Tuesday, 31.05.2022.


Message from the European Union: "EU needs to become a military power"

The conflict in Ukraine has made it clear that soft power is not enough, so the European Union should become a military power.

Izvor: Tanjug

Message from the European Union: "EU needs to become a military power" IMAGE SOURCE

11 Komentari

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pre 2 godine

Who is rushing to emigrate to Serbia? NO ONE and for good reason. You have become a despicable nation and people and a shame to your righteous ancestors.
(Betsy Lalich, 3 June 2022 07:08)

Who is migrating to the US except for poor south Americans who will work for $7.50 an hour? How is inflation going in the land of the free? Has the price of gas gone down yet LOL? Nearly forgot how is Lenard going in the asylum? Is he on the same floor as you?


pre 2 godine

Russia has no future as long Putin remains in power.
(Peaceful Warrior, 2 June 2022 07:22)

Really! how insightful. Russia is becoming richer and richer by the day meanwhile back at democracy are us HQ it's going in the opposite direction. You think I'm joking just look at the inflation figures for the US or EU; no not the bulllshit figures but real ones. The Netherlands are the only ones in the west that publish their real inflation data and as of end of March its 12%.
The EU are looking down the barrel of food shortages, energy cost skyrocketing and living standards crashing and you say Russia has no future with Putin. In the not too distant future when your wanting for bread in line do remember your words ha,ha,ha.

Betsy Lalich

pre 2 godine

More paranoia and hate from Serbia and its so called "free" press.

You have descended into hell.

You will deserve your fate.

BLAME YOURSELVES for your stupidity and ignorance of history.

And please STOP emigrating to America like millions of others from around the world.

Who is rushing to emigrate to Serbia? NO ONE and for good reason. You have become a despicable nation and people and a shame to your righteous ancestors.


pre 2 godine

Please list all the nations Russia and China have invaded in the last 30/40 years. I'm really keen to see what you write.
How many wars has Russia faught? How many deaths resulted from their military activities?
And what about China? You will struggle to come up with one conflict China has been in.
Now, compare that with America. Didnt Albright say that the deaths of half a million Iraqi children was a price worth paying? Children...!!!! And thats just Iraq.
I wont go into the countless other wars America has been in and here you are telling us Russia and China are far worse...!?! Really..??
In Americas whole existance they have been at war for all but 16 years. Please explain. Do you know the "Monroe doctrine"...? If you dont know then goolge it. Then tell us why its ok for America and nato to surround Russia and China with military bases...
Mario, stop you BS posts. How about you tell the truth for a change.


pre 2 godine

Mario, the USA is the worlds bully. They have attacked countries thousands of miles away, destroyed economies, murdered presidents and leaders, and have been responsible for many millions of deaths. Not one nation they attacked posed any threat to them.
As for Yugoslavia, the Yanks decided to support the sides that suited/benefited them, and not what was just, legal and the truth. The Yanks didnt stop the conflict in Yugoslavia, they just postponed it to a date in the future. Dont believe me.....watch this space.

NB: the Americans are in dire straights. Their debt is now over $30 trillion and rising. They are taking on Russia (thats what Ukraine is all about because the US dont care how many Ukrainians die as long as Russia is destabilised) and will lose. They have also pushed Russia and China into a union, and that is disaster for the Yanks. Interestingly the other huge nations dont support America over the Ukraine.....such as Turkey, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, China, all of central and south America, just about all of Africa, etc. The world has had enough of American bullying.


pre 2 godine

I commented last week that one of the results of the war in Ukraine will be a new European army seperate from NATO. Its already happening as now Germany has been allowed to fully expand its army for the first time contrary to international agreements signed after World War 2. Germany will lead this new European army to World War 3 as she did previously. Bible thumper “lenard the ustase” should give a sermon on the topić.


pre 2 godine

Dismantle Nato then. After that you create a military force of the EU. Otherwise member states need to pay for Nato and for EU army. Too much, you're going to be bankrupt with all these expenses. Its the economy baby said Mao Tse Tung once upon the time.


pre 2 godine

Give me a break. Without US nothing could have been done by EU. If it depended on EU only wars in former Yugoslavia would still be going on.


pre 2 godine

The EU needs to learn it's not Moscow that's the enemy, it's the US and friends!
There is no appetite for the EU to become anything else, but "dependents" for the US!

