Thursday, 17.01.2019.


120,000 Serbians welcome Putin in Belgrade/PHOTOS, VIDEO

Russian President Vladimir Putin finished <a href="https://www.b92.net/eng/news/politics.php?yyyy=2019&mm=01&dd=17&nav_id=106005" class="text-link" target= "_blank">his one-day visit to Serbia</a> on Wednesday evening with a visit to the Temple of St. Sava in Belgrade.

Izvor: B92

120,000 Serbians welcome Putin in Belgrade/PHOTOS, VIDEO IMAGE SOURCE

30 Komentari

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pre 6 godina

Your repetition of shallow thoughts is boring like listening to a broken record playing elevator music from the 1940s.
(JS, 21 January 2019 10:06)

I’m only responding to your endless posts of sham residency. Thank you for confessing that your delusional and repetitive thoughts about your residency are “shallow” and “boring”. I enjoy exposing your lies and drivel.


pre 6 godina

Your repetition of shallow thoughts is boring like listening to a broken record playing elevator music from the 1940s.
(JS, 21 January 2019 10:06)

I’m only responding to your endless posts of sham residency. Thank you for confessing that your delusional and repetitive thoughts about your residency are “shallow” and “boring”. I enjoy exposing your lies and drivel.


pre 6 godina

Sorry to bust your myth. Educate yourself: [link]
(Tom L'Orizi, 20 January 2019 18:06)

You quoting the The Washington Post as an independent source on the MIGs Serbia bought LOL. The F16 is a 1978 design and its still in service in the US. Why dont you educate yourself mate. It would be nice for a change and perhaps less Albo drivel posted.


pre 6 godina

Correction: you were posting lies and drivel on B92 from your LaLa land, while Putin was visiting Serbia.
I have visited and enjoyed Serbia and can tell you that most farm workers know how to prune vegetation and that Serbian hospitals do indeed have sterilization equipment and employ aseptic technique. JS, however, lives in a LaLa land nowhere near Serbia where his farm workers don’t know how to prune vegetation and JS’ hospitals are in the 1700s. (Zhukov, 21 January 2019 04:27)

Your repetition of shallow thoughts is boring like listening to a broken record playing elevator music from the 1940s.


pre 6 godina

I was cleaning my orchard and burning brush while Putin was visiting. Was lovely weather for working outside. Too bad you don't step foot in Serbia to enjoy it with us! :)
(JS, 19 January 2019 20:19)

Correction: you were posting lies and drivel on B92 from your LaLa land, while Putin was visiting Serbia.
I have visited and enjoyed Serbia and can tell you that most farm workers know how to prune vegetation and that Serbian hospitals do indeed have sterilization equipment and employ aseptic technique. JS, however, lives in a LaLa land nowhere near Serbia where his farm workers don’t know how to prune vegetation and JS’ hospitals are in the 1700s.

Tom L'Orizi

pre 6 godina

serbias economy is growing fast because of all these investments from Russia ,china ,India and other power economies soon RS will join Serbia as 1 nation and kosovo will never go to albania...now its time for Serbs in Serbia and the region and world for that matter to have more kids its time for a young generation and for the Serbs to grow..be smart its your time.....the rich should have 5 kids are more and everyone else have 2 are more .....then you will see a real future..start today and dont wait...wake up...ALBANIANS CRYING ON HERE IS FANTASTIC...NOBODY WILL INVEST IN ALBANIANS...AMERICA HAS FALLLEN...AND EU LOL WELL
(fact, 19 January 2019 01:00)

Sorry to bust your myth. Educate yourself: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/russias-low-cost-influence-strategy-finds-success-in-serbia--with-the-help-of-fighter-jets-media-conspiracies-and-a-biker-gang/2018/10/03/49dbf48e-8f47-11e8-ae59-01880eac5f1d_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.eb8353c80c38


pre 6 godina

Which person in these amazing photos is "staff"? :)
(JS, 18 January 2019 17:00)

You can spot him in the crowd of Serbs right beside the delusional fellow with three farms and his army of farm workers (none of whom know how to prune vegetation). (Zhukov, 19 January 2019 16:54)

I didn't need to ask where you were because I knew you wouldn't travel to Serbia to greet your hero. Just shows how much a foreigner you are! I was cleaning my orchard and burning brush while Putin was visiting. Was lovely weather for working outside. Too bad you don't step foot in Serbia to enjoy it with us! :)


pre 6 godina

The bottom line is, would Russia come to Serbia’s aid by bombing another country for Serbia. I think we all know the answer to to that question!
(Mary, 18 January 2019 11:36)

Yes, we do. In two world wars.
No doubt that when the next continental conflict erupts, bringing an epilogue to the current unresolved conflict in the Balkans, the Russians, Serbs, and other good people will again defeat evil in the same way we defeated your Croat-Ustasha-Nazi predecessors.


pre 6 godina

Which person in these amazing photos is "staff"? :)
(JS, 18 January 2019 17:00)

You can spot him in the crowd of Serbs right beside the delusional fellow with three farms and his army of farm workers (none of whom know how to prune vegetation).


pre 6 godina

Bravo Serbia great news Putin and Russia loves you, from now on Serbian people will live very happy and very soon you will be getting Kosova back. I am very happy for my Komshije real Democracy is coming in Serbia. Good luck Serbia we Albos in Albania we tried Russia and China for 40 years we where very happy now is your turn to try it.I was hoping that all Balkan countries live in peace and work and trade with each other, and became part of EU and democratic countries. Looks that Balkans will be divided East and West. Serbia East,Croatia,Sllovenia,Montenegro,Kosova,Albania,Maqedonia,Greece,Bullgaria West.


