Friday, 17.03.2017.


Kiev angry at Belgrade over Assembly members' Crimea trip

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has condemned the visit of a group of Serbian Assembly members ("people's deputies") to Crimea.

Izvor: Sputnik

Kiev angry at Belgrade over Assembly members' Crimea trip IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 7 godina

Victory19 : Only albanians are unique and original in the balkan pennisula.

Last night I was interested how the Balkan peoples sound in Turkish. And though the language appeared only in 1923-1932 it is based on the Osmani (close to Persian and Arab) I've found interesting things :

албания = arnavutluk
албанец = албанец
русский = rusça
россия = rusya
сербия = sırbistan
серб = sırp
хорватия = hırvatistan
хорват = horvath
босния = bosna
босняк = босняк
болгарин = болгарин
болгария = bulgaristan
румын = romanyalı
румыния = romanya
венгр = macarca
венгрия = macaristan
цыган = çingene
македонец = genc bir makedon
македония = makedonya
черногория = karadağ
черногорец = черногорец

According to Yandex Turks know no Montenegrins, Albanians, Bulgarians and Bosniaks ... I think that these peoples had other names or did not exist yet. Turks had a special word (Arnavutlut) for the territory called Shqiperia in 19 century and Albania in 20 century but they have no special word for the Shqiptares ... If so my theory that your nation was formed in early 19 century after the Greeks separated may be true. Plain speaking (shqip people) stayed inside the empire because unlike the Greeks (who all belonged to Milliet-i Rum) your ancestors belonged to 3 different milliets and de facto were 3 different peoples. And of course you are unique in the region where you came inside the Rus hordes around 14-15 century.


pre 7 godina


Thank you !

Also there are about 175-180 millions of Turkic speaking peoples and most of them have a big or even dominating Slavic happlogroups in their genomes. Say Kirgiz people look quite Chinese but have upto 65% of R1a happlogroup. It means that either their women were brought from China or their men were killed by th Cossacks. See the names the Turkic countries have! Most of them contain Russian STAN.

See the Gagauz people by your side. They are absolute Russians despite their Turkic language. As I wrote Turks are an artificial state and people and language. Turkic languages originate from Russia where all peoples spoke it before 18-19 century.

The Ottoman empire was quite different before the Tanzimat Period when Slavic Yanissaries were massacred (30 000!) in 1826. And of course it had nothing to do with the Turkey of Ataturk who hated the Osmans and forced them to abandon the country.


pre 7 godina

Slavs are only a LINGUISTIC group - West and East Slavs genetically have nothing in common with the South Slavs
(Milos Obilic, 20 March 2017 10:56)

PLEASE DON'T GO CRAZY ____ http://haplogroup.narod.ru/russ.html


pre 7 godina


Serbs are SLAVS. You belong to the slavic race. You are all SLAVS. Everything else is bull. You share the same genetics as croatians,Bosniaks, and Montenegrins. No surprise since you all are south slavs and south slavs are members of the slavic race and people. Only albanians are unique and original in the balkan pennisula. Both in language,culture, and traditions. Serbs have no real identity. They are simply orthodox slavs who speak a south slavic language. Nothing unique or interesting about that!

Milos Obilic

pre 7 godina

@(Victory1999, 20 March 2017 10:21) Still propagating Hoxa, eh? Serbs are not Slavs Per-Se! Only 18% carry the Slavic genetic marker R1A, but i guess that's too much for you to understand.

Slavs are only a LINGUISTIC group - West and East Slavs genetically have nothing in common with the South Slavs


pre 7 godina


Not really. No one wants to touch serboslav "women". There are better women to choose in this world than serboslav ogre women. Cheers!


pre 7 godina

I had read the historical things from here from a long time

i think Rote is right in many things because he have a lot of information actualy he have more information than the ones who wrote the history, you even don`t know what to belive

I think in balkan we are all slavs who came from Russia but we look different because of the climate + late influences and mix

I think Turks are a mix even of Serbs and Albanians


pre 7 godina


Serbian women are ugliest "women" on this planet. They look like transvestites!

Calling these creatures beautiful is an grave insult towards real women worldwide!
(Victory1999, 19 March 2017 14:33)
Oh, poor man. You must've been getting rejected by Serbian women over and over again.
I certainly don't blame them.

Turkish optomist

pre 7 godina

What have you noticed that has Serbia and Turkey similarities ?
Religion? , customs ?, appearance,looks? ,First and surnames names ?
(sasa.p from near Jagodina, Serbia, 19 March 2017 12:00)

The mentality of Turks and Serbs is the same. Often times the abused become the observer.

Therret Prizreni

pre 7 godina

The day they annex Kosovo, is the day we should wipe them off the face of the earth for good.
(Tony (a Brit currently working in Berlin)

Who should wipe them off the face of the earth? The "Brits currently working in Berlin"? Or are you a Serb masquerading as "Brit working in Berlin"? I thought so ...


pre 7 godina

...... Stalin was a big mistake of Russia. There was no 'we' with him - he was a paranoid murderer of millions of his own people.

I have grave doubts about your conception of history!

I have grave doubts about your perception of the present too!
(Bob, 18 March 2017 22:38)

Bob the Russians and the West dislike in Stalin quite different things. The West hates him for destroying the Bolshevik 5-th column of theirs while the Russian recall his mistakes over the first part of the war when we were taken by surprise. We've lost above 3 millions during the first 6 months of the war and then in 1942 when Stalin began to think that he was got of the war he failed in Harkov Operation that brought the Nazi to Stalingrad ect. But in everything else he was the best leader in the history of this country. He is more popular here than Putin or anybody else. So I think you're a victim of your propaganda. Because the West always hated Stalin more than Lenin or anybody else. This cunning Ossetian spoiled your game when you thought that you already have us in your pocket. Let's talk about it all since RSDRP party of the Bolsheviks was formed in London in 1903. Let's also recall what Churchill, Roosewelt and others thought about Stalin.


pre 7 godina

Victory-99 : Rote Illyrians are NOT slavs. Slavs came to the balkans during the 8th century. They have nothing to do with illyrians. You are not a proffessor and neither a scientist.

