Thursday, 02.02.2017.


Kosovo Albanians plan to attack north - Seselj

Kosovo Albanians plan to storm the four Serb-majority municipalities in northern Kosovo with arms, opposition SRS party leader Vojislav Seselj said on Thursday.

Izvor: Beta

Kosovo Albanians plan to attack north - Seselj IMAGE SOURCE

27 Komentari

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pre 8 godina

Yes, according to UNSCR 1244 reaffirmation of "territorial integrity", Kosovo is indeed part of another country and "not one inch is going to be given away".
(Amnesty Yugoslavia, 3 February 2017 11:51)

Yes, you are absolutely correct that Kosovo is indeed part of another country called Republic of Kosovo which was created in accordance with UNSCR 1244. We thank you for reminding us of this important fact!

Albanian Orthodox

pre 8 godina

Lol i cant still understand how 90' nationalists still are news there in Serbia. Have you ever thought with what will the albanians attack the serbs!? Kosavar albanians dont have a army at all while albanians from the mainland max can fight with spears and stone. Thnx to Nato membership our army now is just to help people from natural disasters. We have no plains, no war ships, no modern tanks and some old chinnese 60' weapons. Albanians people are looking for jobs, less corruption and good neighbourships and sure kosovar albanians looking for the same. Dont belive what nationalists or corrupt politocians from both sides say on tv, its just for some more votes so they can live wealthy for a few more years with mine and your public taxes. Vucic doesnt give a shit of Kosova and Thaci doesnt give a shit of it too. They both getting rich with public moneys while playing this hate/love role play!

Please Explain

pre 8 godina

The world medical journal should be contacting Seselj to ask him how a person could be suffering from Cancer but once released from the ICTY detention all of a sudden us cured from the disease. I know what people look like when they under go chemo therapy. Seselj looks like a blimp and showing no signs of any cancer. Once again due to politics of the ICTY a major war criminal is freed to spew hate once again.


pre 8 godina

I Quote -

" Seselj said he was making this information public "in order to prevent incidents," adding that this was "not a threat to Albanians, but a call on the state to react and protect the Serb population."

"Our goal is to avoid armed incidents, but if they do happen, the state must react," he said." End of Quote.

Comment - I Think Seselj is absolutely Right because now when the Kosovo-Albanian War Plans is Revealed,
and the know that the Serbians are Armen and Waiting for them,
because then they know that they will loose.




pre 8 godina

Seselj said he was making this information public "in order to prevent incidents,"


So the purpose behind Seselj's comments that 'Kosovar forces are going to attack Northern Kosovo' is to stop Kosovar forces from attacking Northern Kosovo even though they were never going to do this in the first place; but Seselj can take credit for preventing something which was never going to occur.

How do these people come up with this BS?

Amnesty Yugoslavia

pre 8 godina

Kosovo is done, not one inch is going to be given away.
(eric, 3 February 2017 00:15)

Yes, according to UNSCR 1244 reaffirmation of "territorial integrity", Kosovo is indeed part of another country and "not one inch is going to be given away". We thank you for reminding us of this important fact.


pre 8 godina

"Sesej is a war criminal. Therefore his comments should be in any media outlets.

Wasn't he acquited from all charges and from kangaroo court? When you speak about well known war criminal Haradinaj, the butcher of Kosovo, you always mention that he was released from the same court and for that reason republic of Serbia has no right to prosecute him and to demand his extradition. Do you see, how ugly is your Albanian hypocrisy? Keep showing whole world what we have to deal with all these years.


pre 8 godina

I Quote -

"Like this :)
Šešelj: Hrvati planiraju invaziju na Srbiju
(Avni, 2 February 2017 22:36)" End of QWuote.

Comment - Yes Seselj is Right !.

Against RS as well !.



pre 8 godina

(why, 2 February 2017 16:42)

North Kosovo IS a Serb stronghold... yes there are some Serbs in the south but they're not as big of a community as the one in the north is


pre 8 godina

hahaha serbs have no option left, but its Russia that is telling it puppet Serbia to do all this provocations. Kosovo is done, not one inch is going to be given away.

Sotir Ilievski

pre 8 godina

Let them, it's time for Serbia to take Kosovo back. Those Albanians who want to stay in Kosovo can learn Serbian and respect the Serbian people and institutions. Those who do not, can go to Albania, it's not far.


pre 8 godina

Just let it be a fair fight, Serbs against the albos. I believe that Trump has already discussed this with Uncle Vlad. Don't forget, the US told Milosevic to attack Kosovo and then the knife in the back. Now they are telling the albos don't negotiate and provoke the Serbs, then the knife in the back.


pre 8 godina

Like this :)
Šešelj: Hrvati planiraju invaziju na Srbiju


pre 8 godina

I live in Serbia so i can tell why are serbs angry i gues?Not all just the patriots.Yeah kosovo was a part of serbia for 700 years then in 1912 albania beacame a country.Since then albanians started buying houses some got foreced out but at the end you know nato bombing and ther it is Kosovo ..Will ther be a war? i mean yeah,maybe the actual level of propaganda is like some staljin level shit..But idk a lot of peapole (the smart ones) leave the country i gues thet is why no one is stoping them


pre 8 godina

Does anyone here actuality live in Kosovo? Are there any incidents at all going on or is this just politicians inciting hate again?

