Friday, 30.06.2017.


Serbian population shrinks by nearly 400,000 over ten years

The Statistical Office of Serbia (RSZ) has announced that a 2.8 percent decrease in the number of marriages was recorded in 2016, compared to 2015.

Izvor: Danica Iliæ Zoran Æulafiæ

Serbian population shrinks by nearly 400,000 over ten years IMAGE SOURCE

41 Komentari

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china-russia= world power

pre 7 godina

Russia's population was:
147,7 million in 1998 (before Putin got to power)
144,3 million in 2016 (after about 17 years of Putin being in power)

So, again, you have no idea what you're talking about!
(icj1, 3 July 2017 15:37)actually ding dong Russia is the only 47nation in Europe having kids in 2017 their population is 147,9 million and growing and in the world there is about 200 million including Russia....so keep watching cnn and western lies lol they have been busted left right and centre...America and EU are finished if you haven't noticed...Russia and china are the world leaders......now as for Serbs in Serbia the region and world wide start having big families again wake up.like Russia.the economy Is booming in Serbia..


pre 7 godina

A normal occurrence in a time of sanctions and war.
(factman, 1 July 2017 08:33)

The story is about Serbia, dear and it's not clear what sanctions or war are you referring to!
(icj1, 2 July 2017 02:14)

Serbia had 20 years of sanctions and war.
(factman, 3 July 2017 15:38)

From when to when did Serbia have 20 years of sanctions and war, dear?! Or is that just a fantasy of yours?


pre 7 godina

@canadian serb
Nowhere in my post I said people in the cities don't need kids. They simply have less of them in comparison to people in villages. Average family in a city has about 2 children, while in a village has more than 4. If you look the average family living in a city in Serbia it has no significant difference from the number of children of a family living in a city in Albania or USA or Germany.
Albania and Kosovo have simply a larger percentage of population living in the villages in comparison to Serbia, hence the perceived growth of their population when doing a simple comparison but not factoring in where the most people live.
No need for name calling.
By the way, I am not a Serb.

canadian serb

pre 7 godina

The more population moves from the villages to the cities the less children they make. It happens to all western countries , Japan, Korea etc.
For all Albanians that like to tease Serbs : this will happen to you soon as more people move from villages to cities. Unfortunately children in agricultural societies are viewed as farm hands hence the need to have too many of them.
(Niko, 4 July 2017 01:24) that is the most stupidest thing I have ever read, you are saying if you live in the city you don't need kids ? best for you is to go to school, please don't talk stupid...it doesn't matter where you live you need kids, if you don't have young then you don't have jobs ...city or village like you say...so now to the normal Serbs in the world ,have kids, be smart... grow and have young for the whole of Serbia ....the region and world.....

canadian serb

pre 7 godina

Canadian-Shamed Serb:

I agree with you in that Serbs are PUNKS!

They hate children and basically life in general.

How long before Serbia disappears?

Abandoning Serbia by going to Canadia doesn't
Help now does it?
(Azir, 3 July 2017 22:55) for 1 I am Canadian born, 2 it doesn't matter where you go in the world you could have kids....3. what does having babies in Serbia or the region have to do with moving or living somewhere else ? there is people in Serbia to have kids and the region....you Albanians make no sense when you talk just like some Serbs who hide from the questions I have posted. About this tragedy they run and hide to answer my real question...


pre 7 godina

The more population moves from the villages to the cities the less children they make. It happens to all western countries , Japan, Korea etc.
For all Albanians that like to tease Serbs : this will happen to you soon as more people move from villages to cities. Unfortunately children in agricultural societies are viewed as farm hands hence the need to have too many of them.

Albanian American

pre 7 godina

Serbina, 1 July 2017 14:20)

So basically what you're saying is "serbia needs help with their women so they can multiply "
I'll be right there to help Lol


pre 7 godina

Canadian-Shamed Serb:

I agree with you in that Serbs are PUNKS!

They hate children and basically life in general.

How long before Serbia disappears?

Abandoning Serbia by going to Canadia doesn't
Help now does it?


pre 7 godina

The excerpt below seems to have been written in TANJUG style during communist times. Common B92, do you really believe this? Of course you do not have the after 1998 Kosovo population data. Why would you?

"The Statistical Office notes with each of the reports it publishes that since 1998, it has not had disposal and may not provide certain data related to the Autonomous Province Kosovo and Metohija - "and therefore these data are not included in the coverage for the Republic of Serbia (total)."

canadian serb

pre 7 godina

are you Serbs really crazy ? I posted something and the answers I got back were grade 1 answers....why do you worry about Europe's population or anyone for that fact .. why do you care if Europe don't want kids are shrinking ? Serbs should care in Serbia and the region and world wide..Serbs should worry and do something about it, have bigger families now ,there is lost of jobs in Serbia ,have 2 or more kids...this is how you will have a young big nation for the future of Serbs, the bigger and younger your nation is the more the economy will boom, don't you get it ?.....do you want a bright future ? are or do you care about joining gangs and killing each other and fighting partisan vs zvezda ....wake up.....my god ....and if Serbs are rich have 5+ kids.....lets go...I have 3 of my own ..don't reply to me with stupid answers please...


pre 7 godina

Of course sanctions and military aggression preceded by decades of communism did not help Serbia's birthrate.
(Ari Gold, 2 July 2017 21:11)

Dear, the B92 news story states that Serbian population shrinked by nearly 400,000 over ten years, so it's not clear what sanctions or military aggression you are talking about from 2006 onward!

Also, Russia had very negative demographic trends in the early 90s.
(Ari Gold, 2 July 2017 21:11)

Russia's population was:
147,7 million in 1989
148,4 million in 1995

So Russia's demographic trend in the early 90's was positive, not negative. As usual, you have no idea what you're talking about.

But this was quickly solved after Putin had gotten to power and created conditions for better economic activity.
(Ari Gold, 2 July 2017 21:11)

Russia's population was:
147,7 million in 1998 (before Putin got to power)
144,3 million in 2016 (after about 17 years of Putin being in power)

So, again, you have no idea what you're talking about!


pre 7 godina

Serbia is no different to other parts of Europe. Populations through birth rates are declining through most of the western world though immigration is keeping some on the increase.
(Zoran, 3 July 2017 11:09)

Immigration to the western world?! How is that possible?! According to the most patriotic of Serbs, the western world is hell, whereas Serbia, Russia and China are the paradise on Earth. So, following that logic, the immigration should be towards Russia and China and not the western world...


pre 7 godina

This is pretty much a common thing Europe wide.