In all mediaeval sources including the famous History of Slavs by Mauro Orbini (1601) the Illiryans are mentioned as one of the Slavic tribes. So if you wish to be one of us you're welcome.

The great Slavic conquest of the world happened in 14-16 centuries. It was reflected in the fake history of Scaliger as the Vickings, Mongol Tatar, Great Tartaria, Great Roman Empire, Goths, Venedi, Scythians, Beli, Sarmats, Alans, Mamelukes, Hunnu ect.ect.

Guess the Shqiptars came together with the Slavs during the so called Migration Period of 4-6 centuries that is 14-16 centuries of Scaliger. I have no phobias against any people. We have to settle some problems but you are free to call yourself a Slav. I even like it when you call yourselves Albanians as it makes me feel proud.


pre 7 godina

What have you noticed that has Serbia and Turkey similarities ?
Religion? , customs ?, appearance,looks? ,First and surnames names ? Yes, all these are similar to Russian, not Turks .
Meanwhile , Albania's have that similarities to Turks,not Serbs.

(sasa.p from near Jagodina,)

There are no genetic Turks or Turkic people. It's just an artificial language developed in 1923 by two Russian professors invited by Ataturk. So it's a composition and artificial people made of Greeks, Slavs, Kurds, Caucasians, Persians, Shqiptares, Kurds, Arabs, Jews ect. Osmani language was quite a different one as it was based on Persian and Arab languages while Turkic was used only in the regions where Rus hordes were deployed. Official language of the Ottomans in 15-17 century was Slovenski = Serbian church language. Then in 18-19 centuries Greek was used as diplomatic language. Thus all international treaties and pacts were signed either in Slovenski or in Greek. I've read a couple of them.

Word Turkish must be insulting for many on the Balkans but Turkomans never had state power in this empire while many Pashas and Vazirs had Rus, Balkan or Caucasian roots. Turkic/Tatar language was brought there from Russia where all spoke this esperanto language. But genetically Turks have never existed. Turkic speaking people belong to different races - the whites, the grey and the yellow.


pre 7 godina


Serbian women are ugliest "women" on this planet. They look like transvestites!

Calling these creatures beautiful is an grave insult towards real women worldwide!

sasa.p from near Jagodina, Serbia

pre 7 godina

You must be referring to the Turks. I have spent a lot of time in Serbia and have noticed many similarities.
(Turkish optomist, 18 March 2017 21:18)

What have you noticed that has Serbia and Turkey similarities ?
Religion? , customs ?, appearance,looks? ,First and surnames names ? Yes, all these are similar to Russian, not Turks .
Meanwhile , Albania's have that similarities to Turks,not Serbs.

Tony (a Brit currently working in Berlin)

pre 7 godina

To Prizeni: Albania has no territorial integrity with Kosovo. The day they annex Kosovo, is the day we should wipe them off the face of the earth for good.


pre 7 godina

Rote said: "Tito was a big mistake of Stalin because he set his country free without big aid of the USSR so we should have been more flexible I think."

...... Stalin was a big mistake of Russia. There was no 'we' with him - he was a paranoid murderer of millions of his own people.

I have grave doubts about your conception of history!

I have grave doubts about your perception of the present too!


pre 7 godina

rote, Except 1999 wen serbia need it your help. Or except wen serbia needs you... (Ilir)

1999 is still considered руку a personal offence that must be avenged. We blame ourselves for being so weak and so naive. But now it's a different state with a different Ataman. Russia is waiting for a chance to improve our mistakes in SFRY. Вon't call yourself "Illir" because you're not a Slav. Arber or Albanian or Illiryan have Rus rootes and I am ready to explain them once again. Even word WHITE in your language sounds "të bardhë" = B-ARDE = Beli Orde.

How stupid are the Ukrainian government? Can they see the serbs for what they are??? (Tony Pocesta)

They have no government or state power but fast increasing anarchy.


Josip : Aligning with Putin's Russia makes no sense as it is a corrupt government that exists only to enrich tycoons at the expense of the Russian people. The theft of trillions by Putin and his cronies and the foreign adventures

Don't worry about the Russians and the trillions that Putin hides in the West. 86,7% is the latest rating of Putin and we celebrate Crimea's come back today.

Therret Prizreni : "... Crimea to Russia, Kosova to Albania."

Why not Tirana to Albania Kosovo to Serbia?


Twice in WW1 and WW2 Serbs proved that they were OUR people. And in the 90s they proved it again by stopping the NATO machine's DRANG NAH OSTEN.


pre 7 godina

You must be referring to the Turks.

That's correct. Serbs don't like it, although it's certainly not a shame when their mixture has created, among other things, one of the best sportsmen and beautiful women in the world,...but they feel uncomfortable because they are afraid to be considered "illegitimate", that's why they are seeking a surrogate identity in Russia, but it's all bogus of course.


pre 7 godina


Illyrians are NOT slavs. Slavs came to the balkans during the 8th century. They have nothing to do with illyrians. You are not a proffessor and neither a scientist. Everything you post is so full of misinformation that it makes everyone becoming dumber just by reading your letters. And Kosova will never go back to Serbia. Like it or not. Bark all you want but that chapter has been already closed. There is no going back now. Kosova is rightful albanian territory and belongs to the albanian race. The original natives. Before the slavic invasion of the balkans. Pristina is the capital of Kosova and Kosova is the center of albanian culture. There are 2 million of us living there and we will fight again if any invader tries to take our land from us! Remember that slav!

Skenderbeu 1444

pre 7 godina

48 people were killed in Odessa massacre. 48 killed in the most coward and bloody way. If anybody here thinks that Putin and russians are going to forgive ukrainians ever it means you know nothing about russians. Putin has made it clear you either respect russians or you will face the consequences. Forget about Crimea and forget about Donbas and east Ukraine. Try to keep the western part if you can although nobody wants to live under Poroshenko now.