pre 6 godina

serbias economy is growing fast because of all these investments from Russia ,china ,India and other power economies soon RS will join Serbia as 1 nation and kosovo will never go to albania...now its time for Serbs in Serbia and the region and world for that matter to have more kids its time for a young generation and for the Serbs to grow..be smart its your time.....the rich should have 5 kids are more and everyone else have 2 are more .....then you will see a real future..start today and dont wait...wake up...ALBANIANS CRYING ON HERE IS FANTASTIC...NOBODY WILL INVEST IN ALBANIANS...AMERICA HAS FALLLEN...AND EU LOL WELL


pre 6 godina

(Bre, 18 January 2019 12:25)

Nije bilo 100.000 ljudi. U najboljem slučaju ih je bilo 50-60.000. Uz svu organizaciju, silne autobuse, ucene ljudi koji rade u državnim preduzećima.
Koštalo je Boga oca. Sva deca u Srbiji su za te pare mogla dobiti besplatne udžbenike.
I zašto? Iskoristio je dolazak jednog od najmoćnijih ljudi sveta da dovuče ogromnu masu ljudi da bi se pokazao pred opozicijom, da pokaže za šta su oni sposobni.
Okupili su jedva malo više ljudi od onoga koliko dolazi subotom.
Ozbiljan poraz.
(On pomera brda i vozi leteći auto, 18. januar 2019 17:25)

To je ono kada 1300 autobusa "spontano" pokupe "spontano" okupljene građane iz unutrašnjosti koji su "spontano" izrazili želju da prisustvuju mitingu koji u čast Putinu organizuje Vučić.
(Vladan, 18. januar 2019 16:04)

Ko je platio dolazak 1200 autobusa? Fuj bre!
(Spontani skup, 18. januar 2019 15:15)


pre 6 godina

A simple, fair question -- how one person superior to the people of another culture -- and it garnered ten negative valuations. Looks like a Serbian ultranationalist was busy going between kafanas to get new IP addresses to give it thumbs down. Pathetic!(JS,18. januar 2019 07:12)------------------Get a life, little buddy.


pre 6 godina

Oh Peggy, We dream every night of having a friend such as Putin.. Those dreams brings me tears in my eyes from emotions... Are you for real? If you think it brings Albanians unhappiness that Putin landed in Belgrade to say hello, you are sorely mistaken. what you write equals a toddler in a pre school courtyard trying to make the other kids jealous, but alas only in your imagination. Here is a dose of reality for you after your swelling tear. Kosovo is under Albanian control - Situation is not going to be solved anytime soon - Western Allies and EU take note of Serbia cuddling with Russia and when the time comes you will have to let them go as the EU will not take in a trojan horse as a future member. In other words, this news is satisfying for Albanians.
(Comment, 18 January 2019 09:29) #

We know Albanians dont care Putin stopped by to say hello. Caring would require intelligence and understanding, and I seriously doubt Serbs would ever acuse Albanians of these most honourable traits. No no, that move was for Trump and America. It is known that Trump colludes with Russia. Who do you think America respects more Kosova or Russia?? Lololol the day before Putin lands in Belgrade Trump threatens sanctions on you AHahahaha man the writings on the wall.. lol no one wants it with Russia and China and those happen to be Serb allies. I did not make this mess and dont know what else to say besides goodluck!


pre 6 godina

(JS, 17 January 2019 22:15)

“What characteristics distinguish you from those Americans that are "a joke"? Well for beginners you are a very good starting point for the purposes of analysing why Americans are a joke in comparison to other people.
One of the most ludicrous posts I have ever seen was your request for information on pruning plumb trees and yet you allegedly live in a “village in Serbia”.
If you did live in a village in Serbia you no doubt would be called the village idiot.


pre 6 godina

The bottom line is, would Russia come to Serbia’s aid by bombing another country for Serbia. I think we all know the answer to to that question!


pre 6 godina

So Putin is in Belgrade.

What a shame.
(Bloke, 17 January 2019 20:28)
You know. I'm really happy you feel this way because it brings you unhappiness.
You can't stand the fact that an important country like Russia is a true friend, not just have interests in Serbia but a genuine friend of Serbs where ever they live. They are our brethren and when I was reading this article a tear swelled in my eye because it brought such emotion.
You, Albanians, can only dream of having such a friend.
(Peggy, 17 January 2019 22:50)

Oh Peggy, We dream every night of having a friend such as Putin.. Those dreams brings me tears in my eyes from emotions... Are you for real? If you think it brings Albanians unhappiness that Putin landed in Belgrade to say hello, you are sorely mistaken. what you write equals a toddler in a pre school courtyard trying to make the other kids jealous, but alas only in your imagination. Here is a dose of reality for you after your swelling tear. Kosovo is under Albanian control - Situation is not going to be solved anytime soon - Western Allies and EU take note of Serbia cuddling with Russia and when the time comes you will have to let them go as the EU will not take in a trojan horse as a future member. In other words, this news is satisfying for Albanians.


pre 6 godina

"Bad news,

I guess you consider yourself superior to Americans. Would you care to elaborate on that point? What characteristics distinguish you from those Americans that are "a joke"? (JS, 17 January 2019 22:15)

Recommend (+4)Poor comment (-10)"

A simple, fair question -- how one person superior to the people of another culture -- and it garnered ten negative valuations. Looks like a Serbian ultranationalist was busy going between kafanas to get new IP addresses to give it thumbs down. Pathetic!


pre 6 godina

You know. I'm really happy you feel this way because it brings you unhappiness.
You can't stand the fact that an important country like Russia is a true friend, not just have interests in Serbia but a genuine friend of Serbs where ever they live. They are our brethren and when I was reading this article a tear swelled in my eye because it brought such emotion.
You, Albanians, can only dream of having such a friend.

