Wednesday, 15.02.2017.


Serbia celebrates Statehood Day

Serbia is on February 15 marking its Statehood Day - Sretenje.

Izvor: B92

Serbia celebrates Statehood Day IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 7 godina

In Serbia average net salary for the year 2017 is 400 euro , for Bulgaria 350 euro , for Croatia 750 euro , for Romania 550 euro . I don`t talk for talk , i have information from official websites , even Vucic said in Serbia in 2017 average salary will grow over 400 euro .

Actualy for Serbia i don`t have an exactly forecast for more than 1 year , i have exactly for Bulgaria forecast until 2020 and same for Croatia and Republic of Moldova

All countries have an own statistic for next years only for Serbia i don`t find


pre 7 godina

In Serbia average net salary for the year 2017 is 400 euro , for Bulgaria 350 euro , for Croatia 750 euro , for Romania 550 euro . I don`t talk for talk , i have information from official websites , even Vucic said in Serbia in 2017 average salary will grow over 400 euro .

Actualy for Serbia i don`t have an exactly forecast for more than 1 year , i have exactly for Bulgaria forecast until 2020 and same for Croatia and Republic of Moldova

All countries have an own statistic for next years only for Serbia i don`t find


pre 7 godina

for NonSense

325 euro are good money in special that the dinar depreciated more than Romanian money with 10% .

With 325 euro can live a family of 3 people even of 4 actualy it can survive

325 euro are good money

In Republic Moldova a family of 4 => 2 old people with pension the kids both working they make 325 euro both 4 together . In Moldova a pension is 30-40 euro per month and a salary 80-110 euro


pre 7 godina


I doubt you would work for 320 Euro a month like they do in Serbia. Serbia is so desperate to join the E.U that it will sell out Kosovo to gain membership. The Germans once again will be the masters of Serbia.
(Nonesense, 17 February 2017 00:02)

The 320 Euros is indicative of the pay scale in all the former eastern block countries. Don’t get carried away with Poland’s so called PPP of US $28,000 per year because that BS is given away by the fact that a couple of million Poles live and work outside Poland. They would all be back home if it was as good as the spin. Much like the US level of unemployment of 4.9% when in fact its anywhere between 22% and 32%.
Croatia and Slovenia are supposed to be the “richest” of the former Yugo republics. About 10 000 young and qualified leave Croatia every month -why? Because of the high salaries of 700 Euros per month LOL. In Slovenia people are dissatisfied with their living standards. Both survive on EU funds otherwise everything would crumble to pieces.
Well I hate to burst your Albo bubble but a list has been given to Brussels of what they will never do to join the EU. The first is no recognition of Kosovo; no sanctions against Russia; existing trade deals remain, no NATO and Kosovo can only join the EU as part of Serbia. Last time I heard Brussels is opening up more chapters.
Germany is screwed. It relies on Russian energy and the South stream pipeline is back on deck.


pre 7 godina


I doubt you would work for 320 Euro a month like they do in Serbia. Serbia is so desperate to join the E.U that it will sell out Kosovo to gain membership. The Germans once again will be the masters of Serbia.

Tony Pocesta

pre 7 godina

TruDough, 16 February 2017 17:58)

What's wrong buddy ? I am contributing by talking the truth . Can't handle the truth? Well if it hurts , try to fixed and don't blame the others like your boj DD "ireney jr"

Tony Pocesta

pre 7 godina

(angella, 15 February 2017 21:18)

Angela you can have your army, I'm pro army my self, but to be used for what it meant to be used, not getting what's not yours . Serbia its independent and no one should threaten them , so is Kosovo and that goes for them to . Now in the other hand this guy dragolub, he always cries and complaints playing victim , and never acknowledge the atrocities that his country committed on the on on innocent civilians . Compares 19th and 20th century mentality to today's world . That's why I say there will be no peace in the Balkans with people like him


pre 7 godina

"Statehood Day coincides with the Orthodox Christian holiday of Presentation of Jesus at the Temple, or Candlemas (Serbian: Sretenje).

It is marked in honor of the start of the First Serbian Uprising (February 15, 1804), and the adoption, on the same day in 1835, of the Sretenje Constitution of the Principality of Serbia - two pivotal events in the effort to renew the nation's statehood, lost after the invasion and occupation of the medieval Serbian kingdom by the Ottoman Turks."

