Friday, 24.07.2020.


Croatia votes in a new government, a Serb Vice President

New center-right government of Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, the leader of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ), won an expected vote of confidence in Croatia

Izvor: Beta

Croatia votes in a new government, a Serb Vice President IMAGE SOURCE

16 Komentari

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Tom L'Orizi

pre 4 godine

(View from the uk, 28 July 2020 17:23)

Debating what? All that you and your kinfolk are capable of is to weave stupidities out of bum fluff.

You better learn how to spell 'Romania'. To give you a headstart, no letter 'u' is needed.

View from the uk

pre 4 godine

Tom O'Simpleton......so you dont or cant debate issues, can you???
So tell us where this money comes from....Is it locked in vaults ready to be handed out to EU nations in triuble??
It is a debt and the EU has to account for it. That is a fact of life. Or did you go to some strange Albanian school of economics...???
Do you know anything about EU funding? Do you know anything about printing money/inflation, etc.??
And yes, Germany rules the EU, sets interest rates at the European central bank and carries out economic policies to mostly suit their economy and not Croatias economy. Any chance of debating the issues with reasoned arguments and examples....? No.?? Didnt think so.
I suggest you go back to your crayons and colouring books, this is all a bit above you........

Tom L'Orizi

pre 4 godine

" ... This cash HAS TO COME from somewhere, and it HAS TO BE accounted for and repaid."

" ... The recession IS YET TO COME..."

" ... They WILL SET interest rates and make other decisions to suit their German economy and not Croatias economy..."

(View from the uk, 28 July 2020 00:15)

Yet another overspill of wishful thinking tense by our duty heavily pro Serbian hating-to-be-a-Serb.

I wonder why Serbian default frame of mind is 'da komšiji crkne krava'?! https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/da_kom%C5%A1iji_crkne_krava


pre 4 godine

You know if Serbs are involved it will fail miserably royally.
Because they are masters of disasters their own worst enemy par excellence.
Then they get rightfully blamed and suddenly go off mentally berserk very unstable lot aah. Can I get a witness.
(Lenard, 26 July 2020 22:22)

Only one comment for you and here it is:

View from the uk

pre 4 godine

I have to agree with SJ when he points out that it is not free money Croatia gets. This cash has to come from somewhere, and it has to be accounted for and repaid.
The EU can print the euro as much as it likes but its a debt that cant be ignored. The recession is yet to come.
And lets be realistic, Germany rules in the EU. They will set interest rates and make other decisions to suit their German economy and not Croatias economy. This is bad for Croatia and other non significant nations in the EU.
Dont believe me??? Just ask the Greeks.......

View from the uk

pre 4 godine

Gaty + Lenard..... the article is about Croatia and their new government. We all know Lenard hates Serbia and all things Serbian, so lets not expect anything positive from him. I suspect he celebrates the murder of up to one million mostly Serbs 1941-1945. And Lenard will celebrate the forced cleansing of 250k-300k Serbs in 1995. A sad individual indeed.....
As for Croatia today we can be sure that the EU has not been the goose that lays the golden egg. Just two facts....... firstly Croatias debt is a hell of a lot bigger than just before it joined the EU (never mind the corona virus). Secondly its also a fact that over one fifth of the population has left. That tells us that Croatia is not "heaven on earth" that the likes of Lenard like to spew out.
Of course there are problems in all Balkan nations, from Greece, Bulgaria, etc. And I honestly cant see what great benefits the EU has given Croatia. People have voted with their feet.....by moving abroad. That is a fact.
A final point is that a Croat politician will get elected by the level hatred he/she shows toeards Serbia. Sad indeed.....


pre 4 godine

My favorite part about coming to B92 is to see all the fools who come here to complain about Serbia WHILE supporting the very news story, news outlet, and people you hate. This is thee greatest thing lol. Leave it to Serbs to cash in on the hate. No please, do leave another comment lmao zdravo :)


pre 4 godine

2blue: I admire your ability to delude yourself. However, those of us who have been to Serbia recently, know what sad shape Serbia is in. Furthermore, those poor people who live in Serbia also know what pathetic liar you are. Save your propaganda for children in primary school.


pre 4 godine

You know if Serbs are involved it will fail miserably royally.
Because they are masters of disasters their own worst enemy par excellence.
Then they get rightfully blamed and suddenly go off mentally berserk very unstable lot aah. Can I get a witness.


pre 4 godine

Finaly normal ,Christians must unite no hate that goes for all ,Croatia, serbia ,Slovenia, Montenegro, Macedonia. Unite as 1 .like worldwide now.


