Monday, 14.08.2017.


Kosovo and Russia are key conditions for EU - Vucic

Aleksandar Vucic says he does not share David McAllister's stance that the rule of law is the key area for Serbia's progress on the path toward EU membership.

Izvor: B92

Kosovo and Russia are key conditions for EU - Vucic IMAGE SOURCE

35 Komentari

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Golden Eagle

pre 7 godina


Keep crying you will never get Kosovo back. Get ready to loose some more territory instead. Everything "serbian" is occupied territory that never belonged to the serbs at the first place.


pre 7 godina

If the EU and NATO can't get all of their own members to recognise "Kosova"***, how on earth do they expect Serbia's recognition? They made a mess by breaking international norms, plain and simple.


pre 7 godina


Like I said in my post it is only the first step.

I am sure you have been following how Vucic has slowly been changing.


He is now determined to bring Serbia into the EU and will do anything which is required even if you don't like it.
(Mark.W, 15 August 2017 22:28)

I hate to break the bad news but its not happening. Kosovo will never be recognized and the EU knows that fact. But if it will make you happy keep on dreaming. I have heard it so many times from Doris Pack to people like Donald Tusk and many others.

Here is what will happen. Serbia is being rushed into the EU without recognizing Kosovo.

Ricky Valentino

pre 7 godina

United Kingdom is Not Serbia Friend They Destroyed Yugoslavia taken Kosovo from Serbia and gave it to the Albanians and now they want Serbia to hand over Kosovo to the Albanians They are Helping the Albanians Not the Serbian people by saying enter EU but give the Albanians Kosovo that is they demand. England is Not Serbia Friend they Never done anything to help the serbian people UK wants serb people to Die and gone. if European Union is So good why did UK Exit the EU.?

Golden Eagle

pre 7 godina


"Serbia will win in the end"

How? Can you give me an example? Your kind is dying out because of low birth rates and your economy is sh#t compared to the rest of Europe. Only thing your country is good at is exporting prostitution. You are a failure and nothing else


pre 7 godina

For the last 9 years I have read comments on B92 about the same old rubbish where Serbia is ready to recognize Kosovo. If I had a dollar for every time one of you guys wrote about that I’d be richer than Bill Gates.

Stick to dreaming about a rich Croatia and how to stop thousands of Croats leaving Ustashi paradise and leave real politics to people that have an understanding of the situation LOL.
(sj, 15 August 2017 09:38)


Like I said in my post it is only the first step.

I am sure you have been following how Vucic has slowly been changing.


He is now determined to bring Serbia into the EU and will do anything which is required even if you don't like it.


pre 7 godina

It looks like ground work is slowly being prepared for the recognition of Kosovo.
Like it or not these are the first steps.

Some will huff and puff and wave the Serbian flag but in the end is is something that must be done for peace and economic prosperity. It will take time for more Serbians to recognize this but I am sure there are those who never will from reading some of the comments on this site.

It is time to move on and accept the inevitable.
(Mark.W, 14 August 2017 19:47)

For the last 9 years I have read comments on B92 about the same old rubbish where Serbia is ready to recognize Kosovo. If I had a dollar for every time one of you guys wrote about that I’d be richer than Bill Gates.

Stick to dreaming about a rich Croatia and how to stop thousands of Croats leaving Ustashi paradise and leave real politics to people that have an understanding of the situation LOL.

Mr. G.

pre 7 godina

Lol mr. Dragoljub Djurkovic you sound funny trying to make serbians so innocent.

Let me remind you that it was Leon Trotsky, Lenins personal reporter for the balkans that did the first reports on serbian genocide on albanians during balkan war.

Usa/EU/UN helped albanians only in the last genocide after serbs expelled over 1 mil. Albanians from their homes and killed 13.000.

'99 was just the last slavic genocide against native albanians since serbians came to balkans in VI th century. What hitler did in 1940s, is what serbs have done for generations.

You cant change history and things serbians have done, not to albanians only, but to bosnians and croatians also.

As for russia and their agression... theres a reason why not a single neighboring country likes them.


pre 7 godina

Serbia will never recognize Kosovo independence and will never become part of EU or NATO.....and reason is simple...Recognition of Kosovo or becoming member of EU or NATO equals a suicide for Serbia and Serbian nation...and West wants Serbia to commit suicide...I have to disappoint you but Serbia will survive and win in the end...


pre 7 godina

It is time to move on and accept the inevitable.
(Mark.W, 14 August 2017 19:47)
Why with defeatist attitude?
If we had that attitude we would never have liberated ourselves from the Ottoman and then Austro Hungary occupation.
Who says it's inevitable?
Maybe Albanians will have to accept the inevitable and settle down. You never know what tomorrow will bring.
Maybe there will be no more EU soon. How's that for inevitable?


pre 7 godina

Is there anyone in Serbia, who didn't knew this for years already? EU and US do not negotiate with you Serbia, they only give you ultimatums. Yet you run there like blind, hoping to get in.. Well just think for one second.. Croatia which is NATO and EU member for some time now, has to fight trade war with "small" non-EU Serbia?! Why? Think about it.. It's because EU is not all milk and honey as they like to present themselves. It's all one big lie that many fell after and now they are trying to bring in Serbia too. Be careful what you wish for brothers!


pre 7 godina

It looks like ground work is slowly being prepared for the recognition of Kosovo.
Like it or not these are the first steps.