Albanians would be crazy to attack the North as it will give Serbia exactly what they want, so i pose the question again is anything actually happening there or is this just all hot air from the politicians.

Don Quixote

pre 8 godina

Sincerely hope you don't see that AA but if Serbia does attack it's own country (ie.the southern province of Kosovo) which it won't,but it will certainly defend the Serbian and other minority populations there if they are attacked. This time there will be no NATO and thus no retreat. Any insurgents who have the audacity to try it had better think long and hard because if all they got is keyboard warriors like yourself then it'll be over before it's begun.

Albanian American

pre 8 godina

How do you attack your own country ? It's like you say USA it's attacking Texas. They are provoking to start some new , like cramia, but it's not going to be easy , I promise you that , so play with fire , keep playing


pre 8 godina

Here it is....Crimea scenario to be applied in northern Kosovo by Serbia. Serbia is clearly saying "we want northern Kosovo" for now....excuses? There are masters in Serbia...😊


pre 8 godina

Whats the Benefit there to attack North?

If they want to kill Serbs as you claim there are more Serbs in South Kosovo. Are you looking for excuse to try to get north and close this chapter?

How does he know this he works with some Albanians I thought as Grand duke he would never take their word?

So strange you sent train and now you say Kosovo Police will go North why, NATO is there no need to do anything there.

Albanian American

pre 8 godina

How do you attack your own country ? It's like you say USA it's attacking Texas. They are provoking to start some new , like cramia, but it's not going to be easy , I promise you that , so play with fire , keep playing


pre 8 godina

Does anyone here actuality live in Kosovo? Are there any incidents at all going on or is this just politicians inciting hate again?

Albanians would be crazy to attack the North as it will give Serbia exactly what they want, so i pose the question again is anything actually happening there or is this just all hot air from the politicians.


pre 8 godina

Whats the Benefit there to attack North?

If they want to kill Serbs as you claim there are more Serbs in South Kosovo. Are you looking for excuse to try to get north and close this chapter?

How does he know this he works with some Albanians I thought as Grand duke he would never take their word?

So strange you sent train and now you say Kosovo Police will go North why, NATO is there no need to do anything there.

Don Quixote

pre 8 godina

Sincerely hope you don't see that AA but if Serbia does attack it's own country (ie.the southern province of Kosovo) which it won't,but it will certainly defend the Serbian and other minority populations there if they are attacked. This time there will be no NATO and thus no retreat. Any insurgents who have the audacity to try it had better think long and hard because if all they got is keyboard warriors like yourself then it'll be over before it's begun.


pre 8 godina

Here it is....Crimea scenario to be applied in northern Kosovo by Serbia. Serbia is clearly saying "we want northern Kosovo" for now....excuses? There are masters in Serbia...😊


pre 8 godina

Like this :)
Šešelj: Hrvati planiraju invaziju na Srbiju

Amnesty Yugoslavia

pre 8 godina

Kosovo is done, not one inch is going to be given away.
(eric, 3 February 2017 00:15)

Yes, according to UNSCR 1244 reaffirmation of "territorial integrity", Kosovo is indeed part of another country and "not one inch is going to be given away". We thank you for reminding us of this important fact.


pre 8 godina

I live in Serbia so i can tell why are serbs angry i gues?Not all just the patriots.Yeah kosovo was a part of serbia for 700 years then in 1912 albania beacame a country.Since then albanians started buying houses some got foreced out but at the end you know nato bombing and ther it is Kosovo ..Will ther be a war? i mean yeah,maybe the actual level of propaganda is like some staljin level shit..But idk a lot of peapole (the smart ones) leave the country i gues thet is why no one is stoping them


pre 8 godina

"Sesej is a war criminal. Therefore his comments should be in any media outlets.

Wasn't he acquited from all charges and from kangaroo court? When you speak about well known war criminal Haradinaj, the butcher of Kosovo, you always mention that he was released from the same court and for that reason republic of Serbia has no right to prosecute him and to demand his extradition. Do you see, how ugly is your Albanian hypocrisy? Keep showing whole world what we have to deal with all these years.


pre 8 godina

Seselj said he was making this information public "in order to prevent incidents,"


So the purpose behind Seselj's comments that 'Kosovar forces are going to attack Northern Kosovo' is to stop Kosovar forces from attacking Northern Kosovo even though they were never going to do this in the first place; but Seselj can take credit for preventing something which was never going to occur.