pre 4 godine

(@Blue, 25 July 2020 11:05)

Why would Serbia prop up Croatia when for decades Croats have screamed from the roof tops how they financially sustained Yugoslavia. So, what’s happened? Why couldn’t they have repeated that “success” as an independent country? Simply because it’s all BS.
Last year the World Bank said that Croatia lost 21.9% of their population to migration, and that does not take into account the number of Serbs kicked out.
Its not due to corruption alone. It’s because they are a financially unsustainable entity, much like Slovenia.
Let me just add if Croats think that Serbia will return to the old ways to help out Croatia then your seriously deluded. Croatia is dead man walking. Give it another 5 years and it will be the biggest retirement village in the world.
As far as that “free money” from the EU is concerned I’d take a closer look at that 23 billion and I can guarantee that a lot of the money Croatia already receives is repackaged to make it look as if its new money.


pre 4 godine

This is a Big step towards normalisation in Croatia due to their strong nationalism Croatians are currently in a very difficult situation they country is heavily currupted Croatians are leaving the country due to lack of jobs and high cost of of living and the EU is coming to an end To normalise their relationship with Serbia has to be Croatian priority for their future economic stability or that country will be sold to the highest bidder. It's ironic how Croatian independence will means joining Serbia all over again.

1+4=A lot

pre 4 godine

Four Vice Presidents? Now that's an interesting concept.Sounds like a recipe for disaster in a crisis.Thank goodness for the EU's generosity 22 Billion Euros will hopefully be enough to pay all these "Presidents". However if past form of politicians across the former YU is anything to go by then it's probably advisable not to hold one's breath!


pre 4 godine

This is a Big step towards normalisation in Croatia due to their strong nationalism Croatians are currently in a very difficult situation they country is heavily currupted Croatians are leaving the country due to lack of jobs and high cost of of living and the EU is coming to an end To normalise their relationship with Serbia has to be Croatian priority for their future economic stability or that country will be sold to the highest bidder. It's ironic how Croatian independence will means joining Serbia all over again.

1+4=A lot

pre 4 godine

Four Vice Presidents? Now that's an interesting concept.Sounds like a recipe for disaster in a crisis.Thank goodness for the EU's generosity 22 Billion Euros will hopefully be enough to pay all these "Presidents". However if past form of politicians across the former YU is anything to go by then it's probably advisable not to hold one's breath!


pre 4 godine

(@Blue, 25 July 2020 11:05)

Why would Serbia prop up Croatia when for decades Croats have screamed from the roof tops how they financially sustained Yugoslavia. So, what’s happened? Why couldn’t they have repeated that “success” as an independent country? Simply because it’s all BS.
Last year the World Bank said that Croatia lost 21.9% of their population to migration, and that does not take into account the number of Serbs kicked out.
Its not due to corruption alone. It’s because they are a financially unsustainable entity, much like Slovenia.
Let me just add if Croats think that Serbia will return to the old ways to help out Croatia then your seriously deluded. Croatia is dead man walking. Give it another 5 years and it will be the biggest retirement village in the world.
As far as that “free money” from the EU is concerned I’d take a closer look at that 23 billion and I can guarantee that a lot of the money Croatia already receives is repackaged to make it look as if its new money.

View from the uk

pre 4 godine

Gaty + Lenard..... the article is about Croatia and their new government. We all know Lenard hates Serbia and all things Serbian, so lets not expect anything positive from him. I suspect he celebrates the murder of up to one million mostly Serbs 1941-1945. And Lenard will celebrate the forced cleansing of 250k-300k Serbs in 1995. A sad individual indeed.....
As for Croatia today we can be sure that the EU has not been the goose that lays the golden egg. Just two facts....... firstly Croatias debt is a hell of a lot bigger than just before it joined the EU (never mind the corona virus). Secondly its also a fact that over one fifth of the population has left. That tells us that Croatia is not "heaven on earth" that the likes of Lenard like to spew out.
Of course there are problems in all Balkan nations, from Greece, Bulgaria, etc. And I honestly cant see what great benefits the EU has given Croatia. People have voted with their feet.....by moving abroad. That is a fact.
A final point is that a Croat politician will get elected by the level hatred he/she shows toeards Serbia. Sad indeed.....