Some will huff and puff and wave the Serbian flag but in the end is is something that must be done for peace and economic prosperity. It will take time for more Serbians to recognize this but I am sure there are those who never will from reading some of the comments on this site.

It is time to move on and accept the inevitable.

sasa.p from near Jagodina, Serbia

pre 7 godina

Albania is a nice country with nice catholic people. But when will the muslim albanians stop begging for Serbian land ?? Kosovo is Serbia, not Albanian ??
(stefan, 14 August 2017 16:2

Smart comment

quit the gibbering!

pre 7 godina

Smart Serb, 14 August 2017 11:46)

Before you say yes or no , is anybody asking you anything ?
(Albanian American, 14 August 2017 14:28)

You need to find yourself another job there little squatty. You're too dang ignorant and boring to read.


pre 7 godina

Zoran: The reason for the dialogue is to allow the Serbs to exit Kosovo with a shred of respectability still in tact.
(ned taylor, 14 August 2017 15:20)
Really? Serbia exiting Kosovo means it would have no respect for itself so there wouldn't even be a shred left.

The way I see it, military action failed, efforts in the UN failed and going it alone split the EU, NATO and the world so it seems they had no choice but to initiate *status neutral* negotiations.

In the geopolitical sense, all this effort to punish Serbs has divided the West (as you have yourself confirmed) while bringing Serbia closer to Russia and China.

sasa.p from near Jagodina, Serbia

pre 7 godina

Wake up to reality, no one is going to give Serbia an artificial left arm that isn't a close match? that simply won't work or benefit Serbia or the EU, it would only create more problems for serbia!& no one wants more problems mate!!!
(Peter The Rocky Mountains, 14 August 2017

It is for you to "wake up mate",
Serbia has not recognise Kosovo as a country ))
Serbia has not put sanctions on Russia))
It displeasures EU and USA ,but still they turn around and give "
Serbia money ")))
That has been happening for 10 years ))
Wake up Peter ,and take your hand off it )))


pre 7 godina

Albania is a nice country with nice catholic people. But when will the muslim albanians stop begging for Serbian land ?? Kosovo is Serbia not Albanian ??

ned taylor

pre 7 godina

Zoran: The reason for the dialogue is to allow the Serbs to exit Kosovo with a shred of respectability still in tact. The problem with joining international institutions is that Kosovo, whilst being recgonised by 115 countries, still lacks unanimous legitimacy. Serbia has friends who will block Kosovo's membership of such bodies irrespective of any dialogue.

Germany is a strong voice in the EU but is not its final arbiter. There are 26 other countries who will have a potential veto and several who would currently be prepared to use it.

Albanian American

pre 7 godina

Dragoljub Djurkovic, 11 August 2017 15:08)

Blah blah blah same thing over and over.
Where were you wen serbian terrorist were killing innocent people ? Sounds like you were one of them . Before 1999 you didn't care much about the others , but now you crying and complaining

Dragoljub Djurkovic

pre 7 godina

Rule of Law, What Law, Racist Hitler Nazi Law ???

Why did Germany in the year 2000 award Hilly Billy Clinton the Charlemagne Prize, is it not for helping Hitler conquer the Slavic Christian Eastern Orthodox Balkans ???

So Germany streched out to grab the Balkans and rebuild the Roman Catholic Empire and the USA and England with world wide USA social controled news media dehumanized, demonized and isolated Srbija all Slavic Eastern Orthodox Christianity of the Balkans !

The USA hit man for Hitler, what Hitler dreams about in the 1940's USA brings to reality in the 1990's ! USA U-235 bombs for 78 days on Serbian schools, churches, office buildings, trains, hospitals murdering and poisoning innocent and helpless Slavic Eastern Orthodox Christianity !

So tell me about the rule of law, USA, England and Germany to rot in Hell !!!


pre 7 godina

Jeff: The reality in Kosovo is that you have nothing left now so you would not be losing anything in the future. The Russia situation is a difficult one but if Vucic says that Serbia has no choice but to join the EU then he has to follow their line. He makes a good point about Romania and Bulgaria, at least where corruption and rule of law are concerned. However, neither had a Kosovo style situation to deal with.
(ned taylor, 14 August 2017 11:29)

I listened to the BBC interview with the Polish Foreign Minister, which was aired on Sunday on Australian radio.

The topic was refugee quotas and Poland’s refusal to take its share. In essence, Poland said it will not take any Middle eastern refugees. Hungary is the same, so I say that the days of the EU making demands are over.

Ill let you in to a little secret why Berlin will let Serbia into the EU. It’s a little place called Bagrdan Tesnac.


pre 7 godina

Jeff: The reality in Kosovo is that you have nothing left now so you would not be losing anything in the future.
(ned taylor, 14 August 2017 11:29)
If that was the case, there would be no need for dialogue or problems with "Kosova***" joining international institutions. "Kosova"*** is struggling to get legitimacy. After almost 10 years, even the EU and NATO members are still split. How funny is that?


pre 7 godina

David McAllister belongs to that highly worthless institution called the European Parliament and he has about the same clout as I do on the question of Serbia joining the EU. The EP is a rest home for useless politicians and wanna bees who lack that skill to achieve in the real world. It’s a house to rubber stamp decisions. Its not a real parliament.

I always like to recall what Doris Pack used to say about Serbia. She claimed that unless Serbia recognised Kosovo there would be no SAA signed then there would be no freedom of movement in the EU of Serbian citizens. Then my favourite no negotiations to join the EU and so it goes on and on.

