Monday, 30.12.2019.


The Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church has a message for the local churches

The Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church called on all local churches to support the canonical Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro

Izvor: Tanjug

The Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church has a message for the local churches IMAGE SOURCE

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View from the uk

pre 5 godina

Make Serbia Great.......you have bigger issues than I first feared. I have no idea what your post is about as you don't answer anything. But more of a worry is that you have no idea what your post is about either..... Perhaps all that overflow of narcotics in Kosovo is not doing you much good. Stay off it man..!!!!!
And if you still claim to be Serbian then I have every right to call myself a goldfish....


pre 5 godina

First, I would have to be an Albanian.
(Make Serbia Great, 3 January 2020 18:03)

Yes your right so let me correct that by saying your a dumb Albanian pretending to be a "Serb" and doing a real s*** job at it too.

Make Serbia Great

pre 5 godina

"Make Serbia Great, stop making an idiot of yourself. "Real Christians", as you put it are the persecuted....? Like the 100,000s of Serbs harassed, bullied and forced out of Kosovo throughout the 1950s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s by ethnic Albanians/muslims?"

There is no greater idiot than the guy who thinks that an entire ethnic group is blameless while the other is completely at fault.

"So you were ok with that?"

What do I have to do with any of that?

"Whats your view on American presidents all asking God to "bless America"? That same America that has invaded, murdered, stolen, etc, in countless countries around the world? Oh, sorry, they must be OK because they are not Orthodox...?"

American presidents are not Christians. That should be obvious to anyone who reads the Bible. But to blame them for all the ills of the world is not realistic either.

"I'm coming to the conclusion that you are one dumb Albanian....... thick as a plank. (View from the uk, 1 January 2020 15:53)

First, I would have to be an Albanian.

View from the uk

pre 5 godina

Make Serbia Great, stop making an idiot of yourself. "Real Christians", as you put it are the persecuted....? Like the 100,000s of Serbs harassed, bullied and forced out of Kosovo throughout the 1950s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s by ethnic Albanians/muslims? So you were ok with that? Those bullied out of Kosovo were real Christians?
Whats your view on American presidents all asking God to "bless America"? That same America that has invaded, murdered, stolen, etc, in countless countries around the world? Oh, sorry, they must be OK because they are not Orthodox...?
I'm coming to the conclusion that you are one dumb Albanian....... thick as a plank.


pre 5 godina

(Drasko, 31 December 2019 08:58)

There is no conspiracy mate. It's the fact. I know how the US works. I have seen it first-hand many times unlike you who has never travelled further than 20 kilometres from where you live.
“Why should the Serb Church have any say on how a person worships”.
This would have to be the dumbest question I have ever read and at first just laughed thinking how dumb is this Albo? But I thought better of it and try and explain.
You see being an adherent of the Serbian Orthodox Church you have to follow its canon laws just like if you were an adherent of the Catholic Church in Rome you have to worship according to the Vatican rules; that's why.
Neither of these organisations “force” people to do anything. It's up to you whether you attend Church or not.
As far as the rest of your post is concerned well that's garbage, so I won’t dignify that with a response.
The war in the former Yugoslavia was a civil war and they are the most brutal type where no one side is guilty while the other innocent.


pre 5 godina

Conspiracy theorist that you are, when it is convenient for you, only shows what a hypocrite you are. Why should the Serb Church have any say on how a person worships, after all the Serb Bishops, as part of their assumed duties, blessed all the criminals Milosevic released from prison so they could, in the name of Serbia, go out and murder innocent women, children and the elderly in a most horrific manner.

Make Serbia Great

pre 5 godina

...the abrahamic religions brought separation to the balkans and should be quiet about this topics.
(Tito reloaded, 30 December 2019 11:23)

There is a big difference between God who speaks through the scriptures (and his followers) and the god of Orthodox religiosity. Real Christians are a persecuted minority who do not carry weapons, do not take political office, and accept suffering willingly. These published statements are politics in religious disguise.