To think Albania is any better is simply untrue, your offcial birth rate per women is about 1.5, a bit better than Serbias 1.3. The myth of the Albanian birth rate may have been true in the past but not anymore.
Look at Albanias own population 3.3 in 1991 to 2.8mil today. Everyone is leaving these countries, for lack of work prospects. Even kosovo is being depopulated only city to griw is Pristina, all others are in decline.
I am glad Vucic is following the slovakia model of growth(exports), keep bring investments and miney and the people will return


pre 7 godina

A normal occurrence in a time of sanctions and war.
(factman, 1 July 2017 08:33)

The story is about Serbia, dear and it's not clear what sanctions or war are you referring to!
(icj1, 2 July 2017 02:14)


Some clowns need everything explained.

Serbia had 20 years of sanctions and war.

When sanctions and war end, the economic and social disruption caused by those 2 situations has a residual effect.

Until such time as the residual effect is mopped up, people do not make babies.

Pretty obvious.


pre 7 godina

Serbia is no different to other parts of Europe. Populations through birth rates are declining through most of the western world though immigration is keeping some on the increase.


pre 7 godina

Who's fault is it that Serbia's sad population is GAY?

Serbia leadership is also homosexual!

With friends like Greece what else did you expect?

Being ugly Serbs caused many to join military militias and form rape squads!


pre 7 godina

Of course its dying, how cannot not when Serbia is Europes #1 baby killer!!! Yes, they avg about 250,000 abortions/yr!!! Women there, Montenegro, RS etc all asprire to look like Jelena Karleusa. They dont have a penny to their name but yet ways to get lip injections, yet they live in a village or run apt in Beograd or Podgorica. I agree wth my fellow brothers below, they love these ugly looking/unmannerly bold, abusive thugs. There is no believe in Jesus there, only nationalism of being a non practicising Orthodox. They sneak into the states here ie Chicago, and just try to scam the system, marry someone for papers etc. Our people have turned into the pit of Europe.....thugs, whores, athiests and black magic crap. Every woman on avg there will deny God, think sex wth benefits is cool, knows horoscope inside out and still single at 40 thinking her day is coming with prince charming. No wonder Serbs in Raska are marrying Albanian from albania. Our females are too busy moving out of a village and becoming whores in beograd, novi sad etc.

There is no more pride in Serbia. That died with our grandfathers generation.

Hy Epstein

pre 7 godina

But make sure they integrate into Serbian society so they become Serbs.
(Serbina, 1 July 2017 14:20)

Why would anyone want to become a Serb. Most people think of them as Pariah.

Ari Gold

pre 7 godina

As posters have already alluded to, low birthrates are a common problem among most ethnic European groups, Serbia is no exception. Of course sanctions and military aggression preceded by decades of communism did not help Serbia's birthrate. But let's not pretend that this problem is only specific to Serbia. I can tell you that after driving through the Slavonia region in present-day Croatia, it is virtually empty. People are leaving that area in droves and the birthrate is even worse than in Serbia's.

Also, just a message to you Albanian extremists that are gloating... yes you may have a higher birthrate because of cultural differences and norms which make it normal for you guys to have 10 children per family, but that does not help you. There are more refugee applications coming from Serbia's southern province than people from war-torn Syria. That's in 2017, not 1999. Per-capita, no territory in Europe is facing a greater exodus than in Kosovo-Metohija. So let's not pretend as if having children is the answer to all of your societies' problems. If you cannot provide a good life for your citizens, they will leave. Period.

Also, Russia had very negative demographic trends in the early 90s. But this was quickly solved after Putin had gotten to power and created conditions for better economic activity. The same will happen in Serbia when there is a government that is concerned with improving the living standards of its citizens. It can happen quite fast actually.


pre 7 godina

It is not the Serbian woman's fault. It is the man's fault. For some reason they became lazy and indecisive. The man wants the woman to be university educated but when he can't find one he ends up being single and alone. Not only in Serbia but abroad too.

Lenards Clone

pre 7 godina

In the wild....animals in drought, flooding, starvation and disease will not breed as the environment isn't right to raise young. Serbia is in the same situation with poor living conditions, corruption, gay leadership and unemployment. Who in their right mind would raise a family in such a hostile environment. The Serbs have no interest in looking after the young. The Albanians with 4+ children per family previously 7 are already growing rapidly in Macedonia and soon enough their numbers including Sandzak Muslims will grow so fast that Serbia will be littered with Mosques and citizens waking up to the call of a man screaming is head off at 5:00am on a Sunday morning from a minaret. This is the price you pay for turning away from Christianity. Good Luck 😢


pre 7 godina

It makes no sense ! African women are malnourished, weak, poor and disease ridden and still you see them carrying 4 maybe 5 kids on their backs fetching water from the local well supplied by UNICEF. The problem with Serbs is that they have become to proud to push anything between their legs. It's more important to hang out with Zemun gangsters and sit in cafe's all day sipping on one short black discussing how good YU was than going to church, listening to what the lord has to say and working hard for a better future. Once they allowed women out of kitchen and into the boardroom it was all over. How can Serbia grow when even its own Prime Minister refuses to sleep with a man. If Serbia gets into the E.U half the population will leave. The Serbs are dying race.


pre 7 godina

A normal occurrence in a time of sanctions and war.
(factman, 1 July 2017 08:33)

The story is about Serbia, dear and it's not clear what sanctions or war are you referring to!


pre 7 godina

Dragoljub Djurkovic Serbs are dying out because they are under Gods curse. Greater Serb Orthodoxy wicked religion tells them lies because they don't have a clue what the truth is even if it bit them in the ass. They prefer to live in lies and perpetual satanic inspired delusions like your self. 2Th 2:10 All the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.
2Th 2:11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie
[ 2:12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness. You think God approves all the heinous wickedness Serbs did not on your life. This is what God says. Psa 50:21 When you did these things and I kept silent, you thought I was exactly like you. But I'm now against you and set my accusations before you.
[ 50:22 "Consider this, you who forget God, or I will tear you to pieces, with no one to rescue you: Judgment has come to Serbia the judgment is Serbs will perish from the land by their many own inspired wicked grievous sins. Like gods golden rule : Do unto others as you would like done on to you.

