Friday, 31.05.2019.


"We've waited for 24 hours; we'll know what to do"

Aleksandar Vucic is "absolutely shocked" the EU has not reacted to Hashim Thaci saying that Pristina would not form the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO).

Izvor: Tanjug

"We've waited for 24 hours; we'll know what to do" IMAGE SOURCE

11 Komentari

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Principa, Gracanica, Kosovo i Metohija, SERBIA

pre 5 godina

Vučić, it's been admirable that you withstood the tests with regards "EU Friends" as PM and as President your patience has been solid and rightly so given the responsibility.

Sadly and I hope this is being realised that the EU technocrats be it in Brussels or the likes of Macron and Merkel care little of Serbia and its citizens or the so called promises and assurances they have given you. Look out beyond the world of the EU and seize the opportunities for Serbia's interest and understand true friends worth calling Friends are some in the EU and the rest of the world who uphold Serbia's soverignity and that at the peak are Russia, China, India and so many many more.


pre 5 godina

there is nothing you can do but leave the balkans and move to russia where you bastards came from. all serbia is part of albania. end of story


pre 5 godina

Mr vucic your job is to protect the Serbian people .forget the European Union they are not our friends the United States to are not our friends. Serbian people living in Kosovo must be protected or they must protect themselves forming a army just like the Albanian terrorists did. After all Kosovo is Serbian land


pre 5 godina

EU, and international community is sick and tired of common, primitive k albos. And never had seen anything like it.
Yes their mistake.
Feel is they do not know how to deal with it. Same applies to K-for.


pre 5 godina

Vucic should stop looking to everyone else, be it europe or Russia, to solve his problems for him. Being a politician is all about mastering the art of dialogue and compromise. If he is unable to fulfill this role, he should step aside and let someone more capable handle it.


pre 5 godina

It’s ever the same with Vucic. How is not knowing a lot, is wondering a lot. Why he is waiting for an EU reaction? He should not from many such problems that the EU and NATO will be never take the position of Serbia. It will comes to the formula, both sides should avoid provocations. Like a miracle yesterday’s words by Vucic that KFOR is not acting neutral were abolished here. Leading Swiss media NZZ is writing about Vucic s theatre for the Serb public after he was informed in front of the ROSU action. But there are to real serious problems for Serbia. Nobody will guarantee after a so called legally binding agreement with Pristina that such an agreement will be relating the points in favor of Serbia will be realized. And what court will be installed to settle disputes. This will be so neutral like the tribunal from Hague. Serbia has the tax case als condition for further talks with Pristina. But the more important question as condition should be a legally binding declaration, at the end by the UN Security Council, that It will never come to an unification of Albania and Kosovo. Such an unification would be the beginning of the end of Serbia’s statehood. Probably the aim also of the West.


pre 5 godina

“ We know what to do”

Hahahahaha lmaooooo

Do what?? Lol Go Into North Mitrovica? Lmaoo hahaha goodluck

This is what your going to do.

Absolutely nothing lol


pre 5 godina

ZSO? Mr Vucic it's the water under the bridge.Stop backtracking yourself.
Bottom line is send an Army accompanying by the Russians. You need to move things forward.
ZSO is yesterday's story that was topical 5yrs ago. You need to forget about ZSO.By right there should never be ZSO. Only them there and us over here. And 6m high wall in between.
What it needs addressing is Now.
The rest yesterday story.
Plse Mr Vucic move forward.
Enough of old scratched "CD" DO you have an adviser? And what are they doing?


pre 5 godina

there is nothing you can do but leave the balkans and move to russia where you bastards came from. all serbia is part of albania. end of story


pre 5 godina

Mr vucic your job is to protect the Serbian people .forget the European Union they are not our friends the United States to are not our friends. Serbian people living in Kosovo must be protected or they must protect themselves forming a army just like the Albanian terrorists did. After all Kosovo is Serbian land

Principa, Gracanica, Kosovo i Metohija, SERBIA

pre 5 godina

Vučić, it's been admirable that you withstood the tests with regards "EU Friends" as PM and as President your patience has been solid and rightly so given the responsibility.

Sadly and I hope this is being realised that the EU technocrats be it in Brussels or the likes of Macron and Merkel care little of Serbia and its citizens or the so called promises and assurances they have given you. Look out beyond the world of the EU and seize the opportunities for Serbia's interest and understand true friends worth calling Friends are some in the EU and the rest of the world who uphold Serbia's soverignity and that at the peak are Russia, China, India and so many many more.


pre 5 godina

Vucic should stop looking to everyone else, be it europe or Russia, to solve his problems for him. Being a politician is all about mastering the art of dialogue and compromise. If he is unable to fulfill this role, he should step aside and let someone more capable handle it.


pre 5 godina

EU, and international community is sick and tired of common, primitive k albos. And never had seen anything like it.
Yes their mistake.
Feel is they do not know how to deal with it. Same applies to K-for.


pre 5 godina

“ We know what to do”

Hahahahaha lmaooooo

Do what?? Lol Go Into North Mitrovica? Lmaoo hahaha goodluck

This is what your going to do.

