Monday, 30.10.2023.


More children killed in Gaza than in the whole world in the previous three years?

More children have been killed in Gaza in the past three weeks than the total number of children killed in conflict worldwide every year since 2019.

Izvor: balkans.aljazeera.net

More children killed in Gaza than in the whole world in the previous three years? IMAGE SOURCE

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Betsy Lalich

pre 10 meseci

Tommy Boy...and get it correct : Hamas and all Islamic extremists, regularly behead the innocent, not civilized nations nor people.

PLEASE, enter Gaza with that fake American name.
But keep your head on your shoulders, if you can.

Betsy Lalich

pre 10 meseci

Fake Tom,
You avoid the reality with your fake identity and empty-headed words.
Tell everyone who you really are, coward.

Betsy Lalich

pre 10 meseci

The real horror is that Hamas celebrates death, not life and teaches its children to kill, as they hide behind them, in their murderous attacks.


pre 10 meseci

This is absolute horror. Innocent children being killed in such numbers is something that has to be stopped.
How terrifying for adults, let alone children. How will they cope with this even if they survive?
Please God, intervene.


pre 10 meseci

What is the history of Gaza? Initially the Palestinians who were displaced by Israel aka Israel forcibly taking their lands, they were corralled in the Gaza strip. Despite our resident cat lady describing Gaza as a paradise where there were lots of fruit trees etc, the reality is it’s a very small space of land containing over 2 million people who rely on water, energy and food from Israel. People born there could NEVER leave Gaza. The intension here is to bomb the Palestinian infrastructure so they have nothing to return to and the Jews taking Gaza as well.
These are war crimes, but since the US controls the ICC, it only issues a warrant for Putin’s arrest because he ordered the evacuation of children from a war zone.
What sympathy many people had for Jews because of the haulocost etc is now evaporating and the longer this goes on the more people are not going to distinguish between Non Zionist Jews and Zionists. They are now seen as an aggressor committing heinous acts that are on the same level as Nazis.
The average American is way dumbed down to think for themselves. I know since I have spent 2 months travelling the US and Canada from August to early October 2023. Its shocking to see how far the media is controlled in the US and Canada. It reminds me of North Korea.
I was surprised that Amnesty International has labelled Israeli actions as a war crime and Israel's response was, and wait for it, antisemitism LOL. Yes, it’s all antisemitism.


pre 10 meseci

This is absolute horror. Innocent children being killed in such numbers is something that has to be stopped.
How terrifying for adults, let alone children. How will they cope with this even if they survive?
Please God, intervene.


pre 10 meseci

What is the history of Gaza? Initially the Palestinians who were displaced by Israel aka Israel forcibly taking their lands, they were corralled in the Gaza strip. Despite our resident cat lady describing Gaza as a paradise where there were lots of fruit trees etc, the reality is it’s a very small space of land containing over 2 million people who rely on water, energy and food from Israel. People born there could NEVER leave Gaza. The intension here is to bomb the Palestinian infrastructure so they have nothing to return to and the Jews taking Gaza as well.
These are war crimes, but since the US controls the ICC, it only issues a warrant for Putin’s arrest because he ordered the evacuation of children from a war zone.
What sympathy many people had for Jews because of the haulocost etc is now evaporating and the longer this goes on the more people are not going to distinguish between Non Zionist Jews and Zionists. They are now seen as an aggressor committing heinous acts that are on the same level as Nazis.
The average American is way dumbed down to think for themselves. I know since I have spent 2 months travelling the US and Canada from August to early October 2023. Its shocking to see how far the media is controlled in the US and Canada. It reminds me of North Korea.
I was surprised that Amnesty International has labelled Israeli actions as a war crime and Israel's response was, and wait for it, antisemitism LOL. Yes, it’s all antisemitism.

Betsy Lalich

pre 10 meseci

The real horror is that Hamas celebrates death, not life and teaches its children to kill, as they hide behind them, in their murderous attacks.

Betsy Lalich

pre 10 meseci

Fake Tom,
You avoid the reality with your fake identity and empty-headed words.
Tell everyone who you really are, coward.

Betsy Lalich

pre 10 meseci

Tommy Boy...and get it correct : Hamas and all Islamic extremists, regularly behead the innocent, not civilized nations nor people.

PLEASE, enter Gaza with that fake American name.
But keep your head on your shoulders, if you can.

Betsy Lalich

pre 10 meseci

The real horror is that Hamas celebrates death, not life and teaches its children to kill, as they hide behind them, in their murderous attacks.


pre 10 meseci

What is the history of Gaza? Initially the Palestinians who were displaced by Israel aka Israel forcibly taking their lands, they were corralled in the Gaza strip. Despite our resident cat lady describing Gaza as a paradise where there were lots of fruit trees etc, the reality is it’s a very small space of land containing over 2 million people who rely on water, energy and food from Israel. People born there could NEVER leave Gaza. The intension here is to bomb the Palestinian infrastructure so they have nothing to return to and the Jews taking Gaza as well.
These are war crimes, but since the US controls the ICC, it only issues a warrant for Putin’s arrest because he ordered the evacuation of children from a war zone.
What sympathy many people had for Jews because of the haulocost etc is now evaporating and the longer this goes on the more people are not going to distinguish between Non Zionist Jews and Zionists. They are now seen as an aggressor committing heinous acts that are on the same level as Nazis.
The average American is way dumbed down to think for themselves. I know since I have spent 2 months travelling the US and Canada from August to early October 2023. Its shocking to see how far the media is controlled in the US and Canada. It reminds me of North Korea.
I was surprised that Amnesty International has labelled Israeli actions as a war crime and Israel's response was, and wait for it, antisemitism LOL. Yes, it’s all antisemitism.


pre 10 meseci

This is absolute horror. Innocent children being killed in such numbers is something that has to be stopped.
How terrifying for adults, let alone children. How will they cope with this even if they survive?
Please God, intervene.

Betsy Lalich

pre 10 meseci

Tommy Boy...and get it correct : Hamas and all Islamic extremists, regularly behead the innocent, not civilized nations nor people.

PLEASE, enter Gaza with that fake American name.
But keep your head on your shoulders, if you can.

Betsy Lalich

pre 10 meseci

Fake Tom,
You avoid the reality with your fake identity and empty-headed words.
Tell everyone who you really are, coward.