Mercurio Bua

pre 7 godina

Fantastic News!
Serboslavs are dying out!
Albanians are growing bigger and faster. The balkans belongs to albanians. Not to the dying slavs. We are the future!


pre 7 godina

@azir Serbs commit suicide not because of what you said which is not true by the way. If they commit suicide it is because of certain depression, maybe they have no money to help feed their families or their health is failing.


pre 7 godina

What Serbia needs to do is to not let people leave, and to accept Ukrainian and Russian immigrants, even Hungarians or some Irish people.

But make sure they integrate into Serbian society so they become Serbs.

So sad too bad

pre 7 godina

This is no big surprise. You live in country that has experienced years of war and sanctions which has destroyed the economy, infrastructure and business. Corruption and theft in politics also doesn't help. No job opportunities and not a great environment for starting a family. Most Serbians try to leave and find a better life elsewhere. You also have a population of bimbo women who dream of marrying a gangster or football star, and macho meat headed guys who dream of becoming one.


pre 7 godina

Thank you B92 for publishing this article that proves my point Serbia is dieing out and past studies indicate in 500 years completely eliminated from the face of this earth!

Only then can Europe initiate healing and reconciliation.

This stain on the Balkans is slowly being erased because if they can't stand each other and as a result less evil reproduced.

Good riddance you kind will not be missed and all your victims applaud this natural justice .

The sooner the later for regional peace and stability.

P.s.the Statistics didn't mention Serb suicides
That also are increasing once Serbs realize their Criminal actions inflicted upon Slovenia,Croatia,Bosnia and Kosova.

Albanian Orthodox

pre 7 godina

Dont sweat it guys, we're shrinking in Albania too. Its not easy nowdays to create a family with all the bullshit you have to think before it. All that thank to the huge corruption our beloved leaders have brought to us.

Dragoljub Djurkovic

pre 7 godina

Canadian Serb, Dear Serbian Brother:

My comments on this Serbian site some times very sarcastic, I have my reasons. I do worry and care about Srbija, it consumes me constantly. We Serbian people did pretty much fine until the 1990's when USA, England and Germany decided our time on earth is up. USA did a lot of damage to Srbija and Serbian people from 1990's and continue indefinately. Hitlers dream " Final Solution " regarding Eastern Orthodox Christianity in the Balkans fullfilled by the USA U-235 bombs. USA unleashes Isolation, Dehumanization and Demonization on Srbija a direct copy from Hitler's 1940's program. So today we Serbian people mortally wounded, Kosovo stolen, Srpska Krajina stolen, Bosna i Herzegovina broken and Serbian soil contaminated with Uranium poison for ever !!!

canadian serb

pre 7 godina

That is reality, an extinct Srbija well before the end of this century and for sure with so much help from USA, England and Germany a Greator Albania, a Greator Croatia, a Greator Hungary, a Greator Romania and a Greator Bulgaria !!!
(Dragoljub Djurkovic, 30 June 2017 18:56) instead of blaming someone else blame your self, spread the word to Serbs world wide to have kids and have more than 2 that's how you solve the problem, how many you got ? I have 3 and am 40 now ....why blame someone else....nobody taught you and other Serbs how to have kids ? is that it ......its easy .....why do you worry about someone else any way ? for greater this and greater that, worry about making Serbia great and to have a big young population ...don't worry about what some else....so spread the world to the Serbians in Serbia, the region and the world we all have devices and so many other ways to get messages out to the world....now lets see if all Serbs will do it ,and you first....and Serbs should focus on this issue not fighting partisan vs red star are whatever....more important issues and this should be on the top....be men and not punks.....

Dragoljub Djurkovic

pre 7 godina

Oh what good news that is for USA, England and Germany !!!

The Albanian Islamic terrorist continue to multiply, Srbija for sure to be over run by Islam and for sure will not exist as Srbija well before the end of this century !!!

That is reality, an extinct Srbija well before the end of this century and for sure with so much help from USA, England and Germany a Greator Albania, a Greator Croatia, a Greator Hungary, a Greator Romania and a Greator Bulgaria !!!

Albanian Orthodox

pre 7 godina

Dont sweat it guys, we're shrinking in Albania too. Its not easy nowdays to create a family with all the bullshit you have to think before it. All that thank to the huge corruption our beloved leaders have brought to us.

So sad too bad

pre 7 godina

This is no big surprise. You live in country that has experienced years of war and sanctions which has destroyed the economy, infrastructure and business. Corruption and theft in politics also doesn't help. No job opportunities and not a great environment for starting a family. Most Serbians try to leave and find a better life elsewhere. You also have a population of bimbo women who dream of marrying a gangster or football star, and macho meat headed guys who dream of becoming one.

canadian serb

pre 7 godina

That is reality, an extinct Srbija well before the end of this century and for sure with so much help from USA, England and Germany a Greator Albania, a Greator Croatia, a Greator Hungary, a Greator Romania and a Greator Bulgaria !!!
(Dragoljub Djurkovic, 30 June 2017 18:56) instead of blaming someone else blame your self, spread the word to Serbs world wide to have kids and have more than 2 that's how you solve the problem, how many you got ? I have 3 and am 40 now ....why blame someone else....nobody taught you and other Serbs how to have kids ? is that it ......its easy .....why do you worry about someone else any way ? for greater this and greater that, worry about making Serbia great and to have a big young population ...don't worry about what some else....so spread the world to the Serbians in Serbia, the region and the world we all have devices and so many other ways to get messages out to the world....now lets see if all Serbs will do it ,and you first....and Serbs should focus on this issue not fighting partisan vs red star are whatever....more important issues and this should be on the top....be men and not punks.....


pre 7 godina

Thank you B92 for publishing this article that proves my point Serbia is dieing out and past studies indicate in 500 years completely eliminated from the face of this earth!

Only then can Europe initiate healing and reconciliation.

