Monday, 16.10.2006.


Ahtisaari to submit status proposal by year's end

Ahtisaari says he has prepared Kosovo status proposal and will submit it to the UN SC by the end of 2006.

Izvor: FoNet

Ahtisaari to submit status proposal by year's end IMAGE SOURCE

34 Komentari

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pre 18 godina

Noel, how can you say that 95% of Kosovo's population wants a divorce from Serbia, when 11% Kosovo's population doesn't even feel safe enough to live there now? In case you didn't know Noel, 226,000 refugees from Kosovo are currently in central Serbia & Montenegro. Most of them are Serbs,and all of them were ethnically cleansed by the KLA after Nato occupied Kosovo. I sincerely doubt that any of them support the idea of Kosovo independence.

So really at best, 84% of Kosovo's people are Albanian, and want independence (that is, assuming that they are all unanimous in that decision). But guess what, it doesn't matter even if they are. Why? Because unlike Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia, Slovenia, or Macedonia, Kosovo was NOT a state of the former Yugoslavia. Furthermore, Albanians were NOT a constituent people of former Yugoslavia. This means that Albanians in Kosovo do not have the right to decide on independence for Kosovo as the citizens of the other Yugoslav states did. They never did period! The truth is this: Kosovo is Serbia, it always was, and always will be. Like it or not Albanians (kosovo or otherwise) are a minority of 18% inside Serbia. The majority in Serbia are serbs, who want to keep Kosovo in Serbia. This fact will be confirmed in the upcoming constitutional refrendum.

Noel, if Kosovo independence was as sure a thing as you claim, then it would've already happened a long time ago. Nothing is set in stone, and it is quite possible that western nations will re-think their positions on Kosovo. I believe this is especially true, since it is becoming crystal clear that independence for Kosovo would effectively shatter all hopes for a unified Bosnia.

Noel Blackstone

pre 18 godina

The objective evidence is crystal clear, 95% of Kosovo's population want divorce from Serbia as did everyone else in former Yugoslavia.

this campaignagainst Kosovo's independencehas seen all the usual mud-slinging we have come to expect.

Kosovo will become the newest state in Europe, Period!

muhammad abdul

pre 18 godina

i read all the comments and it can be categorized into 2, pro-albanian and pro-serbian. but the note from brian is interesting and objective observation. i agree also that the mere delay and long time to decide by the major powers only mean one thing. and that's a status short of independence whatever you call it.


pre 18 godina

Nicely said by Bill. And the only way for Nato troops to force out Serbian troops was to terrorize serbian civilians because they couldnt get the serb army.

Kosovo is Serbian :)

Agim Elshani

pre 18 godina

Bill, you got the facts wrong also. You are right about Albanians joining nazis, but that was a small number and majority joint the partizans to fight both nazis and albanians alike.Second give me facts that Albanians flooded Kosova after the borders were open as you said. The fact of the matter is that the borders were never open untill the KLA took over main Kosare military baracs, and from that moment on the border was open but this ocurred in 1999 and not 1980. Kosova was not flooded with Albanians from Albania but Kosovars returned back home in 1999.
These are the facts.Cheers.

Noel Balckstone

pre 18 godina

Bill, firstly everyone has the right to express their views regarding WWII, that's history now. and whoever lived prior to 80's in kosovo it's irelevant. the facts are that 95% of the Kosovo's popilation are Albanian and they want divorce from Serbia as did Slovenia, Croatia,Bosnia,Macedonia and Montenegro. it's in your own intrests to wake up from your dreams and realise that no-one wants to live with serbia under the same roof the sooner the better. Kosovo will become soon the newest state in Europe, you just have to learn to live with it.


pre 18 godina

to afrim and artan and others that are spitting misinformation:

first of all, you weren't held back since the 80's. Kosovo's alb. population exploded when people flooded in from albania after tuto opened the boarders. Please represent the facts correctly.

Second, how dare you make a comment about WWII? Are you aware of what happened in WWII? Are you aware that the alb. population joined the nazis? Are you aware that your people were following a murderous and fascist rampage? Do you understand what fascism means? I would hardly liken WWII to the recent wars, especially since the KLA started the killing in the first place.

KLA created a historic defeat? Oh puleeeeeez!! Try NATO.

Finally, leaders in albania are shot all the time. While fascism is in control in Kosovo, it would be hard to imagine that a leader should be killed, simply by the very definition of a fascist state.


pre 18 godina

We all know what the proposal from Athisari is , and that is Independence(either full or conditional), but in any case is nothing short of word independence will be included in his proposal.Kostunica and tadic know about this but are not willing to tell its people, WHY?


pre 18 godina

To all the serbs here.. just because of my first comment, i just wanted to say:
why you worry about kosovo and the Albanians who live there? of how they will survive? how they will develop? do you love them so much? i love them too..
Albania as a country has been poor economically, have suffered more than any other country in the balkans but they are rich as people, people have change their attitudes,and now is getting even better, while serbs are still stuck in the past. All Kosovo, montenegro, macedonia people have nothing to depend on serbia, Albania will support them with everything, we will borow money and give them just if they want to be free and reject nationalizm and be indipendent. We allways support the weak, poor, small, because we have been like this for centuries We are not your enemies, dont hate us.


pre 18 godina

In my opinion, keeping Kosovo into Serbia will lead to a very dangerous situation for the Serbian people: in the future Serbians will no longer be the majority, ethnically speaking, of "their" republic.
That scenario is not so faraway.
In relation to some comments I read, I do not think that the USA will help Serbia in "containing" albanian riots in case of unrealized Kosovo's independence


pre 18 godina

"i am wondering why this issue is taking too long. if indeed the status is outright independence, and with the WESTERN POWERS backing it, it would have happened long ago. the fact is, the WEST could not stomach to upset SERBIA thats why negotiations is never finished. thats simple common sense guys!!!
(brian kerry, 17 October 2006, 09:13)"

I think the real reason is because the solution must be approved by the UN Security Council. Contrary to wishful thinking by many in the West, the Western powers do not have a monopoly on the Security Council. In fact, my hunch is that the Russians and Chinese hated the guts of the West (they never forgot being bullied by the West in 19th Century when they were weak) even though they do not publicly say so.

artan gjaja

pre 18 godina

To people like USA1,

If you want to have two sides of the coin on the surface you really have to be question driven in that case!
"If Kosovo gains independence, Serbia will build a wall towards it and Kosovo will NEVER join the EU, just like Turkey."
Why can't you simply see the other side of this coin of yours. If Kosovo get's independence, Serbia is the one who's not going to recognize it and believe it or not, it will be forced to recognize it, it will be forced to come up with apologies for the whole region, cause what they did is held us back in 1980 for last 20 years!!!

brian kerry

pre 18 godina

i am wondering why this issue is taking too long. if indeed the status is outright independence, and with the WESTERN POWERS backing it, it would have happened long ago. the fact is, the WEST could not stomach to upset SERBIA thats why negotiations is never finished. thats simple common sense guys!!!

