Monday, 22.01.2018.


More than 100,000 Greeks protest over word "Macedonia"

More than 100,000 Greeks gathered in Thessaloniki to demonstrate against the use of the word "Macedonia" in solving the name dispute between Athens and Skopje.

Izvor: Tanjug

More than 100,000 Greeks protest over word "Macedonia" IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 7 godina

Peggy just what have you learnt from the past then
that you still hold to it good grief the contradiction hey
(Sam, 25 January 2018 21:41)
I've learned that you people cannot be trusted and are not our friends.
I have stated that more than once. How did you miss it?
Do you want me to forget that and give you a clean slate?


pre 7 godina

I have never marched in a rally ever for somebody else I am free do you know what they means
(Sam, 25 January 2018 03:10)
Good for you but many of your brethren did and showed us what you think of us.
I don't live in the past but I have learned from the past.
If you forget history, you will be forced to relive it.


pre 7 godina


yep you said at least you have vented but it aint going to change a thing that you hold on to the past and always will be a prisoner its up you you to discover it
just stop blaming the Macedonians ok I ant going to hear you
be miserable and lost as long as you want to be
that is what makes Nationalism so potent and enduring

I have never marched in a rally ever for somebody else I am free do you know what they means


pre 7 godina

You really have big chip there don't you
By the way Serbs are well integrated in Macedonian society and that once Serbian runaway priest is safe and well he ain't in prison you really fall for it didn't you
Now go buddy up with the Greek nationalists and support one nation
(Sam, 23 January 2018 16:11)
Thanks for the permission.
I already support Pauline Hanson and One Nation and proud of it.
When the war in Yugoslavia broke out Greeks supported us and came out to march with us.
Macs supported the Croatians and Bosnian Muslims and came out to march with them waving their flags.
I would have to have rocks in my head to support you guys over Greeks. You showed us that you are our enemies while the Greeks showed us that they are our friends.
Maybe you should've extended a hand of friendship when we needed it. Now we don't. So yep, it is a huge chip on my shoulder.

BTW, were you part of the march waving your flag supporting your Croatian and Bosnian brothers?


pre 7 godina


(Alexandar Tsar Makedonski, 23 January 2018 15:12
Interesting. So why do you need Greeks to decipher what is written on the relics?

Alexandar Tsar Makedonski

pre 7 godina

Republic of Macedonia is constitutional name and state that there is no chance, it is impossible not laugh, nor under any particular conditions change, it is the name of a product, it is the name of the state. The Constitution of the United Nations clearly states that a country has willingly do as they wished to be appointed and no country must not, that right to contest. so if Greece wants to change the names of countries, so let us start from own name.!!!
The Greek-Arvanti-Vlak-Pontos Macedonian

The Macedonian territory was officially occupied by Greece since 1913 with the Treaty of Bucharest after a 30-year manipulation with the English and the French help. Then the Balkan wars and the First World War helped the insertion of the Greek factor jn Macedonia, the population exchanges and the after World War II (civil war brought) led to the expulsion of 100,000 (Slavic) Macedonians. Today in Macedonia, 1/4 of the population has origins from Aegean Macedonia. There is not an ethnographic map from 1860 to 1912 that has more than 10% of the Greek population in Macedonia. The rest are: 20% arvanti-rom-vlaki-bulgari, 20% turkish, 50% slavophone (Serbian population for Serbs, Bulgarian for Bulgarians, while alone and without Western manipulation the population called itself Macedonian). I do not know what is not clear ???


pre 7 godina

mark the deal with Greeks is they think they are special they believe they are the literal continuation of the ancients
and that they are 100% homogenous meaning everyone and everything is Greek we all know that is complete BS

The Greek Govt makes up Greek Identity from thin air it happened in 1991 “Greek and Greek-Macedonian” became the new thing
and they have the audacity to attack the Macedonians and throw the Slav card like freaking Parrots

Lerin e moj grad!

pre 7 godina

What I cannot comprehend with the Greek theory that we are Slavs and we arrived in the 6th Century AD.

I agree, Macedonians are a mixture of Slavs and Ancient Macedonians...but Slavic Tribes went as far as the Peloponnese.

So my question is how can Greeks claim pure Greek ethnicity when half are Slavs themselves and the other half came as Turkish/Georgian/Egyptian migrants in 1922 as part of a population exchange?

No one in the balkans can claim a pure ethnic bloodline.

The Republic of Macedonia has negotiated their name...its called the Republic of Macedonia...If the Greeks want to negotiate a name...let them call themselves Greek Macedonia...because a Pontian Christian Turk has less right of a right to call themselves Macedonians then to those born in the Republic of Macedonia!!!!


pre 7 godina

Greece is bullying Nacedonia for its name over some warrior or nowadays the appropriate word would be a terrorist who've killed a lot of people in order to change the borders. If someone nowadays tries to change the borders it wouldn't be called a warrior and something you want to be proud of, but a fascist, a terrorist or a nazi. Good, you are both fighting who should be proud of the killer. What a world we live in. Look for the future not in the past. What the past gives you? Stones and ruins and not a better life, jobs...After all, nobody cares what happened 2,000 years ago. Let's make the world a better place.


pre 7 godina

Greek history was and is a fiction, more than I learn about it more it is fairy tale.
Sorry nothing against Greeks! They are good on marking stories.

Greek history is build in fairy tales like Herkules/ Troy/ Human Gods/ and Europe made a Greek myth on that.
Is like making a history about Snow White, or Shrek or 'beauty and the beast" and then convince people that they were true.
Romans invaded half of Europe and Asia so what?
If it wasn't for Alexander the Great - Greece will not give a f.. about Macedonia.
But such a hypocrisy is not acceptable.
They say Macedonia was Greek before that was invaded from Slavs? Good so was Kosovo before that Serbs invade it.
Well I even pity Fyroms. They are Albanians and Bulgarians "jailed" to stay in another country by the mistake of Europe.
While Albanians have a strong identity and their language - Fryrom is a dialect of Bulgarian, and they don't know who they are..Ehhh.. ehhh..
Greece accepted it once during Jugoslavia - and now should shshhhh.. is to late.
EU is unfair - Greece is pressuring Macedonia and that's not fair because they aren't in the same possition.
Well the people of Macedonia decide in my opinion not Greeks.
Is just my op.


pre 7 godina

Greeks you cannot have it both ways.You support some slavic people(serbs) that showed up in the Balkans in the 7th century to have the right and lay claim on land and names while at the same time protest some other slavic people (macedonians) not have that right. All slavic people in the Balkans are invaders.


pre 7 godina

can i ask you what the macs done to you.


That's a very stupid question.Our former leaders sacrified their friendship with Greece and recignised you with your constitutional name which they shouldnt have done.The mac iscariotes sold us out for 30 silver by recognising kosovo.I just wished that Vucic grew a pair and did the right thing by annuling your recognition.Eye to eye and tooth to tooth,thats the language Bulgars understand.


pre 7 godina

Look you can play a victim and blame Macedonia all you want
I for one think you use Macedonia as a Scapegoat stop that that is pretty dump not my question of you


pre 7 godina

thanks Nikola Jovanović for the support but sadly there are more Serbs on the Greek bandwagon then friends here
Look at the elite three Madam Peggy, Zoran somebody and Chitown its like they have been all bent over so far they can't even look up anymore


pre 7 godina

can I ask you what have the Maks done to you
Macedonians speak Albanian they have for years in government, institutions and the media
Albanian is an official language in Macedonia and has been for 10 years
Whilst Albanins understand more so that speaking Macedonian the majority lauange is just as important


pre 7 godina

You really have big chip there don't you
By the way Serbs are well integrated in Macedonian society and that once Serbian runaway priest is safe and well he ain't in prison you really fall for it didn't you
Now go buddy up with the Greek nationalists and support one nation


pre 7 godina

Since the Slavs of FYROM insist on defying not only the overwhelming evidence coming from Ancient Literary and Archaeological sources but also Common Sense, i have a simple Quiz for them.

During CLASSICAL GREECE (5th to 4th centuries BC – i.e. from the fall of the Athenian tyranny in 510 BC to the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC),

…Can anyone find me even One (1) NON-GREEK ancient people who applied ALL the following attributes of the ancient Macedonians and the rest of Greeks?

1. A Non-Greek people identifying themselves as Greeks.
2. A Non-Greek people considered by others as Greeks.
3. A Non-Greek people having Greek Names.
4. A Non-Greek people speaking Greek language.
5. A Non-Greek people sharing the same religion as Greeks
6. A Non-Greek people having the same heroes as Greeks
7. A Non-Greek people having the same myths as Greeks
8. A Non-Greek people spreading everywhere Greek Language and Culture,
9. A Non-Greek people building Greek cities,
10. A Non-Greek people participating in Pan-Hellenic Games,
11. A Non-Greek people participating in Amphictionies.
12. A Non-Greek peope using the same architecture as Greeks

All these above characteristics were attributed ONLY to Greek people. If FYROM’s Slavs claim that ancient Macedonians were allegedly NOT Greeks, then find us a non-Greek people who shared ALL these characteristics of the Macedonians and the rest of Greeks during Classical Greece


pre 7 godina

hardly i am loving it.

You will love it even better when the albos bent you over greek style.Do not come to serbs for any help cos you aint gonna get it.
You're a nation of traitors and you'll get your deserved treatment.It wont be long before you start speaking albanian.

Alexandar Tsar Makedonski

pre 7 godina

The people who live in the Republic of Macedonia are Macedonians.



Alexandar Tsar Makedonski

pre 7 godina



pre 7 godina

BTW, how has FYROM shown friendship to Serbia? Going to let our bishop out of jail?
(Peggy, 23 January 2018 12:33)

Macedonia has not imprisoned Serbia's bishop, dear. That's just a dream of yours that you are confusing with reality!


pre 7 godina

Hardly I am loving it
and by the way your Serbian Priest is in Jail still
(Sam, 23 January 2018 12:47)
So then don't expect any compassion from us.
You shot yourselves in the foot.


pre 7 godina

I think in Bucharest we overtook the level of life from Greece and the Greek people after we got Bucharest handicap pensions + most of people have income from rent flats to . For example from 2018 me family have income 1200 euro per month and we can buy each month someting that worth 400-500 euro .

What is interesting and i think fake is that in statistic average income per family in Romania is 800 euro and that is impossible almost 50% of Romania are villages + North Romania cities are very poor

Anyway in Bucharest we overtook Greece if even me family considered poor one + i have no job + me mom never worked and we have 1200 euro through in summer 2016 we had 600 euro .

Bucharest is more rich than Athens

I had read that in Serbia average income per family is 520 euro and i can`t belive this is impossible . Serbia not have so many villages and poor cities as Romania

I think Romania and Serbia are similar but Bucharest is more rich than Belgrade + whole Greece including Athens

Alexandar Tsar Makedonski

pre 7 godina

Greek Orator:
"For if any non-Greek power, whether Persian or Macedonian, were to achieve world dominion, the typical form of the Greek state would suffer death and destruction." [p.188]


Nikola Jovanović

pre 7 godina

macedonia is greek not these fakes....serbia supports the greeks 100%
(serbian-greek brotherhood, 22 January 2018 20:39)

Please do not talk in the names of other Serbs coz we don't share the same view about Macedonia's name dispute unless you are a greek with fake nickname.

