resident of Fredericton,New Brunswick,Canada
pre 5 godina
Well it's Austria's decision to implement that ban and if there are Croats who hold radical views and disapprove of Austria's decision to implement that ban than that's their problem.
Tuesday, 12.02.2019.
A new regulation on banned symbols will enter into force in Austria on March 1.
Izvor: Tanjug
pre 5 godina
Well it's Austria's decision to implement that ban and if there are Croats who hold radical views and disapprove of Austria's decision to implement that ban than that's their problem.
pre 5 godina
The Austrian Government has made it clear Far Right activist are not welcome in their Country. I wonder what will happen to Croatia when EU ends Prehaps they will Join Serbia to form a new Country they can't survive on their own just look at their past. They had lots of marriages with many different countries.
pre 5 godina
Why don’t you come to Split with your Water Polo friends this summer...better yet, come to a Hajduk game and make sure you where CZ uniform.
(Mir, 12 February 2019 18:16)
Mir, you're not very Mirful are you?!? How did you know I was a CZ fan? Maybe I'll come to the Hajduk game, but first let me know if there will be any NATO tanks there to help you watch and intervene in the game. Get my drift?!?
pre 5 godina
Why don’t you come to Split with your Water Polo friends this summer...better yet, come to a Hajduk game and make sure you where CZ uniform.
pre 5 godina
Lenard pick a side! I am almost sure you're thinking on these things and I wont let you go with those nazis good only to terrorize albanian kids! Lenaaaaaaaard! Wake up for Allah's sake and make a joint venture with J.S. to produce and export strawberries in Lebanon! If you want to sell honey and other good stuff in my stores, we three can collaborate also on this. Concrete business offer for Lenard and J.S. from Sken.
pre 5 godina
28 years too late. Austria - No points. L'Autriche - Nul points.
pre 5 godina
Hey Lenny, where are you going to go on your summer holiday now that Austria finally wised up? I'm sure you're disappointed, but in reality, it was the right thing to do. Don't you think buddy? The thing I don't understand is why you people attend this fiasco in the first place. When your trying to revise and rewrite history, wouldn't it stand to reason that you should keep a low profile of of your genocidal tendencies? But instead, you march around with your silly Ustasha flag and parade around with the Nazi/Ustasha "sieg heil" salute. Not very smart...
pre 5 godina
Good. Now the next move is to dig up all the rotting Ustasha corpses in Bleiburg and dump them in front of Thompson's house.
pre 5 godina
Hey Lenny, where are you going to go on your summer holiday now that Austria finally wised up? I'm sure you're disappointed, but in reality, it was the right thing to do. Don't you think buddy? The thing I don't understand is why you people attend this fiasco in the first place. When your trying to revise and rewrite history, wouldn't it stand to reason that you should keep a low profile of of your genocidal tendencies? But instead, you march around with your silly Ustasha flag and parade around with the Nazi/Ustasha "sieg heil" salute. Not very smart...
pre 5 godina
Good. Now the next move is to dig up all the rotting Ustasha corpses in Bleiburg and dump them in front of Thompson's house.
pre 5 godina
28 years too late. Austria - No points. L'Autriche - Nul points.
pre 5 godina
Why don’t you come to Split with your Water Polo friends this summer...better yet, come to a Hajduk game and make sure you where CZ uniform.
(Mir, 12 February 2019 18:16)
Mir, you're not very Mirful are you?!? How did you know I was a CZ fan? Maybe I'll come to the Hajduk game, but first let me know if there will be any NATO tanks there to help you watch and intervene in the game. Get my drift?!?
pre 5 godina
Lenard pick a side! I am almost sure you're thinking on these things and I wont let you go with those nazis good only to terrorize albanian kids! Lenaaaaaaaard! Wake up for Allah's sake and make a joint venture with J.S. to produce and export strawberries in Lebanon! If you want to sell honey and other good stuff in my stores, we three can collaborate also on this. Concrete business offer for Lenard and J.S. from Sken.
pre 5 godina
The Austrian Government has made it clear Far Right activist are not welcome in their Country. I wonder what will happen to Croatia when EU ends Prehaps they will Join Serbia to form a new Country they can't survive on their own just look at their past. They had lots of marriages with many different countries.
pre 5 godina
Well it's Austria's decision to implement that ban and if there are Croats who hold radical views and disapprove of Austria's decision to implement that ban than that's their problem.
pre 5 godina
Why don’t you come to Split with your Water Polo friends this summer...better yet, come to a Hajduk game and make sure you where CZ uniform.
pre 5 godina
Why don’t you come to Split with your Water Polo friends this summer...better yet, come to a Hajduk game and make sure you where CZ uniform.
pre 5 godina
Hey Lenny, where are you going to go on your summer holiday now that Austria finally wised up? I'm sure you're disappointed, but in reality, it was the right thing to do. Don't you think buddy? The thing I don't understand is why you people attend this fiasco in the first place. When your trying to revise and rewrite history, wouldn't it stand to reason that you should keep a low profile of of your genocidal tendencies? But instead, you march around with your silly Ustasha flag and parade around with the Nazi/Ustasha "sieg heil" salute. Not very smart...
pre 5 godina
Lenard pick a side! I am almost sure you're thinking on these things and I wont let you go with those nazis good only to terrorize albanian kids! Lenaaaaaaaard! Wake up for Allah's sake and make a joint venture with J.S. to produce and export strawberries in Lebanon! If you want to sell honey and other good stuff in my stores, we three can collaborate also on this. Concrete business offer for Lenard and J.S. from Sken.
pre 5 godina
Good. Now the next move is to dig up all the rotting Ustasha corpses in Bleiburg and dump them in front of Thompson's house.
pre 5 godina
Why don’t you come to Split with your Water Polo friends this summer...better yet, come to a Hajduk game and make sure you where CZ uniform.
(Mir, 12 February 2019 18:16)
Mir, you're not very Mirful are you?!? How did you know I was a CZ fan? Maybe I'll come to the Hajduk game, but first let me know if there will be any NATO tanks there to help you watch and intervene in the game. Get my drift?!?
pre 5 godina
28 years too late. Austria - No points. L'Autriche - Nul points.
pre 5 godina
The Austrian Government has made it clear Far Right activist are not welcome in their Country. I wonder what will happen to Croatia when EU ends Prehaps they will Join Serbia to form a new Country they can't survive on their own just look at their past. They had lots of marriages with many different countries.
pre 5 godina
Well it's Austria's decision to implement that ban and if there are Croats who hold radical views and disapprove of Austria's decision to implement that ban than that's their problem.
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