Moscow wants Fair Trade, not War. Fair Trade without threatening sovereignty of either block!


pre 2 godine

Give me a break. Without US nothing could have been done by EU. If it depended on EU only wars in former Yugoslavia would still be going on.


pre 2 godine

The EU needs to learn it's not Moscow that's the enemy, it's the US and friends!
There is no appetite for the EU to become anything else, but "dependents" for the US!

Moscow wants Fair Trade, not War. Fair Trade without threatening sovereignty of either block!


pre 2 godine

I commented last week that one of the results of the war in Ukraine will be a new European army seperate from NATO. Its already happening as now Germany has been allowed to fully expand its army for the first time contrary to international agreements signed after World War 2. Germany will lead this new European army to World War 3 as she did previously. Bible thumper “lenard the ustase” should give a sermon on the topić.


pre 2 godine

Dismantle Nato then. After that you create a military force of the EU. Otherwise member states need to pay for Nato and for EU army. Too much, you're going to be bankrupt with all these expenses. Its the economy baby said Mao Tse Tung once upon the time.


pre 2 godine

Mario, the USA is the worlds bully. They have attacked countries thousands of miles away, destroyed economies, murdered presidents and leaders, and have been responsible for many millions of deaths. Not one nation they attacked posed any threat to them.
As for Yugoslavia, the Yanks decided to support the sides that suited/benefited them, and not what was just, legal and the truth. The Yanks didnt stop the conflict in Yugoslavia, they just postponed it to a date in the future. Dont believe me.....watch this space.

NB: the Americans are in dire straights. Their debt is now over $30 trillion and rising. They are taking on Russia (thats what Ukraine is all about because the US dont care how many Ukrainians die as long as Russia is destabilised) and will lose. They have also pushed Russia and China into a union, and that is disaster for the Yanks. Interestingly the other huge nations dont support America over the Ukraine.....such as Turkey, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, China, all of central and south America, just about all of Africa, etc. The world has had enough of American bullying.


pre 2 godine

Please list all the nations Russia and China have invaded in the last 30/40 years. I'm really keen to see what you write.
How many wars has Russia faught? How many deaths resulted from their military activities?
And what about China? You will struggle to come up with one conflict China has been in.
Now, compare that with America. Didnt Albright say that the deaths of half a million Iraqi children was a price worth paying? Children...!!!! And thats just Iraq.
I wont go into the countless other wars America has been in and here you are telling us Russia and China are far worse...!?! Really..??
In Americas whole existance they have been at war for all but 16 years. Please explain. Do you know the "Monroe doctrine"...? If you dont know then goolge it. Then tell us why its ok for America and nato to surround Russia and China with military bases...
Mario, stop you BS posts. How about you tell the truth for a change.

Betsy Lalich

pre 2 godine

More paranoia and hate from Serbia and its so called "free" press.

You have descended into hell.

You will deserve your fate.

BLAME YOURSELVES for your stupidity and ignorance of history.

And please STOP emigrating to America like millions of others from around the world.

Who is rushing to emigrate to Serbia? NO ONE and for good reason. You have become a despicable nation and people and a shame to your righteous ancestors.


pre 2 godine

Russia has no future as long Putin remains in power.
(Peaceful Warrior, 2 June 2022 07:22)

Really! how insightful. Russia is becoming richer and richer by the day meanwhile back at democracy are us HQ it's going in the opposite direction. You think I'm joking just look at the inflation figures for the US or EU; no not the bulllshit figures but real ones. The Netherlands are the only ones in the west that publish their real inflation data and as of end of March its 12%.
The EU are looking down the barrel of food shortages, energy cost skyrocketing and living standards crashing and you say Russia has no future with Putin. In the not too distant future when your wanting for bread in line do remember your words ha,ha,ha.


pre 2 godine

Who is rushing to emigrate to Serbia? NO ONE and for good reason. You have become a despicable nation and people and a shame to your righteous ancestors.
(Betsy Lalich, 3 June 2022 07:08)

Who is migrating to the US except for poor south Americans who will work for $7.50 an hour? How is inflation going in the land of the free? Has the price of gas gone down yet LOL? Nearly forgot how is Lenard going in the asylum? Is he on the same floor as you?


pre 2 godine

The EU needs to learn it's not Moscow that's the enemy, it's the US and friends!
There is no appetite for the EU to become anything else, but "dependents" for the US!