View from the uk

pre 4 godine

I have to agree with SJ when he points out that it is not free money Croatia gets. This cash has to come from somewhere, and it has to be accounted for and repaid.
The EU can print the euro as much as it likes but its a debt that cant be ignored. The recession is yet to come.
And lets be realistic, Germany rules in the EU. They will set interest rates and make other decisions to suit their German economy and not Croatias economy. This is bad for Croatia and other non significant nations in the EU.
Dont believe me??? Just ask the Greeks.......

Tom L'Orizi

pre 4 godine

" ... This cash HAS TO COME from somewhere, and it HAS TO BE accounted for and repaid."

" ... The recession IS YET TO COME..."

" ... They WILL SET interest rates and make other decisions to suit their German economy and not Croatias economy..."

(View from the uk, 28 July 2020 00:15)

Yet another overspill of wishful thinking tense by our duty heavily pro Serbian hating-to-be-a-Serb.

I wonder why Serbian default frame of mind is 'da komšiji crkne krava'?! https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/da_kom%C5%A1iji_crkne_krava


pre 4 godine

Finaly normal ,Christians must unite no hate that goes for all ,Croatia, serbia ,Slovenia, Montenegro, Macedonia. Unite as 1 .like worldwide now.


pre 4 godine

My favorite part about coming to B92 is to see all the fools who come here to complain about Serbia WHILE supporting the very news story, news outlet, and people you hate. This is thee greatest thing lol. Leave it to Serbs to cash in on the hate. No please, do leave another comment lmao zdravo :)

Tom L'Orizi

pre 4 godine

(View from the uk, 28 July 2020 17:23)

Debating what? All that you and your kinfolk are capable of is to weave stupidities out of bum fluff.

You better learn how to spell 'Romania'. To give you a headstart, no letter 'u' is needed.


pre 4 godine

You know if Serbs are involved it will fail miserably royally.
Because they are masters of disasters their own worst enemy par excellence.
Then they get rightfully blamed and suddenly go off mentally berserk very unstable lot aah. Can I get a witness.
(Lenard, 26 July 2020 22:22)

Only one comment for you and here it is:


pre 4 godine

You know if Serbs are involved it will fail miserably royally.
Because they are masters of disasters their own worst enemy par excellence.
Then they get rightfully blamed and suddenly go off mentally berserk very unstable lot aah. Can I get a witness.


pre 4 godine

2blue: I admire your ability to delude yourself. However, those of us who have been to Serbia recently, know what sad shape Serbia is in. Furthermore, those poor people who live in Serbia also know what pathetic liar you are. Save your propaganda for children in primary school.

View from the uk

pre 4 godine

Tom O'Simpleton......so you dont or cant debate issues, can you???
So tell us where this money comes from....Is it locked in vaults ready to be handed out to EU nations in triuble??
It is a debt and the EU has to account for it. That is a fact of life. Or did you go to some strange Albanian school of economics...???
Do you know anything about EU funding? Do you know anything about printing money/inflation, etc.??
And yes, Germany rules the EU, sets interest rates at the European central bank and carries out economic policies to mostly suit their economy and not Croatias economy. Any chance of debating the issues with reasoned arguments and examples....? No.?? Didnt think so.
I suggest you go back to your crayons and colouring books, this is all a bit above you........

1+4=A lot

pre 4 godine

Four Vice Presidents? Now that's an interesting concept.Sounds like a recipe for disaster in a crisis.Thank goodness for the EU's generosity 22 Billion Euros will hopefully be enough to pay all these "Presidents". However if past form of politicians across the former YU is anything to go by then it's probably advisable not to hold one's breath!


pre 4 godine

You know if Serbs are involved it will fail miserably royally.
Because they are masters of disasters their own worst enemy par excellence.
Then they get rightfully blamed and suddenly go off mentally berserk very unstable lot aah. Can I get a witness.


pre 4 godine

2blue: I admire your ability to delude yourself. However, those of us who have been to Serbia recently, know what sad shape Serbia is in. Furthermore, those poor people who live in Serbia also know what pathetic liar you are. Save your propaganda for children in primary school.


pre 4 godine

This is a Big step towards normalisation in Croatia due to their strong nationalism Croatians are currently in a very difficult situation they country is heavily currupted Croatians are leaving the country due to lack of jobs and high cost of of living and the EU is coming to an end To normalise their relationship with Serbia has to be Croatian priority for their future economic stability or that country will be sold to the highest bidder. It's ironic how Croatian independence will means joining Serbia all over again.


pre 4 godine

(@Blue, 25 July 2020 11:05)

