pre 5 godina
(USA Stands With Albanians, 28 December 2018 16:48)
Albania was a s*** hole in 2015 when I went there and friends where there only recently on business say nothing has changed. Various road associations in Germany strongly advise people not to drive through Albania but if they do to sleep in designated holiday areas. Never pull over to sleep either in tents or in the car by the roadside lest they never see the light of day again.
According to reputable sources Albania has lost over 1 million people in a decade due to immigration. According to the official Albanian government statistics Albania has ONE of the LOWEST birth rates in the world.
If Albania was such an economic superpower why do people continue to leave even now?
Its obvious you live in the US where living standards have dropped. Bernie Sanders was interviewed recently about Trump’s election and he said people in the US are working longer hours for less pay and they were hoping that Trump would bring back industry and secure employment for them and their children. Today, about 75% of fulltime workers live from pay-day to pay-day.
How do you think other western countries deal with attracting businesses to relocate to their country? Exactly the same as Serbia. They all entice “other countries” to open shop in their country; that’s how. What planet do you live on? A statement like yours only comes out of a high school dropout.
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