Moscow wants Fair Trade, not War. Fair Trade without threatening sovereignty of either block!


pre 2 godine

Dismantle Nato then. After that you create a military force of the EU. Otherwise member states need to pay for Nato and for EU army. Too much, you're going to be bankrupt with all these expenses. Its the economy baby said Mao Tse Tung once upon the time.


pre 2 godine

Give me a break. Without US nothing could have been done by EU. If it depended on EU only wars in former Yugoslavia would still be going on.


pre 2 godine

Mario, the USA is the worlds bully. They have attacked countries thousands of miles away, destroyed economies, murdered presidents and leaders, and have been responsible for many millions of deaths. Not one nation they attacked posed any threat to them.
As for Yugoslavia, the Yanks decided to support the sides that suited/benefited them, and not what was just, legal and the truth. The Yanks didnt stop the conflict in Yugoslavia, they just postponed it to a date in the future. Dont believe me.....watch this space.

NB: the Americans are in dire straights. Their debt is now over $30 trillion and rising. They are taking on Russia (thats what Ukraine is all about because the US dont care how many Ukrainians die as long as Russia is destabilised) and will lose. They have also pushed Russia and China into a union, and that is disaster for the Yanks. Interestingly the other huge nations dont support America over the Ukraine.....such as Turkey, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, China, all of central and south America, just about all of Africa, etc. The world has had enough of American bullying.


pre 2 godine

I commented last week that one of the results of the war in Ukraine will be a new European army seperate from NATO. Its already happening as now Germany has been allowed to fully expand its army for the first time contrary to international agreements signed after World War 2. Germany will lead this new European army to World War 3 as she did previously. Bible thumper “lenard the ustase” should give a sermon on the topić.


pre 2 godine

Please list all the nations Russia and China have invaded in the last 30/40 years. I'm really keen to see what you write.
How many wars has Russia faught? How many deaths resulted from their military activities?
And what about China? You will struggle to come up with one conflict China has been in.
Now, compare that with America. Didnt Albright say that the deaths of half a million Iraqi children was a price worth paying? Children...!!!! And thats just Iraq.
I wont go into the countless other wars America has been in and here you are telling us Russia and China are far worse...!?! Really..??
In Americas whole existance they have been at war for all but 16 years. Please explain. Do you know the "Monroe doctrine"...? If you dont know then goolge it. Then tell us why its ok for America and nato to surround Russia and China with military bases...
Mario, stop you BS posts. How about you tell the truth for a change.


pre 2 godine

Russia has no future as long Putin remains in power.
(Peaceful Warrior, 2 June 2022 07:22)

Really! how insightful. Russia is becoming richer and richer by the day meanwhile back at democracy are us HQ it's going in the opposite direction. You think I'm joking just look at the inflation figures for the US or EU; no not the bulllshit figures but real ones. The Netherlands are the only ones in the west that publish their real inflation data and as of end of March its 12%.
The EU are looking down the barrel of food shortages, energy cost skyrocketing and living standards crashing and you say Russia has no future with Putin. In the not too distant future when your wanting for bread in line do remember your words ha,ha,ha.


pre 2 godine

Who is rushing to emigrate to Serbia? NO ONE and for good reason. You have become a despicable nation and people and a shame to your righteous ancestors.
(Betsy Lalich, 3 June 2022 07:08)

Who is migrating to the US except for poor south Americans who will work for $7.50 an hour? How is inflation going in the land of the free? Has the price of gas gone down yet LOL? Nearly forgot how is Lenard going in the asylum? Is he on the same floor as you?

Betsy Lalich

pre 2 godine

More paranoia and hate from Serbia and its so called "free" press.

You have descended into hell.

You will deserve your fate.

BLAME YOURSELVES for your stupidity and ignorance of history.

And please STOP emigrating to America like millions of others from around the world.

Who is rushing to emigrate to Serbia? NO ONE and for good reason. You have become a despicable nation and people and a shame to your righteous ancestors.