Afrim Hoxha

pre 18 godina

It is very funny to see how serbs still hope that Kosova will remain part of Serbia.
I thank PROUDJEW for his positive and real statement about the reality in Kosova which is independence and prosperity.
Serbs say that they are a democratic place but just few days before a criminal act happened in the entrance of a Belgrade stadium where some jews got harrased by serb hooligans ( neo-nazis).
Also, just couple of days ago some serbs wore white hoods against a black african football player claiming that they were KKK ( ku klux klan). And these are just some examples that we now know thanks to B92 which is more democratic than the rest of media in serbia.
Some people say that Serbia will join EU in a very short time but to do so they cant even arrest a criminal accused of genocide which they keep as a national hero. Some here accuse Kosova of being a country based on crimes, but remember, who killed the democrat Zoran Djindic in Serbia? wasnt it the serb mafia? Oh no i forgot, it was the mafia together with some elements of the government. While talking about mafia and corruption, isnt it that the son and wife of former serb president Milosevic hiding in your beloved Russia? At least none of the families of any present or past kosovar leaders are hiding somewhere else due to corruption. At least none of the kosovar leaders was killed by Mafia groups like Djindic of Serbia.
The way serbs are thinking now is the same way the Germans were thinking during the world war 2, Germans thought they were the victims while in fact the jews and others were victims of germans, and same thing nw, serbs think they are the victims whereas in fact the others were victims of serbs.
I am sorry to give all these statements, I understand it hurts to hear them but after all it is the reality, and the reality hurts for sure.
THanks to B92 for letting us experess ourselves.

Vasilije Mikic

pre 18 godina

USA1 does have some very interesting points there. As far as the "hey...lets give them independance and I'm sure the economic prosperity will follow" mentalitity goes...Look at the ex-Soviet states, Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia... Should I really go on? Croatia's debt is larger than its GDP...ahh so is the cost of liberty...


pre 18 godina

To ***** (no name)

I guess you are confusing nationalism with patriotism. Do you remember Milosevic's meetings in the late '80s, in Belgrade and Gazimestan? That's what is called "virulent nationalism". It's that kind of nationalism which led you through 3 lost wars in 8 years. It's that kind of nationalism which made you lose Kosovo in 1999. But maybe I'm wasting time explaining that to you. As for the rest, I wrote that the argument for Kosovo's independence is that Serbia isn't able to rule it any more, or to put it in other word, Serbia cannot work with Kosovo inside, not because Serbia is still virulently nationalist (that's another reason, but not the main one, not even that the Albanian majority wants it, well, that's another strong reason, but would not be sufficient alone). You see, even the Montenegrins chose to go their way, even having the same languange and religion with the Serbs, there must be e reason for it). You cannot fix borders with a Costitution for which the Albanian Kosovars are not even allowed to vote (their names have been cancelled from the electoral lists of Serbia, well, they were not to vote anyway, and there is a reason for it also). It's a pure scandalous event, one cannot even immagine it to happen in a real democratic country.

To USA1: The NATO troops passsing through Serbia and the joint military maneuvres are nothing new. As for the rest, there will be conditioned independence, with some trouble to be calmed down by the KFOR, IF NEEDED (to calm down the spirits in Serbia, it will depend on the electoral outcome) and make it clear (also to eventual opponents in the Security Council) once and forever that there can be no way for Kosovo back in Serbia. I do hope this second hypothesis will remain in the folder.

Emin Civuli

pre 18 godina

To: ****
It's not the question of serbian nationalism, it is the question of serbian XENOPHOBIA which is the ugly cousin of nationalism.
Serbs suffer from it, and the latest racial incident in Cacak at the soccer match showed it's true face. The world sees these things with great attention, and therefore they are drwaing lines,and conclusions about the serbian xenophobic minds.
By trying to rid Kosova from it's Albanian habitants during 1999, they comitted xenophobic acts.


pre 18 godina

To Zubrus,

KLA or not? They definetly were the reason of Serbia's historic defeat. You may say whatever you want about KLA, but they certainly deserve some credit for this indipendence. I know they wouldn't have been able to kick Serbian paratroopers out of Kosova alone, but with friends they were able to do so. You can call them as much as you want Criminals, and we can call as much as we want Milloshevic's paratroopers criminals. That is the past my friend. Why don't you stop acting like sore losers, and extend your hand in congratulation of indipendence and mutual friendship like two neighborly countries would do.



pre 18 godina

certainly Kosovo's path towards EU isn't through Serbia. With a GDP around $5000 per capita Serbia has much more to do to join EU, = they have to recognise Kosovo as independent country for any chance to Join EU, with their nationalism in mind i don't think so. By that time Kosovo could be enjoying the EU membership.


pre 18 godina

To (*****)

Kosovo Albanians are Albanians. Kosovar is an expression in Albanian if you don't understand it. Like saying Presevar. Presevars are Albanian as well. We have never hidden that fact sir. 70% of Latin America speak Spanish and share the same culture, yet, there are over forty indipendent countries. Croatia speaks your language and has very similiar culture with exception of their religion. They didn't want to stay with you, why should we?

noel Blackstone

pre 18 godina

Kosovo will become the newest state in EU, i suppose those against just have to learn to live with it. As per Kosovo's prosperity let Kosovars worry about it. Surely once independent the country will enjoy a period of peace and prosperity.


pre 18 godina

When I read these comments I have noticed that the only excuse that albanians use is that Serbians and (pro Serbian commentators) are nationalists, how long do you honestly think you can use that. (To Genc)nationalsim is not a problem in Serbia, in fact I think above all else you are even misenterpiting the word nationalist (definition) "Loyalty to ones country; move for independence of state, ruled by another" so tell me which one do you think sounds more Serbian or albanian? If anything those NATIONALISTS you talk about are people who love their country and DONT want to see harm done to it.......you seem to think people in Srebia want to expand their borders, well you are dead wrong, Serbia's borders consists of the following provinces Vojodina,central serbia, and kosovo, it's not Serbs who seek to expand their borders now is it?