Tito reloaded

pre 5 godina

If there would be still Perun and his mates be the gods of Slavs, we would not be able to distinguish between bosnians, croats, montenegrins and serbs.
So the abrahamic religions brought separation to the balkans and should be quiet about this topics.


pre 5 godina

This is the work of the US.

They authorised the ethnic cleansing of Serbs from Croatia then the provocations in Kosovo aka killing of Oliver Ivanovic to start a war and step in with NATO to take control of all of Kosovo and there are the ongoing skirmishes in Bosnia and now this with SPC in Montenegro.

All of these actions are to try, and yes, I said try to bring the Serbs to their knees and worship the west.
The problem is that the US thinks non one is aware what it’s doing, and if you have been in the US lately you will understand why they think along these lines. The US draws from the populous who are poorly educated due to the US education system into the various government departments. Victoria Nuland is a prime example.

Too bad the US never learnt from history, but with an education system passing illiterates little wonder.
For those that doubt all of this.
This legislation is supported by the Muslims, Catholics and “Montenegrins”. So, it specifically targets the SOC.
Notice that all of this is done under the great auspices of the western democracies peddling freedom of religious worship LOL.
How is it possible for Djukanovic to be el president/prime minister all the time? especially when the west demands democratic values plus 7 out of 10 people in Montenegro follow the SOC. How is it possible for Djuko’s party to constantly win elections all the time???
Hmmmm, I wonder where are these western values that are constantly trumpeted all the time LOL?


pre 5 godina

This is the work of the US.

They authorised the ethnic cleansing of Serbs from Croatia then the provocations in Kosovo aka killing of Oliver Ivanovic to start a war and step in with NATO to take control of all of Kosovo and there are the ongoing skirmishes in Bosnia and now this with SPC in Montenegro.

All of these actions are to try, and yes, I said try to bring the Serbs to their knees and worship the west.
The problem is that the US thinks non one is aware what it’s doing, and if you have been in the US lately you will understand why they think along these lines. The US draws from the populous who are poorly educated due to the US education system into the various government departments. Victoria Nuland is a prime example.

Too bad the US never learnt from history, but with an education system passing illiterates little wonder.
For those that doubt all of this.
This legislation is supported by the Muslims, Catholics and “Montenegrins”. So, it specifically targets the SOC.
Notice that all of this is done under the great auspices of the western democracies peddling freedom of religious worship LOL.
How is it possible for Djukanovic to be el president/prime minister all the time? especially when the west demands democratic values plus 7 out of 10 people in Montenegro follow the SOC. How is it possible for Djuko’s party to constantly win elections all the time???
Hmmmm, I wonder where are these western values that are constantly trumpeted all the time LOL?

Tito reloaded

pre 5 godina

If there would be still Perun and his mates be the gods of Slavs, we would not be able to distinguish between bosnians, croats, montenegrins and serbs.
So the abrahamic religions brought separation to the balkans and should be quiet about this topics.


pre 5 godina

(Drasko, 31 December 2019 08:58)

There is no conspiracy mate. It's the fact. I know how the US works. I have seen it first-hand many times unlike you who has never travelled further than 20 kilometres from where you live.
“Why should the Serb Church have any say on how a person worships”.
This would have to be the dumbest question I have ever read and at first just laughed thinking how dumb is this Albo? But I thought better of it and try and explain.
You see being an adherent of the Serbian Orthodox Church you have to follow its canon laws just like if you were an adherent of the Catholic Church in Rome you have to worship according to the Vatican rules; that's why.
Neither of these organisations “force” people to do anything. It's up to you whether you attend Church or not.
As far as the rest of your post is concerned well that's garbage, so I won’t dignify that with a response.
The war in the former Yugoslavia was a civil war and they are the most brutal type where no one side is guilty while the other innocent.

