supported by the Serbian government.

Lets not forget that almost 40% of the Serbian population is voting for extreme nationalistic parties, like SRS and SPS. Those parties are openly dreaming about the Great Serbia, including Craotian and Bosnian territories. If you put the DSS voters on the same side (which can be done more and more easy, looking to the opinions of mr Kostunica and his party servants), the nationalists have a vast majority in Serbia. With those people and their opinions EU has to believe in Serbia's good intentions for peaceful solutions, respecting and equally treatment of all citizens? It is difficult to imagine.


pre 17 godina


You seems really sure that Mladic is in Serbia? If his location is so wellknown, why didn't nato arrest him when he was in Bosnia then?

Are you equally sure he is in Serbia as Carla Del Ponte was that Croatia was harbouring Ante Gotvina when he was wanted?


pre 17 godina

I hope that kit will be made clear to Mr K that time has come to comply fully with the EU and deliver as soon as possible Mladic. There is no way out for Kustunica towards the acceptation of his country into the European Union.

Princip, UK

pre 17 godina

And I am certain that Kostunica will reiterate that the Government line is united on the way forward into the EU regarding the Soverign and Integral Republic of Serbia!

Something that has clearly required a full response to recently amongst many deaf ears in the few "EU" states and certain technocrats/spokepersons.


pre 17 godina

The fact that the albanians on this forum hate Kostunica with such venom must mean that he is doing an excellent job :) . Keep doing what you are doing Vojo!

Princip, UK

pre 17 godina

And I am certain that Kostunica will reiterate that the Government line is united on the way forward into the EU regarding the Soverign and Integral Republic of Serbia!

Something that has clearly required a full response to recently amongst many deaf ears in the few "EU" states and certain technocrats/spokepersons.


pre 17 godina

I hope that kit will be made clear to Mr K that time has come to comply fully with the EU and deliver as soon as possible Mladic. There is no way out for Kustunica towards the acceptation of his country into the European Union.


pre 17 godina


What bothers me is that the Serb Gov could have arrested Mladic for years during 1995 and 2003 and they did not, even though they were aware that and indictment had been issued against him by the ICTY for war crimes and genocide. I do not understand that a responsible and honest Gov. behave like this. Do you?

And after 2002, the Gov. made sure that Mladic was under the protection of the army and he still is. And you seem to ignore all this by posing question which are not relevant to the case.


pre 17 godina


You seems really sure that Mladic is in Serbia? If his location is so wellknown, why didn't nato arrest him when he was in Bosnia then?

Are you equally sure he is in Serbia as Carla Del Ponte was that Croatia was harbouring Ante Gotvina when he was wanted?


pre 17 godina

The EU works great as an economic/free trade zone and Serbia should join with its territory fully intact as soon as possible.This will be a big incentive for the majority of people in Kosovo to cooperate.If General Mladic is in Serbia I would like to be informed of his whereabouts so that I can collect the $5m reward.He should be relieved to be able to finally plead his case in a European court of law and explain his actions so no Serb should feel bad about giving me his whereabouts.However,it is kind of hypocritical for the EU to insist on his surrender considering the fact that the US and EU do not condition aid to Afghanistan and Pakistan on the capture of Osama Banana.Serbia is Europe and rational Europeans are waking up to the fact that Kosovo needs economic incentives and not meaningless unilateral declarations which cannot be legally recognized.The future is bright for those who take to heart the message in John Lennon's Imagine.


pre 17 godina

It was made clear to the PM that he has 100 days, no more and no less.
Helsinki document also recognizes the right of people/ nations for self-determination.
Now, another thing that he has to deal with, are the statements from his cabinet memebers.
BTW,it would be very productive for the Serbian posters (that live outside Serbia) to read the news in Serbian and the comments from people who actually live in Serbia, and read their opinions about Kosovo issue and DSS.
It would be for informational and educational purposes, of course.


pre 17 godina

How dare this Kostunica talk about international standards, after his country tried to create Great Serbia, by trying to snap large territories of Croatia and Bosnia, violating the same international standards.

And what do we see these days, high ranking Serbian officials threathening with military intervention, other high ranking Serbian officials insulting a friendly neighboring country, the Serbian Orthodox making problems in neighboring countries, openly supported by the Serbian government.