Just to note the "excuse" of making Kosovo a "independent country" is riduculas if you AT LEAST went out and siad we want to expand our borders, I might understand that a bit more "though strongly against that too" I dont get your logic this is what you are saying " we want to make a country called Kosovo "no doubt" and yet you are albanians... this is why Serbs of all people frown at this because for their to be a country "Kosovo" there needs to be Kosovars (not serbs or albanians or anyone else) and yet you are albanians, speak albanian, and EVEN use the albanian flag in Kosovo.


pre 18 godina

I cannot wait to see Ahtisaari's proposal and Albanian reaction.

Kosovo is Serbia...we will never forget.

USA1 made some valuable interesting points in his comments and I agree with him


pre 18 godina

Well everybody...let me give you something to think about.
There are still two sides of the famous coin.

If Kosovo gains independence, Serbia will build a wall towards it and Kosovo will NEVER join the EU, just like Turkey. Voices in Brussel says that the only reason Kosovo should be independent is that EU do not want the people there into the EU.
The second side is that if Kosovo wont gain independence (the most likely outcome, I know people will say otherwise but I know a whole deal whats going on behind the doors, wait 3 months and see), the Kosovo albanians will start to make trouble. Well, US is prepared for that by have documents that Nato is allowed to move troops through Serbia. Also, US and Nato are practicing military manouvers with Serbian military right now. We will see.


pre 18 godina

Kosovo is already de-facto independent. The de-jure recognition is a process that will be finished very soon. I have visited Kosova and its people seemt to be very open-minded, organized, educated and very smart. No one can foresee the future of this new state in Europe.


pre 18 godina

The point is, dear Serbian and Pro-Serbian friends, that Serbia isn't able any more to rule Kosovo (because it has lost the consensus of more than 90% of its inhabitants) even in the case Kosovo were granted that kind of "substancial autonomy with no interference in the internal affairs of Serbia(!)", which no one else than Mr. Kostunica seems to understand. It's time for Serbia to get rid of Kosovo and the dreams of the past and concentrate itself to its very serious problems. It's the only state in
Europe (exluding Belarus and maybe the nowadays Russia) were the choice between democracy and virulent nationalism is still to be made. You know that perfectly well, although you seem not willingly to understand it. Hence the solution comes as a matter of fact, the one which brings stability in the region, Kosovo's (controlled)independence.


pre 18 godina

I would just give the albanians there freedom and let it go. they cannot generate enough power for the citizens instead some people are lining there pockets with the money and using other means to steal the power. If Serbia was smart i would agree whole heartly and give kosovo to the albanians and Serbia will enter NATO, the EU and other international organizations and will prosper. However Kosovo will still be stuck in the mud trying to figure out how to get out.

Vasilije Mikic

pre 18 godina

Ceku and the remaining Albanian leadership are terrified that they're not going to receive unconditional independance. If all was grand...why did the Albanian leadership just employ a British lobbying firm dedicated for the pro-independance drive. Another issue scaring Pristina is the inability of the leadership to control its own ethnic Albanian population. If the solution is suspended or pushed back, they're afraid of ethnic violence directed towards minority groups. This would effectively force them to launch a crackdown against its own people or they wouldn't recieve that independance. Ahhhhh...politics.


pre 18 godina

You Albanians should not be confident, you are not getting Independence. The world is finally opening their eyes.
Remember you are in Serbia.


pre 18 godina

It is sad however Kosovo is already lost to the KLA. The region has little hope, independence or not, it will be the least progressive in Europe right behind Albania. That is why independence is irrelevant wether it is legally part of Serbia or not it is the people who run the region which have set it back. The Albanians got way too much freedom, which minority do you know of in the world which has its own schools and universities? This is what the Serbs granted them and yet that has not been enough for the Albanians.

Anthony Shelmerdine

pre 18 godina

And who exactly is keeping the people of Kosovo and Metohija slaves? Since Belgrade hasn't ruled the province since 1999 you must be referring to the Albanian government who have shown numerous reasons why independence cannot and should not be granted. For 7 years they have brutalised anyone who isn't Albanian. Please dont reply with endless statistics and statements of 'what the Serbs did'. We all know what happend in 1999 but this is 2006. Its time you took responsibilty for your governments shameful and democratically defunct actions.


pre 18 godina

one thing is sure.. even if postponment occurs, after that still the decision will be for indipendence.. no one can keep a country slave by force.. the politican may agree but if the people do not agree.. the decision is worthless.. and let the serbs repeat again what they did.. because there is no way to keep kosovo from freedom and being free people


pre 18 godina

one thing is sure.. even if postponment occurs, after that still the decision will be for indipendence.. no one can keep a country slave by force.. the politican may agree but if the people do not agree.. the decision is worthless.. and let the serbs repeat again what they did.. because there is no way to keep kosovo from freedom and being free people

Anthony Shelmerdine

pre 18 godina

And who exactly is keeping the people of Kosovo and Metohija slaves? Since Belgrade hasn't ruled the province since 1999 you must be referring to the Albanian government who have shown numerous reasons why independence cannot and should not be granted. For 7 years they have brutalised anyone who isn't Albanian. Please dont reply with endless statistics and statements of 'what the Serbs did'. We all know what happend in 1999 but this is 2006. Its time you took responsibilty for your governments shameful and democratically defunct actions.


pre 18 godina

It is sad however Kosovo is already lost to the KLA. The region has little hope, independence or not, it will be the least progressive in Europe right behind Albania. That is why independence is irrelevant wether it is legally part of Serbia or not it is the people who run the region which have set it back. The Albanians got way too much freedom, which minority do you know of in the world which has its own schools and universities? This is what the Serbs granted them and yet that has not been enough for the Albanians.


pre 18 godina

You Albanians should not be confident, you are not getting Independence. The world is finally opening their eyes.
Remember you are in Serbia.