Turkish optomist

pre 7 godina

"Serbs are OUR people and time is on our side. They saved their Rus spirit"

Serbian and Russian soul is like day and night. There is however another people who are VERY close to the Serbians in their attitudes, infact almost identical. But to tell who those people are is the ultimate sacrilege in Serbia. And btw it's not the Croats...
(svabo, 18 March 2017 18:12)

You must be referring to the Turks. I have spent a lot of time in Serbia and have noticed many similarities.


pre 7 godina

"Serbs are OUR people and time is on our side. They saved their Rus spirit"

Serbian and Russian soul is like day and night. There is however another people who are VERY close to the Serbians in their attitudes, infact almost identical. But to tell who those people are is the ultimate sacrilege in Serbia. And btw it's not the Croats...

Teodor Muzaka 1389

pre 7 godina

I don't know why Serbia is alienating Ukraine.It is not in her national interest to alienate Ukraine.
Ukraine doesn't recognize Kosovo and their stance is firm on Serbian side.
I don't know who is that idiot whom is doing foreign policy of Serbia,but if they continue like that Serbia will end up with vilayet of Belgrade.
Anyway the best solution for Serbia is to recognize Kosovo and move on,otherwise the next deal will be worse as has been historically.
From 1999 deal which gave Serbia sovereignty over Kosovo and allowed Serbian army in Serbian population areas,now Serbia has ended up with recognize Kosovo with formation of ZSO.
But it looks like Serbia will continue to lose chances and next deal will be worse and so on...

Btw,on June 15 2017 Albanian orthodoxs will be in Kosovo to commemorate the Battle of Kosovo and their hero,Teodor Muzaka.

Therret Prizreni

pre 7 godina

"Territorial integrity of Ukraine, territorial integrity of Serbia. It all sounds familiar..."

Why stop there? Make the next logical connection:

"... Crimea to Russia, Kosova to Albania."

There! Much better.


pre 7 godina

Playing the Russians off of the West makes sense for Serbia, as my namesake did with success. Aligning with Putin's Russia makes no sense as it is a corrupt government that exists only to enrich tycoons at the expense of the Russian people. The theft of trillions by Putin and his cronies and the foreign adventures designed to distract the Russian people from this theft will end badly, as did the corrupt rule of the Tsars and communist party. Serbia should thus not get too close to Putin and friends. Let's keep moving toward democracy and capitalism.


pre 7 godina

Fortunately there are also many Serbs who have a healthy distrust of Russia. Tito had the right idea when he broke with his earlier plans, although it had taken him a while to discover the dangers of association with a Russian dictator. In fact the whole of Eastern Europe got pretty fed up with Russia and have no wish to get too close to Russia and its current dictator.
(Bob, 18 March 2017 10:35)

Serbs are OUR people and time is on our side. They saved their Rus spirit and that's why you can do nothing about them. But after a generation under the western pressure and Gobbels propaganda some of them became Hivi traitors ...

We don't care much about Europe because we no longer trust you and because we are self sufficient. Europe has evil mentallity and should treat you appropriate.

Tito was a big mistake of Stalin because he set his country free without big aid of the USSR so we should have been more flexible I think.


pre 7 godina

Hi Mr rote

Thank you for your kind observation.

Yes I can take the p... out of their sycophanticity.

Whether it would do much to extinguish their stupidity is something that I agree is limited in the likelihood of its success.

Fortunately there are also many Serbs who have a healthy distrust of Russia. Tito had the right idea when he broke with his earlier plans, although it had taken him a while to discover the dangers of association with a Russian dictator. In fact the whole of Eastern Europe got pretty fed up with Russia and have no wish to get too close to Russia and its current dictator.


pre 7 godina

Ukraine should recognize Kosovo Independence asap....
(Mr.Dude, 17 March 2017 20:21)

Western media do not tell much about the Ukraine but it's already dead. Do you need the dead mans recognituion? Guess not. Because it's also a failed state where president became a puppet of the bandits. 4 big nuclear stations are a big threat to the continent.


pre 7 godina

Serbia sides with Russia by recognition of Occupied Crimea belonging to Putin.

Ukraine being Slavs with a great tradition of INAT can now retaliate and recognize the Indigenous Independence of Kosova to spit with spite @ Serbia and do what the majority of the world has already done.

Serbia has just lost another friend....

Kosova gains as time goes bye Even Serbs and Russians will come to their senses and for one not be so hard headed.


pre 7 godina

Some in Serbia are besotted with Russia.

(Bob, 17 March 2017 19:26)

Did you try to piss out of your window and cry that you are a fireman? Because I don't know what else you can do about the Rus-Serb relations.

Teodor Muzaka 1389

pre 7 godina

I don't know why Serbia is alienating Ukraine.It is not in her national interest to alienate Ukraine.
Ukraine doesn't recognize Kosovo and their stance is firm on Serbian side.
I don't know who is that idiot whom is doing foreign policy of Serbia,but if they continue like that Serbia will end up with vilayet of Belgrade.
Anyway the best solution for Serbia is to recognize Kosovo and move on,otherwise the next deal will be worse as has been historically.
From 1999 deal which gave Serbia sovereignty over Kosovo and allowed Serbian army in Serbian population areas,now Serbia has ended up with recognize Kosovo with formation of ZSO.
But it looks like Serbia will continue to lose chances and next deal will be worse and so on...

Btw,on June 15 2017 Albanian orthodoxs will be in Kosovo to commemorate the Battle of Kosovo and their hero,Teodor Muzaka.

Therret Prizreni

pre 7 godina

"Territorial integrity of Ukraine, territorial integrity of Serbia. It all sounds familiar..."

Why stop there? Make the next logical connection:

"... Crimea to Russia, Kosova to Albania."

There! Much better.

Turkish optomist

pre 7 godina

"Serbs are OUR people and time is on our side. They saved their Rus spirit"

Serbian and Russian soul is like day and night. There is however another people who are VERY close to the Serbians in their attitudes, infact almost identical. But to tell who those people are is the ultimate sacrilege in Serbia. And btw it's not the Croats...
(svabo, 18 March 2017 18:12)

You must be referring to the Turks. I have spent a lot of time in Serbia and have noticed many similarities.


pre 7 godina

Some in Serbia are besotted with Russia.

(Bob, 17 March 2017 19:26)

Did you try to piss out of your window and cry that you are a fireman? Because I don't know what else you can do about the Rus-Serb relations.