How do these people come up with this BS?

Sotir Ilievski

pre 8 godina

Let them, it's time for Serbia to take Kosovo back. Those Albanians who want to stay in Kosovo can learn Serbian and respect the Serbian people and institutions. Those who do not, can go to Albania, it's not far.


pre 8 godina

Just let it be a fair fight, Serbs against the albos. I believe that Trump has already discussed this with Uncle Vlad. Don't forget, the US told Milosevic to attack Kosovo and then the knife in the back. Now they are telling the albos don't negotiate and provoke the Serbs, then the knife in the back.

Please Explain

pre 8 godina

The world medical journal should be contacting Seselj to ask him how a person could be suffering from Cancer but once released from the ICTY detention all of a sudden us cured from the disease. I know what people look like when they under go chemo therapy. Seselj looks like a blimp and showing no signs of any cancer. Once again due to politics of the ICTY a major war criminal is freed to spew hate once again.

Albanian Orthodox

pre 8 godina

Lol i cant still understand how 90' nationalists still are news there in Serbia. Have you ever thought with what will the albanians attack the serbs!? Kosavar albanians dont have a army at all while albanians from the mainland max can fight with spears and stone. Thnx to Nato membership our army now is just to help people from natural disasters. We have no plains, no war ships, no modern tanks and some old chinnese 60' weapons. Albanians people are looking for jobs, less corruption and good neighbourships and sure kosovar albanians looking for the same. Dont belive what nationalists or corrupt politocians from both sides say on tv, its just for some more votes so they can live wealthy for a few more years with mine and your public taxes. Vucic doesnt give a shit of Kosova and Thaci doesnt give a shit of it too. They both getting rich with public moneys while playing this hate/love role play!


pre 8 godina

hahaha serbs have no option left, but its Russia that is telling it puppet Serbia to do all this provocations. Kosovo is done, not one inch is going to be given away.


pre 8 godina

I Quote -

"Like this :)
Šešelj: Hrvati planiraju invaziju na Srbiju
(Avni, 2 February 2017 22:36)" End of QWuote.

Comment - Yes Seselj is Right !.

Against RS as well !.



pre 8 godina

(why, 2 February 2017 16:42)

North Kosovo IS a Serb stronghold... yes there are some Serbs in the south but they're not as big of a community as the one in the north is


pre 8 godina

I Quote -

" Seselj said he was making this information public "in order to prevent incidents," adding that this was "not a threat to Albanians, but a call on the state to react and protect the Serb population."

"Our goal is to avoid armed incidents, but if they do happen, the state must react," he said." End of Quote.

Comment - I Think Seselj is absolutely Right because now when the Kosovo-Albanian War Plans is Revealed,
and the know that the Serbians are Armen and Waiting for them,
because then they know that they will loose.




pre 8 godina

Yes, according to UNSCR 1244 reaffirmation of "territorial integrity", Kosovo is indeed part of another country and "not one inch is going to be given away".
(Amnesty Yugoslavia, 3 February 2017 11:51)

Yes, you are absolutely correct that Kosovo is indeed part of another country called Republic of Kosovo which was created in accordance with UNSCR 1244. We thank you for reminding us of this important fact!

Albanian American

pre 8 godina

How do you attack your own country ? It's like you say USA it's attacking Texas. They are provoking to start some new , like cramia, but it's not going to be easy , I promise you that , so play with fire , keep playing


pre 8 godina

Whats the Benefit there to attack North?

If they want to kill Serbs as you claim there are more Serbs in South Kosovo. Are you looking for excuse to try to get north and close this chapter?

How does he know this he works with some Albanians I thought as Grand duke he would never take their word?

So strange you sent train and now you say Kosovo Police will go North why, NATO is there no need to do anything there.


pre 8 godina

I live in Serbia so i can tell why are serbs angry i gues?Not all just the patriots.Yeah kosovo was a part of serbia for 700 years then in 1912 albania beacame a country.Since then albanians started buying houses some got foreced out but at the end you know nato bombing and ther it is Kosovo ..Will ther be a war? i mean yeah,maybe the actual level of propaganda is like some staljin level shit..But idk a lot of peapole (the smart ones) leave the country i gues thet is why no one is stoping them

Sotir Ilievski

pre 8 godina

Let them, it's time for Serbia to take Kosovo back. Those Albanians who want to stay in Kosovo can learn Serbian and respect the Serbian people and institutions. Those who do not, can go to Albania, it's not far.


pre 8 godina

Here it is....Crimea scenario to be applied in northern Kosovo by Serbia. Serbia is clearly saying "we want northern Kosovo" for now....excuses? There are masters in Serbia...😊

Don Quixote

pre 8 godina

Sincerely hope you don't see that AA but if Serbia does attack it's own country (ie.the southern province of Kosovo) which it won't,but it will certainly defend the Serbian and other minority populations there if they are attacked. This time there will be no NATO and thus no retreat. Any insurgents who have the audacity to try it had better think long and hard because if all they got is keyboard warriors like yourself then it'll be over before it's begun.


pre 8 godina

"Sesej is a war criminal. Therefore his comments should be in any media outlets.