This stain on the Balkans is slowly being erased because if they can't stand each other and as a result less evil reproduced.

Good riddance you kind will not be missed and all your victims applaud this natural justice .

The sooner the later for regional peace and stability.

P.s.the Statistics didn't mention Serb suicides
That also are increasing once Serbs realize their Criminal actions inflicted upon Slovenia,Croatia,Bosnia and Kosova.

Dragoljub Djurkovic

pre 7 godina

Canadian Serb, Dear Serbian Brother:

My comments on this Serbian site some times very sarcastic, I have my reasons. I do worry and care about Srbija, it consumes me constantly. We Serbian people did pretty much fine until the 1990's when USA, England and Germany decided our time on earth is up. USA did a lot of damage to Srbija and Serbian people from 1990's and continue indefinately. Hitlers dream " Final Solution " regarding Eastern Orthodox Christianity in the Balkans fullfilled by the USA U-235 bombs. USA unleashes Isolation, Dehumanization and Demonization on Srbija a direct copy from Hitler's 1940's program. So today we Serbian people mortally wounded, Kosovo stolen, Srpska Krajina stolen, Bosna i Herzegovina broken and Serbian soil contaminated with Uranium poison for ever !!!


pre 7 godina

Dragoljub Djurkovic Serbs are dying out because they are under Gods curse. Greater Serb Orthodoxy wicked religion tells them lies because they don't have a clue what the truth is even if it bit them in the ass. They prefer to live in lies and perpetual satanic inspired delusions like your self. 2Th 2:10 All the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.
2Th 2:11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie
[ 2:12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness. You think God approves all the heinous wickedness Serbs did not on your life. This is what God says. Psa 50:21 When you did these things and I kept silent, you thought I was exactly like you. But I'm now against you and set my accusations before you.
[ 50:22 "Consider this, you who forget God, or I will tear you to pieces, with no one to rescue you: Judgment has come to Serbia the judgment is Serbs will perish from the land by their many own inspired wicked grievous sins. Like gods golden rule : Do unto others as you would like done on to you.


pre 7 godina

@azir Serbs commit suicide not because of what you said which is not true by the way. If they commit suicide it is because of certain depression, maybe they have no money to help feed their families or their health is failing.

Mercurio Bua

pre 7 godina

Fantastic News!
Serboslavs are dying out!
Albanians are growing bigger and faster. The balkans belongs to albanians. Not to the dying slavs. We are the future!


pre 7 godina

It makes no sense ! African women are malnourished, weak, poor and disease ridden and still you see them carrying 4 maybe 5 kids on their backs fetching water from the local well supplied by UNICEF. The problem with Serbs is that they have become to proud to push anything between their legs. It's more important to hang out with Zemun gangsters and sit in cafe's all day sipping on one short black discussing how good YU was than going to church, listening to what the lord has to say and working hard for a better future. Once they allowed women out of kitchen and into the boardroom it was all over. How can Serbia grow when even its own Prime Minister refuses to sleep with a man. If Serbia gets into the E.U half the population will leave. The Serbs are dying race.

Dragoljub Djurkovic

pre 7 godina

Oh what good news that is for USA, England and Germany !!!

The Albanian Islamic terrorist continue to multiply, Srbija for sure to be over run by Islam and for sure will not exist as Srbija well before the end of this century !!!

That is reality, an extinct Srbija well before the end of this century and for sure with so much help from USA, England and Germany a Greator Albania, a Greator Croatia, a Greator Hungary, a Greator Romania and a Greator Bulgaria !!!


pre 7 godina

A normal occurrence in a time of sanctions and war.
(factman, 1 July 2017 08:33)

The story is about Serbia, dear and it's not clear what sanctions or war are you referring to!


pre 7 godina

Serbia is no different to other parts of Europe. Populations through birth rates are declining through most of the western world though immigration is keeping some on the increase.
(Zoran, 3 July 2017 11:09)

Immigration to the western world?! How is that possible?! According to the most patriotic of Serbs, the western world is hell, whereas Serbia, Russia and China are the paradise on Earth. So, following that logic, the immigration should be towards Russia and China and not the western world...


pre 7 godina

This is pretty much a common thing Europe wide.

To think Albania is any better is simply untrue, your offcial birth rate per women is about 1.5, a bit better than Serbias 1.3. The myth of the Albanian birth rate may have been true in the past but not anymore.
Look at Albanias own population 3.3 in 1991 to 2.8mil today. Everyone is leaving these countries, for lack of work prospects. Even kosovo is being depopulated only city to griw is Pristina, all others are in decline.
I am glad Vucic is following the slovakia model of growth(exports), keep bring investments and miney and the people will return

Albanian American

pre 7 godina

Serbina, 1 July 2017 14:20)

So basically what you're saying is "serbia needs help with their women so they can multiply "
I'll be right there to help Lol


pre 7 godina

What Serbia needs to do is to not let people leave, and to accept Ukrainian and Russian immigrants, even Hungarians or some Irish people.

But make sure they integrate into Serbian society so they become Serbs.


pre 7 godina

Of course sanctions and military aggression preceded by decades of communism did not help Serbia's birthrate.
(Ari Gold, 2 July 2017 21:11)

Dear, the B92 news story states that Serbian population shrinked by nearly 400,000 over ten years, so it's not clear what sanctions or military aggression you are talking about from 2006 onward!

Also, Russia had very negative demographic trends in the early 90s.
(Ari Gold, 2 July 2017 21:11)

Russia's population was:
147,7 million in 1989
148,4 million in 1995

So Russia's demographic trend in the early 90's was positive, not negative. As usual, you have no idea what you're talking about.

But this was quickly solved after Putin had gotten to power and created conditions for better economic activity.
(Ari Gold, 2 July 2017 21:11)

Russia's population was:
147,7 million in 1998 (before Putin got to power)
144,3 million in 2016 (after about 17 years of Putin being in power)

So, again, you have no idea what you're talking about!


pre 7 godina

A normal occurrence in a time of sanctions and war.
(factman, 1 July 2017 08:33)

The story is about Serbia, dear and it's not clear what sanctions or war are you referring to!
(icj1, 2 July 2017 02:14)


Some clowns need everything explained.