Macedonia Was Greek, Not Slavic.

pre 7 godina

Macedonia was always Greek and the Macedonians spoke Greek. Slavs in the area have always tried to attach their names to various ancient people’s in the region. The Bulgarians used to say they were a mix of Turkic speaking Bulgars and Thracians, The Croats and Bosniaks were very vocal about their supposed Illyrian heritage and now the Slavs in Skopje claim they are Macedonians. Why not just be Slavic and proud of that. No matter what my feelings towards Serbian politics are, the Serbs are very true to their identity and are very proud of their Slavic heritage. Every skeleton found that predates the Slavic arrivals in the Balkans always shares a genetic composition with that of Greeks, Albanians and Romanians. The past is long gone, dead and buried so why not focus on a brighter more unified future that benefits us all.


pre 7 godina

Greek far right burn squats, vandalise Holocaust statue


Alexandar Tsar Makedonski

pre 7 godina

Macedonia will always be ours to the Macedonian people we will never change our name the whole world knows us as Macedonians u Greeks are brainwashed and confused your making things worse that they are in reality. FREE TO AEGEAN MACEDONIA FROM GREEK OPPRESSION.


pre 7 godina

If it's getting a little too much for you, I suggest stay away.

Hardly I am loving it
and by the way your Serbian Priest is in Jail still


pre 7 godina

Long live Serbian Macedonian brotherhood.
Slavic power worldwide.
(Nikola Jovanović, 23 January 2018 10:50)
Whatever you say, Nikola Jovanovski.
BTW, how has FYROM shown friendship to Serbia? Going to let our bishop out of jail?


pre 7 godina

Clearly this is heading as the most commented Topic
all Greek and Serb Ultra-Nationalist Internet Warriors
together in union
(Sam, 23 January 2018 11:21)
If it's getting a little too much for you, I suggest stay away.


pre 7 godina

FYROM (Vardaska) 50 years old Slavic country have borders with Greece 4000+ years of Glorious and Proud history...we understand how much it hurts them


pre 7 godina

A great display of Chauvinism, intolerance and hatred in Europe
keep up the good work the Western Press is presenting the Greeks as ugly racist and we dont need to do a thing to encourage them
Serbs can if they like that is why you lost Kososvo

Nikola Jovanović

pre 7 godina

Dear Macedonian brothers ignore those stupid illiterate brainwashed serbian trolls cos they represent their opinions not other serbs who always ate in your side. Serbia recognized FYROM as Republic of Macedonia so the story ends here. Leonidas you're a greek moron with identity crisis. Long live Serbian Macedonian brotherhood.
Slavic power worldwide.


pre 7 godina

LOL the Greeks always said ancient Macedonians were barbarians and had nothing to do with Greeks or their culture. It's like Croatians claiming Serbian is a Croatian name and culture ya rite.


pre 7 godina

The “Macedonians” will cease to exist by 2050. Why you ask ? They have no heart and they are certainly not brave. There used to be a saying in Australia during the Tito era. ( Makedonci imaju jednu manu, neznaju na koju cu stranu )


pre 7 godina

the Greeks in and around Pella like Mitch below came during the population exchange in the early 1900's from Turkey.That Pontion now thinks he's related to Alexander the Great and telling the Macedonians

History is not based on farting from Skopje but on historiography and archaeology amongst others.Unfortunately,you and your Slavo-Bulgarian friends have nothing else to say but to repeat the Gruevskian Communist lies,kitch statues,DNA myths and anti-Greek propaganda.As for Turkish origins why don’t we see what Mehmet Inbasi –Turkish Ottoman Historian had to say about Skopje under the Ottomans.”The city of Skopje was subjected to a systematic settlement of Turkic Anatolian settlers after the conquest. Such places as Serez,Babadag,Elbasan,Bitola and Skopje had been rearranged by the uc-begis in such way to be new Turkish cities”.There was also intense Albanian colonization which started after the defeat of the Austro-Hungarian empire by the ottomans and continued throughout the first half of the 19th century.As to your assertion that the Greek Macedonians came from Turkey a good look at the Ottoman census of 1904 ,1908 and 1911 will show you that the Greek population were the majority in Macedonia.I will leave you with a quote from E.Borza,Macedonian Redux p260.“Modern Slav-Bulgarian from Fyrom cannot establish a link with antiquity,in contrast with the Greeks.They entered the Balkans ten centuries after the demise of the ancient kingdom”.


pre 7 godina

Who is more fake than Greece?
Europe’s longest life support country 😢

Had it not been for Greece(the scapegoat)German and French banks would've gone to the wall.The bailouts were designed to save their own skin not Greece.


pre 7 godina

Strasno. Stvarno ne mogu i ne hocu da poverujem da u Srbiji postoji ljudi koji ovako misle za mene, moji narod i Makedoniji. Zar stvarno? Zalosno ljudi, posle svega.
(Ivo Trajkovski, 22 January 2018 22:23)
How many times does FYROM have to back stab Serbs in order for you not to be surprised?
What has FYROM done for Serbia? What has FYROM done against Serbia? That should be a huge clue for you.

Sasa from near Jagodina

pre 7 godina

In fact Greece backstab serbia over kosovo and let NATO troops to bomb Serbia. We must support our Slavic Macedonian brothers and let the gayreeks rot in hell. Serbia support Macedonia. Screw Greece!!!
(SerbIan gangster,

I am certain you’re one of those Albanians/Fyromians with the multiple facets posing as a Serb but let me dispel your lies.
In 1999, Greece was the only Nato member who opposed the bombing of Serbia and refused to take part in the subsequent Nato operations.In 2008 Greece approved EULEX and KFOR and is still actively participating in those bodies. Any Serbian Orthodox Church that is still standing is because of the Greeks .Any Serbian monument in the area that is still up is because of the Greeks,Kossovo Serbs will testify to that.
Finally,when you say ” we must support our Slavic Macedonian brothers” do you mean those living in Fyrom are Slavs? What kind of brother are they when they stabbed you in the back by recognising the illegal theft of Kosovo and by continuing to support its entry to all international bodies? On the other hand,Greece and our brothers in Cyprus have been resisting all kinds of pressures from the EU ,Nato and the US and still refuse to recognise the fake province of Kosovo.
(Leonidas, 22 January 2018 17:22) # Comment

Very well written Leonidas ,very true ))
We Serbs have never been to war with Greece .Greece have always did their best to support us and way they can .


pre 7 godina

On the other hand,Greece and our brothers in Cyprus have been resisting all kinds of pressures from the EU ,Nato and the US and still refuse to recognise the fake province of Kosovo.
(Leonidas, 22 January 2018 17:22) # Comment link

Thank God for the Greeks who stood up against tyranny and barbarity against NATO and it US proxies illegally bombing Yugoslavia against the UN Charter and Helsinki accords. Where is the condemnation against Turkey which has invaded Syria , the world Idly watches bye as its back to the law of the jungle.


pre 7 godina

I am certain you’re one of those Albanians/Fyromians with the multiple facets posing as a Serb but let me dispel your lies.

(Leonidas, 22 January 2018 17:22)
You know that Serbia STILL recognize Macedonia as The Republic of Macedonia and not as FYROM, right?
Or was it Albanians with multiple faces posing as Government of Serbia?

But you are right? You were all the time best friends will Mladic, Arkan, Milosevic, Karadzic. Very noble friends.

Ivo Trajkovski

pre 7 godina

Strasno. Stvarno ne mogu i ne hocu da poverujem da u Srbiji postoji ljudi koji ovako misle za mene, moji narod i Makedoniji. Zar stvarno? Zalosno ljudi, posle svega.


pre 7 godina

Let the Serbs not forget the words of Mikis Theodorakis and the response of the Greeks during the NATO bombing! Courage!

ATHENS, Apr. 27 -

"The leaders of the NATO member-states yesterday (Sunday) signed a death
sentence for the United Nations. The United States can now, with the
connivance of the European countries, judge, sentence and punish anyone
whom they view as objecting to their designs. I do not think it an
exaggeration to say that we are about to enter another Middle Age era. So,
get a hold of warm, wool clothing, mufflers, gloves, bitter cold lies ahead.

As I have stated since the start of the raids, all that is being said about
ethnic cleansing is merely pretext. I have said that they (NATO) don't care
about dialogue and agreements; their sole aim is to turn the heretic
Yugoslavia into scorched earth. And they intend to do just that, transform
Serbia into a desert made up of dust and blood, displaying it to the next
victims, warning them 'look, this is what lies ahead if you don't succumb.'

We, the Greeks, should be proud since we were the only ones who all
together and in unison said 'NO' to barbarity. We shall stand by the
victims, by the Serbs. We want our singing today to overpower the air raid
sirens and the missile blasts. 'Belgrade, today we sing for you. We are on
your side. Be courageous, justice is on your side, and justice always
triumphs,' Theodorakis said to a thunderous cheers from his fans.

serb- greek supporter

pre 7 godina

look at a couple of these albanians pretending to be serbs on here ...greeks and serbs are united...you albanians have no friends and now your america is telling you to smarten up...lol...

Alexandar Tsar Makedonski

pre 7 godina


When King Otto combined all the Albanians, Vlach's, Slavs, Gypsies, Turks , he gave you a new identity in 1832! You first ruler was not even a Greek like your subsequent Albanian rulers.

What is a modern Greek because you go to a Western country you'd get confused for a Turk or a Leb so do not start throwing identities at Macedonians when yours is questionable. See how easy it is today to get into Greece by boat? What's not to say this happened hundreds and thousands of years. Maybe check your DNA.

The Ottomans had the Parthenon as your harem for 400 years making future Greek babies and the Greeks in and around Pella like Mitch below came during the population exchange in the early 1900's from Turkey. That Pontion now thinks he's related to Alexander the Great and telling the Macedonians living on that land for thousands of years that they're not Macedonian


pre 7 godina

Greeks were for Serbia because they hate Usa

when Usa visited Greece they were so violent on streets

I think the Americans gave a lesson to the Greeks

Azir is not Albanian

pre 7 godina

Azir exists only in the mind of one insipid troll Danilo Jurisich.

He created Azir, his imaginary evil Albanian friend, to exaggerate and offend.

Make-believe Azir is not his only bogus nationalistic companion.

This troll derives pleasure by promoting inter-ethnic hatred on B92.

USA Stands With Albanians

pre 7 godina

I do think the real Macedonians are Greek, but Greeks are total and utter losers. For a country that invented Democracy it’s pathetic that they are literally a bankrupt country now. Germany owns them. 400,000 people turn out to protest a name, yet they are bankrupt and there are zero jobs! Instead of protesting against the government and their corrupt politicians they protest against a word. Pathetic.


pre 7 godina

Ari Gold

You keep going on about the 'NATO Aggression'.

What about the 'Serb Aggressions' that provoked the rest of the world to be thoroughly fed up with Milosevic and his Aggressive policies? Or are you stupid enough to think that Milosevic was a saint?


pre 7 godina

Someone explain to me what evidence is there that this region has a right to the name Macedonia? The language is not ancient Macedonian, and indigenous population (excluding those with Slavic DNA (I2a and R1A)), used to speak a cross between latin/aromanian. More importantly, the region was forcefully incorporated into the Kingdom of Macedonia. Prior it was known to be a multiethnic area with illyrians/paeonians/dardanians/thracians etc. I understand my Slavic brothers there have a complex and want to be known as sons of the 'greatest' gay conqueror Alexsander the Great, but facts are facts. The state is composed of mostly indigenous peoples that either blended with the 20% Slavs that came there (mostly from Ukraine/Belorusija area), illyrians and aromanians (who are most made up of EV13, RIB, J2 haplogroups).