Here is my prediction and remember I don’t want Serbia to join the EU. Serbia will get another 2 chapters before the end of this year and negotiations will continue. In the end the EU will make an exception for Serbia and allow to join without recognising Kosovo or sanctions on Russia.

The problem with people like McAlister is they actually take themselves seriously and believe in their own importance. These people travel for a free meal and drink. Hope Vucic put a good spread.


pre 7 godina

The EU created a good mess and is playing with fire in the Balkans so I expect it will get burnt, quite a few times. So many scenarios that will end up backfiring. They can forget about recognition of Kosovo, after everything Serbia went through, does anybody really believe we will just give up?


pre 7 godina

the key issue is that UK, which has the GDP of 20 other EU members combined, has left, what means that 20 members left the EU at once, what means that the EU has no money left and won't take new members for decades. but the vucic gang in belgrad won't tell the obvious to the people because then they all would be history and the radical party had 30 percent or so.

ned taylor

pre 7 godina

Jeff: The reality in Kosovo is that you have nothing left now so you would not be losing anything in the future. The Russia situation is a difficult one but if Vucic says that Serbia has no choice but to join the EU then he has to follow their line. He makes a good point about Romania and Bulgaria, at least where corruption and rule of law are concerned. However, neither had a Kosovo style situation to deal with.


pre 7 godina

Darko- you live in cloud cuckoo land.
This " just let it go, it doesn't matter, it's all lost anyway, let's carry on" schtick is tedious and unrealistic.
When will you people get it into your thick skulls that Serbia will not just hand Kosovo over to thieves and liars for the price of a few shekels. It is your type that need to accept this reality.

Peter The Rocky Mountains

pre 7 godina

Serbia needs to be careful. We may just give up our rights in Kosovo, cut out our best friend, only for the EU to collapse ( or change drastically)itself, and be left with nothing.
Would anyone join a team where they ask you to cut off your left hand to join anyway?
I say no rush at all. See what happens over the next few years. As they dish out their platitudes to us, we should do the same to them, until we are certain we know what we will get in return for our compromises.
(Jeff, 14 August 2017 09:46)

Your missing the whole point Jeffry my old friend!
Don't forget, Serbia for the past 100+ years never had a left arm let alone a left hand to cut off!!!
What you should be more concerned about is not to lose that very weak left leg!!!

Wake up to reality, no one is going to give Serbia an artificial left arm that isn't a close match? that simply won't work or benefit Serbia or the EU, it would only create more problems for serbia!& no one wants more problems mate!!!

Smart Serb

pre 7 godina

E.U wants to admitt Montenegro before Serbia because they got corrupted by the U.S and Europe to give away their control of the Adriatic coast. E.U has a plan, and that plan is to drag out Serbia's attempt to join. By then Kosovo* will be given up by Serbia. I say F#*K the E.U as it will not benefit one Serb from Pristina to Novi Sad.
Criminals are controling E.U and raping Serbs of their dignity and history. If a referendum is given to the SERBIAN people then they will vote correctly and vote NO!!!
This is why Vucic will not permit such a referendum. That is illegal.


pre 7 godina

The only solution is accepting the reality that kosovo is indipendent. War times are gone. Like is kosovo gone too.. balkan needs peace. Needs to be part of EU. New jobs . New schools . The 90s generation made alot of mistakes and thats why balkans are so much behind .. we need to get along together for our kids to have better life..


pre 7 godina

Serbia needs to be careful. We may just give up our rights in Kosovo, cut out our best friend, only for the EU to collapse ( or change drastically)itself, and be left with nothing.
Would anyone join a team where they ask you to cut off your left hand to join anyway?
I say no rush at all. See what happens over the next few years. As they dish out their platitudes to us, we should do the same to them, until we are certain we know what we will get in return for our compromises.


pre 7 godina

If Serbia has to give up Kosovo and destroy relations to Russia to join EU there is really no choice. To make a long story short; f*ck EU.


pre 7 godina

If Serbia has to give up Kosovo and destroy relations to Russia to join EU there is really no choice. To make a long story short; f*ck EU.

Smart Serb

pre 7 godina

E.U wants to admitt Montenegro before Serbia because they got corrupted by the U.S and Europe to give away their control of the Adriatic coast. E.U has a plan, and that plan is to drag out Serbia's attempt to join. By then Kosovo* will be given up by Serbia. I say F#*K the E.U as it will not benefit one Serb from Pristina to Novi Sad.
Criminals are controling E.U and raping Serbs of their dignity and history. If a referendum is given to the SERBIAN people then they will vote correctly and vote NO!!!
This is why Vucic will not permit such a referendum. That is illegal.


pre 7 godina

Serbia needs to be careful. We may just give up our rights in Kosovo, cut out our best friend, only for the EU to collapse ( or change drastically)itself, and be left with nothing.
Would anyone join a team where they ask you to cut off your left hand to join anyway?
I say no rush at all. See what happens over the next few years. As they dish out their platitudes to us, we should do the same to them, until we are certain we know what we will get in return for our compromises.


pre 7 godina

The only solution is accepting the reality that kosovo is indipendent. War times are gone. Like is kosovo gone too.. balkan needs peace. Needs to be part of EU. New jobs . New schools . The 90s generation made alot of mistakes and thats why balkans are so much behind .. we need to get along together for our kids to have better life..


pre 7 godina

David McAllister belongs to that highly worthless institution called the European Parliament and he has about the same clout as I do on the question of Serbia joining the EU. The EP is a rest home for useless politicians and wanna bees who lack that skill to achieve in the real world. It’s a house to rubber stamp decisions. Its not a real parliament.