Vasilije Mikic

pre 18 godina

Ceku and the remaining Albanian leadership are terrified that they're not going to receive unconditional independance. If all was grand...why did the Albanian leadership just employ a British lobbying firm dedicated for the pro-independance drive. Another issue scaring Pristina is the inability of the leadership to control its own ethnic Albanian population. If the solution is suspended or pushed back, they're afraid of ethnic violence directed towards minority groups. This would effectively force them to launch a crackdown against its own people or they wouldn't recieve that independance. Ahhhhh...politics.


pre 18 godina

I would just give the albanians there freedom and let it go. they cannot generate enough power for the citizens instead some people are lining there pockets with the money and using other means to steal the power. If Serbia was smart i would agree whole heartly and give kosovo to the albanians and Serbia will enter NATO, the EU and other international organizations and will prosper. However Kosovo will still be stuck in the mud trying to figure out how to get out.


pre 18 godina

The point is, dear Serbian and Pro-Serbian friends, that Serbia isn't able any more to rule Kosovo (because it has lost the consensus of more than 90% of its inhabitants) even in the case Kosovo were granted that kind of "substancial autonomy with no interference in the internal affairs of Serbia(!)", which no one else than Mr. Kostunica seems to understand. It's time for Serbia to get rid of Kosovo and the dreams of the past and concentrate itself to its very serious problems. It's the only state in
Europe (exluding Belarus and maybe the nowadays Russia) were the choice between democracy and virulent nationalism is still to be made. You know that perfectly well, although you seem not willingly to understand it. Hence the solution comes as a matter of fact, the one which brings stability in the region, Kosovo's (controlled)independence.


pre 18 godina

Kosovo is already de-facto independent. The de-jure recognition is a process that will be finished very soon. I have visited Kosova and its people seemt to be very open-minded, organized, educated and very smart. No one can foresee the future of this new state in Europe.


pre 18 godina

Well everybody...let me give you something to think about.
There are still two sides of the famous coin.

If Kosovo gains independence, Serbia will build a wall towards it and Kosovo will NEVER join the EU, just like Turkey. Voices in Brussel says that the only reason Kosovo should be independent is that EU do not want the people there into the EU.
The second side is that if Kosovo wont gain independence (the most likely outcome, I know people will say otherwise but I know a whole deal whats going on behind the doors, wait 3 months and see), the Kosovo albanians will start to make trouble. Well, US is prepared for that by have documents that Nato is allowed to move troops through Serbia. Also, US and Nato are practicing military manouvers with Serbian military right now. We will see.

noel Blackstone

pre 18 godina

Kosovo will become the newest state in EU, i suppose those against just have to learn to live with it. As per Kosovo's prosperity let Kosovars worry about it. Surely once independent the country will enjoy a period of peace and prosperity.


pre 18 godina

I cannot wait to see Ahtisaari's proposal and Albanian reaction.

Kosovo is Serbia...we will never forget.

USA1 made some valuable interesting points in his comments and I agree with him


pre 18 godina

When I read these comments I have noticed that the only excuse that albanians use is that Serbians and (pro Serbian commentators) are nationalists, how long do you honestly think you can use that. (To Genc)nationalsim is not a problem in Serbia, in fact I think above all else you are even misenterpiting the word nationalist (definition) "Loyalty to ones country; move for independence of state, ruled by another" so tell me which one do you think sounds more Serbian or albanian? If anything those NATIONALISTS you talk about are people who love their country and DONT want to see harm done to it.......you seem to think people in Srebia want to expand their borders, well you are dead wrong, Serbia's borders consists of the following provinces Vojodina,central serbia, and kosovo, it's not Serbs who seek to expand their borders now is it?

Just to note the "excuse" of making Kosovo a "independent country" is riduculas if you AT LEAST went out and siad we want to expand our borders, I might understand that a bit more "though strongly against that too" I dont get your logic this is what you are saying " we want to make a country called Kosovo "no doubt" and yet you are albanians... this is why Serbs of all people frown at this because for their to be a country "Kosovo" there needs to be Kosovars (not serbs or albanians or anyone else) and yet you are albanians, speak albanian, and EVEN use the albanian flag in Kosovo.


pre 18 godina

To Zubrus,

KLA or not? They definetly were the reason of Serbia's historic defeat. You may say whatever you want about KLA, but they certainly deserve some credit for this indipendence. I know they wouldn't have been able to kick Serbian paratroopers out of Kosova alone, but with friends they were able to do so. You can call them as much as you want Criminals, and we can call as much as we want Milloshevic's paratroopers criminals. That is the past my friend. Why don't you stop acting like sore losers, and extend your hand in congratulation of indipendence and mutual friendship like two neighborly countries would do.



pre 18 godina

To (*****)

Kosovo Albanians are Albanians. Kosovar is an expression in Albanian if you don't understand it. Like saying Presevar. Presevars are Albanian as well. We have never hidden that fact sir. 70% of Latin America speak Spanish and share the same culture, yet, there are over forty indipendent countries. Croatia speaks your language and has very similiar culture with exception of their religion. They didn't want to stay with you, why should we?


pre 18 godina

certainly Kosovo's path towards EU isn't through Serbia. With a GDP around $5000 per capita Serbia has much more to do to join EU, = they have to recognise Kosovo as independent country for any chance to Join EU, with their nationalism in mind i don't think so. By that time Kosovo could be enjoying the EU membership.

Emin Civuli

pre 18 godina

To: ****
It's not the question of serbian nationalism, it is the question of serbian XENOPHOBIA which is the ugly cousin of nationalism.
Serbs suffer from it, and the latest racial incident in Cacak at the soccer match showed it's true face. The world sees these things with great attention, and therefore they are drwaing lines,and conclusions about the serbian xenophobic minds.
By trying to rid Kosova from it's Albanian habitants during 1999, they comitted xenophobic acts.


pre 18 godina

To ***** (no name)

I guess you are confusing nationalism with patriotism. Do you remember Milosevic's meetings in the late '80s, in Belgrade and Gazimestan? That's what is called "virulent nationalism". It's that kind of nationalism which led you through 3 lost wars in 8 years. It's that kind of nationalism which made you lose Kosovo in 1999. But maybe I'm wasting time explaining that to you. As for the rest, I wrote that the argument for Kosovo's independence is that Serbia isn't able to rule it any more, or to put it in other word, Serbia cannot work with Kosovo inside, not because Serbia is still virulently nationalist (that's another reason, but not the main one, not even that the Albanian majority wants it, well, that's another strong reason, but would not be sufficient alone). You see, even the Montenegrins chose to go their way, even having the same languange and religion with the Serbs, there must be e reason for it). You cannot fix borders with a Costitution for which the Albanian Kosovars are not even allowed to vote (their names have been cancelled from the electoral lists of Serbia, well, they were not to vote anyway, and there is a reason for it also). It's a pure scandalous event, one cannot even immagine it to happen in a real democratic country.

To USA1: The NATO troops passsing through Serbia and the joint military maneuvres are nothing new. As for the rest, there will be conditioned independence, with some trouble to be calmed down by the KFOR, IF NEEDED (to calm down the spirits in Serbia, it will depend on the electoral outcome) and make it clear (also to eventual opponents in the Security Council) once and forever that there can be no way for Kosovo back in Serbia. I do hope this second hypothesis will remain in the folder.