Congratulations to Serbia for the unilateral adoption of the Sretenje Constitution 182 years ago!


pre 7 godina

Pocesta you're at it again. Every single time I visit this forum there you are slagging off DD again and failing to answer inconvenient questions like the one from angella. You are a propagandist of gargantuan proportions listening to you would make an unquestioning idiot believe that there wasn't a single non-Serb virgin left in the Balkans and sad-masochism was a way of life. If you are going to contribute anything of value here,which I very much doubt,then try at least to inject the occasional dose of objectivity into your tirades and a little less hyperbole!


pre 7 godina

For SJ

Sj , you are right , i agree with you

Serbia Belgrade was the capital of former Yugoslavia , in capital are the best hospitals , schools , and everything

Croatia was provincial while Belgrade was the capital of everything it was the most advanced and most developed and most money were invested

There are still Romanians who go for treat in hospitals from Belgrade they are recognised in Romania as one of the best .

SJ all what you said was very real without exageration

Tony Pocesta

pre 7 godina

Dragoljub Djurkovic, 15 February 2017 21:21)

It's TonY by the way. Lots of complains buy a murderer . Where is the bosnian innocent civilians , where is the handcuff teenagers in srebrenica, where is the innocent civilians in Kosovo, hundreds of thousands of innocent women raped buy your army and guerrillas , I never see you mentioned that , not even once , you got to have some respect for innocent lives no matter what right ? I guess not if you are serb


pre 7 godina

(Joni, 16 February 2017 09:38)

What is with you Albanians with using the expression “my dear” all the time?
You can have “decent economic growth” but that does not always lead to development. Also, I was in Albania last year and if you interested I can tell you why it’s the last undiscovered corner of Europe. Tirana still has parts which are not connected to a sewerage system. Road systems that barely pass as roads, security that is very dubious at best. I can list about 3 pages of issues.


pre 7 godina

(adi_bucharest, 15 February 2017 12:57)

Very true. Bosnia is poor and the western-sponsored Bosniak government has squandered funds provided by the EU and the future is bleak, and this is not due to Republica Srpska. Izetbegovic and his troops have either squandered or stolen millions.
Bulgaria’s economy is stagnant while Romania’s economy is growing it suffers from high levels of corruption and a government that has no will to do anything about it. Albania is poorly developed so it requires a huge amount for infrastructure, but no one is interested to invest.
Croatia is a basket case with high unemployment, young qualified people leaving on mass and what little industry it does have is subsidised by government. Since 2000, it has had a couple of bad years in tourism and today no foreign industry is interested in investing, despite huge incentives offered by Zagreb. They are heavily in debt and paying much higher interest rate since they were designated junk bond status.
If EU funds were not available Croatian schools and hospitals would be falling apart. Slovenia also relies heavily on EU funds and it also has economic problems.
Serbia is the only part of the former Yugoslavia which has investment coming in and has the potential for lifting its standard of living much, much higher.
Adi bucharest that’s for saying it as it stands, and don’t worry about Albanians correcting your English.


pre 7 godina

Bosnia is very poor , Serbia is in a good position for future developments , Bulgaria stagnate , Romania is balatic tiger , Croatia is heavily managed by 2008-2016 crisis , Albania it have decent economical grow but it doesn`t develop
(adi_bucharest, 15 February 2017 12:57)

My dear can I help you translate your own post?

Firstly: ** Albania it have decent economical grow but it doesn`t develop***

My dear, having a decent economic growth – MEAN development – you know that eee ?

Now, if I can give to you a sincere advice!
Visit Albania now, because after 5 years you will not be able afford it.
Is the last undiscovered corner of Europe!

Dragoljub Djurkovic

pre 7 godina

To: Toni Pocesta

As long as there are Albanian Islamic terrorist and Croatian Nazi Ustase torturing, raping, robing, murdering and stealing our ancient and sacred Serbian lands, well then yes there will be Serbian Sons and Daughters who will fight for Liberty and Freedom of Srbija !!!

Just look at the number of innocent Serbian civilian people murdered last century alone. World War one two and a half million Serbian people murdered, World War Two over two million Serbian people murdered, 1999 and ongoing how many, you tell me Toni Pocasta ???

USA, England and Germany gave much help to Satan from 1999 on but now it is 2017 and a new era upon us all !!!