I recommend the area be renamed to either Vardarija or Paeonija. Case closed.


pre 7 godina

And if Greece and Serbia are friends none of this means Greeks can do whatever they want to other countries

I have to say someting to Ari Gold + to Croats + to others who visited Romania and in special Bucharest and they say is ugly

Here are the facts => BEFORE WE HAD NOTHING , Ceausescu created a city , a functional city , before people lived in Favela as in Brazil .

I would like to ask Serbs someting WHY ZAGREB is more big than BELGRADE ? just look on google map and Zagreb look more big than Belgrade + it have lower population than Belgrade

Zagreb look on map more big even than Bucharest

Hank the Tank

pre 7 godina

Serbian gangster

Only a gangster would write what you wrote. Macedonians are backstabers. Id support Greece before FYROM any day of the week. Besides soon FYROM will become eastern Albania so who gives a crap about what namn they refere to themselves.


pre 7 godina

In fact Greece backstab serbia over kosovo and let NATO troops to bomb Serbia. We must support our Slavic Macedonian brothers and let the gayreeks rot in hell. Serbia support Macedonia. Screw Greece!!!
(SerbIan gangster,

I am certain you’re one of those Albanians/Fyromians with the multiple facets posing as a Serb but let me dispel your lies.
In 1999, Greece was the only Nato member who opposed the bombing of Serbia and refused to take part in the subsequent Nato operations.In 2008 Greece approved EULEX and KFOR and is still actively participating in those bodies. Any Serbian Orthodox Church that is still standing is because of the Greeks .Any Serbian monument in the area that is still up is because of the Greeks,Kossovo Serbs will testify to that.
Finally,when you say ” we must support our Slavic Macedonian brothers” do you mean those living in Fyrom are Slavs? What kind of brother are they when they stabbed you in the back by recognising the illegal theft of Kosovo and by continuing to support its entry to all international bodies? On the other hand,Greece and our brothers in Cyprus have been resisting all kinds of pressures from the EU ,Nato and the US and still refuse to recognise the fake province of Kosovo.

Ari Gold

pre 7 godina

The biggest nonsense are in the comments from my fellow serbian compatriots like Ari Gold and Dragoljub Djurkovic as they still always believe that greeks are our brothers which is not true. In fact Greece backstab serbia over kosovo and let NATO troops to bomb Serbia.
(SerbIan gangster, 22 January 2018 14:41)

Given your username, I very much doubt you were even born yet during the 1999 NATO aggression. You are very obviously a confused, ill-informed child but I'll bite anyway.

Greece helped Serbia more than any other country in the world during NATO aggression. As a NATO member: they did not allow NATO planes to use its territory for aggression, thousands of people took to the streets protesting the aggression, Greek humanitarian workers would cause headaches for NATO because they would always show up in the most heavily bombarded areas to give assistance many Greeks fought fought in Bosnia and Kosovo-Metohija during the wars on the Serbian side.

Sadly, Serbia has not been a good ally to Serbia back. Recognizing FYROM as "Macedonia" was a shameful, embarrassing mistake. Also, FYROM despite not being a NATO country, gladly allowed NATO to use its territory for committing aggression against Serbia. Again, many people in FYROM were against this. But their support was maybe 1/10th of Greeks.

Also, above everything else, they are RIGHT on this issue. Macedonia IS Greek.

Dragoljub Djurkovic

pre 7 godina

The biggest nonsense are in the comments from my fellow serbian compatriots like Ari Gold and Dragoljub Djurkovic as they still always believe that greeks are our brothers which is not true. In fact Greece backstab serbia over kosovo and let NATO troops to bomb Serbia. ???

So how about Romania, how many USA NATO sorties taking off from the Timosara airport in 1999 to murder Civilian Srbija and Eastern Orthodox Christianity in Kosovo ??? Oh lets go back a little further to World War Two, how about the Romanians who wore Nazi uniforms, how many poor Serbian people murdered in the name of Hitler ??? Hey man it's OK, I don't hate Romania, war is war and Romania is very much in love with Hitler but that is how they are until some thing better comes up for them but in reality it never will !!!


pre 7 godina

“Macedonia “ must change its name to reflect the ethnic composition of its inhabitants.

40% Indigenous ethnic Shqiptare
40% ethnic Bulgarians 🇧🇬
20% mixed muts

If Greeks had any sense in their heads they could easily eliminate 40% of the name problem!


pre 7 godina


Bad enough that we put up with your mumble gdp rap on a daily basis now you started dealing with issues which make you look like the village idiot.If i were you i would probably look at the issues that romanian beggars and prostitutes are facing in EU countries.

Serbs and Greeks have always been brothers and nothing can change that.


pre 7 godina

100,000 take to the streets over a national identity issue in Greece despite economic hardships in the country. That's how a nation shows it is alive.
(Ari Gold, 22 January 2018 10:21)

Dear, you did not read the news story. According to the news story, these 100000 people took to the streets over another country's name, not a national identity issue in Greece. That's not how a nation shows that it is alive; that's how a nation like Greece shows that it has, at least, 100000 people who are brainwashed to participate in such an idiotic protest, instead of protesting about the economic hardships in the country!

SerbIan gangster

pre 7 godina

The biggest nonsense are in the comments from my fellow serbian compatriots like Ari Gold and Dragoljub Djurkovic as they still always believe that greeks are our brothers which is not true. In fact Greece backstab serbia over kosovo and let NATO troops to bomb Serbia. We must support our Slavic Macedonian brothers and let the gayreeks rot in hell. Serbia support Macedonia. Screw Greece!!!


pre 7 godina

Precisely due to economic hardship people find meaning in causing pain to someone else for something meaningless.

Its a name of a country and these areas have had many names in past, but when you are in pain you go protest something that effects you 0.

Any name used nothing changes, also what is to stop Macedonia to change name after they join Nato and Eu nothing what will happen send protest note.

Dragoljub Djurkovic

pre 7 godina

(adrian_bucharest, 22 January 2018 11:45) # Comment link

Hey Adrian, screw you !!! Romania is Hitler's puppet !!!

Greece and Srbija FRIENDS FOR EVER !!!

Regarding Makedonija, how about renaming it a more proper name like Kukavice or Izdajice ???


pre 7 godina

what is the problem if they want to put the name Macedonia ?

i don`t say special for arguee with Ari_Gold i will commented this anywya

SCREW THE GREEKS with their demands

and dear Ari_Gold Greece don`t have economical problems if i was a MACEDONIAN i would said many bad words to ari_gold + to greeks + to anyone who have a problem with the name

I wrote to our Charaiman Liviu Dragnea to rename a city from Romania in Macedonia other one in Athens to see what will say the Greeks

In Macedonia are a lot of Albanians and Aromanians as for Aromanians unofficial acording to our Romanian sources 5% of populations are Aromanians and 10% mixed official Aromanians are only 9000 people real are 100k

This comment have nothing to do with other comments or with ari gold actualy i even don`t really know who he is or not SCREW THE GREEKS , GO TO HELL THE GREEKS

Bulgar Of Ohrid

pre 7 godina

Ari Gold, 22 January 2018 10:21) 

Mate how about we call it south western province oc Bulgaria..

We have never called ourselves serbs with the exception og a few northern towns

Ari Gold

pre 7 godina

Full support for Greece over this issue. Also, Serbs take notes. 100,000 take to the streets over a national identity issue in Greece despite economic hardships in the country. That's how a nation shows it is alive. Much respect!

FYROmians are good people. But they should stop trying to steal Greek identity.

My solution for the name issue which will most accuratley reflect history is "Former Yugoslav Republic of Old Serbia".


pre 7 godina

In fact Greece backstab serbia over kosovo and let NATO troops to bomb Serbia. We must support our Slavic Macedonian brothers and let the gayreeks rot in hell. Serbia support Macedonia. Screw Greece!!!
(SerbIan gangster,

I am certain you’re one of those Albanians/Fyromians with the multiple facets posing as a Serb but let me dispel your lies.
In 1999, Greece was the only Nato member who opposed the bombing of Serbia and refused to take part in the subsequent Nato operations.In 2008 Greece approved EULEX and KFOR and is still actively participating in those bodies. Any Serbian Orthodox Church that is still standing is because of the Greeks .Any Serbian monument in the area that is still up is because of the Greeks,Kossovo Serbs will testify to that.
Finally,when you say ” we must support our Slavic Macedonian brothers” do you mean those living in Fyrom are Slavs? What kind of brother are they when they stabbed you in the back by recognising the illegal theft of Kosovo and by continuing to support its entry to all international bodies? On the other hand,Greece and our brothers in Cyprus have been resisting all kinds of pressures from the EU ,Nato and the US and still refuse to recognise the fake province of Kosovo.

Ari Gold

pre 7 godina

Full support for Greece over this issue. Also, Serbs take notes. 100,000 take to the streets over a national identity issue in Greece despite economic hardships in the country. That's how a nation shows it is alive. Much respect!

FYROmians are good people. But they should stop trying to steal Greek identity.

My solution for the name issue which will most accuratley reflect history is "Former Yugoslav Republic of Old Serbia".

Dragoljub Djurkovic

pre 7 godina

(adrian_bucharest, 22 January 2018 11:45) # Comment link

Hey Adrian, screw you !!! Romania is Hitler's puppet !!!

Greece and Srbija FRIENDS FOR EVER !!!

Regarding Makedonija, how about renaming it a more proper name like Kukavice or Izdajice ???

Ari Gold

pre 7 godina

The biggest nonsense are in the comments from my fellow serbian compatriots like Ari Gold and Dragoljub Djurkovic as they still always believe that greeks are our brothers which is not true. In fact Greece backstab serbia over kosovo and let NATO troops to bomb Serbia.
(SerbIan gangster, 22 January 2018 14:41)

Given your username, I very much doubt you were even born yet during the 1999 NATO aggression. You are very obviously a confused, ill-informed child but I'll bite anyway.

Greece helped Serbia more than any other country in the world during NATO aggression. As a NATO member: they did not allow NATO planes to use its territory for aggression, thousands of people took to the streets protesting the aggression, Greek humanitarian workers would cause headaches for NATO because they would always show up in the most heavily bombarded areas to give assistance many Greeks fought fought in Bosnia and Kosovo-Metohija during the wars on the Serbian side.

Sadly, Serbia has not been a good ally to Serbia back. Recognizing FYROM as "Macedonia" was a shameful, embarrassing mistake. Also, FYROM despite not being a NATO country, gladly allowed NATO to use its territory for committing aggression against Serbia. Again, many people in FYROM were against this. But their support was maybe 1/10th of Greeks.

Also, above everything else, they are RIGHT on this issue. Macedonia IS Greek.

Bulgar Of Ohrid

pre 7 godina

Ari Gold, 22 January 2018 10:21) 

Mate how about we call it south western province oc Bulgaria..

We have never called ourselves serbs with the exception og a few northern towns


pre 7 godina


Bad enough that we put up with your mumble gdp rap on a daily basis now you started dealing with issues which make you look like the village idiot.If i were you i would probably look at the issues that romanian beggars and prostitutes are facing in EU countries.