Serbia had 20 years of sanctions and war.

When sanctions and war end, the economic and social disruption caused by those 2 situations has a residual effect.

Until such time as the residual effect is mopped up, people do not make babies.

Pretty obvious.


pre 7 godina

Canadian-Shamed Serb:

I agree with you in that Serbs are PUNKS!

They hate children and basically life in general.

How long before Serbia disappears?

Abandoning Serbia by going to Canadia doesn't
Help now does it?


pre 7 godina

Who's fault is it that Serbia's sad population is GAY?

Serbia leadership is also homosexual!

With friends like Greece what else did you expect?

Being ugly Serbs caused many to join military militias and form rape squads!


pre 7 godina

The excerpt below seems to have been written in TANJUG style during communist times. Common B92, do you really believe this? Of course you do not have the after 1998 Kosovo population data. Why would you?

"The Statistical Office notes with each of the reports it publishes that since 1998, it has not had disposal and may not provide certain data related to the Autonomous Province Kosovo and Metohija - "and therefore these data are not included in the coverage for the Republic of Serbia (total)."

Ari Gold

pre 7 godina

As posters have already alluded to, low birthrates are a common problem among most ethnic European groups, Serbia is no exception. Of course sanctions and military aggression preceded by decades of communism did not help Serbia's birthrate. But let's not pretend that this problem is only specific to Serbia. I can tell you that after driving through the Slavonia region in present-day Croatia, it is virtually empty. People are leaving that area in droves and the birthrate is even worse than in Serbia's.

Also, just a message to you Albanian extremists that are gloating... yes you may have a higher birthrate because of cultural differences and norms which make it normal for you guys to have 10 children per family, but that does not help you. There are more refugee applications coming from Serbia's southern province than people from war-torn Syria. That's in 2017, not 1999. Per-capita, no territory in Europe is facing a greater exodus than in Kosovo-Metohija. So let's not pretend as if having children is the answer to all of your societies' problems. If you cannot provide a good life for your citizens, they will leave. Period.

Also, Russia had very negative demographic trends in the early 90s. But this was quickly solved after Putin had gotten to power and created conditions for better economic activity. The same will happen in Serbia when there is a government that is concerned with improving the living standards of its citizens. It can happen quite fast actually.

Hy Epstein

pre 7 godina

But make sure they integrate into Serbian society so they become Serbs.
(Serbina, 1 July 2017 14:20)

Why would anyone want to become a Serb. Most people think of them as Pariah.


pre 7 godina

Serbia is no different to other parts of Europe. Populations through birth rates are declining through most of the western world though immigration is keeping some on the increase.


pre 7 godina

The more population moves from the villages to the cities the less children they make. It happens to all western countries , Japan, Korea etc.
For all Albanians that like to tease Serbs : this will happen to you soon as more people move from villages to cities. Unfortunately children in agricultural societies are viewed as farm hands hence the need to have too many of them.

Lenards Clone

pre 7 godina

In the wild....animals in drought, flooding, starvation and disease will not breed as the environment isn't right to raise young. Serbia is in the same situation with poor living conditions, corruption, gay leadership and unemployment. Who in their right mind would raise a family in such a hostile environment. The Serbs have no interest in looking after the young. The Albanians with 4+ children per family previously 7 are already growing rapidly in Macedonia and soon enough their numbers including Sandzak Muslims will grow so fast that Serbia will be littered with Mosques and citizens waking up to the call of a man screaming is head off at 5:00am on a Sunday morning from a minaret. This is the price you pay for turning away from Christianity. Good Luck 😢


pre 7 godina

Of course its dying, how cannot not when Serbia is Europes #1 baby killer!!! Yes, they avg about 250,000 abortions/yr!!! Women there, Montenegro, RS etc all asprire to look like Jelena Karleusa. They dont have a penny to their name but yet ways to get lip injections, yet they live in a village or run apt in Beograd or Podgorica. I agree wth my fellow brothers below, they love these ugly looking/unmannerly bold, abusive thugs. There is no believe in Jesus there, only nationalism of being a non practicising Orthodox. They sneak into the states here ie Chicago, and just try to scam the system, marry someone for papers etc. Our people have turned into the pit of Europe.....thugs, whores, athiests and black magic crap. Every woman on avg there will deny God, think sex wth benefits is cool, knows horoscope inside out and still single at 40 thinking her day is coming with prince charming. No wonder Serbs in Raska are marrying Albanian from albania. Our females are too busy moving out of a village and becoming whores in beograd, novi sad etc.

There is no more pride in Serbia. That died with our grandfathers generation.

canadian serb

pre 7 godina

The more population moves from the villages to the cities the less children they make. It happens to all western countries , Japan, Korea etc.
For all Albanians that like to tease Serbs : this will happen to you soon as more people move from villages to cities. Unfortunately children in agricultural societies are viewed as farm hands hence the need to have too many of them.
(Niko, 4 July 2017 01:24) that is the most stupidest thing I have ever read, you are saying if you live in the city you don't need kids ? best for you is to go to school, please don't talk stupid...it doesn't matter where you live you need kids, if you don't have young then you don't have jobs ...city or village like you say...so now to the normal Serbs in the world ,have kids, be smart... grow and have young for the whole of Serbia ....the region and world.....


pre 7 godina

A normal occurrence in a time of sanctions and war.
(factman, 1 July 2017 08:33)

The story is about Serbia, dear and it's not clear what sanctions or war are you referring to!
(icj1, 2 July 2017 02:14)

Serbia had 20 years of sanctions and war.
(factman, 3 July 2017 15:38)

From when to when did Serbia have 20 years of sanctions and war, dear?! Or is that just a fantasy of yours?

canadian serb

pre 7 godina

are you Serbs really crazy ? I posted something and the answers I got back were grade 1 answers....why do you worry about Europe's population or anyone for that fact .. why do you care if Europe don't want kids are shrinking ? Serbs should care in Serbia and the region and world wide..Serbs should worry and do something about it, have bigger families now ,there is lost of jobs in Serbia ,have 2 or more kids...this is how you will have a young big nation for the future of Serbs, the bigger and younger your nation is the more the economy will boom, don't you get it ?.....do you want a bright future ? are or do you care about joining gangs and killing each other and fighting partisan vs zvezda ....wake up.....my god ....and if Serbs are rich have 5+ kids.....lets go...I have 3 of my own ..don't reply to me with stupid answers please...

canadian serb

pre 7 godina

Canadian-Shamed Serb:

I agree with you in that Serbs are PUNKS!

