Friday, 12.11.2021.


BBC: Kosovo and Metohija is part of Serbia

In less than six months, the British BBC again presented Kosovo and Metohija as an integral part of Serbia.

Izvor: Kosovo online

BBC: Kosovo and Metohija is part of Serbia IMAGE SOURCE

5 Komentari

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pre 2 godine

If Kosova is a part of Serbia, why are there no Serbs there!
(Ivan K., 13 November 2021 19:32)

Why isn't Kosova in the UN if its not part of Serbia?


pre 2 godine

Ivan K

My Serbian friends who came from Kosovo were ethnically cleansed (a term invented by the Kosovan Communist Party) long before Milosevic. They were very disappointed by many of their Albanian 'friends' who they once trusted but who let them down badly. My friends are very decent peaceful people of great dignity. Their general attitude about Kosovo is one of disappointment about how they were treated. They never write and rarely talk about this issue and have built a life elsewhere. (I am reporting what I know about them.)

One of them does visit Kosovo sometimes and is able to maintain a property he managed to retain. He does this in conjunction with a few reliable Albanians the family know - fair minded Albanians who are able to relate quite happily to those fair minded Serbs they know. (Not everyone in Kosovo or in Serbia is a racist political bigot.)


pre 2 godine

Ivan K

My Serbian friends who came from Kosovo were ethnically cleansed (a term invented by the Kosovan Communist Party) long before Milosevic. They were very disappointed by many of their Albanian 'friends' who they once trusted but who let them down badly. My friends are very decent peaceful people of great dignity. Their general attitude about Kosovo is one of disappointment about how they were treated. They never write and rarely talk about this issue and have built a life elsewhere. (I am reporting what I know about them.)

One of them does visit Kosovo sometimes and is able to maintain a property he managed to retain. He does this in conjunction with a few reliable Albanians the family know - fair minded Albanians who are able to relate quite happily to those fair minded Serbs they know. (Not everyone in Kosovo or in Serbia is a racist political bigot.)


pre 2 godine

If Kosova is a part of Serbia, why are there no Serbs there!
(Ivan K., 13 November 2021 19:32)

Why isn't Kosova in the UN if its not part of Serbia?


pre 2 godine

If Kosova is a part of Serbia, why are there no Serbs there!
(Ivan K., 13 November 2021 19:32)

Why isn't Kosova in the UN if its not part of Serbia?


pre 2 godine

Ivan K

My Serbian friends who came from Kosovo were ethnically cleansed (a term invented by the Kosovan Communist Party) long before Milosevic. They were very disappointed by many of their Albanian 'friends' who they once trusted but who let them down badly. My friends are very decent peaceful people of great dignity. Their general attitude about Kosovo is one of disappointment about how they were treated. They never write and rarely talk about this issue and have built a life elsewhere. (I am reporting what I know about them.)

One of them does visit Kosovo sometimes and is able to maintain a property he managed to retain. He does this in conjunction with a few reliable Albanians the family know - fair minded Albanians who are able to relate quite happily to those fair minded Serbs they know. (Not everyone in Kosovo or in Serbia is a racist political bigot.)