Thursday, 09.05.2019.


"Serbia is small, not stupid. Albanians spit in EU's face"

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic has told the country's public broadcaster RTS that Serbia is "a small, but not a stupid country."

Izvor: RTS

"Serbia is small, not stupid. Albanians spit in EU's face" IMAGE SOURCE

17 Komentari

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pre 5 godina

serbia is very small and very stupid. dont play games with america because you will get burned. taking off the uniform to save your skin won't help anymore like you did in 1998.


pre 5 godina

In a way @guest is right. That is exactly where EU is heading and that is the end of Balkans culture, we will all become German speaking and that was the goal since a long time. Unfortunately for @guest who is Albanian, there are many Albanians who are pro those 'savages from..'I don't know why...


pre 5 godina

. Srbija will fight for its KiM, rest assured! This will draw in players from all sides and kaboom... another Syria! 
Which will end with USA and west tucking in its rail and going home! 
Never in a million years will Moscow give up influence in the Balkans, no mater how many Srbs or Albos die! 
(Watcher, 9 May 2019 14:35) 

Yet another overspill of wishful-thinking tense. 

I feel sorry how low the Serbs have fallen in trying to maintain their sanity. This is beyond Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings. 

Svrbija lost the war for Kosova and got her rear wooped for all times.
(Tom L'Orizi, 9 May 2019 23:59) 

You albos keep saying this is over. Looks like you guys have had enough? I think its just the beginning..

Appreciate the sentiment Tom, but you feeling sorry for us is unnecessary.

According to you, your people were slaughtered and you feel bad for us? Interesting.. perhaps it was all just wagging the dog?


pre 5 godina

Amazing how many Albos come on this site to read Serbian news, then spew some garbage comment some even in Serbian language. I have no interest in any Albo news, yet the Albos like to read Serb news, that's proof they like Serbia better than their own.
(Rajko, 9 May 2019 16:25) 

I've been saying this since I've been coming here. Ma what Albanian news, why would I care what Albanian news says??

I would not support Albanian news outlets by going to their site EVERYDAY and flooding their websites with click counts that make them money.

B92 should charge them for access, I bet they wouldnt be able to help themselves ahah they'd get shitty jobs just to afford to bicth at Serbs ahahah

Bunch of Serb lovers and wannabes

Tom L'Orizi

pre 5 godina

... Srbija will fight for its KiM, rest assured! This will draw in players from all sides and kaboom... another Syria!
Which will end with USA and west tucking in its rail and going home!
Never in a million years will Moscow give up influence in the Balkans, no mater how many Srbs or Albos die!
(Watcher, 9 May 2019 14:35)

Yet another overspill of wishful-thinking tense.

I feel sorry how low the Serbs have fallen in trying to maintain their sanity. This is beyond Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings.

Svrbija lost the war for Kosova and got her rear wooped for all times.


pre 5 godina

Why wouldn’t Albanians spit in the face of the EU. What has the EU done for Albanians or the Balkans, nothing. They treat us like garbage and then expect us to be grateful for the crumbs they throw at us. All the while they take our natural resources, precious minerals, oil and gas for cheap. They won’t allow the sale of our products because they don’t comply with EU regulations, yet cheap Chinese crap is perfectly acceptable. They come in and take our most educated students, depleting our work forces. They have allowed Turkey, America, China and Russia to come in and play war games with our lives because they are too spineless to stand up to anyone with real power. The EU is pointless and will quietly die just like the Soviet Union. As an Albanian, I hope we never enter the EU, because it will mean the end to national sovereignty, our culture and identity. Young people will be lured to their deaths in Merkles new EU army and our demographics will completely change as we will be forced to accept savages from Africa and the Middle East. Albanians and Serbs may never get along but we are surrounded by common enemies, with Turkey to the south and the EU to the north our future looks very bleak. Forget Kosovo Independence by the time the EU is done with us no one will be independent. We will all be slaves to Berlin and the New German / EU Empire.


pre 5 godina

Amazing how many Albos come on this site to read Serbian news, then spew some garbage comment some even in Serbian language. I have no interest in any Albo news, yet the Albos like to read Serb news, that's proof they like Serbia better than their own.

