Thursday, 07.10.2021.


Killed on Putin's birthday - she became an inspiration to journalists worldwide PHOTO

It has been 15 years since the murder of Russian journalist Ana Politkovskaya in the center of Moscow.

Izvor: DW

Killed on Putin's birthday - she became an inspiration to journalists worldwide PHOTO IMAGE SOURCE

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Skenderbeu 1444

pre 3 godine

Now, what to say when you read these stupid "journalists" of Dojce Welle, BBC or Moscow Times? O global idiots, for real you think that if Putin had to kill a human rights activist and journalist he would do it the day he was born? Why? To give a sign to whole world that he is an idiot and not the President of the most glorious country in the world? So Politovskaja reported on Chechnia, was there multiple times during chechen war against Russians, chechens were convicted for her death, but look it was Putin who was fighting against terrorism in Chechnya. Go away please DW and BBC, there can be a reason nobody reads your tales anymore!!

Skenderbeu 1444

pre 3 godine

Now, what to say when you read these stupid "journalists" of Dojce Welle, BBC or Moscow Times? O global idiots, for real you think that if Putin had to kill a human rights activist and journalist he would do it the day he was born? Why? To give a sign to whole world that he is an idiot and not the President of the most glorious country in the world? So Politovskaja reported on Chechnia, was there multiple times during chechen war against Russians, chechens were convicted for her death, but look it was Putin who was fighting against terrorism in Chechnya. Go away please DW and BBC, there can be a reason nobody reads your tales anymore!!

Skenderbeu 1444

pre 3 godine

Now, what to say when you read these stupid "journalists" of Dojce Welle, BBC or Moscow Times? O global idiots, for real you think that if Putin had to kill a human rights activist and journalist he would do it the day he was born? Why? To give a sign to whole world that he is an idiot and not the President of the most glorious country in the world? So Politovskaja reported on Chechnia, was there multiple times during chechen war against Russians, chechens were convicted for her death, but look it was Putin who was fighting against terrorism in Chechnya. Go away please DW and BBC, there can be a reason nobody reads your tales anymore!!