Long live Srbija, Long Live Russia, Long live Czar Vlade !!!


pre 7 godina

tony, what was it in dragolubs post that you feel suggest that it is people like him that will make peace in the balkans impossible?

it seemed to be a rather fair and open statement that is mirrored in every single nation in this planet. america was founded on those exact priciples and promotes them throughout the world.

many sons and daughters of many nation have died to protect the freedoms and liberties of those that have stayed back.
if you feel that protecting one's freedom and liberty is an assault to peace, then what exactly would you consider peaceful?

if i recall correctly aren't soldiers there for those reasons? are not the croat civilians proud of their sons and daughters who protected their freedoms? are not the albanian citzens proud and thankful that someone was willing to risk everything to defend their freedom and liberty? or, do you suggest that the acts of serparation are the cause of violence, and the need for the former yugoslav nations to protect their personal national freedoms and liberties was the reason that the war started, that the violence continues? if so, would you then suggest that all those countries merge back into one?

what do you suggest tony?
a nation should protect itself, or should not?
the balkan nations are better independant from one another, with their own armies at the ready to protect the people, or that they should all be in one nation?
please enlighten us.
and thank you


pre 7 godina

Serbia has gone through the heaviest period since WW2 and it survived despite the two decades of simultaneous attacks. Life is getting better I think because Serbia's main ally gained force lately while the other side is at a loss, chaos and despair. Guess we can restore justice soon - best if without wars.

Dragoljub Djurkovic

pre 7 godina

We the Serbian people have died and will continue to die for the Liberty and Peace of our Srbija but the most important is that Srbija will continue to live for eternity !!!

Oj Vojvodo Subaru Nakrivi Ima Tvoji Cetara Jos Zivi !!!


pre 7 godina

Bosnia is very poor , Serbia is in a good position for future developments , Bulgaria stagnate , Romania is balatic tiger , Croatia is heavily managed by 2008-2016 crisis , Albania it have decent economical grow but it doesn`t develop


pre 7 godina

A nation celebrating statehood day whilst millions of others are still suffering the effects of Serbias fascist past. The modern world will never forget the Genocide committed in BiH. Serbia , you have absolutely nothing to celebrate.
(C95, 15 February 2017 11:29)

You must be an American. Its only Yanks that use words they don't understand. Genocide LOL.

Go Serbia!

pre 7 godina

@C95, Bosnia doesn't exist. It's a corrupt and impoverished entity that's a safe haven for Isis terrorists and Islamic fundamentalists. It's disintegration is only a matter of time.


pre 7 godina

A nation celebrating statehood day whilst millions of others are still suffering the effects of Serbias fascist past. The modern world will never forget the Genocide committed in BiH. Serbia , you have absolutely nothing to celebrate.


pre 7 godina

Serbia was created as a russian puppet state in the balkans and nothing else. Serbs have no identity whatsoever. Their ancestors were croats,hungarians,bulgarians,albanians,vlachs and turks who converted to orthodoxy and became "serbs". Serbia has no history or culture. They only copied others. A joke of a nation!


pre 7 godina

A nation celebrating statehood day whilst millions of others are still suffering the effects of Serbias fascist past. The modern world will never forget the Genocide committed in BiH. Serbia , you have absolutely nothing to celebrate.
(C95, 15 February 2017 11:29)

You must be an American. Its only Yanks that use words they don't understand. Genocide LOL.

Go Serbia!

pre 7 godina

@C95, Bosnia doesn't exist. It's a corrupt and impoverished entity that's a safe haven for Isis terrorists and Islamic fundamentalists. It's disintegration is only a matter of time.

Dragoljub Djurkovic

pre 7 godina

We the Serbian people have died and will continue to die for the Liberty and Peace of our Srbija but the most important is that Srbija will continue to live for eternity !!!

Oj Vojvodo Subaru Nakrivi Ima Tvoji Cetara Jos Zivi !!!


pre 7 godina

Serbia was created as a russian puppet state in the balkans and nothing else. Serbs have no identity whatsoever. Their ancestors were croats,hungarians,bulgarians,albanians,vlachs and turks who converted to orthodoxy and became "serbs". Serbia has no history or culture. They only copied others. A joke of a nation!