Where's your tears for those who were mass murdered? In your supposed territory.

Your emotions are misplaced



pre 6 godina

peggy we do have freinds united states amercia there intrest is our intrest albanian lands will come back to us not have russian in the balkans but you dont know that because u have your head inside putin butt cheeks


pre 6 godina

Peggy. Don’t be a fool. There are no friends in politics. Putin is a user, not a friend.

To all of you. I am NOT ALBANIAN (or America).

Putin being in Belgrade doesn’t make me unhappy. It disappoints me that some Serbs are grossly sychophantic to such a wicked user. I pity their self deception and think it a shame they are so stupidly mislead about some rediculous notion of brotherhood, it reminds me of what ‘brotherhood and unity’ taught us about the nature of Balkan politics.

Also, many girls (and maybe a few boys) cry emotionally when they see their pop stars. Crying emotionally was done for Hitler in his time. it means little to anyone apart from the person who has a fixation.

So, when I said So.... I should really have said So what if....

I apologise for winding you up with my comment, but I was too readily tempted.


pre 6 godina

You, Albanians, can only dream of having such a friend.
(Peggy, 17 January 2019 22:50)

Specially when it matters the most like for example during the NATO air strikes. Lol


pre 6 godina

So Putin is in Belgrade.

What a shame.
(Bloke, 17 January 2019 20:28)
You know. I'm really happy you feel this way because it brings you unhappiness.
You can't stand the fact that an important country like Russia is a true friend, not just have interests in Serbia but a genuine friend of Serbs where ever they live. They are our brethren and when I was reading this article a tear swelled in my eye because it brought such emotion.
You, Albanians, can only dream of having such a friend.


pre 6 godina

So Putin is in Belgrade.

What a shame.
(Bloke, 17 January 2019 20:28) EVERYONE LOVES PUTIN IN THE WORLD , GET OUT OF YOUR CAVE ...YOU ALBANIANS ARE A JOKE LIKE AMERICA... (great news, 17 January 2019 20:56)

Bad news,

I guess you consider yourself superior to Americans. Would you care to elaborate on that point? What characteristics distinguish you from those Americans that are "a joke"?


pre 6 godina

Može li Rusija da pomogne oko Kosova

Postoji jedna ideja: razmena teritorija severnog dela Kosova, naseljenog Srbima, i Preševske doline u južnoj Srbiji, naseljene uglavnom Albancima.

Nije jasno ko je autor ove ideje. Evropi ova opcija ne odgovara. Nemačka kancelarka Angela Merkel, na primer, govorio o nedopustivosti prekrajanja granica u Evropi. Ali u EU postoje i oni koji su "za" ovu opciju.

Stav Ministarstva inostranih poslova Rusije o Kosovu zvuči otprilike ovako: saglasni smo sa svim što odgovara Beogradu i Prištini. Malo je verovatno da će Putinova poseta Beogradu doneti bilo kakvu izvesnost po ovom pitanju.

"U ruskom interesu je da se ovo pitanje ne reši", smatra Jakšić.

Samorukov se slaže.

"Rusija nema nikakvih interesa na Kosovu - ni bezbednosnih, ni ekonomskih. Ali Moskva zna da će ukoliko se kosovski spor reši prestati da bude potrebna Srbiji", kaže Samorukov.

"Rusko rukovodstvo uvek je smatralo Kosovo kao presedan za post-sovjetske sukobe. Čim je Kosovo proglasilo nezavisnost početkom 2008. godine, mi [Rusija] smo odmah dobili Abhaziju i Južnu Osetiju", kaže Samorukov.

"I ako dođe do presedana da se problem u postsocijalističkoj federalnoj republici reši sporazumom, onda je to pogodan presedan i za Krim."

"Među ruskim diplomatama postoji ideja da se paralele sa Kosovom mogu iskoristiti za legitimizaciju onoga što se desilo na Krimu", saglasan je istraživač Instituta za evropske studije u Beogradu Milan Igrutinović.

great news

pre 6 godina

So Putin is in Belgrade.

What a shame.


pre 6 godina

So Putin is in Belgrade.

What a shame.
(Bloke, 17 January 2019 20:28)
You know. I'm really happy you feel this way because it brings you unhappiness.
You can't stand the fact that an important country like Russia is a true friend, not just have interests in Serbia but a genuine friend of Serbs where ever they live. They are our brethren and when I was reading this article a tear swelled in my eye because it brought such emotion.
You, Albanians, can only dream of having such a friend.

great news

pre 6 godina

So Putin is in Belgrade.

What a shame.


pre 6 godina

Može li Rusija da pomogne oko Kosova

Postoji jedna ideja: razmena teritorija severnog dela Kosova, naseljenog Srbima, i Preševske doline u južnoj Srbiji, naseljene uglavnom Albancima.

Nije jasno ko je autor ove ideje. Evropi ova opcija ne odgovara. Nemačka kancelarka Angela Merkel, na primer, govorio o nedopustivosti prekrajanja granica u Evropi. Ali u EU postoje i oni koji su "za" ovu opciju.

Stav Ministarstva inostranih poslova Rusije o Kosovu zvuči otprilike ovako: saglasni smo sa svim što odgovara Beogradu i Prištini. Malo je verovatno da će Putinova poseta Beogradu doneti bilo kakvu izvesnost po ovom pitanju.

"U ruskom interesu je da se ovo pitanje ne reši", smatra Jakšić.

Samorukov se slaže.