I always like to recall what Doris Pack used to say about Serbia. She claimed that unless Serbia recognised Kosovo there would be no SAA signed then there would be no freedom of movement in the EU of Serbian citizens. Then my favourite no negotiations to join the EU and so it goes on and on.

Here is my prediction and remember I don’t want Serbia to join the EU. Serbia will get another 2 chapters before the end of this year and negotiations will continue. In the end the EU will make an exception for Serbia and allow to join without recognising Kosovo or sanctions on Russia.

The problem with people like McAlister is they actually take themselves seriously and believe in their own importance. These people travel for a free meal and drink. Hope Vucic put a good spread.


pre 7 godina

Jeff: The reality in Kosovo is that you have nothing left now so you would not be losing anything in the future.
(ned taylor, 14 August 2017 11:29)
If that was the case, there would be no need for dialogue or problems with "Kosova***" joining international institutions. "Kosova"*** is struggling to get legitimacy. After almost 10 years, even the EU and NATO members are still split. How funny is that?

Dragoljub Djurkovic

pre 7 godina

Rule of Law, What Law, Racist Hitler Nazi Law ???

Why did Germany in the year 2000 award Hilly Billy Clinton the Charlemagne Prize, is it not for helping Hitler conquer the Slavic Christian Eastern Orthodox Balkans ???

So Germany streched out to grab the Balkans and rebuild the Roman Catholic Empire and the USA and England with world wide USA social controled news media dehumanized, demonized and isolated Srbija all Slavic Eastern Orthodox Christianity of the Balkans !

The USA hit man for Hitler, what Hitler dreams about in the 1940's USA brings to reality in the 1990's ! USA U-235 bombs for 78 days on Serbian schools, churches, office buildings, trains, hospitals murdering and poisoning innocent and helpless Slavic Eastern Orthodox Christianity !

So tell me about the rule of law, USA, England and Germany to rot in Hell !!!


pre 7 godina

Darko- you live in cloud cuckoo land.
This " just let it go, it doesn't matter, it's all lost anyway, let's carry on" schtick is tedious and unrealistic.
When will you people get it into your thick skulls that Serbia will not just hand Kosovo over to thieves and liars for the price of a few shekels. It is your type that need to accept this reality.


pre 7 godina

The EU created a good mess and is playing with fire in the Balkans so I expect it will get burnt, quite a few times. So many scenarios that will end up backfiring. They can forget about recognition of Kosovo, after everything Serbia went through, does anybody really believe we will just give up?

sasa.p from near Jagodina, Serbia

pre 7 godina

Wake up to reality, no one is going to give Serbia an artificial left arm that isn't a close match? that simply won't work or benefit Serbia or the EU, it would only create more problems for serbia!& no one wants more problems mate!!!
(Peter The Rocky Mountains, 14 August 2017

It is for you to "wake up mate",
Serbia has not recognise Kosovo as a country ))
Serbia has not put sanctions on Russia))
It displeasures EU and USA ,but still they turn around and give "
Serbia money ")))
That has been happening for 10 years ))
Wake up Peter ,and take your hand off it )))

quit the gibbering!

pre 7 godina

Smart Serb, 14 August 2017 11:46)

Before you say yes or no , is anybody asking you anything ?
(Albanian American, 14 August 2017 14:28)

You need to find yourself another job there little squatty. You're too dang ignorant and boring to read.


pre 7 godina

Jeff: The reality in Kosovo is that you have nothing left now so you would not be losing anything in the future. The Russia situation is a difficult one but if Vucic says that Serbia has no choice but to join the EU then he has to follow their line. He makes a good point about Romania and Bulgaria, at least where corruption and rule of law are concerned. However, neither had a Kosovo style situation to deal with.
(ned taylor, 14 August 2017 11:29)

I listened to the BBC interview with the Polish Foreign Minister, which was aired on Sunday on Australian radio.

The topic was refugee quotas and Poland’s refusal to take its share. In essence, Poland said it will not take any Middle eastern refugees. Hungary is the same, so I say that the days of the EU making demands are over.

Ill let you in to a little secret why Berlin will let Serbia into the EU. It’s a little place called Bagrdan Tesnac.


pre 7 godina

Albania is a nice country with nice catholic people. But when will the muslim albanians stop begging for Serbian land ?? Kosovo is Serbia not Albanian ??

sasa.p from near Jagodina, Serbia

pre 7 godina

Albania is a nice country with nice catholic people. But when will the muslim albanians stop begging for Serbian land ?? Kosovo is Serbia, not Albanian ??
(stefan, 14 August 2017 16:2

Smart comment


pre 7 godina

Zoran: The reason for the dialogue is to allow the Serbs to exit Kosovo with a shred of respectability still in tact.
(ned taylor, 14 August 2017 15:20)
Really? Serbia exiting Kosovo means it would have no respect for itself so there wouldn't even be a shred left.

The way I see it, military action failed, efforts in the UN failed and going it alone split the EU, NATO and the world so it seems they had no choice but to initiate *status neutral* negotiations.

In the geopolitical sense, all this effort to punish Serbs has divided the West (as you have yourself confirmed) while bringing Serbia closer to Russia and China.