Dragoljub Djurkovic

pre 7 godina

To: Toni Pocesta

As long as there are Albanian Islamic terrorist and Croatian Nazi Ustase torturing, raping, robing, murdering and stealing our ancient and sacred Serbian lands, well then yes there will be Serbian Sons and Daughters who will fight for Liberty and Freedom of Srbija !!!

Just look at the number of innocent Serbian civilian people murdered last century alone. World War one two and a half million Serbian people murdered, World War Two over two million Serbian people murdered, 1999 and ongoing how many, you tell me Toni Pocasta ???

USA, England and Germany gave much help to Satan from 1999 on but now it is 2017 and a new era upon us all !!!

Long live Srbija, Long Live Russia, Long live Czar Vlade !!!


pre 7 godina

Serbia has gone through the heaviest period since WW2 and it survived despite the two decades of simultaneous attacks. Life is getting better I think because Serbia's main ally gained force lately while the other side is at a loss, chaos and despair. Guess we can restore justice soon - best if without wars.


pre 7 godina

Bosnia is very poor , Serbia is in a good position for future developments , Bulgaria stagnate , Romania is balatic tiger , Croatia is heavily managed by 2008-2016 crisis , Albania it have decent economical grow but it doesn`t develop


pre 7 godina

A nation celebrating statehood day whilst millions of others are still suffering the effects of Serbias fascist past. The modern world will never forget the Genocide committed in BiH. Serbia , you have absolutely nothing to celebrate.


pre 7 godina

tony, what was it in dragolubs post that you feel suggest that it is people like him that will make peace in the balkans impossible?

it seemed to be a rather fair and open statement that is mirrored in every single nation in this planet. america was founded on those exact priciples and promotes them throughout the world.

many sons and daughters of many nation have died to protect the freedoms and liberties of those that have stayed back.
if you feel that protecting one's freedom and liberty is an assault to peace, then what exactly would you consider peaceful?

if i recall correctly aren't soldiers there for those reasons? are not the croat civilians proud of their sons and daughters who protected their freedoms? are not the albanian citzens proud and thankful that someone was willing to risk everything to defend their freedom and liberty? or, do you suggest that the acts of serparation are the cause of violence, and the need for the former yugoslav nations to protect their personal national freedoms and liberties was the reason that the war started, that the violence continues? if so, would you then suggest that all those countries merge back into one?

what do you suggest tony?
a nation should protect itself, or should not?
the balkan nations are better independant from one another, with their own armies at the ready to protect the people, or that they should all be in one nation?
please enlighten us.
and thank you


pre 7 godina

Pocesta you're at it again. Every single time I visit this forum there you are slagging off DD again and failing to answer inconvenient questions like the one from angella. You are a propagandist of gargantuan proportions listening to you would make an unquestioning idiot believe that there wasn't a single non-Serb virgin left in the Balkans and sad-masochism was a way of life. If you are going to contribute anything of value here,which I very much doubt,then try at least to inject the occasional dose of objectivity into your tirades and a little less hyperbole!


pre 7 godina

(Joni, 16 February 2017 09:38)

What is with you Albanians with using the expression “my dear” all the time?
You can have “decent economic growth” but that does not always lead to development. Also, I was in Albania last year and if you interested I can tell you why it’s the last undiscovered corner of Europe. Tirana still has parts which are not connected to a sewerage system. Road systems that barely pass as roads, security that is very dubious at best. I can list about 3 pages of issues.

Tony Pocesta

pre 7 godina

TruDough, 16 February 2017 17:58)

What's wrong buddy ? I am contributing by talking the truth . Can't handle the truth? Well if it hurts , try to fixed and don't blame the others like your boj DD "ireney jr"


pre 7 godina

(adi_bucharest, 15 February 2017 12:57)

Very true. Bosnia is poor and the western-sponsored Bosniak government has squandered funds provided by the EU and the future is bleak, and this is not due to Republica Srpska. Izetbegovic and his troops have either squandered or stolen millions.
Bulgaria’s economy is stagnant while Romania’s economy is growing it suffers from high levels of corruption and a government that has no will to do anything about it. Albania is poorly developed so it requires a huge amount for infrastructure, but no one is interested to invest.
Croatia is a basket case with high unemployment, young qualified people leaving on mass and what little industry it does have is subsidised by government. Since 2000, it has had a couple of bad years in tourism and today no foreign industry is interested in investing, despite huge incentives offered by Zagreb. They are heavily in debt and paying much higher interest rate since they were designated junk bond status.
If EU funds were not available Croatian schools and hospitals would be falling apart. Slovenia also relies heavily on EU funds and it also has economic problems.
Serbia is the only part of the former Yugoslavia which has investment coming in and has the potential for lifting its standard of living much, much higher.
Adi bucharest that’s for saying it as it stands, and don’t worry about Albanians correcting your English.

