Monday, 29.01.2024.


The court immediately made a decision; Spouses Kecmanovic in tears denied guilt VIDEO

The trial of the spouses Vladimir and Miljana Kecmanović, the parents of the minor who committed the massacre on May 3 last year, began today in the High Court.

Izvor: B92

The court immediately made a decision; Spouses Kecmanovic in tears denied guilt VIDEO IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 4 meseca

Lenny Croatia is a BS country that lives off EU aid and this year more cuts to Croatian budget ha,ha,ha. How repairs going in Zagreb on earthquake damaged buildings? A friend passed through Zagreb a week ago and texted there are still many no fixed. What happen to rich Croatia? Yes Croatians only good at BS and nothing more.


pre 4 meseca

It sounds like a big farse of justice.
Railroading of the incompetent coaursian justice system..
As Serbia justice system is well known as you can't trust nothing it dose.
Tool of incompetent Serb politician's and nepotism of bureaucracy.


pre 4 meseca

It sounds like a big farse of justice.
Railroading of the incompetent coaursian justice system..
As Serbia justice system is well known as you can't trust nothing it dose.
Tool of incompetent Serb politician's and nepotism of bureaucracy.


pre 4 meseca

Lenny Croatia is a BS country that lives off EU aid and this year more cuts to Croatian budget ha,ha,ha. How repairs going in Zagreb on earthquake damaged buildings? A friend passed through Zagreb a week ago and texted there are still many no fixed. What happen to rich Croatia? Yes Croatians only good at BS and nothing more.


pre 4 meseca

It sounds like a big farse of justice.
Railroading of the incompetent coaursian justice system..
As Serbia justice system is well known as you can't trust nothing it dose.
Tool of incompetent Serb politician's and nepotism of bureaucracy.


pre 4 meseca

Lenny Croatia is a BS country that lives off EU aid and this year more cuts to Croatian budget ha,ha,ha. How repairs going in Zagreb on earthquake damaged buildings? A friend passed through Zagreb a week ago and texted there are still many no fixed. What happen to rich Croatia? Yes Croatians only good at BS and nothing more.