Vasilije Mikic

pre 18 godina

USA1 does have some very interesting points there. As far as the "hey...lets give them independance and I'm sure the economic prosperity will follow" mentalitity goes...Look at the ex-Soviet states, Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia... Should I really go on? Croatia's debt is larger than its GDP...ahh so is the cost of liberty...

Afrim Hoxha

pre 18 godina

It is very funny to see how serbs still hope that Kosova will remain part of Serbia.
I thank PROUDJEW for his positive and real statement about the reality in Kosova which is independence and prosperity.
Serbs say that they are a democratic place but just few days before a criminal act happened in the entrance of a Belgrade stadium where some jews got harrased by serb hooligans ( neo-nazis).
Also, just couple of days ago some serbs wore white hoods against a black african football player claiming that they were KKK ( ku klux klan). And these are just some examples that we now know thanks to B92 which is more democratic than the rest of media in serbia.
Some people say that Serbia will join EU in a very short time but to do so they cant even arrest a criminal accused of genocide which they keep as a national hero. Some here accuse Kosova of being a country based on crimes, but remember, who killed the democrat Zoran Djindic in Serbia? wasnt it the serb mafia? Oh no i forgot, it was the mafia together with some elements of the government. While talking about mafia and corruption, isnt it that the son and wife of former serb president Milosevic hiding in your beloved Russia? At least none of the families of any present or past kosovar leaders are hiding somewhere else due to corruption. At least none of the kosovar leaders was killed by Mafia groups like Djindic of Serbia.
The way serbs are thinking now is the same way the Germans were thinking during the world war 2, Germans thought they were the victims while in fact the jews and others were victims of germans, and same thing nw, serbs think they are the victims whereas in fact the others were victims of serbs.
I am sorry to give all these statements, I understand it hurts to hear them but after all it is the reality, and the reality hurts for sure.
THanks to B92 for letting us experess ourselves.

brian kerry

pre 18 godina

i am wondering why this issue is taking too long. if indeed the status is outright independence, and with the WESTERN POWERS backing it, it would have happened long ago. the fact is, the WEST could not stomach to upset SERBIA thats why negotiations is never finished. thats simple common sense guys!!!


pre 18 godina

"i am wondering why this issue is taking too long. if indeed the status is outright independence, and with the WESTERN POWERS backing it, it would have happened long ago. the fact is, the WEST could not stomach to upset SERBIA thats why negotiations is never finished. thats simple common sense guys!!!
(brian kerry, 17 October 2006, 09:13)"

I think the real reason is because the solution must be approved by the UN Security Council. Contrary to wishful thinking by many in the West, the Western powers do not have a monopoly on the Security Council. In fact, my hunch is that the Russians and Chinese hated the guts of the West (they never forgot being bullied by the West in 19th Century when they were weak) even though they do not publicly say so.

artan gjaja

pre 18 godina

To people like USA1,

If you want to have two sides of the coin on the surface you really have to be question driven in that case!
"If Kosovo gains independence, Serbia will build a wall towards it and Kosovo will NEVER join the EU, just like Turkey."
Why can't you simply see the other side of this coin of yours. If Kosovo get's independence, Serbia is the one who's not going to recognize it and believe it or not, it will be forced to recognize it, it will be forced to come up with apologies for the whole region, cause what they did is held us back in 1980 for last 20 years!!!


pre 18 godina

In my opinion, keeping Kosovo into Serbia will lead to a very dangerous situation for the Serbian people: in the future Serbians will no longer be the majority, ethnically speaking, of "their" republic.
That scenario is not so faraway.
In relation to some comments I read, I do not think that the USA will help Serbia in "containing" albanian riots in case of unrealized Kosovo's independence


pre 18 godina

We all know what the proposal from Athisari is , and that is Independence(either full or conditional), but in any case is nothing short of word independence will be included in his proposal.Kostunica and tadic know about this but are not willing to tell its people, WHY?


pre 18 godina

To all the serbs here.. just because of my first comment, i just wanted to say:
why you worry about kosovo and the Albanians who live there? of how they will survive? how they will develop? do you love them so much? i love them too..
Albania as a country has been poor economically, have suffered more than any other country in the balkans but they are rich as people, people have change their attitudes,and now is getting even better, while serbs are still stuck in the past. All Kosovo, montenegro, macedonia people have nothing to depend on serbia, Albania will support them with everything, we will borow money and give them just if they want to be free and reject nationalizm and be indipendent. We allways support the weak, poor, small, because we have been like this for centuries We are not your enemies, dont hate us.


pre 18 godina

to afrim and artan and others that are spitting misinformation:

first of all, you weren't held back since the 80's. Kosovo's alb. population exploded when people flooded in from albania after tuto opened the boarders. Please represent the facts correctly.

Second, how dare you make a comment about WWII? Are you aware of what happened in WWII? Are you aware that the alb. population joined the nazis? Are you aware that your people were following a murderous and fascist rampage? Do you understand what fascism means? I would hardly liken WWII to the recent wars, especially since the KLA started the killing in the first place.

KLA created a historic defeat? Oh puleeeeeez!! Try NATO.

Finally, leaders in albania are shot all the time. While fascism is in control in Kosovo, it would be hard to imagine that a leader should be killed, simply by the very definition of a fascist state.

Noel Balckstone

pre 18 godina

Bill, firstly everyone has the right to express their views regarding WWII, that's history now. and whoever lived prior to 80's in kosovo it's irelevant. the facts are that 95% of the Kosovo's popilation are Albanian and they want divorce from Serbia as did Slovenia, Croatia,Bosnia,Macedonia and Montenegro. it's in your own intrests to wake up from your dreams and realise that no-one wants to live with serbia under the same roof the sooner the better. Kosovo will become soon the newest state in Europe, you just have to learn to live with it.

Agim Elshani

pre 18 godina

Bill, you got the facts wrong also. You are right about Albanians joining nazis, but that was a small number and majority joint the partizans to fight both nazis and albanians alike.Second give me facts that Albanians flooded Kosova after the borders were open as you said. The fact of the matter is that the borders were never open untill the KLA took over main Kosare military baracs, and from that moment on the border was open but this ocurred in 1999 and not 1980. Kosova was not flooded with Albanians from Albania but Kosovars returned back home in 1999.
These are the facts.Cheers.


pre 18 godina

Nicely said by Bill. And the only way for Nato troops to force out Serbian troops was to terrorize serbian civilians because they couldnt get the serb army.