Serbs and Greeks have always been brothers and nothing can change that.


pre 7 godina

Let the Serbs not forget the words of Mikis Theodorakis and the response of the Greeks during the NATO bombing! Courage!

ATHENS, Apr. 27 -

"The leaders of the NATO member-states yesterday (Sunday) signed a death
sentence for the United Nations. The United States can now, with the
connivance of the European countries, judge, sentence and punish anyone
whom they view as objecting to their designs. I do not think it an
exaggeration to say that we are about to enter another Middle Age era. So,
get a hold of warm, wool clothing, mufflers, gloves, bitter cold lies ahead.

As I have stated since the start of the raids, all that is being said about
ethnic cleansing is merely pretext. I have said that they (NATO) don't care
about dialogue and agreements; their sole aim is to turn the heretic
Yugoslavia into scorched earth. And they intend to do just that, transform
Serbia into a desert made up of dust and blood, displaying it to the next
victims, warning them 'look, this is what lies ahead if you don't succumb.'

We, the Greeks, should be proud since we were the only ones who all
together and in unison said 'NO' to barbarity. We shall stand by the
victims, by the Serbs. We want our singing today to overpower the air raid
sirens and the missile blasts. 'Belgrade, today we sing for you. We are on
your side. Be courageous, justice is on your side, and justice always
triumphs,' Theodorakis said to a thunderous cheers from his fans.


pre 7 godina

100,000 take to the streets over a national identity issue in Greece despite economic hardships in the country. That's how a nation shows it is alive.
(Ari Gold, 22 January 2018 10:21)

Dear, you did not read the news story. According to the news story, these 100000 people took to the streets over another country's name, not a national identity issue in Greece. That's not how a nation shows that it is alive; that's how a nation like Greece shows that it has, at least, 100000 people who are brainwashed to participate in such an idiotic protest, instead of protesting about the economic hardships in the country!

serb- greek supporter

pre 7 godina

look at a couple of these albanians pretending to be serbs on here ...greeks and serbs are united...you albanians have no friends and now your america is telling you to smarten up...lol...


pre 7 godina

On the other hand,Greece and our brothers in Cyprus have been resisting all kinds of pressures from the EU ,Nato and the US and still refuse to recognise the fake province of Kosovo.
(Leonidas, 22 January 2018 17:22) # Comment link

Thank God for the Greeks who stood up against tyranny and barbarity against NATO and it US proxies illegally bombing Yugoslavia against the UN Charter and Helsinki accords. Where is the condemnation against Turkey which has invaded Syria , the world Idly watches bye as its back to the law of the jungle.

SerbIan gangster

pre 7 godina

The biggest nonsense are in the comments from my fellow serbian compatriots like Ari Gold and Dragoljub Djurkovic as they still always believe that greeks are our brothers which is not true. In fact Greece backstab serbia over kosovo and let NATO troops to bomb Serbia. We must support our Slavic Macedonian brothers and let the gayreeks rot in hell. Serbia support Macedonia. Screw Greece!!!

Hank the Tank

pre 7 godina

Serbian gangster

Only a gangster would write what you wrote. Macedonians are backstabers. Id support Greece before FYROM any day of the week. Besides soon FYROM will become eastern Albania so who gives a crap about what namn they refere to themselves.

Sasa from near Jagodina

pre 7 godina

In fact Greece backstab serbia over kosovo and let NATO troops to bomb Serbia. We must support our Slavic Macedonian brothers and let the gayreeks rot in hell. Serbia support Macedonia. Screw Greece!!!
(SerbIan gangster,

I am certain you’re one of those Albanians/Fyromians with the multiple facets posing as a Serb but let me dispel your lies.
In 1999, Greece was the only Nato member who opposed the bombing of Serbia and refused to take part in the subsequent Nato operations.In 2008 Greece approved EULEX and KFOR and is still actively participating in those bodies. Any Serbian Orthodox Church that is still standing is because of the Greeks .Any Serbian monument in the area that is still up is because of the Greeks,Kossovo Serbs will testify to that.
Finally,when you say ” we must support our Slavic Macedonian brothers” do you mean those living in Fyrom are Slavs? What kind of brother are they when they stabbed you in the back by recognising the illegal theft of Kosovo and by continuing to support its entry to all international bodies? On the other hand,Greece and our brothers in Cyprus have been resisting all kinds of pressures from the EU ,Nato and the US and still refuse to recognise the fake province of Kosovo.
(Leonidas, 22 January 2018 17:22) # Comment

Very well written Leonidas ,very true ))
We Serbs have never been to war with Greece .Greece have always did their best to support us and way they can .


pre 7 godina

“Macedonia “ must change its name to reflect the ethnic composition of its inhabitants.

40% Indigenous ethnic Shqiptare
40% ethnic Bulgarians 🇧🇬
20% mixed muts

If Greeks had any sense in their heads they could easily eliminate 40% of the name problem!

Dragoljub Djurkovic

pre 7 godina

The biggest nonsense are in the comments from my fellow serbian compatriots like Ari Gold and Dragoljub Djurkovic as they still always believe that greeks are our brothers which is not true. In fact Greece backstab serbia over kosovo and let NATO troops to bomb Serbia. ???

So how about Romania, how many USA NATO sorties taking off from the Timosara airport in 1999 to murder Civilian Srbija and Eastern Orthodox Christianity in Kosovo ??? Oh lets go back a little further to World War Two, how about the Romanians who wore Nazi uniforms, how many poor Serbian people murdered in the name of Hitler ??? Hey man it's OK, I don't hate Romania, war is war and Romania is very much in love with Hitler but that is how they are until some thing better comes up for them but in reality it never will !!!


pre 7 godina

Strasno. Stvarno ne mogu i ne hocu da poverujem da u Srbiji postoji ljudi koji ovako misle za mene, moji narod i Makedoniji. Zar stvarno? Zalosno ljudi, posle svega.
(Ivo Trajkovski, 22 January 2018 22:23)
How many times does FYROM have to back stab Serbs in order for you not to be surprised?
What has FYROM done for Serbia? What has FYROM done against Serbia? That should be a huge clue for you.


pre 7 godina

the Greeks in and around Pella like Mitch below came during the population exchange in the early 1900's from Turkey.That Pontion now thinks he's related to Alexander the Great and telling the Macedonians

History is not based on farting from Skopje but on historiography and archaeology amongst others.Unfortunately,you and your Slavo-Bulgarian friends have nothing else to say but to repeat the Gruevskian Communist lies,kitch statues,DNA myths and anti-Greek propaganda.As for Turkish origins why don’t we see what Mehmet Inbasi –Turkish Ottoman Historian had to say about Skopje under the Ottomans.”The city of Skopje was subjected to a systematic settlement of Turkic Anatolian settlers after the conquest. Such places as Serez,Babadag,Elbasan,Bitola and Skopje had been rearranged by the uc-begis in such way to be new Turkish cities”.There was also intense Albanian colonization which started after the defeat of the Austro-Hungarian empire by the ottomans and continued throughout the first half of the 19th century.As to your assertion that the Greek Macedonians came from Turkey a good look at the Ottoman census of 1904 ,1908 and 1911 will show you that the Greek population were the majority in Macedonia.I will leave you with a quote from E.Borza,Macedonian Redux p260.“Modern Slav-Bulgarian from Fyrom cannot establish a link with antiquity,in contrast with the Greeks.They entered the Balkans ten centuries after the demise of the ancient kingdom”.

USA Stands With Albanians

pre 7 godina

I do think the real Macedonians are Greek, but Greeks are total and utter losers. For a country that invented Democracy it’s pathetic that they are literally a bankrupt country now. Germany owns them. 400,000 people turn out to protest a name, yet they are bankrupt and there are zero jobs! Instead of protesting against the government and their corrupt politicians they protest against a word. Pathetic.


pre 7 godina

Someone explain to me what evidence is there that this region has a right to the name Macedonia? The language is not ancient Macedonian, and indigenous population (excluding those with Slavic DNA (I2a and R1A)), used to speak a cross between latin/aromanian. More importantly, the region was forcefully incorporated into the Kingdom of Macedonia. Prior it was known to be a multiethnic area with illyrians/paeonians/dardanians/thracians etc. I understand my Slavic brothers there have a complex and want to be known as sons of the 'greatest' gay conqueror Alexsander the Great, but facts are facts. The state is composed of mostly indigenous peoples that either blended with the 20% Slavs that came there (mostly from Ukraine/Belorusija area), illyrians and aromanians (who are most made up of EV13, RIB, J2 haplogroups).

I recommend the area be renamed to either Vardarija or Paeonija. Case closed.


pre 7 godina

Ari Gold

You keep going on about the 'NATO Aggression'.

What about the 'Serb Aggressions' that provoked the rest of the world to be thoroughly fed up with Milosevic and his Aggressive policies? Or are you stupid enough to think that Milosevic was a saint?


pre 7 godina

LOL the Greeks always said ancient Macedonians were barbarians and had nothing to do with Greeks or their culture. It's like Croatians claiming Serbian is a Croatian name and culture ya rite.


pre 7 godina

what is the problem if they want to put the name Macedonia ?

i don`t say special for arguee with Ari_Gold i will commented this anywya

SCREW THE GREEKS with their demands

and dear Ari_Gold Greece don`t have economical problems if i was a MACEDONIAN i would said many bad words to ari_gold + to greeks + to anyone who have a problem with the name

I wrote to our Charaiman Liviu Dragnea to rename a city from Romania in Macedonia other one in Athens to see what will say the Greeks

In Macedonia are a lot of Albanians and Aromanians as for Aromanians unofficial acording to our Romanian sources 5% of populations are Aromanians and 10% mixed official Aromanians are only 9000 people real are 100k

This comment have nothing to do with other comments or with ari gold actualy i even don`t really know who he is or not SCREW THE GREEKS , GO TO HELL THE GREEKS


pre 7 godina

Precisely due to economic hardship people find meaning in causing pain to someone else for something meaningless.

Its a name of a country and these areas have had many names in past, but when you are in pain you go protest something that effects you 0.

Any name used nothing changes, also what is to stop Macedonia to change name after they join Nato and Eu nothing what will happen send protest note.

Alexandar Tsar Makedonski

pre 7 godina


When King Otto combined all the Albanians, Vlach's, Slavs, Gypsies, Turks , he gave you a new identity in 1832! You first ruler was not even a Greek like your subsequent Albanian rulers.

What is a modern Greek because you go to a Western country you'd get confused for a Turk or a Leb so do not start throwing identities at Macedonians when yours is questionable. See how easy it is today to get into Greece by boat? What's not to say this happened hundreds and thousands of years. Maybe check your DNA.

The Ottomans had the Parthenon as your harem for 400 years making future Greek babies and the Greeks in and around Pella like Mitch below came during the population exchange in the early 1900's from Turkey. That Pontion now thinks he's related to Alexander the Great and telling the Macedonians living on that land for thousands of years that they're not Macedonian


pre 7 godina

Who is more fake than Greece?
Europe’s longest life support country 😢

Had it not been for Greece(the scapegoat)German and French banks would've gone to the wall.The bailouts were designed to save their own skin not Greece.


pre 7 godina

You really have big chip there don't you
By the way Serbs are well integrated in Macedonian society and that once Serbian runaway priest is safe and well he ain't in prison you really fall for it didn't you
Now go buddy up with the Greek nationalists and support one nation
(Sam, 23 January 2018 16:11)
Thanks for the permission.
I already support Pauline Hanson and One Nation and proud of it.
When the war in Yugoslavia broke out Greeks supported us and came out to march with us.
Macs supported the Croatians and Bosnian Muslims and came out to march with them waving their flags.
I would have to have rocks in my head to support you guys over Greeks. You showed us that you are our enemies while the Greeks showed us that they are our friends.
Maybe you should've extended a hand of friendship when we needed it. Now we don't. So yep, it is a huge chip on my shoulder.

