Wednesday, 20.09.2023.


Vučić: "Neither USA nor Russia won't tell us what to do, we will protect our people"

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, spoke today from New York.

Izvor: B92

Vuèiæ: "Neither USA nor Russia won't tell us what to do, we will protect our people" IMAGE SOURCE

4 Komentari

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pre 11 meseci

Vucic, Serbia is not Yugoslavia. You don't have the luxury to go it alone.
Better abandon that idea and hitch your wagon to Russia.
Russia is the only future Serbia has. You've seen US friendship for what it is and what it brings.
(Peggy, 21 September 2023 06:25)

For different reasons, I agree with Peggy.

Reminded me an English saying 'you can take the horse to the water but can't make him drink'. Why taking the approach in getting Serbia to join the EU. Its people clearly doesn't want to at least for the foreseeable future.

Even if it joins EU now now, it will be the most disloyal member, let's face.

Peggy, for the first time, I will give you a 'like' to your comment😀

Peter Sudyka

pre 11 meseci

Serbia should put Serbian interests ahead of anyone else's and not feel compelled to join anyone's camp because some far away superpower bully is dangling a carrot in front of them on a stick, like it's some sort of collector's item.

As a European country, I think the best for Serbia would be to maintain a militarily neutral stance, while in terms of economic and infrastructure development, they would probably get the most out of integration with the EU, like the rest of the Balkans have or want to.


pre 11 meseci

Vucic, Serbia is not Yugoslavia. You don't have the luxury to go it alone.
Better abandon that idea and hitch your wagon to Russia.
Russia is the only future Serbia has. You've seen US friendship for what it is and what it brings.


pre 11 meseci

Vucic, Serbia is not Yugoslavia. You don't have the luxury to go it alone.
Better abandon that idea and hitch your wagon to Russia.
Russia is the only future Serbia has. You've seen US friendship for what it is and what it brings.

Peter Sudyka

pre 11 meseci

Serbia should put Serbian interests ahead of anyone else's and not feel compelled to join anyone's camp because some far away superpower bully is dangling a carrot in front of them on a stick, like it's some sort of collector's item.

As a European country, I think the best for Serbia would be to maintain a militarily neutral stance, while in terms of economic and infrastructure development, they would probably get the most out of integration with the EU, like the rest of the Balkans have or want to.


pre 11 meseci

Vucic, Serbia is not Yugoslavia. You don't have the luxury to go it alone.
Better abandon that idea and hitch your wagon to Russia.
Russia is the only future Serbia has. You've seen US friendship for what it is and what it brings.
(Peggy, 21 September 2023 06:25)

For different reasons, I agree with Peggy.

Reminded me an English saying 'you can take the horse to the water but can't make him drink'. Why taking the approach in getting Serbia to join the EU. Its people clearly doesn't want to at least for the foreseeable future.

Even if it joins EU now now, it will be the most disloyal member, let's face.

Peggy, for the first time, I will give you a 'like' to your comment😀

Peter Sudyka

pre 11 meseci

Serbia should put Serbian interests ahead of anyone else's and not feel compelled to join anyone's camp because some far away superpower bully is dangling a carrot in front of them on a stick, like it's some sort of collector's item.

As a European country, I think the best for Serbia would be to maintain a militarily neutral stance, while in terms of economic and infrastructure development, they would probably get the most out of integration with the EU, like the rest of the Balkans have or want to.


pre 11 meseci

Vucic, Serbia is not Yugoslavia. You don't have the luxury to go it alone.
Better abandon that idea and hitch your wagon to Russia.
Russia is the only future Serbia has. You've seen US friendship for what it is and what it brings.


pre 11 meseci

Vucic, Serbia is not Yugoslavia. You don't have the luxury to go it alone.
Better abandon that idea and hitch your wagon to Russia.
Russia is the only future Serbia has. You've seen US friendship for what it is and what it brings.
(Peggy, 21 September 2023 06:25)

For different reasons, I agree with Peggy.

Reminded me an English saying 'you can take the horse to the water but can't make him drink'. Why taking the approach in getting Serbia to join the EU. Its people clearly doesn't want to at least for the foreseeable future.

Even if it joins EU now now, it will be the most disloyal member, let's face.

Peggy, for the first time, I will give you a 'like' to your comment😀