Skenderbeu 1444

pre 7 godina

48 people were killed in Odessa massacre. 48 killed in the most coward and bloody way. If anybody here thinks that Putin and russians are going to forgive ukrainians ever it means you know nothing about russians. Putin has made it clear you either respect russians or you will face the consequences. Forget about Crimea and forget about Donbas and east Ukraine. Try to keep the western part if you can although nobody wants to live under Poroshenko now.


pre 7 godina

Hi Mr rote

Thank you for your kind observation.

Yes I can take the p... out of their sycophanticity.

Whether it would do much to extinguish their stupidity is something that I agree is limited in the likelihood of its success.

Fortunately there are also many Serbs who have a healthy distrust of Russia. Tito had the right idea when he broke with his earlier plans, although it had taken him a while to discover the dangers of association with a Russian dictator. In fact the whole of Eastern Europe got pretty fed up with Russia and have no wish to get too close to Russia and its current dictator.


pre 7 godina


Illyrians are NOT slavs. Slavs came to the balkans during the 8th century. They have nothing to do with illyrians. You are not a proffessor and neither a scientist. Everything you post is so full of misinformation that it makes everyone becoming dumber just by reading your letters. And Kosova will never go back to Serbia. Like it or not. Bark all you want but that chapter has been already closed. There is no going back now. Kosova is rightful albanian territory and belongs to the albanian race. The original natives. Before the slavic invasion of the balkans. Pristina is the capital of Kosova and Kosova is the center of albanian culture. There are 2 million of us living there and we will fight again if any invader tries to take our land from us! Remember that slav!


pre 7 godina

Serbia sides with Russia by recognition of Occupied Crimea belonging to Putin.

Ukraine being Slavs with a great tradition of INAT can now retaliate and recognize the Indigenous Independence of Kosova to spit with spite @ Serbia and do what the majority of the world has already done.

Serbia has just lost another friend....

Kosova gains as time goes bye Even Serbs and Russians will come to their senses and for one not be so hard headed.


pre 7 godina

Ukraine should recognize Kosovo Independence asap....
(Mr.Dude, 17 March 2017 20:21)

Western media do not tell much about the Ukraine but it's already dead. Do you need the dead mans recognituion? Guess not. Because it's also a failed state where president became a puppet of the bandits. 4 big nuclear stations are a big threat to the continent.


pre 7 godina

Fortunately there are also many Serbs who have a healthy distrust of Russia. Tito had the right idea when he broke with his earlier plans, although it had taken him a while to discover the dangers of association with a Russian dictator. In fact the whole of Eastern Europe got pretty fed up with Russia and have no wish to get too close to Russia and its current dictator.
(Bob, 18 March 2017 10:35)

Serbs are OUR people and time is on our side. They saved their Rus spirit and that's why you can do nothing about them. But after a generation under the western pressure and Gobbels propaganda some of them became Hivi traitors ...

We don't care much about Europe because we no longer trust you and because we are self sufficient. Europe has evil mentallity and should treat you appropriate.

Tito was a big mistake of Stalin because he set his country free without big aid of the USSR so we should have been more flexible I think.


pre 7 godina

Playing the Russians off of the West makes sense for Serbia, as my namesake did with success. Aligning with Putin's Russia makes no sense as it is a corrupt government that exists only to enrich tycoons at the expense of the Russian people. The theft of trillions by Putin and his cronies and the foreign adventures designed to distract the Russian people from this theft will end badly, as did the corrupt rule of the Tsars and communist party. Serbia should thus not get too close to Putin and friends. Let's keep moving toward democracy and capitalism.


pre 7 godina

rote, Except 1999 wen serbia need it your help. Or except wen serbia needs you... (Ilir)

1999 is still considered руку a personal offence that must be avenged. We blame ourselves for being so weak and so naive. But now it's a different state with a different Ataman. Russia is waiting for a chance to improve our mistakes in SFRY. Вon't call yourself "Illir" because you're not a Slav. Arber or Albanian or Illiryan have Rus rootes and I am ready to explain them once again. Even word WHITE in your language sounds "të bardhë" = B-ARDE = Beli Orde.

How stupid are the Ukrainian government? Can they see the serbs for what they are??? (Tony Pocesta)

They have no government or state power but fast increasing anarchy.


Josip : Aligning with Putin's Russia makes no sense as it is a corrupt government that exists only to enrich tycoons at the expense of the Russian people. The theft of trillions by Putin and his cronies and the foreign adventures

Don't worry about the Russians and the trillions that Putin hides in the West. 86,7% is the latest rating of Putin and we celebrate Crimea's come back today.

Therret Prizreni : "... Crimea to Russia, Kosova to Albania."

Why not Tirana to Albania Kosovo to Serbia?


Twice in WW1 and WW2 Serbs proved that they were OUR people. And in the 90s they proved it again by stopping the NATO machine's DRANG NAH OSTEN.


pre 7 godina

"Serbs are OUR people and time is on our side. They saved their Rus spirit"

Serbian and Russian soul is like day and night. There is however another people who are VERY close to the Serbians in their attitudes, infact almost identical. But to tell who those people are is the ultimate sacrilege in Serbia. And btw it's not the Croats...


pre 7 godina

Rote said: "Tito was a big mistake of Stalin because he set his country free without big aid of the USSR so we should have been more flexible I think."

...... Stalin was a big mistake of Russia. There was no 'we' with him - he was a paranoid murderer of millions of his own people.

I have grave doubts about your conception of history!

I have grave doubts about your perception of the present too!


pre 7 godina

You must be referring to the Turks.

That's correct. Serbs don't like it, although it's certainly not a shame when their mixture has created, among other things, one of the best sportsmen and beautiful women in the world,...but they feel uncomfortable because they are afraid to be considered "illegitimate", that's why they are seeking a surrogate identity in Russia, but it's all bogus of course.

Tony (a Brit currently working in Berlin)

pre 7 godina

To Prizeni: Albania has no territorial integrity with Kosovo. The day they annex Kosovo, is the day we should wipe them off the face of the earth for good.

sasa.p from near Jagodina, Serbia

pre 7 godina

You must be referring to the Turks. I have spent a lot of time in Serbia and have noticed many similarities.
(Turkish optomist, 18 March 2017 21:18)

What have you noticed that has Serbia and Turkey similarities ?
Religion? , customs ?, appearance,looks? ,First and surnames names ? Yes, all these are similar to Russian, not Turks .
Meanwhile , Albania's have that similarities to Turks,not Serbs.