Make Serbia Great

pre 5 godina

...the abrahamic religions brought separation to the balkans and should be quiet about this topics.
(Tito reloaded, 30 December 2019 11:23)

There is a big difference between God who speaks through the scriptures (and his followers) and the god of Orthodox religiosity. Real Christians are a persecuted minority who do not carry weapons, do not take political office, and accept suffering willingly. These published statements are politics in religious disguise.


pre 5 godina

Conspiracy theorist that you are, when it is convenient for you, only shows what a hypocrite you are. Why should the Serb Church have any say on how a person worships, after all the Serb Bishops, as part of their assumed duties, blessed all the criminals Milosevic released from prison so they could, in the name of Serbia, go out and murder innocent women, children and the elderly in a most horrific manner.


pre 5 godina

First, I would have to be an Albanian.
(Make Serbia Great, 3 January 2020 18:03)

Yes your right so let me correct that by saying your a dumb Albanian pretending to be a "Serb" and doing a real s*** job at it too.

View from the uk

pre 5 godina

Make Serbia Great.......you have bigger issues than I first feared. I have no idea what your post is about as you don't answer anything. But more of a worry is that you have no idea what your post is about either..... Perhaps all that overflow of narcotics in Kosovo is not doing you much good. Stay off it man..!!!!!
And if you still claim to be Serbian then I have every right to call myself a goldfish....

View from the uk

pre 5 godina

Make Serbia Great, stop making an idiot of yourself. "Real Christians", as you put it are the persecuted....? Like the 100,000s of Serbs harassed, bullied and forced out of Kosovo throughout the 1950s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s by ethnic Albanians/muslims? So you were ok with that? Those bullied out of Kosovo were real Christians?
Whats your view on American presidents all asking God to "bless America"? That same America that has invaded, murdered, stolen, etc, in countless countries around the world? Oh, sorry, they must be OK because they are not Orthodox...?
I'm coming to the conclusion that you are one dumb Albanian....... thick as a plank.

Make Serbia Great

pre 5 godina

"Make Serbia Great, stop making an idiot of yourself. "Real Christians", as you put it are the persecuted....? Like the 100,000s of Serbs harassed, bullied and forced out of Kosovo throughout the 1950s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s by ethnic Albanians/muslims?"

There is no greater idiot than the guy who thinks that an entire ethnic group is blameless while the other is completely at fault.

"So you were ok with that?"

What do I have to do with any of that?

"Whats your view on American presidents all asking God to "bless America"? That same America that has invaded, murdered, stolen, etc, in countless countries around the world? Oh, sorry, they must be OK because they are not Orthodox...?"

American presidents are not Christians. That should be obvious to anyone who reads the Bible. But to blame them for all the ills of the world is not realistic either.

"I'm coming to the conclusion that you are one dumb Albanian....... thick as a plank. (View from the uk, 1 January 2020 15:53)

First, I would have to be an Albanian.

Tito reloaded

pre 5 godina

If there would be still Perun and his mates be the gods of Slavs, we would not be able to distinguish between bosnians, croats, montenegrins and serbs.
So the abrahamic religions brought separation to the balkans and should be quiet about this topics.


pre 5 godina

This is the work of the US.

They authorised the ethnic cleansing of Serbs from Croatia then the provocations in Kosovo aka killing of Oliver Ivanovic to start a war and step in with NATO to take control of all of Kosovo and there are the ongoing skirmishes in Bosnia and now this with SPC in Montenegro.

All of these actions are to try, and yes, I said try to bring the Serbs to their knees and worship the west.
The problem is that the US thinks non one is aware what it’s doing, and if you have been in the US lately you will understand why they think along these lines. The US draws from the populous who are poorly educated due to the US education system into the various government departments. Victoria Nuland is a prime example.

