pre 7 godina
Victory19 : Only albanians are unique and original in the balkan pennisula.
Last night I was interested how the Balkan peoples sound in Turkish. And though the language appeared only in 1923-1932 it is based on the Osmani (close to Persian and Arab) I've found interesting things :
албания = arnavutluk
албанец = албанец
русский = rusça
россия = rusya
сербия = sırbistan
серб = sırp
хорватия = hırvatistan
хорват = horvath
босния = bosna
босняк = босняк
болгарин = болгарин
болгария = bulgaristan
румын = romanyalı
румыния = romanya
венгр = macarca
венгрия = macaristan
цыган = çingene
македонец = genc bir makedon
македония = makedonya
черногория = karadağ
черногорец = черногорец
According to Yandex Turks know no Montenegrins, Albanians, Bulgarians and Bosniaks ... I think that these peoples had other names or did not exist yet. Turks had a special word (Arnavutlut) for the territory called Shqiperia in 19 century and Albania in 20 century but they have no special word for the Shqiptares ... If so my theory that your nation was formed in early 19 century after the Greeks separated may be true. Plain speaking (shqip people) stayed inside the empire because unlike the Greeks (who all belonged to Milliet-i Rum) your ancestors belonged to 3 different milliets and de facto were 3 different peoples. And of course you are unique in the region where you came inside the Rus hordes around 14-15 century.
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