Therret Prizreni

pre 7 godina

The day they annex Kosovo, is the day we should wipe them off the face of the earth for good.
(Tony (a Brit currently working in Berlin)

Who should wipe them off the face of the earth? The "Brits currently working in Berlin"? Or are you a Serb masquerading as "Brit working in Berlin"? I thought so ...


pre 7 godina

Victory-99 : Rote Illyrians are NOT slavs. Slavs came to the balkans during the 8th century. They have nothing to do with illyrians. You are not a proffessor and neither a scientist.

In all mediaeval sources including the famous History of Slavs by Mauro Orbini (1601) the Illiryans are mentioned as one of the Slavic tribes. So if you wish to be one of us you're welcome.

The great Slavic conquest of the world happened in 14-16 centuries. It was reflected in the fake history of Scaliger as the Vickings, Mongol Tatar, Great Tartaria, Great Roman Empire, Goths, Venedi, Scythians, Beli, Sarmats, Alans, Mamelukes, Hunnu ect.ect.

Guess the Shqiptars came together with the Slavs during the so called Migration Period of 4-6 centuries that is 14-16 centuries of Scaliger. I have no phobias against any people. We have to settle some problems but you are free to call yourself a Slav. I even like it when you call yourselves Albanians as it makes me feel proud.


pre 7 godina


Serbian women are ugliest "women" on this planet. They look like transvestites!

Calling these creatures beautiful is an grave insult towards real women worldwide!


pre 7 godina

...... Stalin was a big mistake of Russia. There was no 'we' with him - he was a paranoid murderer of millions of his own people.

I have grave doubts about your conception of history!

I have grave doubts about your perception of the present too!
(Bob, 18 March 2017 22:38)

Bob the Russians and the West dislike in Stalin quite different things. The West hates him for destroying the Bolshevik 5-th column of theirs while the Russian recall his mistakes over the first part of the war when we were taken by surprise. We've lost above 3 millions during the first 6 months of the war and then in 1942 when Stalin began to think that he was got of the war he failed in Harkov Operation that brought the Nazi to Stalingrad ect. But in everything else he was the best leader in the history of this country. He is more popular here than Putin or anybody else. So I think you're a victim of your propaganda. Because the West always hated Stalin more than Lenin or anybody else. This cunning Ossetian spoiled your game when you thought that you already have us in your pocket. Let's talk about it all since RSDRP party of the Bolsheviks was formed in London in 1903. Let's also recall what Churchill, Roosewelt and others thought about Stalin.


pre 7 godina


Not really. No one wants to touch serboslav "women". There are better women to choose in this world than serboslav ogre women. Cheers!


pre 7 godina

What have you noticed that has Serbia and Turkey similarities ?
Religion? , customs ?, appearance,looks? ,First and surnames names ? Yes, all these are similar to Russian, not Turks .
Meanwhile , Albania's have that similarities to Turks,not Serbs.

(sasa.p from near Jagodina,)

There are no genetic Turks or Turkic people. It's just an artificial language developed in 1923 by two Russian professors invited by Ataturk. So it's a composition and artificial people made of Greeks, Slavs, Kurds, Caucasians, Persians, Shqiptares, Kurds, Arabs, Jews ect. Osmani language was quite a different one as it was based on Persian and Arab languages while Turkic was used only in the regions where Rus hordes were deployed. Official language of the Ottomans in 15-17 century was Slovenski = Serbian church language. Then in 18-19 centuries Greek was used as diplomatic language. Thus all international treaties and pacts were signed either in Slovenski or in Greek. I've read a couple of them.

Word Turkish must be insulting for many on the Balkans but Turkomans never had state power in this empire while many Pashas and Vazirs had Rus, Balkan or Caucasian roots. Turkic/Tatar language was brought there from Russia where all spoke this esperanto language. But genetically Turks have never existed. Turkic speaking people belong to different races - the whites, the grey and the yellow.


pre 7 godina


Serbs are SLAVS. You belong to the slavic race. You are all SLAVS. Everything else is bull. You share the same genetics as croatians,Bosniaks, and Montenegrins. No surprise since you all are south slavs and south slavs are members of the slavic race and people. Only albanians are unique and original in the balkan pennisula. Both in language,culture, and traditions. Serbs have no real identity. They are simply orthodox slavs who speak a south slavic language. Nothing unique or interesting about that!

Turkish optomist

pre 7 godina

What have you noticed that has Serbia and Turkey similarities ?
Religion? , customs ?, appearance,looks? ,First and surnames names ?
(sasa.p from near Jagodina, Serbia, 19 March 2017 12:00)

The mentality of Turks and Serbs is the same. Often times the abused become the observer.


pre 7 godina


Serbian women are ugliest "women" on this planet. They look like transvestites!

Calling these creatures beautiful is an grave insult towards real women worldwide!
(Victory1999, 19 March 2017 14:33)
Oh, poor man. You must've been getting rejected by Serbian women over and over again.
I certainly don't blame them.

Milos Obilic

pre 7 godina

@(Victory1999, 20 March 2017 10:21) Still propagating Hoxa, eh? Serbs are not Slavs Per-Se! Only 18% carry the Slavic genetic marker R1A, but i guess that's too much for you to understand.

Slavs are only a LINGUISTIC group - West and East Slavs genetically have nothing in common with the South Slavs


pre 7 godina

I had read the historical things from here from a long time

i think Rote is right in many things because he have a lot of information actualy he have more information than the ones who wrote the history, you even don`t know what to belive

I think in balkan we are all slavs who came from Russia but we look different because of the climate + late influences and mix

I think Turks are a mix even of Serbs and Albanians


pre 7 godina

Victory19 : Only albanians are unique and original in the balkan pennisula.