nick shaq

pre 5 godina

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_London_(1913)The delineation of the exact boundaries of the Albanian state under the Protocol of Florence (17 December 1913) was highly unpopular among the local Greek population of Southern Albania (or Northern Epirus for Greeks), who, after their revolt managed to declare the Autonomous Republic of Northern Epirus, was internationally recognised as an autonomous region inside Albania under the terms of the Protocol of Corfu.[4]

Albanians have tended to regard the Treaty as an injustice imposed by the Great Powers, as roughly half of the predominantly Albanian territories and 40% of the population were left outside the new country's borders.[5][6]

See also


pre 5 godina

Serbia is saying "we will never recognise Kosovo independence"...your choice "clever" man but why Albanians in Kosovo and Albania can not have their choices?
By not recognising Kosovo independence you are speeding up the Unification, hvala!
Albanians need to integrate with themselves first and the friendly countries like Northern Macedonia, Montenegro....like EU. Serbia can join Russia Federation....Niema problema! No one can discriminate Albanians anymore.
(EA, 9 May 2019 13:12) #

@ eaj - why albos in Srbija can’t have their choice??
Why can’t Mexicans have their choice in USA???

If you open up that door where minorities, who are a majority, can breakaway from a country, what would happen all over the world???
Stupid and dangerous idea!

Why should the Albanians be allowed? Are the a special people?
Do they have a unique privilege?

Srbija will fight for its KiM, rest assured! This will draw in players from all sides and kaboom... another Syria!
Which will end with USA and west tucking in its rail and going home!
Never in a million years will Moscow give up influence in the Balkans, no mater how many Srbs or Albos die!


pre 5 godina

Albanians need to integrate with themselves first and the friendly countries like Northern Macedonia, Montenegro....like EU. Serbia can join Russia Federation....Niema problema! No one can discriminate Albanians anymore.
(EA, 9 May 2019 13:12)

EAJ, you're talking about the two most politically corrupt countries in the Balkans - the West's money surely has lined many pockets in both countries; however,don't be fooled for a minute that these two countries are friendly to KiM or Albania. Montenegro definitely not, N.M. i'm not sure since they've allowed you a bit of a foothold in their country - but, I still believe that most Macedonian still dislike you. Maybe you should lean on Croatia, they dislike the Serbs more than anyone, and you were both allied with the Nazis in WW2 - might be your better bet. See EA, I'm even giving you good advice.... lean on that swine Kolinda!!!


pre 5 godina

The truth,

What are you rambling about? Serbia and Republika Srpska will not unite in exchange for Kosovo* recognition. That was never the plan.


pre 5 godina

Dacic is saying "he is not stupid" but is acting as stupid.

Serbia is saying "we will never recognise Kosovo independence"...your choice "clever" man but why Albanians in Kosovo and Albania can not have their choices?
By not recognising Kosovo independence you are speeding up the Unification, hvala!
Albanians need to integrate with themselves first and the friendly countries like Northern Macedonia, Montenegro....like EU. Serbia can join Russia Federation....Niema problema! No one can discriminate Albanians anymore.


pre 5 godina

I agree kosovo*albos do spit into EU face but would go further
They also spit into entire I nternstiinal community face too. Especially the ones that recognized illegal country.

Ministry of Humiliation and Propaganda

pre 5 godina

"Serbia is small, not stupid. Albanians spit in EU's face"

Underestimating Albanians actually was stupid.. very stupid.

Greater Albania is not spit in EU its EU's project.

Dacic come back to prizren and become citizen of Greater Albania

Dimitrije Tucović

pre 5 godina

Serbia is small and might not stupid – but EU is most certainly not stud.
So, that means that EU might even want this so-called Greater Albania (if that even what anyone wants) or the would not allow it…so in that context what would you say Serbia is: stupid or full of corrupt politicians who deceive their people and country.

The Truth

pre 5 godina

Albanians are stupid for not asking for Nish and up to Valjevo and Krushevc then you will give Preshevo valley without hesitation.
anyway Kosovo is small as it is so will make it bigger if Preshevo joins Kosovo and I don’t see anything wrong with that.
But you little slob and Serbia is aiming form República Serbska to join Serbia and that’s why Vucic took other sloba called Dodik with him to show not respect but to let people know that Serbia is giving Preshevo valley to Kosovo and taking República Serbska as part of Serbia.