Albanian American

pre 7 godina

Dragoljub Djurkovic, 11 August 2017 15:08)

Blah blah blah same thing over and over.
Where were you wen serbian terrorist were killing innocent people ? Sounds like you were one of them . Before 1999 you didn't care much about the others , but now you crying and complaining

Peter The Rocky Mountains

pre 7 godina

Serbia needs to be careful. We may just give up our rights in Kosovo, cut out our best friend, only for the EU to collapse ( or change drastically)itself, and be left with nothing.
Would anyone join a team where they ask you to cut off your left hand to join anyway?
I say no rush at all. See what happens over the next few years. As they dish out their platitudes to us, we should do the same to them, until we are certain we know what we will get in return for our compromises.
(Jeff, 14 August 2017 09:46)

Your missing the whole point Jeffry my old friend!
Don't forget, Serbia for the past 100+ years never had a left arm let alone a left hand to cut off!!!
What you should be more concerned about is not to lose that very weak left leg!!!

Wake up to reality, no one is going to give Serbia an artificial left arm that isn't a close match? that simply won't work or benefit Serbia or the EU, it would only create more problems for serbia!& no one wants more problems mate!!!


pre 7 godina

the key issue is that UK, which has the GDP of 20 other EU members combined, has left, what means that 20 members left the EU at once, what means that the EU has no money left and won't take new members for decades. but the vucic gang in belgrad won't tell the obvious to the people because then they all would be history and the radical party had 30 percent or so.

ned taylor

pre 7 godina

Zoran: The reason for the dialogue is to allow the Serbs to exit Kosovo with a shred of respectability still in tact. The problem with joining international institutions is that Kosovo, whilst being recgonised by 115 countries, still lacks unanimous legitimacy. Serbia has friends who will block Kosovo's membership of such bodies irrespective of any dialogue.

Germany is a strong voice in the EU but is not its final arbiter. There are 26 other countries who will have a potential veto and several who would currently be prepared to use it.


pre 7 godina

It looks like ground work is slowly being prepared for the recognition of Kosovo.
Like it or not these are the first steps.

Some will huff and puff and wave the Serbian flag but in the end is is something that must be done for peace and economic prosperity. It will take time for more Serbians to recognize this but I am sure there are those who never will from reading some of the comments on this site.

It is time to move on and accept the inevitable.


pre 7 godina

Is there anyone in Serbia, who didn't knew this for years already? EU and US do not negotiate with you Serbia, they only give you ultimatums. Yet you run there like blind, hoping to get in.. Well just think for one second.. Croatia which is NATO and EU member for some time now, has to fight trade war with "small" non-EU Serbia?! Why? Think about it.. It's because EU is not all milk and honey as they like to present themselves. It's all one big lie that many fell after and now they are trying to bring in Serbia too. Be careful what you wish for brothers!


pre 7 godina

If the EU and NATO can't get all of their own members to recognise "Kosova"***, how on earth do they expect Serbia's recognition? They made a mess by breaking international norms, plain and simple.

ned taylor

pre 7 godina

Jeff: The reality in Kosovo is that you have nothing left now so you would not be losing anything in the future. The Russia situation is a difficult one but if Vucic says that Serbia has no choice but to join the EU then he has to follow their line. He makes a good point about Romania and Bulgaria, at least where corruption and rule of law are concerned. However, neither had a Kosovo style situation to deal with.


pre 7 godina

Serbia will never recognize Kosovo independence and will never become part of EU or NATO.....and reason is simple...Recognition of Kosovo or becoming member of EU or NATO equals a suicide for Serbia and Serbian nation...and West wants Serbia to commit suicide...I have to disappoint you but Serbia will survive and win in the end...


pre 7 godina

It looks like ground work is slowly being prepared for the recognition of Kosovo.
Like it or not these are the first steps.

Some will huff and puff and wave the Serbian flag but in the end is is something that must be done for peace and economic prosperity. It will take time for more Serbians to recognize this but I am sure there are those who never will from reading some of the comments on this site.

It is time to move on and accept the inevitable.
(Mark.W, 14 August 2017 19:47)

For the last 9 years I have read comments on B92 about the same old rubbish where Serbia is ready to recognize Kosovo. If I had a dollar for every time one of you guys wrote about that I’d be richer than Bill Gates.

Stick to dreaming about a rich Croatia and how to stop thousands of Croats leaving Ustashi paradise and leave real politics to people that have an understanding of the situation LOL.

Mr. G.

pre 7 godina

Lol mr. Dragoljub Djurkovic you sound funny trying to make serbians so innocent.

Let me remind you that it was Leon Trotsky, Lenins personal reporter for the balkans that did the first reports on serbian genocide on albanians during balkan war.

Usa/EU/UN helped albanians only in the last genocide after serbs expelled over 1 mil. Albanians from their homes and killed 13.000.

'99 was just the last slavic genocide against native albanians since serbians came to balkans in VI th century. What hitler did in 1940s, is what serbs have done for generations.

You cant change history and things serbians have done, not to albanians only, but to bosnians and croatians also.

As for russia and their agression... theres a reason why not a single neighboring country likes them.

Ricky Valentino

pre 7 godina

United Kingdom is Not Serbia Friend They Destroyed Yugoslavia taken Kosovo from Serbia and gave it to the Albanians and now they want Serbia to hand over Kosovo to the Albanians They are Helping the Albanians Not the Serbian people by saying enter EU but give the Albanians Kosovo that is they demand. England is Not Serbia Friend they Never done anything to help the serbian people UK wants serb people to Die and gone. if European Union is So good why did UK Exit the EU.?


pre 7 godina

It is time to move on and accept the inevitable.
(Mark.W, 14 August 2017 19:47)
Why with defeatist attitude?
If we had that attitude we would never have liberated ourselves from the Ottoman and then Austro Hungary occupation.
Who says it's inevitable?
Maybe Albanians will have to accept the inevitable and settle down. You never know what tomorrow will bring.
Maybe there will be no more EU soon. How's that for inevitable?

