pre 6 godina
(Azir, 13 August 2018 16:33)
I don’t assume anything, but it is a well-known fact that the vast majority of Albanians are Muslims. They also make the second largest composition of recruits to ISIS after Bosnia. Even the New York Times has written many pieces on this issue and they are your allies not ours.
The Pope mentioned Albos tolerance LOL. He needs lessons in tolerance starting with his Croats and crazy Catholic Ukrainians. Plus he needs to get rid of his paedophile clergy. My advice to him is he should be very quiet on these issues.
Indigenous LOL. To what? You can’t prove any of those claims but still go on about it. Even US universities would not back such a claim only quasi Albo archaeologists who run around and declare everything the Romans or Greek built belonged to an Albo civilisation that no one has heard of.
Genocide, War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity. Who declared all that? Yes, the drunkards that sat on the Tribunal LOL. They did not even know the definition of genocide LOL. They were the scrapings of the bottom of judicial barrels.
I am very well educated but you fall far short of that mark.
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