BTW, were you part of the march waving your flag supporting your Croatian and Bosnian brothers?


pre 7 godina

I am certain you’re one of those Albanians/Fyromians with the multiple facets posing as a Serb but let me dispel your lies.

(Leonidas, 22 January 2018 17:22)
You know that Serbia STILL recognize Macedonia as The Republic of Macedonia and not as FYROM, right?
Or was it Albanians with multiple faces posing as Government of Serbia?

But you are right? You were all the time best friends will Mladic, Arkan, Milosevic, Karadzic. Very noble friends.


pre 7 godina

The “Macedonians” will cease to exist by 2050. Why you ask ? They have no heart and they are certainly not brave. There used to be a saying in Australia during the Tito era. ( Makedonci imaju jednu manu, neznaju na koju cu stranu )

Macedonia Was Greek, Not Slavic.

pre 7 godina

Macedonia was always Greek and the Macedonians spoke Greek. Slavs in the area have always tried to attach their names to various ancient people’s in the region. The Bulgarians used to say they were a mix of Turkic speaking Bulgars and Thracians, The Croats and Bosniaks were very vocal about their supposed Illyrian heritage and now the Slavs in Skopje claim they are Macedonians. Why not just be Slavic and proud of that. No matter what my feelings towards Serbian politics are, the Serbs are very true to their identity and are very proud of their Slavic heritage. Every skeleton found that predates the Slavic arrivals in the Balkans always shares a genetic composition with that of Greeks, Albanians and Romanians. The past is long gone, dead and buried so why not focus on a brighter more unified future that benefits us all.


pre 7 godina


(Alexandar Tsar Makedonski, 23 January 2018 15:12
Interesting. So why do you need Greeks to decipher what is written on the relics?


pre 7 godina

And if Greece and Serbia are friends none of this means Greeks can do whatever they want to other countries

I have to say someting to Ari Gold + to Croats + to others who visited Romania and in special Bucharest and they say is ugly

Here are the facts => BEFORE WE HAD NOTHING , Ceausescu created a city , a functional city , before people lived in Favela as in Brazil .

I would like to ask Serbs someting WHY ZAGREB is more big than BELGRADE ? just look on google map and Zagreb look more big than Belgrade + it have lower population than Belgrade

Zagreb look on map more big even than Bucharest

Azir is not Albanian

pre 7 godina

Azir exists only in the mind of one insipid troll Danilo Jurisich.

He created Azir, his imaginary evil Albanian friend, to exaggerate and offend.

Make-believe Azir is not his only bogus nationalistic companion.

This troll derives pleasure by promoting inter-ethnic hatred on B92.


pre 7 godina

Since the Slavs of FYROM insist on defying not only the overwhelming evidence coming from Ancient Literary and Archaeological sources but also Common Sense, i have a simple Quiz for them.

During CLASSICAL GREECE (5th to 4th centuries BC – i.e. from the fall of the Athenian tyranny in 510 BC to the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC),

…Can anyone find me even One (1) NON-GREEK ancient people who applied ALL the following attributes of the ancient Macedonians and the rest of Greeks?

1. A Non-Greek people identifying themselves as Greeks.
2. A Non-Greek people considered by others as Greeks.
3. A Non-Greek people having Greek Names.
4. A Non-Greek people speaking Greek language.
5. A Non-Greek people sharing the same religion as Greeks
6. A Non-Greek people having the same heroes as Greeks
7. A Non-Greek people having the same myths as Greeks
8. A Non-Greek people spreading everywhere Greek Language and Culture,
9. A Non-Greek people building Greek cities,
10. A Non-Greek people participating in Pan-Hellenic Games,
11. A Non-Greek people participating in Amphictionies.
12. A Non-Greek peope using the same architecture as Greeks

All these above characteristics were attributed ONLY to Greek people. If FYROM’s Slavs claim that ancient Macedonians were allegedly NOT Greeks, then find us a non-Greek people who shared ALL these characteristics of the Macedonians and the rest of Greeks during Classical Greece


pre 7 godina

Greek history was and is a fiction, more than I learn about it more it is fairy tale.
Sorry nothing against Greeks! They are good on marking stories.

Greek history is build in fairy tales like Herkules/ Troy/ Human Gods/ and Europe made a Greek myth on that.
Is like making a history about Snow White, or Shrek or 'beauty and the beast" and then convince people that they were true.
Romans invaded half of Europe and Asia so what?
If it wasn't for Alexander the Great - Greece will not give a f.. about Macedonia.
But such a hypocrisy is not acceptable.
They say Macedonia was Greek before that was invaded from Slavs? Good so was Kosovo before that Serbs invade it.
Well I even pity Fyroms. They are Albanians and Bulgarians "jailed" to stay in another country by the mistake of Europe.
While Albanians have a strong identity and their language - Fryrom is a dialect of Bulgarian, and they don't know who they are..Ehhh.. ehhh..
Greece accepted it once during Jugoslavia - and now should shshhhh.. is to late.
EU is unfair - Greece is pressuring Macedonia and that's not fair because they aren't in the same possition.
Well the people of Macedonia decide in my opinion not Greeks.
Is just my op.


pre 7 godina

Clearly this is heading as the most commented Topic
all Greek and Serb Ultra-Nationalist Internet Warriors
together in union
(Sam, 23 January 2018 11:21)
If it's getting a little too much for you, I suggest stay away.


pre 7 godina

FYROM (Vardaska) 50 years old Slavic country have borders with Greece 4000+ years of Glorious and Proud history...we understand how much it hurts them


pre 7 godina

Long live Serbian Macedonian brotherhood.
Slavic power worldwide.
(Nikola Jovanović, 23 January 2018 10:50)
Whatever you say, Nikola Jovanovski.
BTW, how has FYROM shown friendship to Serbia? Going to let our bishop out of jail?


pre 7 godina

Greeks you cannot have it both ways.You support some slavic people(serbs) that showed up in the Balkans in the 7th century to have the right and lay claim on land and names while at the same time protest some other slavic people (macedonians) not have that right. All slavic people in the Balkans are invaders.


pre 7 godina

Greeks were for Serbia because they hate Usa

when Usa visited Greece they were so violent on streets

I think the Americans gave a lesson to the Greeks

Ivo Trajkovski

pre 7 godina

Strasno. Stvarno ne mogu i ne hocu da poverujem da u Srbiji postoji ljudi koji ovako misle za mene, moji narod i Makedoniji. Zar stvarno? Zalosno ljudi, posle svega.


pre 7 godina

A great display of Chauvinism, intolerance and hatred in Europe
keep up the good work the Western Press is presenting the Greeks as ugly racist and we dont need to do a thing to encourage them
Serbs can if they like that is why you lost Kososvo

Alexandar Tsar Makedonski

pre 7 godina

Macedonia will always be ours to the Macedonian people we will never change our name the whole world knows us as Macedonians u Greeks are brainwashed and confused your making things worse that they are in reality. FREE TO AEGEAN MACEDONIA FROM GREEK OPPRESSION.


pre 7 godina

can i ask you what the macs done to you.


That's a very stupid question.Our former leaders sacrified their friendship with Greece and recignised you with your constitutional name which they shouldnt have done.The mac iscariotes sold us out for 30 silver by recognising kosovo.I just wished that Vucic grew a pair and did the right thing by annuling your recognition.Eye to eye and tooth to tooth,thats the language Bulgars understand.

Lerin e moj grad!

pre 7 godina

What I cannot comprehend with the Greek theory that we are Slavs and we arrived in the 6th Century AD.

I agree, Macedonians are a mixture of Slavs and Ancient Macedonians...but Slavic Tribes went as far as the Peloponnese.

So my question is how can Greeks claim pure Greek ethnicity when half are Slavs themselves and the other half came as Turkish/Georgian/Egyptian migrants in 1922 as part of a population exchange?

No one in the balkans can claim a pure ethnic bloodline.

The Republic of Macedonia has negotiated their name...its called the Republic of Macedonia...If the Greeks want to negotiate a name...let them call themselves Greek Macedonia...because a Pontian Christian Turk has less right of a right to call themselves Macedonians then to those born in the Republic of Macedonia!!!!


pre 7 godina

Greek far right burn squats, vandalise Holocaust statue



pre 7 godina

Hardly I am loving it
and by the way your Serbian Priest is in Jail still
(Sam, 23 January 2018 12:47)
So then don't expect any compassion from us.
You shot yourselves in the foot.

Alexandar Tsar Makedonski

pre 7 godina


Nikola Jovanović

pre 7 godina

Dear Macedonian brothers ignore those stupid illiterate brainwashed serbian trolls cos they represent their opinions not other serbs who always ate in your side. Serbia recognized FYROM as Republic of Macedonia so the story ends here. Leonidas you're a greek moron with identity crisis. Long live Serbian Macedonian brotherhood.
Slavic power worldwide.

Nikola Jovanović

pre 7 godina

macedonia is greek not these fakes....serbia supports the greeks 100%
(serbian-greek brotherhood, 22 January 2018 20:39)

Please do not talk in the names of other Serbs coz we don't share the same view about Macedonia's name dispute unless you are a greek with fake nickname.


pre 7 godina

hardly i am loving it.

You will love it even better when the albos bent you over greek style.Do not come to serbs for any help cos you aint gonna get it.
You're a nation of traitors and you'll get your deserved treatment.It wont be long before you start speaking albanian.


pre 7 godina

BTW, how has FYROM shown friendship to Serbia? Going to let our bishop out of jail?
(Peggy, 23 January 2018 12:33)

Macedonia has not imprisoned Serbia's bishop, dear. That's just a dream of yours that you are confusing with reality!


pre 7 godina

You really have big chip there don't you
By the way Serbs are well integrated in Macedonian society and that once Serbian runaway priest is safe and well he ain't in prison you really fall for it didn't you
Now go buddy up with the Greek nationalists and support one nation


pre 7 godina

thanks Nikola Jovanović for the support but sadly there are more Serbs on the Greek bandwagon then friends here
Look at the elite three Madam Peggy, Zoran somebody and Chitown its like they have been all bent over so far they can't even look up anymore


pre 7 godina

mark the deal with Greeks is they think they are special they believe they are the literal continuation of the ancients
and that they are 100% homogenous meaning everyone and everything is Greek we all know that is complete BS

The Greek Govt makes up Greek Identity from thin air it happened in 1991 “Greek and Greek-Macedonian” became the new thing
and they have the audacity to attack the Macedonians and throw the Slav card like freaking Parrots

Alexandar Tsar Makedonski

pre 7 godina

Republic of Macedonia is constitutional name and state that there is no chance, it is impossible not laugh, nor under any particular conditions change, it is the name of a product, it is the name of the state. The Constitution of the United Nations clearly states that a country has willingly do as they wished to be appointed and no country must not, that right to contest. so if Greece wants to change the names of countries, so let us start from own name.!!!
The Greek-Arvanti-Vlak-Pontos Macedonian

The Macedonian territory was officially occupied by Greece since 1913 with the Treaty of Bucharest after a 30-year manipulation with the English and the French help. Then the Balkan wars and the First World War helped the insertion of the Greek factor jn Macedonia, the population exchanges and the after World War II (civil war brought) led to the expulsion of 100,000 (Slavic) Macedonians. Today in Macedonia, 1/4 of the population has origins from Aegean Macedonia. There is not an ethnographic map from 1860 to 1912 that has more than 10% of the Greek population in Macedonia. The rest are: 20% arvanti-rom-vlaki-bulgari, 20% turkish, 50% slavophone (Serbian population for Serbs, Bulgarian for Bulgarians, while alone and without Western manipulation the population called itself Macedonian). I do not know what is not clear ???


pre 7 godina

If it's getting a little too much for you, I suggest stay away.