They hate children and basically life in general.

How long before Serbia disappears?

Abandoning Serbia by going to Canadia doesn't
Help now does it?
(Azir, 3 July 2017 22:55) for 1 I am Canadian born, 2 it doesn't matter where you go in the world you could have kids....3. what does having babies in Serbia or the region have to do with moving or living somewhere else ? there is people in Serbia to have kids and the region....you Albanians make no sense when you talk just like some Serbs who hide from the questions I have posted. About this tragedy they run and hide to answer my real question...


pre 7 godina

@canadian serb
Nowhere in my post I said people in the cities don't need kids. They simply have less of them in comparison to people in villages. Average family in a city has about 2 children, while in a village has more than 4. If you look the average family living in a city in Serbia it has no significant difference from the number of children of a family living in a city in Albania or USA or Germany.
Albania and Kosovo have simply a larger percentage of population living in the villages in comparison to Serbia, hence the perceived growth of their population when doing a simple comparison but not factoring in where the most people live.
No need for name calling.
By the way, I am not a Serb.

china-russia= world power

pre 7 godina

Russia's population was:
147,7 million in 1998 (before Putin got to power)
144,3 million in 2016 (after about 17 years of Putin being in power)

So, again, you have no idea what you're talking about!
(icj1, 3 July 2017 15:37)actually ding dong Russia is the only 47nation in Europe having kids in 2017 their population is 147,9 million and growing and in the world there is about 200 million including Russia....so keep watching cnn and western lies lol they have been busted left right and centre...America and EU are finished if you haven't noticed...Russia and china are the world leaders......now as for Serbs in Serbia the region and world wide start having big families again wake up.like Russia.the economy Is booming in Serbia..


pre 7 godina

It is not the Serbian woman's fault. It is the man's fault. For some reason they became lazy and indecisive. The man wants the woman to be university educated but when he can't find one he ends up being single and alone. Not only in Serbia but abroad too.


pre 7 godina

Thank you B92 for publishing this article that proves my point Serbia is dieing out and past studies indicate in 500 years completely eliminated from the face of this earth!

Only then can Europe initiate healing and reconciliation.

This stain on the Balkans is slowly being erased because if they can't stand each other and as a result less evil reproduced.

Good riddance you kind will not be missed and all your victims applaud this natural justice .

The sooner the later for regional peace and stability.

P.s.the Statistics didn't mention Serb suicides
That also are increasing once Serbs realize their Criminal actions inflicted upon Slovenia,Croatia,Bosnia and Kosova.

Dragoljub Djurkovic

pre 7 godina

Oh what good news that is for USA, England and Germany !!!

The Albanian Islamic terrorist continue to multiply, Srbija for sure to be over run by Islam and for sure will not exist as Srbija well before the end of this century !!!

That is reality, an extinct Srbija well before the end of this century and for sure with so much help from USA, England and Germany a Greator Albania, a Greator Croatia, a Greator Hungary, a Greator Romania and a Greator Bulgaria !!!

Mercurio Bua

pre 7 godina

Fantastic News!
Serboslavs are dying out!
Albanians are growing bigger and faster. The balkans belongs to albanians. Not to the dying slavs. We are the future!

Dragoljub Djurkovic

pre 7 godina

Canadian Serb, Dear Serbian Brother:

My comments on this Serbian site some times very sarcastic, I have my reasons. I do worry and care about Srbija, it consumes me constantly. We Serbian people did pretty much fine until the 1990's when USA, England and Germany decided our time on earth is up. USA did a lot of damage to Srbija and Serbian people from 1990's and continue indefinately. Hitlers dream " Final Solution " regarding Eastern Orthodox Christianity in the Balkans fullfilled by the USA U-235 bombs. USA unleashes Isolation, Dehumanization and Demonization on Srbija a direct copy from Hitler's 1940's program. So today we Serbian people mortally wounded, Kosovo stolen, Srpska Krajina stolen, Bosna i Herzegovina broken and Serbian soil contaminated with Uranium poison for ever !!!


pre 7 godina

What Serbia needs to do is to not let people leave, and to accept Ukrainian and Russian immigrants, even Hungarians or some Irish people.

But make sure they integrate into Serbian society so they become Serbs.


pre 7 godina

Who's fault is it that Serbia's sad population is GAY?

Serbia leadership is also homosexual!

With friends like Greece what else did you expect?

Being ugly Serbs caused many to join military militias and form rape squads!


pre 7 godina

@azir Serbs commit suicide not because of what you said which is not true by the way. If they commit suicide it is because of certain depression, maybe they have no money to help feed their families or their health is failing.

canadian serb

pre 7 godina

That is reality, an extinct Srbija well before the end of this century and for sure with so much help from USA, England and Germany a Greator Albania, a Greator Croatia, a Greator Hungary, a Greator Romania and a Greator Bulgaria !!!
(Dragoljub Djurkovic, 30 June 2017 18:56) instead of blaming someone else blame your self, spread the word to Serbs world wide to have kids and have more than 2 that's how you solve the problem, how many you got ? I have 3 and am 40 now ....why blame someone else....nobody taught you and other Serbs how to have kids ? is that it ......its easy .....why do you worry about someone else any way ? for greater this and greater that, worry about making Serbia great and to have a big young population ...don't worry about what some else....so spread the world to the Serbians in Serbia, the region and the world we all have devices and so many other ways to get messages out to the world....now lets see if all Serbs will do it ,and you first....and Serbs should focus on this issue not fighting partisan vs red star are whatever....more important issues and this should be on the top....be men and not punks.....

Ari Gold

pre 7 godina

As posters have already alluded to, low birthrates are a common problem among most ethnic European groups, Serbia is no exception. Of course sanctions and military aggression preceded by decades of communism did not help Serbia's birthrate. But let's not pretend that this problem is only specific to Serbia. I can tell you that after driving through the Slavonia region in present-day Croatia, it is virtually empty. People are leaving that area in droves and the birthrate is even worse than in Serbia's.