Tony Pocesta

pre 7 godina

(angella, 15 February 2017 21:18)

Angela you can have your army, I'm pro army my self, but to be used for what it meant to be used, not getting what's not yours . Serbia its independent and no one should threaten them , so is Kosovo and that goes for them to . Now in the other hand this guy dragolub, he always cries and complaints playing victim , and never acknowledge the atrocities that his country committed on the on on innocent civilians . Compares 19th and 20th century mentality to today's world . That's why I say there will be no peace in the Balkans with people like him


pre 7 godina

Bosnia is very poor , Serbia is in a good position for future developments , Bulgaria stagnate , Romania is balatic tiger , Croatia is heavily managed by 2008-2016 crisis , Albania it have decent economical grow but it doesn`t develop
(adi_bucharest, 15 February 2017 12:57)

My dear can I help you translate your own post?

Firstly: ** Albania it have decent economical grow but it doesn`t develop***

My dear, having a decent economic growth – MEAN development – you know that eee ?

Now, if I can give to you a sincere advice!
Visit Albania now, because after 5 years you will not be able afford it.
Is the last undiscovered corner of Europe!

Tony Pocesta

pre 7 godina

Dragoljub Djurkovic, 15 February 2017 21:21)

It's TonY by the way. Lots of complains buy a murderer . Where is the bosnian innocent civilians , where is the handcuff teenagers in srebrenica, where is the innocent civilians in Kosovo, hundreds of thousands of innocent women raped buy your army and guerrillas , I never see you mentioned that , not even once , you got to have some respect for innocent lives no matter what right ? I guess not if you are serb


pre 7 godina

For SJ

Sj , you are right , i agree with you

Serbia Belgrade was the capital of former Yugoslavia , in capital are the best hospitals , schools , and everything

Croatia was provincial while Belgrade was the capital of everything it was the most advanced and most developed and most money were invested

There are still Romanians who go for treat in hospitals from Belgrade they are recognised in Romania as one of the best .

SJ all what you said was very real without exageration


pre 7 godina


I doubt you would work for 320 Euro a month like they do in Serbia. Serbia is so desperate to join the E.U that it will sell out Kosovo to gain membership. The Germans once again will be the masters of Serbia.


pre 7 godina


I doubt you would work for 320 Euro a month like they do in Serbia. Serbia is so desperate to join the E.U that it will sell out Kosovo to gain membership. The Germans once again will be the masters of Serbia.
(Nonesense, 17 February 2017 00:02)

The 320 Euros is indicative of the pay scale in all the former eastern block countries. Don’t get carried away with Poland’s so called PPP of US $28,000 per year because that BS is given away by the fact that a couple of million Poles live and work outside Poland. They would all be back home if it was as good as the spin. Much like the US level of unemployment of 4.9% when in fact its anywhere between 22% and 32%.
Croatia and Slovenia are supposed to be the “richest” of the former Yugo republics. About 10 000 young and qualified leave Croatia every month -why? Because of the high salaries of 700 Euros per month LOL. In Slovenia people are dissatisfied with their living standards. Both survive on EU funds otherwise everything would crumble to pieces.
Well I hate to burst your Albo bubble but a list has been given to Brussels of what they will never do to join the EU. The first is no recognition of Kosovo; no sanctions against Russia; existing trade deals remain, no NATO and Kosovo can only join the EU as part of Serbia. Last time I heard Brussels is opening up more chapters.
Germany is screwed. It relies on Russian energy and the South stream pipeline is back on deck.


pre 7 godina

"Statehood Day coincides with the Orthodox Christian holiday of Presentation of Jesus at the Temple, or Candlemas (Serbian: Sretenje).

It is marked in honor of the start of the First Serbian Uprising (February 15, 1804), and the adoption, on the same day in 1835, of the Sretenje Constitution of the Principality of Serbia - two pivotal events in the effort to renew the nation's statehood, lost after the invasion and occupation of the medieval Serbian kingdom by the Ottoman Turks."