Golden Eagle

pre 7 godina


"Serbia will win in the end"

How? Can you give me an example? Your kind is dying out because of low birth rates and your economy is sh#t compared to the rest of Europe. Only thing your country is good at is exporting prostitution. You are a failure and nothing else


pre 7 godina


Like I said in my post it is only the first step.

I am sure you have been following how Vucic has slowly been changing.


He is now determined to bring Serbia into the EU and will do anything which is required even if you don't like it.
(Mark.W, 15 August 2017 22:28)

I hate to break the bad news but its not happening. Kosovo will never be recognized and the EU knows that fact. But if it will make you happy keep on dreaming. I have heard it so many times from Doris Pack to people like Donald Tusk and many others.

Here is what will happen. Serbia is being rushed into the EU without recognizing Kosovo.

Golden Eagle

pre 7 godina


Keep crying you will never get Kosovo back. Get ready to loose some more territory instead. Everything "serbian" is occupied territory that never belonged to the serbs at the first place.


pre 7 godina

For the last 9 years I have read comments on B92 about the same old rubbish where Serbia is ready to recognize Kosovo. If I had a dollar for every time one of you guys wrote about that I’d be richer than Bill Gates.

Stick to dreaming about a rich Croatia and how to stop thousands of Croats leaving Ustashi paradise and leave real politics to people that have an understanding of the situation LOL.
(sj, 15 August 2017 09:38)


Like I said in my post it is only the first step.

I am sure you have been following how Vucic has slowly been changing.


He is now determined to bring Serbia into the EU and will do anything which is required even if you don't like it.


pre 7 godina

The only solution is accepting the reality that kosovo is indipendent. War times are gone. Like is kosovo gone too.. balkan needs peace. Needs to be part of EU. New jobs . New schools . The 90s generation made alot of mistakes and thats why balkans are so much behind .. we need to get along together for our kids to have better life..

Albanian American

pre 7 godina

Dragoljub Djurkovic, 11 August 2017 15:08)

Blah blah blah same thing over and over.
Where were you wen serbian terrorist were killing innocent people ? Sounds like you were one of them . Before 1999 you didn't care much about the others , but now you crying and complaining

Peter The Rocky Mountains

pre 7 godina

Serbia needs to be careful. We may just give up our rights in Kosovo, cut out our best friend, only for the EU to collapse ( or change drastically)itself, and be left with nothing.
Would anyone join a team where they ask you to cut off your left hand to join anyway?
I say no rush at all. See what happens over the next few years. As they dish out their platitudes to us, we should do the same to them, until we are certain we know what we will get in return for our compromises.
(Jeff, 14 August 2017 09:46)

Your missing the whole point Jeffry my old friend!
Don't forget, Serbia for the past 100+ years never had a left arm let alone a left hand to cut off!!!
What you should be more concerned about is not to lose that very weak left leg!!!

Wake up to reality, no one is going to give Serbia an artificial left arm that isn't a close match? that simply won't work or benefit Serbia or the EU, it would only create more problems for serbia!& no one wants more problems mate!!!


pre 7 godina

It looks like ground work is slowly being prepared for the recognition of Kosovo.
Like it or not these are the first steps.

Some will huff and puff and wave the Serbian flag but in the end is is something that must be done for peace and economic prosperity. It will take time for more Serbians to recognize this but I am sure there are those who never will from reading some of the comments on this site.

It is time to move on and accept the inevitable.

ned taylor

pre 7 godina

Jeff: The reality in Kosovo is that you have nothing left now so you would not be losing anything in the future. The Russia situation is a difficult one but if Vucic says that Serbia has no choice but to join the EU then he has to follow their line. He makes a good point about Romania and Bulgaria, at least where corruption and rule of law are concerned. However, neither had a Kosovo style situation to deal with.


pre 7 godina

the key issue is that UK, which has the GDP of 20 other EU members combined, has left, what means that 20 members left the EU at once, what means that the EU has no money left and won't take new members for decades. but the vucic gang in belgrad won't tell the obvious to the people because then they all would be history and the radical party had 30 percent or so.

sasa.p from near Jagodina, Serbia

pre 7 godina

Albania is a nice country with nice catholic people. But when will the muslim albanians stop begging for Serbian land ?? Kosovo is Serbia, not Albanian ??
(stefan, 14 August 2017 16:2

Smart comment

Smart Serb

pre 7 godina

E.U wants to admitt Montenegro before Serbia because they got corrupted by the U.S and Europe to give away their control of the Adriatic coast. E.U has a plan, and that plan is to drag out Serbia's attempt to join. By then Kosovo* will be given up by Serbia. I say F#*K the E.U as it will not benefit one Serb from Pristina to Novi Sad.
Criminals are controling E.U and raping Serbs of their dignity and history. If a referendum is given to the SERBIAN people then they will vote correctly and vote NO!!!
This is why Vucic will not permit such a referendum. That is illegal.


pre 7 godina

The EU created a good mess and is playing with fire in the Balkans so I expect it will get burnt, quite a few times. So many scenarios that will end up backfiring. They can forget about recognition of Kosovo, after everything Serbia went through, does anybody really believe we will just give up?