Also, just a message to you Albanian extremists that are gloating... yes you may have a higher birthrate because of cultural differences and norms which make it normal for you guys to have 10 children per family, but that does not help you. There are more refugee applications coming from Serbia's southern province than people from war-torn Syria. That's in 2017, not 1999. Per-capita, no territory in Europe is facing a greater exodus than in Kosovo-Metohija. So let's not pretend as if having children is the answer to all of your societies' problems. If you cannot provide a good life for your citizens, they will leave. Period.

Also, Russia had very negative demographic trends in the early 90s. But this was quickly solved after Putin had gotten to power and created conditions for better economic activity. The same will happen in Serbia when there is a government that is concerned with improving the living standards of its citizens. It can happen quite fast actually.

Albanian Orthodox

pre 7 godina

Dont sweat it guys, we're shrinking in Albania too. Its not easy nowdays to create a family with all the bullshit you have to think before it. All that thank to the huge corruption our beloved leaders have brought to us.

Hy Epstein

pre 7 godina

But make sure they integrate into Serbian society so they become Serbs.
(Serbina, 1 July 2017 14:20)

Why would anyone want to become a Serb. Most people think of them as Pariah.


pre 7 godina

Dragoljub Djurkovic Serbs are dying out because they are under Gods curse. Greater Serb Orthodoxy wicked religion tells them lies because they don't have a clue what the truth is even if it bit them in the ass. They prefer to live in lies and perpetual satanic inspired delusions like your self. 2Th 2:10 All the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.
2Th 2:11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie
[ 2:12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness. You think God approves all the heinous wickedness Serbs did not on your life. This is what God says. Psa 50:21 When you did these things and I kept silent, you thought I was exactly like you. But I'm now against you and set my accusations before you.
[ 50:22 "Consider this, you who forget God, or I will tear you to pieces, with no one to rescue you: Judgment has come to Serbia the judgment is Serbs will perish from the land by their many own inspired wicked grievous sins. Like gods golden rule : Do unto others as you would like done on to you.


pre 7 godina

A normal occurrence in a time of sanctions and war.
(factman, 1 July 2017 08:33)

The story is about Serbia, dear and it's not clear what sanctions or war are you referring to!
(icj1, 2 July 2017 02:14)


Some clowns need everything explained.

Serbia had 20 years of sanctions and war.

When sanctions and war end, the economic and social disruption caused by those 2 situations has a residual effect.

Until such time as the residual effect is mopped up, people do not make babies.

Pretty obvious.


pre 7 godina

It makes no sense ! African women are malnourished, weak, poor and disease ridden and still you see them carrying 4 maybe 5 kids on their backs fetching water from the local well supplied by UNICEF. The problem with Serbs is that they have become to proud to push anything between their legs. It's more important to hang out with Zemun gangsters and sit in cafe's all day sipping on one short black discussing how good YU was than going to church, listening to what the lord has to say and working hard for a better future. Once they allowed women out of kitchen and into the boardroom it was all over. How can Serbia grow when even its own Prime Minister refuses to sleep with a man. If Serbia gets into the E.U half the population will leave. The Serbs are dying race.


pre 7 godina

Of course its dying, how cannot not when Serbia is Europes #1 baby killer!!! Yes, they avg about 250,000 abortions/yr!!! Women there, Montenegro, RS etc all asprire to look like Jelena Karleusa. They dont have a penny to their name but yet ways to get lip injections, yet they live in a village or run apt in Beograd or Podgorica. I agree wth my fellow brothers below, they love these ugly looking/unmannerly bold, abusive thugs. There is no believe in Jesus there, only nationalism of being a non practicising Orthodox. They sneak into the states here ie Chicago, and just try to scam the system, marry someone for papers etc. Our people have turned into the pit of Europe.....thugs, whores, athiests and black magic crap. Every woman on avg there will deny God, think sex wth benefits is cool, knows horoscope inside out and still single at 40 thinking her day is coming with prince charming. No wonder Serbs in Raska are marrying Albanian from albania. Our females are too busy moving out of a village and becoming whores in beograd, novi sad etc.

There is no more pride in Serbia. That died with our grandfathers generation.


pre 7 godina

Serbia is no different to other parts of Europe. Populations through birth rates are declining through most of the western world though immigration is keeping some on the increase.

canadian serb

pre 7 godina

are you Serbs really crazy ? I posted something and the answers I got back were grade 1 answers....why do you worry about Europe's population or anyone for that fact .. why do you care if Europe don't want kids are shrinking ? Serbs should care in Serbia and the region and world wide..Serbs should worry and do something about it, have bigger families now ,there is lost of jobs in Serbia ,have 2 or more kids...this is how you will have a young big nation for the future of Serbs, the bigger and younger your nation is the more the economy will boom, don't you get it ?.....do you want a bright future ? are or do you care about joining gangs and killing each other and fighting partisan vs zvezda ....wake up.....my god ....and if Serbs are rich have 5+ kids.....lets go...I have 3 of my own ..don't reply to me with stupid answers please...

Albanian American

pre 7 godina

Serbina, 1 July 2017 14:20)

So basically what you're saying is "serbia needs help with their women so they can multiply "
I'll be right there to help Lol


pre 7 godina

It is not the Serbian woman's fault. It is the man's fault. For some reason they became lazy and indecisive. The man wants the woman to be university educated but when he can't find one he ends up being single and alone. Not only in Serbia but abroad too.


pre 7 godina

Serbia is no different to other parts of Europe. Populations through birth rates are declining through most of the western world though immigration is keeping some on the increase.
(Zoran, 3 July 2017 11:09)

Immigration to the western world?! How is that possible?! According to the most patriotic of Serbs, the western world is hell, whereas Serbia, Russia and China are the paradise on Earth. So, following that logic, the immigration should be towards Russia and China and not the western world...


pre 7 godina

Of course sanctions and military aggression preceded by decades of communism did not help Serbia's birthrate.
(Ari Gold, 2 July 2017 21:11)

Dear, the B92 news story states that Serbian population shrinked by nearly 400,000 over ten years, so it's not clear what sanctions or military aggression you are talking about from 2006 onward!