Kosovo is Serbian :)

muhammad abdul

pre 18 godina

i read all the comments and it can be categorized into 2, pro-albanian and pro-serbian. but the note from brian is interesting and objective observation. i agree also that the mere delay and long time to decide by the major powers only mean one thing. and that's a status short of independence whatever you call it.

Noel Blackstone

pre 18 godina

The objective evidence is crystal clear, 95% of Kosovo's population want divorce from Serbia as did everyone else in former Yugoslavia.

this campaignagainst Kosovo's independencehas seen all the usual mud-slinging we have come to expect.

Kosovo will become the newest state in Europe, Period!


pre 18 godina

Noel, how can you say that 95% of Kosovo's population wants a divorce from Serbia, when 11% Kosovo's population doesn't even feel safe enough to live there now? In case you didn't know Noel, 226,000 refugees from Kosovo are currently in central Serbia & Montenegro. Most of them are Serbs,and all of them were ethnically cleansed by the KLA after Nato occupied Kosovo. I sincerely doubt that any of them support the idea of Kosovo independence.

So really at best, 84% of Kosovo's people are Albanian, and want independence (that is, assuming that they are all unanimous in that decision). But guess what, it doesn't matter even if they are. Why? Because unlike Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia, Slovenia, or Macedonia, Kosovo was NOT a state of the former Yugoslavia. Furthermore, Albanians were NOT a constituent people of former Yugoslavia. This means that Albanians in Kosovo do not have the right to decide on independence for Kosovo as the citizens of the other Yugoslav states did. They never did period! The truth is this: Kosovo is Serbia, it always was, and always will be. Like it or not Albanians (kosovo or otherwise) are a minority of 18% inside Serbia. The majority in Serbia are serbs, who want to keep Kosovo in Serbia. This fact will be confirmed in the upcoming constitutional refrendum.

Noel, if Kosovo independence was as sure a thing as you claim, then it would've already happened a long time ago. Nothing is set in stone, and it is quite possible that western nations will re-think their positions on Kosovo. I believe this is especially true, since it is becoming crystal clear that independence for Kosovo would effectively shatter all hopes for a unified Bosnia.


pre 18 godina

one thing is sure.. even if postponment occurs, after that still the decision will be for indipendence.. no one can keep a country slave by force.. the politican may agree but if the people do not agree.. the decision is worthless.. and let the serbs repeat again what they did.. because there is no way to keep kosovo from freedom and being free people

Anthony Shelmerdine

pre 18 godina

And who exactly is keeping the people of Kosovo and Metohija slaves? Since Belgrade hasn't ruled the province since 1999 you must be referring to the Albanian government who have shown numerous reasons why independence cannot and should not be granted. For 7 years they have brutalised anyone who isn't Albanian. Please dont reply with endless statistics and statements of 'what the Serbs did'. We all know what happend in 1999 but this is 2006. Its time you took responsibilty for your governments shameful and democratically defunct actions.


pre 18 godina

It is sad however Kosovo is already lost to the KLA. The region has little hope, independence or not, it will be the least progressive in Europe right behind Albania. That is why independence is irrelevant wether it is legally part of Serbia or not it is the people who run the region which have set it back. The Albanians got way too much freedom, which minority do you know of in the world which has its own schools and universities? This is what the Serbs granted them and yet that has not been enough for the Albanians.


pre 18 godina

You Albanians should not be confident, you are not getting Independence. The world is finally opening their eyes.
Remember you are in Serbia.

Vasilije Mikic

pre 18 godina

Ceku and the remaining Albanian leadership are terrified that they're not going to receive unconditional independance. If all was grand...why did the Albanian leadership just employ a British lobbying firm dedicated for the pro-independance drive. Another issue scaring Pristina is the inability of the leadership to control its own ethnic Albanian population. If the solution is suspended or pushed back, they're afraid of ethnic violence directed towards minority groups. This would effectively force them to launch a crackdown against its own people or they wouldn't recieve that independance. Ahhhhh...politics.


pre 18 godina

I would just give the albanians there freedom and let it go. they cannot generate enough power for the citizens instead some people are lining there pockets with the money and using other means to steal the power. If Serbia was smart i would agree whole heartly and give kosovo to the albanians and Serbia will enter NATO, the EU and other international organizations and will prosper. However Kosovo will still be stuck in the mud trying to figure out how to get out.


pre 18 godina

The point is, dear Serbian and Pro-Serbian friends, that Serbia isn't able any more to rule Kosovo (because it has lost the consensus of more than 90% of its inhabitants) even in the case Kosovo were granted that kind of "substancial autonomy with no interference in the internal affairs of Serbia(!)", which no one else than Mr. Kostunica seems to understand. It's time for Serbia to get rid of Kosovo and the dreams of the past and concentrate itself to its very serious problems. It's the only state in
Europe (exluding Belarus and maybe the nowadays Russia) were the choice between democracy and virulent nationalism is still to be made. You know that perfectly well, although you seem not willingly to understand it. Hence the solution comes as a matter of fact, the one which brings stability in the region, Kosovo's (controlled)independence.


pre 18 godina

Kosovo is already de-facto independent. The de-jure recognition is a process that will be finished very soon. I have visited Kosova and its people seemt to be very open-minded, organized, educated and very smart. No one can foresee the future of this new state in Europe.


pre 18 godina

Well everybody...let me give you something to think about.
There are still two sides of the famous coin.

If Kosovo gains independence, Serbia will build a wall towards it and Kosovo will NEVER join the EU, just like Turkey. Voices in Brussel says that the only reason Kosovo should be independent is that EU do not want the people there into the EU.
The second side is that if Kosovo wont gain independence (the most likely outcome, I know people will say otherwise but I know a whole deal whats going on behind the doors, wait 3 months and see), the Kosovo albanians will start to make trouble. Well, US is prepared for that by have documents that Nato is allowed to move troops through Serbia. Also, US and Nato are practicing military manouvers with Serbian military right now. We will see.

noel Blackstone

pre 18 godina

Kosovo will become the newest state in EU, i suppose those against just have to learn to live with it. As per Kosovo's prosperity let Kosovars worry about it. Surely once independent the country will enjoy a period of peace and prosperity.


pre 18 godina

I cannot wait to see Ahtisaari's proposal and Albanian reaction.

Kosovo is Serbia...we will never forget.