Last night I was interested how the Balkan peoples sound in Turkish. And though the language appeared only in 1923-1932 it is based on the Osmani (close to Persian and Arab) I've found interesting things :

албания = arnavutluk
албанец = албанец
русский = rusça
россия = rusya
сербия = sırbistan
серб = sırp
хорватия = hırvatistan
хорват = horvath
босния = bosna
босняк = босняк
болгарин = болгарин
болгария = bulgaristan
румын = romanyalı
румыния = romanya
венгр = macarca
венгрия = macaristan
цыган = çingene
македонец = genc bir makedon
македония = makedonya
черногория = karadağ
черногорец = черногорец

According to Yandex Turks know no Montenegrins, Albanians, Bulgarians and Bosniaks ... I think that these peoples had other names or did not exist yet. Turks had a special word (Arnavutlut) for the territory called Shqiperia in 19 century and Albania in 20 century but they have no special word for the Shqiptares ... If so my theory that your nation was formed in early 19 century after the Greeks separated may be true. Plain speaking (shqip people) stayed inside the empire because unlike the Greeks (who all belonged to Milliet-i Rum) your ancestors belonged to 3 different milliets and de facto were 3 different peoples. And of course you are unique in the region where you came inside the Rus hordes around 14-15 century.


pre 7 godina


Thank you !

Also there are about 175-180 millions of Turkic speaking peoples and most of them have a big or even dominating Slavic happlogroups in their genomes. Say Kirgiz people look quite Chinese but have upto 65% of R1a happlogroup. It means that either their women were brought from China or their men were killed by th Cossacks. See the names the Turkic countries have! Most of them contain Russian STAN.

See the Gagauz people by your side. They are absolute Russians despite their Turkic language. As I wrote Turks are an artificial state and people and language. Turkic languages originate from Russia where all peoples spoke it before 18-19 century.

The Ottoman empire was quite different before the Tanzimat Period when Slavic Yanissaries were massacred (30 000!) in 1826. And of course it had nothing to do with the Turkey of Ataturk who hated the Osmans and forced them to abandon the country.


pre 7 godina

Slavs are only a LINGUISTIC group - West and East Slavs genetically have nothing in common with the South Slavs
(Milos Obilic, 20 March 2017 10:56)

PLEASE DON'T GO CRAZY ____ http://haplogroup.narod.ru/russ.html


pre 7 godina

Some in Serbia are besotted with Russia.

(Bob, 17 March 2017 19:26)

Did you try to piss out of your window and cry that you are a fireman? Because I don't know what else you can do about the Rus-Serb relations.

Skenderbeu 1444

pre 7 godina

48 people were killed in Odessa massacre. 48 killed in the most coward and bloody way. If anybody here thinks that Putin and russians are going to forgive ukrainians ever it means you know nothing about russians. Putin has made it clear you either respect russians or you will face the consequences. Forget about Crimea and forget about Donbas and east Ukraine. Try to keep the western part if you can although nobody wants to live under Poroshenko now.

Tony (a Brit currently working in Berlin)

pre 7 godina

To Prizeni: Albania has no territorial integrity with Kosovo. The day they annex Kosovo, is the day we should wipe them off the face of the earth for good.


pre 7 godina

Serbia sides with Russia by recognition of Occupied Crimea belonging to Putin.

Ukraine being Slavs with a great tradition of INAT can now retaliate and recognize the Indigenous Independence of Kosova to spit with spite @ Serbia and do what the majority of the world has already done.

Serbia has just lost another friend....

Kosova gains as time goes bye Even Serbs and Russians will come to their senses and for one not be so hard headed.


pre 7 godina

rote, Except 1999 wen serbia need it your help. Or except wen serbia needs you... (Ilir)

1999 is still considered руку a personal offence that must be avenged. We blame ourselves for being so weak and so naive. But now it's a different state with a different Ataman. Russia is waiting for a chance to improve our mistakes in SFRY. Вon't call yourself "Illir" because you're not a Slav. Arber or Albanian or Illiryan have Rus rootes and I am ready to explain them once again. Even word WHITE in your language sounds "të bardhë" = B-ARDE = Beli Orde.

How stupid are the Ukrainian government? Can they see the serbs for what they are??? (Tony Pocesta)

They have no government or state power but fast increasing anarchy.


Josip : Aligning with Putin's Russia makes no sense as it is a corrupt government that exists only to enrich tycoons at the expense of the Russian people. The theft of trillions by Putin and his cronies and the foreign adventures

Don't worry about the Russians and the trillions that Putin hides in the West. 86,7% is the latest rating of Putin and we celebrate Crimea's come back today.

Therret Prizreni : "... Crimea to Russia, Kosova to Albania."

Why not Tirana to Albania Kosovo to Serbia?


Twice in WW1 and WW2 Serbs proved that they were OUR people. And in the 90s they proved it again by stopping the NATO machine's DRANG NAH OSTEN.


pre 7 godina

Ukraine should recognize Kosovo Independence asap....
(Mr.Dude, 17 March 2017 20:21)

Western media do not tell much about the Ukraine but it's already dead. Do you need the dead mans recognituion? Guess not. Because it's also a failed state where president became a puppet of the bandits. 4 big nuclear stations are a big threat to the continent.


pre 7 godina

Fortunately there are also many Serbs who have a healthy distrust of Russia. Tito had the right idea when he broke with his earlier plans, although it had taken him a while to discover the dangers of association with a Russian dictator. In fact the whole of Eastern Europe got pretty fed up with Russia and have no wish to get too close to Russia and its current dictator.
(Bob, 18 March 2017 10:35)

Serbs are OUR people and time is on our side. They saved their Rus spirit and that's why you can do nothing about them. But after a generation under the western pressure and Gobbels propaganda some of them became Hivi traitors ...

We don't care much about Europe because we no longer trust you and because we are self sufficient. Europe has evil mentallity and should treat you appropriate.

Tito was a big mistake of Stalin because he set his country free without big aid of the USSR so we should have been more flexible I think.

Therret Prizreni

pre 7 godina

"Territorial integrity of Ukraine, territorial integrity of Serbia. It all sounds familiar..."

Why stop there? Make the next logical connection:

"... Crimea to Russia, Kosova to Albania."