Wasn't he acquited from all charges and from kangaroo court? When you speak about well known war criminal Haradinaj, the butcher of Kosovo, you always mention that he was released from the same court and for that reason republic of Serbia has no right to prosecute him and to demand his extradition. Do you see, how ugly is your Albanian hypocrisy? Keep showing whole world what we have to deal with all these years.


pre 8 godina

Like this :)
Šešelj: Hrvati planiraju invaziju na Srbiju


pre 8 godina

Just let it be a fair fight, Serbs against the albos. I believe that Trump has already discussed this with Uncle Vlad. Don't forget, the US told Milosevic to attack Kosovo and then the knife in the back. Now they are telling the albos don't negotiate and provoke the Serbs, then the knife in the back.


pre 8 godina

hahaha serbs have no option left, but its Russia that is telling it puppet Serbia to do all this provocations. Kosovo is done, not one inch is going to be given away.

Amnesty Yugoslavia

pre 8 godina

Kosovo is done, not one inch is going to be given away.
(eric, 3 February 2017 00:15)

Yes, according to UNSCR 1244 reaffirmation of "territorial integrity", Kosovo is indeed part of another country and "not one inch is going to be given away". We thank you for reminding us of this important fact.


pre 8 godina

Seselj said he was making this information public "in order to prevent incidents,"


So the purpose behind Seselj's comments that 'Kosovar forces are going to attack Northern Kosovo' is to stop Kosovar forces from attacking Northern Kosovo even though they were never going to do this in the first place; but Seselj can take credit for preventing something which was never going to occur.

How do these people come up with this BS?


pre 8 godina

(why, 2 February 2017 16:42)

North Kosovo IS a Serb stronghold... yes there are some Serbs in the south but they're not as big of a community as the one in the north is


pre 8 godina

I Quote -

"Like this :)
Šešelj: Hrvati planiraju invaziju na Srbiju
(Avni, 2 February 2017 22:36)" End of QWuote.

Comment - Yes Seselj is Right !.

Against RS as well !.


Please Explain

pre 8 godina

The world medical journal should be contacting Seselj to ask him how a person could be suffering from Cancer but once released from the ICTY detention all of a sudden us cured from the disease. I know what people look like when they under go chemo therapy. Seselj looks like a blimp and showing no signs of any cancer. Once again due to politics of the ICTY a major war criminal is freed to spew hate once again.

Albanian Orthodox

pre 8 godina

Lol i cant still understand how 90' nationalists still are news there in Serbia. Have you ever thought with what will the albanians attack the serbs!? Kosavar albanians dont have a army at all while albanians from the mainland max can fight with spears and stone. Thnx to Nato membership our army now is just to help people from natural disasters. We have no plains, no war ships, no modern tanks and some old chinnese 60' weapons. Albanians people are looking for jobs, less corruption and good neighbourships and sure kosovar albanians looking for the same. Dont belive what nationalists or corrupt politocians from both sides say on tv, its just for some more votes so they can live wealthy for a few more years with mine and your public taxes. Vucic doesnt give a shit of Kosova and Thaci doesnt give a shit of it too. They both getting rich with public moneys while playing this hate/love role play!


pre 8 godina

Does anyone here actuality live in Kosovo? Are there any incidents at all going on or is this just politicians inciting hate again?

Albanians would be crazy to attack the North as it will give Serbia exactly what they want, so i pose the question again is anything actually happening there or is this just all hot air from the politicians.


pre 8 godina

I Quote -

" Seselj said he was making this information public "in order to prevent incidents," adding that this was "not a threat to Albanians, but a call on the state to react and protect the Serb population."

"Our goal is to avoid armed incidents, but if they do happen, the state must react," he said." End of Quote.

Comment - I Think Seselj is absolutely Right because now when the Kosovo-Albanian War Plans is Revealed,
and the know that the Serbians are Armen and Waiting for them,
because then they know that they will loose.




pre 8 godina

Yes, according to UNSCR 1244 reaffirmation of "territorial integrity", Kosovo is indeed part of another country and "not one inch is going to be given away".
(Amnesty Yugoslavia, 3 February 2017 11:51)

Yes, you are absolutely correct that Kosovo is indeed part of another country called Republic of Kosovo which was created in accordance with UNSCR 1244. We thank you for reminding us of this important fact!