Hardly I am loving it
and by the way your Serbian Priest is in Jail still


pre 7 godina

I think in Bucharest we overtook the level of life from Greece and the Greek people after we got Bucharest handicap pensions + most of people have income from rent flats to . For example from 2018 me family have income 1200 euro per month and we can buy each month someting that worth 400-500 euro .

What is interesting and i think fake is that in statistic average income per family in Romania is 800 euro and that is impossible almost 50% of Romania are villages + North Romania cities are very poor

Anyway in Bucharest we overtook Greece if even me family considered poor one + i have no job + me mom never worked and we have 1200 euro through in summer 2016 we had 600 euro .

Bucharest is more rich than Athens

I had read that in Serbia average income per family is 520 euro and i can`t belive this is impossible . Serbia not have so many villages and poor cities as Romania

I think Romania and Serbia are similar but Bucharest is more rich than Belgrade + whole Greece including Athens


pre 7 godina

can I ask you what have the Maks done to you
Macedonians speak Albanian they have for years in government, institutions and the media
Albanian is an official language in Macedonia and has been for 10 years
Whilst Albanins understand more so that speaking Macedonian the majority lauange is just as important


pre 7 godina

Look you can play a victim and blame Macedonia all you want
I for one think you use Macedonia as a Scapegoat stop that that is pretty dump not my question of you


pre 7 godina

Greece is bullying Nacedonia for its name over some warrior or nowadays the appropriate word would be a terrorist who've killed a lot of people in order to change the borders. If someone nowadays tries to change the borders it wouldn't be called a warrior and something you want to be proud of, but a fascist, a terrorist or a nazi. Good, you are both fighting who should be proud of the killer. What a world we live in. Look for the future not in the past. What the past gives you? Stones and ruins and not a better life, jobs...After all, nobody cares what happened 2,000 years ago. Let's make the world a better place.


pre 7 godina

I have never marched in a rally ever for somebody else I am free do you know what they means
(Sam, 25 January 2018 03:10)
Good for you but many of your brethren did and showed us what you think of us.
I don't live in the past but I have learned from the past.
If you forget history, you will be forced to relive it.

Alexandar Tsar Makedonski

pre 7 godina

Greek Orator:
"For if any non-Greek power, whether Persian or Macedonian, were to achieve world dominion, the typical form of the Greek state would suffer death and destruction." [p.188]


Alexandar Tsar Makedonski

pre 7 godina

The people who live in the Republic of Macedonia are Macedonians.




pre 7 godina

Peggy just what have you learnt from the past then
that you still hold to it good grief the contradiction hey
(Sam, 25 January 2018 21:41)
I've learned that you people cannot be trusted and are not our friends.
I have stated that more than once. How did you miss it?
Do you want me to forget that and give you a clean slate?


pre 7 godina


yep you said at least you have vented but it aint going to change a thing that you hold on to the past and always will be a prisoner its up you you to discover it
just stop blaming the Macedonians ok I ant going to hear you
be miserable and lost as long as you want to be
that is what makes Nationalism so potent and enduring

I have never marched in a rally ever for somebody else I am free do you know what they means

SerbIan gangster

pre 7 godina

The biggest nonsense are in the comments from my fellow serbian compatriots like Ari Gold and Dragoljub Djurkovic as they still always believe that greeks are our brothers which is not true. In fact Greece backstab serbia over kosovo and let NATO troops to bomb Serbia. We must support our Slavic Macedonian brothers and let the gayreeks rot in hell. Serbia support Macedonia. Screw Greece!!!

Ari Gold

pre 7 godina

Full support for Greece over this issue. Also, Serbs take notes. 100,000 take to the streets over a national identity issue in Greece despite economic hardships in the country. That's how a nation shows it is alive. Much respect!

FYROmians are good people. But they should stop trying to steal Greek identity.

My solution for the name issue which will most accuratley reflect history is "Former Yugoslav Republic of Old Serbia".


pre 7 godina

“Macedonia “ must change its name to reflect the ethnic composition of its inhabitants.

40% Indigenous ethnic Shqiptare
40% ethnic Bulgarians 🇧🇬
20% mixed muts

If Greeks had any sense in their heads they could easily eliminate 40% of the name problem!


pre 7 godina

100,000 take to the streets over a national identity issue in Greece despite economic hardships in the country. That's how a nation shows it is alive.
(Ari Gold, 22 January 2018 10:21)

Dear, you did not read the news story. According to the news story, these 100000 people took to the streets over another country's name, not a national identity issue in Greece. That's not how a nation shows that it is alive; that's how a nation like Greece shows that it has, at least, 100000 people who are brainwashed to participate in such an idiotic protest, instead of protesting about the economic hardships in the country!


pre 7 godina

what is the problem if they want to put the name Macedonia ?

i don`t say special for arguee with Ari_Gold i will commented this anywya

SCREW THE GREEKS with their demands

and dear Ari_Gold Greece don`t have economical problems if i was a MACEDONIAN i would said many bad words to ari_gold + to greeks + to anyone who have a problem with the name

I wrote to our Charaiman Liviu Dragnea to rename a city from Romania in Macedonia other one in Athens to see what will say the Greeks

In Macedonia are a lot of Albanians and Aromanians as for Aromanians unofficial acording to our Romanian sources 5% of populations are Aromanians and 10% mixed official Aromanians are only 9000 people real are 100k

This comment have nothing to do with other comments or with ari gold actualy i even don`t really know who he is or not SCREW THE GREEKS , GO TO HELL THE GREEKS


pre 7 godina

Greek history was and is a fiction, more than I learn about it more it is fairy tale.
Sorry nothing against Greeks! They are good on marking stories.

Greek history is build in fairy tales like Herkules/ Troy/ Human Gods/ and Europe made a Greek myth on that.
Is like making a history about Snow White, or Shrek or 'beauty and the beast" and then convince people that they were true.
Romans invaded half of Europe and Asia so what?
If it wasn't for Alexander the Great - Greece will not give a f.. about Macedonia.
But such a hypocrisy is not acceptable.
They say Macedonia was Greek before that was invaded from Slavs? Good so was Kosovo before that Serbs invade it.
Well I even pity Fyroms. They are Albanians and Bulgarians "jailed" to stay in another country by the mistake of Europe.
While Albanians have a strong identity and their language - Fryrom is a dialect of Bulgarian, and they don't know who they are..Ehhh.. ehhh..
Greece accepted it once during Jugoslavia - and now should shshhhh.. is to late.
EU is unfair - Greece is pressuring Macedonia and that's not fair because they aren't in the same possition.
Well the people of Macedonia decide in my opinion not Greeks.
Is just my op.


pre 7 godina

In fact Greece backstab serbia over kosovo and let NATO troops to bomb Serbia. We must support our Slavic Macedonian brothers and let the gayreeks rot in hell. Serbia support Macedonia. Screw Greece!!!
(SerbIan gangster,

I am certain you’re one of those Albanians/Fyromians with the multiple facets posing as a Serb but let me dispel your lies.
In 1999, Greece was the only Nato member who opposed the bombing of Serbia and refused to take part in the subsequent Nato operations.In 2008 Greece approved EULEX and KFOR and is still actively participating in those bodies. Any Serbian Orthodox Church that is still standing is because of the Greeks .Any Serbian monument in the area that is still up is because of the Greeks,Kossovo Serbs will testify to that.
Finally,when you say ” we must support our Slavic Macedonian brothers” do you mean those living in Fyrom are Slavs? What kind of brother are they when they stabbed you in the back by recognising the illegal theft of Kosovo and by continuing to support its entry to all international bodies? On the other hand,Greece and our brothers in Cyprus have been resisting all kinds of pressures from the EU ,Nato and the US and still refuse to recognise the fake province of Kosovo.

Alexandar Tsar Makedonski

pre 7 godina


When King Otto combined all the Albanians, Vlach's, Slavs, Gypsies, Turks , he gave you a new identity in 1832! You first ruler was not even a Greek like your subsequent Albanian rulers.

What is a modern Greek because you go to a Western country you'd get confused for a Turk or a Leb so do not start throwing identities at Macedonians when yours is questionable. See how easy it is today to get into Greece by boat? What's not to say this happened hundreds and thousands of years. Maybe check your DNA.

The Ottomans had the Parthenon as your harem for 400 years making future Greek babies and the Greeks in and around Pella like Mitch below came during the population exchange in the early 1900's from Turkey. That Pontion now thinks he's related to Alexander the Great and telling the Macedonians living on that land for thousands of years that they're not Macedonian

Nikola Jovanović

pre 7 godina

Dear Macedonian brothers ignore those stupid illiterate brainwashed serbian trolls cos they represent their opinions not other serbs who always ate in your side. Serbia recognized FYROM as Republic of Macedonia so the story ends here. Leonidas you're a greek moron with identity crisis. Long live Serbian Macedonian brotherhood.
Slavic power worldwide.

Dragoljub Djurkovic

pre 7 godina

(adrian_bucharest, 22 January 2018 11:45) # Comment link

Hey Adrian, screw you !!! Romania is Hitler's puppet !!!

Greece and Srbija FRIENDS FOR EVER !!!

Regarding Makedonija, how about renaming it a more proper name like Kukavice or Izdajice ???

Ari Gold

pre 7 godina

The biggest nonsense are in the comments from my fellow serbian compatriots like Ari Gold and Dragoljub Djurkovic as they still always believe that greeks are our brothers which is not true. In fact Greece backstab serbia over kosovo and let NATO troops to bomb Serbia.
(SerbIan gangster, 22 January 2018 14:41)

Given your username, I very much doubt you were even born yet during the 1999 NATO aggression. You are very obviously a confused, ill-informed child but I'll bite anyway.

Greece helped Serbia more than any other country in the world during NATO aggression. As a NATO member: they did not allow NATO planes to use its territory for aggression, thousands of people took to the streets protesting the aggression, Greek humanitarian workers would cause headaches for NATO because they would always show up in the most heavily bombarded areas to give assistance many Greeks fought fought in Bosnia and Kosovo-Metohija during the wars on the Serbian side.

Sadly, Serbia has not been a good ally to Serbia back. Recognizing FYROM as "Macedonia" was a shameful, embarrassing mistake. Also, FYROM despite not being a NATO country, gladly allowed NATO to use its territory for committing aggression against Serbia. Again, many people in FYROM were against this. But their support was maybe 1/10th of Greeks.

Also, above everything else, they are RIGHT on this issue. Macedonia IS Greek.

serb- greek supporter

pre 7 godina

look at a couple of these albanians pretending to be serbs on here ...greeks and serbs are united...you albanians have no friends and now your america is telling you to smarten up...lol...