"Rusija nema nikakvih interesa na Kosovu - ni bezbednosnih, ni ekonomskih. Ali Moskva zna da će ukoliko se kosovski spor reši prestati da bude potrebna Srbiji", kaže Samorukov.

"Rusko rukovodstvo uvek je smatralo Kosovo kao presedan za post-sovjetske sukobe. Čim je Kosovo proglasilo nezavisnost početkom 2008. godine, mi [Rusija] smo odmah dobili Abhaziju i Južnu Osetiju", kaže Samorukov.

"I ako dođe do presedana da se problem u postsocijalističkoj federalnoj republici reši sporazumom, onda je to pogodan presedan i za Krim."

"Među ruskim diplomatama postoji ideja da se paralele sa Kosovom mogu iskoristiti za legitimizaciju onoga što se desilo na Krimu", saglasan je istraživač Instituta za evropske studije u Beogradu Milan Igrutinović.


pre 6 godina

Oh Peggy, We dream every night of having a friend such as Putin.. Those dreams brings me tears in my eyes from emotions... Are you for real? If you think it brings Albanians unhappiness that Putin landed in Belgrade to say hello, you are sorely mistaken. what you write equals a toddler in a pre school courtyard trying to make the other kids jealous, but alas only in your imagination. Here is a dose of reality for you after your swelling tear. Kosovo is under Albanian control - Situation is not going to be solved anytime soon - Western Allies and EU take note of Serbia cuddling with Russia and when the time comes you will have to let them go as the EU will not take in a trojan horse as a future member. In other words, this news is satisfying for Albanians.
(Comment, 18 January 2019 09:29) #

We know Albanians dont care Putin stopped by to say hello. Caring would require intelligence and understanding, and I seriously doubt Serbs would ever acuse Albanians of these most honourable traits. No no, that move was for Trump and America. It is known that Trump colludes with Russia. Who do you think America respects more Kosova or Russia?? Lololol the day before Putin lands in Belgrade Trump threatens sanctions on you AHahahaha man the writings on the wall.. lol no one wants it with Russia and China and those happen to be Serb allies. I did not make this mess and dont know what else to say besides goodluck!


pre 6 godina

The bottom line is, would Russia come to Serbia’s aid by bombing another country for Serbia. I think we all know the answer to to that question!
(Mary, 18 January 2019 11:36)

Yes, we do. In two world wars.
No doubt that when the next continental conflict erupts, bringing an epilogue to the current unresolved conflict in the Balkans, the Russians, Serbs, and other good people will again defeat evil in the same way we defeated your Croat-Ustasha-Nazi predecessors.


pre 6 godina

The bottom line is, would Russia come to Serbia’s aid by bombing another country for Serbia. I think we all know the answer to to that question!


pre 6 godina

(JS, 17 January 2019 22:15)

“What characteristics distinguish you from those Americans that are "a joke"? Well for beginners you are a very good starting point for the purposes of analysing why Americans are a joke in comparison to other people.
One of the most ludicrous posts I have ever seen was your request for information on pruning plumb trees and yet you allegedly live in a “village in Serbia”.
If you did live in a village in Serbia you no doubt would be called the village idiot.


pre 6 godina

Which person in these amazing photos is "staff"? :)
(JS, 18 January 2019 17:00)

You can spot him in the crowd of Serbs right beside the delusional fellow with three farms and his army of farm workers (none of whom know how to prune vegetation).


pre 6 godina

So Putin is in Belgrade.

What a shame.
(Bloke, 17 January 2019 20:28) EVERYONE LOVES PUTIN IN THE WORLD , GET OUT OF YOUR CAVE ...YOU ALBANIANS ARE A JOKE LIKE AMERICA... (great news, 17 January 2019 20:56)

Bad news,

I guess you consider yourself superior to Americans. Would you care to elaborate on that point? What characteristics distinguish you from those Americans that are "a joke"?


pre 6 godina

Peggy. Don’t be a fool. There are no friends in politics. Putin is a user, not a friend.

To all of you. I am NOT ALBANIAN (or America).

Putin being in Belgrade doesn’t make me unhappy. It disappoints me that some Serbs are grossly sychophantic to such a wicked user. I pity their self deception and think it a shame they are so stupidly mislead about some rediculous notion of brotherhood, it reminds me of what ‘brotherhood and unity’ taught us about the nature of Balkan politics.

Also, many girls (and maybe a few boys) cry emotionally when they see their pop stars. Crying emotionally was done for Hitler in his time. it means little to anyone apart from the person who has a fixation.

So, when I said So.... I should really have said So what if....

I apologise for winding you up with my comment, but I was too readily tempted.


pre 6 godina

"Bad news,

I guess you consider yourself superior to Americans. Would you care to elaborate on that point? What characteristics distinguish you from those Americans that are "a joke"? (JS, 17 January 2019 22:15)

Recommend (+4)Poor comment (-10)"

A simple, fair question -- how one person superior to the people of another culture -- and it garnered ten negative valuations. Looks like a Serbian ultranationalist was busy going between kafanas to get new IP addresses to give it thumbs down. Pathetic!


pre 6 godina

You, Albanians, can only dream of having such a friend.
(Peggy, 17 January 2019 22:50)

Specially when it matters the most like for example during the NATO air strikes. Lol


pre 6 godina

peggy we do have freinds united states amercia there intrest is our intrest albanian lands will come back to us not have russian in the balkans but you dont know that because u have your head inside putin butt cheeks


pre 6 godina

You know. I'm really happy you feel this way because it brings you unhappiness.
You can't stand the fact that an important country like Russia is a true friend, not just have interests in Serbia but a genuine friend of Serbs where ever they live. They are our brethren and when I was reading this article a tear swelled in my eye because it brought such emotion.
You, Albanians, can only dream of having such a friend.