Lets not forget that almost 40% of the Serbian population is voting for extreme nationalistic parties, like SRS and SPS. Those parties are openly dreaming about the Great Serbia, including Craotian and Bosnian territories. If you put the DSS voters on the same side (which can be done more and more easy, looking to the opinions of mr Kostunica and his party servants), the nationalists have a vast majority in Serbia. With those people and their opinions EU has to believe in Serbia's good intentions for peaceful solutions, respecting and equally treatment of all citizens? It is difficult to imagine.

laki NY

pre 17 godina

this to Princip, kate, cvele, raso,,
the following comments from your brothers and sisters in serbia describe the state of affairs in Serbia



pre 17 godina

Look at the recommendations of each individual post. It is obvious that there r Serbs that dont care about south Kosovo. Its just that it is not a majority. Or said in this way, I dont know any personally that are willing to see Kosovo independent and are willing to do all they can to keep it.

Which is more then you can say for free speech under the Kosovo regime. They oppress/liquidate anyone that disagrees with them.



pre 17 godina

Princip, it seems to me that Kostunica realizes the EU has become more than an economic forumn; it has also become a force for homogenization along political and cultural standards. This is the one sticking point he and many of DSS leaders may have when considering further Serbian-EU integration. Nevertheless, it has become blatantly apparent that Brussels strongly wants Belgrade in its ranks. I have not seen any other country so vigorously pursued by EU officials as Serbia.

Victor, yes. Mladic must be caught asap. I'm sure that the day he is caught, the final negotiations for EU integration will begin the day after. Brussels is keen to get Serbia into the EU because of its strategic and geographic position as the lynchpin of the western Balkans.

John3, let's also not forget that Kostunica was not in power during the 1990s when this so-called Greater Serbian objective was pursued. The 40% of the Serbian population you say vote for the SRS do not support notions of a Greater Serbia. The SRS has become a national populist party that gets most support from protest votes against the sitting government. During the Milosevic years when the SRS openly called for a Greater Serbia, it received less that 5% of the popular vote. Understanding the complexities of the SRS, as well as the attitudes of its voters, may be the most critical factor in understanding the present political conditions in Serbia today.


pre 17 godina

Come on Srboslav, of course Mladic is in Serbia, protected by the Serbian authorities.

Remember last week, Rade Bulatovic (Secret Service Chief) admitted that Mladic lived in Serbia until 2005 for sure.

Who believes all the tear jerking stories that nobody know where he is? Completely nonsense. Ratko Mladic is in Serbia, safe and protected. So, it is easy to arrest and deliver him. That this is not happening, is because of the unwillingness of Mr Kostunica and his nationalistic friends.


pre 17 godina

Kostunica is a "modern" version of Miloshevic. It is becoming more and more evedent that Kosova must be independent ASAP (as soon as possible). Just an hypothetical question for Princip as Koshtunica's spokeperson. I am wandering how the more than 2 millions of Kosovar Albanians would have been called should Kosova remain with Serbia?


pre 17 godina

Victor, you sad:

S"…What bothers me is that the Serb Gov could have arrested Mladic for years during 1995 and 2003 and they did not, even though they were aware that and indictment had been issued against him by the ICTY for war crimes and genocide. I do not understand that a responsible and honest Gov. behave like this. Do you?…"

What bothers me is that so much energy of the "International Community", (US and couple of friends), is still focused on punishing Serbs for the alleged war crimes from the past. At the same time, the same countries that are loudest about the need to punish Serbs, are themselves busy committing war crimes of the huge scale at this very moment! If judged by the same standards as they judge Serbs, complete British and US administrations should join Seselj behind the bars in Den Haag. When will US equivalent of Mladic, general who lad onslaught of Faluja face the justice? It's unbelievable but US and GB still claim high moral ground above everyone else and they are still lecturing everybody! And these administrations consider themselves responsible and honest! I do not understand that. Do you?


pre 17 godina

"The fact that the albanians on this forum hate Kostunica with such venom must mean that he is doing an excellent job :) . Keep doing what you are doing Vojo!
(Dragan, 12. September 2007 19:32) "

Dragan - if Serbia's only policy is to cause tension in the region, cause hatred between albanians and serbs, isolate Serbia, stop the development of the region ...- then you are right, he must be doing a good job.

For you info, albanian do not hate Koshtunica, we pity him and thank him for continuing Milosevic's policy which leads us to independence. For us people like Tadic are much more dangerous.


pre 17 godina

I wouldn't exactly call the Milosevic and Djindjic governements between 95 and 03 responsible... remember that sanctions were also in place during some of those years.