Sasa from near Jagodina

pre 7 godina

In fact Greece backstab serbia over kosovo and let NATO troops to bomb Serbia. We must support our Slavic Macedonian brothers and let the gayreeks rot in hell. Serbia support Macedonia. Screw Greece!!!
(SerbIan gangster,

I am certain you’re one of those Albanians/Fyromians with the multiple facets posing as a Serb but let me dispel your lies.
In 1999, Greece was the only Nato member who opposed the bombing of Serbia and refused to take part in the subsequent Nato operations.In 2008 Greece approved EULEX and KFOR and is still actively participating in those bodies. Any Serbian Orthodox Church that is still standing is because of the Greeks .Any Serbian monument in the area that is still up is because of the Greeks,Kossovo Serbs will testify to that.
Finally,when you say ” we must support our Slavic Macedonian brothers” do you mean those living in Fyrom are Slavs? What kind of brother are they when they stabbed you in the back by recognising the illegal theft of Kosovo and by continuing to support its entry to all international bodies? On the other hand,Greece and our brothers in Cyprus have been resisting all kinds of pressures from the EU ,Nato and the US and still refuse to recognise the fake province of Kosovo.
(Leonidas, 22 January 2018 17:22) # Comment

Very well written Leonidas ,very true ))
We Serbs have never been to war with Greece .Greece have always did their best to support us and way they can .

Bulgar Of Ohrid

pre 7 godina

Ari Gold, 22 January 2018 10:21) 

Mate how about we call it south western province oc Bulgaria..

We have never called ourselves serbs with the exception og a few northern towns


pre 7 godina

Greeks you cannot have it both ways.You support some slavic people(serbs) that showed up in the Balkans in the 7th century to have the right and lay claim on land and names while at the same time protest some other slavic people (macedonians) not have that right. All slavic people in the Balkans are invaders.


pre 7 godina


Bad enough that we put up with your mumble gdp rap on a daily basis now you started dealing with issues which make you look like the village idiot.If i were you i would probably look at the issues that romanian beggars and prostitutes are facing in EU countries.

Serbs and Greeks have always been brothers and nothing can change that.

Dragoljub Djurkovic

pre 7 godina

The biggest nonsense are in the comments from my fellow serbian compatriots like Ari Gold and Dragoljub Djurkovic as they still always believe that greeks are our brothers which is not true. In fact Greece backstab serbia over kosovo and let NATO troops to bomb Serbia. ???

So how about Romania, how many USA NATO sorties taking off from the Timosara airport in 1999 to murder Civilian Srbija and Eastern Orthodox Christianity in Kosovo ??? Oh lets go back a little further to World War Two, how about the Romanians who wore Nazi uniforms, how many poor Serbian people murdered in the name of Hitler ??? Hey man it's OK, I don't hate Romania, war is war and Romania is very much in love with Hitler but that is how they are until some thing better comes up for them but in reality it never will !!!


pre 7 godina

And if Greece and Serbia are friends none of this means Greeks can do whatever they want to other countries

I have to say someting to Ari Gold + to Croats + to others who visited Romania and in special Bucharest and they say is ugly

Here are the facts => BEFORE WE HAD NOTHING , Ceausescu created a city , a functional city , before people lived in Favela as in Brazil .

I would like to ask Serbs someting WHY ZAGREB is more big than BELGRADE ? just look on google map and Zagreb look more big than Belgrade + it have lower population than Belgrade

Zagreb look on map more big even than Bucharest

USA Stands With Albanians

pre 7 godina

I do think the real Macedonians are Greek, but Greeks are total and utter losers. For a country that invented Democracy it’s pathetic that they are literally a bankrupt country now. Germany owns them. 400,000 people turn out to protest a name, yet they are bankrupt and there are zero jobs! Instead of protesting against the government and their corrupt politicians they protest against a word. Pathetic.


pre 7 godina

Ari Gold

You keep going on about the 'NATO Aggression'.

What about the 'Serb Aggressions' that provoked the rest of the world to be thoroughly fed up with Milosevic and his Aggressive policies? Or are you stupid enough to think that Milosevic was a saint?


pre 7 godina

On the other hand,Greece and our brothers in Cyprus have been resisting all kinds of pressures from the EU ,Nato and the US and still refuse to recognise the fake province of Kosovo.
(Leonidas, 22 January 2018 17:22) # Comment link

Thank God for the Greeks who stood up against tyranny and barbarity against NATO and it US proxies illegally bombing Yugoslavia against the UN Charter and Helsinki accords. Where is the condemnation against Turkey which has invaded Syria , the world Idly watches bye as its back to the law of the jungle.


pre 7 godina

Let the Serbs not forget the words of Mikis Theodorakis and the response of the Greeks during the NATO bombing! Courage!

ATHENS, Apr. 27 -

"The leaders of the NATO member-states yesterday (Sunday) signed a death
sentence for the United Nations. The United States can now, with the
connivance of the European countries, judge, sentence and punish anyone
whom they view as objecting to their designs. I do not think it an
exaggeration to say that we are about to enter another Middle Age era. So,
get a hold of warm, wool clothing, mufflers, gloves, bitter cold lies ahead.

As I have stated since the start of the raids, all that is being said about
ethnic cleansing is merely pretext. I have said that they (NATO) don't care
about dialogue and agreements; their sole aim is to turn the heretic
Yugoslavia into scorched earth. And they intend to do just that, transform
Serbia into a desert made up of dust and blood, displaying it to the next
victims, warning them 'look, this is what lies ahead if you don't succumb.'

We, the Greeks, should be proud since we were the only ones who all
together and in unison said 'NO' to barbarity. We shall stand by the
victims, by the Serbs. We want our singing today to overpower the air raid
sirens and the missile blasts. 'Belgrade, today we sing for you. We are on
your side. Be courageous, justice is on your side, and justice always
triumphs,' Theodorakis said to a thunderous cheers from his fans.


pre 7 godina

I am certain you’re one of those Albanians/Fyromians with the multiple facets posing as a Serb but let me dispel your lies.

(Leonidas, 22 January 2018 17:22)
You know that Serbia STILL recognize Macedonia as The Republic of Macedonia and not as FYROM, right?
Or was it Albanians with multiple faces posing as Government of Serbia?

But you are right? You were all the time best friends will Mladic, Arkan, Milosevic, Karadzic. Very noble friends.


pre 7 godina

LOL the Greeks always said ancient Macedonians were barbarians and had nothing to do with Greeks or their culture. It's like Croatians claiming Serbian is a Croatian name and culture ya rite.

Alexandar Tsar Makedonski

pre 7 godina


Hank the Tank

pre 7 godina

Serbian gangster

Only a gangster would write what you wrote. Macedonians are backstabers. Id support Greece before FYROM any day of the week. Besides soon FYROM will become eastern Albania so who gives a crap about what namn they refere to themselves.

Alexandar Tsar Makedonski

pre 7 godina

Macedonia will always be ours to the Macedonian people we will never change our name the whole world knows us as Macedonians u Greeks are brainwashed and confused your making things worse that they are in reality. FREE TO AEGEAN MACEDONIA FROM GREEK OPPRESSION.

Macedonia Was Greek, Not Slavic.

pre 7 godina

Macedonia was always Greek and the Macedonians spoke Greek. Slavs in the area have always tried to attach their names to various ancient people’s in the region. The Bulgarians used to say they were a mix of Turkic speaking Bulgars and Thracians, The Croats and Bosniaks were very vocal about their supposed Illyrian heritage and now the Slavs in Skopje claim they are Macedonians. Why not just be Slavic and proud of that. No matter what my feelings towards Serbian politics are, the Serbs are very true to their identity and are very proud of their Slavic heritage. Every skeleton found that predates the Slavic arrivals in the Balkans always shares a genetic composition with that of Greeks, Albanians and Romanians. The past is long gone, dead and buried so why not focus on a brighter more unified future that benefits us all.


pre 7 godina

Greeks were for Serbia because they hate Usa

when Usa visited Greece they were so violent on streets

I think the Americans gave a lesson to the Greeks

Ivo Trajkovski

pre 7 godina

Strasno. Stvarno ne mogu i ne hocu da poverujem da u Srbiji postoji ljudi koji ovako misle za mene, moji narod i Makedoniji. Zar stvarno? Zalosno ljudi, posle svega.


pre 7 godina

the Greeks in and around Pella like Mitch below came during the population exchange in the early 1900's from Turkey.That Pontion now thinks he's related to Alexander the Great and telling the Macedonians

History is not based on farting from Skopje but on historiography and archaeology amongst others.Unfortunately,you and your Slavo-Bulgarian friends have nothing else to say but to repeat the Gruevskian Communist lies,kitch statues,DNA myths and anti-Greek propaganda.As for Turkish origins why don’t we see what Mehmet Inbasi –Turkish Ottoman Historian had to say about Skopje under the Ottomans.”The city of Skopje was subjected to a systematic settlement of Turkic Anatolian settlers after the conquest. Such places as Serez,Babadag,Elbasan,Bitola and Skopje had been rearranged by the uc-begis in such way to be new Turkish cities”.There was also intense Albanian colonization which started after the defeat of the Austro-Hungarian empire by the ottomans and continued throughout the first half of the 19th century.As to your assertion that the Greek Macedonians came from Turkey a good look at the Ottoman census of 1904 ,1908 and 1911 will show you that the Greek population were the majority in Macedonia.I will leave you with a quote from E.Borza,Macedonian Redux p260.“Modern Slav-Bulgarian from Fyrom cannot establish a link with antiquity,in contrast with the Greeks.They entered the Balkans ten centuries after the demise of the ancient kingdom”.


pre 7 godina

Who is more fake than Greece?
Europe’s longest life support country 😢

Had it not been for Greece(the scapegoat)German and French banks would've gone to the wall.The bailouts were designed to save their own skin not Greece.


pre 7 godina

A great display of Chauvinism, intolerance and hatred in Europe
keep up the good work the Western Press is presenting the Greeks as ugly racist and we dont need to do a thing to encourage them
Serbs can if they like that is why you lost Kososvo


pre 7 godina

Greek far right burn squats, vandalise Holocaust statue


Nikola Jovanović

pre 7 godina

macedonia is greek not these fakes....serbia supports the greeks 100%
(serbian-greek brotherhood, 22 January 2018 20:39)

Please do not talk in the names of other Serbs coz we don't share the same view about Macedonia's name dispute unless you are a greek with fake nickname.


pre 7 godina

Precisely due to economic hardship people find meaning in causing pain to someone else for something meaningless.

Its a name of a country and these areas have had many names in past, but when you are in pain you go protest something that effects you 0.

Any name used nothing changes, also what is to stop Macedonia to change name after they join Nato and Eu nothing what will happen send protest note.

Azir is not Albanian

pre 7 godina

Azir exists only in the mind of one insipid troll Danilo Jurisich.

He created Azir, his imaginary evil Albanian friend, to exaggerate and offend.

Make-believe Azir is not his only bogus nationalistic companion.