Why would Serbia prop up Croatia when for decades Croats have screamed from the roof tops how they financially sustained Yugoslavia. So, what’s happened? Why couldn’t they have repeated that “success” as an independent country? Simply because it’s all BS.
Last year the World Bank said that Croatia lost 21.9% of their population to migration, and that does not take into account the number of Serbs kicked out.
Its not due to corruption alone. It’s because they are a financially unsustainable entity, much like Slovenia.
Let me just add if Croats think that Serbia will return to the old ways to help out Croatia then your seriously deluded. Croatia is dead man walking. Give it another 5 years and it will be the biggest retirement village in the world.
As far as that “free money” from the EU is concerned I’d take a closer look at that 23 billion and I can guarantee that a lot of the money Croatia already receives is repackaged to make it look as if its new money.

Tom L'Orizi

pre 4 godine

" ... This cash HAS TO COME from somewhere, and it HAS TO BE accounted for and repaid."

" ... The recession IS YET TO COME..."

" ... They WILL SET interest rates and make other decisions to suit their German economy and not Croatias economy..."

(View from the uk, 28 July 2020 00:15)

Yet another overspill of wishful thinking tense by our duty heavily pro Serbian hating-to-be-a-Serb.

I wonder why Serbian default frame of mind is 'da komšiji crkne krava'?! https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/da_kom%C5%A1iji_crkne_krava

View from the uk

pre 4 godine

I have to agree with SJ when he points out that it is not free money Croatia gets. This cash has to come from somewhere, and it has to be accounted for and repaid.
The EU can print the euro as much as it likes but its a debt that cant be ignored. The recession is yet to come.
And lets be realistic, Germany rules in the EU. They will set interest rates and make other decisions to suit their German economy and not Croatias economy. This is bad for Croatia and other non significant nations in the EU.
Dont believe me??? Just ask the Greeks.......

View from the uk

pre 4 godine

Gaty + Lenard..... the article is about Croatia and their new government. We all know Lenard hates Serbia and all things Serbian, so lets not expect anything positive from him. I suspect he celebrates the murder of up to one million mostly Serbs 1941-1945. And Lenard will celebrate the forced cleansing of 250k-300k Serbs in 1995. A sad individual indeed.....
As for Croatia today we can be sure that the EU has not been the goose that lays the golden egg. Just two facts....... firstly Croatias debt is a hell of a lot bigger than just before it joined the EU (never mind the corona virus). Secondly its also a fact that over one fifth of the population has left. That tells us that Croatia is not "heaven on earth" that the likes of Lenard like to spew out.
Of course there are problems in all Balkan nations, from Greece, Bulgaria, etc. And I honestly cant see what great benefits the EU has given Croatia. People have voted with their feet.....by moving abroad. That is a fact.
A final point is that a Croat politician will get elected by the level hatred he/she shows toeards Serbia. Sad indeed.....


pre 4 godine

My favorite part about coming to B92 is to see all the fools who come here to complain about Serbia WHILE supporting the very news story, news outlet, and people you hate. This is thee greatest thing lol. Leave it to Serbs to cash in on the hate. No please, do leave another comment lmao zdravo :)

Tom L'Orizi

pre 4 godine

(View from the uk, 28 July 2020 17:23)

Debating what? All that you and your kinfolk are capable of is to weave stupidities out of bum fluff.

You better learn how to spell 'Romania'. To give you a headstart, no letter 'u' is needed.


pre 4 godine

Finaly normal ,Christians must unite no hate that goes for all ,Croatia, serbia ,Slovenia, Montenegro, Macedonia. Unite as 1 .like worldwide now.


pre 4 godine

You know if Serbs are involved it will fail miserably royally.
Because they are masters of disasters their own worst enemy par excellence.
Then they get rightfully blamed and suddenly go off mentally berserk very unstable lot aah. Can I get a witness.
(Lenard, 26 July 2020 22:22)

Only one comment for you and here it is:

View from the uk

pre 4 godine

Tom O'Simpleton......so you dont or cant debate issues, can you???
So tell us where this money comes from....Is it locked in vaults ready to be handed out to EU nations in triuble??
It is a debt and the EU has to account for it. That is a fact of life. Or did you go to some strange Albanian school of economics...???
Do you know anything about EU funding? Do you know anything about printing money/inflation, etc.??
And yes, Germany rules the EU, sets interest rates at the European central bank and carries out economic policies to mostly suit their economy and not Croatias economy. Any chance of debating the issues with reasoned arguments and examples....? No.?? Didnt think so.
I suggest you go back to your crayons and colouring books, this is all a bit above you........