Wednesday, 06.12.2023.


A new KFOR battalion has arrived in Kosovo

A new battalion of the Italian KFOR has arrived in Kosovo and Metohija, which will be assigned to the operational reserve forces.

Izvor: Tanjug

A new KFOR battalion has arrived in Kosovo IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 8 meseci

My 69 year old uncle living in Russia was called up for military service. Strange as it must seem, though a diabetic with a compromised immune system, the highly selective Russian military deemed him fit for military duty. What can I say, other than my uncle’s physician has told him he won’t last more than one week if he is expected to see combat.
(Sasha, 7 December 2023 03:57)

I hope your not getting paid for this because its has to be the worst spin I have read in the last 2 years. Your 69 uncle?????? Its Ukraine that is drafting men and women from 17 to 70 not Russia.


pre 8 meseci

Sj is almost humorous with his ridiculous rumor fantasies.
(Z, 7 December 2023 10:51)

Just as funny as Russia is losing in Ukraine but the US is s**** themselves over the massive victories by Ukraine forces against the Russians LOL. As I said Russia wins then its a whole new world and borders in the Balkans will be shifted but if not then Serbia will be torn apart. Roll the dice and see if you win LOL.


pre 9 meseci

My 69 year old uncle living in Russia was called up for military service. Strange as it must seem, though a diabetic with a compromised immune system, the highly selective Russian military deemed him fit for military duty. What can I say, other than my uncle’s physician has told him he won’t last more than one week if he is expected to see combat.


pre 9 meseci

Hey NATO, that's not Ukraine or have you guys lost direction LOL???? Amazing instead of sending them to Ukraine they send them on holidays to Kosovo. Jens Stoltenberg said that the west has to brace themselves for some bad news - I wonder what that is? Now how are they going to handle it? I know they will come up with some BS story about how Russia lost 600,000 troops but Ukraine was defeated due to hoards throwing themselves at their defence LOL. Same BS that German Generals peddled after losing in WW2. Mind you the fact that Ukraine is now calling up everyone from 17 to 70 men and women tells you nothing only that Russai is being defeated.

Ukraine is dead as a country. Another country that will not exist in its current form is Croatia. Italy’s Giorgia Meloni was in Serbia and it’s rumoured that one of the topics discussed with Vucic was the breakup of Croatia with Italy taking Dalmatia except Krajina and just north of Dubrovnik to the Montenegrin border.
All hinges on Ukraine. The reason that Italy dropped out of the Belt and Road program had nothing to do with failed delivery but they were ORDERED by the US to do so.


pre 9 meseci

Hey NATO, that's not Ukraine or have you guys lost direction LOL???? Amazing instead of sending them to Ukraine they send them on holidays to Kosovo. Jens Stoltenberg said that the west has to brace themselves for some bad news - I wonder what that is? Now how are they going to handle it? I know they will come up with some BS story about how Russia lost 600,000 troops but Ukraine was defeated due to hoards throwing themselves at their defence LOL. Same BS that German Generals peddled after losing in WW2. Mind you the fact that Ukraine is now calling up everyone from 17 to 70 men and women tells you nothing only that Russai is being defeated.

Ukraine is dead as a country. Another country that will not exist in its current form is Croatia. Italy’s Giorgia Meloni was in Serbia and it’s rumoured that one of the topics discussed with Vucic was the breakup of Croatia with Italy taking Dalmatia except Krajina and just north of Dubrovnik to the Montenegrin border.
All hinges on Ukraine. The reason that Italy dropped out of the Belt and Road program had nothing to do with failed delivery but they were ORDERED by the US to do so.


pre 9 meseci

My 69 year old uncle living in Russia was called up for military service. Strange as it must seem, though a diabetic with a compromised immune system, the highly selective Russian military deemed him fit for military duty. What can I say, other than my uncle’s physician has told him he won’t last more than one week if he is expected to see combat.


pre 8 meseci

My 69 year old uncle living in Russia was called up for military service. Strange as it must seem, though a diabetic with a compromised immune system, the highly selective Russian military deemed him fit for military duty. What can I say, other than my uncle’s physician has told him he won’t last more than one week if he is expected to see combat.
(Sasha, 7 December 2023 03:57)

I hope your not getting paid for this because its has to be the worst spin I have read in the last 2 years. Your 69 uncle?????? Its Ukraine that is drafting men and women from 17 to 70 not Russia.


pre 8 meseci

Sj is almost humorous with his ridiculous rumor fantasies.
(Z, 7 December 2023 10:51)

Just as funny as Russia is losing in Ukraine but the US is s**** themselves over the massive victories by Ukraine forces against the Russians LOL. As I said Russia wins then its a whole new world and borders in the Balkans will be shifted but if not then Serbia will be torn apart. Roll the dice and see if you win LOL.


pre 9 meseci

Hey NATO, that's not Ukraine or have you guys lost direction LOL???? Amazing instead of sending them to Ukraine they send them on holidays to Kosovo. Jens Stoltenberg said that the west has to brace themselves for some bad news - I wonder what that is? Now how are they going to handle it? I know they will come up with some BS story about how Russia lost 600,000 troops but Ukraine was defeated due to hoards throwing themselves at their defence LOL. Same BS that German Generals peddled after losing in WW2. Mind you the fact that Ukraine is now calling up everyone from 17 to 70 men and women tells you nothing only that Russai is being defeated.

Ukraine is dead as a country. Another country that will not exist in its current form is Croatia. Italy’s Giorgia Meloni was in Serbia and it’s rumoured that one of the topics discussed with Vucic was the breakup of Croatia with Italy taking Dalmatia except Krajina and just north of Dubrovnik to the Montenegrin border.
All hinges on Ukraine. The reason that Italy dropped out of the Belt and Road program had nothing to do with failed delivery but they were ORDERED by the US to do so.


pre 9 meseci

My 69 year old uncle living in Russia was called up for military service. Strange as it must seem, though a diabetic with a compromised immune system, the highly selective Russian military deemed him fit for military duty. What can I say, other than my uncle’s physician has told him he won’t last more than one week if he is expected to see combat.


pre 8 meseci

Sj is almost humorous with his ridiculous rumor fantasies.
(Z, 7 December 2023 10:51)

Just as funny as Russia is losing in Ukraine but the US is s**** themselves over the massive victories by Ukraine forces against the Russians LOL. As I said Russia wins then its a whole new world and borders in the Balkans will be shifted but if not then Serbia will be torn apart. Roll the dice and see if you win LOL.


pre 8 meseci

My 69 year old uncle living in Russia was called up for military service. Strange as it must seem, though a diabetic with a compromised immune system, the highly selective Russian military deemed him fit for military duty. What can I say, other than my uncle’s physician has told him he won’t last more than one week if he is expected to see combat.
(Sasha, 7 December 2023 03:57)

I hope your not getting paid for this because its has to be the worst spin I have read in the last 2 years. Your 69 uncle?????? Its Ukraine that is drafting men and women from 17 to 70 not Russia.