Tom L'Orizi

pre 5 godina

... Srbija will fight for its KiM, rest assured! This will draw in players from all sides and kaboom... another Syria!
Which will end with USA and west tucking in its rail and going home!
Never in a million years will Moscow give up influence in the Balkans, no mater how many Srbs or Albos die!
(Watcher, 9 May 2019 14:35)

Yet another overspill of wishful-thinking tense.

I feel sorry how low the Serbs have fallen in trying to maintain their sanity. This is beyond Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings.

Svrbija lost the war for Kosova and got her rear wooped for all times.

The Truth

pre 5 godina

Albanians are stupid for not asking for Nish and up to Valjevo and Krushevc then you will give Preshevo valley without hesitation.
anyway Kosovo is small as it is so will make it bigger if Preshevo joins Kosovo and I don’t see anything wrong with that.
But you little slob and Serbia is aiming form República Serbska to join Serbia and that’s why Vucic took other sloba called Dodik with him to show not respect but to let people know that Serbia is giving Preshevo valley to Kosovo and taking República Serbska as part of Serbia.

Ministry of Humiliation and Propaganda

pre 5 godina

"Serbia is small, not stupid. Albanians spit in EU's face"

Underestimating Albanians actually was stupid.. very stupid.

Greater Albania is not spit in EU its EU's project.

Dacic come back to prizren and become citizen of Greater Albania


pre 5 godina

Dacic is saying "he is not stupid" but is acting as stupid.

Serbia is saying "we will never recognise Kosovo independence"...your choice "clever" man but why Albanians in Kosovo and Albania can not have their choices?
By not recognising Kosovo independence you are speeding up the Unification, hvala!
Albanians need to integrate with themselves first and the friendly countries like Northern Macedonia, Montenegro....like EU. Serbia can join Russia Federation....Niema problema! No one can discriminate Albanians anymore.


pre 5 godina

I agree kosovo*albos do spit into EU face but would go further
They also spit into entire I nternstiinal community face too. Especially the ones that recognized illegal country.

Dimitrije Tucović

pre 5 godina

Serbia is small and might not stupid – but EU is most certainly not stud.
So, that means that EU might even want this so-called Greater Albania (if that even what anyone wants) or the would not allow it…so in that context what would you say Serbia is: stupid or full of corrupt politicians who deceive their people and country.


pre 5 godina

Albanians need to integrate with themselves first and the friendly countries like Northern Macedonia, Montenegro....like EU. Serbia can join Russia Federation....Niema problema! No one can discriminate Albanians anymore.
(EA, 9 May 2019 13:12)

EAJ, you're talking about the two most politically corrupt countries in the Balkans - the West's money surely has lined many pockets in both countries; however,don't be fooled for a minute that these two countries are friendly to KiM or Albania. Montenegro definitely not, N.M. i'm not sure since they've allowed you a bit of a foothold in their country - but, I still believe that most Macedonian still dislike you. Maybe you should lean on Croatia, they dislike the Serbs more than anyone, and you were both allied with the Nazis in WW2 - might be your better bet. See EA, I'm even giving you good advice.... lean on that swine Kolinda!!!


pre 5 godina

Amazing how many Albos come on this site to read Serbian news, then spew some garbage comment some even in Serbian language. I have no interest in any Albo news, yet the Albos like to read Serb news, that's proof they like Serbia better than their own.


pre 5 godina

The truth,

What are you rambling about? Serbia and Republika Srpska will not unite in exchange for Kosovo* recognition. That was never the plan.


pre 5 godina

Serbia is saying "we will never recognise Kosovo independence"...your choice "clever" man but why Albanians in Kosovo and Albania can not have their choices?
By not recognising Kosovo independence you are speeding up the Unification, hvala!
Albanians need to integrate with themselves first and the friendly countries like Northern Macedonia, Montenegro....like EU. Serbia can join Russia Federation....Niema problema! No one can discriminate Albanians anymore.
(EA, 9 May 2019 13:12) #

@ eaj - why albos in Srbija can’t have their choice??
Why can’t Mexicans have their choice in USA???