Where's your tears for those who were mass murdered? In your supposed territory.

Your emotions are misplaced



pre 6 godina

So Putin is in Belgrade.

What a shame.
(Bloke, 17 January 2019 20:28)
You know. I'm really happy you feel this way because it brings you unhappiness.
You can't stand the fact that an important country like Russia is a true friend, not just have interests in Serbia but a genuine friend of Serbs where ever they live. They are our brethren and when I was reading this article a tear swelled in my eye because it brought such emotion.
You, Albanians, can only dream of having such a friend.
(Peggy, 17 January 2019 22:50)

Oh Peggy, We dream every night of having a friend such as Putin.. Those dreams brings me tears in my eyes from emotions... Are you for real? If you think it brings Albanians unhappiness that Putin landed in Belgrade to say hello, you are sorely mistaken. what you write equals a toddler in a pre school courtyard trying to make the other kids jealous, but alas only in your imagination. Here is a dose of reality for you after your swelling tear. Kosovo is under Albanian control - Situation is not going to be solved anytime soon - Western Allies and EU take note of Serbia cuddling with Russia and when the time comes you will have to let them go as the EU will not take in a trojan horse as a future member. In other words, this news is satisfying for Albanians.


pre 6 godina

A simple, fair question -- how one person superior to the people of another culture -- and it garnered ten negative valuations. Looks like a Serbian ultranationalist was busy going between kafanas to get new IP addresses to give it thumbs down. Pathetic!(JS,18. januar 2019 07:12)------------------Get a life, little buddy.


pre 6 godina

serbias economy is growing fast because of all these investments from Russia ,china ,India and other power economies soon RS will join Serbia as 1 nation and kosovo will never go to albania...now its time for Serbs in Serbia and the region and world for that matter to have more kids its time for a young generation and for the Serbs to grow..be smart its your time.....the rich should have 5 kids are more and everyone else have 2 are more .....then you will see a real future..start today and dont wait...wake up...ALBANIANS CRYING ON HERE IS FANTASTIC...NOBODY WILL INVEST IN ALBANIANS...AMERICA HAS FALLLEN...AND EU LOL WELL


pre 6 godina

Bravo Serbia great news Putin and Russia loves you, from now on Serbian people will live very happy and very soon you will be getting Kosova back. I am very happy for my Komshije real Democracy is coming in Serbia. Good luck Serbia we Albos in Albania we tried Russia and China for 40 years we where very happy now is your turn to try it.I was hoping that all Balkan countries live in peace and work and trade with each other, and became part of EU and democratic countries. Looks that Balkans will be divided East and West. Serbia East,Croatia,Sllovenia,Montenegro,Kosova,Albania,Maqedonia,Greece,Bullgaria West.


pre 6 godina

I was cleaning my orchard and burning brush while Putin was visiting. Was lovely weather for working outside. Too bad you don't step foot in Serbia to enjoy it with us! :)
(JS, 19 January 2019 20:19)

Correction: you were posting lies and drivel on B92 from your LaLa land, while Putin was visiting Serbia.
I have visited and enjoyed Serbia and can tell you that most farm workers know how to prune vegetation and that Serbian hospitals do indeed have sterilization equipment and employ aseptic technique. JS, however, lives in a LaLa land nowhere near Serbia where his farm workers don’t know how to prune vegetation and JS’ hospitals are in the 1700s.


pre 6 godina

Your repetition of shallow thoughts is boring like listening to a broken record playing elevator music from the 1940s.
(JS, 21 January 2019 10:06)

I’m only responding to your endless posts of sham residency. Thank you for confessing that your delusional and repetitive thoughts about your residency are “shallow” and “boring”. I enjoy exposing your lies and drivel.


pre 6 godina

Your repetition of shallow thoughts is boring like listening to a broken record playing elevator music from the 1940s.
(JS, 21 January 2019 10:06)

I’m only responding to your endless posts of sham residency. Thank you for confessing that your delusional and repetitive thoughts about your residency are “shallow” and “boring”. I enjoy exposing your lies and drivel.


pre 6 godina

Which person in these amazing photos is "staff"? :)
(JS, 18 January 2019 17:00)

You can spot him in the crowd of Serbs right beside the delusional fellow with three farms and his army of farm workers (none of whom know how to prune vegetation). (Zhukov, 19 January 2019 16:54)

I didn't need to ask where you were because I knew you wouldn't travel to Serbia to greet your hero. Just shows how much a foreigner you are! I was cleaning my orchard and burning brush while Putin was visiting. Was lovely weather for working outside. Too bad you don't step foot in Serbia to enjoy it with us! :)

Tom L'Orizi

pre 6 godina

serbias economy is growing fast because of all these investments from Russia ,china ,India and other power economies soon RS will join Serbia as 1 nation and kosovo will never go to albania...now its time for Serbs in Serbia and the region and world for that matter to have more kids its time for a young generation and for the Serbs to grow..be smart its your time.....the rich should have 5 kids are more and everyone else have 2 are more .....then you will see a real future..start today and dont wait...wake up...ALBANIANS CRYING ON HERE IS FANTASTIC...NOBODY WILL INVEST IN ALBANIANS...AMERICA HAS FALLLEN...AND EU LOL WELL
(fact, 19 January 2019 01:00)