pre 7 godina

Albania is a nice country with nice catholic people. But when will the muslim albanians stop begging for Serbian land ?? Kosovo is Serbia not Albanian ??


pre 7 godina

Darko- you live in cloud cuckoo land.
This " just let it go, it doesn't matter, it's all lost anyway, let's carry on" schtick is tedious and unrealistic.
When will you people get it into your thick skulls that Serbia will not just hand Kosovo over to thieves and liars for the price of a few shekels. It is your type that need to accept this reality.


pre 7 godina

David McAllister belongs to that highly worthless institution called the European Parliament and he has about the same clout as I do on the question of Serbia joining the EU. The EP is a rest home for useless politicians and wanna bees who lack that skill to achieve in the real world. It’s a house to rubber stamp decisions. Its not a real parliament.

I always like to recall what Doris Pack used to say about Serbia. She claimed that unless Serbia recognised Kosovo there would be no SAA signed then there would be no freedom of movement in the EU of Serbian citizens. Then my favourite no negotiations to join the EU and so it goes on and on.

Here is my prediction and remember I don’t want Serbia to join the EU. Serbia will get another 2 chapters before the end of this year and negotiations will continue. In the end the EU will make an exception for Serbia and allow to join without recognising Kosovo or sanctions on Russia.

The problem with people like McAlister is they actually take themselves seriously and believe in their own importance. These people travel for a free meal and drink. Hope Vucic put a good spread.

Dragoljub Djurkovic

pre 7 godina

Rule of Law, What Law, Racist Hitler Nazi Law ???

Why did Germany in the year 2000 award Hilly Billy Clinton the Charlemagne Prize, is it not for helping Hitler conquer the Slavic Christian Eastern Orthodox Balkans ???

So Germany streched out to grab the Balkans and rebuild the Roman Catholic Empire and the USA and England with world wide USA social controled news media dehumanized, demonized and isolated Srbija all Slavic Eastern Orthodox Christianity of the Balkans !

The USA hit man for Hitler, what Hitler dreams about in the 1940's USA brings to reality in the 1990's ! USA U-235 bombs for 78 days on Serbian schools, churches, office buildings, trains, hospitals murdering and poisoning innocent and helpless Slavic Eastern Orthodox Christianity !

So tell me about the rule of law, USA, England and Germany to rot in Hell !!!

Mr. G.

pre 7 godina

Lol mr. Dragoljub Djurkovic you sound funny trying to make serbians so innocent.

Let me remind you that it was Leon Trotsky, Lenins personal reporter for the balkans that did the first reports on serbian genocide on albanians during balkan war.

Usa/EU/UN helped albanians only in the last genocide after serbs expelled over 1 mil. Albanians from their homes and killed 13.000.

'99 was just the last slavic genocide against native albanians since serbians came to balkans in VI th century. What hitler did in 1940s, is what serbs have done for generations.

You cant change history and things serbians have done, not to albanians only, but to bosnians and croatians also.

As for russia and their agression... theres a reason why not a single neighboring country likes them.

Golden Eagle

pre 7 godina


"Serbia will win in the end"

How? Can you give me an example? Your kind is dying out because of low birth rates and your economy is sh#t compared to the rest of Europe. Only thing your country is good at is exporting prostitution. You are a failure and nothing else


pre 7 godina

If Serbia has to give up Kosovo and destroy relations to Russia to join EU there is really no choice. To make a long story short; f*ck EU.


pre 7 godina

Serbia needs to be careful. We may just give up our rights in Kosovo, cut out our best friend, only for the EU to collapse ( or change drastically)itself, and be left with nothing.
Would anyone join a team where they ask you to cut off your left hand to join anyway?
I say no rush at all. See what happens over the next few years. As they dish out their platitudes to us, we should do the same to them, until we are certain we know what we will get in return for our compromises.


pre 7 godina

Jeff: The reality in Kosovo is that you have nothing left now so you would not be losing anything in the future.
(ned taylor, 14 August 2017 11:29)
If that was the case, there would be no need for dialogue or problems with "Kosova***" joining international institutions. "Kosova"*** is struggling to get legitimacy. After almost 10 years, even the EU and NATO members are still split. How funny is that?

Golden Eagle

pre 7 godina


Keep crying you will never get Kosovo back. Get ready to loose some more territory instead. Everything "serbian" is occupied territory that never belonged to the serbs at the first place.

sasa.p from near Jagodina, Serbia

pre 7 godina

Wake up to reality, no one is going to give Serbia an artificial left arm that isn't a close match? that simply won't work or benefit Serbia or the EU, it would only create more problems for serbia!& no one wants more problems mate!!!
(Peter The Rocky Mountains, 14 August 2017

It is for you to "wake up mate",
Serbia has not recognise Kosovo as a country ))
Serbia has not put sanctions on Russia))
It displeasures EU and USA ,but still they turn around and give "
Serbia money ")))
That has been happening for 10 years ))
Wake up Peter ,and take your hand off it )))


pre 7 godina

It is time to move on and accept the inevitable.
(Mark.W, 14 August 2017 19:47)
Why with defeatist attitude?
If we had that attitude we would never have liberated ourselves from the Ottoman and then Austro Hungary occupation.
Who says it's inevitable?
Maybe Albanians will have to accept the inevitable and settle down. You never know what tomorrow will bring.
Maybe there will be no more EU soon. How's that for inevitable?


pre 7 godina

Jeff: The reality in Kosovo is that you have nothing left now so you would not be losing anything in the future. The Russia situation is a difficult one but if Vucic says that Serbia has no choice but to join the EU then he has to follow their line. He makes a good point about Romania and Bulgaria, at least where corruption and rule of law are concerned. However, neither had a Kosovo style situation to deal with.
(ned taylor, 14 August 2017 11:29)

I listened to the BBC interview with the Polish Foreign Minister, which was aired on Sunday on Australian radio.

