Monday, 04.03.2024.


Serbia will make a drug for SMA: It will be cheaper and more effective than Zolgensma

The development of the cheaper and more effective drug to alleviate the symptoms of spinal muscular atrophy in infants is the goal of the SMAIPROTACs project.

Izvor: novosti.rs/B. Borisavljeviæ

Serbia will make a drug for SMA: It will be cheaper and more effective than Zolgensma IMAGE SOURCE

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Dr Rominoff

pre 6 meseci

I highly doubt the West is interested in using the “drug” to by produced Serbia. Any nation not a member of the EU cannot expect EU member countries to procure the Serbian “drug.”

Dr Rominoff

pre 6 meseci

I highly doubt the West is interested in using the “drug” to by produced Serbia. Any nation not a member of the EU cannot expect EU member countries to procure the Serbian “drug.”

Dr Rominoff

pre 6 meseci

I highly doubt the West is interested in using the “drug” to by produced Serbia. Any nation not a member of the EU cannot expect EU member countries to procure the Serbian “drug.”