Sorry to bust your myth. Educate yourself: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/russias-low-cost-influence-strategy-finds-success-in-serbia--with-the-help-of-fighter-jets-media-conspiracies-and-a-biker-gang/2018/10/03/49dbf48e-8f47-11e8-ae59-01880eac5f1d_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.eb8353c80c38


pre 6 godina

Correction: you were posting lies and drivel on B92 from your LaLa land, while Putin was visiting Serbia.
I have visited and enjoyed Serbia and can tell you that most farm workers know how to prune vegetation and that Serbian hospitals do indeed have sterilization equipment and employ aseptic technique. JS, however, lives in a LaLa land nowhere near Serbia where his farm workers don’t know how to prune vegetation and JS’ hospitals are in the 1700s. (Zhukov, 21 January 2019 04:27)

Your repetition of shallow thoughts is boring like listening to a broken record playing elevator music from the 1940s.


pre 6 godina

Sorry to bust your myth. Educate yourself: [link]
(Tom L'Orizi, 20 January 2019 18:06)

You quoting the The Washington Post as an independent source on the MIGs Serbia bought LOL. The F16 is a 1978 design and its still in service in the US. Why dont you educate yourself mate. It would be nice for a change and perhaps less Albo drivel posted.


pre 6 godina

(Bre, 18 January 2019 12:25)

Nije bilo 100.000 ljudi. U najboljem slučaju ih je bilo 50-60.000. Uz svu organizaciju, silne autobuse, ucene ljudi koji rade u državnim preduzećima.
Koštalo je Boga oca. Sva deca u Srbiji su za te pare mogla dobiti besplatne udžbenike.
I zašto? Iskoristio je dolazak jednog od najmoćnijih ljudi sveta da dovuče ogromnu masu ljudi da bi se pokazao pred opozicijom, da pokaže za šta su oni sposobni.
Okupili su jedva malo više ljudi od onoga koliko dolazi subotom.
Ozbiljan poraz.
(On pomera brda i vozi leteći auto, 18. januar 2019 17:25)

To je ono kada 1300 autobusa "spontano" pokupe "spontano" okupljene građane iz unutrašnjosti koji su "spontano" izrazili želju da prisustvuju mitingu koji u čast Putinu organizuje Vučić.
(Vladan, 18. januar 2019 16:04)

Ko je platio dolazak 1200 autobusa? Fuj bre!
(Spontani skup, 18. januar 2019 15:15)


pre 6 godina

Može li Rusija da pomogne oko Kosova

Postoji jedna ideja: razmena teritorija severnog dela Kosova, naseljenog Srbima, i Preševske doline u južnoj Srbiji, naseljene uglavnom Albancima.

Nije jasno ko je autor ove ideje. Evropi ova opcija ne odgovara. Nemačka kancelarka Angela Merkel, na primer, govorio o nedopustivosti prekrajanja granica u Evropi. Ali u EU postoje i oni koji su "za" ovu opciju.

Stav Ministarstva inostranih poslova Rusije o Kosovu zvuči otprilike ovako: saglasni smo sa svim što odgovara Beogradu i Prištini. Malo je verovatno da će Putinova poseta Beogradu doneti bilo kakvu izvesnost po ovom pitanju.

"U ruskom interesu je da se ovo pitanje ne reši", smatra Jakšić.

Samorukov se slaže.

"Rusija nema nikakvih interesa na Kosovu - ni bezbednosnih, ni ekonomskih. Ali Moskva zna da će ukoliko se kosovski spor reši prestati da bude potrebna Srbiji", kaže Samorukov.

"Rusko rukovodstvo uvek je smatralo Kosovo kao presedan za post-sovjetske sukobe. Čim je Kosovo proglasilo nezavisnost početkom 2008. godine, mi [Rusija] smo odmah dobili Abhaziju i Južnu Osetiju", kaže Samorukov.

"I ako dođe do presedana da se problem u postsocijalističkoj federalnoj republici reši sporazumom, onda je to pogodan presedan i za Krim."

"Među ruskim diplomatama postoji ideja da se paralele sa Kosovom mogu iskoristiti za legitimizaciju onoga što se desilo na Krimu", saglasan je istraživač Instituta za evropske studije u Beogradu Milan Igrutinović.

great news

pre 6 godina

So Putin is in Belgrade.

What a shame.


pre 6 godina

So Putin is in Belgrade.

What a shame.
(Bloke, 17 January 2019 20:28) EVERYONE LOVES PUTIN IN THE WORLD , GET OUT OF YOUR CAVE ...YOU ALBANIANS ARE A JOKE LIKE AMERICA... (great news, 17 January 2019 20:56)

Bad news,

I guess you consider yourself superior to Americans. Would you care to elaborate on that point? What characteristics distinguish you from those Americans that are "a joke"?


pre 6 godina

So Putin is in Belgrade.

What a shame.
(Bloke, 17 January 2019 20:28)
You know. I'm really happy you feel this way because it brings you unhappiness.
You can't stand the fact that an important country like Russia is a true friend, not just have interests in Serbia but a genuine friend of Serbs where ever they live. They are our brethren and when I was reading this article a tear swelled in my eye because it brought such emotion.
You, Albanians, can only dream of having such a friend.


pre 6 godina

You know. I'm really happy you feel this way because it brings you unhappiness.
You can't stand the fact that an important country like Russia is a true friend, not just have interests in Serbia but a genuine friend of Serbs where ever they live. They are our brethren and when I was reading this article a tear swelled in my eye because it brought such emotion.
You, Albanians, can only dream of having such a friend.

Where's your tears for those who were mass murdered? In your supposed territory.

Your emotions are misplaced



pre 6 godina

So Putin is in Belgrade.