USA1 made some valuable interesting points in his comments and I agree with him


pre 18 godina

When I read these comments I have noticed that the only excuse that albanians use is that Serbians and (pro Serbian commentators) are nationalists, how long do you honestly think you can use that. (To Genc)nationalsim is not a problem in Serbia, in fact I think above all else you are even misenterpiting the word nationalist (definition) "Loyalty to ones country; move for independence of state, ruled by another" so tell me which one do you think sounds more Serbian or albanian? If anything those NATIONALISTS you talk about are people who love their country and DONT want to see harm done to it.......you seem to think people in Srebia want to expand their borders, well you are dead wrong, Serbia's borders consists of the following provinces Vojodina,central serbia, and kosovo, it's not Serbs who seek to expand their borders now is it?

Just to note the "excuse" of making Kosovo a "independent country" is riduculas if you AT LEAST went out and siad we want to expand our borders, I might understand that a bit more "though strongly against that too" I dont get your logic this is what you are saying " we want to make a country called Kosovo "no doubt" and yet you are albanians... this is why Serbs of all people frown at this because for their to be a country "Kosovo" there needs to be Kosovars (not serbs or albanians or anyone else) and yet you are albanians, speak albanian, and EVEN use the albanian flag in Kosovo.


pre 18 godina

To Zubrus,

KLA or not? They definetly were the reason of Serbia's historic defeat. You may say whatever you want about KLA, but they certainly deserve some credit for this indipendence. I know they wouldn't have been able to kick Serbian paratroopers out of Kosova alone, but with friends they were able to do so. You can call them as much as you want Criminals, and we can call as much as we want Milloshevic's paratroopers criminals. That is the past my friend. Why don't you stop acting like sore losers, and extend your hand in congratulation of indipendence and mutual friendship like two neighborly countries would do.



pre 18 godina

To (*****)

Kosovo Albanians are Albanians. Kosovar is an expression in Albanian if you don't understand it. Like saying Presevar. Presevars are Albanian as well. We have never hidden that fact sir. 70% of Latin America speak Spanish and share the same culture, yet, there are over forty indipendent countries. Croatia speaks your language and has very similiar culture with exception of their religion. They didn't want to stay with you, why should we?


pre 18 godina

certainly Kosovo's path towards EU isn't through Serbia. With a GDP around $5000 per capita Serbia has much more to do to join EU, = they have to recognise Kosovo as independent country for any chance to Join EU, with their nationalism in mind i don't think so. By that time Kosovo could be enjoying the EU membership.

Emin Civuli

pre 18 godina

To: ****
It's not the question of serbian nationalism, it is the question of serbian XENOPHOBIA which is the ugly cousin of nationalism.
Serbs suffer from it, and the latest racial incident in Cacak at the soccer match showed it's true face. The world sees these things with great attention, and therefore they are drwaing lines,and conclusions about the serbian xenophobic minds.
By trying to rid Kosova from it's Albanian habitants during 1999, they comitted xenophobic acts.


pre 18 godina

To ***** (no name)

I guess you are confusing nationalism with patriotism. Do you remember Milosevic's meetings in the late '80s, in Belgrade and Gazimestan? That's what is called "virulent nationalism". It's that kind of nationalism which led you through 3 lost wars in 8 years. It's that kind of nationalism which made you lose Kosovo in 1999. But maybe I'm wasting time explaining that to you. As for the rest, I wrote that the argument for Kosovo's independence is that Serbia isn't able to rule it any more, or to put it in other word, Serbia cannot work with Kosovo inside, not because Serbia is still virulently nationalist (that's another reason, but not the main one, not even that the Albanian majority wants it, well, that's another strong reason, but would not be sufficient alone). You see, even the Montenegrins chose to go their way, even having the same languange and religion with the Serbs, there must be e reason for it). You cannot fix borders with a Costitution for which the Albanian Kosovars are not even allowed to vote (their names have been cancelled from the electoral lists of Serbia, well, they were not to vote anyway, and there is a reason for it also). It's a pure scandalous event, one cannot even immagine it to happen in a real democratic country.

To USA1: The NATO troops passsing through Serbia and the joint military maneuvres are nothing new. As for the rest, there will be conditioned independence, with some trouble to be calmed down by the KFOR, IF NEEDED (to calm down the spirits in Serbia, it will depend on the electoral outcome) and make it clear (also to eventual opponents in the Security Council) once and forever that there can be no way for Kosovo back in Serbia. I do hope this second hypothesis will remain in the folder.

Vasilije Mikic

pre 18 godina

USA1 does have some very interesting points there. As far as the "hey...lets give them independance and I'm sure the economic prosperity will follow" mentalitity goes...Look at the ex-Soviet states, Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia... Should I really go on? Croatia's debt is larger than its GDP...ahh so is the cost of liberty...

Afrim Hoxha

pre 18 godina

It is very funny to see how serbs still hope that Kosova will remain part of Serbia.
I thank PROUDJEW for his positive and real statement about the reality in Kosova which is independence and prosperity.
Serbs say that they are a democratic place but just few days before a criminal act happened in the entrance of a Belgrade stadium where some jews got harrased by serb hooligans ( neo-nazis).
Also, just couple of days ago some serbs wore white hoods against a black african football player claiming that they were KKK ( ku klux klan). And these are just some examples that we now know thanks to B92 which is more democratic than the rest of media in serbia.
Some people say that Serbia will join EU in a very short time but to do so they cant even arrest a criminal accused of genocide which they keep as a national hero. Some here accuse Kosova of being a country based on crimes, but remember, who killed the democrat Zoran Djindic in Serbia? wasnt it the serb mafia? Oh no i forgot, it was the mafia together with some elements of the government. While talking about mafia and corruption, isnt it that the son and wife of former serb president Milosevic hiding in your beloved Russia? At least none of the families of any present or past kosovar leaders are hiding somewhere else due to corruption. At least none of the kosovar leaders was killed by Mafia groups like Djindic of Serbia.
The way serbs are thinking now is the same way the Germans were thinking during the world war 2, Germans thought they were the victims while in fact the jews and others were victims of germans, and same thing nw, serbs think they are the victims whereas in fact the others were victims of serbs.
I am sorry to give all these statements, I understand it hurts to hear them but after all it is the reality, and the reality hurts for sure.
THanks to B92 for letting us experess ourselves.

brian kerry

pre 18 godina

i am wondering why this issue is taking too long. if indeed the status is outright independence, and with the WESTERN POWERS backing it, it would have happened long ago. the fact is, the WEST could not stomach to upset SERBIA thats why negotiations is never finished. thats simple common sense guys!!!