Too bad the US never learnt from history, but with an education system passing illiterates little wonder.
For those that doubt all of this.
This legislation is supported by the Muslims, Catholics and “Montenegrins”. So, it specifically targets the SOC.
Notice that all of this is done under the great auspices of the western democracies peddling freedom of religious worship LOL.
How is it possible for Djukanovic to be el president/prime minister all the time? especially when the west demands democratic values plus 7 out of 10 people in Montenegro follow the SOC. How is it possible for Djuko’s party to constantly win elections all the time???
Hmmmm, I wonder where are these western values that are constantly trumpeted all the time LOL?


pre 5 godina

Conspiracy theorist that you are, when it is convenient for you, only shows what a hypocrite you are. Why should the Serb Church have any say on how a person worships, after all the Serb Bishops, as part of their assumed duties, blessed all the criminals Milosevic released from prison so they could, in the name of Serbia, go out and murder innocent women, children and the elderly in a most horrific manner.

Make Serbia Great

pre 5 godina

...the abrahamic religions brought separation to the balkans and should be quiet about this topics.
(Tito reloaded, 30 December 2019 11:23)

There is a big difference between God who speaks through the scriptures (and his followers) and the god of Orthodox religiosity. Real Christians are a persecuted minority who do not carry weapons, do not take political office, and accept suffering willingly. These published statements are politics in religious disguise.


pre 5 godina

(Drasko, 31 December 2019 08:58)

There is no conspiracy mate. It's the fact. I know how the US works. I have seen it first-hand many times unlike you who has never travelled further than 20 kilometres from where you live.
“Why should the Serb Church have any say on how a person worships”.
This would have to be the dumbest question I have ever read and at first just laughed thinking how dumb is this Albo? But I thought better of it and try and explain.
You see being an adherent of the Serbian Orthodox Church you have to follow its canon laws just like if you were an adherent of the Catholic Church in Rome you have to worship according to the Vatican rules; that's why.
Neither of these organisations “force” people to do anything. It's up to you whether you attend Church or not.
As far as the rest of your post is concerned well that's garbage, so I won’t dignify that with a response.
The war in the former Yugoslavia was a civil war and they are the most brutal type where no one side is guilty while the other innocent.

View from the uk

pre 5 godina

Make Serbia Great, stop making an idiot of yourself. "Real Christians", as you put it are the persecuted....? Like the 100,000s of Serbs harassed, bullied and forced out of Kosovo throughout the 1950s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s by ethnic Albanians/muslims? So you were ok with that? Those bullied out of Kosovo were real Christians?
Whats your view on American presidents all asking God to "bless America"? That same America that has invaded, murdered, stolen, etc, in countless countries around the world? Oh, sorry, they must be OK because they are not Orthodox...?
I'm coming to the conclusion that you are one dumb Albanian....... thick as a plank.

Make Serbia Great

pre 5 godina

"Make Serbia Great, stop making an idiot of yourself. "Real Christians", as you put it are the persecuted....? Like the 100,000s of Serbs harassed, bullied and forced out of Kosovo throughout the 1950s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s by ethnic Albanians/muslims?"

There is no greater idiot than the guy who thinks that an entire ethnic group is blameless while the other is completely at fault.

"So you were ok with that?"

What do I have to do with any of that?

"Whats your view on American presidents all asking God to "bless America"? That same America that has invaded, murdered, stolen, etc, in countless countries around the world? Oh, sorry, they must be OK because they are not Orthodox...?"

American presidents are not Christians. That should be obvious to anyone who reads the Bible. But to blame them for all the ills of the world is not realistic either.

"I'm coming to the conclusion that you are one dumb Albanian....... thick as a plank. (View from the uk, 1 January 2020 15:53)

First, I would have to be an Albanian.


pre 5 godina

First, I would have to be an Albanian.
(Make Serbia Great, 3 January 2020 18:03)

Yes your right so let me correct that by saying your a dumb Albanian pretending to be a "Serb" and doing a real s*** job at it too.

View from the uk

pre 5 godina

Make Serbia Great.......you have bigger issues than I first feared. I have no idea what your post is about as you don't answer anything. But more of a worry is that you have no idea what your post is about either..... Perhaps all that overflow of narcotics in Kosovo is not doing you much good. Stay off it man..!!!!!
And if you still claim to be Serbian then I have every right to call myself a goldfish....