What a shame.
(Bloke, 17 January 2019 20:28)
You know. I'm really happy you feel this way because it brings you unhappiness.
You can't stand the fact that an important country like Russia is a true friend, not just have interests in Serbia but a genuine friend of Serbs where ever they live. They are our brethren and when I was reading this article a tear swelled in my eye because it brought such emotion.
You, Albanians, can only dream of having such a friend.
(Peggy, 17 January 2019 22:50)

Oh Peggy, We dream every night of having a friend such as Putin.. Those dreams brings me tears in my eyes from emotions... Are you for real? If you think it brings Albanians unhappiness that Putin landed in Belgrade to say hello, you are sorely mistaken. what you write equals a toddler in a pre school courtyard trying to make the other kids jealous, but alas only in your imagination. Here is a dose of reality for you after your swelling tear. Kosovo is under Albanian control - Situation is not going to be solved anytime soon - Western Allies and EU take note of Serbia cuddling with Russia and when the time comes you will have to let them go as the EU will not take in a trojan horse as a future member. In other words, this news is satisfying for Albanians.


pre 6 godina

The bottom line is, would Russia come to Serbia’s aid by bombing another country for Serbia. I think we all know the answer to to that question!


pre 6 godina

(JS, 17 January 2019 22:15)

“What characteristics distinguish you from those Americans that are "a joke"? Well for beginners you are a very good starting point for the purposes of analysing why Americans are a joke in comparison to other people.
One of the most ludicrous posts I have ever seen was your request for information on pruning plumb trees and yet you allegedly live in a “village in Serbia”.
If you did live in a village in Serbia you no doubt would be called the village idiot.


pre 6 godina

(Bre, 18 January 2019 12:25)

Nije bilo 100.000 ljudi. U najboljem slučaju ih je bilo 50-60.000. Uz svu organizaciju, silne autobuse, ucene ljudi koji rade u državnim preduzećima.
Koštalo je Boga oca. Sva deca u Srbiji su za te pare mogla dobiti besplatne udžbenike.
I zašto? Iskoristio je dolazak jednog od najmoćnijih ljudi sveta da dovuče ogromnu masu ljudi da bi se pokazao pred opozicijom, da pokaže za šta su oni sposobni.
Okupili su jedva malo više ljudi od onoga koliko dolazi subotom.
Ozbiljan poraz.
(On pomera brda i vozi leteći auto, 18. januar 2019 17:25)

To je ono kada 1300 autobusa "spontano" pokupe "spontano" okupljene građane iz unutrašnjosti koji su "spontano" izrazili želju da prisustvuju mitingu koji u čast Putinu organizuje Vučić.
(Vladan, 18. januar 2019 16:04)

Ko je platio dolazak 1200 autobusa? Fuj bre!
(Spontani skup, 18. januar 2019 15:15)


pre 6 godina

Oh Peggy, We dream every night of having a friend such as Putin.. Those dreams brings me tears in my eyes from emotions... Are you for real? If you think it brings Albanians unhappiness that Putin landed in Belgrade to say hello, you are sorely mistaken. what you write equals a toddler in a pre school courtyard trying to make the other kids jealous, but alas only in your imagination. Here is a dose of reality for you after your swelling tear. Kosovo is under Albanian control - Situation is not going to be solved anytime soon - Western Allies and EU take note of Serbia cuddling with Russia and when the time comes you will have to let them go as the EU will not take in a trojan horse as a future member. In other words, this news is satisfying for Albanians.
(Comment, 18 January 2019 09:29) #

We know Albanians dont care Putin stopped by to say hello. Caring would require intelligence and understanding, and I seriously doubt Serbs would ever acuse Albanians of these most honourable traits. No no, that move was for Trump and America. It is known that Trump colludes with Russia. Who do you think America respects more Kosova or Russia?? Lololol the day before Putin lands in Belgrade Trump threatens sanctions on you AHahahaha man the writings on the wall.. lol no one wants it with Russia and China and those happen to be Serb allies. I did not make this mess and dont know what else to say besides goodluck!

Tom L'Orizi

pre 6 godina

serbias economy is growing fast because of all these investments from Russia ,china ,India and other power economies soon RS will join Serbia as 1 nation and kosovo will never go to albania...now its time for Serbs in Serbia and the region and world for that matter to have more kids its time for a young generation and for the Serbs to grow..be smart its your time.....the rich should have 5 kids are more and everyone else have 2 are more .....then you will see a real future..start today and dont wait...wake up...ALBANIANS CRYING ON HERE IS FANTASTIC...NOBODY WILL INVEST IN ALBANIANS...AMERICA HAS FALLLEN...AND EU LOL WELL
(fact, 19 January 2019 01:00)

Sorry to bust your myth. Educate yourself: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/russias-low-cost-influence-strategy-finds-success-in-serbia--with-the-help-of-fighter-jets-media-conspiracies-and-a-biker-gang/2018/10/03/49dbf48e-8f47-11e8-ae59-01880eac5f1d_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.eb8353c80c38


pre 6 godina

"Bad news,

I guess you consider yourself superior to Americans. Would you care to elaborate on that point? What characteristics distinguish you from those Americans that are "a joke"? (JS, 17 January 2019 22:15)

Recommend (+4)Poor comment (-10)"

A simple, fair question -- how one person superior to the people of another culture -- and it garnered ten negative valuations. Looks like a Serbian ultranationalist was busy going between kafanas to get new IP addresses to give it thumbs down. Pathetic!


pre 6 godina

Bravo Serbia great news Putin and Russia loves you, from now on Serbian people will live very happy and very soon you will be getting Kosova back. I am very happy for my Komshije real Democracy is coming in Serbia. Good luck Serbia we Albos in Albania we tried Russia and China for 40 years we where very happy now is your turn to try it.I was hoping that all Balkan countries live in peace and work and trade with each other, and became part of EU and democratic countries. Looks that Balkans will be divided East and West. Serbia East,Croatia,Sllovenia,Montenegro,Kosova,Albania,Maqedonia,Greece,Bullgaria West.