Not so strange that a government under those circumstances do not cooperate with the "enemy" as they see it

And my paralell to Gotovina IS justified, I am not so sure that Mladic is in Serbia. If he is he is actually not very clever, with his money and contacts I belive that Russia, Byelorussia, south Africa or some south american countries would be safer than serbia, remember what Djindjic did to Milosevic....?

And what with Karadzic? Why is there no theats against his native Montenegro when not arresting him?

I think that even if you and Carla belives that they know their locations its not that simple. She was equally sure that Gotovina was in Croatia, that says something about the intelligence work the Hague has..


pre 17 godina

How dare this Kostunica talk about international standards, after his country tried to create Great Serbia, by trying to snap large territories of Croatia and Bosnia, violating the same international standards.

And what do we see these days, high ranking Serbian officials threathening with military intervention, other high ranking Serbian officials insulting a friendly neighboring country, the Serbian Orthodox making problems in neighboring countries, openly supported by the Serbian government.

Lets not forget that almost 40% of the Serbian population is voting for extreme nationalistic parties, like SRS and SPS. Those parties are openly dreaming about the Great Serbia, including Craotian and Bosnian territories. If you put the DSS voters on the same side (which can be done more and more easy, looking to the opinions of mr Kostunica and his party servants), the nationalists have a vast majority in Serbia. With those people and their opinions EU has to believe in Serbia's good intentions for peaceful solutions, respecting and equally treatment of all citizens? It is difficult to imagine.

laki NY

pre 17 godina

this to Princip, kate, cvele, raso,,
the following comments from your brothers and sisters in serbia describe the state of affairs in Serbia


Princip, UK

pre 17 godina

And I am certain that Kostunica will reiterate that the Government line is united on the way forward into the EU regarding the Soverign and Integral Republic of Serbia!

Something that has clearly required a full response to recently amongst many deaf ears in the few "EU" states and certain technocrats/spokepersons.


pre 17 godina

I hope that kit will be made clear to Mr K that time has come to comply fully with the EU and deliver as soon as possible Mladic. There is no way out for Kustunica towards the acceptation of his country into the European Union.


pre 17 godina


What bothers me is that the Serb Gov could have arrested Mladic for years during 1995 and 2003 and they did not, even though they were aware that and indictment had been issued against him by the ICTY for war crimes and genocide. I do not understand that a responsible and honest Gov. behave like this. Do you?

And after 2002, the Gov. made sure that Mladic was under the protection of the army and he still is. And you seem to ignore all this by posing question which are not relevant to the case.


pre 17 godina

It was made clear to the PM that he has 100 days, no more and no less.
Helsinki document also recognizes the right of people/ nations for self-determination.
Now, another thing that he has to deal with, are the statements from his cabinet memebers.
BTW,it would be very productive for the Serbian posters (that live outside Serbia) to read the news in Serbian and the comments from people who actually live in Serbia, and read their opinions about Kosovo issue and DSS.
It would be for informational and educational purposes, of course.


pre 17 godina

Come on Srboslav, of course Mladic is in Serbia, protected by the Serbian authorities.

Remember last week, Rade Bulatovic (Secret Service Chief) admitted that Mladic lived in Serbia until 2005 for sure.

Who believes all the tear jerking stories that nobody know where he is? Completely nonsense. Ratko Mladic is in Serbia, safe and protected. So, it is easy to arrest and deliver him. That this is not happening, is because of the unwillingness of Mr Kostunica and his nationalistic friends.


pre 17 godina

Kostunica is a "modern" version of Miloshevic. It is becoming more and more evedent that Kosova must be independent ASAP (as soon as possible). Just an hypothetical question for Princip as Koshtunica's spokeperson. I am wandering how the more than 2 millions of Kosovar Albanians would have been called should Kosova remain with Serbia?


pre 17 godina


You seems really sure that Mladic is in Serbia? If his location is so wellknown, why didn't nato arrest him when he was in Bosnia then?

Are you equally sure he is in Serbia as Carla Del Ponte was that Croatia was harbouring Ante Gotvina when he was wanted?


pre 17 godina

Princip, it seems to me that Kostunica realizes the EU has become more than an economic forumn; it has also become a force for homogenization along political and cultural standards. This is the one sticking point he and many of DSS leaders may have when considering further Serbian-EU integration. Nevertheless, it has become blatantly apparent that Brussels strongly wants Belgrade in its ranks. I have not seen any other country so vigorously pursued by EU officials as Serbia.