If you open up that door where minorities, who are a majority, can breakaway from a country, what would happen all over the world???
Stupid and dangerous idea!

Why should the Albanians be allowed? Are the a special people?
Do they have a unique privilege?

Srbija will fight for its KiM, rest assured! This will draw in players from all sides and kaboom... another Syria!
Which will end with USA and west tucking in its rail and going home!
Never in a million years will Moscow give up influence in the Balkans, no mater how many Srbs or Albos die!

nick shaq

pre 5 godina

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_London_(1913)The delineation of the exact boundaries of the Albanian state under the Protocol of Florence (17 December 1913) was highly unpopular among the local Greek population of Southern Albania (or Northern Epirus for Greeks), who, after their revolt managed to declare the Autonomous Republic of Northern Epirus, was internationally recognised as an autonomous region inside Albania under the terms of the Protocol of Corfu.[4]

Albanians have tended to regard the Treaty as an injustice imposed by the Great Powers, as roughly half of the predominantly Albanian territories and 40% of the population were left outside the new country's borders.[5][6]

See also


pre 5 godina

Amazing how many Albos come on this site to read Serbian news, then spew some garbage comment some even in Serbian language. I have no interest in any Albo news, yet the Albos like to read Serb news, that's proof they like Serbia better than their own.
(Rajko, 9 May 2019 16:25) 

I've been saying this since I've been coming here. Ma what Albanian news, why would I care what Albanian news says??

I would not support Albanian news outlets by going to their site EVERYDAY and flooding their websites with click counts that make them money.

B92 should charge them for access, I bet they wouldnt be able to help themselves ahah they'd get shitty jobs just to afford to bicth at Serbs ahahah

Bunch of Serb lovers and wannabes


pre 5 godina

serbia is very small and very stupid. dont play games with america because you will get burned. taking off the uniform to save your skin won't help anymore like you did in 1998.


pre 5 godina

Why wouldn’t Albanians spit in the face of the EU. What has the EU done for Albanians or the Balkans, nothing. They treat us like garbage and then expect us to be grateful for the crumbs they throw at us. All the while they take our natural resources, precious minerals, oil and gas for cheap. They won’t allow the sale of our products because they don’t comply with EU regulations, yet cheap Chinese crap is perfectly acceptable. They come in and take our most educated students, depleting our work forces. They have allowed Turkey, America, China and Russia to come in and play war games with our lives because they are too spineless to stand up to anyone with real power. The EU is pointless and will quietly die just like the Soviet Union. As an Albanian, I hope we never enter the EU, because it will mean the end to national sovereignty, our culture and identity. Young people will be lured to their deaths in Merkles new EU army and our demographics will completely change as we will be forced to accept savages from Africa and the Middle East. Albanians and Serbs may never get along but we are surrounded by common enemies, with Turkey to the south and the EU to the north our future looks very bleak. Forget Kosovo Independence by the time the EU is done with us no one will be independent. We will all be slaves to Berlin and the New German / EU Empire.


pre 5 godina

. Srbija will fight for its KiM, rest assured! This will draw in players from all sides and kaboom... another Syria! 
Which will end with USA and west tucking in its rail and going home! 
Never in a million years will Moscow give up influence in the Balkans, no mater how many Srbs or Albos die! 
(Watcher, 9 May 2019 14:35) 

Yet another overspill of wishful-thinking tense. 

I feel sorry how low the Serbs have fallen in trying to maintain their sanity. This is beyond Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings. 

Svrbija lost the war for Kosova and got her rear wooped for all times.
(Tom L'Orizi, 9 May 2019 23:59) 

You albos keep saying this is over. Looks like you guys have had enough? I think its just the beginning..

Appreciate the sentiment Tom, but you feeling sorry for us is unnecessary.

