pre 5 godina
(Samd, 26 July 2019 00:44)
The Tribunal was set up to punish Serbs in general for making the US look stupid since at that time the US was the only world super power and they could not control what was going on in the Balkans. Radovan Karadjic was warned that if the Serbs did not bend to western will a special Tribunal would be set up.
Yes, the Tribunal is an illusion that justice is being sought. Its become a revolving door for everyone else except the Serbs.
If you want justice you go to a real Court not a Tribunal.
Trump was never expected to win the Presidency because it was Hilary Clinton that was the favourite nominee and even the Republicans were in favour of her becoming President. That is why we have this Clinton/Trump melee plus Trump has his own views of the world and how things should run.
As far as organ trafficking is concerned that will never hit the mainstream media because the people who control/own the media will never allow it. Any journalist that does not tow the line, is sacked. About 600 journalists were sacked from major media outlets for opposing the Iraq war – that’s what I call a free press.
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