pre 6 godina

The bottom line is, would Russia come to Serbia’s aid by bombing another country for Serbia. I think we all know the answer to to that question!
(Mary, 18 January 2019 11:36)

Yes, we do. In two world wars.
No doubt that when the next continental conflict erupts, bringing an epilogue to the current unresolved conflict in the Balkans, the Russians, Serbs, and other good people will again defeat evil in the same way we defeated your Croat-Ustasha-Nazi predecessors.


pre 6 godina

You, Albanians, can only dream of having such a friend.
(Peggy, 17 January 2019 22:50)

Specially when it matters the most like for example during the NATO air strikes. Lol


pre 6 godina

Peggy. Don’t be a fool. There are no friends in politics. Putin is a user, not a friend.

To all of you. I am NOT ALBANIAN (or America).

Putin being in Belgrade doesn’t make me unhappy. It disappoints me that some Serbs are grossly sychophantic to such a wicked user. I pity their self deception and think it a shame they are so stupidly mislead about some rediculous notion of brotherhood, it reminds me of what ‘brotherhood and unity’ taught us about the nature of Balkan politics.

Also, many girls (and maybe a few boys) cry emotionally when they see their pop stars. Crying emotionally was done for Hitler in his time. it means little to anyone apart from the person who has a fixation.

So, when I said So.... I should really have said So what if....

I apologise for winding you up with my comment, but I was too readily tempted.


pre 6 godina

peggy we do have freinds united states amercia there intrest is our intrest albanian lands will come back to us not have russian in the balkans but you dont know that because u have your head inside putin butt cheeks


pre 6 godina

Which person in these amazing photos is "staff"? :)
(JS, 18 January 2019 17:00)

You can spot him in the crowd of Serbs right beside the delusional fellow with three farms and his army of farm workers (none of whom know how to prune vegetation).


pre 6 godina

A simple, fair question -- how one person superior to the people of another culture -- and it garnered ten negative valuations. Looks like a Serbian ultranationalist was busy going between kafanas to get new IP addresses to give it thumbs down. Pathetic!(JS,18. januar 2019 07:12)------------------Get a life, little buddy.


pre 6 godina

Which person in these amazing photos is "staff"? :)
(JS, 18 January 2019 17:00)

You can spot him in the crowd of Serbs right beside the delusional fellow with three farms and his army of farm workers (none of whom know how to prune vegetation). (Zhukov, 19 January 2019 16:54)

I didn't need to ask where you were because I knew you wouldn't travel to Serbia to greet your hero. Just shows how much a foreigner you are! I was cleaning my orchard and burning brush while Putin was visiting. Was lovely weather for working outside. Too bad you don't step foot in Serbia to enjoy it with us! :)


pre 6 godina

Your repetition of shallow thoughts is boring like listening to a broken record playing elevator music from the 1940s.
(JS, 21 January 2019 10:06)

I’m only responding to your endless posts of sham residency. Thank you for confessing that your delusional and repetitive thoughts about your residency are “shallow” and “boring”. I enjoy exposing your lies and drivel.


pre 6 godina

Your repetition of shallow thoughts is boring like listening to a broken record playing elevator music from the 1940s.
(JS, 21 January 2019 10:06)

I’m only responding to your endless posts of sham residency. Thank you for confessing that your delusional and repetitive thoughts about your residency are “shallow” and “boring”. I enjoy exposing your lies and drivel.


pre 6 godina

Sorry to bust your myth. Educate yourself: [link]
(Tom L'Orizi, 20 January 2019 18:06)

You quoting the The Washington Post as an independent source on the MIGs Serbia bought LOL. The F16 is a 1978 design and its still in service in the US. Why dont you educate yourself mate. It would be nice for a change and perhaps less Albo drivel posted.


pre 6 godina

I was cleaning my orchard and burning brush while Putin was visiting. Was lovely weather for working outside. Too bad you don't step foot in Serbia to enjoy it with us! :)
(JS, 19 January 2019 20:19)

Correction: you were posting lies and drivel on B92 from your LaLa land, while Putin was visiting Serbia.
I have visited and enjoyed Serbia and can tell you that most farm workers know how to prune vegetation and that Serbian hospitals do indeed have sterilization equipment and employ aseptic technique. JS, however, lives in a LaLa land nowhere near Serbia where his farm workers don’t know how to prune vegetation and JS’ hospitals are in the 1700s.


pre 6 godina

Correction: you were posting lies and drivel on B92 from your LaLa land, while Putin was visiting Serbia.
I have visited and enjoyed Serbia and can tell you that most farm workers know how to prune vegetation and that Serbian hospitals do indeed have sterilization equipment and employ aseptic technique. JS, however, lives in a LaLa land nowhere near Serbia where his farm workers don’t know how to prune vegetation and JS’ hospitals are in the 1700s. (Zhukov, 21 January 2019 04:27)

Your repetition of shallow thoughts is boring like listening to a broken record playing elevator music from the 1940s.


pre 6 godina

serbias economy is growing fast because of all these investments from Russia ,china ,India and other power economies soon RS will join Serbia as 1 nation and kosovo will never go to albania...now its time for Serbs in Serbia and the region and world for that matter to have more kids its time for a young generation and for the Serbs to grow..be smart its your time.....the rich should have 5 kids are more and everyone else have 2 are more .....then you will see a real future..start today and dont wait...wake up...ALBANIANS CRYING ON HERE IS FANTASTIC...NOBODY WILL INVEST IN ALBANIANS...AMERICA HAS FALLLEN...AND EU LOL WELL