There! Much better.

sasa.p from near Jagodina, Serbia

pre 7 godina

You must be referring to the Turks. I have spent a lot of time in Serbia and have noticed many similarities.
(Turkish optomist, 18 March 2017 21:18)

What have you noticed that has Serbia and Turkey similarities ?
Religion? , customs ?, appearance,looks? ,First and surnames names ? Yes, all these are similar to Russian, not Turks .
Meanwhile , Albania's have that similarities to Turks,not Serbs.

Teodor Muzaka 1389

pre 7 godina

I don't know why Serbia is alienating Ukraine.It is not in her national interest to alienate Ukraine.
Ukraine doesn't recognize Kosovo and their stance is firm on Serbian side.
I don't know who is that idiot whom is doing foreign policy of Serbia,but if they continue like that Serbia will end up with vilayet of Belgrade.
Anyway the best solution for Serbia is to recognize Kosovo and move on,otherwise the next deal will be worse as has been historically.
From 1999 deal which gave Serbia sovereignty over Kosovo and allowed Serbian army in Serbian population areas,now Serbia has ended up with recognize Kosovo with formation of ZSO.
But it looks like Serbia will continue to lose chances and next deal will be worse and so on...

Btw,on June 15 2017 Albanian orthodoxs will be in Kosovo to commemorate the Battle of Kosovo and their hero,Teodor Muzaka.


pre 7 godina

"Serbs are OUR people and time is on our side. They saved their Rus spirit"

Serbian and Russian soul is like day and night. There is however another people who are VERY close to the Serbians in their attitudes, infact almost identical. But to tell who those people are is the ultimate sacrilege in Serbia. And btw it's not the Croats...

Turkish optomist

pre 7 godina

"Serbs are OUR people and time is on our side. They saved their Rus spirit"

Serbian and Russian soul is like day and night. There is however another people who are VERY close to the Serbians in their attitudes, infact almost identical. But to tell who those people are is the ultimate sacrilege in Serbia. And btw it's not the Croats...
(svabo, 18 March 2017 18:12)

You must be referring to the Turks. I have spent a lot of time in Serbia and have noticed many similarities.


pre 7 godina

Playing the Russians off of the West makes sense for Serbia, as my namesake did with success. Aligning with Putin's Russia makes no sense as it is a corrupt government that exists only to enrich tycoons at the expense of the Russian people. The theft of trillions by Putin and his cronies and the foreign adventures designed to distract the Russian people from this theft will end badly, as did the corrupt rule of the Tsars and communist party. Serbia should thus not get too close to Putin and friends. Let's keep moving toward democracy and capitalism.


pre 7 godina


Serbian women are ugliest "women" on this planet. They look like transvestites!

Calling these creatures beautiful is an grave insult towards real women worldwide!


pre 7 godina


Illyrians are NOT slavs. Slavs came to the balkans during the 8th century. They have nothing to do with illyrians. You are not a proffessor and neither a scientist. Everything you post is so full of misinformation that it makes everyone becoming dumber just by reading your letters. And Kosova will never go back to Serbia. Like it or not. Bark all you want but that chapter has been already closed. There is no going back now. Kosova is rightful albanian territory and belongs to the albanian race. The original natives. Before the slavic invasion of the balkans. Pristina is the capital of Kosova and Kosova is the center of albanian culture. There are 2 million of us living there and we will fight again if any invader tries to take our land from us! Remember that slav!


pre 7 godina

Victory-99 : Rote Illyrians are NOT slavs. Slavs came to the balkans during the 8th century. They have nothing to do with illyrians. You are not a proffessor and neither a scientist.

In all mediaeval sources including the famous History of Slavs by Mauro Orbini (1601) the Illiryans are mentioned as one of the Slavic tribes. So if you wish to be one of us you're welcome.

The great Slavic conquest of the world happened in 14-16 centuries. It was reflected in the fake history of Scaliger as the Vickings, Mongol Tatar, Great Tartaria, Great Roman Empire, Goths, Venedi, Scythians, Beli, Sarmats, Alans, Mamelukes, Hunnu ect.ect.

Guess the Shqiptars came together with the Slavs during the so called Migration Period of 4-6 centuries that is 14-16 centuries of Scaliger. I have no phobias against any people. We have to settle some problems but you are free to call yourself a Slav. I even like it when you call yourselves Albanians as it makes me feel proud.


pre 7 godina

Hi Mr rote

Thank you for your kind observation.

Yes I can take the p... out of their sycophanticity.

Whether it would do much to extinguish their stupidity is something that I agree is limited in the likelihood of its success.

Fortunately there are also many Serbs who have a healthy distrust of Russia. Tito had the right idea when he broke with his earlier plans, although it had taken him a while to discover the dangers of association with a Russian dictator. In fact the whole of Eastern Europe got pretty fed up with Russia and have no wish to get too close to Russia and its current dictator.


pre 7 godina

You must be referring to the Turks.

That's correct. Serbs don't like it, although it's certainly not a shame when their mixture has created, among other things, one of the best sportsmen and beautiful women in the world,...but they feel uncomfortable because they are afraid to be considered "illegitimate", that's why they are seeking a surrogate identity in Russia, but it's all bogus of course.


pre 7 godina

...... Stalin was a big mistake of Russia. There was no 'we' with him - he was a paranoid murderer of millions of his own people.

I have grave doubts about your conception of history!

I have grave doubts about your perception of the present too!
(Bob, 18 March 2017 22:38)

Bob the Russians and the West dislike in Stalin quite different things. The West hates him for destroying the Bolshevik 5-th column of theirs while the Russian recall his mistakes over the first part of the war when we were taken by surprise. We've lost above 3 millions during the first 6 months of the war and then in 1942 when Stalin began to think that he was got of the war he failed in Harkov Operation that brought the Nazi to Stalingrad ect. But in everything else he was the best leader in the history of this country. He is more popular here than Putin or anybody else. So I think you're a victim of your propaganda. Because the West always hated Stalin more than Lenin or anybody else. This cunning Ossetian spoiled your game when you thought that you already have us in your pocket. Let's talk about it all since RSDRP party of the Bolsheviks was formed in London in 1903. Let's also recall what Churchill, Roosewelt and others thought about Stalin.