The topic was refugee quotas and Poland’s refusal to take its share. In essence, Poland said it will not take any Middle eastern refugees. Hungary is the same, so I say that the days of the EU making demands are over.

Ill let you in to a little secret why Berlin will let Serbia into the EU. It’s a little place called Bagrdan Tesnac.

ned taylor

pre 7 godina

Zoran: The reason for the dialogue is to allow the Serbs to exit Kosovo with a shred of respectability still in tact. The problem with joining international institutions is that Kosovo, whilst being recgonised by 115 countries, still lacks unanimous legitimacy. Serbia has friends who will block Kosovo's membership of such bodies irrespective of any dialogue.

Germany is a strong voice in the EU but is not its final arbiter. There are 26 other countries who will have a potential veto and several who would currently be prepared to use it.


pre 7 godina

Zoran: The reason for the dialogue is to allow the Serbs to exit Kosovo with a shred of respectability still in tact.
(ned taylor, 14 August 2017 15:20)
Really? Serbia exiting Kosovo means it would have no respect for itself so there wouldn't even be a shred left.

The way I see it, military action failed, efforts in the UN failed and going it alone split the EU, NATO and the world so it seems they had no choice but to initiate *status neutral* negotiations.

In the geopolitical sense, all this effort to punish Serbs has divided the West (as you have yourself confirmed) while bringing Serbia closer to Russia and China.


pre 7 godina

It looks like ground work is slowly being prepared for the recognition of Kosovo.
Like it or not these are the first steps.

Some will huff and puff and wave the Serbian flag but in the end is is something that must be done for peace and economic prosperity. It will take time for more Serbians to recognize this but I am sure there are those who never will from reading some of the comments on this site.

It is time to move on and accept the inevitable.
(Mark.W, 14 August 2017 19:47)

For the last 9 years I have read comments on B92 about the same old rubbish where Serbia is ready to recognize Kosovo. If I had a dollar for every time one of you guys wrote about that I’d be richer than Bill Gates.

Stick to dreaming about a rich Croatia and how to stop thousands of Croats leaving Ustashi paradise and leave real politics to people that have an understanding of the situation LOL.

quit the gibbering!

pre 7 godina

Smart Serb, 14 August 2017 11:46)

Before you say yes or no , is anybody asking you anything ?
(Albanian American, 14 August 2017 14:28)

You need to find yourself another job there little squatty. You're too dang ignorant and boring to read.


pre 7 godina

Serbia will never recognize Kosovo independence and will never become part of EU or NATO.....and reason is simple...Recognition of Kosovo or becoming member of EU or NATO equals a suicide for Serbia and Serbian nation...and West wants Serbia to commit suicide...I have to disappoint you but Serbia will survive and win in the end...


pre 7 godina

For the last 9 years I have read comments on B92 about the same old rubbish where Serbia is ready to recognize Kosovo. If I had a dollar for every time one of you guys wrote about that I’d be richer than Bill Gates.

Stick to dreaming about a rich Croatia and how to stop thousands of Croats leaving Ustashi paradise and leave real politics to people that have an understanding of the situation LOL.
(sj, 15 August 2017 09:38)


Like I said in my post it is only the first step.

I am sure you have been following how Vucic has slowly been changing.


He is now determined to bring Serbia into the EU and will do anything which is required even if you don't like it.


pre 7 godina

Is there anyone in Serbia, who didn't knew this for years already? EU and US do not negotiate with you Serbia, they only give you ultimatums. Yet you run there like blind, hoping to get in.. Well just think for one second.. Croatia which is NATO and EU member for some time now, has to fight trade war with "small" non-EU Serbia?! Why? Think about it.. It's because EU is not all milk and honey as they like to present themselves. It's all one big lie that many fell after and now they are trying to bring in Serbia too. Be careful what you wish for brothers!

Ricky Valentino

pre 7 godina

United Kingdom is Not Serbia Friend They Destroyed Yugoslavia taken Kosovo from Serbia and gave it to the Albanians and now they want Serbia to hand over Kosovo to the Albanians They are Helping the Albanians Not the Serbian people by saying enter EU but give the Albanians Kosovo that is they demand. England is Not Serbia Friend they Never done anything to help the serbian people UK wants serb people to Die and gone. if European Union is So good why did UK Exit the EU.?


pre 7 godina


Like I said in my post it is only the first step.

I am sure you have been following how Vucic has slowly been changing.


He is now determined to bring Serbia into the EU and will do anything which is required even if you don't like it.
(Mark.W, 15 August 2017 22:28)

I hate to break the bad news but its not happening. Kosovo will never be recognized and the EU knows that fact. But if it will make you happy keep on dreaming. I have heard it so many times from Doris Pack to people like Donald Tusk and many others.

Here is what will happen. Serbia is being rushed into the EU without recognizing Kosovo.


pre 7 godina

If the EU and NATO can't get all of their own members to recognise "Kosova"***, how on earth do they expect Serbia's recognition? They made a mess by breaking international norms, plain and simple.