pre 18 godina

"i am wondering why this issue is taking too long. if indeed the status is outright independence, and with the WESTERN POWERS backing it, it would have happened long ago. the fact is, the WEST could not stomach to upset SERBIA thats why negotiations is never finished. thats simple common sense guys!!!
(brian kerry, 17 October 2006, 09:13)"

I think the real reason is because the solution must be approved by the UN Security Council. Contrary to wishful thinking by many in the West, the Western powers do not have a monopoly on the Security Council. In fact, my hunch is that the Russians and Chinese hated the guts of the West (they never forgot being bullied by the West in 19th Century when they were weak) even though they do not publicly say so.

artan gjaja

pre 18 godina

To people like USA1,

If you want to have two sides of the coin on the surface you really have to be question driven in that case!
"If Kosovo gains independence, Serbia will build a wall towards it and Kosovo will NEVER join the EU, just like Turkey."
Why can't you simply see the other side of this coin of yours. If Kosovo get's independence, Serbia is the one who's not going to recognize it and believe it or not, it will be forced to recognize it, it will be forced to come up with apologies for the whole region, cause what they did is held us back in 1980 for last 20 years!!!


pre 18 godina

In my opinion, keeping Kosovo into Serbia will lead to a very dangerous situation for the Serbian people: in the future Serbians will no longer be the majority, ethnically speaking, of "their" republic.
That scenario is not so faraway.
In relation to some comments I read, I do not think that the USA will help Serbia in "containing" albanian riots in case of unrealized Kosovo's independence


pre 18 godina

We all know what the proposal from Athisari is , and that is Independence(either full or conditional), but in any case is nothing short of word independence will be included in his proposal.Kostunica and tadic know about this but are not willing to tell its people, WHY?


pre 18 godina

To all the serbs here.. just because of my first comment, i just wanted to say:
why you worry about kosovo and the Albanians who live there? of how they will survive? how they will develop? do you love them so much? i love them too..
Albania as a country has been poor economically, have suffered more than any other country in the balkans but they are rich as people, people have change their attitudes,and now is getting even better, while serbs are still stuck in the past. All Kosovo, montenegro, macedonia people have nothing to depend on serbia, Albania will support them with everything, we will borow money and give them just if they want to be free and reject nationalizm and be indipendent. We allways support the weak, poor, small, because we have been like this for centuries We are not your enemies, dont hate us.


pre 18 godina

to afrim and artan and others that are spitting misinformation:

first of all, you weren't held back since the 80's. Kosovo's alb. population exploded when people flooded in from albania after tuto opened the boarders. Please represent the facts correctly.

Second, how dare you make a comment about WWII? Are you aware of what happened in WWII? Are you aware that the alb. population joined the nazis? Are you aware that your people were following a murderous and fascist rampage? Do you understand what fascism means? I would hardly liken WWII to the recent wars, especially since the KLA started the killing in the first place.

KLA created a historic defeat? Oh puleeeeeez!! Try NATO.

Finally, leaders in albania are shot all the time. While fascism is in control in Kosovo, it would be hard to imagine that a leader should be killed, simply by the very definition of a fascist state.

Noel Balckstone

pre 18 godina

Bill, firstly everyone has the right to express their views regarding WWII, that's history now. and whoever lived prior to 80's in kosovo it's irelevant. the facts are that 95% of the Kosovo's popilation are Albanian and they want divorce from Serbia as did Slovenia, Croatia,Bosnia,Macedonia and Montenegro. it's in your own intrests to wake up from your dreams and realise that no-one wants to live with serbia under the same roof the sooner the better. Kosovo will become soon the newest state in Europe, you just have to learn to live with it.

Agim Elshani

pre 18 godina

Bill, you got the facts wrong also. You are right about Albanians joining nazis, but that was a small number and majority joint the partizans to fight both nazis and albanians alike.Second give me facts that Albanians flooded Kosova after the borders were open as you said. The fact of the matter is that the borders were never open untill the KLA took over main Kosare military baracs, and from that moment on the border was open but this ocurred in 1999 and not 1980. Kosova was not flooded with Albanians from Albania but Kosovars returned back home in 1999.
These are the facts.Cheers.


pre 18 godina

Nicely said by Bill. And the only way for Nato troops to force out Serbian troops was to terrorize serbian civilians because they couldnt get the serb army.

Kosovo is Serbian :)

muhammad abdul

pre 18 godina

i read all the comments and it can be categorized into 2, pro-albanian and pro-serbian. but the note from brian is interesting and objective observation. i agree also that the mere delay and long time to decide by the major powers only mean one thing. and that's a status short of independence whatever you call it.

Noel Blackstone

pre 18 godina

The objective evidence is crystal clear, 95% of Kosovo's population want divorce from Serbia as did everyone else in former Yugoslavia.

this campaignagainst Kosovo's independencehas seen all the usual mud-slinging we have come to expect.

Kosovo will become the newest state in Europe, Period!


pre 18 godina

Noel, how can you say that 95% of Kosovo's population wants a divorce from Serbia, when 11% Kosovo's population doesn't even feel safe enough to live there now? In case you didn't know Noel, 226,000 refugees from Kosovo are currently in central Serbia & Montenegro. Most of them are Serbs,and all of them were ethnically cleansed by the KLA after Nato occupied Kosovo. I sincerely doubt that any of them support the idea of Kosovo independence.

So really at best, 84% of Kosovo's people are Albanian, and want independence (that is, assuming that they are all unanimous in that decision). But guess what, it doesn't matter even if they are. Why? Because unlike Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia, Slovenia, or Macedonia, Kosovo was NOT a state of the former Yugoslavia. Furthermore, Albanians were NOT a constituent people of former Yugoslavia. This means that Albanians in Kosovo do not have the right to decide on independence for Kosovo as the citizens of the other Yugoslav states did. They never did period! The truth is this: Kosovo is Serbia, it always was, and always will be. Like it or not Albanians (kosovo or otherwise) are a minority of 18% inside Serbia. The majority in Serbia are serbs, who want to keep Kosovo in Serbia. This fact will be confirmed in the upcoming constitutional refrendum.

Noel, if Kosovo independence was as sure a thing as you claim, then it would've already happened a long time ago. Nothing is set in stone, and it is quite possible that western nations will re-think their positions on Kosovo. I believe this is especially true, since it is becoming crystal clear that independence for Kosovo would effectively shatter all hopes for a unified Bosnia.