Absolutely nothing lol


pre 5 godina

ZSO? Mr Vucic it's the water under the bridge.Stop backtracking yourself.
Bottom line is send an Army accompanying by the Russians. You need to move things forward.
ZSO is yesterday's story that was topical 5yrs ago. You need to forget about ZSO.By right there should never be ZSO. Only them there and us over here. And 6m high wall in between.
What it needs addressing is Now.
The rest yesterday story.
Plse Mr Vucic move forward.
Enough of old scratched "CD" DO you have an adviser? And what are they doing?


pre 5 godina

It’s ever the same with Vucic. How is not knowing a lot, is wondering a lot. Why he is waiting for an EU reaction? He should not from many such problems that the EU and NATO will be never take the position of Serbia. It will comes to the formula, both sides should avoid provocations. Like a miracle yesterday’s words by Vucic that KFOR is not acting neutral were abolished here. Leading Swiss media NZZ is writing about Vucic s theatre for the Serb public after he was informed in front of the ROSU action. But there are to real serious problems for Serbia. Nobody will guarantee after a so called legally binding agreement with Pristina that such an agreement will be relating the points in favor of Serbia will be realized. And what court will be installed to settle disputes. This will be so neutral like the tribunal from Hague. Serbia has the tax case als condition for further talks with Pristina. But the more important question as condition should be a legally binding declaration, at the end by the UN Security Council, that It will never come to an unification of Albania and Kosovo. Such an unification would be the beginning of the end of Serbia’s statehood. Probably the aim also of the West.


pre 5 godina

there is nothing you can do but leave the balkans and move to russia where you bastards came from. all serbia is part of albania. end of story


pre 5 godina

Mr vucic your job is to protect the Serbian people .forget the European Union they are not our friends the United States to are not our friends. Serbian people living in Kosovo must be protected or they must protect themselves forming a army just like the Albanian terrorists did. After all Kosovo is Serbian land


pre 5 godina

“ We know what to do”

Hahahahaha lmaooooo

Do what?? Lol Go Into North Mitrovica? Lmaoo hahaha goodluck

This is what your going to do.

Absolutely nothing lol


pre 5 godina

EU, and international community is sick and tired of common, primitive k albos. And never had seen anything like it.
Yes their mistake.
Feel is they do not know how to deal with it. Same applies to K-for.

Principa, Gracanica, Kosovo i Metohija, SERBIA

pre 5 godina

Vučić, it's been admirable that you withstood the tests with regards "EU Friends" as PM and as President your patience has been solid and rightly so given the responsibility.

Sadly and I hope this is being realised that the EU technocrats be it in Brussels or the likes of Macron and Merkel care little of Serbia and its citizens or the so called promises and assurances they have given you. Look out beyond the world of the EU and seize the opportunities for Serbia's interest and understand true friends worth calling Friends are some in the EU and the rest of the world who uphold Serbia's soverignity and that at the peak are Russia, China, India and so many many more.


pre 5 godina

ZSO? Mr Vucic it's the water under the bridge.Stop backtracking yourself.
Bottom line is send an Army accompanying by the Russians. You need to move things forward.
ZSO is yesterday's story that was topical 5yrs ago. You need to forget about ZSO.By right there should never be ZSO. Only them there and us over here. And 6m high wall in between.
What it needs addressing is Now.
The rest yesterday story.
Plse Mr Vucic move forward.
Enough of old scratched "CD" DO you have an adviser? And what are they doing?


pre 5 godina

Vucic should stop looking to everyone else, be it europe or Russia, to solve his problems for him. Being a politician is all about mastering the art of dialogue and compromise. If he is unable to fulfill this role, he should step aside and let someone more capable handle it.


pre 5 godina

It’s ever the same with Vucic. How is not knowing a lot, is wondering a lot. Why he is waiting for an EU reaction? He should not from many such problems that the EU and NATO will be never take the position of Serbia. It will comes to the formula, both sides should avoid provocations. Like a miracle yesterday’s words by Vucic that KFOR is not acting neutral were abolished here. Leading Swiss media NZZ is writing about Vucic s theatre for the Serb public after he was informed in front of the ROSU action. But there are to real serious problems for Serbia. Nobody will guarantee after a so called legally binding agreement with Pristina that such an agreement will be relating the points in favor of Serbia will be realized. And what court will be installed to settle disputes. This will be so neutral like the tribunal from Hague. Serbia has the tax case als condition for further talks with Pristina. But the more important question as condition should be a legally binding declaration, at the end by the UN Security Council, that It will never come to an unification of Albania and Kosovo. Such an unification would be the beginning of the end of Serbia’s statehood. Probably the aim also of the West.