Also, Russia had very negative demographic trends in the early 90s.
(Ari Gold, 2 July 2017 21:11)

Russia's population was:
147,7 million in 1989
148,4 million in 1995

So Russia's demographic trend in the early 90's was positive, not negative. As usual, you have no idea what you're talking about.

But this was quickly solved after Putin had gotten to power and created conditions for better economic activity.
(Ari Gold, 2 July 2017 21:11)

Russia's population was:
147,7 million in 1998 (before Putin got to power)
144,3 million in 2016 (after about 17 years of Putin being in power)

So, again, you have no idea what you're talking about!


pre 7 godina

Canadian-Shamed Serb:

I agree with you in that Serbs are PUNKS!

They hate children and basically life in general.

How long before Serbia disappears?

Abandoning Serbia by going to Canadia doesn't
Help now does it?

canadian serb

pre 7 godina

Canadian-Shamed Serb:

I agree with you in that Serbs are PUNKS!

They hate children and basically life in general.

How long before Serbia disappears?

Abandoning Serbia by going to Canadia doesn't
Help now does it?
(Azir, 3 July 2017 22:55) for 1 I am Canadian born, 2 it doesn't matter where you go in the world you could have kids....3. what does having babies in Serbia or the region have to do with moving or living somewhere else ? there is people in Serbia to have kids and the region....you Albanians make no sense when you talk just like some Serbs who hide from the questions I have posted. About this tragedy they run and hide to answer my real question...


pre 7 godina

A normal occurrence in a time of sanctions and war.
(factman, 1 July 2017 08:33)

The story is about Serbia, dear and it's not clear what sanctions or war are you referring to!


pre 7 godina

A normal occurrence in a time of sanctions and war.
(factman, 1 July 2017 08:33)

The story is about Serbia, dear and it's not clear what sanctions or war are you referring to!
(icj1, 2 July 2017 02:14)

Serbia had 20 years of sanctions and war.
(factman, 3 July 2017 15:38)

From when to when did Serbia have 20 years of sanctions and war, dear?! Or is that just a fantasy of yours?

Lenards Clone

pre 7 godina

In the wild....animals in drought, flooding, starvation and disease will not breed as the environment isn't right to raise young. Serbia is in the same situation with poor living conditions, corruption, gay leadership and unemployment. Who in their right mind would raise a family in such a hostile environment. The Serbs have no interest in looking after the young. The Albanians with 4+ children per family previously 7 are already growing rapidly in Macedonia and soon enough their numbers including Sandzak Muslims will grow so fast that Serbia will be littered with Mosques and citizens waking up to the call of a man screaming is head off at 5:00am on a Sunday morning from a minaret. This is the price you pay for turning away from Christianity. Good Luck 😢


pre 7 godina

This is pretty much a common thing Europe wide.

To think Albania is any better is simply untrue, your offcial birth rate per women is about 1.5, a bit better than Serbias 1.3. The myth of the Albanian birth rate may have been true in the past but not anymore.
Look at Albanias own population 3.3 in 1991 to 2.8mil today. Everyone is leaving these countries, for lack of work prospects. Even kosovo is being depopulated only city to griw is Pristina, all others are in decline.
I am glad Vucic is following the slovakia model of growth(exports), keep bring investments and miney and the people will return


pre 7 godina

The more population moves from the villages to the cities the less children they make. It happens to all western countries , Japan, Korea etc.
For all Albanians that like to tease Serbs : this will happen to you soon as more people move from villages to cities. Unfortunately children in agricultural societies are viewed as farm hands hence the need to have too many of them.


pre 7 godina

@canadian serb
Nowhere in my post I said people in the cities don't need kids. They simply have less of them in comparison to people in villages. Average family in a city has about 2 children, while in a village has more than 4. If you look the average family living in a city in Serbia it has no significant difference from the number of children of a family living in a city in Albania or USA or Germany.
Albania and Kosovo have simply a larger percentage of population living in the villages in comparison to Serbia, hence the perceived growth of their population when doing a simple comparison but not factoring in where the most people live.
No need for name calling.
By the way, I am not a Serb.

So sad too bad

pre 7 godina

This is no big surprise. You live in country that has experienced years of war and sanctions which has destroyed the economy, infrastructure and business. Corruption and theft in politics also doesn't help. No job opportunities and not a great environment for starting a family. Most Serbians try to leave and find a better life elsewhere. You also have a population of bimbo women who dream of marrying a gangster or football star, and macho meat headed guys who dream of becoming one.


pre 7 godina

The excerpt below seems to have been written in TANJUG style during communist times. Common B92, do you really believe this? Of course you do not have the after 1998 Kosovo population data. Why would you?

"The Statistical Office notes with each of the reports it publishes that since 1998, it has not had disposal and may not provide certain data related to the Autonomous Province Kosovo and Metohija - "and therefore these data are not included in the coverage for the Republic of Serbia (total)."

canadian serb

pre 7 godina

The more population moves from the villages to the cities the less children they make. It happens to all western countries , Japan, Korea etc.
For all Albanians that like to tease Serbs : this will happen to you soon as more people move from villages to cities. Unfortunately children in agricultural societies are viewed as farm hands hence the need to have too many of them.
(Niko, 4 July 2017 01:24) that is the most stupidest thing I have ever read, you are saying if you live in the city you don't need kids ? best for you is to go to school, please don't talk stupid...it doesn't matter where you live you need kids, if you don't have young then you don't have jobs ...city or village like you say...so now to the normal Serbs in the world ,have kids, be smart... grow and have young for the whole of Serbia ....the region and world.....

china-russia= world power

pre 7 godina

Russia's population was:
147,7 million in 1998 (before Putin got to power)
144,3 million in 2016 (after about 17 years of Putin being in power)

So, again, you have no idea what you're talking about!
(icj1, 3 July 2017 15:37)actually ding dong Russia is the only 47nation in Europe having kids in 2017 their population is 147,9 million and growing and in the world there is about 200 million including Russia....so keep watching cnn and western lies lol they have been busted left right and centre...America and EU are finished if you haven't noticed...Russia and china are the world leaders......now as for Serbs in Serbia the region and world wide start having big families again wake up.like Russia.the economy Is booming in Serbia..