This troll derives pleasure by promoting inter-ethnic hatred on B92.


pre 7 godina

Strasno. Stvarno ne mogu i ne hocu da poverujem da u Srbiji postoji ljudi koji ovako misle za mene, moji narod i Makedoniji. Zar stvarno? Zalosno ljudi, posle svega.
(Ivo Trajkovski, 22 January 2018 22:23)
How many times does FYROM have to back stab Serbs in order for you not to be surprised?
What has FYROM done for Serbia? What has FYROM done against Serbia? That should be a huge clue for you.


pre 7 godina

If it's getting a little too much for you, I suggest stay away.

Hardly I am loving it
and by the way your Serbian Priest is in Jail still

Alexandar Tsar Makedonski

pre 7 godina

The people who live in the Republic of Macedonia are Macedonians.



Alexandar Tsar Makedonski

pre 7 godina

Republic of Macedonia is constitutional name and state that there is no chance, it is impossible not laugh, nor under any particular conditions change, it is the name of a product, it is the name of the state. The Constitution of the United Nations clearly states that a country has willingly do as they wished to be appointed and no country must not, that right to contest. so if Greece wants to change the names of countries, so let us start from own name.!!!
The Greek-Arvanti-Vlak-Pontos Macedonian

The Macedonian territory was officially occupied by Greece since 1913 with the Treaty of Bucharest after a 30-year manipulation with the English and the French help. Then the Balkan wars and the First World War helped the insertion of the Greek factor jn Macedonia, the population exchanges and the after World War II (civil war brought) led to the expulsion of 100,000 (Slavic) Macedonians. Today in Macedonia, 1/4 of the population has origins from Aegean Macedonia. There is not an ethnographic map from 1860 to 1912 that has more than 10% of the Greek population in Macedonia. The rest are: 20% arvanti-rom-vlaki-bulgari, 20% turkish, 50% slavophone (Serbian population for Serbs, Bulgarian for Bulgarians, while alone and without Western manipulation the population called itself Macedonian). I do not know what is not clear ???


pre 7 godina

Clearly this is heading as the most commented Topic
all Greek and Serb Ultra-Nationalist Internet Warriors
together in union
(Sam, 23 January 2018 11:21)
If it's getting a little too much for you, I suggest stay away.


pre 7 godina

I think in Bucharest we overtook the level of life from Greece and the Greek people after we got Bucharest handicap pensions + most of people have income from rent flats to . For example from 2018 me family have income 1200 euro per month and we can buy each month someting that worth 400-500 euro .

What is interesting and i think fake is that in statistic average income per family in Romania is 800 euro and that is impossible almost 50% of Romania are villages + North Romania cities are very poor

Anyway in Bucharest we overtook Greece if even me family considered poor one + i have no job + me mom never worked and we have 1200 euro through in summer 2016 we had 600 euro .

Bucharest is more rich than Athens

I had read that in Serbia average income per family is 520 euro and i can`t belive this is impossible . Serbia not have so many villages and poor cities as Romania

I think Romania and Serbia are similar but Bucharest is more rich than Belgrade + whole Greece including Athens


pre 7 godina

Greece is bullying Nacedonia for its name over some warrior or nowadays the appropriate word would be a terrorist who've killed a lot of people in order to change the borders. If someone nowadays tries to change the borders it wouldn't be called a warrior and something you want to be proud of, but a fascist, a terrorist or a nazi. Good, you are both fighting who should be proud of the killer. What a world we live in. Look for the future not in the past. What the past gives you? Stones and ruins and not a better life, jobs...After all, nobody cares what happened 2,000 years ago. Let's make the world a better place.


pre 7 godina

mark the deal with Greeks is they think they are special they believe they are the literal continuation of the ancients
and that they are 100% homogenous meaning everyone and everything is Greek we all know that is complete BS

The Greek Govt makes up Greek Identity from thin air it happened in 1991 “Greek and Greek-Macedonian” became the new thing
and they have the audacity to attack the Macedonians and throw the Slav card like freaking Parrots


pre 7 godina

Long live Serbian Macedonian brotherhood.
Slavic power worldwide.
(Nikola Jovanović, 23 January 2018 10:50)
Whatever you say, Nikola Jovanovski.
BTW, how has FYROM shown friendship to Serbia? Going to let our bishop out of jail?

Alexandar Tsar Makedonski

pre 7 godina

Greek Orator:
"For if any non-Greek power, whether Persian or Macedonian, were to achieve world dominion, the typical form of the Greek state would suffer death and destruction." [p.188]



pre 7 godina

BTW, how has FYROM shown friendship to Serbia? Going to let our bishop out of jail?
(Peggy, 23 January 2018 12:33)

Macedonia has not imprisoned Serbia's bishop, dear. That's just a dream of yours that you are confusing with reality!

Lerin e moj grad!

pre 7 godina

What I cannot comprehend with the Greek theory that we are Slavs and we arrived in the 6th Century AD.

I agree, Macedonians are a mixture of Slavs and Ancient Macedonians...but Slavic Tribes went as far as the Peloponnese.

So my question is how can Greeks claim pure Greek ethnicity when half are Slavs themselves and the other half came as Turkish/Georgian/Egyptian migrants in 1922 as part of a population exchange?

No one in the balkans can claim a pure ethnic bloodline.

The Republic of Macedonia has negotiated their name...its called the Republic of Macedonia...If the Greeks want to negotiate a name...let them call themselves Greek Macedonia...because a Pontian Christian Turk has less right of a right to call themselves Macedonians then to those born in the Republic of Macedonia!!!!


pre 7 godina


(Alexandar Tsar Makedonski, 23 January 2018 15:12
Interesting. So why do you need Greeks to decipher what is written on the relics?


pre 7 godina

Someone explain to me what evidence is there that this region has a right to the name Macedonia? The language is not ancient Macedonian, and indigenous population (excluding those with Slavic DNA (I2a and R1A)), used to speak a cross between latin/aromanian. More importantly, the region was forcefully incorporated into the Kingdom of Macedonia. Prior it was known to be a multiethnic area with illyrians/paeonians/dardanians/thracians etc. I understand my Slavic brothers there have a complex and want to be known as sons of the 'greatest' gay conqueror Alexsander the Great, but facts are facts. The state is composed of mostly indigenous peoples that either blended with the 20% Slavs that came there (mostly from Ukraine/Belorusija area), illyrians and aromanians (who are most made up of EV13, RIB, J2 haplogroups).

I recommend the area be renamed to either Vardarija or Paeonija. Case closed.


pre 7 godina

The “Macedonians” will cease to exist by 2050. Why you ask ? They have no heart and they are certainly not brave. There used to be a saying in Australia during the Tito era. ( Makedonci imaju jednu manu, neznaju na koju cu stranu )


pre 7 godina

FYROM (Vardaska) 50 years old Slavic country have borders with Greece 4000+ years of Glorious and Proud history...we understand how much it hurts them


pre 7 godina

Hardly I am loving it
and by the way your Serbian Priest is in Jail still
(Sam, 23 January 2018 12:47)
So then don't expect any compassion from us.
You shot yourselves in the foot.


pre 7 godina

Since the Slavs of FYROM insist on defying not only the overwhelming evidence coming from Ancient Literary and Archaeological sources but also Common Sense, i have a simple Quiz for them.

During CLASSICAL GREECE (5th to 4th centuries BC – i.e. from the fall of the Athenian tyranny in 510 BC to the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC),

…Can anyone find me even One (1) NON-GREEK ancient people who applied ALL the following attributes of the ancient Macedonians and the rest of Greeks?

1. A Non-Greek people identifying themselves as Greeks.
2. A Non-Greek people considered by others as Greeks.
3. A Non-Greek people having Greek Names.
4. A Non-Greek people speaking Greek language.
5. A Non-Greek people sharing the same religion as Greeks
6. A Non-Greek people having the same heroes as Greeks
7. A Non-Greek people having the same myths as Greeks
8. A Non-Greek people spreading everywhere Greek Language and Culture,
9. A Non-Greek people building Greek cities,
10. A Non-Greek people participating in Pan-Hellenic Games,
11. A Non-Greek people participating in Amphictionies.
12. A Non-Greek peope using the same architecture as Greeks

All these above characteristics were attributed ONLY to Greek people. If FYROM’s Slavs claim that ancient Macedonians were allegedly NOT Greeks, then find us a non-Greek people who shared ALL these characteristics of the Macedonians and the rest of Greeks during Classical Greece


pre 7 godina

You really have big chip there don't you
By the way Serbs are well integrated in Macedonian society and that once Serbian runaway priest is safe and well he ain't in prison you really fall for it didn't you
Now go buddy up with the Greek nationalists and support one nation
(Sam, 23 January 2018 16:11)
Thanks for the permission.
I already support Pauline Hanson and One Nation and proud of it.
When the war in Yugoslavia broke out Greeks supported us and came out to march with us.
Macs supported the Croatians and Bosnian Muslims and came out to march with them waving their flags.
I would have to have rocks in my head to support you guys over Greeks. You showed us that you are our enemies while the Greeks showed us that they are our friends.
Maybe you should've extended a hand of friendship when we needed it. Now we don't. So yep, it is a huge chip on my shoulder.

BTW, were you part of the march waving your flag supporting your Croatian and Bosnian brothers?


pre 7 godina

can I ask you what have the Maks done to you
Macedonians speak Albanian they have for years in government, institutions and the media
Albanian is an official language in Macedonia and has been for 10 years
Whilst Albanins understand more so that speaking Macedonian the majority lauange is just as important


pre 7 godina

You really have big chip there don't you
By the way Serbs are well integrated in Macedonian society and that once Serbian runaway priest is safe and well he ain't in prison you really fall for it didn't you
Now go buddy up with the Greek nationalists and support one nation


pre 7 godina

thanks Nikola Jovanović for the support but sadly there are more Serbs on the Greek bandwagon then friends here
Look at the elite three Madam Peggy, Zoran somebody and Chitown its like they have been all bent over so far they can't even look up anymore


pre 7 godina

hardly i am loving it.

You will love it even better when the albos bent you over greek style.Do not come to serbs for any help cos you aint gonna get it.
You're a nation of traitors and you'll get your deserved treatment.It wont be long before you start speaking albanian.


pre 7 godina

can i ask you what the macs done to you.


That's a very stupid question.Our former leaders sacrified their friendship with Greece and recignised you with your constitutional name which they shouldnt have done.The mac iscariotes sold us out for 30 silver by recognising kosovo.I just wished that Vucic grew a pair and did the right thing by annuling your recognition.Eye to eye and tooth to tooth,thats the language Bulgars understand.


pre 7 godina

Look you can play a victim and blame Macedonia all you want
I for one think you use Macedonia as a Scapegoat stop that that is pretty dump not my question of you


pre 7 godina


yep you said at least you have vented but it aint going to change a thing that you hold on to the past and always will be a prisoner its up you you to discover it
just stop blaming the Macedonians ok I ant going to hear you
be miserable and lost as long as you want to be
that is what makes Nationalism so potent and enduring

I have never marched in a rally ever for somebody else I am free do you know what they means


pre 7 godina

Peggy just what have you learnt from the past then
that you still hold to it good grief the contradiction hey
(Sam, 25 January 2018 21:41)
I've learned that you people cannot be trusted and are not our friends.
I have stated that more than once. How did you miss it?
Do you want me to forget that and give you a clean slate?


pre 7 godina

I have never marched in a rally ever for somebody else I am free do you know what they means
(Sam, 25 January 2018 03:10)
Good for you but many of your brethren did and showed us what you think of us.
I don't live in the past but I have learned from the past.
If you forget history, you will be forced to relive it.