Congratulations to Serbia for the unilateral adoption of the Sretenje Constitution 182 years ago!


pre 7 godina

In Serbia average net salary for the year 2017 is 400 euro , for Bulgaria 350 euro , for Croatia 750 euro , for Romania 550 euro . I don`t talk for talk , i have information from official websites , even Vucic said in Serbia in 2017 average salary will grow over 400 euro .

Actualy for Serbia i don`t have an exactly forecast for more than 1 year , i have exactly for Bulgaria forecast until 2020 and same for Croatia and Republic of Moldova

All countries have an own statistic for next years only for Serbia i don`t find


pre 7 godina

In Serbia average net salary for the year 2017 is 400 euro , for Bulgaria 350 euro , for Croatia 750 euro , for Romania 550 euro . I don`t talk for talk , i have information from official websites , even Vucic said in Serbia in 2017 average salary will grow over 400 euro .

Actualy for Serbia i don`t have an exactly forecast for more than 1 year , i have exactly for Bulgaria forecast until 2020 and same for Croatia and Republic of Moldova

All countries have an own statistic for next years only for Serbia i don`t find


pre 7 godina

for NonSense

325 euro are good money in special that the dinar depreciated more than Romanian money with 10% .

With 325 euro can live a family of 3 people even of 4 actualy it can survive

325 euro are good money

In Republic Moldova a family of 4 => 2 old people with pension the kids both working they make 325 euro both 4 together . In Moldova a pension is 30-40 euro per month and a salary 80-110 euro


pre 7 godina

Serbia was created as a russian puppet state in the balkans and nothing else. Serbs have no identity whatsoever. Their ancestors were croats,hungarians,bulgarians,albanians,vlachs and turks who converted to orthodoxy and became "serbs". Serbia has no history or culture. They only copied others. A joke of a nation!


pre 7 godina

A nation celebrating statehood day whilst millions of others are still suffering the effects of Serbias fascist past. The modern world will never forget the Genocide committed in BiH. Serbia , you have absolutely nothing to celebrate.


pre 7 godina

Bosnia is very poor , Serbia is in a good position for future developments , Bulgaria stagnate , Romania is balatic tiger , Croatia is heavily managed by 2008-2016 crisis , Albania it have decent economical grow but it doesn`t develop


pre 7 godina

A nation celebrating statehood day whilst millions of others are still suffering the effects of Serbias fascist past. The modern world will never forget the Genocide committed in BiH. Serbia , you have absolutely nothing to celebrate.
(C95, 15 February 2017 11:29)

You must be an American. Its only Yanks that use words they don't understand. Genocide LOL.

Dragoljub Djurkovic

pre 7 godina

We the Serbian people have died and will continue to die for the Liberty and Peace of our Srbija but the most important is that Srbija will continue to live for eternity !!!

Oj Vojvodo Subaru Nakrivi Ima Tvoji Cetara Jos Zivi !!!


pre 7 godina

Serbia has gone through the heaviest period since WW2 and it survived despite the two decades of simultaneous attacks. Life is getting better I think because Serbia's main ally gained force lately while the other side is at a loss, chaos and despair. Guess we can restore justice soon - best if without wars.

Dragoljub Djurkovic

pre 7 godina

To: Toni Pocesta

As long as there are Albanian Islamic terrorist and Croatian Nazi Ustase torturing, raping, robing, murdering and stealing our ancient and sacred Serbian lands, well then yes there will be Serbian Sons and Daughters who will fight for Liberty and Freedom of Srbija !!!

Just look at the number of innocent Serbian civilian people murdered last century alone. World War one two and a half million Serbian people murdered, World War Two over two million Serbian people murdered, 1999 and ongoing how many, you tell me Toni Pocasta ???

USA, England and Germany gave much help to Satan from 1999 on but now it is 2017 and a new era upon us all !!!

Long live Srbija, Long Live Russia, Long live Czar Vlade !!!