According to you, your people were slaughtered and you feel bad for us? Interesting.. perhaps it was all just wagging the dog?


pre 5 godina

In a way @guest is right. That is exactly where EU is heading and that is the end of Balkans culture, we will all become German speaking and that was the goal since a long time. Unfortunately for @guest who is Albanian, there are many Albanians who are pro those 'savages from..'I don't know why...


pre 5 godina

Amazing how many Albos come on this site to read Serbian news, then spew some garbage comment some even in Serbian language. I have no interest in any Albo news, yet the Albos like to read Serb news, that's proof they like Serbia better than their own.

The Truth

pre 5 godina

Albanians are stupid for not asking for Nish and up to Valjevo and Krushevc then you will give Preshevo valley without hesitation.
anyway Kosovo is small as it is so will make it bigger if Preshevo joins Kosovo and I don’t see anything wrong with that.
But you little slob and Serbia is aiming form República Serbska to join Serbia and that’s why Vucic took other sloba called Dodik with him to show not respect but to let people know that Serbia is giving Preshevo valley to Kosovo and taking República Serbska as part of Serbia.


pre 5 godina

I agree kosovo*albos do spit into EU face but would go further
They also spit into entire I nternstiinal community face too. Especially the ones that recognized illegal country.

Ministry of Humiliation and Propaganda

pre 5 godina

"Serbia is small, not stupid. Albanians spit in EU's face"

Underestimating Albanians actually was stupid.. very stupid.

Greater Albania is not spit in EU its EU's project.

Dacic come back to prizren and become citizen of Greater Albania


pre 5 godina

Serbia is saying "we will never recognise Kosovo independence"...your choice "clever" man but why Albanians in Kosovo and Albania can not have their choices?
By not recognising Kosovo independence you are speeding up the Unification, hvala!
Albanians need to integrate with themselves first and the friendly countries like Northern Macedonia, Montenegro....like EU. Serbia can join Russia Federation....Niema problema! No one can discriminate Albanians anymore.
(EA, 9 May 2019 13:12) #

@ eaj - why albos in Srbija can’t have their choice??
Why can’t Mexicans have their choice in USA???

If you open up that door where minorities, who are a majority, can breakaway from a country, what would happen all over the world???
Stupid and dangerous idea!

Why should the Albanians be allowed? Are the a special people?
Do they have a unique privilege?

Srbija will fight for its KiM, rest assured! This will draw in players from all sides and kaboom... another Syria!
Which will end with USA and west tucking in its rail and going home!
Never in a million years will Moscow give up influence in the Balkans, no mater how many Srbs or Albos die!

Dimitrije Tucović

pre 5 godina

Serbia is small and might not stupid – but EU is most certainly not stud.
So, that means that EU might even want this so-called Greater Albania (if that even what anyone wants) or the would not allow it…so in that context what would you say Serbia is: stupid or full of corrupt politicians who deceive their people and country.


pre 5 godina

Dacic is saying "he is not stupid" but is acting as stupid.

Serbia is saying "we will never recognise Kosovo independence"...your choice "clever" man but why Albanians in Kosovo and Albania can not have their choices?
By not recognising Kosovo independence you are speeding up the Unification, hvala!
Albanians need to integrate with themselves first and the friendly countries like Northern Macedonia, Montenegro....like EU. Serbia can join Russia Federation....Niema problema! No one can discriminate Albanians anymore.


pre 5 godina

Albanians need to integrate with themselves first and the friendly countries like Northern Macedonia, Montenegro....like EU. Serbia can join Russia Federation....Niema problema! No one can discriminate Albanians anymore.
(EA, 9 May 2019 13:12)

EAJ, you're talking about the two most politically corrupt countries in the Balkans - the West's money surely has lined many pockets in both countries; however,don't be fooled for a minute that these two countries are friendly to KiM or Albania. Montenegro definitely not, N.M. i'm not sure since they've allowed you a bit of a foothold in their country - but, I still believe that most Macedonian still dislike you. Maybe you should lean on Croatia, they dislike the Serbs more than anyone, and you were both allied with the Nazis in WW2 - might be your better bet. See EA, I'm even giving you good advice.... lean on that swine Kolinda!!!


pre 5 godina

. Srbija will fight for its KiM, rest assured! This will draw in players from all sides and kaboom... another Syria! 
Which will end with USA and west tucking in its rail and going home! 
Never in a million years will Moscow give up influence in the Balkans, no mater how many Srbs or Albos die! 
(Watcher, 9 May 2019 14:35) 

Yet another overspill of wishful-thinking tense. 

