Wednesday, 23.03.2022.


Ukrainians seized Russian "gold mine" PHOTO

Ukrainian forces seized a "container" on Tuesday, which could be a potential gold mine of information for Western intelligence services.

Izvor: B92

Ukrainians seized Russian "gold mine" PHOTO IMAGE SOURCE

4 Komentari

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pre 2 godine

Either what Sj thinks or a sabotage work from inside the Russian forces.
(Iskander, 24 March 2022 02:22)

No its a bullshit story from the Ukrainians just like their vast "victories" over the Russians but these "winners" continue to beg for a no fly zone and help from outside.


pre 2 godine

Oh yeah the Russians have left this container of information ha,ha,ha. If they actually did find such a container I'd treat it as a plant by Moscow. Considering the US of Piss and Wind does not even know the name of the Russian general in command of the forces in eastern Ukraine I am leaning to this so called container with a mountain of information not worth looking into, but the US of utter stupidity probably thinks its gold.


pre 2 godine

Oh yeah the Russians have left this container of information ha,ha,ha. If they actually did find such a container I'd treat it as a plant by Moscow. Considering the US of Piss and Wind does not even know the name of the Russian general in command of the forces in eastern Ukraine I am leaning to this so called container with a mountain of information not worth looking into, but the US of utter stupidity probably thinks its gold.


pre 2 godine

Either what Sj thinks or a sabotage work from inside the Russian forces.
(Iskander, 24 March 2022 02:22)

No its a bullshit story from the Ukrainians just like their vast "victories" over the Russians but these "winners" continue to beg for a no fly zone and help from outside.


pre 2 godine

Oh yeah the Russians have left this container of information ha,ha,ha. If they actually did find such a container I'd treat it as a plant by Moscow. Considering the US of Piss and Wind does not even know the name of the Russian general in command of the forces in eastern Ukraine I am leaning to this so called container with a mountain of information not worth looking into, but the US of utter stupidity probably thinks its gold.


pre 2 godine

Either what Sj thinks or a sabotage work from inside the Russian forces.
(Iskander, 24 March 2022 02:22)

No its a bullshit story from the Ukrainians just like their vast "victories" over the Russians but these "winners" continue to beg for a no fly zone and help from outside.