Go Serbia!

pre 7 godina

@C95, Bosnia doesn't exist. It's a corrupt and impoverished entity that's a safe haven for Isis terrorists and Islamic fundamentalists. It's disintegration is only a matter of time.


pre 7 godina

tony, what was it in dragolubs post that you feel suggest that it is people like him that will make peace in the balkans impossible?

it seemed to be a rather fair and open statement that is mirrored in every single nation in this planet. america was founded on those exact priciples and promotes them throughout the world.

many sons and daughters of many nation have died to protect the freedoms and liberties of those that have stayed back.
if you feel that protecting one's freedom and liberty is an assault to peace, then what exactly would you consider peaceful?

if i recall correctly aren't soldiers there for those reasons? are not the croat civilians proud of their sons and daughters who protected their freedoms? are not the albanian citzens proud and thankful that someone was willing to risk everything to defend their freedom and liberty? or, do you suggest that the acts of serparation are the cause of violence, and the need for the former yugoslav nations to protect their personal national freedoms and liberties was the reason that the war started, that the violence continues? if so, would you then suggest that all those countries merge back into one?

what do you suggest tony?
a nation should protect itself, or should not?
the balkan nations are better independant from one another, with their own armies at the ready to protect the people, or that they should all be in one nation?
please enlighten us.
and thank you


pre 7 godina

(adi_bucharest, 15 February 2017 12:57)

Very true. Bosnia is poor and the western-sponsored Bosniak government has squandered funds provided by the EU and the future is bleak, and this is not due to Republica Srpska. Izetbegovic and his troops have either squandered or stolen millions.
Bulgaria’s economy is stagnant while Romania’s economy is growing it suffers from high levels of corruption and a government that has no will to do anything about it. Albania is poorly developed so it requires a huge amount for infrastructure, but no one is interested to invest.
Croatia is a basket case with high unemployment, young qualified people leaving on mass and what little industry it does have is subsidised by government. Since 2000, it has had a couple of bad years in tourism and today no foreign industry is interested in investing, despite huge incentives offered by Zagreb. They are heavily in debt and paying much higher interest rate since they were designated junk bond status.
If EU funds were not available Croatian schools and hospitals would be falling apart. Slovenia also relies heavily on EU funds and it also has economic problems.
Serbia is the only part of the former Yugoslavia which has investment coming in and has the potential for lifting its standard of living much, much higher.
Adi bucharest that’s for saying it as it stands, and don’t worry about Albanians correcting your English.


pre 7 godina

(Joni, 16 February 2017 09:38)

What is with you Albanians with using the expression “my dear” all the time?
You can have “decent economic growth” but that does not always lead to development. Also, I was in Albania last year and if you interested I can tell you why it’s the last undiscovered corner of Europe. Tirana still has parts which are not connected to a sewerage system. Road systems that barely pass as roads, security that is very dubious at best. I can list about 3 pages of issues.

Tony Pocesta

pre 7 godina

Dragoljub Djurkovic, 15 February 2017 21:21)

It's TonY by the way. Lots of complains buy a murderer . Where is the bosnian innocent civilians , where is the handcuff teenagers in srebrenica, where is the innocent civilians in Kosovo, hundreds of thousands of innocent women raped buy your army and guerrillas , I never see you mentioned that , not even once , you got to have some respect for innocent lives no matter what right ? I guess not if you are serb

Tony Pocesta

pre 7 godina

(angella, 15 February 2017 21:18)

Angela you can have your army, I'm pro army my self, but to be used for what it meant to be used, not getting what's not yours . Serbia its independent and no one should threaten them , so is Kosovo and that goes for them to . Now in the other hand this guy dragolub, he always cries and complaints playing victim , and never acknowledge the atrocities that his country committed on the on on innocent civilians . Compares 19th and 20th century mentality to today's world . That's why I say there will be no peace in the Balkans with people like him


pre 7 godina

In Serbia average net salary for the year 2017 is 400 euro , for Bulgaria 350 euro , for Croatia 750 euro , for Romania 550 euro . I don`t talk for talk , i have information from official websites , even Vucic said in Serbia in 2017 average salary will grow over 400 euro .

Actualy for Serbia i don`t have an exactly forecast for more than 1 year , i have exactly for Bulgaria forecast until 2020 and same for Croatia and Republic of Moldova

All countries have an own statistic for next years only for Serbia i don`t find


pre 7 godina

Bosnia is very poor , Serbia is in a good position for future developments , Bulgaria stagnate , Romania is balatic tiger , Croatia is heavily managed by 2008-2016 crisis , Albania it have decent economical grow but it doesn`t develop
(adi_bucharest, 15 February 2017 12:57)

My dear can I help you translate your own post?