I feel sorry how low the Serbs have fallen in trying to maintain their sanity. This is beyond Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings. 

Svrbija lost the war for Kosova and got her rear wooped for all times.
(Tom L'Orizi, 9 May 2019 23:59) 

You albos keep saying this is over. Looks like you guys have had enough? I think its just the beginning..

Appreciate the sentiment Tom, but you feeling sorry for us is unnecessary.

According to you, your people were slaughtered and you feel bad for us? Interesting.. perhaps it was all just wagging the dog?


pre 5 godina

The truth,

What are you rambling about? Serbia and Republika Srpska will not unite in exchange for Kosovo* recognition. That was never the plan.


pre 5 godina

Amazing how many Albos come on this site to read Serbian news, then spew some garbage comment some even in Serbian language. I have no interest in any Albo news, yet the Albos like to read Serb news, that's proof they like Serbia better than their own.
(Rajko, 9 May 2019 16:25) 

I've been saying this since I've been coming here. Ma what Albanian news, why would I care what Albanian news says??

I would not support Albanian news outlets by going to their site EVERYDAY and flooding their websites with click counts that make them money.

B92 should charge them for access, I bet they wouldnt be able to help themselves ahah they'd get shitty jobs just to afford to bicth at Serbs ahahah

Bunch of Serb lovers and wannabes

Tom L'Orizi

pre 5 godina

... Srbija will fight for its KiM, rest assured! This will draw in players from all sides and kaboom... another Syria!
Which will end with USA and west tucking in its rail and going home!
Never in a million years will Moscow give up influence in the Balkans, no mater how many Srbs or Albos die!
(Watcher, 9 May 2019 14:35)

Yet another overspill of wishful-thinking tense.

I feel sorry how low the Serbs have fallen in trying to maintain their sanity. This is beyond Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings.

Svrbija lost the war for Kosova and got her rear wooped for all times.

nick shaq

pre 5 godina

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_London_(1913)The delineation of the exact boundaries of the Albanian state under the Protocol of Florence (17 December 1913) was highly unpopular among the local Greek population of Southern Albania (or Northern Epirus for Greeks), who, after their revolt managed to declare the Autonomous Republic of Northern Epirus, was internationally recognised as an autonomous region inside Albania under the terms of the Protocol of Corfu.[4]

Albanians have tended to regard the Treaty as an injustice imposed by the Great Powers, as roughly half of the predominantly Albanian territories and 40% of the population were left outside the new country's borders.[5][6]

See also


pre 5 godina

Why wouldn’t Albanians spit in the face of the EU. What has the EU done for Albanians or the Balkans, nothing. They treat us like garbage and then expect us to be grateful for the crumbs they throw at us. All the while they take our natural resources, precious minerals, oil and gas for cheap. They won’t allow the sale of our products because they don’t comply with EU regulations, yet cheap Chinese crap is perfectly acceptable. They come in and take our most educated students, depleting our work forces. They have allowed Turkey, America, China and Russia to come in and play war games with our lives because they are too spineless to stand up to anyone with real power. The EU is pointless and will quietly die just like the Soviet Union. As an Albanian, I hope we never enter the EU, because it will mean the end to national sovereignty, our culture and identity. Young people will be lured to their deaths in Merkles new EU army and our demographics will completely change as we will be forced to accept savages from Africa and the Middle East. Albanians and Serbs may never get along but we are surrounded by common enemies, with Turkey to the south and the EU to the north our future looks very bleak. Forget Kosovo Independence by the time the EU is done with us no one will be independent. We will all be slaves to Berlin and the New German / EU Empire.


pre 5 godina

serbia is very small and very stupid. dont play games with america because you will get burned. taking off the uniform to save your skin won't help anymore like you did in 1998.


pre 5 godina

In a way @guest is right. That is exactly where EU is heading and that is the end of Balkans culture, we will all become German speaking and that was the goal since a long time. Unfortunately for @guest who is Albanian, there are many Albanians who are pro those 'savages from..'I don't know why...