Milos Obilic

pre 7 godina

@(Victory1999, 20 March 2017 10:21) Still propagating Hoxa, eh? Serbs are not Slavs Per-Se! Only 18% carry the Slavic genetic marker R1A, but i guess that's too much for you to understand.

Slavs are only a LINGUISTIC group - West and East Slavs genetically have nothing in common with the South Slavs


pre 7 godina


Serbs are SLAVS. You belong to the slavic race. You are all SLAVS. Everything else is bull. You share the same genetics as croatians,Bosniaks, and Montenegrins. No surprise since you all are south slavs and south slavs are members of the slavic race and people. Only albanians are unique and original in the balkan pennisula. Both in language,culture, and traditions. Serbs have no real identity. They are simply orthodox slavs who speak a south slavic language. Nothing unique or interesting about that!


pre 7 godina

Slavs are only a LINGUISTIC group - West and East Slavs genetically have nothing in common with the South Slavs
(Milos Obilic, 20 March 2017 10:56)

PLEASE DON'T GO CRAZY ____ http://haplogroup.narod.ru/russ.html

Therret Prizreni

pre 7 godina

The day they annex Kosovo, is the day we should wipe them off the face of the earth for good.
(Tony (a Brit currently working in Berlin)

Who should wipe them off the face of the earth? The "Brits currently working in Berlin"? Or are you a Serb masquerading as "Brit working in Berlin"? I thought so ...

Turkish optomist

pre 7 godina

What have you noticed that has Serbia and Turkey similarities ?
Religion? , customs ?, appearance,looks? ,First and surnames names ?
(sasa.p from near Jagodina, Serbia, 19 March 2017 12:00)

The mentality of Turks and Serbs is the same. Often times the abused become the observer.


pre 7 godina


Serbian women are ugliest "women" on this planet. They look like transvestites!

Calling these creatures beautiful is an grave insult towards real women worldwide!
(Victory1999, 19 March 2017 14:33)
Oh, poor man. You must've been getting rejected by Serbian women over and over again.
I certainly don't blame them.


pre 7 godina


Not really. No one wants to touch serboslav "women". There are better women to choose in this world than serboslav ogre women. Cheers!


pre 7 godina

Victory19 : Only albanians are unique and original in the balkan pennisula.

Last night I was interested how the Balkan peoples sound in Turkish. And though the language appeared only in 1923-1932 it is based on the Osmani (close to Persian and Arab) I've found interesting things :

албания = arnavutluk
албанец = албанец
русский = rusça
россия = rusya
сербия = sırbistan
серб = sırp
хорватия = hırvatistan
хорват = horvath
босния = bosna
босняк = босняк
болгарин = болгарин
болгария = bulgaristan
румын = romanyalı
румыния = romanya
венгр = macarca
венгрия = macaristan
цыган = çingene
македонец = genc bir makedon
македония = makedonya
черногория = karadağ
черногорец = черногорец

According to Yandex Turks know no Montenegrins, Albanians, Bulgarians and Bosniaks ... I think that these peoples had other names or did not exist yet. Turks had a special word (Arnavutlut) for the territory called Shqiperia in 19 century and Albania in 20 century but they have no special word for the Shqiptares ... If so my theory that your nation was formed in early 19 century after the Greeks separated may be true. Plain speaking (shqip people) stayed inside the empire because unlike the Greeks (who all belonged to Milliet-i Rum) your ancestors belonged to 3 different milliets and de facto were 3 different peoples. And of course you are unique in the region where you came inside the Rus hordes around 14-15 century.


pre 7 godina

Rote said: "Tito was a big mistake of Stalin because he set his country free without big aid of the USSR so we should have been more flexible I think."

...... Stalin was a big mistake of Russia. There was no 'we' with him - he was a paranoid murderer of millions of his own people.

I have grave doubts about your conception of history!

I have grave doubts about your perception of the present too!


pre 7 godina

What have you noticed that has Serbia and Turkey similarities ?
Religion? , customs ?, appearance,looks? ,First and surnames names ? Yes, all these are similar to Russian, not Turks .
Meanwhile , Albania's have that similarities to Turks,not Serbs.

(sasa.p from near Jagodina,)

There are no genetic Turks or Turkic people. It's just an artificial language developed in 1923 by two Russian professors invited by Ataturk. So it's a composition and artificial people made of Greeks, Slavs, Kurds, Caucasians, Persians, Shqiptares, Kurds, Arabs, Jews ect. Osmani language was quite a different one as it was based on Persian and Arab languages while Turkic was used only in the regions where Rus hordes were deployed. Official language of the Ottomans in 15-17 century was Slovenski = Serbian church language. Then in 18-19 centuries Greek was used as diplomatic language. Thus all international treaties and pacts were signed either in Slovenski or in Greek. I've read a couple of them.

Word Turkish must be insulting for many on the Balkans but Turkomans never had state power in this empire while many Pashas and Vazirs had Rus, Balkan or Caucasian roots. Turkic/Tatar language was brought there from Russia where all spoke this esperanto language. But genetically Turks have never existed. Turkic speaking people belong to different races - the whites, the grey and the yellow.


pre 7 godina

I had read the historical things from here from a long time

i think Rote is right in many things because he have a lot of information actualy he have more information than the ones who wrote the history, you even don`t know what to belive

I think in balkan we are all slavs who came from Russia but we look different because of the climate + late influences and mix

I think Turks are a mix even of Serbs and Albanians


pre 7 godina


Thank you !

Also there are about 175-180 millions of Turkic speaking peoples and most of them have a big or even dominating Slavic happlogroups in their genomes. Say Kirgiz people look quite Chinese but have upto 65% of R1a happlogroup. It means that either their women were brought from China or their men were killed by th Cossacks. See the names the Turkic countries have! Most of them contain Russian STAN.

See the Gagauz people by your side. They are absolute Russians despite their Turkic language. As I wrote Turks are an artificial state and people and language. Turkic languages originate from Russia where all peoples spoke it before 18-19 century.

The Ottoman empire was quite different before the Tanzimat Period when Slavic Yanissaries were massacred (30 000!) in 1826. And of course it had nothing to do with the Turkey of Ataturk who hated the Osmans and forced them to abandon the country.