Firstly: ** Albania it have decent economical grow but it doesn`t develop***

My dear, having a decent economic growth – MEAN development – you know that eee ?

Now, if I can give to you a sincere advice!
Visit Albania now, because after 5 years you will not be able afford it.
Is the last undiscovered corner of Europe!


pre 7 godina

Pocesta you're at it again. Every single time I visit this forum there you are slagging off DD again and failing to answer inconvenient questions like the one from angella. You are a propagandist of gargantuan proportions listening to you would make an unquestioning idiot believe that there wasn't a single non-Serb virgin left in the Balkans and sad-masochism was a way of life. If you are going to contribute anything of value here,which I very much doubt,then try at least to inject the occasional dose of objectivity into your tirades and a little less hyperbole!


pre 7 godina

"Statehood Day coincides with the Orthodox Christian holiday of Presentation of Jesus at the Temple, or Candlemas (Serbian: Sretenje).

It is marked in honor of the start of the First Serbian Uprising (February 15, 1804), and the adoption, on the same day in 1835, of the Sretenje Constitution of the Principality of Serbia - two pivotal events in the effort to renew the nation's statehood, lost after the invasion and occupation of the medieval Serbian kingdom by the Ottoman Turks."

Congratulations to Serbia for the unilateral adoption of the Sretenje Constitution 182 years ago!


pre 7 godina

for NonSense

325 euro are good money in special that the dinar depreciated more than Romanian money with 10% .

With 325 euro can live a family of 3 people even of 4 actualy it can survive

325 euro are good money

In Republic Moldova a family of 4 => 2 old people with pension the kids both working they make 325 euro both 4 together . In Moldova a pension is 30-40 euro per month and a salary 80-110 euro


pre 7 godina

In Serbia average net salary for the year 2017 is 400 euro , for Bulgaria 350 euro , for Croatia 750 euro , for Romania 550 euro . I don`t talk for talk , i have information from official websites , even Vucic said in Serbia in 2017 average salary will grow over 400 euro .

Actualy for Serbia i don`t have an exactly forecast for more than 1 year , i have exactly for Bulgaria forecast until 2020 and same for Croatia and Republic of Moldova

All countries have an own statistic for next years only for Serbia i don`t find


pre 7 godina


I doubt you would work for 320 Euro a month like they do in Serbia. Serbia is so desperate to join the E.U that it will sell out Kosovo to gain membership. The Germans once again will be the masters of Serbia.


pre 7 godina


I doubt you would work for 320 Euro a month like they do in Serbia. Serbia is so desperate to join the E.U that it will sell out Kosovo to gain membership. The Germans once again will be the masters of Serbia.
(Nonesense, 17 February 2017 00:02)

The 320 Euros is indicative of the pay scale in all the former eastern block countries. Don’t get carried away with Poland’s so called PPP of US $28,000 per year because that BS is given away by the fact that a couple of million Poles live and work outside Poland. They would all be back home if it was as good as the spin. Much like the US level of unemployment of 4.9% when in fact its anywhere between 22% and 32%.
Croatia and Slovenia are supposed to be the “richest” of the former Yugo republics. About 10 000 young and qualified leave Croatia every month -why? Because of the high salaries of 700 Euros per month LOL. In Slovenia people are dissatisfied with their living standards. Both survive on EU funds otherwise everything would crumble to pieces.
Well I hate to burst your Albo bubble but a list has been given to Brussels of what they will never do to join the EU. The first is no recognition of Kosovo; no sanctions against Russia; existing trade deals remain, no NATO and Kosovo can only join the EU as part of Serbia. Last time I heard Brussels is opening up more chapters.
Germany is screwed. It relies on Russian energy and the South stream pipeline is back on deck.


pre 7 godina

For SJ

Sj , you are right , i agree with you

Serbia Belgrade was the capital of former Yugoslavia , in capital are the best hospitals , schools , and everything

Croatia was provincial while Belgrade was the capital of everything it was the most advanced and most developed and most money were invested

There are still Romanians who go for treat in hospitals from Belgrade they are recognised in Romania as one of the best .

SJ all what you said was very real without exageration

Tony Pocesta

pre 7 godina

TruDough, 16 February 2017 17:58)

What's wrong buddy ? I am contributing by talking the truth . Can't handle the truth? Well if it hurts , try to fixed and don't blame the others like your boj DD "ireney jr"