Victor, yes. Mladic must be caught asap. I'm sure that the day he is caught, the final negotiations for EU integration will begin the day after. Brussels is keen to get Serbia into the EU because of its strategic and geographic position as the lynchpin of the western Balkans.

John3, let's also not forget that Kostunica was not in power during the 1990s when this so-called Greater Serbian objective was pursued. The 40% of the Serbian population you say vote for the SRS do not support notions of a Greater Serbia. The SRS has become a national populist party that gets most support from protest votes against the sitting government. During the Milosevic years when the SRS openly called for a Greater Serbia, it received less that 5% of the popular vote. Understanding the complexities of the SRS, as well as the attitudes of its voters, may be the most critical factor in understanding the present political conditions in Serbia today.


pre 17 godina

The EU works great as an economic/free trade zone and Serbia should join with its territory fully intact as soon as possible.This will be a big incentive for the majority of people in Kosovo to cooperate.If General Mladic is in Serbia I would like to be informed of his whereabouts so that I can collect the $5m reward.He should be relieved to be able to finally plead his case in a European court of law and explain his actions so no Serb should feel bad about giving me his whereabouts.However,it is kind of hypocritical for the EU to insist on his surrender considering the fact that the US and EU do not condition aid to Afghanistan and Pakistan on the capture of Osama Banana.Serbia is Europe and rational Europeans are waking up to the fact that Kosovo needs economic incentives and not meaningless unilateral declarations which cannot be legally recognized.The future is bright for those who take to heart the message in John Lennon's Imagine.


pre 17 godina

Look at the recommendations of each individual post. It is obvious that there r Serbs that dont care about south Kosovo. Its just that it is not a majority. Or said in this way, I dont know any personally that are willing to see Kosovo independent and are willing to do all they can to keep it.

Which is more then you can say for free speech under the Kosovo regime. They oppress/liquidate anyone that disagrees with them.



pre 17 godina

The fact that the albanians on this forum hate Kostunica with such venom must mean that he is doing an excellent job :) . Keep doing what you are doing Vojo!


pre 17 godina

I wouldn't exactly call the Milosevic and Djindjic governements between 95 and 03 responsible... remember that sanctions were also in place during some of those years.

Not so strange that a government under those circumstances do not cooperate with the "enemy" as they see it

And my paralell to Gotovina IS justified, I am not so sure that Mladic is in Serbia. If he is he is actually not very clever, with his money and contacts I belive that Russia, Byelorussia, south Africa or some south american countries would be safer than serbia, remember what Djindjic did to Milosevic....?

And what with Karadzic? Why is there no theats against his native Montenegro when not arresting him?

I think that even if you and Carla belives that they know their locations its not that simple. She was equally sure that Gotovina was in Croatia, that says something about the intelligence work the Hague has..


pre 17 godina

Victor, you sad:

S"…What bothers me is that the Serb Gov could have arrested Mladic for years during 1995 and 2003 and they did not, even though they were aware that and indictment had been issued against him by the ICTY for war crimes and genocide. I do not understand that a responsible and honest Gov. behave like this. Do you?…"

What bothers me is that so much energy of the "International Community", (US and couple of friends), is still focused on punishing Serbs for the alleged war crimes from the past. At the same time, the same countries that are loudest about the need to punish Serbs, are themselves busy committing war crimes of the huge scale at this very moment! If judged by the same standards as they judge Serbs, complete British and US administrations should join Seselj behind the bars in Den Haag. When will US equivalent of Mladic, general who lad onslaught of Faluja face the justice? It's unbelievable but US and GB still claim high moral ground above everyone else and they are still lecturing everybody! And these administrations consider themselves responsible and honest! I do not understand that. Do you?


pre 17 godina

"The fact that the albanians on this forum hate Kostunica with such venom must mean that he is doing an excellent job :) . Keep doing what you are doing Vojo!
(Dragan, 12. September 2007 19:32) "

Dragan - if Serbia's only policy is to cause tension in the region, cause hatred between albanians and serbs, isolate Serbia, stop the development of the region ...- then you are right, he must be doing a good job.

For you info, albanian do not hate Koshtunica, we pity him and thank him for continuing Milosevic's policy which leads us to independence. For us people like Tadic are much more dangerous.